
Meeting Media Manager(简称)是Windows、 macOS 和 Linux 的应用。这款应用能从JW.org上自动下载将在耶和华见证会聚会时使用的任何语言版本的图片或视频。


注:M³之前被称为JWMMF(JW Meeting Media Fetcher),但在2022年5月更名为现在的名称。




至于偏远会众的Zoom聚会,M³ 内置的MP4转换功能使您能够使用Zoom的原生MP4共享功能轻松地分享所有类型的媒体文件。


是!耶和华见证人的聚会所需的媒体可以自动以JW.org提供的数百种语言下载。 可用语言列表将持续更新;您只需要做的就是选择您想要的语言。

此外,M³本身已被许多志愿者翻译成许多种语言; 因此,您可以设置您想要在M³中显示的语言。

这个应用是用爱心和一点业余时间制作的。 尽情享用吧!


Meeting media sync in progress
Meeting media sync in progress
Main screen
Main screen
Choose a week
Choose a week
Sync complete!
Sync complete!
Pre- and post-meeting music playing
Pre- and post-meeting music playing

Technical usage notes

The app should run as is on most modern computers running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Windows: Installation and first launch

On opening the installer, you might get an error indicating that “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting”. This is due to the app not having a high number of downloads, and consequently not being explicitly “trusted” by Windows. To get around this, simply click on “More info”, then “Run anyway”.

Linux: Installation and first launch

As per the official AppImage documentation, if the app fails to open properly, confirm the output of the following command:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

If the output is 0, then the AppImage will not run unless you run the following command, followed by a reboot:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Make sure you read up on what this entails before you do this.

macOS: Installation and first launch

If upon launching the app, you receive a warning that the app cannot be opened, either because “it was not downloaded from the App store” or because “the developer cannot be verified”, then this Apple support page will help you to get past that.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Unlike Windows and Linux, auto-update functionality is not implemented on macOS, and for technical reasons probably never will be. However, one of two things will happen for macOS users when an update is available:

  • M³ will attempt to download the update package and open it automatically, after which the user will have to manually complete the installation of the M³ update by dragging and dropping the updated app to their Applications folder. Then, they will be able to launch the newly updated M³ from their Applications folder as usual.
  • If the previous step fails at any stage, M³ will display a persistent notification indicating that an update is available, with a link to the update itself. A red, pulsing notification will also be displayed on the settings button in the main screen of M³. The M³ version number in the settings screen will turn into a button that, once clicked, opens the latest release’s download page automatically.

Media Presentation mode

Using media presentation mode

The media presentation and controller modes are designed for simplicity and to prevent mistakes during meetings.

Once the option Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window is enabled, the media presentation screen will automatically appear on the external monitor if present, or in a separate, draggable and resizable window if no external monitor was detected.

When in standby, the media presentation screen will display the background image that is configured in the settings. If no background image has been configured, then M³ will attempt to automatically fetch and display the yeartext.

If no background image is configured in the settings and the yeartext could not be loaded automatically, a black background will be displayed when on standby.

Media controller mode can be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or by using the keyboard shortcut Alt D (for external display).

Once you have entered controller mode, the folder selection screen will allow you to select the date for which you’d like to display media. If the current day’s folder exists, it will automatically be preselected. Once a date is selected, you can still change the selected date at any time by clicking on the date selection button, in the top section.

Presenting media

To play media, press the ▶️ (play) button for the file you’d like. To hide the media, press the ⏹️ (stop) button. A video can be rewound or fast-forwarded while paused, if desired. Please note that for videos, the stop button must be pressed twice to prevent accidentally and prematurely stopping a video while it is playing for the congregation. Videos will auto-stop when they have played in their entirety.

Extra Features

M³ has a few extra features that can be used to enhance the media presentation experience.

Present JW.org

To present JW.org, you can press the ⋮ (ellipsis) button at the top of the screen, and select Open JW.org. This will open a new controller window with JW.org loaded. The media window will also display JW.org. Now you can use the controller window to navigate JW.org, and the media window will display your actions. When you are done presenting JW.org, you can close the controller window, and continue with the normal media presentation mode.

Zoom and pan images

When an image is being displayed, you can scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the image preview to zoom in and out. Alternatively, you can also double click on the image preview to zoom in. Double clicking will alternate between 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x and back to 1x zoom. You can also hold and drag the image to pan around the image.

Sort the media list

The media list can be sorted by clicking the sort button at the top right of the screen. The media items will have a button appear next to them that can be used to drag the media item up or down in the list. When you are satisfied with the order, you can click the sort button again to lock the order.

Add a last-minute song

If you need to add a last-minute song to the media list, you can press the ♫ + (add song) button at the top of the screen. A dropdown will appear with a list of all the Kingdom songs. When you select one, it will immediately be added to the top of the media list and it can be played instantly. It will either stream the song from JW.org, or play the song from the local cache if it was previously downloaded.

Conducting hybrid meetings using a combination of M³, OBS Studio, and Zoom

By far the simplest way to share media during hybrid meetings is by configuring OBS Studio, M³ and Zoom to work together.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall computer

Set the external monitor’s screen resolution to 1280x720, or something close to that.

Configure the computer sound card’s output to go to one of the sound booth mixer’s inputs, and the sound booth mixer’s combined output to go to the computer’s sound card input.

Initial configuration: OBS Studio

Install OBS Studio, or download the portable version.

If using the portable version of OBS Studio, install the Virtualcam plugin, and if using the portable version of OBS Studio, add the virtual camera to Windows by double-clicking the provided installation script.

If you have OBS Studio v27 or older, you need to install the obs-websocket plugin. Otherwise obs-websocket is included. Configure a port number and password for obs-websocket.

In the OBS settings, under General > System Tray, enable all checkboxes. Under Output > Streaming, enable a hardware encoder if available. Under Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Set up at least 2 scenes: one for the media display (Window Capture or Display Capture with the mouse cursor disabled and the appropriate window title/monitor selected), and one for the stage view (Video Capture Device with the KH camera selected). You can also add another scene specifically for pictures, where the media window is visible along with the podium in a picture-in-picture style display. You may add as many scenes as required, with the camera adjusted, zoomed-in and cropped as needed (lectern view, conductor and reader view, table view, etc.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Add a shortcut to OBS Studio, with the --startvirtualcam parameter, to the Startup folder of the Windows user profile, to ensure that OBS Studio gets started automatically when the user logs in.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall Zoom

Zoom should be configured to use dual monitors. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Set the default “microphone” to be sound booth mixer’s combined output (so that everything that is heard over the Kingdom Hall sound system is transmitted over Zoom, including microphones and media) and the “camera” to be the virtual camera provided by OBS Studio.

Initial configuration: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Enable and configure OBS Studio compatibility mode, using the port and password information configured in the OBS Studio configuration step.

Starting the meeting

Start the Zoom meeting, and move the secondary Zoom meeting window to the external monitor. Make it fullscreen if desired. This is where any remote meeting participants will be displayed for the congregation to see.

Once the Zoom meeting is being displayed on the external monitor, open M³. The media presentation window will automatically open on top of Zoom on the external monitor. Sync media if necessary, and enter media controller mode by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or Alt D.

Enable the Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), and spotlight the Kingdom Hall video feed if necessary so that Zoom participants see the Kingdom Hall stage. Unmute the Kingdom Hall audio feed in Zoom (Alt A). It should not be necessary to disable the video or audio feed in Zoom for the duration of the meeting. Make sure that “Original sound for musicians” is enabled in Zoom, to ensure the best audio quality for remote meeting participants.

Start background music playback using the button on the bottom left, or Alt K.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom

No action necessary.

Various camera angles/zoom can be chosen during the meeting by using the menu on the bottom of the M³ media playback control window; this menu will contain a list of all configured camera view scenes in OBS.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, press the “stop” button in M³. Note that videos automatically stop upon completion.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor

Press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media controller screen, or Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. The Zoom meeting will now be visible on the Kingdom Hall monitor.

If the participant has media to show, follow the steps under the Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom subheading.

Once the participant has finished their part, press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media playback control window, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. The Kingdom Hall monitor will now show the yeartext.

Conducting hybrid meetings using only M³ and Zoom

If you do not wish to use OBS Studio for any reason, the following suggestions will perhaps help you to set things up as simply as possible.

Initial configuration without OBS: Kingdom Hall computer

Same as corresponding section above. With the addition of the global keyboard shortcut for Zoom for starting/stopping screen sharing (Alt S). The “camera” will be the camera feed from the Kingdom Hall camera.

Initial configuration without OBS: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Starting the meeting without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom without OBS

Start sharing in Zoom by hitting Alt S. In the Zoom sharing window that pops up, choose the external monitor and enable both checkboxes on the bottom left (for sound and video optimization). The yeartext will now be shared over Zoom.

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, hit Alt S to end Zoom screen sharing.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Screenshots of Presentation Mode

Blue play button to enter media controller mode
Blue play button to enter media controller mode
List of media that is ready to be presented
List of media that is ready to be presented
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Displaying a picture
Displaying a picture
Playing a video
Playing a video
Moving to a specific time in a video
Moving to a specific time in a video

Managing media

The media management screen allows the user to add or remove media for any given meeting, manage recurring media, and even add special media for other dates on which no meeting is normally scheduled.

Managing media for any particular day

To manage media for a certain meeting or day, simply click on that day’s tile on the main screen of M³. To manage media that be repeated at every meeting, click on the Recurring media tile.

Adding media

Here’s how to add media from the media management screen.

选项 说明
Type of upload Choose from one of the 3 media types (see below).
Media to add Depends on the media type chosen (see below).
Filename prefix Up to 6 digits can be added before the media filename(s), to help with sorting.
Media list This shows the currently planned media for the selected date tile.

In the Media to add field, you’ll be presented with different options, depending on the media type selected.

Media type The Media to add field
歌曲 … shows a menu with all Kingdom song videos from the sjjm series, in the media language. Choose this option for example to add a song for the public talk, or for circuit overseer visits.

The selected song will be automatically downloaded from JW.org, in the congregation or group’s language, as configured in the Settings.
JWPUB … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) a JWPUB file.

You’ll then be prompted to select the section, or chapter, from which you’d like to add media. This will add both embedded and referenced media from that section in the JWPUB file.

An example of a commonly used JWPUB file is the S-34, but any JWPUB file can be used here.
自定义 … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) any other media file(s) from your computer.

Note that all PDF and SVG files will automatically be converted into high-resolution images by M³.
JW.ORG … allows you to select a video from the latest featured videos on JW.org.

Removing, hiding and showing media

To remove, hide, or show media, simply find the media file you don’t want, and click on the relevant icon.

A red 🟥 (delete) icon A ☑️ (checked checkbox) icon A 🔲 (unchecked checkbox) icon
The media file was added to that day’s media by you or the VO. The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It will be downloaded from JW.org or extracted from the relevant publication.
The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It was hidden by you or the VO, so it will not be downloaded or added to the meeting’s media.

Screenshots of the media management screen

Adding a song for a public talk
Adding a song for a public talk
Adding an additional picture
Adding an additional picture
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Renaming a media file
Renaming a media file


M³ does not require administrative privileges to install or run. To install M³, simply download the latest installer and run it.

Operating System File to download
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

What’s next?

Configure the app using the Settings screen.

Trouble installing?

Check the Technical usage notes for help.


Does this app depend on external sites, sources or “curators” to download publications and meeting media?

No. The app behaves similarly to JW Library. It downloads publications and media directly from the official JW.org website and its content delivery network. At runtime, the app automatically determines what needs to be downloaded, such as media files and publications. The source code is available for all to examine and verify this.

Does this app infringe the JW.org Terms of Use?

No. The JW.org Terms of Use actually explicitly allow the kind of usage that we are making. Here is the relevant excerpt from those terms (emphasis mine):

You may not:

Create for distribution purposes, any software applications, tools, or techniques that are specifically made to collect, copy, download, extract, harvest, or scrape data, HTML, images, or text from this site. (This does not prohibit the distribution of free, non-commercial applications designed to download electronic files such as EPUB, PDF, MP3, and MP4 files from public areas of this site.)


The brother designated as videoconference organizer (VO) by the body of elders can use M³ to manage what media is made available to the technical A/V support team in his congregation.

The VO, or someone designated by him, can:

  • upload additional media to be shared during a meeting, such as for the circuit overseer’s visit, or for public speakers’ talks
  • hide media from JW.org that isn’t relevant for a given meeting, for example, when a part has been replaced by the local branch
  • add or remove recurring media, such as a year-text video, or an announcement slide

All who are synced to the same congregation will then receive the exact same media when they click the Update media folders button.

Please note that the congregation sync feature is opt-in and entirely optional.

How it works

M³’s underlying sync mechanism uses WebDAV. This means that the VO (or someone under his supervision) needs to either:

  • set up a secured WebDAV server that is web-accessible, or
  • use a third-party cloud storage service that supports the WebDAV protocol (see the Web address setting in the Congregation sync setup section below).

All users that wish to be synchronized together will need to connect to the same WebDAV server using the connection information and credentials provided to them by their VO.


设置 说明
网址 Web address of the WebDAV server. Secure HTTP (HTTPS) is required.

Note: The Web address button, once clicked, will show a list of WebDAV providers that have been known to be compatible with M³, and will automatically prefill certain settings for those providers.

This list is provided as a courtesy, and in no way represents an endorsement of any particular service or provider. The best server is always the one you own…
用户名 Username for the WebDAV service.
密码 Password for the WebDAV service.

Note: As detailed in their respective support pages, an app-specific password might need to be created for Box and Koofr in order to enable WebDAV connections to their services.
会众同步文件夹 This is the folder that will be used to synchronize media for all congregation sync users. You can either type/paste in a path, or use your mouse to navigate to the target folder.

Note: Make sure that all congregation sync users input the same folder path; otherwise the sync won’t work as expected.
会众同步设置 Once the VO has configured the Media setup and Meeting setup sections of the Settings on his own computer, he can then use this button to enforce certain settings for all congregation sync users (for example, meeting days, media language, conversion settings, and so on). This means that the selected settings will be forcefully applied for all synced users every time they open M³.

Using congregation sync to manage media

Once the congregation sync setup is complete, you’re ready to start Managing media for your congregation’s technical AV support team.

Screenshots of congregation sync in action

Congregation sync setup
Congregation sync setup


The Settings screen is divided into 4 sections. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but here are a few additional details.


设置 说明
离线模式 If enabled, M³ will not attempt to connect to JW.org or your congregation server. This is useful for when you have a poor internet connection and want to save bandwidth.
主题设置 Select the theme you prefer. If you select System, M³ will use the system’s theme.
会众名称 The name of your congregation. This is used to support multiple congregations who share the same computer.
显示语言 Sets the language in which M³ is displayed.

Thank you to our many contributors for translating the app in so many languages! If you want to help improve an existing translation or add a new one, please open up a new discussion.
保存媒体的文件夹 Meeting media will be saved to this folder for later sharing and use.
Custom cache path By default, publications and other data are saved in a different directory for each user. You can change this directory if you want to share the cached data between multiple users on the same computer.
聚会文件夹的日期格式 The date format used for the meeting folders.

Note: When using a congregation server, please ensure that everyone configures the same date format by enforcing it using Congregation-wide settings.
在系统启动时运行应用 If enabled, M³ will launch when the current user logs into the computer.

Note: Unavailable on Linux.
自动启动媒体同步 If enabled, this option will automatically initiate a media sync 5 seconds after M³ is launched.

To prevent the automatic sync from occurring when this setting is enabled, press the ⏸ (pause) button before the 5-second timer is up.
媒体同步后打开文件夹 If enabled, the folder containing the downloaded media for the chosen week will open in the computer’s file manager after the media sync is complete.
媒体同步后退出应用 If enabled, this option will automatically quit M³ 5 seconds after the media sync is complete.

To prevent M³ from quitting automatically when this setting is enabled, press the 🏃 (person leaving/running) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Enable OBS Studio compatibility mode If enabled, this option will tap into OBS Studio to change scenes automatically as needed both before and after sharing media.

If enabling this setting, make sure that OBS Studio is configured to use the obs-websocket plugin, which is what will enable M³ to communicate with OBS Studio.

Also, configure all needed scenes for media sharing and stage display in OBS. At the very least, you’ll need a scene with a Window Capture (recommended) or Display Capture configured to capture the M³ media presentation window, or the screen on which the media will be presented.

You’ll also need to configure all desired stage view scenes, for example: a shot of the lecturn, a wide shot of the stage, etc.
端口 Port on which the obs-websocket plugin is configured to listen.
密码 Password configured in the obs-websocket plugin’s settings.
OBS Studio中的默认舞台视图场景 Select which scene should be selected by default when media presentation mode is launched. Usually a stage wide view, or a shot of the lectern.
OBS Studio中的媒体窗口场景 Select which scene is configured in OBS Studio to capture the M³ media window.
可选的单独媒体场景图像 An optional scene to select an alternative scene for showing images. This is useful if you want to show images in a different way than videos (for example, with the stage overlaid in a picture-in-picture style).
OBS 工作室场景以显示Zoom参与者 An optional scene to quickly and efficiently manage the display of Zoom participants during hybrid meetings.

When this scene is configured, the behavior of the Media Presentation mode changes somewhat. When in this mode, a toggle button will appear which, when enabled, will cause the media window to be hidden, and the Zoom scene to be shown. The OBS scene picker will also be hidden. Sharing media will automatically show the media scene as per usual, and after sharing media, the media window will disappear immediately.

When the toggle is disabled, the media window and scene pickers will be shown again.
启用Zoom内置功能 When enabled, this feature will attempt to automate various pre-meeting (mute all, enable the Kingdom Hall’s video/audio, disable the option for participants to unmute themselves), in-meeting (select participants to spotlight and unmute them, or to mute them, lower their hand and remove the spotlight) and post-meeting (disable the Kingdom Hall’s video feed, allow participants to unmute themselves) tasks.

Note: This is still a beta feature. Please test test it thoroughly before implementing it and always verify that the automation was correctly executed.
Zoom参与者名称 This is the name that M³ will use to join the Zoom meeting.
Zoom会议ID The Meeting ID of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
密码 The password of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
开始会议时聚焦视频 When enabled, M³ will automatically spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed when the “start meeting” automation is executed.
默认隐藏Zoom组件 When enabled, the Zoom component will be hidden by default. The Zoom component is a required floating component that represents the M³ participant in the Zoom meeting. You can control the M³ participant with it.
自动执行开始聚会操作 When enabled, M³ will automatically perform the “start meeting” actions, a configured amount of minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start. These actions are: disallow participants to unmute themselves, mute all, ask host to enable video and microphone and optionally spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed.
自动重命名Zoom参与者 With this setting, you can add a rename rule to automatically rename certain Zoom participants. This is useful if you want to rename participants who consistently join with a wrong or incomplete name. Rules must be entered in the following format: Old Name=New Name.
Enable beta updates for testing purposes When enabled, M³ will automatically receive beta updates, which are released daily and contain the latest features and fixes.

Note: Do not enable this setting on the computer used to present media at the Kingdom Hall.
Disable automatic app update When this option is enabled, M³ will not automatically self-update when closed.
Disable hardware acceleration Only enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with media presentation mode. Changing this setting will cause M³ to restart.


See the Congregation sync section for details on what this does exactly and how to configure this section.


设置 说明
媒体语言 Select the language of your congregation or group. All media will be downloaded from JW.org in this language.
备份媒体语言 This language is used whenever the primary media language is not available.

For example, if you select Irish as your media language and English as your fallback, whenever a publication or video is not available in Irish, it will be fetched in English.
视频最大分辨率 Videos downloaded from JW.org will be downloaded at this resolution, or the next available lower resolution. Useful for limited or low-bandwidth situations.
启用视频字幕 Enable this option if you want to fetch subtitles for videos, whenever available. Subtitles will be shown by default, but can be toggled on/off while presenting. The vertical position of the subtitles can be changed by clicking the subtitles icon inside the video preview.
将媒体转换为MP4格式 This will automatically convert all picture and audio files into MP4 format, for use with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing feature during fully remote congregation Zoom meetings. This includes all pictures and media files downloaded from JW.org, as well as additional media files added by the user or the VO.

Note: This option is best suited for remote-only congregation Zoom meetings. If conducting either hybrid or regular congregation meetings, look into using Media Presentation mode by activating the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option instead, and disable this option.
转换后保留原始媒体文件 If this setting is enabled, picture and audio files will be kept in the media folder after being converted to MP4 format, rather than deleted. This will result in a slightly more cluttered media folder, and generally does not need to be enabled if sharing media through Zoom MP4 sharing. (See Convert media to MP4 format above.)

Note: Only visible if Convert media to MP4 format is also enabled.
在外部显示器或单独窗口中播放媒体 This setting will allow you to use M³ to present pictures, videos and audio files during hybrid or in-person congregation meetings. The media playback management screen can then be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³.

The media presentation screen will automatically use an external monitor if present; if not, the media will be displayed in a separate, resizable window.

Note: This option is best suited for either hybrid or regular congregation meetings.

If conducting remote-only congregation Zoom meetings, look into activating the Convert media to MP4 format option and sharing the media with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing instead.
媒体播放模式的背景图 By default, M³ will attempt to fetch the current year’s text in the language selected previously, in order to display it on a black background when in Media Presentation mode and no other media is being played. If the automatic yeartext retrieval fails for some reason, or if you wish to display a different background image, you can either use the ‘Browse’ button to select a custom picture, or the ‘Refresh’ button to try fetching the yeartext automatically again.

Note: If Congregation sync is enabled, selecting a custom background image will synchronize it for all congregation sync users automatically.
媒体播放结束后隐藏媒体窗口 If enabled, the media window will be hidden immediately after each media file has finished playing.

Note: This setting is especially useful for sign-language meetings.
自动播放第一个媒体项目 If enabled, the first media item in the media list will automatically start playing a configurable number of minutes before the meeting is supposed to start.
Enable keyboard shortcuts during media playback This setting allows you to set custom key combinations to play and stop media. This is useful in combination with a USB remote control, for example.
Create playlists for use with VLC Enable this if you want to generate playlists for every meeting automatically, which can then be loaded in VLC, if you are using that app to display media instead of Media Presentation mode.
Exclude all media from the th brochure If enabled, this will prevent media from the Apply Yourself brochure from being included at every midweek meeting.
Exclude Enjoy Life Forever images outside the Congregation Bible Study If enabled, this will prevent images from the Live Forever book (lff) from being included, for example for student assignments during the midweek meeting.
在可用时包括打印媒体 If enabled, renderings of the printed editions of publications will be included when available. This could be useful for some tables or groups of images that are clearer in printed form.


设置 说明
Special congregation If enabled, no media will be downloaded from JW.org. Only manually added media will be available. This is useful for theocratic schools, for example.
中周聚会 Indicate the usual day and time for the midweek meeting; used for folder naming and automatic background music fade-out (see below).
周末聚会 Indicate the usual day and time for the weekend meeting.
下一次分区监督的探访 When you select a date for the next planned visit of the circuit overseer, M³ will automatically set the midweek meeting day for that week to Tuesday, skip the Congregation Bible Study media, as well as skip the concluding Kingdom songs for both meetings.

Note: When using a congregation server, make sure to enforce this setting so that all connected brothers have the same circuit overseer visit date configured.
启用按钮来播放背景音乐 Enable a button on the main screen which will play Kingdom songs from the sjjm series, in random order. This is useful, for example, to play songs before and after meetings at the Kingdom Hall as background music. To the right of this option is a button to download all available Kingdom songs, which could be useful to prevent buffering delays.
背景音乐播放音量 Sets the volume at which the background music will play.
聚会前自动播放背景音乐 If enabled, background music will automatically start playing at app startup when it’s a meeting day and the meeting is starting in less than an hour.
自动停止播放背景音乐 If Enable button to play background music is active, then this setting will allow you to specify a delay after which background music should be automatically stopped. This can be either a set number of minutes, or a predetermined number of seconds before the start of the meeting (in the case where the background music was started before a meeting).

Screenshots of the settings screen

Application setup
Application setup
Media setup
Media setup
Meeting setup
Meeting setup

Issues and feature requests

How do I report an issue or bug I encountered?

If ever you run into any issues with M³, please use GitHub Issues to report it. Bug fixes are issued on a regularly basis, usually monthly.

How can I request new features?

I’m open to suggestions! Please use GitHub Discussions to discuss potential new features.

Technical usage notes

The app should run as is on most modern computers running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Windows: Installation and first launch

On opening the installer, you might get an error indicating that “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting”. This is due to the app not having a high number of downloads, and consequently not being explicitly “trusted” by Windows. To get around this, simply click on “More info”, then “Run anyway”.

Linux: Installation and first launch

As per the official AppImage documentation, if the app fails to open properly, confirm the output of the following command:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

If the output is 0, then the AppImage will not run unless you run the following command, followed by a reboot:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Make sure you read up on what this entails before you do this.

macOS: Installation and first launch

If upon launching the app, you receive a warning that the app cannot be opened, either because “it was not downloaded from the App store” or because “the developer cannot be verified”, then this Apple support page will help you to get past that.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Unlike Windows and Linux, auto-update functionality is not implemented on macOS, and for technical reasons probably never will be. However, one of two things will happen for macOS users when an update is available:

  • M³ will attempt to download the update package and open it automatically, after which the user will have to manually complete the installation of the M³ update by dragging and dropping the updated app to their Applications folder. Then, they will be able to launch the newly updated M³ from their Applications folder as usual.
  • If the previous step fails at any stage, M³ will display a persistent notification indicating that an update is available, with a link to the update itself. A red, pulsing notification will also be displayed on the settings button in the main screen of M³. The M³ version number in the settings screen will turn into a button that, once clicked, opens the latest release’s download page automatically.

Media Presentation mode

Using media presentation mode

The media presentation and controller modes are designed for simplicity and to prevent mistakes during meetings.

Once the option Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window is enabled, the media presentation screen will automatically appear on the external monitor if present, or in a separate, draggable and resizable window if no external monitor was detected.

When in standby, the media presentation screen will display the background image that is configured in the settings. If no background image has been configured, then M³ will attempt to automatically fetch and display the yeartext.

If no background image is configured in the settings and the yeartext could not be loaded automatically, a black background will be displayed when on standby.

Media controller mode can be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or by using the keyboard shortcut Alt D (for external display).

Once you have entered controller mode, the folder selection screen will allow you to select the date for which you’d like to display media. If the current day’s folder exists, it will automatically be preselected. Once a date is selected, you can still change the selected date at any time by clicking on the date selection button, in the top section.

Presenting media

To play media, press the ▶️ (play) button for the file you’d like. To hide the media, press the ⏹️ (stop) button. A video can be rewound or fast-forwarded while paused, if desired. Please note that for videos, the stop button must be pressed twice to prevent accidentally and prematurely stopping a video while it is playing for the congregation. Videos will auto-stop when they have played in their entirety.

Extra Features

M³ has a few extra features that can be used to enhance the media presentation experience.

Present JW.org

To present JW.org, you can press the ⋮ (ellipsis) button at the top of the screen, and select Open JW.org. This will open a new controller window with JW.org loaded. The media window will also display JW.org. Now you can use the controller window to navigate JW.org, and the media window will display your actions. When you are done presenting JW.org, you can close the controller window, and continue with the normal media presentation mode.

Zoom and pan images

When an image is being displayed, you can scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the image preview to zoom in and out. Alternatively, you can also double click on the image preview to zoom in. Double clicking will alternate between 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x and back to 1x zoom. You can also hold and drag the image to pan around the image.

Sort the media list

The media list can be sorted by clicking the sort button at the top right of the screen. The media items will have a button appear next to them that can be used to drag the media item up or down in the list. When you are satisfied with the order, you can click the sort button again to lock the order.

Add a last-minute song

If you need to add a last-minute song to the media list, you can press the ♫ + (add song) button at the top of the screen. A dropdown will appear with a list of all the Kingdom songs. When you select one, it will immediately be added to the top of the media list and it can be played instantly. It will either stream the song from JW.org, or play the song from the local cache if it was previously downloaded.

Conducting hybrid meetings using a combination of M³, OBS Studio, and Zoom

By far the simplest way to share media during hybrid meetings is by configuring OBS Studio, M³ and Zoom to work together.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall computer

Set the external monitor’s screen resolution to 1280x720, or something close to that.

Configure the computer sound card’s output to go to one of the sound booth mixer’s inputs, and the sound booth mixer’s combined output to go to the computer’s sound card input.

Initial configuration: OBS Studio

Install OBS Studio, or download the portable version.

If using the portable version of OBS Studio, install the Virtualcam plugin, and if using the portable version of OBS Studio, add the virtual camera to Windows by double-clicking the provided installation script.

If you have OBS Studio v27 or older, you need to install the obs-websocket plugin. Otherwise obs-websocket is included. Configure a port number and password for obs-websocket.

In the OBS settings, under General > System Tray, enable all checkboxes. Under Output > Streaming, enable a hardware encoder if available. Under Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Set up at least 2 scenes: one for the media display (Window Capture or Display Capture with the mouse cursor disabled and the appropriate window title/monitor selected), and one for the stage view (Video Capture Device with the KH camera selected). You can also add another scene specifically for pictures, where the media window is visible along with the podium in a picture-in-picture style display. You may add as many scenes as required, with the camera adjusted, zoomed-in and cropped as needed (lectern view, conductor and reader view, table view, etc.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Add a shortcut to OBS Studio, with the --startvirtualcam parameter, to the Startup folder of the Windows user profile, to ensure that OBS Studio gets started automatically when the user logs in.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall Zoom

Zoom should be configured to use dual monitors. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Set the default “microphone” to be sound booth mixer’s combined output (so that everything that is heard over the Kingdom Hall sound system is transmitted over Zoom, including microphones and media) and the “camera” to be the virtual camera provided by OBS Studio.

Initial configuration: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Enable and configure OBS Studio compatibility mode, using the port and password information configured in the OBS Studio configuration step.

Starting the meeting

Start the Zoom meeting, and move the secondary Zoom meeting window to the external monitor. Make it fullscreen if desired. This is where any remote meeting participants will be displayed for the congregation to see.

Once the Zoom meeting is being displayed on the external monitor, open M³. The media presentation window will automatically open on top of Zoom on the external monitor. Sync media if necessary, and enter media controller mode by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or Alt D.

Enable the Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), and spotlight the Kingdom Hall video feed if necessary so that Zoom participants see the Kingdom Hall stage. Unmute the Kingdom Hall audio feed in Zoom (Alt A). It should not be necessary to disable the video or audio feed in Zoom for the duration of the meeting. Make sure that “Original sound for musicians” is enabled in Zoom, to ensure the best audio quality for remote meeting participants.

Start background music playback using the button on the bottom left, or Alt K.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom

No action necessary.

Various camera angles/zoom can be chosen during the meeting by using the menu on the bottom of the M³ media playback control window; this menu will contain a list of all configured camera view scenes in OBS.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, press the “stop” button in M³. Note that videos automatically stop upon completion.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor

Press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media controller screen, or Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. The Zoom meeting will now be visible on the Kingdom Hall monitor.

If the participant has media to show, follow the steps under the Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom subheading.

Once the participant has finished their part, press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media playback control window, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. The Kingdom Hall monitor will now show the yeartext.

Conducting hybrid meetings using only M³ and Zoom

If you do not wish to use OBS Studio for any reason, the following suggestions will perhaps help you to set things up as simply as possible.

Initial configuration without OBS: Kingdom Hall computer

Same as corresponding section above. With the addition of the global keyboard shortcut for Zoom for starting/stopping screen sharing (Alt S). The “camera” will be the camera feed from the Kingdom Hall camera.

Initial configuration without OBS: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Starting the meeting without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom without OBS

Start sharing in Zoom by hitting Alt S. In the Zoom sharing window that pops up, choose the external monitor and enable both checkboxes on the bottom left (for sound and video optimization). The yeartext will now be shared over Zoom.

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, hit Alt S to end Zoom screen sharing.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Screenshots of Presentation Mode

Blue play button for start show pictures and videos
Blue play button for start show pictures and videos
Pictures and videos list wey we go show
Pictures and videos list wey we go show
Background for pictures and videos, the yeartext go show for there
Background for pictures and videos, the yeartext go show for there
Show one picture
Show one picture
Play one video
Play one video
Move to one place for inside the video
Move to one place for inside the video

Managing media

The media management screen allows the user to add or remove media for any given meeting, manage recurring media, and even add special media for other dates on which no meeting is normally scheduled.

Managing media for any particular day

To manage media for a certain meeting or day, simply click on that day’s tile on the main screen of M³. To manage media that be repeated at every meeting, click on the Recurring media tile.

Adding media

Here’s how to add media from the media management screen.

Option Wetin e mean
Type of upload Choose from one of the 3 media types (see below).
Media to add Depends on the media type chosen (see below).
Filename prefix Up to 6 digits can be added before the media filename(s), to help with sorting.
Media list This shows the currently planned media for the selected date tile.

In the Media to add field, you’ll be presented with different options, depending on the media type selected.

Media type The Media to add field
Song … shows a menu with all Kingdom song videos from the sjjm series, in the media language. Choose this option for example to add a song for the public talk, or for circuit overseer visits.

The selected song will be automatically downloaded from JW.org, in the congregation or group’s language, as configured in the Settings.
JWPUB … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) a JWPUB file.

You’ll then be prompted to select the section, or chapter, from which you’d like to add media. This will add both embedded and referenced media from that section in the JWPUB file.

An example of a commonly used JWPUB file is the S-34, but any JWPUB file can be used here.
Your own … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) any other media file(s) from your computer.

Note that all PDF and SVG files will automatically be converted into high-resolution images by M³.
JW.ORG … allows you to select a video from the latest featured videos on JW.org.

Removing, hiding and showing media

To remove, hide, or show media, simply find the media file you don’t want, and click on the relevant icon.

A red 🟥 (delete) icon A ☑️ (checked checkbox) icon A 🔲 (unchecked checkbox) icon
The media file was added to that day’s media by you or the VO. The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It will be downloaded from JW.org or extracted from the relevant publication.
The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It was hidden by you or the VO, so it will not be downloaded or added to the meeting’s media.

Screenshots of the media management screen

Add one song for the public talk
Add one song for the public talk
Add one picture wey una go need
Add one picture wey una go need
Import pictures or videos from one JWPUB file
Import pictures or videos from one JWPUB file
See the pictures and videos wey dey inside the JWPUB before you add-am
See the pictures and videos wey dey inside the JWPUB before you add-am
Rename one picture or video file
Rename one picture or video file


M³ no need admin rights when you install or start-am. For install M³, make you just download the latest installer and start-am.

Operating System File for download
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

Wetin you suppose do next?

Use the Settings screen for configure the app.

You see some kind error when you try install?

Check the Technical usage notes for help.

Questions and Answers

This app de use external websites, sources or people wey make lists for download pictures and videos for meetings?

No. The app de do things just like JW Library. E just de download books, brochures, pictures and videos directly from JW.org and the network wey run JW.org. When you start-am, the app go look wetin e need download, like pictures, videos, books and brochures. Everybody fit read the code and see how we don program-am.

This app de break the JW.org agreement for wetin you go do and no go do?

No. The JW.org agreement for Wetin you go do and no go do really allow the kind thing wey we de do with this app. Abeg, read-am for yourself (I don highlight-am):

You may not:

Create for distribution purposes, any software applications, tools, or techniques that are specifically made to collect, copy, download, extract, harvest, or scrape data, HTML, images, or text from this site. (This does not prohibit the distribution of free, non-commercial applications designed to download electronic files such as EPUB, PDF, MP3, and MP4 files from public areas of this site.)

Congregation sync

The brother wey the body of elders don choose make e be the Person wey de organize una video conference (Organizer) fit use M³ for manage which pictures and videos go be available for the technical A/V support team for e congregation.

The Organizer, or someone wey e ask, fit:

  • upload additional pictures or videos for share-am during a meeting, like when the circuit overseer go come, or for public talks
  • hide media from JW.org wey una no go need for the meeting, for example when the branch don replace one part make una discuss something else
  • add or remove pictures and videos wey you go need every time, like one yeartext video or some slide with announcement

Everybody wey de sync for the same congregation, them go really get the same pictures and videos when them de click the button for Update media folders.

Remember say you no need use the congregation sync feature, but you fit use-am if you want.

How e de work

M³ de use WebDAV for inside when we de sync things. This one mean say the Organizer (or someone wey e de ask) need do one of this things:

  • set up one secure WebDAV server wey we fit reach for Internet, or
  • use one cloud service wey some company de offer. E need support the WebDAV protocol (see the setting Web address for the section Congregation sync setup below).

All people wey want sync the same things go need connect to the same WebDAV server. The Organizer suppose tell everybody the connection login data.

Congregation sync setup

Setting Wetin e mean
Web address Web address for the WebDAV server. You go need secure HTTP (they call-am HTTPS).

Note: The Web address button, when you click-am, go show some WebDAV services wey M³ fit use. When you choose one, we go enter the settings for that one.

We just want give you some ideas. We show the list, but e no be like we de gree or recommend one of this offers. The better server na always the one wey you own yourself…
User name User name for the WebDAV service.
Password Password for the WebDAV service.

Note: You go need one app password when you want to connect to Box or Koofr for WebDAV.
Congregation sync folder This na the folder wey we go use for sync pictures and videos for all congregation sync users. You fit type or paste one path. Or just click the target folder.

Note: Make sure say everybody go fill the same folder path; or sync no go work like you expect-am.
Congregation settings After the Organizer don set up the Picture and video setup and Meeting setup sections for the Settings on e own computer, e fit click this button for copy some settings to all people wey use congregation sync (for example, meeting days, language for pictures and videos, settings for convert MP4, and so on). This one mean say the settings wey e choose go overwrite this settings for everybody wey open M³ and sync with this connection.

Use congregation sync for manage pictures and videos

After you don finish congregation sync setup, you fit start manage pictures and videos for una technical A/V support team.

See how congregation sync de work

Congregation sync setup
Congregation sync setup


The Settings screen is divided into 4 sections. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but here are a few additional details.

Application setup

Setting Wetin e mean
Offline mode If enabled, M³ will not attempt to connect to JW.org or your congregation server. This is useful for when you have a poor internet connection and want to save bandwidth.
Theme setting Select the theme you prefer. If you select System, M³ will use the system’s theme.
Congregation name The name of your congregation. This is used to support multiple congregations who share the same computer.
App language Sets the language in which M³ is displayed.

Thank you to our many contributors for translating the app in so many languages! If you want to help improve an existing translation or add a new one, please open up a new discussion.
Folder where we go save picture and video Meeting media will be saved to this folder for later sharing and use.
Custom cache path By default, publications and other data are saved in a different directory for each user. You can change this directory if you want to share the cached data between multiple users on the same computer.
Date format for meeting folder The date format used for the meeting folders.

Note: When using a congregation server, please ensure that everyone configures the same date format by enforcing it using Congregation-wide settings.
Open app when computer de start If enabled, M³ will launch when the current user logs into the computer.

Note: Unavailable on Linux.
Sync picture and video when app de start If enabled, this option will automatically initiate a media sync 5 seconds after M³ is launched.

To prevent the automatic sync from occurring when this setting is enabled, press the ⏸ (pause) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Open folder after we download pictures and videos If enabled, the folder containing the downloaded media for the chosen week will open in the computer’s file manager after the media sync is complete.
Comot app after media sync If enabled, this option will automatically quit M³ 5 seconds after the media sync is complete.

To prevent M³ from quitting automatically when this setting is enabled, press the 🏃 (person leaving/running) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Enable OBS Studio compatibility mode If enabled, this option will tap into OBS Studio to change scenes automatically as needed both before and after sharing media.

If enabling this setting, make sure that OBS Studio is configured to use the obs-websocket plugin, which is what will enable M³ to communicate with OBS Studio.

Also, configure all needed scenes for media sharing and stage display in OBS. At the very least, you’ll need a scene with a Window Capture (recommended) or Display Capture configured to capture the M³ media presentation window, or the screen on which the media will be presented.

You’ll also need to configure all desired stage view scenes, for example: a shot of the lecturn, a wide shot of the stage, etc.
Port Port on which the obs-websocket plugin is configured to listen.
Password Password configured in the obs-websocket plugin’s settings.
Default stage view scene for OBS Studio Select which scene should be selected by default when media presentation mode is launched. Usually a stage wide view, or a shot of the lectern.
Media window scene for OBS Studio Select which scene is configured in OBS Studio to capture the M³ media window.
Choose second OBS scene for pictures An optional scene to select an alternative scene for showing images. This is useful if you want to show images in a different way than videos (for example, with the stage overlaid in a picture-in-picture style).
OBS Studio scene for show Zoom people An optional scene to quickly and efficiently manage the display of Zoom participants during hybrid meetings.

When this scene is configured, the behavior of the Media Presentation mode changes somewhat. When in this mode, a toggle button will appear which, when enabled, will cause the media window to be hidden, and the Zoom scene to be shown. The OBS scene picker will also be hidden. Sharing media will automatically show the media scene as per usual, and after sharing media, the media window will disappear immediately.

When the toggle is disabled, the media window and scene pickers will be shown again.
Turn on Zoom connection When enabled, this feature will attempt to automate various pre-meeting (mute all, enable the Kingdom Hall’s video/audio, disable the option for participants to unmute themselves), in-meeting (select participants to spotlight and unmute them, or to mute them, lower their hand and remove the spotlight) and post-meeting (disable the Kingdom Hall’s video feed, allow participants to unmute themselves) tasks.

Note: This is still a beta feature. Please test test it thoroughly before implementing it and always verify that the automation was correctly executed.
Name for Zoom person This is the name that M³ will use to join the Zoom meeting.
Zoom Meeting ID The Meeting ID of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Password The password of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Pin video when meeting de start When enabled, M³ will automatically spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed when the “start meeting” automation is executed.
Hide Zoom area until I need-am When enabled, the Zoom component will be hidden by default. The Zoom component is a required floating component that represents the M³ participant in the Zoom meeting. You can control the M³ participant with it.
Automatically do things for meeting start When enabled, M³ will automatically perform the “start meeting” actions, a configured amount of minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start. These actions are: disallow participants to unmute themselves, mute all, ask host to enable video and microphone and optionally spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed.
Rename Zoom people when them join With this setting, you can add a rename rule to automatically rename certain Zoom participants. This is useful if you want to rename participants who consistently join with a wrong or incomplete name. Rules must be entered in the following format: Old Name=New Name.
Enable beta updates for testing purposes When enabled, M³ will automatically receive beta updates, which are released daily and contain the latest features and fixes.

Note: Do not enable this setting on the computer used to present media at the Kingdom Hall.
No load new version while you do other things When this option is enabled, M³ will not automatically self-update when closed.
Disable hardware acceleration Only enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with media presentation mode. Changing this setting will cause M³ to restart.

Congregation sync setup

See the Congregation sync section for details on what this does exactly and how to configure this section.

Picture and video setup

Setting Wetin e mean
Picture and video language Select the language of your congregation or group. All media will be downloaded from JW.org in this language.
Use this language when the first one no dey This language is used whenever the primary media language is not available.

For example, if you select Irish as your media language and English as your fallback, whenever a publication or video is not available in Irish, it will be fetched in English.
Maximum size for video Videos downloaded from JW.org will be downloaded at this resolution, or the next available lower resolution. Useful for limited or low-bandwidth situations.
Show subtitles for videos Enable this option if you want to fetch subtitles for videos, whenever available. Subtitles will be shown by default, but can be toggled on/off while presenting. The vertical position of the subtitles can be changed by clicking the subtitles icon inside the video preview.
Convert videos for MP4 format This will automatically convert all picture and audio files into MP4 format, for use with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing feature during fully remote congregation Zoom meetings. This includes all pictures and media files downloaded from JW.org, as well as additional media files added by the user or the VO.

Note: This option is best suited for remote-only congregation Zoom meetings. If conducting either hybrid or regular congregation meetings, look into using Media Presentation mode by activating the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option instead, and disable this option.
No delete original picture or video files after conversion If this setting is enabled, picture and audio files will be kept in the media folder after being converted to MP4 format, rather than deleted. This will result in a slightly more cluttered media folder, and generally does not need to be enabled if sharing media through Zoom MP4 sharing. (See Convert media to MP4 format above.)

Note: Only visible if Convert media to MP4 format is also enabled.
Show picture and video for second monitor or window This setting will allow you to use M³ to present pictures, videos and audio files during hybrid or in-person congregation meetings. The media playback management screen can then be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³.

The media presentation screen will automatically use an external monitor if present; if not, the media will be displayed in a separate, resizable window.

Note: This option is best suited for either hybrid or regular congregation meetings.

If conducting remote-only congregation Zoom meetings, look into activating the Convert media to MP4 format option and sharing the media with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing instead.
Background picture when we de show picture and video By default, M³ will attempt to fetch the current year’s text in the language selected previously, in order to display it on a black background when in Media Presentation mode and no other media is being played. If the automatic yeartext retrieval fails for some reason, or if you wish to display a different background image, you can either use the ‘Browse’ button to select a custom picture, or the ‘Refresh’ button to try fetching the yeartext automatically again.

Note: If Congregation sync is enabled, selecting a custom background image will synchronize it for all congregation sync users automatically.
Hide picture window after video don finish play If enabled, the media window will be hidden immediately after each media file has finished playing.

Note: This setting is especially useful for sign-language meetings.
Autoplay first video or song If enabled, the first media item in the media list will automatically start playing a configurable number of minutes before the meeting is supposed to start.
Enable keyboard shortcuts during media playback This setting allows you to set custom key combinations to play and stop media. This is useful in combination with a USB remote control, for example.
Create playlists for use with VLC Enable this if you want to generate playlists for every meeting automatically, which can then be loaded in VLC, if you are using that app to display media instead of Media Presentation mode.
Exclude all media from the th brochure If enabled, this will prevent media from the Apply Yourself brochure from being included at every midweek meeting.
Exclude Enjoy Life Forever images outside the Congregation Bible Study If enabled, this will prevent images from the Live Forever book (lff) from being included, for example for student assignments during the midweek meeting.
Also download print picture and video when them dey If enabled, renderings of the printed editions of publications will be included when available. This could be useful for some tables or groups of images that are clearer in printed form.

Meeting setup

Setting Wetin e mean
Special congregation If enabled, no media will be downloaded from JW.org. Only manually added media will be available. This is useful for theocratic schools, for example.
Midweek meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the midweek meeting; used for folder naming and automatic background music fade-out (see below).
Weekend meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the weekend meeting.
Date when the circuit overseer go come next When you select a date for the next planned visit of the circuit overseer, M³ will automatically set the midweek meeting day for that week to Tuesday, skip the Congregation Bible Study media, as well as skip the concluding Kingdom songs for both meetings.

Note: When using a congregation server, make sure to enforce this setting so that all connected brothers have the same circuit overseer visit date configured.
Turn on button for play background music Enable a button on the main screen which will play Kingdom songs from the sjjm series, in random order. This is useful, for example, to play songs before and after meetings at the Kingdom Hall as background music. To the right of this option is a button to download all available Kingdom songs, which could be useful to prevent buffering delays.
How loud the background music go play Sets the volume at which the background music will play.
Autoplay background music before meetings If enabled, background music will automatically start playing at app startup when it’s a meeting day and the meeting is starting in less than an hour.
Autostop the background music If Enable button to play background music is active, then this setting will allow you to specify a delay after which background music should be automatically stopped. This can be either a set number of minutes, or a predetermined number of seconds before the start of the meeting (in the case where the background music was started before a meeting).

Screenshots of the settings screen

Application setup
Application setup
Picture and video setup
Picture and video setup
Meeting setup
Meeting setup

Problems and new features wey you for like get

How I suppose report problems or bugs wey I de see?

If ever wahala dey when you use M³, abeg, make you use GitHub Issues for report-am. We publish bug fixes really often, usually every month.

How I fit ask for new features?

Abeg, make you tell me about-am! Make you use GitHub Discussions for discuss ideas for new features.

Технічні нотатки

Додаток має без проблем працювати на більшості сучасних комп’ютерів, які працюють Windows, Linux або macOS.

Windows: Встановлення та перший запуск програми

При відкритті програми ви можете отримати помилку, що Windows SmartScreent забороняє запуск програми з невідомого джерела. Це звʼязано з тим, що програма не має багато завантажень, а отже Windows не може розпізнати її першоджерело. Щоб обійти це, просто натисніть “Більше інформації”, а тоді “Запустити в будь-якому випадку”.

Linux: Встановлення та перший запуск програми

Згідно з офіційною документацією AppImage, якщо додаток не відкривається належним чином, то виконайте наступну команду:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Якщо на виході ви отримуєте 0, то AppImage не запуститься поки ви не виконаєте наступну команду і перезапуск ПК:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Переконайтесь, що ви прочитали, для чого це виконується перш ніж ви зробите це.

macOS: Встановлення та перший запуск програми

Якщо під час запуску ви отримаєте попередження про те, що ця програма не може бути відкрита через те, що “вона була завантажена не з AppStore”, або “неможливо перевірити розробника”, тоді ця сторінка підтримки Apple допоможе вам обійти це.

Якщо ви отримали повідомлення про те, що ви «не маєте дозволу на відкриття програми», спробуйте деякі рішення з цієї сторінки, наприклад, виконавши таку команду в `Terminal.app</1 >:</p>

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"` ### macOS: Проблеми з дозволами на звук або на мікрофон у macOS Sonoma Починаючи з macOS Sonoma, деякі користувачі можуть зіткнутися з проблемою, коли M³ постійно видає повідомлення про помилку, вказуючи, що йому потрібен доступ до мікрофона. Виконання такої команди в `Terminal.app` у деяких випадках вирішає проблему: `codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"` ### macOS: Автооновлення На відміну від Windows та Linux, функціонал автоматичного оновлення, з технічних причин **не реалізований** на macOS, та можливо, ніколи не буде вбудована. Однак, коли оновлення буде доступне відбудеться щось з наступного: - M³ спробує завантажити пакет оновлення й автоматично відкрити його, після чого користувачу потрібно буде вручну завершити оновлення перетягнувши оновлений додаток у папку з програмами. Після цього можна буде запустити оновлену версію M³ як зазвичай. - Якщо попередній варіант на одному з етапів не зможе виконатись, M³ виведе на екран сповіщення, що доступне оновлення з посиланням на нього. Червоне сповіщення яке буде пульсувати на кнопці налаштувань на головному екрані M³ також буде нагадувати про оновлення. На екрані налаштувань, номер версії M³ перетвориться на кнопку яка після натискання відкриє сторінку завантаження найостаннішої версії.

Режим презентації медіа

Використання режиму медіапрезентації

Медіа-презентація та контролери розроблені для простоти та для запобігання помилок під час зустрічей.

Після того як опція Показ медіа на зовнішньому моніторі чи в окремому вікні буде ввімкнена, екран медіапрезентації автоматично з’являтиметься на зовнішньому моніторі, якщо він є, або в окремому вікні, яке можна перетягувати та змінювати розмір, якщо зовнішнього немає виявлено монітор.

Якщо дисплей презентації екрана, що знаходиться в режимі очікування, відображатиметься фонове зображення, яке настроєно в налаштуваннях. Якщо не було сконфігуровано жодного фонового зображення, M3 спробує автоматично отримати і відобразити рік.

Якщо фонове зображення не налаштоване в налаштуваннях і річний текст не може бути завантажений автоматично, чорний фон буде відображатися в режимі очікування.

Доступ до режиму мультимедіа можна натиснувши на кнопку ▶️ (play) на головному екрані M3, або за допомогою ярлика для клавіатури Alt D (для зовнішнього відображення).

Після входу в режим контролера, екран вибору папки дозволить вам вибрати дату, для якої ви хочете відобразити медіа. Якщо папка поточного дня існує, вона буде автоматично вибрана. Після вибору дати, Ви все ще можете змінити обрану дату в будь-який час, натиснувши на кнопку вибору дати у верхньому розділі.

Презентація медіа

Щоб відтворити медіа, натисніть кнопку ▶️ (play) для бажаного файла. Щоб приховати медіа, натисніть ⏹️ (зупинити). Відео може бути відновлене або швидко переслано під час паузи, якщо хочеться. Будь ласка, зверніть увагу на це, кнопка зупинки повинна натиснутись двічі, щоб запобігти випадкової та передчасної зупинки відео під час гри на зборі. Відео автоматично припиняться, коли вони гратимуть у повному обсязі.

Додаткові функції

M3 має кілька додаткових функцій, які можуть бути використані для покращення презентацій у медіа.

Презент JW.org

Для того, щоб представити JW.org, ви можете натиснути кнопку Scratch (еліпси) у верхній частині екрану та вибрати Open JW.org. Це відкриє нове вікно контролера за допомогою JW.org. Медіа-вікно буде відображати JW.org. Тепер ви можете використовувати вікно контролера для навігації на JW.org, а медіа вікно відобразить ваші дії. Коли Ви завершили презентацію JW.org, ви можете закрити вікно контролера, і продовжити звичайний режим презентації ЗМІ.

Масштаб і панорама зображень

При відображенні зображення ви можете прокрутити колесо миші під час перегляду на зображення для збільшення і зменшення. Крім того, ви можете двічі натиснути на прев’ю зображення для збільшення. Подвійне натискання буде чергуватися між 1.5x, 2x, 4x і знову до 1x масштабу. Ви також можете утримувати та перетягувати зображення навколо зображення.

Сортувати список медіа

Список медіа можна відсортувати за допомогою кнопки сортування, у верхній правій частині екрана. Поруч з ними з’явиться кнопка, яка може бути використана для перетягування елемент медіа зверху або вниз у списку. Коли вас влаштовує замовлення, знову можна натиснути кнопку сортування, щоб заблокувати замовлення.

Додати пісню в останню хвилину

Якщо вам потрібно додати пісню Царства в останню хвилину у медіа список, ви можете натиснути ♫ + (додати пісню) у верхній частині екрану. Випадаючий список всіх пісень Царства. Коли виберете один, він буде негайно додано до вершини списку медіа, і він може бути відтворений миттєво. Це буде транслювати пісню з JW.org, або програти пісню з локального кешу, якщо вона була завантажена раніше.

Проведення гібридних зустрічей, використовуючи комбінацію M3, OBS Studio, і Zoom

Найпростіший спосіб ділитися засобами масової інформації під час гібридних зустрічах - це налаштування OBS Studio, M3 і Zoom для спільної роботи.

Початкова конфігурація: Комплект Залу Царства

Задайте роздільну здатність зовнішнього моніторингу на 1280x720, або щось близьке до цього.

Налаштуйте Вивід комп’ютерної звукової карти для переходу до одного з джерел звукового мікшера, та комбінований набір звукових бумів вихід для вхідної картки комп’ютера переходити до звукової картки.

Початкова конфігурація: OBS Studio

Встановіть OBS Studio, або завантажте портативну версію.

При використанні портативної версії OBS Studio, встановіть плагін, Virtualcam , і якщо використання портативної версії OBS Studio, додайте віртуальну камеру до Windows, двічі клацніть наданий сценарій встановлення.

Якщо у вас є OBS Studio v27 або старіше, вам необхідно встановити плаґін obs-websocket. В іншому випадку включено obs-webсокет. Налаштуйте номер порту та пароль для obs-webсокету.

У налаштуваннях OBS Studio, під General > System Tray, увімкніть усі прапорці. Під Output > Streaming, увімкніть апаратне кодування якщо є можливість. Під Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution та Output (Scaled) Resolution, оберіть 1280x720, та під Downscale Filter, оберіть Bilinear.

Встановіть принаймні 2 сцени: один для мультимедійного відображення (Window Capture or Display з вимкненим курсором миші та обраним відповідним вікном/монітором), і один для сцени (пристрій захоплення відео з обраною камерою KH). Ви також можете додати іншу сцену спеціально для фотографій, де вікно медіа видиме разом з трибуном в режимі відображення стилю зображення в стилі зображення. Ви можете додати стільки сцен, скільки необхідно налаштувати камеру, збільшений і обрізаний як потрібен (перегляд лектрів, провідник і читач, вигляд таблиці і т.д.).

Увімкніть Scaling/Aspect Ratio фільтр на все Window Capture або Display Capture входи, з Resolution з Base (Canvas) Resolution. Це забезпечить масштабування вікна медіа до роздільної здатності віртуальної камери.

Додати ярлик до OBS Studio, з параметром --startvirtualcam до папки Startup користувача Windows profile, щоб переконатися, що OBS Studio запускається автоматично після входу в систему.

Початкова конфігурація: Зала Залу Королівства

Масштаб слід налаштувати для використання подвійних моніторів. Увімкніть глобальні гарячі клавіші для Zoom для вимкнення/увімкненя звуку в Залі Царства. У Zoom гарячі клавіші для ввімкнення звуку це Alt A. Щоб розпочати/зупинити відео в Залі Царства у Zoom використовуйте комбінацію Alt V.

Встановіть «мікрофон» за замовчуванням як об’єднаний вихід мікшера звукової карти (щоб усе, що чується через звукову систему Залу Царства, передавалося через Zoom), а «камеру» — як віртуальну камеру, надану OBS Studio.

Початкова конфігурація: М3

Увімкніть Present media на зовнішньому моніторі або в окремому опції вікна.

Включити і налаштувати режим сумісності OBS Studio, використовуючи порт і пароль, настроєну в налаштуваннях OBS Studio.

Розпочати зустріч

Розпочніть зустріч Zoom і перемістіть вікно додаткової зустрічі Zoom на зовнішній монітор. При бажанні, буде повноекранний режим. Тут будуть показані будь-які учасники на віддаленій зустрічі.

Як тільки зустріч Zoom відображається на зовнішньому моніторі, відкрийте M3. Вікно презентації медіа автоматично відкриється у верхній частині масштабу на зовнішньому моніторі. Синхронізуйте медіафайли, якщо це необхідно, і введіть режим мультимедійного контролера, натиснувши ▶️ (play) на головному екрані M³, або натисніть Alt D.

Увімкніть відеоканал Залу Царства (Alt V) і за потреби висвітліть відеоканал Залу Царства, щоб учасники Zoom бачили сцену Залу Царства. Увімкніть аудіоканал Залу Царства в Zoom (Alt A). Не повинно бути необхідним для відключення відео або аудіо стрічки в Zoom на тривалість зустрічі. Переконайтеся, що “Оригінальний звук для музиканів” увімкнено в Zoom, щоб забезпечити кращу якість звуку для учасників віддаленої зустрічі.

Почати відтворення фонової музики за допомогою кнопки внизу, ліворуч зліва, або Alt K.

Трансляція частинок Холу Королівства на Zoom’ом

Жодної дії не потрібно.

Можна вибрати різні кути / масштаб камери під час зустрічі, використовуючи меню в нижній частині вікна управління відтворенням M3; це меню буде містити список всіх налаштованих сцени перегляду камери в OBS.

Поділитись медіа в Холі Королівства і через Zoom

Знайти ЗМІ, якими ви хочете поділитись у вікні управління мультимедійним відтворенням та натисніть кнопку “грати”.

Коли ви завершили обмін ЗМІ, натисніть кнопку «зупинити» в M3. Зверніть увагу, що відео автоматично зупиняються після завершення.

Відображення віддалених учасників Залу Королівства на моніторі

Натисніть кнопку «сховати/показати вікно медіапрезентації» в нижньому правому куті екрана медіаконтролера M³ або Alt Z, щоб сховати вікно медіапрезентації. Зустріч Zoom буде видно на моніторі Холу Королівства.

Якщо учасник має показати медіа, виконайте кроки згідно з вимогами поширення медіа в Залі Королівства і через Subhead в якості ZoA.

Коли учасник закінчить свою частину, натисніть кнопку «сховати/показати вікно медіапрезентації» в нижньому правому куті вікна керування відтворенням медіа M³ або Alt Z, щоб показативікно медіапрезентації. Монітор Холу Королівства тепер покаже рок.

Проведення гібридних зустрічей, використовуючи лише M3 і Zoom

Якщо ви не хочете використовувати OBS Studio з будь-якої причини, наступні пропозиції допоможуть вам налаштувати для цього якомога простіше.

Початкова конфігурація без OBS: Комп’ютера Холу Королівства

Так само, як відповідний розділ вище. З додаванням глобальної комбінації клавіш для Zoom для запуску/припинення показу екрана (Alt S). «Камера» буде трансляцією з камери Залу Царства.

Початкова конфігурація без OBS: M3

Увімкніть Present media на зовнішньому моніторі або в окремому опції вікна.

Початок зустрічі без OBS

Так само, як відповідний розділ вище.

Трансляція частинок Холу Королівства за допомогою ZoomS без OBS

Так само, як відповідний розділ вище.

Спільний доступ до медіа в Холі Королівства і більш ніж Zoom без OBS

Почніть ділитися в Zoom, натиснувши Alt S. У вікні “Розподіл масштабування”, виберіть зовнішній монітор і увімкніть для роботи прапорців внизу зліва (для звукового та відео-оптимізації). Тепер річний текст буде поділятись над Зоомом.

Знайдіть медіафайли, якими ви хочете поділитися, у вікні керування відтворенням медіафайлів M³ і натисніть кнопку «відтворити».

Закінчивши транслювати медіафайли, натисніть Alt S, щоб завершити показ Zoom екрана.

Відображення віддалених учасників Zoom на моніторі Залу Царства без OBS

Так само, як відповідний розділ вище.

Скриншот режиму презентації

<img src="./assets/img/present/launch-present-mode.png" alt="Синя кнопка "відтворити" для входу в режим керування мультимедіа " /> Синя кнопка "відтворити" для входу в режим керування мультимедіа
Список медіа, які готові до показу
Список медіа, які готові до показу
Фон за замовчуванням з автоматично згенерованим річним віршем
Фон за замовчуванням з автоматично згенерованим річним віршем
Показ зображення
Показ зображення
Відтворення відео
Відтворення відео
Перехід до певного часу в відео
Перехід до певного часу в відео

Управління медіа

Екран керування медіа дозволяє користувачеві додавати або видаляти медіа для будь-якого зібрання, керувати повторюваними медіафайлами та навіть додавати спеціальні медіа для інших дат у які зазвичай не заплановано зібрання.

Керування медіа для будь-якого конкретного дня

Для керування медіа для певного зібрання чи дня, просто натисніть на кнопку певного дня на головному екрані M³. Для управління медіа, які повторюються на кожній зустрічі, натисніть на кнопку “Повторюванні медіафайли”.

Додавання медіа

Ось як додати медіа на екрані керування мультимедіа.

Параметр Пояснення
Тип вивантаження Оберіть один з 3-х типів медіафайлів (див. нижче).
Медіафайл для додавання Залежить від вибраного типу медіа (див. нижче).
Префікс імені файлу До імені файлу можна додати до 6 цифр, щоб полегшити сортування.
Список медіа Тут показуються заплановані медіафайли на обрану дату.

В пункті Медіафайл для додавання в залежності від обраного типу файлу, вам будуть запропоновані різні варіанти.

Тип медіа Пункт Медіа для додавання
Пісня … показує меню з усіх відео пісні Королівства з sjm , на мові медіа. Виберіть цей параметр, наприклад, щоб додати пісню для публічної промови, або під час візиту районного наглядача.

Обрана пісня буде автоматично завантажена з сайту JW.org мовою збору чи групи як це було вказано в Налаштуваннях.
JWPUB … дозволяє переглядати файл на (або перетягувати) JWPUB.

Вам буде запропоновано вибрати розділ з якого ви хочете додати медіа. Це додасть як вбудовані медіафайли, так і медіа на які є посилання у JWPUB файлі.

Приклад часто використовуваного JWPUB файлу це S-34, але тут можна використовувати будь-який JWPUB.
Інший … дозволяє переглядати будь-який інший медіа-файл з Вашого комп’ютера.

Зверніть увагу, що всі файли PDF і SVG будуть автоматично перетворені M³ на зображення з високою роздільною здатністю.
JW.ORG … дозволяє вибрати відео з найновіших на JW.org.

Видалення, приховування та показ медіа

Щоб вилучити, приховати, або показати медіа, просто знайдіть потрібний медіафайл і натисніть відповідний значок.

Червоний значок 🟥 (видалити) Значок ☑️ (встановлений прапорець) Значок 🔲 (знятий прапорець)
Медіафайл був доданий до медіафайлів цього дня вами або ОВ. В матеріалах зібрання є посилання на цей медіафайл.

Він буде завантажений з JW.org чи видобутий з відповідної публікації.
В матеріалах зібрання є посилання на цей медіафайл.

Він був прихований вами або ОВ, тому він не буде завантажений або доданий до медіафайлів зібрання.

Скриншоти з екрану керування мультимедіа

Додавання пісні для промови
Додавання пісні для промови
Додавання додаткового зображення
Додавання додаткового зображення
Імпорт медіафайлів з конкретного розділу у JWPUB файлі
Імпорт медіафайлів з конкретного розділу у JWPUB файлі
Попередній перегляд медіа з JWPUB файлу перед імпортом
Попередній перегляд медіа з JWPUB файлу перед імпортом
Перейменування медіафайлу
Перейменування медіафайлу


M³ не потребує привілеїв адміністратора для встановлення або запуску програми. Щоб встановити M³, просто завантажте останню версію інсталятора і запустіть його.

Операційна система Файл для завантаження
Вікна meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

Що далі?

Налаштуйте додаток за допомогою меню Налаштування.

Не вдалося встановити?

Зверніться за допомогою до Технічної довідки.


Чи залежить ця програма від зовнішніх сайтів, джерел або “кураторів” для завантаження публікацій і медіа для зібрань?

Ні. Програма працює так само як JW Library. Він завантажує публікації та медіа безпосередньо з офіційного вебсайту JW.org. Під час роботи, програма автоматично визначає, що потрібно завантажити, наприклад медіафайли та публікації. Вихідний код доступний для всіх, щоб вивчити та перевірити його.

Чи порушує ця програма умови використання JW.org?

Ні. На JW.org Умови використання безпосередньо дозволяють таке використання сайту. Ось відповідний фрагмент з цих термінів (виділений акцент):

Ви не можете:

створювати з метою розповсюдження будь-яке програмне забезпечення, допоміжні програми та засоби програмного забезпечення, призначені для того, щоб збирати, копіювати, завантажувати, видобувати, витягувати або вибирати дані, HTML, зображення чи текст із цього сайту. (Це не стосується розповсюдження безкоштовних некомерційних програмних додатків, створених для завантаження електронних файлів, таких як EPUB, PDF, MP3 і MP4, доступних на цьому сайті для загалу)

Синхронізація збору

Барт призначений радою старійшин як організатор відеоконференції (ОВ) може використовувати програму M³ для організації того які мультимедійні файли будуть надані команді аудіо/відео підтримки в його зборі.

ОВ, або інші особи які йому призначені, щоб допомагати йому, можуть:

  • завантажувати додаткові медіафайли для трансляції під час зібрань. Наприклад, для промови районного наглядача, місцевих потреб, або публічної промови.
  • приховати медіа з JW.org які не актуальні для певного зібрання, наприклад, коли певний пункт був замінений на інший місцевим філіалом
  • додати або видалити повторювані медіа, такі як відеоролик з річним віршем або слайд з оголошенням

Усі, хто синхронізовані з тим самим зібранням, отримають однакові медіафайли, коли натиснуть кнопку Оновити медіа-папки.

Зверніть увагу, що функція синхронізації збору необов’язкова.

Як це працює

Механізм синхронізації зібрань який використовує M³ базується на WebDAV. Це означає, що ОВ (або хтось під його наглядом) повинен:

  • встановити захищений WebDAV-сервер з доступом через інтернет, або
  • використовувати стороннє хмарне сховище яке підтримує протокол WevDAV (див. опцію Вебадреса в розділі Налаштування синхронізації зібрання нижче).

Всі користувачі, які бажають синхронізуватися разом, повинні будуть під’єднатися до одного сервера WebDAV, використовуючи інформацію про підключення та облікові дані, надані їм ОВ.

Налаштування синхронізації зібрання

Налаштування Пояснення
Веб-адреса Вебадреса WebDAV сервера. Потрібен безпечний HTTP (HTTPS).

Примітка: Кнопка веб-адреси, після натискання, буде показувати список провайдерів WebDAV, сумісних з M3, і автоматично буде попередньо заповнювати деякі параметри для цих постачальників.

Цей список надається як є, і ні в якому разі не являє собою рекомендацією будь-якої конкретної служби чи постачальника. Найкращий сервер - це завжди той, який належить вам…
Ім'я користувача Ім’я користувача для WebDAV провайдера.
Пароль Пароль для WebDAV провайдера.

Примітка: Як детально описано на сторінках підтримки цих сервісів, може знадобитись окремий пароль для конкретної програми, а саме для Box та Koofr для того, щоб дозволити WebDAV підключатися до їх служб.
Папка для збору Це папка, яка буде використовуватися для синхронізації медіа для всіх користувачів зі збору. Ви можете набрати/вставити або використовувати мишку, щоб перейти до цільової папки.

Примітка Переконайтеся, що всі користувачі синхронізації вводять один і той самий шлях. В іншому випадку синхронізація може працювати не так як очікується
Налаштування для всього збору Після того як ОВ налаштував пункти Налаштування медіа і Налаштування зібрання в налаштуваннях на свому компʼютері він може використати цю кнопку, щоб застосувати певні зміни для всіх користувачів тієї ж синхронізації збору (для прикладу дні зібрання, мова медіафайлів, параметри перетворення тощо). Це означає, що обрані налаштування будуть примусово застосовані до всіх синхронізованих користувачів кожного разу, коли вони відкриють M³.

Використання синхронізації збору для керування медіа

Після того, як налаштування синхронізації збору закінчено, ви можете розпочати готувати медіа для вашої команди з аудіо/відео підтримки.

Скриншоти синхронізації зібрання

Налаштування синхронізації зібрання
Налаштування синхронізації зібрання


Екран налаштувань поділено на 4 секції. Більшість опцій не потребують пояснення, але ось декілька додаткових деталей.

Налаштування програми

Формат дати, що використовується для папок зібрання.

*Примітка. Під час використання сервера конгрегації переконайтеся, що всі налаштували однаковий формат дати, застосувавши його за допомогою налаштувань усієї конгрегації.< /1></td> </tr>

</tbody> </table>

Налаштування синхронізації зібрання

Дивіться розділ Синхронізація збору для детальної інформації про те як це працює і як налаштувати цей розділ.

Налаштування медіафайлів

Налаштування Пояснення
Мова медіафайлів Оберіть мову вашого збору чи групи. Цією мовою будуть завантажені всі медіа з JW.org.
Запасна мова медіафайлів, якщо недоступно основною мовою Ця мова використовується щоразу, коли медіафайл основною мовою недоступний.

Наприклад, якщо ви оберете ірландську та англійську мову як запасну, щоразу, коли публікація або відео недоступні ірландською, вона буде завантажена англійською мовою.
Максимальна роздільна здатність для відео Відео, завантажені з JW.org, будуть завантажені з цією роздільною здатністю, або з наступною меншою, якщо обрана недоступна. Корисно для ситуацій обмеженої або низької пропускної здатності інтернету.
Увімкнути субтитри для відео Увімкніть цю опцію, якщо ви хочете завантажувати субтитри для відео, якщо вони доступні. Субтитри буде показано за замовчуванням, але можуть бути увімкнені або вимкнені під час трансляції. Вертикальну позицію субтитрів можна змінити, натиснувши на іконку субтитри у вікні попереднього перегляду відео.
Конвертувати медіафайли в MP4 формат Ця функція автоматично перетворює всі зображення та аудіо файли у формат MP4, для використання з вбудованим функціоналом Zoom трансляції MP4 під час повністю віддалених зібрань через Zoom. До цього відносяться всі зображення та медіафайли, завантажені з JW.org, а також додаткові медіафайли, додані користувачем або організатором відеоконференції.

Примітка Ця опція найкраще підходить для повністю віддалених зібрань через Zoom. Якщо проводяться якгібридні, так і звичайні зібрання, розгляньте варіант використанніРежиму презентації медіа активувавши функцію Транслювати медіа на зовнішній монітор в окремому вікні і відключіть цю опцію.
Зберегти оригінальні медіафайли після перетворення Якщо ця функція увімкнена, то після перетворення ілюстрацій і відеофайлів у формат MP4 вони не будуть видалятись, а зберігатись у папку з медіа. Як результат папка з медіа стане більш захаращеною й зазвичай цю опцію не потрібно вмикати якщо трансляція медіа виконується через вбудовану в Zoom функцію трансляції MP4. (Див. Конвертація медіа у формат MP4 вище)

Примітка: Ця функція доступна тільки тоді, коли Конвертація медіа у MP4 формат також увімкнена.
Відтворювати медіафайли на зовнішньому моніторі або в окремому вікні Ця функція дозволить вам використовувати M³ для трансляції зображень, відео та аудіофайлів під час гібридних або звичайних зібрань. Щоб отримати доступ до екрана керування мультимедіа, потрібно натиснути кнопку ▶️ (Відтворення/Плей) на головному екрані M³.

Екран трансляції медіа буде автоматично демонструватись на зовнішньому моніторі (телевізорах) якщо він доступний. Якщо ні, то медіа будуть демонструватись в окремому вікні, розмір якого можна змінювати.

Примітка: Ця функція найкраще підходить для гібридних абозвичайних зібрань.

Якщо проводяться повністю віддалені зібрання через Zoom, спробуйте увімкнути функцію Конвертувати медіа в MP4 формат і транслювати медіа за допомогою вбудованої функції трансляції MP4 в Zoom
Фонове зображення для режиму презентації медіафайлів За замовчуванням M³ спробує завантажити поточний річний вірш обраною мовою, щоб показати його на чорному фоні коли використовується Режим презентації медіа коли ніякі медіа не відтворюються. Якщо не вдалось автоматично завантажити річний вірш, або ви хочете показати інше фонове зображення то можна використати кнопку “Пошук” для вибору зображення або кнопку “Оновити”, щоб спробувати завантажити річний текст знову. Примітка:</strong> Якщо ввімкнено Синхронізацію зібрання, вибір спеціального фонового зображення автоматично синхронізує його для всіх користувачів зібрання.</em>
Приховати мультимедійне вікно після завершення відтворення медіа Якщо увімкнено, медіа вікно буде приховано відразу після того, як кожен медіафайл закінчився.

Примітка: Це налаштування є особливо корисним для засідань системи сигнальної мови.
Автоматично відтворити перший медіафайл Якщо увімкнено, перший елемент мультимедійних даних у списку автоматично почне грати налаштовувану кількість хвилин до початку зустрічі.
Увімкнути комбінації клавіш під час відтворення медіафайлів Цей параметр дозволяє відтворювати комбінації клавіш і зупиняти медіа. Наприклад, це корисно у поєднанні з пультом USB.
Створити плейлисти для використання з VLC Увімкніть це, якщо ви хочете автоматично створювати списки відтворення для кожної зустрічі, які потім можна завантажити у VLC, якщо ви використовуєте цю програму для відображення медіа замість режиму медіапрезентації.
Виключити всі медіафайли з брошури Якщо ця опція ввімкнена, тоді медіа з брошури Вдосконалюємо своє служіння не буде вмикатись у зібрання в будні дні.
Виключити зображення з книги "Будьте щасливі тепер і завжди!" які не стосуються пункту Вивчення Біблії в зборі Якщо увімкнено, це запобігає виключенню зображень з Live Forever book (lff) в включенні, наприклад, для виконання завдань учня під час півтижня.
Включити зображення з друкованого видання, якщо вони доступні Якщо увімкнуто, при наявності будуть включені візуальні редакції публікацій. Це може бути корисно для деяких таблиць або груп зображень, зрозуміліше у друкованій формі.

Налаштування зібрання

Налаштування Пояснення
Спеціальне зібрання Якщо увімкнено, медіа не буде завантажено з JW.org. Буде доступно лише вручну додані ЗМІ. Наприклад, це корисні для теократичних шкіл.
Зібрання серед тижня Укажіть звичайний день і час на опівтижневу зустрічі; використовується для називання тек і автоматичної фонової музики загасання (дивіться нижче).
Зібрання у вихідні дні Вкажіть звичайний день і час на зустріч у вихідних.
Наступний запланований візит районного наглядача Коли ви обираєте дату наступного запланованого відвідування велосипеда по провіднику, M3 буде автоматично встановити півтижневий день зустрічі на той тиждень на вівторок, пропустити усі дослідницькі засоби масової інформації про Конгрегацію, а також пропустити укладені пісні Королівства для обох зустрічей.

Примітка: Використовуючи сервер зборів, обов’язково ввімкніть це налаштування, щоб усі підключені брати мали однакову дату візиту районного наглядача.
Увімкнути кнопку для відтворення фонової музики Увімкніть кнопку на головному екрані, яка буде грати пісні Королівства з sjm серії у випадковому порядку. Це корисно, наприклад, грати пісні перед та після зустрічей у Зал Королівства як фонову музику. Праворуч від цієї опції - кнопка для завантаження всіх доступних пісень Королівства, які можуть бути корисними для запобігання затримки буферизації.
Гучність відтворення музики у фоновому режимі Встановлює гучність, при якій відтворюється фонова музика.
Відтворити фонову музику автоматично, до зібрання Якщо увімкнено, фонова музика автоматично почнеться під час запуску програми, коли вона проходить день зустрічей, а зустріч розпочнеться менш ніж за годину.
Автоматично припинити відтворення фонової музики Якщо Кнопка «Увімкнути відтворення фонової музики» активна, це налаштування дозволить вам вказати затримку, після якої фонова музика має автоматично зупинятися. Це може бути задана кількість хвилин, або заздалегідь визначену кількість секунд до початку зустрічі (у випадку, коли музика у фоновому режимі розпочалася перед зустріччю).

Скриншоти екрана налаштувань

Налаштування програми
Налаштування програми
Налаштування медіафайлів
Налаштування медіафайлів
Налаштування зібрання
Налаштування зібрання

Питання та запити на нові функції

Як повідомити про проблему чи помилку?

Якщо ви коли-небудь зіткнетеся з будь-якими проблемами з M3, будь ласка, використовуйте GitHub Issues щоб повідомити про це. Виправлення помилок і оновлення відбуваються регулярно, зазвичай щомісяця.

Чи можу я запропонувати нову функцію?

Ми завжди раді пропозиціям! Будь ласка, використовуйте GitHub Discussions, щоб запропонувати чи обговорити потенційний функціонал.

Technical usage notes

The app should run as is on most modern computers running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Windows: Installation and first launch

On opening the installer, you might get an error indicating that “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting”. This is due to the app not having a high number of downloads, and consequently not being explicitly “trusted” by Windows. To get around this, simply click on “More info”, then “Run anyway”.

Linux: Installation and first launch

As per the official AppImage documentation, if the app fails to open properly, confirm the output of the following command:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

If the output is 0, then the AppImage will not run unless you run the following command, followed by a reboot:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Make sure you read up on what this entails before you do this.

macOS: Installation and first launch

If upon launching the app, you receive a warning that the app cannot be opened, either because “it was not downloaded from the App store” or because “the developer cannot be verified”, then this Apple support page will help you to get past that.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Unlike Windows and Linux, auto-update functionality is not implemented on macOS, and for technical reasons probably never will be. However, one of two things will happen for macOS users when an update is available:

  • M³ will attempt to download the update package and open it automatically, after which the user will have to manually complete the installation of the M³ update by dragging and dropping the updated app to their Applications folder. Then, they will be able to launch the newly updated M³ from their Applications folder as usual.
  • If the previous step fails at any stage, M³ will display a persistent notification indicating that an update is available, with a link to the update itself. A red, pulsing notification will also be displayed on the settings button in the main screen of M³. The M³ version number in the settings screen will turn into a button that, once clicked, opens the latest release’s download page automatically.

Media Presentation mode

Using media presentation mode

The media presentation and controller modes are designed for simplicity and to prevent mistakes during meetings.

Once the option Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window is enabled, the media presentation screen will automatically appear on the external monitor if present, or in a separate, draggable and resizable window if no external monitor was detected.

When in standby, the media presentation screen will display the background image that is configured in the settings. If no background image has been configured, then M³ will attempt to automatically fetch and display the yeartext.

If no background image is configured in the settings and the yeartext could not be loaded automatically, a black background will be displayed when on standby.

Media controller mode can be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or by using the keyboard shortcut Alt D (for external display).

Once you have entered controller mode, the folder selection screen will allow you to select the date for which you’d like to display media. If the current day’s folder exists, it will automatically be preselected. Once a date is selected, you can still change the selected date at any time by clicking on the date selection button, in the top section.

Presenting media

To play media, press the ▶️ (play) button for the file you’d like. To hide the media, press the ⏹️ (stop) button. A video can be rewound or fast-forwarded while paused, if desired. Please note that for videos, the stop button must be pressed twice to prevent accidentally and prematurely stopping a video while it is playing for the congregation. Videos will auto-stop when they have played in their entirety.

Extra Features

M³ has a few extra features that can be used to enhance the media presentation experience.

Present JW.org

To present JW.org, you can press the ⋮ (ellipsis) button at the top of the screen, and select Open JW.org. This will open a new controller window with JW.org loaded. The media window will also display JW.org. Now you can use the controller window to navigate JW.org, and the media window will display your actions. When you are done presenting JW.org, you can close the controller window, and continue with the normal media presentation mode.

Zoom and pan images

When an image is being displayed, you can scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the image preview to zoom in and out. Alternatively, you can also double click on the image preview to zoom in. Double clicking will alternate between 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x and back to 1x zoom. You can also hold and drag the image to pan around the image.

Sort the media list

The media list can be sorted by clicking the sort button at the top right of the screen. The media items will have a button appear next to them that can be used to drag the media item up or down in the list. When you are satisfied with the order, you can click the sort button again to lock the order.

Add a last-minute song

If you need to add a last-minute song to the media list, you can press the ♫ + (add song) button at the top of the screen. A dropdown will appear with a list of all the Kingdom songs. When you select one, it will immediately be added to the top of the media list and it can be played instantly. It will either stream the song from JW.org, or play the song from the local cache if it was previously downloaded.

Conducting hybrid meetings using a combination of M³, OBS Studio, and Zoom

By far the simplest way to share media during hybrid meetings is by configuring OBS Studio, M³ and Zoom to work together.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall computer

Set the external monitor’s screen resolution to 1280x720, or something close to that.

Configure the computer sound card’s output to go to one of the sound booth mixer’s inputs, and the sound booth mixer’s combined output to go to the computer’s sound card input.

Initial configuration: OBS Studio

Install OBS Studio, or download the portable version.

If using the portable version of OBS Studio, install the Virtualcam plugin, and if using the portable version of OBS Studio, add the virtual camera to Windows by double-clicking the provided installation script.

If you have OBS Studio v27 or older, you need to install the obs-websocket plugin. Otherwise obs-websocket is included. Configure a port number and password for obs-websocket.

In the OBS settings, under General > System Tray, enable all checkboxes. Under Output > Streaming, enable a hardware encoder if available. Under Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Set up at least 2 scenes: one for the media display (Window Capture or Display Capture with the mouse cursor disabled and the appropriate window title/monitor selected), and one for the stage view (Video Capture Device with the KH camera selected). You can also add another scene specifically for pictures, where the media window is visible along with the podium in a picture-in-picture style display. You may add as many scenes as required, with the camera adjusted, zoomed-in and cropped as needed (lectern view, conductor and reader view, table view, etc.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Add a shortcut to OBS Studio, with the --startvirtualcam parameter, to the Startup folder of the Windows user profile, to ensure that OBS Studio gets started automatically when the user logs in.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall Zoom

Zoom should be configured to use dual monitors. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Set the default “microphone” to be sound booth mixer’s combined output (so that everything that is heard over the Kingdom Hall sound system is transmitted over Zoom, including microphones and media) and the “camera” to be the virtual camera provided by OBS Studio.

Initial configuration: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Enable and configure OBS Studio compatibility mode, using the port and password information configured in the OBS Studio configuration step.

Starting the meeting

Start the Zoom meeting, and move the secondary Zoom meeting window to the external monitor. Make it fullscreen if desired. This is where any remote meeting participants will be displayed for the congregation to see.

Once the Zoom meeting is being displayed on the external monitor, open M³. The media presentation window will automatically open on top of Zoom on the external monitor. Sync media if necessary, and enter media controller mode by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or Alt D.

Enable the Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), and spotlight the Kingdom Hall video feed if necessary so that Zoom participants see the Kingdom Hall stage. Unmute the Kingdom Hall audio feed in Zoom (Alt A). It should not be necessary to disable the video or audio feed in Zoom for the duration of the meeting. Make sure that “Original sound for musicians” is enabled in Zoom, to ensure the best audio quality for remote meeting participants.

Start background music playback using the button on the bottom left, or Alt K.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom

No action necessary.

Various camera angles/zoom can be chosen during the meeting by using the menu on the bottom of the M³ media playback control window; this menu will contain a list of all configured camera view scenes in OBS.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, press the “stop” button in M³. Note that videos automatically stop upon completion.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor

Press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media controller screen, or Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. The Zoom meeting will now be visible on the Kingdom Hall monitor.

If the participant has media to show, follow the steps under the Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom subheading.

Once the participant has finished their part, press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media playback control window, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. The Kingdom Hall monitor will now show the yeartext.

Conducting hybrid meetings using only M³ and Zoom

If you do not wish to use OBS Studio for any reason, the following suggestions will perhaps help you to set things up as simply as possible.

Initial configuration without OBS: Kingdom Hall computer

Same as corresponding section above. With the addition of the global keyboard shortcut for Zoom for starting/stopping screen sharing (Alt S). The “camera” will be the camera feed from the Kingdom Hall camera.

Initial configuration without OBS: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Starting the meeting without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom without OBS

Start sharing in Zoom by hitting Alt S. In the Zoom sharing window that pops up, choose the external monitor and enable both checkboxes on the bottom left (for sound and video optimization). The yeartext will now be shared over Zoom.

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, hit Alt S to end Zoom screen sharing.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Screenshots of Presentation Mode

Blue play button to enter media controller mode
Blue play button to enter media controller mode
List of media that is ready to be presented
List of media that is ready to be presented
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Displaying a picture
Displaying a picture
Playing a video
Playing a video
Moving to a specific time in a video
Moving to a specific time in a video

Managing media

The media management screen allows the user to add or remove media for any given meeting, manage recurring media, and even add special media for other dates on which no meeting is normally scheduled.

Managing media for any particular day

To manage media for a certain meeting or day, simply click on that day’s tile on the main screen of M³. To manage media that be repeated at every meeting, click on the Recurring media tile.

Adding media

Here’s how to add media from the media management screen.

Option Explanation
Type of upload Choose from one of the 3 media types (see below).
Media to add Depends on the media type chosen (see below).
Filename prefix Up to 6 digits can be added before the media filename(s), to help with sorting.
Media list This shows the currently planned media for the selected date tile.

In the Media to add field, you’ll be presented with different options, depending on the media type selected.

Media type The Media to add field
Song … shows a menu with all Kingdom song videos from the sjjm series, in the media language. Choose this option for example to add a song for the public talk, or for circuit overseer visits.

The selected song will be automatically downloaded from JW.org, in the congregation or group’s language, as configured in the Settings.
JWPUB … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) a JWPUB file.

You’ll then be prompted to select the section, or chapter, from which you’d like to add media. This will add both embedded and referenced media from that section in the JWPUB file.

An example of a commonly used JWPUB file is the S-34, but any JWPUB file can be used here.
Custom … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) any other media file(s) from your computer.

Note that all PDF and SVG files will automatically be converted into high-resolution images by M³.
JW.ORG … allows you to select a video from the latest featured videos on JW.org.

Removing, hiding and showing media

To remove, hide, or show media, simply find the media file you don’t want, and click on the relevant icon.

A red 🟥 (delete) icon A ☑️ (checked checkbox) icon A 🔲 (unchecked checkbox) icon
The media file was added to that day’s media by you or the VO. The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It will be downloaded from JW.org or extracted from the relevant publication.
The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It was hidden by you or the VO, so it will not be downloaded or added to the meeting’s media.

Screenshots of the media management screen

Adding a song for a public talk
Adding a song for a public talk
Adding an additional picture
Adding an additional picture
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Renaming a media file
Renaming a media file


M³ does not require administrative privileges to install or run. To install M³, simply download the latest installer and run it.

Operating System File to download
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

What’s next?

Configure the app using the Settings screen.

Trouble installing?

Check the Technical usage notes for help.


Does this app depend on external sites, sources or “curators” to download publications and meeting media?

No. The app behaves similarly to JW Library. It downloads publications and media directly from the official JW.org website and its content delivery network. At runtime, the app automatically determines what needs to be downloaded, such as media files and publications. The source code is available for all to examine and verify this.

Does this app infringe the JW.org Terms of Use?

No. The JW.org Terms of Use actually explicitly allow the kind of usage that we are making. Here is the relevant excerpt from those terms (emphasis mine):

You may not:

Create for distribution purposes, any software applications, tools, or techniques that are specifically made to collect, copy, download, extract, harvest, or scrape data, HTML, images, or text from this site. (This does not prohibit the distribution of free, non-commercial applications designed to download electronic files such as EPUB, PDF, MP3, and MP4 files from public areas of this site.)

Congregation sync

The brother designated as videoconference organizer (VO) by the body of elders can use M³ to manage what media is made available to the technical A/V support team in his congregation.

The VO, or someone designated by him, can:

  • upload additional media to be shared during a meeting, such as for the circuit overseer’s visit, or for public speakers’ talks
  • hide media from JW.org that isn’t relevant for a given meeting, for example, when a part has been replaced by the local branch
  • add or remove recurring media, such as a year-text video, or an announcement slide

All who are synced to the same congregation will then receive the exact same media when they click the Update media folders button.

Please note that the congregation sync feature is opt-in and entirely optional.

How it works

M³’s underlying sync mechanism uses WebDAV. This means that the VO (or someone under his supervision) needs to either:

  • set up a secured WebDAV server that is web-accessible, or
  • use a third-party cloud storage service that supports the WebDAV protocol (see the Web address setting in the Congregation sync setup section below).

All users that wish to be synchronized together will need to connect to the same WebDAV server using the connection information and credentials provided to them by their VO.

Congregation sync setup

Setting Explanation
Web address Web address of the WebDAV server. Secure HTTP (HTTPS) is required.

Note: The Web address button, once clicked, will show a list of WebDAV providers that have been known to be compatible with M³, and will automatically prefill certain settings for those providers.

This list is provided as a courtesy, and in no way represents an endorsement of any particular service or provider. The best server is always the one you own…
Username Username for the WebDAV service.
Password Password for the WebDAV service.

Note: As detailed in their respective support pages, an app-specific password might need to be created for Box and Koofr in order to enable WebDAV connections to their services.
Congregation sync folder This is the folder that will be used to synchronize media for all congregation sync users. You can either type/paste in a path, or use your mouse to navigate to the target folder.

Note: Make sure that all congregation sync users input the same folder path; otherwise the sync won’t work as expected.
Congregation-wide settings Once the VO has configured the Media setup and Meeting setup sections of the Settings on his own computer, he can then use this button to enforce certain settings for all congregation sync users (for example, meeting days, media language, conversion settings, and so on). This means that the selected settings will be forcefully applied for all synced users every time they open M³.

Using congregation sync to manage media

Once the congregation sync setup is complete, you’re ready to start Managing media for your congregation’s technical AV support team.

Screenshots of congregation sync in action

Congregation sync setup
Congregation sync setup


The Settings screen is divided into 4 sections. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but here are a few additional details.

Application setup

Setting Explanation
Offline mode If enabled, M³ will not attempt to connect to JW.org or your congregation server. This is useful for when you have a poor internet connection and want to save bandwidth.
Theme preference Select the theme you prefer. If you select System, M³ will use the system’s theme.
Pangalan ng kongregasyon The name of your congregation. This is used to support multiple congregations who share the same computer.
Display language Sets the language in which M³ is displayed.

Thank you to our many contributors for translating the app in so many languages! If you want to help improve an existing translation or add a new one, please open up a new discussion.
Folder in which to save media Meeting media will be saved to this folder for later sharing and use.
Custom cache path By default, publications and other data are saved in a different directory for each user. You can change this directory if you want to share the cached data between multiple users on the same computer.
Date format for meeting folders The date format used for the meeting folders.

Note: When using a congregation server, please ensure that everyone configures the same date format by enforcing it using Congregation-wide settings.
Run app at system start-up If enabled, M³ will launch when the current user logs into the computer.

Note: Unavailable on Linux.
Automatically initiate media sync If enabled, this option will automatically initiate a media sync 5 seconds after M³ is launched.

To prevent the automatic sync from occurring when this setting is enabled, press the ⏸ (pause) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Open folder after media sync If enabled, the folder containing the downloaded media for the chosen week will open in the computer’s file manager after the media sync is complete.
Quit app after media sync If enabled, this option will automatically quit M³ 5 seconds after the media sync is complete.

To prevent M³ from quitting automatically when this setting is enabled, press the 🏃 (person leaving/running) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Enable OBS Studio compatibility mode If enabled, this option will tap into OBS Studio to change scenes automatically as needed both before and after sharing media.

If enabling this setting, make sure that OBS Studio is configured to use the obs-websocket plugin, which is what will enable M³ to communicate with OBS Studio.

Also, configure all needed scenes for media sharing and stage display in OBS. At the very least, you’ll need a scene with a Window Capture (recommended) or Display Capture configured to capture the M³ media presentation window, or the screen on which the media will be presented.

You’ll also need to configure all desired stage view scenes, for example: a shot of the lecturn, a wide shot of the stage, etc.
Port Port on which the obs-websocket plugin is configured to listen.
Password Password configured in the obs-websocket plugin’s settings.
Default stage view scene in OBS Studio Select which scene should be selected by default when media presentation mode is launched. Usually a stage wide view, or a shot of the lectern.
Media window scene in OBS Studio Select which scene is configured in OBS Studio to capture the M³ media window.
Optional separate media scene for images An optional scene to select an alternative scene for showing images. This is useful if you want to show images in a different way than videos (for example, with the stage overlaid in a picture-in-picture style).
OBS Studio scene to display Zoom participants An optional scene to quickly and efficiently manage the display of Zoom participants during hybrid meetings.

When this scene is configured, the behavior of the Media Presentation mode changes somewhat. When in this mode, a toggle button will appear which, when enabled, will cause the media window to be hidden, and the Zoom scene to be shown. The OBS scene picker will also be hidden. Sharing media will automatically show the media scene as per usual, and after sharing media, the media window will disappear immediately.

When the toggle is disabled, the media window and scene pickers will be shown again.
I-enable ang Zoom integration When enabled, this feature will attempt to automate various pre-meeting (mute all, enable the Kingdom Hall’s video/audio, disable the option for participants to unmute themselves), in-meeting (select participants to spotlight and unmute them, or to mute them, lower their hand and remove the spotlight) and post-meeting (disable the Kingdom Hall’s video feed, allow participants to unmute themselves) tasks.

Note: This is still a beta feature. Please test test it thoroughly before implementing it and always verify that the automation was correctly executed.
Zoom participant name This is the name that M³ will use to join the Zoom meeting.
Zoom Meeting ID The Meeting ID of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Password The password of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Spotlight video when starting the meeting When enabled, M³ will automatically spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed when the “start meeting” automation is executed.
Hide Zoom component by default When enabled, the Zoom component will be hidden by default. The Zoom component is a required floating component that represents the M³ participant in the Zoom meeting. You can control the M³ participant with it.
Automatically perform start meeting actions When enabled, M³ will automatically perform the “start meeting” actions, a configured amount of minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start. These actions are: disallow participants to unmute themselves, mute all, ask host to enable video and microphone and optionally spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed.
Automatically rename Zoom participants With this setting, you can add a rename rule to automatically rename certain Zoom participants. This is useful if you want to rename participants who consistently join with a wrong or incomplete name. Rules must be entered in the following format: Old Name=New Name.
Enable beta updates for testing purposes When enabled, M³ will automatically receive beta updates, which are released daily and contain the latest features and fixes.

Note: Do not enable this setting on the computer used to present media at the Kingdom Hall.
Disable automatic app update When this option is enabled, M³ will not automatically self-update when closed.
Disable hardware acceleration Only enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with media presentation mode. Changing this setting will cause M³ to restart.

Congregation sync setup

See the Congregation sync section for details on what this does exactly and how to configure this section.

Media setup

Setting Explanation
Media language Select the language of your congregation or group. All media will be downloaded from JW.org in this language.
Fallback media language This language is used whenever the primary media language is not available.

For example, if you select Irish as your media language and English as your fallback, whenever a publication or video is not available in Irish, it will be fetched in English.
Maximum resolution for videos Videos downloaded from JW.org will be downloaded at this resolution, or the next available lower resolution. Useful for limited or low-bandwidth situations.
I-enable ang subtitle sa mga video Enable this option if you want to fetch subtitles for videos, whenever available. Subtitles will be shown by default, but can be toggled on/off while presenting. The vertical position of the subtitles can be changed by clicking the subtitles icon inside the video preview.
I-convert ang mga media sa MP4 format This will automatically convert all picture and audio files into MP4 format, for use with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing feature during fully remote congregation Zoom meetings. This includes all pictures and media files downloaded from JW.org, as well as additional media files added by the user or the VO.

Note: This option is best suited for remote-only congregation Zoom meetings. If conducting either hybrid or regular congregation meetings, look into using Media Presentation mode by activating the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option instead, and disable this option.
Keep original media files after conversion If this setting is enabled, picture and audio files will be kept in the media folder after being converted to MP4 format, rather than deleted. This will result in a slightly more cluttered media folder, and generally does not need to be enabled if sharing media through Zoom MP4 sharing. (See Convert media to MP4 format above.)

Note: Only visible if Convert media to MP4 format is also enabled.
I-present ang media sa external monitor o sa nakahiwalay na window This setting will allow you to use M³ to present pictures, videos and audio files during hybrid or in-person congregation meetings. The media playback management screen can then be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³.

The media presentation screen will automatically use an external monitor if present; if not, the media will be displayed in a separate, resizable window.

Note: This option is best suited for either hybrid or regular congregation meetings.

If conducting remote-only congregation Zoom meetings, look into activating the Convert media to MP4 format option and sharing the media with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing instead.
Background image for media presentation mode By default, M³ will attempt to fetch the current year’s text in the language selected previously, in order to display it on a black background when in Media Presentation mode and no other media is being played. If the automatic yeartext retrieval fails for some reason, or if you wish to display a different background image, you can either use the ‘Browse’ button to select a custom picture, or the ‘Refresh’ button to try fetching the yeartext automatically again.

Note: If Congregation sync is enabled, selecting a custom background image will synchronize it for all congregation sync users automatically.
Hide media window after media finished playing If enabled, the media window will be hidden immediately after each media file has finished playing.

Note: This setting is especially useful for sign-language meetings.
Awtomatikong i-play ang unang media item If enabled, the first media item in the media list will automatically start playing a configurable number of minutes before the meeting is supposed to start.
Enable keyboard shortcuts during media playback This setting allows you to set custom key combinations to play and stop media. This is useful in combination with a USB remote control, for example.
Create playlists for use with VLC Enable this if you want to generate playlists for every meeting automatically, which can then be loaded in VLC, if you are using that app to display media instead of Media Presentation mode.
Exclude all media from the th brochure If enabled, this will prevent media from the Apply Yourself brochure from being included at every midweek meeting.
Exclude Enjoy Life Forever images outside the Congregation Bible Study If enabled, this will prevent images from the Live Forever book (lff) from being included, for example for student assignments during the midweek meeting.
Include printed media when available If enabled, renderings of the printed editions of publications will be included when available. This could be useful for some tables or groups of images that are clearer in printed form.

Meeting setup

Setting Explanation
Special congregation If enabled, no media will be downloaded from JW.org. Only manually added media will be available. This is useful for theocratic schools, for example.
Midweek meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the midweek meeting; used for folder naming and automatic background music fade-out (see below).
Weekend meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the weekend meeting.
Susunod na pagbisita ng tagapangasiwa ng sirkito When you select a date for the next planned visit of the circuit overseer, M³ will automatically set the midweek meeting day for that week to Tuesday, skip the Congregation Bible Study media, as well as skip the concluding Kingdom songs for both meetings.

Note: When using a congregation server, make sure to enforce this setting so that all connected brothers have the same circuit overseer visit date configured.
I-enable ang button para sa pag-play ng background music Enable a button on the main screen which will play Kingdom songs from the sjjm series, in random order. This is useful, for example, to play songs before and after meetings at the Kingdom Hall as background music. To the right of this option is a button to download all available Kingdom songs, which could be useful to prevent buffering delays.
Background music playback volume Sets the volume at which the background music will play.
Awtomatikong mag-play ng background music bago ang pulong If enabled, background music will automatically start playing at app startup when it’s a meeting day and the meeting is starting in less than an hour.
Automatically stop playing background music If Enable button to play background music is active, then this setting will allow you to specify a delay after which background music should be automatically stopped. This can be either a set number of minutes, or a predetermined number of seconds before the start of the meeting (in the case where the background music was started before a meeting).

Screenshots of the settings screen

Application setup
Application setup
Media setup
Media setup
Meeting setup
Meeting setup

Issues and feature requests

How do I report an issue or bug I encountered?

If ever you run into any issues with M³, please use GitHub Issues to report it. Bug fixes are issued on a regularly basis, usually monthly.

How can I request new features?

I’m open to suggestions! Please use GitHub Discussions to discuss potential new features.

Technical usage notes

The app should run as is on most modern computers running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Windows: Installation and first launch

On opening the installer, you might get an error indicating that “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting”. This is due to the app not having a high number of downloads, and consequently not being explicitly “trusted” by Windows. To get around this, simply click on “More info”, then “Run anyway”.

Linux: Installation and first launch

As per the official AppImage documentation, if the app fails to open properly, confirm the output of the following command:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

If the output is 0, then the AppImage will not run unless you run the following command, followed by a reboot:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Make sure you read up on what this entails before you do this.

macOS: Installation and first launch

If upon launching the app, you receive a warning that the app cannot be opened, either because “it was not downloaded from the App store” or because “the developer cannot be verified”, then this Apple support page will help you to get past that.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Unlike Windows and Linux, auto-update functionality is not implemented on macOS, and for technical reasons probably never will be. However, one of two things will happen for macOS users when an update is available:

  • M³ will attempt to download the update package and open it automatically, after which the user will have to manually complete the installation of the M³ update by dragging and dropping the updated app to their Applications folder. Then, they will be able to launch the newly updated M³ from their Applications folder as usual.
  • If the previous step fails at any stage, M³ will display a persistent notification indicating that an update is available, with a link to the update itself. A red, pulsing notification will also be displayed on the settings button in the main screen of M³. The M³ version number in the settings screen will turn into a button that, once clicked, opens the latest release’s download page automatically.

Media Presentation mode

Using media presentation mode

The media presentation and controller modes are designed for simplicity and to prevent mistakes during meetings.

Once the option Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window is enabled, the media presentation screen will automatically appear on the external monitor if present, or in a separate, draggable and resizable window if no external monitor was detected.

When in standby, the media presentation screen will display the background image that is configured in the settings. If no background image has been configured, then M³ will attempt to automatically fetch and display the yeartext.

If no background image is configured in the settings and the yeartext could not be loaded automatically, a black background will be displayed when on standby.

Media controller mode can be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or by using the keyboard shortcut Alt D (for external display).

Once you have entered controller mode, the folder selection screen will allow you to select the date for which you’d like to display media. If the current day’s folder exists, it will automatically be preselected. Once a date is selected, you can still change the selected date at any time by clicking on the date selection button, in the top section.

Presenting media

To play media, press the ▶️ (play) button for the file you’d like. To hide the media, press the ⏹️ (stop) button. A video can be rewound or fast-forwarded while paused, if desired. Please note that for videos, the stop button must be pressed twice to prevent accidentally and prematurely stopping a video while it is playing for the congregation. Videos will auto-stop when they have played in their entirety.

Extra Features

M³ has a few extra features that can be used to enhance the media presentation experience.

Present JW.org

To present JW.org, you can press the ⋮ (ellipsis) button at the top of the screen, and select Open JW.org. This will open a new controller window with JW.org loaded. The media window will also display JW.org. Now you can use the controller window to navigate JW.org, and the media window will display your actions. When you are done presenting JW.org, you can close the controller window, and continue with the normal media presentation mode.

Zoom and pan images

When an image is being displayed, you can scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the image preview to zoom in and out. Alternatively, you can also double click on the image preview to zoom in. Double clicking will alternate between 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x and back to 1x zoom. You can also hold and drag the image to pan around the image.

Sort the media list

The media list can be sorted by clicking the sort button at the top right of the screen. The media items will have a button appear next to them that can be used to drag the media item up or down in the list. When you are satisfied with the order, you can click the sort button again to lock the order.

Add a last-minute song

If you need to add a last-minute song to the media list, you can press the ♫ + (add song) button at the top of the screen. A dropdown will appear with a list of all the Kingdom songs. When you select one, it will immediately be added to the top of the media list and it can be played instantly. It will either stream the song from JW.org, or play the song from the local cache if it was previously downloaded.

Conducting hybrid meetings using a combination of M³, OBS Studio, and Zoom

By far the simplest way to share media during hybrid meetings is by configuring OBS Studio, M³ and Zoom to work together.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall computer

Set the external monitor’s screen resolution to 1280x720, or something close to that.

Configure the computer sound card’s output to go to one of the sound booth mixer’s inputs, and the sound booth mixer’s combined output to go to the computer’s sound card input.

Initial configuration: OBS Studio

Install OBS Studio, or download the portable version.

If using the portable version of OBS Studio, install the Virtualcam plugin, and if using the portable version of OBS Studio, add the virtual camera to Windows by double-clicking the provided installation script.

If you have OBS Studio v27 or older, you need to install the obs-websocket plugin. Otherwise obs-websocket is included. Configure a port number and password for obs-websocket.

In the OBS settings, under General > System Tray, enable all checkboxes. Under Output > Streaming, enable a hardware encoder if available. Under Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Set up at least 2 scenes: one for the media display (Window Capture or Display Capture with the mouse cursor disabled and the appropriate window title/monitor selected), and one for the stage view (Video Capture Device with the KH camera selected). You can also add another scene specifically for pictures, where the media window is visible along with the podium in a picture-in-picture style display. You may add as many scenes as required, with the camera adjusted, zoomed-in and cropped as needed (lectern view, conductor and reader view, table view, etc.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Add a shortcut to OBS Studio, with the --startvirtualcam parameter, to the Startup folder of the Windows user profile, to ensure that OBS Studio gets started automatically when the user logs in.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall Zoom

Zoom should be configured to use dual monitors. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Set the default “microphone” to be sound booth mixer’s combined output (so that everything that is heard over the Kingdom Hall sound system is transmitted over Zoom, including microphones and media) and the “camera” to be the virtual camera provided by OBS Studio.

Initial configuration: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Enable and configure OBS Studio compatibility mode, using the port and password information configured in the OBS Studio configuration step.

Starting the meeting

Start the Zoom meeting, and move the secondary Zoom meeting window to the external monitor. Make it fullscreen if desired. This is where any remote meeting participants will be displayed for the congregation to see.

Once the Zoom meeting is being displayed on the external monitor, open M³. The media presentation window will automatically open on top of Zoom on the external monitor. Sync media if necessary, and enter media controller mode by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or Alt D.

Enable the Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), and spotlight the Kingdom Hall video feed if necessary so that Zoom participants see the Kingdom Hall stage. Unmute the Kingdom Hall audio feed in Zoom (Alt A). It should not be necessary to disable the video or audio feed in Zoom for the duration of the meeting. Make sure that “Original sound for musicians” is enabled in Zoom, to ensure the best audio quality for remote meeting participants.

Start background music playback using the button on the bottom left, or Alt K.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom

No action necessary.

Various camera angles/zoom can be chosen during the meeting by using the menu on the bottom of the M³ media playback control window; this menu will contain a list of all configured camera view scenes in OBS.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, press the “stop” button in M³. Note that videos automatically stop upon completion.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor

Press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media controller screen, or Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. The Zoom meeting will now be visible on the Kingdom Hall monitor.

If the participant has media to show, follow the steps under the Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom subheading.

Once the participant has finished their part, press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media playback control window, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. The Kingdom Hall monitor will now show the yeartext.

Conducting hybrid meetings using only M³ and Zoom

If you do not wish to use OBS Studio for any reason, the following suggestions will perhaps help you to set things up as simply as possible.

Initial configuration without OBS: Kingdom Hall computer

Same as corresponding section above. With the addition of the global keyboard shortcut for Zoom for starting/stopping screen sharing (Alt S). The “camera” will be the camera feed from the Kingdom Hall camera.

Initial configuration without OBS: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Starting the meeting without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom without OBS

Start sharing in Zoom by hitting Alt S. In the Zoom sharing window that pops up, choose the external monitor and enable both checkboxes on the bottom left (for sound and video optimization). The yeartext will now be shared over Zoom.

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, hit Alt S to end Zoom screen sharing.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Screenshots of Presentation Mode

Blue play button to enter media controller mode
Blue play button to enter media controller mode
List of media that is ready to be presented
List of media that is ready to be presented
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Displaying a picture
Displaying a picture
Playing a video
Playing a video
Moving to a specific time in a video
Moving to a specific time in a video

Managing media

The media management screen allows the user to add or remove media for any given meeting, manage recurring media, and even add special media for other dates on which no meeting is normally scheduled.

Managing media for any particular day

To manage media for a certain meeting or day, simply click on that day’s tile on the main screen of M³. To manage media that be repeated at every meeting, click on the Recurring media tile.

Adding media

Here’s how to add media from the media management screen.

Option Explanation
Type of upload Choose from one of the 3 media types (see below).
Media to add Depends on the media type chosen (see below).
Filename prefix Up to 6 digits can be added before the media filename(s), to help with sorting.
Media list This shows the currently planned media for the selected date tile.

In the Media to add field, you’ll be presented with different options, depending on the media type selected.

Media type The Media to add field
Song … shows a menu with all Kingdom song videos from the sjjm series, in the media language. Choose this option for example to add a song for the public talk, or for circuit overseer visits.

The selected song will be automatically downloaded from JW.org, in the congregation or group’s language, as configured in the Settings.
JWPUB … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) a JWPUB file.

You’ll then be prompted to select the section, or chapter, from which you’d like to add media. This will add both embedded and referenced media from that section in the JWPUB file.

An example of a commonly used JWPUB file is the S-34, but any JWPUB file can be used here.
Custom … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) any other media file(s) from your computer.

Note that all PDF and SVG files will automatically be converted into high-resolution images by M³.
JW.ORG … allows you to select a video from the latest featured videos on JW.org.

Removing, hiding and showing media

To remove, hide, or show media, simply find the media file you don’t want, and click on the relevant icon.

A red 🟥 (delete) icon A ☑️ (checked checkbox) icon A 🔲 (unchecked checkbox) icon
The media file was added to that day’s media by you or the VO. The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It will be downloaded from JW.org or extracted from the relevant publication.
The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It was hidden by you or the VO, so it will not be downloaded or added to the meeting’s media.

Screenshots of the media management screen

Adding a song for a public talk
Adding a song for a public talk
Adding an additional picture
Adding an additional picture
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Renaming a media file
Renaming a media file


M³ does not require administrative privileges to install or run. To install M³, simply download the latest installer and run it.

Operating System File to download
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

What’s next?

Configure the app using the Settings screen.

Trouble installing?

Check the Technical usage notes for help.


Does this app depend on external sites, sources or “curators” to download publications and meeting media?

No. The app behaves similarly to JW Library. It downloads publications and media directly from the official JW.org website and its content delivery network. At runtime, the app automatically determines what needs to be downloaded, such as media files and publications. The source code is available for all to examine and verify this.

Does this app infringe the JW.org Terms of Use?

No. The JW.org Terms of Use actually explicitly allow the kind of usage that we are making. Here is the relevant excerpt from those terms (emphasis mine):

You may not:

Create for distribution purposes, any software applications, tools, or techniques that are specifically made to collect, copy, download, extract, harvest, or scrape data, HTML, images, or text from this site. (This does not prohibit the distribution of free, non-commercial applications designed to download electronic files such as EPUB, PDF, MP3, and MP4 files from public areas of this site.)

Congregation sync

The brother designated as videoconference organizer (VO) by the body of elders can use M³ to manage what media is made available to the technical A/V support team in his congregation.

The VO, or someone designated by him, can:

  • upload additional media to be shared during a meeting, such as for the circuit overseer’s visit, or for public speakers’ talks
  • hide media from JW.org that isn’t relevant for a given meeting, for example, when a part has been replaced by the local branch
  • add or remove recurring media, such as a year-text video, or an announcement slide

All who are synced to the same congregation will then receive the exact same media when they click the Update media folders button.

Please note that the congregation sync feature is opt-in and entirely optional.

How it works

M³’s underlying sync mechanism uses WebDAV. This means that the VO (or someone under his supervision) needs to either:

  • set up a secured WebDAV server that is web-accessible, or
  • use a third-party cloud storage service that supports the WebDAV protocol (see the Web address setting in the Congregation sync setup section below).

All users that wish to be synchronized together will need to connect to the same WebDAV server using the connection information and credentials provided to them by their VO.

Congregation sync setup

Setting Explanation
Web address Web address of the WebDAV server. Secure HTTP (HTTPS) is required.

Note: The Web address button, once clicked, will show a list of WebDAV providers that have been known to be compatible with M³, and will automatically prefill certain settings for those providers.

This list is provided as a courtesy, and in no way represents an endorsement of any particular service or provider. The best server is always the one you own…
Username Username for the WebDAV service.
Password Password for the WebDAV service.

Note: As detailed in their respective support pages, an app-specific password might need to be created for Box and Koofr in order to enable WebDAV connections to their services.
Congregation sync folder This is the folder that will be used to synchronize media for all congregation sync users. You can either type/paste in a path, or use your mouse to navigate to the target folder.

Note: Make sure that all congregation sync users input the same folder path; otherwise the sync won’t work as expected.
Congregation-wide settings Once the VO has configured the Media setup and Meeting setup sections of the Settings on his own computer, he can then use this button to enforce certain settings for all congregation sync users (for example, meeting days, media language, conversion settings, and so on). This means that the selected settings will be forcefully applied for all synced users every time they open M³.

Using congregation sync to manage media

Once the congregation sync setup is complete, you’re ready to start Managing media for your congregation’s technical AV support team.

Screenshots of congregation sync in action

Congregation sync setup
Congregation sync setup


The Settings screen is divided into 4 sections. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but here are a few additional details.

Application setup

Setting Explanation
Offline mode If enabled, M³ will not attempt to connect to JW.org or your congregation server. This is useful for when you have a poor internet connection and want to save bandwidth.
Theme preference Select the theme you prefer. If you select System, M³ will use the system’s theme.
Congregation name The name of your congregation. This is used to support multiple congregations who share the same computer.
Display language Sets the language in which M³ is displayed.

Thank you to our many contributors for translating the app in so many languages! If you want to help improve an existing translation or add a new one, please open up a new discussion.
Folder in which to save media Meeting media will be saved to this folder for later sharing and use.
Custom cache path By default, publications and other data are saved in a different directory for each user. You can change this directory if you want to share the cached data between multiple users on the same computer.
Date format for meeting folders The date format used for the meeting folders.

Note: When using a congregation server, please ensure that everyone configures the same date format by enforcing it using Congregation-wide settings.
Run app at system start-up If enabled, M³ will launch when the current user logs into the computer.

Note: Unavailable on Linux.
Automatically initiate media sync If enabled, this option will automatically initiate a media sync 5 seconds after M³ is launched.

To prevent the automatic sync from occurring when this setting is enabled, press the ⏸ (pause) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Open folder after media sync If enabled, the folder containing the downloaded media for the chosen week will open in the computer’s file manager after the media sync is complete.
Quit app after media sync If enabled, this option will automatically quit M³ 5 seconds after the media sync is complete.

To prevent M³ from quitting automatically when this setting is enabled, press the 🏃 (person leaving/running) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Enable OBS Studio compatibility mode If enabled, this option will tap into OBS Studio to change scenes automatically as needed both before and after sharing media.

If enabling this setting, make sure that OBS Studio is configured to use the obs-websocket plugin, which is what will enable M³ to communicate with OBS Studio.

Also, configure all needed scenes for media sharing and stage display in OBS. At the very least, you’ll need a scene with a Window Capture (recommended) or Display Capture configured to capture the M³ media presentation window, or the screen on which the media will be presented.

You’ll also need to configure all desired stage view scenes, for example: a shot of the lecturn, a wide shot of the stage, etc.
Port Port on which the obs-websocket plugin is configured to listen.
Password Password configured in the obs-websocket plugin’s settings.
Default stage view scene in OBS Studio Select which scene should be selected by default when media presentation mode is launched. Usually a stage wide view, or a shot of the lectern.
Media window scene in OBS Studio Select which scene is configured in OBS Studio to capture the M³ media window.
Optional separate media scene for images An optional scene to select an alternative scene for showing images. This is useful if you want to show images in a different way than videos (for example, with the stage overlaid in a picture-in-picture style).
OBS Studio scene to display Zoom participants An optional scene to quickly and efficiently manage the display of Zoom participants during hybrid meetings.

When this scene is configured, the behavior of the Media Presentation mode changes somewhat. When in this mode, a toggle button will appear which, when enabled, will cause the media window to be hidden, and the Zoom scene to be shown. The OBS scene picker will also be hidden. Sharing media will automatically show the media scene as per usual, and after sharing media, the media window will disappear immediately.

When the toggle is disabled, the media window and scene pickers will be shown again.
Enable Zoom integration When enabled, this feature will attempt to automate various pre-meeting (mute all, enable the Kingdom Hall’s video/audio, disable the option for participants to unmute themselves), in-meeting (select participants to spotlight and unmute them, or to mute them, lower their hand and remove the spotlight) and post-meeting (disable the Kingdom Hall’s video feed, allow participants to unmute themselves) tasks.

Note: This is still a beta feature. Please test test it thoroughly before implementing it and always verify that the automation was correctly executed.
Zoom participant name This is the name that M³ will use to join the Zoom meeting.
Zoom Meeting ID The Meeting ID of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Password The password of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Spotlight video when starting the meeting When enabled, M³ will automatically spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed when the “start meeting” automation is executed.
Hide Zoom component by default When enabled, the Zoom component will be hidden by default. The Zoom component is a required floating component that represents the M³ participant in the Zoom meeting. You can control the M³ participant with it.
Automatically perform start meeting actions When enabled, M³ will automatically perform the “start meeting” actions, a configured amount of minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start. These actions are: disallow participants to unmute themselves, mute all, ask host to enable video and microphone and optionally spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed.
Automatically rename Zoom participants With this setting, you can add a rename rule to automatically rename certain Zoom participants. This is useful if you want to rename participants who consistently join with a wrong or incomplete name. Rules must be entered in the following format: Old Name=New Name.
Enable beta updates for testing purposes When enabled, M³ will automatically receive beta updates, which are released daily and contain the latest features and fixes.

Note: Do not enable this setting on the computer used to present media at the Kingdom Hall.
Disable automatic app update When this option is enabled, M³ will not automatically self-update when closed.
Disable hardware acceleration Only enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with media presentation mode. Changing this setting will cause M³ to restart.

Congregation sync setup

See the Congregation sync section for details on what this does exactly and how to configure this section.

Media setup

Setting Explanation
Media language Select the language of your congregation or group. All media will be downloaded from JW.org in this language.
Fallback media language This language is used whenever the primary media language is not available.

For example, if you select Irish as your media language and English as your fallback, whenever a publication or video is not available in Irish, it will be fetched in English.
Maximum resolution for videos Videos downloaded from JW.org will be downloaded at this resolution, or the next available lower resolution. Useful for limited or low-bandwidth situations.
Enable subtitles for videos Enable this option if you want to fetch subtitles for videos, whenever available. Subtitles will be shown by default, but can be toggled on/off while presenting. The vertical position of the subtitles can be changed by clicking the subtitles icon inside the video preview.
Convert media to MP4 format This will automatically convert all picture and audio files into MP4 format, for use with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing feature during fully remote congregation Zoom meetings. This includes all pictures and media files downloaded from JW.org, as well as additional media files added by the user or the VO.

Note: This option is best suited for remote-only congregation Zoom meetings. If conducting either hybrid or regular congregation meetings, look into using Media Presentation mode by activating the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option instead, and disable this option.
Keep original media files after conversion If this setting is enabled, picture and audio files will be kept in the media folder after being converted to MP4 format, rather than deleted. This will result in a slightly more cluttered media folder, and generally does not need to be enabled if sharing media through Zoom MP4 sharing. (See Convert media to MP4 format above.)

Note: Only visible if Convert media to MP4 format is also enabled.
Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window This setting will allow you to use M³ to present pictures, videos and audio files during hybrid or in-person congregation meetings. The media playback management screen can then be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³.

The media presentation screen will automatically use an external monitor if present; if not, the media will be displayed in a separate, resizable window.

Note: This option is best suited for either hybrid or regular congregation meetings.

If conducting remote-only congregation Zoom meetings, look into activating the Convert media to MP4 format option and sharing the media with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing instead.
Background image for media presentation mode By default, M³ will attempt to fetch the current year’s text in the language selected previously, in order to display it on a black background when in Media Presentation mode and no other media is being played. If the automatic yeartext retrieval fails for some reason, or if you wish to display a different background image, you can either use the ‘Browse’ button to select a custom picture, or the ‘Refresh’ button to try fetching the yeartext automatically again.

Note: If Congregation sync is enabled, selecting a custom background image will synchronize it for all congregation sync users automatically.
Hide media window after media finished playing If enabled, the media window will be hidden immediately after each media file has finished playing.

Note: This setting is especially useful for sign-language meetings.
Automatically play first media item If enabled, the first media item in the media list will automatically start playing a configurable number of minutes before the meeting is supposed to start.
Enable keyboard shortcuts during media playback This setting allows you to set custom key combinations to play and stop media. This is useful in combination with a USB remote control, for example.
Create playlists for use with VLC Enable this if you want to generate playlists for every meeting automatically, which can then be loaded in VLC, if you are using that app to display media instead of Media Presentation mode.
Exclude all media from the th brochure If enabled, this will prevent media from the Apply Yourself brochure from being included at every midweek meeting.
Exclude Enjoy Life Forever images outside the Congregation Bible Study If enabled, this will prevent images from the Live Forever book (lff) from being included, for example for student assignments during the midweek meeting.
Include printed media when available If enabled, renderings of the printed editions of publications will be included when available. This could be useful for some tables or groups of images that are clearer in printed form.

Meeting setup

Setting Explanation
Special congregation If enabled, no media will be downloaded from JW.org. Only manually added media will be available. This is useful for theocratic schools, for example.
Midweek meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the midweek meeting; used for folder naming and automatic background music fade-out (see below).
Weekend meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the weekend meeting.
Next planned visit of the circuit overseer When you select a date for the next planned visit of the circuit overseer, M³ will automatically set the midweek meeting day for that week to Tuesday, skip the Congregation Bible Study media, as well as skip the concluding Kingdom songs for both meetings.

Note: When using a congregation server, make sure to enforce this setting so that all connected brothers have the same circuit overseer visit date configured.
Enable button to play background music Enable a button on the main screen which will play Kingdom songs from the sjjm series, in random order. This is useful, for example, to play songs before and after meetings at the Kingdom Hall as background music. To the right of this option is a button to download all available Kingdom songs, which could be useful to prevent buffering delays.
Background music playback volume Sets the volume at which the background music will play.
Play background music automatically before meetings If enabled, background music will automatically start playing at app startup when it’s a meeting day and the meeting is starting in less than an hour.
Automatically stop playing background music If Enable button to play background music is active, then this setting will allow you to specify a delay after which background music should be automatically stopped. This can be either a set number of minutes, or a predetermined number of seconds before the start of the meeting (in the case where the background music was started before a meeting).

Screenshots of the settings screen

Application setup
Application setup
Media setup
Media setup
Meeting setup
Meeting setup

Issues and feature requests

How do I report an issue or bug I encountered?

If ever you run into any issues with M³, please use GitHub Issues to report it. Bug fixes are issued on a regularly basis, usually monthly.

How can I request new features?

I’m open to suggestions! Please use GitHub Discussions to discuss potential new features.

Anmärkningar om teknisk användning

Programmet ska köras som på de flesta moderna datorer som kör Windows, Linux eller macOS.

Windows: Installation och första uppstart

När du öppnar installationsprogrammet kan du få ett fel som indikerar att “Windows SmartScreen förhindrade en okänd app från att starta”. Detta beror på att programmet inte har ett stort antal nedladdningar, och följaktligen inte är uttryckligen “betrodd” av Windows. För att komma runt detta klickar du bara på “Mer info” och sedan “Kör ändå”.

Linux: Installation och första uppstart

Enligt officiell AppImage-dokumentation, om appen inte öppnas ordentligt, bekräfta utmatningen av följande kommando:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Om utdata är 0 kommer AppImage inte att köras om du inte kör följande kommando, följt av en omstart:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Se till att du läser på vad detta innebär innan du gör detta.

macOS: Installation och första uppstart

Om du när du startar appen får en varning om att appen inte kan öppnas, antingen för att “den inte laddades ner från App Store” eller för att “utvecklaren inte kan verifieras”, så hjälper denna Apples supportsida dig att komma förbi det.

Om du får ett meddelande som indikerar att du “inte har behörighet att öppna programmet”, försök med några lösningar från denna sida, exempelvis genom att köra följande kommando i Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Problem med ljud- eller mikrofonbehörigheter i macOS Sonoma

Från och med macOS Sonoma, kan vissa användare kan stöta på ett problem där M³ upprepade gånger ger ett felmeddelande som indikerar att den behöver tillgång till mikrofonen. Följande kommando i Terminal.app har löst problemet för vissa:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Automatisk uppdatering

Till skillnad från Windows och Linux är autouppdatering inte implementerat på macOS och kommer troligen av tekniska skäl aldrig att bli det heller. Men en av två saker kommer att hända för macOS-användare när en uppdatering är tillgänglig:

  • M³ kommer att försöka hämta uppdateringspaketet och öppna det automatiskt, varefter användaren måste manuellt slutföra installationen av M³-uppdateringen genom att dra och släppa den uppdaterade programmet till sin programmapp. Sedan kommer de att kunna starta den nyligen uppdaterade M³ från sin programmapp som vanligt.
  • Om föregående steg misslyckas i något skede, kommer M³ att visa en avisering som indikerar att en uppdatering är tillgänglig, med en länk till själva uppdateringen. En röd, pulserande notifiering kommer också att visas på inställningsknappen i huvudskärmen på M³. M³ versionsnummer i inställningar kommer att förvandlas till en knapp som öppnar senaste utgåvans nedladdningssida automatiskt.


Använda mediapresentationsläget

Mediepresentationen och kontrolllägena är designade för enkelhet och för att förhindra misstag under möten.

När alternativet Visa media på en extern skärm eller i ett separat fönster är aktiverat, kommer mediapresentationsskärmen automatiskt att visas på den externa monitorn om den finns, eller i ett separat, dragbart och storleksändringsbart fönster om ingen extern monitor upptäcktes.

Bildskärmen för media kommer att visa bakgrundsbilden som är konfigurerad i inställningarna. Om ingen bakgrundsbild har konfigurerats kommer M³ att försöka hämta och visa årstexten automatiskt.

Om ingen bakgrundsbild är konfigurerad i inställningarna och årstexten inte kunde laddas automatiskt, kommer en svart bakgrund att visas i standbyläge.

Mediekontrolläget kan nås genom att klicka på knappen ▶️ (spela upp) på huvudskärmen i M³, eller genom att använda kortkommandot Alt D (för extern skärm).

I mediapresentationsläge kan du välja vilket datum du vill visa media för. Om den aktuella dagens mapp finns kommer den automatiskt att väljas. När ett datum är valt kan du kan fortfarande ändra det valda datumet när som helst genom att klicka på knappen datumval i det översta avsnittet.

Presentera media

För att spela upp media trycker du på ▶️ (play) knappen för den fil du vill visa. För att dölja media trycker du på ⏹️ (stopp) knappen. En video kan spolas bakåt eller framåt om videon pausats. Observera att stoppknappen för videor måste tryckas på två gånger för att förhindra oavsiktligt stopp under uppspelningen. Videor stoppas automatiskt när de har spelats upp i sin helhet.

Extra funktioner

M³ har några extra funktioner som kan användas för att förbättra mediepresentationen.

Visa JW.org

För att visa JW.org kan du trycka på ⋮ (ellipsis) knappen överst på skärmen och välja Öppna JW.org. Detta kommer att öppna ett nytt fönster med JW.org. Mediafönstret kommer också att visa JW.org. Nu kan du använda fönstret för att navigera på JW.org, och mediafönstret kommer att visa dina val. När du är klar med att visa JW.org, kan du stänga fönstret och fortsätta med vanliga mediapresentationsläget.

Zooma bilder

När en bild visas kan du rulla mushjulet över bilden för att zooma in och ut. Alternativt kan du också dubbelklicka på bilden för att zooma in. Dubbelklick kommer att växla zoomnivåerna 1,5x, 2x, 3x, 4x och tillbaka till 1x. Du kan också hålla och dra bilden för att panorera runt bilden.

Sortera medialista

Medialistan kan sorteras genom att klicka på sorteringsknappen längst upp till höger på skärmen. Mediaobjekten kommer att ha en knapp bredvid som kan användas för att dra medieobjektet upp eller ner i listan. När du är nöjd med ordningen kan du klicka på sorteringsknappen igen för att låsa beställningen.

Lägg till en sista minuten-sång

Om du behöver lägga till en sista-minuten-sång till medialistan du kan trycka på knappen <unk> + (lägg till sång) högst upp på skärmen. En rullgardinsmeny visas med en lista över alla Rikets sånger. När du väljer en, kommer den omedelbart att läggas till i överst på medialistan och kan spelas upp direkt. Den kommer antingen att strömma sången från JW.org, eller spela upp den från lokala minnet om den tidigare laddats ner.

Genomför hybridmöten med en kombination av M³, OBS Studio och Zoom

Det överlägset enklaste sättet att dela media under hybridmöten är att konfigurera OBS Studio, M³ och Zoom för att fungera tillsammans.

Första konfiguration: Rikets sal-dator

Ställ in den externa bildskärmens skärmupplösning till 1280x720, eller något i närheten av det.

Konfigurera datorns ljudkorts utgång så att den går till en av mixerns ingångar och mixerns kombinerade utgång för att gå till datorns ljudkortsingång.

Ställa in: OBS Studio

Installera OBS Studio, eller ladda ner den portabla versionen.

Om du använder den portabla versionen av OBS Studio, installera plugin-programmet Virtualcam och om du använder den portabla versionen av OBS Studio, lägg till den virtuella kameran till Windows genom att dubbelklicka på det medföljande installationsskriptet.

Om du har OBS Studio v27 eller äldre, måste du installera obs-websocket plugin. Annars ingår obs-websocket. Konfigurera ett portnummer och lösenord för obs-websocket.

I OBS-inställningarna, under Allmänt > systemfältet, aktivera alla kryssrutor. Under Output > Streaming, aktivera en hårdvarukodare om tillgänglig. Under Video > Base (Canvas) resolution och Output (Scaled) Resolution, välj 1280x720och under Downscale Filterväljer du Bilinear.

Konfigurera minst 2 scener: en för media display (Window Capture eller Display Capture med muspekaren inaktiverad och lämplig fönstertitel/bildskärm vald), och en för scenvyn (Video Capture Device med RS-kameran vald). Du kan också lägga till en annan scen speciellt för bilder, där mediafönstret är synligt tillsammans med podiet i en bild-i-bild-stil. Du kan lägga till så många scener som krävs, med kameran justerad, zooma in och beskurna efter behov (talarstol, läsare, bordsvy etc.).

Aktivera Scaling/Aspect Ratio filtret på alla Window Capture eller Display Capture ingångar, med en upplösning av Base (Canvas) resolution. Detta kommer att säkerställa att mediafönstret alltid skalas till den virtuella kamerans utdataupplösning.

Lägg till en genväg till OBS Studio, med parametern --startvirtualcam, till Startup-mappen i Windows användarprofil, för att säkerställa att OBS Studio startar automatiskt när användaren loggar in.

Ställa in: Zoom på Rikets sal

Zoom bör konfigureras för att använda dubbla bildskärmar. Aktivera globala kortkommandon för Zoom för att stänga av/på ljudet från Rikets sal i Zoom (Alt A), och starta/stoppa videoflöde i Zoom (Alt V).

Ställ in standard “mikrofon” för att vara mixerns kombinerade utgång (så att allt som hörs över Rikets sals ljudsystem sänds över Zoom, inklusive mikrofoner och media) och “kameran” att vara den virtuella kameran från OBS Studio .

Ställa in: M³

Aktivera alternativet Visa media på en extern skärm eller i ett separat fönster.

Aktivera och konfigurera OBS Studio-kompatibilitetsläget med hjälp av port- och lösenordsinformationen som konfigurerats i OBS Studio-konfigurationssteget.

Startar mötet

Starta Zoom-mötet och flytta fönstret för Zoom-möten till den externa bildskärmen. Gör det till fullskärm om så önskas. Det är här som alla deltagare på distans kommer att visas för församlingen.

När Zoom-mötet visas på den externa skärmen, öppna M³. Presentationsfönstret öppnas automatiskt ovanpå Zoom på den externa skärmen. Synkronisera media vid behov och ange mediekontrolläget genom att klicka på knappen ▶️ (play) på huvudskärmen på M³, eller Alt D.

Aktivera Rikets salens videoflöde (Alt V), och spotlighta videoflödet vid behov så att Zoom deltagarna ser Rikets salscenen. Slå av/på ljudflödet från Rikes sal i Zoom (Alt A). Det bör inte vara nödvändigt att inaktivera video-eller ljudflödet i Zoom under mötet. För att säkerställa bästa ljudkvalitét för deltagare på distansmöten säkerställ att “Original sound for musicians” är aktiverat i Zoom.

Starta uppspelning av bakgrundsmusik med knappen längst ner till vänster, eller Alt K.

Sänder delar från Rikets salens podie över Zoom

Ingen åtgärd krävs.

Olika kameravinklar/zoom kan väljas under mötet genom att använda menyn längst ned i M³ mediauppspelningskontrollfönstret; den här menyn innehåller en lista över alla konfigurerade kameravyscener i OBS.

Dela media i Rikets sal och över Zoom

Hitta media du vill dela i M³ medieuppspelningskontrollfönstret och tryck på “spela upp”-knappen.

När du är klar med att dela media, tryck på “stopp”-knappen i M³. Observera att videoklipp stoppas automatiskt.

Visar zoomdeltagare på skärmen i Rikets sal

Tryck på knappen “dölj/visa mediapresentationsläget” i nedre högra hörnet av M³ media styrenheten, eller Alt Z, att dölja media presentationsfönstret. Zoommötet kommer nu att synas i skärmen på Rikets sal.

Om deltagaren har media att visa, följ stegen under underrubriken Dela media i Rikets sal och över Zoom.

När deltagaren har avslutat sin del, Tryck på knappen “dölja/visa mediapresentationsläget” i nedre högra hörnet av M³ kontrollfönstret, eller Alt Z, för att visa media presentationsfönstret. Skärmen i Rikets sal kommer nu att visa årstexten.

Genomför hybridmöten med endast M³ och Zoom

Om du av någon anledning inte vill använda OBS Studio, kan följande förslag kanske hjälpa dig att ställa in saker och ting så enkelt som möjligt.

Ställa in: Rikets sal-datorn

Samma som motsvarande avsnitt ovan. Med tillägg av den globala kortkommandot för Zoom för att starta/stoppa skärmdelning (Alt S). “Kamera” kommer att vara kameraflödet från Rikets sal.

Ställa in: M³ utan OBS Studio

Aktivera alternativet Visa media på en extern skärm eller i ett separat fönster.

Startar mötet utan OBS Studio

Samma som motsvarande avsnitt ovan.

Sänder delar från Rikets salens podie över Zoom utan OBS Studio

Samma som motsvarande avsnitt ovan.

Dela media i Rikets sal och över Zoom utan OBS Studio

Börja dela i Zoom genom att trycka på Alt S. I Zoom-delningsfönstret som dyker upp väljer du den externa bildskärmen och aktiverar båda kryssrutorna längst ner till vänster (för ljud- och videooptimering). Årstexten kommer nu att delas över Zoom.

Hitta media du vill dela i M³ medieuppspelningskontrollfönstret och tryck på “spela upp”-knappen.

När du är klar med att dela media, tryck på Alt S för att avsluta delning av zoomskärm.

Visar fjärrzoomdeltagare på skärmen i Rikets sal utan OBS Studio

Samma som motsvarande avsnitt ovan.

Skärmdumpar av presentationsläge

Blå uppspelningsknapp för att komma in i mediekontrolläget
Blå uppspelningsknapp för att komma in i mediekontrolläget
Lista över media som är redo att presenteras
Lista över media som är redo att presenteras
Standard mediebakgrund, med automatiskt genererad årstext
Standard mediebakgrund, med automatiskt genererad årstext
Visar en bild
Visar en bild
Spelar upp en video
Spelar upp en video
Flytta till en specifik tidpunkt i en video
Flytta till en specifik tidpunkt i en video

Hantera media

Mediahanteringsskärmen låter användaren lägga till eller ta bort media för ett givet möte, hantera återkommande media och till och med lägga till specialmedia för andra datum då inget möte normalt är schemalagt.

Hantera media för en viss dag

För att hantera media för ett visst möte eller dag, klicka bara på den dagens ruta på huvudskärmen i M³. För att hantera media som upprepas vid varje möte, klicka på rutan för Återkommande media.

Lägger till media

Så här lägger du till media från mediehanteringsskärmen.

Alternativ Förklaring
Typ av uppladdning Välj mellan en av de tre medietyperna (se nedan).
Media att lägga till Beror på vald mediatyp (se nedan).
Filnamnsprefix Upp till 6 siffror kan läggas till före mediafilnamnen, för att hjälpa till med sorteringen.
Medialista Detta visar de för närvarande planerade media för det valda datumet.

I fältet Media att lägga till kommer du att presenteras med olika alternativ, beroende på vald mediatyp.

Mediatyp Fältet Media att lägga till
Sång … visa en meny med alla Rikets sång-videor från sjjm -sångboken, på mediaspråket. Välj det här alternativet för att till exempel lägga till en sång för det offentliga föreläsningen, eller för kretsbesöket.

Den valda sången kommer automatiskt att laddas ner från JW.org, på församlingens eller gruppens språk, som konfigurerats i Inställningar.
JWPUB … låter dig bläddra till (eller dra och släppa) en JWPUB-fil.

Du blir då ombedd att välja det avsnitt eller kapitel som du vill lägga till media från. Detta kommer att lägga till både inbäddade och refererade medier från den delen i JWPUB-filen.

Ett exempel på en vanlig JWPUB-fil är S-34, men vilken JWPUB-fil som helst kan användas här.
Anpassa … låter dig bläddra till (eller dra och släppa) andra mediefil(er) från din dator.

Observera att alla PDF-filer och SVG-filer automatiskt konverteras till högupplösta bilder av M³.
JW.ORG … låter dig välja en video från de senaste videoklippen på JW.org.

Ta bort, dölja och visa media

För att ta bort, dölja eller visa media, leta upp den mediefil du inte vill ha och klicka på den relevanta ikonen.

En röd 🟥 (ta bort) ikon En ☑️ (markerad kryssruta)-ikon En 🔲-ikon (omarkerad kryssruta)
Mediafilen lades till dagens media av dig eller mötesorganisatören. Mediafilen refereras till i mötets material.

Den kommer att laddas ned från JW.org eller extraheras från aktuell publikation.
Mediafilen refereras till i mötets material.

Dold av dig eller av MO, så den kommer inte bli nedladdat eller tillagd som media.

Skärmdumpar av mediehanteringsskärmen

Lägger till en sång för offentliga föredraget
Lägger till en sång för offentliga föredraget
Lägger till ytterligare en bild
Lägger till ytterligare en bild
Importera media från en sektion i en JWPUB-fil
Importera media från en sektion i en JWPUB-fil
Förhandsgranska media från en JWPUB-fil innan import
Förhandsgranska media från en JWPUB-fil innan import
Byter namn på en mediefil
Byter namn på en mediefil


M³ kräver inte administrativa rättigheter för att installera eller köra. För att installera M³, helt enkelt ladda ner det senaste installationsprogrammet och kör den.

Operativsystem Fil att ladda ner
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

Vad kommer härnäst?

Konfigurera appen med hjälp av skärmen Inställningar.

Problem att installera?

Kontrollera Anmärkningar om teknisk användning för hjälp.


Är den här appen beroende av externa sajter eller källor för att ladda ner publikationer och mötesmedia?

Nej. Appen beter sig på samma sätt som JW Library. Detta laddar ner publikationer och media direkt från den officiella JW.org webbplatsen. Vid körning bestämmer appen automatiskt vad som behöver laddas ner, till exempel mediefiler och publikationer. Källkoden är tillgänglig för alla som önskar undersöka och verifiera detta.

Bryter den här appen mot JW.orgs användarvillkor?

Nej. JW.org:s användarvillkor tillåter faktiskt uttryckligen den typ av användning som vi gör. Här är ett utdrag från dessa villkor (fetstilt av mig):

Du får inte:

Skapa eller distribuera programvaror, verktyg eller tekniker som är utformade för att samla in, kopiera, ladda ner, extrahera, utvinna eller skrapa data, html, bilder eller text från den här webbplatsen. (Det här förbjuder inte distribuering av gratis, icke-kommersiella program som laddar ner digitala filer i format som EPUB, PDF, MP3 och MP4 från allmänna delar av den här webbplatsen.)


Brodern som utsetts till mötesorganisatör (MO) av de äldste kan använda M³ för att hantera vilka media som görs tillgängliga för det tekniska A/V-supportteamet i hans församling.

Mötesorganisatören eller någon utsedd av honom, kan:

  • ladda upp ytterligare media som ska delas under ett möte, till exempel för kretstillsyningsmannens besök eller för offentliga föreläsningar
  • dölj media från JW.org som inte är relevant för ett visst möte, till exempel när en del har ersatts av den lokala avdelningskontoret
  • lägg till eller ta bort återkommande media, till exempel en årstextvideo eller en meddelandebild

Alla som synkroniseras till samma församling kommer då att få exakt samma media när de klickar på knappen: Uppdatera mediamappar.

Observera att funktionen för församlingssynkronisering är helt valfri.

Hur det fungerar

M³:s underliggande synkningsmekanism använder WebDAV. Detta innebär att MO (eller någon under hans övervakning) behöver antingen:

  • konfigurera en säker WebDAV-server som är tillgänglig på webben, eller
  • använd en tredjeparts molnlagringstjänst som stöder WebDAV-protokollet (se Webaddress inställningar i avsnittet Inställningar för församlingssynkronisering nedan).

Alla användare som vill synkroniseras tillsammans måste ansluta till samma WebDAV-server med hjälp av den anslutningsinformation och uppgifter som tillhandahålls av deras MO.

Inställningar för församlingssynkronisering

Inställning Förklaring
Värdnamn WebDAV-serverns webbadress. Säker HTTP (HTTPS) krävs.

Obs: Knappen för webbadress kommer att visa en lista över WebDAV-leverantörer som har varit kända för att vara kompatibla med M³. Den kommer automatiskt att förfylla vissa inställningar för dessa leverantörer.

Denna lista tillhandahålls som förslag och representerar inte på något sätt en rekommendering av någon viss tjänst eller leverantör. Den bästa servern är alltid den du själv äger…
Användarnamn Användarnamn för WebDAV-tjänsten.
Lösenord Lösenord för WebDAV-tjänsten.

Obs: Som beskrivs på deras respektive supportsidor, ett appspecifikt lösenord kan behöva skapas för Box och Koofr för att kunna aktivera WebDAV-anslutningar till sina tjänster.
Församlingens synkroniseringsmapp Detta är den mapp som kommer att användas för att synkronisera media för alla församlingens synkroniseringsanvändare. Du kan antingen skriva / klistra in i en sökväg, eller använda muspekaren för att navigera till målmappen.

Obs: Se till att alla församlingsanvändare anger samma mappsökväg; annars fungerar synkningen inte som förväntat.
Övergripande församlingsinställningar När MO har konfigurerat Mediainställningar och Mötesinställningar avsnitt i Inställningar på sin egen dator, han kan sedan använda denna knapp för att genomdriva vissa inställningar för alla församlingssynkningsanvändare (till exempel mötesdagar, mediaspråk, konverteringsinställningar och så vidare). Detta innebär att de valda inställningarna kommer att påtvingas alla synkroniserade användare varje gång de öppnar M³.

Använder församlingssynkronisering för att hantera media

När konfigureringen av församlingssynkroniseringen är klar är du redo att starta Hantera media för din församlings tekniska AV-supportteam.

Skärmdumpar av församlingssynkronisering i aktion

Inställningar för församlingssynkronisering
Inställningar för församlingssynkronisering


Inställningar är uppdelad i 4 sektioner. De flesta av alternativen är självförklarande, men här är några ytterligare detaljer.


Inställning Förklaring
Offlineläge Om aktiverad, kommer M³ inte att försöka ansluta till JW.org eller din församlingsserver. Detta är användbart vid dålig internetanslutning eller om du vill spara bandbredd.
Temainställningar Välj det tema du föredrar. Om du väljer System kommer M³ att använda systemets tema.
Församlingsnamn Namnet på din församling. Detta används när flera församlingar delar samma dator.
Programspråk Anger vilket språk som M³ visas på.

Tack till våra frivilliga för översättningen av appen till så många språk! Om du vill hjälpa till att förbättra en befintlig översättning eller lägga till en ny, öppna en ny -diskussion.
Mapp för media Mötesmedia kommer att sparas i den här mappen för senare delning och användning.
Anpassad cache-sökväg Som standard sparas publikationer och annan data i en separat katalog för varje användare. Du kan ändra denna katalog om du vill dela cachade data mellan flera användare på samma dator.
Datumformat för mötesmappar Datumformatet som används för mötesmapparna.

Obs: Vid användning av en församlingsserver, se till att alla använder samma datumformat genom att tvinga igenom inställningen i Övergripande församlingsinställningar.
Starta programmet när datorn startas Om aktiverad, kommer M³ att startas när datorn startas.

Obs: Ej tillgänglig på Linux.
Initiera mediasynkronisering automatiskt Om aktiverad, kommer detta alternativ automatiskt att starta en mediasynkning 5 sekunder efter att M³ har startats.

För att förhindra att den automatiska synkroniseringen startar när denna inställning är aktiverad, Tryck på knappen⏸(pausa) innan 5-sekunders timern är nedräknad.
Öppna mapp efter mediasynkronisering När den är aktiverad öppnas mappen som innehåller det nedladdade mediet för den valda veckan i datorns filhanterare efter att mediesynkroniseringen är klar.
Stäng programmet efter mediasynkronisering Om aktiverad, kommer detta alternativ automatiskt att avsluta M³ 5 sekunder efter att mediasynkroniseringen är klar.

För att förhindra att M³ avslutas automatiskt när denna inställning är aktiverad, Tryck på 🏃 (person som springer) knappen innan 5-sekunders timern är nedräknad.
Aktivera OBS Studio kompabilitetsläge Om aktiverad, kommer det här alternativet att öppna OBS Studio för att ändra scener automatiskt efter behov både före och efter delning av media.

Om du aktiverar denna inställning se till att OBS Studio är konfigurerad att använda obs-websocket plugin, vilket gör det möjligt för M³ att kommunicera med OBS Studio.

Konfigurera även alla nödvändiga scener för mediadelning och scenvisning i OBS. Du behöver minst en scen med ett Window Capture (rekommenderas) eller Display Capture konfigurerad för att fånga M³ media presentationsfönstret, eller den skärm på vilken media kommer att presenteras.

Du måste också konfigurera alla scener för scenvisning, Till exempel: en scen för talarstolen, en bredare vy av scenen, etc.
Port Port där obs-websocket plugin är konfigurerad för att lyssna.
Lösenord Lösenordet konfigurerat i obs-websocket-pluginens inställningar.
Standard scenvy i OBS Studio Välj vilken scen som ska väljas som standard när presentationsläget för media startas. Vanligtvis en scen hela podiet, eller bara talarstolen.
Mediascen i OBS Studio Välj vilken scen som är konfigurerad i OBS Studio för att fånga M³-mediafönstret.
Valfri separat mediascen för bilder En valfri scen för att välja en alternativ scen för att visa bilder. Detta är användbart om du vill visa bilder på ett annat sätt än videor (till exempel med scenen överlagrad i en bild-i-bild-stil).
OBS Studio scen för att visa Zoomdeltagare En valfri scen för att snabbt och effektivt hantera visning av Zoomdeltagare under hybridmöten.

När denna scen är konfigurerad ändras beteendet något i Mediapresentationsläget. I detta läge visas en växlingsknapp som, när aktiverad, kommer att dölja mediafönstret och visa Zoom-scenen. OBS scenväljare kommer också att döljas. Delning av media kommer automatiskt att visa mediescenen som vanligt, och efter delning av media kommer mediafönstret att försvinna omedelbart.

När växlingsknappen är inaktiverad kommer mediafönstret och scenväljarna att visas igen.
Aktivera Zoom-integration När den är aktiverad kommer den här funktionen att försöka automatisera olika steg före möten (stänga av alla, aktivera Rikets salen video/ljud, inaktivera alternativet för deltagare att stänga av sig själva), under mötet (välj deltagare att spotlighta och avstänga dem, sänka sin hand och ta bort spotlight) och efter mötet (inaktivera salens videoflöde, tillåta deltagarna att stänga av sig).

Obs: Detta är fortfarande en beta-funktion. Testa det noggrant innan du implementerar det och verifiera alltid att automatiseringen har utförts korrekt.
Deltagarnamn Zoom Detta är namnet som M³ kommer att använda för att ansluta till Zoom-mötet.
Zoom mötes-ID Mötes-ID för Zoom-mötet som M³ ska ansluta till.
Lösenord Lösenordet för Zoom-mötet som M³ ska ansluta till.
Spotlighta video vid start av mötet När den är aktiverad kommer M³ automatiskt att spotlighta videoflödet när “starta möte” utförs.
Dölj Zoomkomponent som standard När den är aktiverad kommer Zoomkomponenten att döljas som standard. Zoomkomponenten är en obligatorisk flytande komponent som representerar M³-deltagaren i Zoommötet. Du kan styra M³ deltagaren med den.
Utför automatiskt startåtgärder för möten När detta är aktiverat kommer M³ automatiskt att utföra “starta mötet” åtgärder, ett konfigurerat antal minuter innan mötet är planerat att starta. Dessa åtgärder är: inte tillåta deltagare att unmuta sig själva, stänga av alla mikrofoner, be värden att aktivera video och mikrofon och eventuellt spotlighta salens videoflöde.
Namnge automatiskt deltagare i Zoom Med den här inställningen kan du lägga till en namnbytesregel för att automatiskt byta namn på vissa Zoomdeltagare. Detta är användbart om du vill byta namn på deltagare som ofta ansluter med ett felaktigt eller ofullständigt namn. Namngivningen måste anges i följande format: Gamla Namn=Nya Namn.
Aktivera beta-uppdateringar i testsyfte När den är aktiverad kommer M³ automatiskt att få beta-uppdateringar som släpps dagligen och innehåller de senaste funktionerna och åtgärderna.

Obs: Aktivera inte den här inställningen på datorn som används för att presentera media i Rikets sal.
Inaktivera automatisk uppdatering När det här alternativet är aktiverat kommer M³ inte automatiskt att uppdatera sig själv när den är stängd.
Inaktivera hårdvaruacceleration Aktivera endast den här inställningen om du upplever problem med presentationsläget. Om du ändrar denna inställning kommer M³ att startas om.

Inställningar för församlingssynkronisering

Se avsnittet Församlingssynkronisering för detaljer om exakt vad detta gör och hur du konfigurerar det här avsnittet.


Inställning Förklaring
Mediaspråk Välj språk för din församling eller grupp. Alla media kommer att laddas ner från JW.org på valt språk.
Reservspråk för media Detta språk används när det primära mediespråket inte är tillgängligt.

Till exempel, om du väljer irländska som ditt mediespråk och engelska som reservspråk. När en publikation eller video inte är tillgänglig på irländska, kommer den att hämtas på engelska.
Videoupplösning Videor hämtade från JW.org kommer att laddas ner med denna upplösning, eller nästa tillgängliga lägre upplösning. Användbar för situationer med begränsad eller låg bandbredd.
Aktivera undertexter för media Aktivera det här alternativet om du vill hämta undertexter för videor, när det är tillgängligt. Undertexter kommer att visas som standard, men kan slås på/av när du presenterar. Den vertikala positionen för undertexterna kan ändras genom att klicka på ikonen undertexter i förhandsgranskningen.
Konvertera media till MP4-format Detta kommer automatiskt konvertera alla bild- och ljudfiler till MP4-format, för användning med Zooms inbyggda MP4-delningsfunktion under rena distans möten via Zoom. Detta inkluderar alla bilder och mediafiler som laddas ner från JW.org, samt ytterligare mediafiler som lagts till av användaren eller mötesorganisatören.

Obs: Det här alternativet är bäst lämpat för rena Zoommöten. Om du genomför antingen hybrid eller vanliga församlingsmöten, titta på Media Presentation-läge genom att aktivera Presentera media på en extern bildskärm eller i ett separat fönster alternativ istället, och inaktivera det här alternativet.
Behåll ursprungliga filer efter konvertering. Om denna inställning är aktiverad, kommer bild- och ljudfiler att läggas i mediamappen efter konvertering till MP4-format, snarare än att tas bort. Detta kommer att resultera i en något mer belamrad mediemapp och behöver i allmänhet inte aktiveras om du delar media genom Zoom MP4-delning. (Se Konvertera media till MP4-format ovan.)

Obs: Endast synlig om Konvertera media till MP4-format är också aktiverat.
Visa media på en extern skärm eller i ett separat fönster Den här inställningen gör att du kan använda M³ för att presentera bilder, videor och ljudfiler under hybrid eller vanliga församlingsmöten. Skärmen för medieuppspelningshantering kan du sedan komma åt genom att klicka på knappen▶️ (play) på huvudskärmen i M³.

Presentationsskärmen kommer automatiskt använda en extern bildskärm om den finns; om inte så kommer mediet att visas i ett separat, skalbart fönster.

Obs!: Detta alternativ passar bäst för antingen hybrid eller vanliga församlingsmöten.

Om du utför ett rent Zoommöte, titta på att aktivera Konvertera media till MP4-format och dela media med Zooms ursprungliga MP4-delning istället.
Bakgrundsbild för mediavisning Som standard kommer M³ att försöka hämta årstexten på det språk som valts tidigare. Den kommer att visas på en svart bakgrund i Media Presentationsläget förutsatt inga andra medier visas. Om den automatiska årstexten misslyckas av någon anledning, eller om du vill visa en annan bakgrundsbild. Då kan du antingen använda “Bläddra” knappen för att välja en anpassad bild eller knappen “Uppdatera” för att försöka hämta årstexten igen.

Obs: Om Församlingssynkronisering är aktiverad och du väljer en anpassad bakgrundsbild kommer den att synkroniseras för alla användare automatiskt.
Dölj mediafönstret efter att media har spelat klart Om aktiverad, kommer mediafönstret att döljas omedelbart efter att varje mediafil har spelats upp.

Obs: Denna inställning är särskilt användbar för teckenspråksmöten.
Spela automatiskt upp första medieobjektet Om aktiverat kommer det första mediaobjektet i medialistan automatiskt att spelas upp i ett inställningsbart antal minuter innan mötet ska börja.
Aktivera kortkommandon under medieuppspelning Med den här inställningen kan du ställa in anpassade tangentkombinationer för att spela upp och stoppa media. Detta är användbart i kombination exempelvis med en USB fjärrkontroll.
Skapa spellistor för VLC Aktivera detta om du vill skapa spellistor för varje möte automatiskt, som sedan kan laddas i VLC, om du använder den appen för att visa media istället för Mediapresentationsläge.
Exkludera all media från tf-broschyren Om det är aktiverat kommer detta att förhindra att media från broschyren Bli bättre på att högläsa och undervisa tas med vid varje veckomöte.
Exkludera bilder från Ett hopp om en ljus framtid-boken utanför församlingens bibelstudium Om aktiverat kommer detta att förhindra att bilder från Ett hopp om en ljus framtid -boken (lff) tas med, till exempel vid elevuppgifter under veckomötet.
Inkludera tryckt media när det är tillgängligt Om aktiverad, kommer framställningar av de tryckta utgåvorna av publikationer att inkluderas när de är tillgängliga. Detta kan vara användbart för vissa tabeller eller grupper av bilder som är tydligare i tryckt form.


Inställning Förklaring
Specialförsamling Om aktiverad, kommer inga medier laddas ner från JW.org. Endast manuellt tillagda medier kommer att vara tillgängliga. Detta är till exempel användbart för teokratiska skolor.
Veckomöte Ange vanlig dag och tid för veckomötet; används för mappnamn och automatisk uttoning av bakgrundsmusik (se nedan).
Helgmöte Ange vanlig dag och tid för helgmötet.
Nästa planerade besök av kretstillsyningsmannen När du väljer ett datum för nästa planerade kretsbesök kommer M³ automatiskt att ställa in veckomötet för den veckan till tisdag. Den hoppar över mediat för församlingens bibelstudium och även den avslutande sången för båda mötena.

Obs: Vid användning av en församlingsserver, se till att tvinga in denna inställning så att alla anslutna bröder har samma datum inställt för kretsbesöket.
Aktivera knapp för att spela upp bakgrundsmusik Aktivera en knapp på huvudskärmen som kommer att spela Rikets sånger från sjjm i slumpmässig ordning. Detta är till exempel användbart för att spela bakgrundsmusik före och efter våra möten i Rikets sal. Till höger om detta alternativ finns en knapp för att ladda ner alla tillgängliga Rikets sånger, vilket kan vara användbart för att förhindra att sångerna börjar buffras under spelning.
Ljudvolym för bakgrundsmusik Ställer in volymen på bakgrundsmusiken.
Spela upp bakgrundsmusik automatiskt före möten Om aktiverad, kommer bakgrundsmusiken automatiskt att börja spelas när programmet startas på en mötesdag och om mötet börjar om mindre än en timme.
Stoppa bakgrundsmusiken automatiskt Om knappen för bakgrundsmusik är aktiv, kan du med denna inställning ange en fördröjning när bakgrundsmusiken automatiskt ska stoppas. Detta kan vara antingen ett bestämt antal minuter, eller ett förutbestämt antal sekunder innan mötet börjar (i det fall där bakgrundsmusiken startas före ett möte).

Skärmdumpar av inställningsskärmen


Problem och funktionsförfrågningar

Hur rapporterar jag ett problem eller en bugg som jag stött på?

Om du någonsin stöter på några problem med M³, använd GitHub Issues för att rapportera det. Buggfixar utfärdas regelbundet, vanligtvis varje månad.

Hur kan jag begära nya funktioner?

Jag är öppen för förslag! Använd GitHub Diskussioner för att diskutera eventuella nya funktioner.

Technical usage notes

The app should run as is on most modern computers running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Windows: Installation and first launch

On opening the installer, you might get an error indicating that “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting”. This is due to the app not having a high number of downloads, and consequently not being explicitly “trusted” by Windows. To get around this, simply click on “More info”, then “Run anyway”.

Linux: Installation and first launch

As per the official AppImage documentation, if the app fails to open properly, confirm the output of the following command:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

If the output is 0, then the AppImage will not run unless you run the following command, followed by a reboot:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Make sure you read up on what this entails before you do this.

macOS: Installation and first launch

If upon launching the app, you receive a warning that the app cannot be opened, either because “it was not downloaded from the App store” or because “the developer cannot be verified”, then this Apple support page will help you to get past that.

Če se prikaže sporočilo, da “nimaš dovoljenja za odprtje aplikacije”, poskusi z nekaterimi rešitvami, omenjenimi na tej strani, na primer z naslednjim ukazom v programu Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Težave z dovoljenji za zvok ali mikrofon v macOS Sonoma

Nekateri uporabniki operacijskega sistema macOS Sonoma lahko naletijo na težavo, ko program M³ večkrat prikaže sporočilo o napaki, s katero javlja, da potrebuje dostop do mikrofona. Izvršitev naslednjega ukaza v Terminal.app je pri nekaterih odpravilo težavo:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Unlike Windows and Linux, auto-update functionality is not implemented on macOS, and for technical reasons probably never will be. However, one of two things will happen for macOS users when an update is available:

  • M³ will attempt to download the update package and open it automatically, after which the user will have to manually complete the installation of the M³ update by dragging and dropping the updated app to their Applications folder. Then, they will be able to launch the newly updated M³ from their Applications folder as usual.
  • If the previous step fails at any stage, M³ will display a persistent notification indicating that an update is available, with a link to the update itself. A red, pulsing notification will also be displayed on the settings button in the main screen of M³. The M³ version number in the settings screen will turn into a button that, once clicked, opens the latest release’s download page automatically.

Media Presentation mode

Using media presentation mode

The media presentation and controller modes are designed for simplicity and to prevent mistakes during meetings.

Once the option Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window is enabled, the media presentation screen will automatically appear on the external monitor if present, or in a separate, draggable and resizable window if no external monitor was detected.

When in standby, the media presentation screen will display the background image that is configured in the settings. If no background image has been configured, then M³ will attempt to automatically fetch and display the yeartext.

If no background image is configured in the settings and the yeartext could not be loaded automatically, a black background will be displayed when on standby.

Media controller mode can be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or by using the keyboard shortcut Alt D (for external display).

Once you have entered controller mode, the folder selection screen will allow you to select the date for which you’d like to display media. If the current day’s folder exists, it will automatically be preselected. Once a date is selected, you can still change the selected date at any time by clicking on the date selection button, in the top section.

Presenting media

To play media, press the ▶️ (play) button for the file you’d like. To hide the media, press the ⏹️ (stop) button. A video can be rewound or fast-forwarded while paused, if desired. Please note that for videos, the stop button must be pressed twice to prevent accidentally and prematurely stopping a video while it is playing for the congregation. Videos will auto-stop when they have played in their entirety.

Extra Features

M³ has a few extra features that can be used to enhance the media presentation experience.

Present JW.org

To present JW.org, you can press the ⋮ (ellipsis) button at the top of the screen, and select Open JW.org. This will open a new controller window with JW.org loaded. The media window will also display JW.org. Now you can use the controller window to navigate JW.org, and the media window will display your actions. When you are done presenting JW.org, you can close the controller window, and continue with the normal media presentation mode.

Zoom and pan images

When an image is being displayed, you can scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the image preview to zoom in and out. Alternatively, you can also double click on the image preview to zoom in. Double clicking will alternate between 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x and back to 1x zoom. You can also hold and drag the image to pan around the image.

Sort the media list

The media list can be sorted by clicking the sort button at the top right of the screen. The media items will have a button appear next to them that can be used to drag the media item up or down in the list. When you are satisfied with the order, you can click the sort button again to lock the order.

Add a last-minute song

If you need to add a last-minute song to the media list, you can press the ♫ + (add song) button at the top of the screen. A dropdown will appear with a list of all the Kingdom songs. When you select one, it will immediately be added to the top of the media list and it can be played instantly. It will either stream the song from JW.org, or play the song from the local cache if it was previously downloaded.

Conducting hybrid meetings using a combination of M³, OBS Studio, and Zoom

By far the simplest way to share media during hybrid meetings is by configuring OBS Studio, M³ and Zoom to work together.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall computer

Set the external monitor’s screen resolution to 1280x720, or something close to that.

Configure the computer sound card’s output to go to one of the sound booth mixer’s inputs, and the sound booth mixer’s combined output to go to the computer’s sound card input.

Initial configuration: OBS Studio

Install OBS Studio, or download the portable version.

If using the portable version of OBS Studio, install the Virtualcam plugin, and if using the portable version of OBS Studio, add the virtual camera to Windows by double-clicking the provided installation script.

If you have OBS Studio v27 or older, you need to install the obs-websocket plugin. Otherwise obs-websocket is included. Configure a port number and password for obs-websocket.

In the OBS settings, under General > System Tray, enable all checkboxes. Under Output > Streaming, enable a hardware encoder if available. Under Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Set up at least 2 scenes: one for the media display (Window Capture or Display Capture with the mouse cursor disabled and the appropriate window title/monitor selected), and one for the stage view (Video Capture Device with the KH camera selected). You can also add another scene specifically for pictures, where the media window is visible along with the podium in a picture-in-picture style display. You may add as many scenes as required, with the camera adjusted, zoomed-in and cropped as needed (lectern view, conductor and reader view, table view, etc.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Add a shortcut to OBS Studio, with the --startvirtualcam parameter, to the Startup folder of the Windows user profile, to ensure that OBS Studio gets started automatically when the user logs in.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall Zoom

Zoom should be configured to use dual monitors. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Set the default “microphone” to be sound booth mixer’s combined output (so that everything that is heard over the Kingdom Hall sound system is transmitted over Zoom, including microphones and media) and the “camera” to be the virtual camera provided by OBS Studio.

Initial configuration: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Enable and configure OBS Studio compatibility mode, using the port and password information configured in the OBS Studio configuration step.

Starting the meeting

Start the Zoom meeting, and move the secondary Zoom meeting window to the external monitor. Make it fullscreen if desired. This is where any remote meeting participants will be displayed for the congregation to see.

Once the Zoom meeting is being displayed on the external monitor, open M³. The media presentation window will automatically open on top of Zoom on the external monitor. Sync media if necessary, and enter media controller mode by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or Alt D.

Enable the Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), and spotlight the Kingdom Hall video feed if necessary so that Zoom participants see the Kingdom Hall stage. Unmute the Kingdom Hall audio feed in Zoom (Alt A). It should not be necessary to disable the video or audio feed in Zoom for the duration of the meeting. Make sure that “Original sound for musicians” is enabled in Zoom, to ensure the best audio quality for remote meeting participants.

Start background music playback using the button on the bottom left, or Alt K.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom

No action necessary.

Various camera angles/zoom can be chosen during the meeting by using the menu on the bottom of the M³ media playback control window; this menu will contain a list of all configured camera view scenes in OBS.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, press the “stop” button in M³. Note that videos automatically stop upon completion.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor

Press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media controller screen, or Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. The Zoom meeting will now be visible on the Kingdom Hall monitor.

If the participant has media to show, follow the steps under the Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom subheading.

Once the participant has finished their part, press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media playback control window, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. The Kingdom Hall monitor will now show the yeartext.

Conducting hybrid meetings using only M³ and Zoom

If you do not wish to use OBS Studio for any reason, the following suggestions will perhaps help you to set things up as simply as possible.

Initial configuration without OBS: Kingdom Hall computer

Same as corresponding section above. With the addition of the global keyboard shortcut for Zoom for starting/stopping screen sharing (Alt S). The “camera” will be the camera feed from the Kingdom Hall camera.

Initial configuration without OBS: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Starting the meeting without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom without OBS

Start sharing in Zoom by hitting Alt S. In the Zoom sharing window that pops up, choose the external monitor and enable both checkboxes on the bottom left (for sound and video optimization). The yeartext will now be shared over Zoom.

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, hit Alt S to end Zoom screen sharing.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Screenshots of Presentation Mode

Modri gumb za predvajanje za vstop v način multimedijskega krmilnika
Modri gumb za predvajanje za vstop v način multimedijskega krmilnika
Seznam multimedije, ki je pripravljena za predvajanje
Seznam multimedije, ki je pripravljena za predvajanje
Privzeto multimedijsko ozadje s samodejno ustvarjenim letnim stavkom
Privzeto multimedijsko ozadje s samodejno ustvarjenim letnim stavkom
Prikaz slike
Prikaz slike
Predvajanje videoposnetka
Predvajanje videoposnetka
Premik na točno določen čas v videoposnetku
Premik na točno določen čas v videoposnetku

Upravljanje multimedijske vsebine

Na zaslonu za upravljanje multimedijske vsebine lahko uporabnik dodaja ali odstranjuje multimedijsko vsebino za kateri koli shod, upravlja ponavljajočo se multimedijsko vsebino in celo dodaja posebno multimedijsko vsebino za druge datume, za katere običajno ni načrtovan noben shod.

Upravljanje multimedijske vsebine za kateri koli dan

Če želite upravljati multimedijsko vsebino za določen shod ali dan, preprosto kliknite na ploščico tistega dne na glavnem zaslonu M³. Če želite upravljati multimedijsko vsebino, ki se ponavlja na vsakem shodu, kliknite na ploščico Ponavljajoča se multimedijska vsebina.

Dodajanje multimedijske vsebine

Takole lahko dodate multimedijsko vsebino z zaslona za urejanje multimedijske vsebine.

Možnost Pojasnilo
Vrsta nalaganja Izberite eno od treh vrst multimedijskih vsebin (glej spodaj).
Multimedijske vsebine, ki jih želite dodati Odvisno od izbrane vrste multimedijske vsebine (glej spodaj).
Predpona imena datoteke Pred ime multimedijske datoteke lahko dodate do 6 številk za lažje razvrščanje.
Seznam multimedijske vsebine To prikazuje trenutno načrtovano multimedijsko vsebino za izbrani datum.

V polju Multimedijske vsebine, ki jih želite dodati so na voljo različne možnosti, odvisno od izbrane vrste multimedijskih vsebin.

Vrsta multimedijske vsebine Polje Multimedijske vsebine, ki jih želite dodati
Pesem … prikaže meni z vsemi videoposnetki kraljestvenih pesmi iz serije sjjm v jeziku multimedijske vsebine. To možnost izberite, če želite na primer dodati pesem za javni govor ali za obiske okrajnega nadzornika.

Izbrana pesem bo samodejno prenesena s spletne strani jw.org v jeziku občine ali skupine, kot je nastavljeno v Nastavitvah.
JWPUB … omogoča, da na računalniku poiščete datoteko JWPUB (ali pa jo povlečete in spustite).

Nato boste morali izbrati razdelek ali poglavje, iz katerega želite dodati multimedijsko vsebino. S tem bo dodana tako vdelana multimedijska vsebina kot tudi vsebina iz referenc iz izbranega razdelka datoteke JWPUB.

Primer pogosto uporabljene datoteke JWPUB je S-34, vendar lahko uporabite katero koli datoteko JWPUB.
Po meri … omogoča, da na računalniku poiščete katero koli drugo multimedijsko datoteko (ali pa jo povlečete in spustite).

Upoštevajte, da bo program M³ vse datoteke PDF in SVG samodejno pretvoril v slike visoke ločljivosti.
jw.org … vam omogoča, da izberete videoposnetek med najnovejšimi objavljenimi videoposnetki na jw.org.

Odstranjevanje, skrivanje in prikazovanje multimedijske vsebine

Če želite odstraniti, skriti ali prikazati multimedijsko vsebino, preprosto poiščite multimedijsko datoteko, ki je ne potrebujete, in kliknite na ustrezno ikono.

Rdeča 🟥 (izbriši) ikona Ikona ☑️ (odkljukano potrditveno polje) Ikona 🔲 (neodkljukano potrditveno polje)
Multimedijsko datoteko ste vsebini za tisti dan dodali vi ali organizator videokonference. Multimedijska datoteka je del gradiva, ki se bo obravnaval na shodu.

Prenesena bo z jw.org ali izvlečena iz ustrezne publikacije.
Multimedijska datoteka je del gradiva, ki se bo obravnaval na shodu.

Skrili ste jo vi ali organizator videokonference, zato ne bo prenesena ali dodana k multimedijski vsebini za shod.

Slike zaslona za upravljanje multimedijske vsebine

Dodajanje pesmi za javni govor
Dodajanje pesmi za javni govor
Dodajanje dodatne slike
Dodajanje dodatne slike
Uvoz multimedije iz enega dela datoteke JWPUB
Uvoz multimedije iz enega dela datoteke JWPUB
Predogled multimedijske vsebine iz datoteke JWPUB pred uvozom
Predogled multimedijske vsebine iz datoteke JWPUB pred uvozom
Preimenovanje multimedijske datoteke
Preimenovanje multimedijske datoteke


M³ za namestitev ali zagon ne zahteva administratorskih pravic. Če želite namestiti M³, preprosto prenesite najnovejši namestitveni program in ga zaženite.

Operacijski sistem Datoteka za prenos
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

Kaj sledi?

Aplikacijo konfigurirajte na zaslonu Nastavitve.

Težave pri namestitvi?

Za pomoč si oglejte Tehnične opombe o uporabi.

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja

Ali je ta program pri prenosu publikacij in multimedijske vsebine za shode odvisna od zunanjih spletnih mest, virov ali “skrbnikov”?

Ne. Program se obnaša podobno kot JW Library. Publikacije in multimedijsko vsebino prenaša neposredno z uradnega spletnega mesta jw.org in njegovega omrežja za dostavo vsebin. Program med izvajanjem samodejno ugotovi, kaj je treba prenesti, na primer multimedijske datoteke in publikacije. Izvorna koda je na voljo vsem, ki jo želijo pregledati in preveriti.

Ali ta program krši pogoje uporabe jw.org?

Ne. Pogoji uporabe jw.org dejansko izrecno dovoljujejo uporabo, ki jo izvajamo. Tu je naveden ustrezen odlomek iz teh pogojev (poudarek je moj):

Ni vam dovoljeno:

Z namenom razširjanja razviti kakršne koli aplikacije programske opreme, orodja ali tehnike, ki je namensko narejena za zbiranje, kopiranje, prenašanje, izvlačenje, nabiranje ali luščenje podatkov, HTML-ja, slik ali besedila s tega spletnega mesta (to ne prepoveduje razširjanja brezplačnih, nekomercialnih aplikacij, ki so namenjene prenašanju elektronskih datotek, na primer datotek EPUB, PDF, MP3 in MP4, z javno dostopnih strani tega spletnega mesta).


Brat, ki ga starešinstvo postavi za organizatorja videokonference, lahko s pomočjo programa M³ pripravi medijsko vsebino, ki je potem na voljo skupini za tehnično avdio/video podporo v njegovi občini.

Organizator videokonference ali nekdo, ki ga on določi, lahko:

  • naloži dodatno multimedijo za shod, na primer za obisk okrajnega nadzornika ali za govore javnih govornikov;
  • skrije multimedijo z jw.org, ki ni pomembna za določen shod, na primer, če je točko zamenjal podružnični urad;
  • doda ali odstrani ponavljajočo se multimedijo, na primer videoposnetek z letnim stavkom ali diapozitiv z obvestilom.

Vsi, ki so sinhronizirani z isto občino, bodo nato prejeli popolnoma enako multimedijsko vsebino, ko bodo kliknili na gumb Posodobi multimedijske mape.

Upoštevajte, da je funkcija sinhronizacije povsem neobvezna in da je stvar izbire.

Kako deluje

Program M³ za sinhronizacijo uporablja WebDAV. To pomeni, da mora organizator videokonference (ali oseba pod njegovim nadzorom):

  • nastaviti zaščiten strežnik WebDAV, ki je dostopen prek spleta, ali
  • uporabiti storitev shranjevanja v oblaku, ki jo ponuja tretja oseba in ki podpira protokol WebDAV (glej Spletni naslov v razdelku Nastavitev sinhronizacije spodaj).

Vsi uporabniki, ki želijo uporabljati isto sinhronizirano vsebino, se morajo povezati z istim strežnikom WebDAV s podatki, ki jim jih posreduje njihov organizator videokonference.

Nastavitev sinhronizacije

Nastavitev Pojasnilo
Spletni naslov Spletni naslov strežnika WebDAV. Zahteva se varna povezava HTTP (HTTPS).

Opomba: Ko kliknete na gumb Spletni naslov, se prikaže seznam ponudnikov WebDAV, za katere je znano, da so združljivi z M³, in ki samodejno predizpolnijo nekatere nastavitve za te ponudnike.

Ta seznam je na voljo kot predlog in nikakor ne predstavlja priporočila za določeno storitev ali ponudnika. Najboljši strežnik je vedno tisti, ki je v vaši lasti …
Uporabniško ime Uporabniško ime za storitev WebDAV.
Geslo Geslo za storitev WebDAV.

Opomba: Za aplikaciji Box in Koofr bo morda treba ustvariti posebno geslo (tako kot je to opisano na njunih straneh za podporo), da bi omogočili povezavo WebDAV z njunimi storitvami.
Mapa za sinhronizacijo To je mapa, ki bo uporabljena za sinhronizacijo multimedijske vsebine za vse uporabnike, ki so povezani z občinsko sinhronizacijo. Pot lahko vnesete/prilepite ali pa z miško poiščete ciljno mapo.

Opomba: Poskrbite, da bodo vsi uporabniki občinske sinhronizacije vnesli isto pot do mape, sicer sinhronizacija ne bo delovala.
Nastavitve na ravni celotne občine Ko organizator videokonference na svojem računalniku v Nastavitvah konfigurira razdelka Nastavitev multimedije in Nastavitev shoda, lahko s tem gumbom vsem uporabnikom občinske sinhronizacije vsili določene nastavitve (na primer dneve shodov, jezik multimedije, nastavitve pretvorbe itd.). To pomeni, da bodo izbrane nastavitve vsiljene vsem sinhroniziranim uporabnikom vsakič, ko bodo odprli M³.

Uporaba sinhronizacije za upravljanje multimedijske vsebine

Ko je nastavitev sinhronizacije končana, lahko začnete Upravljati multimedijo za tehnično avdio/video ekipo v vaši občini.

Zaslonske slike sinhronizacije

Nastavitev sinhronizacije
Nastavitev sinhronizacije


Zaslon za Nastavitve je razdeljen na 4 dele. Večina možnosti je sama po sebi razumljiva, tu pa je nekaj dodatnih podrobnosti.

Nastavitev programa

Nastavitev Pojasnilo
Način brez povezave Če je to omogočeno, se program M³ ne bo poskušal povezati z jw.org ali z vašim občinskim strežnikom. To je uporabno, kadar imate slabo internetno povezavo in želite prihraniti pasovno širino.
Tema Izberite temo, ki vam je všeč. Če izberete možnost Sistemska, bo M³ uporabil sistemsko temo.
Ime občine Ime vaše občine. To se uporablja za podporo več občin, ki si delijo isti računalnik.
Jezik uporabniškega vmesnika Tu se nastavi jezik, v katerem se prikaže program M³.

Zahvaljujemo se našim številnim sodelavcem za prevajanje programa v številne jezike! Če želite pomagati izboljšati obstoječi prevod ali dodati novega, odprite novo razpravo.
Mapa za shranjevanje multimedijske vsebine Multimedijska vsebina shoda bo shranjena v tej mapi za poznejšo uporabo.
Pot do predpomnilnika po meri Privzeto so publikacije in drugi podatki za vsakega uporabnika shranjeni v drugi mapi. To mapo lahko spremenite, če želite podatke v predpomnilniku deliti z drugimi uporabniki, ki uporabljajo isti računalnik.
Oblika datuma za mape shodov Oblika datuma, ki se uporablja za mape shodov.

Opomba: Če uporabljate občinski strežnik, poskrbite, da bodo imeli vsi nastavljeno enako obliko datuma, tako da jo vsilite z uporabo Nastavitve na ravni celotne občine.
Zaženi program ob zagonu sistema Če je to omogočeno, se bo program M³ zagnal, ko se bo trenutni uporabnik prijavil v računalnik.

Opomba: Ni na voljo v operacijskem sistemu Linux.
Samodejno zaženi sinhronizacijo multimedije Če je ta možnost omogočena, se 5 sekund po zagonu programa M³ samodejno sproži sinhronizacija multimedijske vsebine.

Če želite preprečiti samodejno sinhronizacijo, ko je ta nastavitev omogočena, pritisnite gumb ⏸ (pavza), preden poteče 5-sekundni časovnik.
Odpri mapo po sinhronizaciji multimedije Če je to omogočeno, se bo po končani sinhronizaciji mapa s preneseno multimedijsko vsebino za izbrani teden odprla v upravljalniku datotek.
Po sinhronizaciji multimedije zapri aplikacijo Če je ta možnost omogočena, se bo program M³ samodejno zaprl 5 sekund po končani sinhronizaciji multimedijske vsebine.

Če želite preprečiti, da bi se M³ samodejno zaprl, ko je ta nastavitev omogočena, kliknite na gumb 🏃 (oseba, ki odhaja/teče), preden poteče 5-sekundni časovnik.
Omogočite način združljivosti z OBS Studio Če je ta možnost omogočena, se bo program povezal s programom OBS Studio in po potrebi samodejno spremenil scene pred in po prikazu multimedije.

Če omogočite to nastavitev, se prepričajte, da je program OBS Studio konfiguriran za uporabo vtičnika obs-websocket, ki bo programu M³ omogočil komunikacijo s programom OBS Studio.

V OBS konfigurirajte tudi vse potrebne scene za skupno rabo multimedije in prikaz odra. Potrebujete vsaj sceno s funkcijo Window Capture (priporočljivo) ali Display Capture, ki je konfigurirana za zajem okna predstavitve multimedije programa M³, ali zaslon, na katerem bo predstavljena multimedija.

Prav tako boste morali konfigurirati vse želene scene odrskega dogajanja, na primer posnetek dvorane, širok posnetek odra itd.
Vrata Vrata, na katerih je vtičnik obs-websocket konfiguriran za poslušanje.
Geslo Geslo, konfigurirano v nastavitvah vtičnika obs-websocket.
Privzeta scena s pogledom na oder v programu OBS Studio Izberi sceno, ki naj bo izbran, ko se zažene način multimedijskega predvajanja. Običajno je to širok pogled na oder ali posnetek govorniškega pulta.
Prizor medijskega okna v programu OBS Studio Izberi, katera scena je v programu OBS Studio konfigurirana za zajem multimedijskega okna programa M³.
Izbirna ločena multimedijska scena za slike Izbirna scena, ki omogoča izbiro alternativne scene za prikaz slik. To je uporabno, če želite slike prikazati na drugače kot videoposnetke (na primer s prekrivanjem odra v slogu slike v sliki).
Scena v programu OBS Studio za prikaz udeležencev Zooma Izbirna scena za hitro in učinkovito upravljanje prikaza udeležencev Zooma med hibridnimi shodi.

Ko je ta prizor konfiguriran, se obnašanje načina za predvajanje multimedijske vsebine nekoliko spremeni. V tem načinu se prikaže gumb za preklapljanje. Ko je gumb vklopljen, se multimedijsko okno skrije, prikaže pa se Zoom prizor. Skrit bo tudi izbirnik prizorov programa OBS. Pri deljenju multimedijske vsebine se multimedijski prizor samodejno prikaže kot običajno, po deljenju multimedijske vsebine pa multimedijsko okno takoj izgine.

Ko je preklapljanje onemogočeno, se ponovno prikažeta multimedijsko okno in izbirniki scen.
Omogoči integracijo Zooma Ko je ta funkcija omogočena, poskuša avtomatizirati različna opravila pred shodom (utišanje vseh, omogočanje video/avdio sistema kraljestvene dvorane, onemogočanje možnosti, da bi si udeleženci sami prižgali mikrofon), med shodom (izbira udeležencev za spotlight in vklop mikrofona ali za izklop mikrofona, spustitev roke in izklop spotlighta) in po shodu (onemogočanje videoprenosa od kraljestvene dvorane, omogočanje udeležencem, da si sami vklopijo mikrofon).

Opomba: To je še vedno beta funkcija. Pred uporabo ga temeljito preizkusite in vedno preverite, ali je bila avtomatizacija pravilno izvedena.
Ime udeleženca To je ime, s katerim se bo program M³ pridružil Zoom shodu.
ID številka videokonference ID številka Zoom shoda, ki bi se mu moral program M³ pridružiti.
Geslo Geslo Zoom shoda, ki bi se mu moral program M³ pridružiti.
Na začetku shoda postavi videookno v središče pozornosti (spotlight) Če je ta možnost omogočena, bo program M³ med izvajanjem avtomatizacije “začetek shoda” samodejno postavil videookno od kraljestvene dvorane v središče pozornosti (spotlight).
Privzeto skrij Zoom Če je ta možnost omogočena, bo Zoom komponenta privzeto skrita. Zoom komponenta je obvezna plavajoča komponenta, ki predstavlja udeleženca M³ v Zoom shodu. Z njo lahko upravljate udeleženca M³.
Samodejno izvedi postopek za začetek shoda Če je ta možnost omogočena, bo program M³ toliko minut pred začetkom shoda, kot je določeno v nastavitvah, samodejno izvedel dejanja za “začetek shoda”. Ti ukrepi so: onemogočiti udeležencem, da si sami vklopijo mikrofon, izklopiti vsem mikrofon, prositi gostitelja, da vklopi video in mikrofon, ter (neobvezno) postaviti videookno od kraljestvene dvorane v središče pozornosti (spotlight).
Samodejno preimenuj udeležence Zooma S to nastavitvijo lahko dodate pravilo za preimenovanje, s katerim bodo določeni udeleženci Zooma samodejno preimenovani. To je koristno, če želite preimenovati udeležence, ki se stalno pridružujejo z napačnim ali nepopolnim imenom. Pravila je treba vnesti v naslednji obliki: staro ime=novo ime.
Omogočanje posodobitev beta za namene testiranja Če je ta možnost omogočena, bo program M³ samodejno prejemal posodobitve beta, ki se izdajajo vsak dan in vsebujejo najnovejše funkcije in popravke.

Opomba: Te nastavitve ne omogočite na računalniku, ki se uporablja za predvajanje multimedijske vsebine v kraljestveni dvorani.
Onemogoči samodejno posodabljanje aplikacij Če je ta možnost omogočena, se program M³ ne bo samodejno posodobil, ko ga boste zaprli.
Onemogoči strojno pospeševanje To nastavitev omogočite le, če imate težave z načinom predvajanja multimedijske vsebine. Če spremenite to nastavitev, se bo program M³ ponovno zagnal.

Nastavitev sinhronizacije

Glej razdelek Sinhronizacija, kjer piše več o tem, čemu je ta možnost namenjena in kako jo nastaviti.

Nastavitev multimedije

Nastavitev Pojasnilo
Jezik multimedije Izberite jezik svojeobčine ali skupine. Vsa multimedijska vsebina v tem jeziku bo prenesena s spletne strani jw.org.
Rezervni jezik multimedije Ta jezik se uporablja, kadar glavni jezik multimedijske vsebine ni na voljo.

Če na primer izberete irščino kot jezik multimedije in angleščino kot rezervni jezik, bo publikacija ali videoposnetek, ki ni na voljo v irščini, prenesen v angleščini.
Največja ločljivost za videoposnetke Videoposnetki, preneseni s spletnega mesta jw.org, bodo preneseni v tej ali naslednji razpoložljivi nižji ločljivosti. Uporabno v primerih z omejeno ali majhno pasovno širino.
Omogoči podnapise za videoposnetke To možnost omogočite, če želite pridobiti podnapise za videoposnetke, kadar so ti na voljo. Podnapisi bodo prikazani privzeto, vendar jih lahko med predstavitvijo vklopite ali izklopite. Navpični položaj podnapisov lahko spremenite tako, da znotraj predogleda videoposnetka kliknete ikono podnapisi.
Pretvori datoteke v format MP4 To bo vse slikovne in zvočne datoteke samodejno pretvorilo v format MP4 za uporabo z Zoomovo funkcijo deljenja MP4 med shodi, ki v celoti potekajo prek Zooma. Pretvorjene bodo vse slike in multimedijske datoteke, prenesene z jw.org, ter dodatne multimedijske datoteke, ki jih bo dodal uporabnik ali organizator videokonference.

Opomba: Ta možnost je najprimernejša za shode, ki v celoti potekajo prek Zooma. Če imate hibridne ali običajne občinske shode, razmislite o uporabi načina predvajanja multimedijske vsebine. V tem primeru aktivirajte možnost Predvajaj multimedijsko vsebino na dodatnem monitorju ali v ločenem oknu in onemogočite to možnost.
Po pretvorbi ohrani izvirne multimedijske datoteke Če je ta nastavitev omogočena, bodo slikovne in zvočne datoteke po pretvorbi v format MP4 ostale v multimedijski mapi in se ne bodo izbrisale. Zaradi tega bo mapa z multimedijskimi datotekami nekoliko bolj nepregledna, na splošno pa te nastavitve ni treba omogočiti, če multimedijske datoteke delite prek Zoomove funkcije deljenja MP4. (Glej Pretvori datoteke v format MP4 zgoraj.)

Opomba: Vidno samo, če je omogočena tudi možnost Pretvori datoteko v format MP4.
Predvajaj multimedijsko vsebino na dodatnem monitorju ali v ločenem oknu Ta nastavitev omogoča uporabo programa M³ za predvajanje slik, videoposnetkov in zvočnih datotek med hibridnimi občinskimi shodi ali shodi v živo. Do zaslona za upravljanje predvajanja multimedijske vsebine lahko nato dostopate s klikom na gumb ▶️ (predvajanje) na glavnem zaslonu programa M³.

Zaslon za predvajanje multimedijske vsebine bo samodejno uporabil zunanji monitor, če je priklopljen; če ni, bo multimedijska vsebina prikazana v ločenem oknu, katerega velikost je mogoče spreminjati.

Opomba: Ta možnost je najbolj primerna za hibridne ali običajne občinske shode.

Če imate shode samo prek Zooma, razmislite o uporabi možnosti Pretvori datoteke v format MP4 in deljenju datotek z Zoomovo funkcijo deljenja MP4.
Slika ozadja za način predvajanja multimedijske vsebine Privzeto bo program M³ poskušal pridobiti tekoči letni stavek v predhodno izbranem jeziku, da bi ga prikazal na črnem ozadju, ko je v načinu predvajanja multimedijske vsebine in se ne predvaja nobena druga multimedijska vsebina. Če samodejno pridobivanje letnega stavka iz nekega razloga ne uspe ali če želite prikazati drugo sliko ozadja, lahko z gumbom “Prebrskaj” izberete sliko po meri ali pa z gumbom “Osveži” poskusite ponovno samodejno pridobiti letni stavek.

Opomba: Če je sinhronizacija omogočena, se bo izbrana slika ozadja po meri samodejno sinhronizirala za vse uporabnike občinske sinhronizacije.
Po končanem predvajanju posnetka skrij multimedijsko okno Če je ta možnost omogočena, se bo multimedijsko okno skrilo takoj po koncu predvajanja vsake multimedijske datoteke.

Opomba: Ta nastavitev je še posebej uporabna za shode v znakovnem jeziku.
Samodejno predvajaj prvo datoteko Če je ta možnost omogočena, se prva multimedijska datoteka na seznamu začne samodejno predvajati toliko minut pred predvidenim začetkom shoda, kolikor jih je določenih v nastavitvah.
Omogoči bližnjice na tipkovnici med predvajanjem multimedijske vsebine Ta nastavitev omogoča nastavljanje kombinacij tipk za predvajanje in ustavljanje multimedijskih datotek. To je uporabno na primer v kombinaciji z daljinskim upravljalnikom USB.
Ustvari sezname predvajanja za uporabo v programu VLC To omogočite, če želite samodejno ustvariti sezname predvajanja za vsak shod. Sezname lahko nato naložite v VLC, če za predvajanje multimedijske vsebine uporabljate ta program namesto načina Predvajanje multimedijske vsebine.
Ne vključi nobene multimedije iz brošure th Če je ta možnost omogočena, multimedijska vsebina iz brošure *Posvečaj se branju in poučevanju * ne bo dodana med multimedijsko vsebino za shod med tednom.
Ne vključi slik iz knjige Uživaj življenje vso večnost!, če niso del Občinskega preučevanja Biblije Če je ta možnost omogočena, slike iz knjige Večno živeti (lff) ne bodo dodane med multimedijsko vsebino (na primer za učne naloge na shodu med tednom).
Vključi tiskane medije, če so na voljo. Če je ta možnost omogočena, bo dodan prikaz tiskanih publikacij, ko bodo na voljo. To je lahko koristno za nekatere tabele ali skupine slik, ki so v tiskani obliki jasnejše.

Nastavitev shoda

Nastavitev Pojasnilo
Posebna občina Če je ta možnost omogočena, z jw.org ne bo prenesena nobena multimedijska vsebina. Na voljo bo samo ročno dodana multimedijska vsebina. To je na primer koristno za teokratične šole.
Shod med tednom Navedite običajni dan in čas shoda med tednom; to se uporablja za poimenovanje map in samodejni izklop glasbe v ozadju (glej spodaj).
Shod ob koncu tedna Navedite običajni dan in čas shoda ob koncu tedna.
Naslednji načrtovani obisk okrajnega nadzornika Ko boste vpisali datum naslednjega načrtovanega obiska okrajnega nadzornika, bo program M³ kot dan shoda med tednom samodejno določil torek, preskočil bo multimedijsko vsebino za Občinsko preučevanje Biblije, preskočil pa bo tudi sklepne kraljestvene pesmi za oba shoda.

Opomba: Če uporabljate občinski strežnik, poskrbite za to nastavitev, da bodo imeli vsi povezani bratje nastavljen isti datum obiska okrajnega nadzornika.
Omogoči gumb za predvajanje glasbe v ozadju Omogočite gumb na glavnem zaslonu, ki bo v naključnem vrstnem redu predvajal kraljestvene pesmi iz sjjm. To je na primer uporabno za to, da se v kraljestveni dvorani pred shodi in po njih predvajajo pesmi v ozadju. Desno od te možnosti je gumb za prenos vseh razpoložljivih kraljestvenih pesmi, kar je lahko koristno za preprečevanje zamud pri predpomnjenju.
Glasnost predvajanja glasbe v ozadju S tem se nastavi glasnost predvajanja glasbe v ozadju.
Samodejno predvajaj glasbo v ozadju pred shodi Če je ta možnost omogočena, se na dan shoda ob zagonu aplikacije začne samodejno predvajati glasba v ozadju, če je do začetka shoda manj kot ena ura.
Samodejno prenehanje predvajanja glasbe v ozadju Če je možnost Omogoči gumb za predvajanje glasbe v ozadju omogočena, lahko določite, kdaj naj se glasba, ki se predvaja v ozadju, samodejno ustavi. Določite lahko število minut ali sekund do začetka shoda, ko naj bi se glasba ustavila (če se je glasba v ozadju začela predvajati pred shodom).

Slike zaslona z nastavitvami

Nastavitev programa
Nastavitev programa
Nastavitev multimedije
Nastavitev multimedije
Nastavitev shoda
Nastavitev shoda

Vprašanja in zahteve za funkcije

Kako lahko poročam o težavi ali hrošču, na katerega sem naletel?

Če kdaj naletite na težave z M³, kliknite na GitHub Issues, da jih prijavite. Popravki napak se izdajajo redno, običajno enkrat mesečno.

Kako lahko zaprosim za nove funkcije?

Predlogi so dobrodošli! Kliknite na GitHub Discussions za razpravo o morebitnih novih funkcijah.

Technical usage notes

The app should run as is on most modern computers running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Windows: Installation and first launch

On opening the installer, you might get an error indicating that “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting”. This is due to the app not having a high number of downloads, and consequently not being explicitly “trusted” by Windows. To get around this, simply click on “More info”, then “Run anyway”.

Linux: Installation and first launch

As per the official AppImage documentation, if the app fails to open properly, confirm the output of the following command:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

If the output is 0, then the AppImage will not run unless you run the following command, followed by a reboot:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Make sure you read up on what this entails before you do this.

macOS: Installation and first launch

If upon launching the app, you receive a warning that the app cannot be opened, either because “it was not downloaded from the App store” or because “the developer cannot be verified”, then this Apple support page will help you to get past that.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Unlike Windows and Linux, auto-update functionality is not implemented on macOS, and for technical reasons probably never will be. However, one of two things will happen for macOS users when an update is available:

  • M³ will attempt to download the update package and open it automatically, after which the user will have to manually complete the installation of the M³ update by dragging and dropping the updated app to their Applications folder. Then, they will be able to launch the newly updated M³ from their Applications folder as usual.
  • If the previous step fails at any stage, M³ will display a persistent notification indicating that an update is available, with a link to the update itself. A red, pulsing notification will also be displayed on the settings button in the main screen of M³. The M³ version number in the settings screen will turn into a button that, once clicked, opens the latest release’s download page automatically.

Media Presentation mode

Using media presentation mode

The media presentation and controller modes are designed for simplicity and to prevent mistakes during meetings.

Once the option Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window is enabled, the media presentation screen will automatically appear on the external monitor if present, or in a separate, draggable and resizable window if no external monitor was detected.

When in standby, the media presentation screen will display the background image that is configured in the settings. If no background image has been configured, then M³ will attempt to automatically fetch and display the yeartext.

If no background image is configured in the settings and the yeartext could not be loaded automatically, a black background will be displayed when on standby.

Media controller mode can be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or by using the keyboard shortcut Alt D (for external display).

Once you have entered controller mode, the folder selection screen will allow you to select the date for which you’d like to display media. If the current day’s folder exists, it will automatically be preselected. Once a date is selected, you can still change the selected date at any time by clicking on the date selection button, in the top section.

Presenting media

To play media, press the ▶️ (play) button for the file you’d like. To hide the media, press the ⏹️ (stop) button. A video can be rewound or fast-forwarded while paused, if desired. Please note that for videos, the stop button must be pressed twice to prevent accidentally and prematurely stopping a video while it is playing for the congregation. Videos will auto-stop when they have played in their entirety.

Extra Features

M³ has a few extra features that can be used to enhance the media presentation experience.

Present JW.org

To present JW.org, you can press the ⋮ (ellipsis) button at the top of the screen, and select Open JW.org. This will open a new controller window with JW.org loaded. The media window will also display JW.org. Now you can use the controller window to navigate JW.org, and the media window will display your actions. When you are done presenting JW.org, you can close the controller window, and continue with the normal media presentation mode.

Zoom and pan images

When an image is being displayed, you can scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the image preview to zoom in and out. Alternatively, you can also double click on the image preview to zoom in. Double clicking will alternate between 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x and back to 1x zoom. You can also hold and drag the image to pan around the image.

Sort the media list

The media list can be sorted by clicking the sort button at the top right of the screen. The media items will have a button appear next to them that can be used to drag the media item up or down in the list. When you are satisfied with the order, you can click the sort button again to lock the order.

Add a last-minute song

If you need to add a last-minute song to the media list, you can press the ♫ + (add song) button at the top of the screen. A dropdown will appear with a list of all the Kingdom songs. When you select one, it will immediately be added to the top of the media list and it can be played instantly. It will either stream the song from JW.org, or play the song from the local cache if it was previously downloaded.

Conducting hybrid meetings using a combination of M³, OBS Studio, and Zoom

By far the simplest way to share media during hybrid meetings is by configuring OBS Studio, M³ and Zoom to work together.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall computer

Set the external monitor’s screen resolution to 1280x720, or something close to that.

Configure the computer sound card’s output to go to one of the sound booth mixer’s inputs, and the sound booth mixer’s combined output to go to the computer’s sound card input.

Initial configuration: OBS Studio

Install OBS Studio, or download the portable version.

If using the portable version of OBS Studio, install the Virtualcam plugin, and if using the portable version of OBS Studio, add the virtual camera to Windows by double-clicking the provided installation script.

If you have OBS Studio v27 or older, you need to install the obs-websocket plugin. Otherwise obs-websocket is included. Configure a port number and password for obs-websocket.

In the OBS settings, under General > System Tray, enable all checkboxes. Under Output > Streaming, enable a hardware encoder if available. Under Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Set up at least 2 scenes: one for the media display (Window Capture or Display Capture with the mouse cursor disabled and the appropriate window title/monitor selected), and one for the stage view (Video Capture Device with the KH camera selected). You can also add another scene specifically for pictures, where the media window is visible along with the podium in a picture-in-picture style display. You may add as many scenes as required, with the camera adjusted, zoomed-in and cropped as needed (lectern view, conductor and reader view, table view, etc.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Add a shortcut to OBS Studio, with the --startvirtualcam parameter, to the Startup folder of the Windows user profile, to ensure that OBS Studio gets started automatically when the user logs in.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall Zoom

Zoom should be configured to use dual monitors. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Set the default “microphone” to be sound booth mixer’s combined output (so that everything that is heard over the Kingdom Hall sound system is transmitted over Zoom, including microphones and media) and the “camera” to be the virtual camera provided by OBS Studio.

Initial configuration: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Enable and configure OBS Studio compatibility mode, using the port and password information configured in the OBS Studio configuration step.

Starting the meeting

Start the Zoom meeting, and move the secondary Zoom meeting window to the external monitor. Make it fullscreen if desired. This is where any remote meeting participants will be displayed for the congregation to see.

Once the Zoom meeting is being displayed on the external monitor, open M³. The media presentation window will automatically open on top of Zoom on the external monitor. Sync media if necessary, and enter media controller mode by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or Alt D.

Enable the Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), and spotlight the Kingdom Hall video feed if necessary so that Zoom participants see the Kingdom Hall stage. Unmute the Kingdom Hall audio feed in Zoom (Alt A). It should not be necessary to disable the video or audio feed in Zoom for the duration of the meeting. Make sure that “Original sound for musicians” is enabled in Zoom, to ensure the best audio quality for remote meeting participants.

Start background music playback using the button on the bottom left, or Alt K.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom

No action necessary.

Various camera angles/zoom can be chosen during the meeting by using the menu on the bottom of the M³ media playback control window; this menu will contain a list of all configured camera view scenes in OBS.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, press the “stop” button in M³. Note that videos automatically stop upon completion.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor

Press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media controller screen, or Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. The Zoom meeting will now be visible on the Kingdom Hall monitor.

If the participant has media to show, follow the steps under the Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom subheading.

Once the participant has finished their part, press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media playback control window, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. The Kingdom Hall monitor will now show the yeartext.

Conducting hybrid meetings using only M³ and Zoom

If you do not wish to use OBS Studio for any reason, the following suggestions will perhaps help you to set things up as simply as possible.

Initial configuration without OBS: Kingdom Hall computer

Same as corresponding section above. With the addition of the global keyboard shortcut for Zoom for starting/stopping screen sharing (Alt S). The “camera” will be the camera feed from the Kingdom Hall camera.

Initial configuration without OBS: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Starting the meeting without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom without OBS

Start sharing in Zoom by hitting Alt S. In the Zoom sharing window that pops up, choose the external monitor and enable both checkboxes on the bottom left (for sound and video optimization). The yeartext will now be shared over Zoom.

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, hit Alt S to end Zoom screen sharing.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Screenshots of Presentation Mode

Blue play button to enter media controller mode
Blue play button to enter media controller mode
List of media that is ready to be presented
List of media that is ready to be presented
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Displaying a picture
Displaying a picture
Playing a video
Playing a video
Moving to a specific time in a video
Moving to a specific time in a video

Managing media

The media management screen allows the user to add or remove media for any given meeting, manage recurring media, and even add special media for other dates on which no meeting is normally scheduled.

Managing media for any particular day

To manage media for a certain meeting or day, simply click on that day’s tile on the main screen of M³. To manage media that be repeated at every meeting, click on the Recurring media tile.

Adding media

Here’s how to add media from the media management screen.

Option Explanation
Type of upload Choose from one of the 3 media types (see below).
Media to add Depends on the media type chosen (see below).
Filename prefix Up to 6 digits can be added before the media filename(s), to help with sorting.
Media list This shows the currently planned media for the selected date tile.

In the Media to add field, you’ll be presented with different options, depending on the media type selected.

Media type The Media to add field
Pieseň … shows a menu with all Kingdom song videos from the sjjm series, in the media language. Choose this option for example to add a song for the public talk, or for circuit overseer visits.

The selected song will be automatically downloaded from JW.org, in the congregation or group’s language, as configured in the Settings.
JWPUB … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) a JWPUB file.

You’ll then be prompted to select the section, or chapter, from which you’d like to add media. This will add both embedded and referenced media from that section in the JWPUB file.

An example of a commonly used JWPUB file is the S-34, but any JWPUB file can be used here.
Vlastné … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) any other media file(s) from your computer.

Note that all PDF and SVG files will automatically be converted into high-resolution images by M³.
JW.ORG … allows you to select a video from the latest featured videos on JW.org.

Removing, hiding and showing media

To remove, hide, or show media, simply find the media file you don’t want, and click on the relevant icon.

A red 🟥 (delete) icon A ☑️ (checked checkbox) icon A 🔲 (unchecked checkbox) icon
The media file was added to that day’s media by you or the VO. The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It will be downloaded from JW.org or extracted from the relevant publication.
The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It was hidden by you or the VO, so it will not be downloaded or added to the meeting’s media.

Screenshots of the media management screen

Adding a song for a public talk
Adding a song for a public talk
Adding an additional picture
Adding an additional picture
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Renaming a media file
Renaming a media file


M³ does not require administrative privileges to install or run. To install M³, simply download the latest installer and run it.

Operating System File to download
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

What’s next?

Configure the app using the Settings screen.

Trouble installing?

Check the Technical usage notes for help.


Does this app depend on external sites, sources or “curators” to download publications and meeting media?

No. The app behaves similarly to JW Library. It downloads publications and media directly from the official JW.org website and its content delivery network. At runtime, the app automatically determines what needs to be downloaded, such as media files and publications. The source code is available for all to examine and verify this.

Does this app infringe the JW.org Terms of Use?

No. The JW.org Terms of Use actually explicitly allow the kind of usage that we are making. Here is the relevant excerpt from those terms (emphasis mine):

You may not:

Create for distribution purposes, any software applications, tools, or techniques that are specifically made to collect, copy, download, extract, harvest, or scrape data, HTML, images, or text from this site. (This does not prohibit the distribution of free, non-commercial applications designed to download electronic files such as EPUB, PDF, MP3, and MP4 files from public areas of this site.)

Synchronizácia zboru

The brother designated as videoconference organizer (VO) by the body of elders can use M³ to manage what media is made available to the technical A/V support team in his congregation.

The VO, or someone designated by him, can:

  • upload additional media to be shared during a meeting, such as for the circuit overseer’s visit, or for public speakers’ talks
  • hide media from JW.org that isn’t relevant for a given meeting, for example, when a part has been replaced by the local branch
  • add or remove recurring media, such as a year-text video, or an announcement slide

All who are synced to the same congregation will then receive the exact same media when they click the Update media folders button.

Please note that the congregation sync feature is opt-in and entirely optional.

How it works

M³’s underlying sync mechanism uses WebDAV. This means that the VO (or someone under his supervision) needs to either:

  • set up a secured WebDAV server that is web-accessible, or
  • use a third-party cloud storage service that supports the WebDAV protocol (see the Web address setting in the Congregation sync setup section below).

All users that wish to be synchronized together will need to connect to the same WebDAV server using the connection information and credentials provided to them by their VO.

Nastavenie synchronizácie zboru

Setting Explanation
Názov počítača Web address of the WebDAV server. Secure HTTP (HTTPS) is required.

Note: The Web address button, once clicked, will show a list of WebDAV providers that have been known to be compatible with M³, and will automatically prefill certain settings for those providers.

This list is provided as a courtesy, and in no way represents an endorsement of any particular service or provider. The best server is always the one you own…
Používateľské meno Username for the WebDAV service.
Heslo Password for the WebDAV service.

Note: As detailed in their respective support pages, an app-specific password might need to be created for Box and Koofr in order to enable WebDAV connections to their services.
Priečinok pre zborovú synchronizáciu This is the folder that will be used to synchronize media for all congregation sync users. You can either type/paste in a path, or use your mouse to navigate to the target folder.

Note: Make sure that all congregation sync users input the same folder path; otherwise the sync won’t work as expected.
Nastavenia pre celý zbor Once the VO has configured the Media setup and Meeting setup sections of the Settings on his own computer, he can then use this button to enforce certain settings for all congregation sync users (for example, meeting days, media language, conversion settings, and so on). This means that the selected settings will be forcefully applied for all synced users every time they open M³.

Using congregation sync to manage media

Once the congregation sync setup is complete, you’re ready to start Managing media for your congregation’s technical AV support team.

Screenshots of congregation sync in action

Nastavenie synchronizácie zboru
Nastavenie synchronizácie zboru


The Settings screen is divided into 4 sections. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but here are a few additional details.

Nastavenia aplikácie

Setting Explanation
Offline mód If enabled, M³ will not attempt to connect to JW.org or your congregation server. This is useful for when you have a poor internet connection and want to save bandwidth.
Nastavenie témy Select the theme you prefer. If you select System, M³ will use the system’s theme.
Názov zboru The name of your congregation. This is used to support multiple congregations who share the same computer.
Jazyk rozhrania aplikácie Sets the language in which M³ is displayed.

Thank you to our many contributors for translating the app in so many languages! If you want to help improve an existing translation or add a new one, please open up a new discussion.
Priečinok, kam ukladať stiahnuté médiá Meeting media will be saved to this folder for later sharing and use.
Custom cache path By default, publications and other data are saved in a different directory for each user. You can change this directory if you want to share the cached data between multiple users on the same computer.
Formát dátumu pre priečinky zhromaždení The date format used for the meeting folders.

Note: When using a congregation server, please ensure that everyone configures the same date format by enforcing it using Congregation-wide settings.
Spustiť aplikáciu pri štarte systému If enabled, M³ will launch when the current user logs into the computer.

Note: Unavailable on Linux.
Automaticky spustiť synchronizáciu médií If enabled, this option will automatically initiate a media sync 5 seconds after M³ is launched.

To prevent the automatic sync from occurring when this setting is enabled, press the ⏸ (pause) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Otvoriť priečinok po dokončení synchronizácie médií If enabled, the folder containing the downloaded media for the chosen week will open in the computer’s file manager after the media sync is complete.
Ukončiť aplikáciu po synchronizácii médií If enabled, this option will automatically quit M³ 5 seconds after the media sync is complete.

To prevent M³ from quitting automatically when this setting is enabled, press the 🏃 (person leaving/running) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Enable OBS Studio compatibility mode If enabled, this option will tap into OBS Studio to change scenes automatically as needed both before and after sharing media.

If enabling this setting, make sure that OBS Studio is configured to use the obs-websocket plugin, which is what will enable M³ to communicate with OBS Studio.

Also, configure all needed scenes for media sharing and stage display in OBS. At the very least, you’ll need a scene with a Window Capture (recommended) or Display Capture configured to capture the M³ media presentation window, or the screen on which the media will be presented.

You’ll also need to configure all desired stage view scenes, for example: a shot of the lecturn, a wide shot of the stage, etc.
Port Port on which the obs-websocket plugin is configured to listen.
Heslo Password configured in the obs-websocket plugin’s settings.
Prednastavená scéna zobrazenia v OBS Studio Select which scene should be selected by default when media presentation mode is launched. Usually a stage wide view, or a shot of the lectern.
Scéna mediálneho okna v OBS Studio Select which scene is configured in OBS Studio to capture the M³ media window.
Optional separate media scene for images An optional scene to select an alternative scene for showing images. This is useful if you want to show images in a different way than videos (for example, with the stage overlaid in a picture-in-picture style).
Scéna OBS Studio na zobrazenie účastníkov Zoomu An optional scene to quickly and efficiently manage the display of Zoom participants during hybrid meetings.

When this scene is configured, the behavior of the Media Presentation mode changes somewhat. When in this mode, a toggle button will appear which, when enabled, will cause the media window to be hidden, and the Zoom scene to be shown. The OBS scene picker will also be hidden. Sharing media will automatically show the media scene as per usual, and after sharing media, the media window will disappear immediately.

When the toggle is disabled, the media window and scene pickers will be shown again.
Enable Zoom integration When enabled, this feature will attempt to automate various pre-meeting (mute all, enable the Kingdom Hall’s video/audio, disable the option for participants to unmute themselves), in-meeting (select participants to spotlight and unmute them, or to mute them, lower their hand and remove the spotlight) and post-meeting (disable the Kingdom Hall’s video feed, allow participants to unmute themselves) tasks.

Note: This is still a beta feature. Please test test it thoroughly before implementing it and always verify that the automation was correctly executed.
Zoom participant name This is the name that M³ will use to join the Zoom meeting.
Zoom Meeting ID The Meeting ID of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Heslo The password of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Spotlight video when starting the meeting When enabled, M³ will automatically spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed when the “start meeting” automation is executed.
Hide Zoom component by default When enabled, the Zoom component will be hidden by default. The Zoom component is a required floating component that represents the M³ participant in the Zoom meeting. You can control the M³ participant with it.
Automatically perform start meeting actions When enabled, M³ will automatically perform the “start meeting” actions, a configured amount of minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start. These actions are: disallow participants to unmute themselves, mute all, ask host to enable video and microphone and optionally spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed.
Automatically rename Zoom participants With this setting, you can add a rename rule to automatically rename certain Zoom participants. This is useful if you want to rename participants who consistently join with a wrong or incomplete name. Rules must be entered in the following format: Old Name=New Name.
Enable beta updates for testing purposes When enabled, M³ will automatically receive beta updates, which are released daily and contain the latest features and fixes.

Note: Do not enable this setting on the computer used to present media at the Kingdom Hall.
Vypnúť automatické aktualizácie aplikácie When this option is enabled, M³ will not automatically self-update when closed.
Disable hardware acceleration Only enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with media presentation mode. Changing this setting will cause M³ to restart.

Nastavenie synchronizácie zboru

See the Congregation sync section for details on what this does exactly and how to configure this section.

Nastavenie médií

Setting Explanation
Jazyk médií Select the language of your congregation or group. All media will be downloaded from JW.org in this language.
Sekundárny jazyk médií This language is used whenever the primary media language is not available.

For example, if you select Irish as your media language and English as your fallback, whenever a publication or video is not available in Irish, it will be fetched in English.
Maximálne rozlíšenie pre videá Videos downloaded from JW.org will be downloaded at this resolution, or the next available lower resolution. Useful for limited or low-bandwidth situations.
Povoliť titulky pre videá Enable this option if you want to fetch subtitles for videos, whenever available. Subtitles will be shown by default, but can be toggled on/off while presenting. The vertical position of the subtitles can be changed by clicking the subtitles icon inside the video preview.
Konvertovať médiá do formátu MP4 This will automatically convert all picture and audio files into MP4 format, for use with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing feature during fully remote congregation Zoom meetings. This includes all pictures and media files downloaded from JW.org, as well as additional media files added by the user or the VO.

Note: This option is best suited for remote-only congregation Zoom meetings. If conducting either hybrid or regular congregation meetings, look into using Media Presentation mode by activating the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option instead, and disable this option.
Ponechať originálne súbory médií po konvertovaní If this setting is enabled, picture and audio files will be kept in the media folder after being converted to MP4 format, rather than deleted. This will result in a slightly more cluttered media folder, and generally does not need to be enabled if sharing media through Zoom MP4 sharing. (See Convert media to MP4 format above.)

Note: Only visible if Convert media to MP4 format is also enabled.
Otvárať médiá na externom monitore alebo v samostatnom okne This setting will allow you to use M³ to present pictures, videos and audio files during hybrid or in-person congregation meetings. The media playback management screen can then be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³.

The media presentation screen will automatically use an external monitor if present; if not, the media will be displayed in a separate, resizable window.

Note: This option is best suited for either hybrid or regular congregation meetings.

If conducting remote-only congregation Zoom meetings, look into activating the Convert media to MP4 format option and sharing the media with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing instead.
Obrázok pozadia pre okno s médiami By default, M³ will attempt to fetch the current year’s text in the language selected previously, in order to display it on a black background when in Media Presentation mode and no other media is being played. If the automatic yeartext retrieval fails for some reason, or if you wish to display a different background image, you can either use the ‘Browse’ button to select a custom picture, or the ‘Refresh’ button to try fetching the yeartext automatically again.

Note: If Congregation sync is enabled, selecting a custom background image will synchronize it for all congregation sync users automatically.
Skryť okno s médiami po prehraní If enabled, the media window will be hidden immediately after each media file has finished playing.

Note: This setting is especially useful for sign-language meetings.
Automatically play first media item If enabled, the first media item in the media list will automatically start playing a configurable number of minutes before the meeting is supposed to start.
Enable keyboard shortcuts during media playback This setting allows you to set custom key combinations to play and stop media. This is useful in combination with a USB remote control, for example.
Create playlists for use with VLC Enable this if you want to generate playlists for every meeting automatically, which can then be loaded in VLC, if you are using that app to display media instead of Media Presentation mode.
Exclude all media from the th brochure If enabled, this will prevent media from the Apply Yourself brochure from being included at every midweek meeting.
Exclude Enjoy Life Forever images outside the Congregation Bible Study If enabled, this will prevent images from the Live Forever book (lff) from being included, for example for student assignments during the midweek meeting.
Zahrnúť tlačené médiá ak sú k dispozícií If enabled, renderings of the printed editions of publications will be included when available. This could be useful for some tables or groups of images that are clearer in printed form.

Nastavenie zhromaždení

Setting Explanation
Special congregation If enabled, no media will be downloaded from JW.org. Only manually added media will be available. This is useful for theocratic schools, for example.
Zhromaždenie v týždni Indicate the usual day and time for the midweek meeting; used for folder naming and automatic background music fade-out (see below).
Víkendové zhromaždenie Indicate the usual day and time for the weekend meeting.
Next planned visit of the circuit overseer When you select a date for the next planned visit of the circuit overseer, M³ will automatically set the midweek meeting day for that week to Tuesday, skip the Congregation Bible Study media, as well as skip the concluding Kingdom songs for both meetings.

Note: When using a congregation server, make sure to enforce this setting so that all connected brothers have the same circuit overseer visit date configured.
Enable button to play background music Enable a button on the main screen which will play Kingdom songs from the sjjm series, in random order. This is useful, for example, to play songs before and after meetings at the Kingdom Hall as background music. To the right of this option is a button to download all available Kingdom songs, which could be useful to prevent buffering delays.
Background music playback volume Sets the volume at which the background music will play.
Play background music automatically before meetings If enabled, background music will automatically start playing at app startup when it’s a meeting day and the meeting is starting in less than an hour.
Automatically stop playing background music If Enable button to play background music is active, then this setting will allow you to specify a delay after which background music should be automatically stopped. This can be either a set number of minutes, or a predetermined number of seconds before the start of the meeting (in the case where the background music was started before a meeting).

Screenshots of the settings screen

Nastavenia aplikácie
Nastavenia aplikácie
Nastavenie médií
Nastavenie médií
Nastavenie zhromaždení
Nastavenie zhromaždení

Issues and feature requests

How do I report an issue or bug I encountered?

If ever you run into any issues with M³, please use GitHub Issues to report it. Bug fixes are issued on a regularly basis, usually monthly.

How can I request new features?

I’m open to suggestions! Please use GitHub Discussions to discuss potential new features.

Технические примечания

Приложение должно работать без проблем на большинстве современных компьютеров с операционными системами Виндовс, Linux или macOS.

Виндовс: Установка и первый запуск

При открытии программы установки может быть обнаружена ошибка, указывающая на то, что Windows SmartScreen не запускал нераспознанное приложение. Это связано с тем, что приложение не имеет большого количества загрузок и, следовательно, не является полностью доверенным в Windows. Чтобы обойти эту проблему, просто нажмите на “Подробнее”, затем “Выполнить все равно”.

Linux: Установка и первый запуск

Согласно официальной документации AppImage, если приложение не открывается должным образом, подтвердите вывод следующей команды:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Если на выходе получается 0, то AppImage не запустится, пока вы не выполните следующую команду и затем не перезагрузитесь:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Убедитесь, что вы прочитали о том, что это подразумевает, прежде чем это сделать.

macOS: Установка и первый запуск

Если при запуске приложения, вы получите предупреждение о том, что приложение не может быть открыто, либо потому, что “оно не было загружено из App Store” или потому, что “разработчик не может быть проверен”, тогда эта страница поддержки Apple поможет вам преодолеть эту ошибку.

Если вы получили сообщение о том, что вы «не имеете разрешения на открытие приложения», тогда попробуйте применить некоторые из решений с этой страницы, например, выполнить следующую команду в Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Проблемы с разрешениями звука или микрофона в macOS Sonoma

Начиная с macOS Sonoma, некоторые пользователи столкнулись с проблемой, при которой M³ неоднократно выдает ошибку, указывая, что ему необходим доступ к микрофону. Выполнение следующей команды в Terminal.app позволило решить проблему для некоторых пользователей:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Автоматическое обновление приложений

В отличие от Windows и Linux, функция автоматического обновления не внедрена в macOS, и по техническим причинам, вероятно, никогда не будет внедрена. Однако, когда обновление будет доступно, для пользователей macOS произойдет одно из двух событий:

  • M³ попытается загрузить пакет обновления и открыть его автоматически, после чего пользователю придется вручную завершить установку обновления M³, перетащив обновленное приложение в папку приложений. Затем они смогут запустить только что обновленное приложение M³ из папки приложений, как обычно.
  • Если предыдущий шаг на каком-либо этапе окажется неудачным, M³ выведет на экран постоянное уведомление о том, что обновление доступно, со ссылкой на само обновление. Красный, пульсирующее уведомление также будет отображаться на кнопке настроек на главном экране M³. На экране настроек, номер версии M³ превратится в кнопку, при нажатии на которую автоматически откроется страница загрузки последней версии.

Режим демонстрации медиа

Использование режима демонстрации медиа

Режимы демонстрации и управления мультимедиа разработаны с целью простого использования и предотвращения ошибок во время встреч.

После того как опция Демонстрировать медиафайлы на внешнем экране или в отдельном окне включена, экран демонстрации мультимедиа будет автоматически отображаться на внешнем мониторе если таковой имеется, или в отдельном окне с возможностью перетаскивать и изменять размер, если внешний монитор не был обнаружен.

В режиме ожидания на экране демонстрации мультимедиа будет отображаться фоновое изображение, выбранное в настройках. Если фоновое изображение не было настроено, то M³ попытается автоматически загрузить и отобразить годовой текст.

Если в настройках не установлено фоновое изображение и годовой текст не удалось загрузить автоматически, в режиме ожидания будет отображаться черный фон.

В режим демонстрации мультимедиа можно попасть, нажав кнопку ▶️ (воспроизведение) на главном экране M³ или с помощью сочетания клавиш Alt D.

Как только вы войдете в режим демонстрации, на экране выбора папок вы сможете выбрать дату, за которую вы хотите отобразить медиа. Если папка текущего дня существует, она автоматически будет выбрана. Можно изменить выбранную дату в любое время, нажав на кнопку выбора даты в верхнем разделе.

Демонстрация мультимедиа

Чтобы воспроизвести мультимедиа, нажмите кнопку ▶️ (воспроизведение) для нужного файла. Чтобы скрыть медиа, нажмите кнопку ⏹️ (остановить). При желании видео можно перемотать назад или вперед, когда оно поставлено на паузу. Обратите внимание, что для видеороликов кнопку остановки необходимо нажать дважды, чтобы предотвратить случайную и преждевременную остановку видеоролика во время его воспроизведения перед собранием. Видео будет автоматически останавливаться после полного воспроизведения.

Дополнительные функции

В M³ есть несколько дополнительных функций, которые можно использовать, чтобы улучшить качество демонстрации мультимедиа.

Демонстрация JW.org

Чтобы демонстрировать JW.org, можно нажать кнопку ⋮ (многоточие) в верхней части экрана и выбрать Открыть JW.org. Откроется новое окно контроллера и загрузится JW.org. Окно медиа также будет отображать JW.org. Теперь можно использовать окно контроллера для навигации по JW.org, а в окне мультимедиа будут отображаться ваши действия. Когда демонстрация JW.org закончена, можно закрыть окно контроллера и перейти к обычному режиму демонстрации медиа.

Масштабирование и панорамирование изображений

При отображении изображения, если навести курсор на предварительный просмотр изображения, можно прокрутить колесико мыши для увеличения или уменьшения масштаба. Кроме того, можно также дважды щелкнуть на предварительном просмотре изображения, чтобы увеличить его. Двойной щелчок приводит к переключению между масштабированием на 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x и обратно на 1x. Можно также щелкнуть и перетащить предварительный просмотр, чтобы панорамировать изображение.

Сортировать список медиа

Список медиа можно сортировать, нажав кнопку сортировки в правом верхнем углу экрана. Рядом с каждым медиафайлом появится кнопка, с помощью которой можно перетащить этот файл вверх или вниз по списку. Когда порядок верен, можно снова нажать кнопку сортировки, чтобы зафиксировать порядок.

Добавить дополнительную песню

Если вам нужно добавить дополнительную песню в список медиафайлов, вы можете нажать кнопку ♫ + (добавить песню) в верхней части экрана. Появится выпадающее меню со списком всех песен Царства. Когда вы выберете одну из них, она сразу же будет добавлена в начало списка медиафайлов и ее можно будет воспроизвести моментально. Песня будет либо транслироваться прямо с сайта JW.org, либо воспроизводиться из локального кэша, если она была ранее загружена.

Проведение гибридных встреч, используя M³, OBS Studio, и Zoom

Самым простым способом показать медиа во время гибридных встреч - это настроить OBS Studio, M³ и Zoom так, чтобы они функционировали вместе.

Начальная конфигурация: Компьютер Зала Царства

Установите разрешение экрана внешнего монитора на 1280x720.

Настройте выход звуковой карты компьютера на один из входов микшера звукового пульта, а объединенный выход микшера звукового пульта - на вход звуковой карты компьютера.

Начальная конфигурация: OBS Studio

Установите OBS Studio, или скачайте портативную версию.

Если используется портативная версия OBS Studio, установите плагин Virtualcam, и установите виртуальную камеру в Windows с помощью прилагаемого скрипта установки.

Если у вас OBS Studio v27 или старше, вам необходимо установить плагин obs-websocket. В противном случае obs-websocket уже включен. Настройте номер порта и пароль для obs-websocket.

В настройках OBS под разделом Общее > Системная область установите все флажки. В разделе Вывод > Потоковая передача включите аппаратный кодер, если таковой имеется. В разделе Видео > Базовое разрешение и Выходное (масштабированное) разрешение, выберите 1280x720, а в разделе Фильтр понижения масштаба выберите Билинейный.

Настройте как минимум 2 сцены: одну для демонстрации медиа (Захват окна или Захват монитора с выключенным курсором мыши и выбранным соответствующим названием окна/монитора), и одну с видом на сцену (Устройство захвата видео с камерой Зала Царства). Можно также добавить еще одну сцену специально для изображений, например, чтобы выступающий отображался в углу, накладываясь на окно мультимедиа. Можно добавить столько сцен, сколько потребуется, с настройкой камеры, увеличением и обрезкой изображения по мере необходимости (вид на пюпитр, вид на ведущего и чтеца, вид на стол, и т. д.).

Включите фильтр Масштабирование/Соотношение сторон на всех сценах Захват окна или Захват монитора с параметром Разрешение, имеющим значение Базовое разрешение. Это сделает так, что окно мультимедиа всегда будет масштабироваться в соответствии с выходным разрешением виртуальной камеры.

Добавьте ярлык на OBS Studio с параметром --startvirtualcam в папку запуска профиля пользователя Windows, чтобы OBS Studio запускалось автоматически при входе пользователя в систему.

Начальная конфигурация: Zoom Зала Царства

Zoom должен быть настроен таким образом, чтобы использовать два монитора. Включите глобальные сочетания клавиш для Zoom, чтобы выключить/включить звук Зала Царства в Zoom (Alt A) и запустить/остановить видеопоток Зала Царства в Zoom (Alt V).

Установите “микрофон” по умолчанию на объединенный выход микшера звукового пульта (чтобы все, что слышно через звуковую систему Зала Царства, передавалось через Zoom, включая микрофоны и мультимедиа), а “камеру” - на виртуальную камеру, предоставляемую OBS Studio.

Начальная конфигурация: M³

Включить опцию Демонстрировать медиафайлы на внешнем экране или в отдельном окне.

Включите и настройте режим совместимости с OBS Studio, используя данные порта и пароля, настроенные на этапе настройки OBS Studio.

Начало встречи

Запустите встречу Zoom и переместите вторичное окно встречи Zoom на внешний монитор. При желании сделайте его полноэкранным. Здесь будут отображаться все удаленные участники встречи, чтобы собрание могло их видеть.

После того как встреча Zoom отобразится на внешнем мониторе, откройте M³. Окно демонстрации мультимедиа автоматически откроется поверх окна Zoom на внешнем мониторе. При необходимости синхронизируйте мультимедиа и перейдите в режим управления мультимедиа, нажав кнопку ▶️ (воспроизвести) на главном экране M³, или Alt D.

Включите видеопоток Зала Царства (Alt V) и при необходимости осветите его, чтобы зрители в Zoom видели сцену Зала Царства. Включите звук Зала Царства в Zoom (Alt A). Отключать видео- или аудиопоток Зала Царства в Zoom во время встречи не нужно. Убедитесь, что в Zoom включена функция “Оригинальный звук для музыкантов”, чтобы обеспечить наилучшее качество звука для удаленных участников встречи.

Запустите воспроизведение фоновой музыки с помощью кнопки слева внизу, или Alt K.

Трансляция частей со сцены Зала Царства на Zoom

Никаких действий не требуется.

Во время встречи можно выбрать различные углы обзора/масштаб камеры, используя меню в нижней части окна управления воспроизведением мультимедиа M³; это меню будет содержать список всех настроенных сцен с видом камеры в OBS.

Демонстрация мультимедиа в Зале Царства и через Zoom

Найдите мультимедийный файл, который вы хотите показать, в списке мультимедийных файлов M³ и нажмите на кнопку “воспроизвести”.

Когда вы завершите демонстрацию мультимедиа, нажмите кнопку “остановить” в M³. Обратите внимание, что видео автоматически останавливаются после завершения.

Отображение удаленных участников Zoom на мониторе Зала Царства

Нажмите кнопку “скрыть/показать окно демонстрации медиа” в нижнем правом углу экрана управления медиа M³, или Alt Z, чтобы скрыть окно демонстрации медиа. Теперь участники встречи Zoom будут видны на мониторе в Зале Царства.

Если удаленному участнику нужно показать медиа, следуйте шагам в подразделе Демонстрация мультимедиа в Зале Царства и через Zoom.

Как только участник закончит свою часть, нажмите кнопку “скрыть/показать окно демонстрации медиа” в нижнем правом углу окна управления мультимедиа M³, или Alt Z, чтобы показать окно демонстрации медиа. На мониторах Зала Царства теперь будет отображаться годовой текст.

Проведение гибридных встреч с помощью только M³ и Zoom, без OBS Studio

Если по каким-либо причинам вы не хотите использовать OBS Studio, следующие предложения, возможно, помогут вам настроить все как можно проще.

Без OBS Studio: Начальная конфигурация: Компьютер Зала Царства

То же, что и в соответствующем разделе выше. Кроме того, настройте глобальное сочетание клавиш в Zoom для запуска/остановки демонстрации экрана (Alt S). В качестве “камеры” будет использоваться поток с камеры Зала Царства.

Без OBS Studio: Начальная конфигурация: M³

Включить опцию Демонстрировать медиафайлы на внешнем экране или в отдельном окне.

Без OBS Studio: Начало встречи

То же, что и в соответствующем разделе выше.

Без OBS Studio: Трансляция частей со сцены Зала Царства на Zoom

То же, что и в соответствующем разделе выше.

Без OBS Studio: Демонстрация мультимедиа в Зале Царства и через Zoom

Начните демонстрацию в Zoom, нажав Alt S. В появившемся окне демонстрации Zoom выберите внешний монитор и включите оба флажка внизу слева (для оптимизации звука и видео). Теперь годовой текст будет отображаться в Zoom.

Найдите мультимедийный файл, который вы хотите показать, в списке мультимедийных файлов M³ и нажмите на кнопку “воспроизвести”.

Когда демонстрация мультимедийных файлов закончена, нажмите Alt S, чтобы прекратить функцию обмена экрана Zoom.

Без OBS Studio: Отображение удаленных участников Zoom на мониторе Зала Царства

То же, что и в соответствующем разделе выше.

Скриншоты режима демонстрации

Синяя кнопка воспроизведения для входа в режим управления мультимедиа
Синяя кнопка воспроизведения для входа в режим управления мультимедиа
Список мультимедиа, готовых к демонстрации
Список мультимедиа, готовых к демонстрации
Фон по умолчанию, с автоматически загружаемым годовым текстом
Фон по умолчанию, с автоматически загружаемым годовым текстом
Демонстрация изображения
Демонстрация изображения
Воспроизведение видео
Воспроизведение видео
Переход к определенному моменту в видео
Переход к определенному моменту в видео

Управление медиа

Экран управления медиа позволяет пользователю добавлять или удалять медиа для любой встречи, управлять повторяющимися медиа и даже добавлять специальные медиа для других дат, на которые обычно не запланированы встречи.

Управление медиа для любого выбранного дня

Чтобы управлять медиа для определенной встречи или дня, просто нажмите на кнопку этого дня на главном экране M³. Чтобы управлять мультимедийными файлами, которые будут повторяться на каждой встрече, нажмите на кнопку Повторяющиеся медиафайлы.

Добавить медиа

Вот как добавить медиа из экрана управления мультимедиа.

Настройки Обьяснение
Тип загрузки Выберите один из 3 типов мультимедийных файлов (см. ниже).
Выберите медиа, которое нужно добавить Зависит от выбранного типа (см. ниже).
Префикс имени файла Перед именем (именами) мультимедийных файлов можно добавить максимум 6 цифр, чтобы облегчить сортировку.
Список медиа Здесь отображаются запланированные на выбранную дату медиа.

В поле Выберите медиа, которое нужно добавить, в зависимости от выбранного типа файла, вам будут предложены различные опции.

Тип загрузки Зона загрузки мультимедийных файлов…
Песня … покажет меню со всеми видеоклипами песни Царства из серии sjjm, на языке мультимедиа. Выберите эту опцию, например, чтобы добавить песню для публичной речи или для посещений районного старейшины.

Выбранная песня будет автоматически загружена с JW.org, на языке собрания или группы, как настроено в настройках.
JWPUB … позволит вам найти (или перетащить) файл JWPUB.

После этого вам будет предложено выбрать раздел или главу, из которой вы хотели бы добавить медиа. Это добавит как встроенные, так и ссылающиеся медиа из этого раздела JWPUB-файла.

Пример распространенного JWPUB-файла – это S-34, но здесь можно использовать любой JWPUB-файл.
Разное … позволит вам найти (или перетащить) любой(ые) другой(ие) мультимедийный(ые) файл(ы) с вашего компьютера.

Обратите внимание, что все файлы PDF и SVG будут автоматически конвертироваться в изображения с высоким разрешением.
JW.org … позволит вам выбрать видео из последних рекомендуемых видео на JW.org.

Удаление, скрытие и представление мультимедийных файлов

Чтобы удалить, скрыть или представить мультимедийный файл, просто найдите нужный файл и нажмите на соответствующую иконку.

Красный значок 🟥 (удалить) Значок ☑️ (установленный флажок) Значок 🔲 (не установленный флажок)
Файл был добавлен к материалам этого дня вами или ОВ. В материалах встречи есть ссылка на этот мультимедийный файл.

Он будет загружен с JW.org или извлечен из соответствующей публикации.
В материалах встречи есть ссылка на этот мультимедийный файл.

Он был скрыт вами или ОВ, поэтому не будет загружен или добавлен к мультимедиа этой встречи.

Скриншоты экрана управления медиа

Добавление песни для публичной речи
Добавление песни для публичной речи
Добавление дополнительного изображения
Добавление дополнительного изображения
Импорт мультимедиа из определенного раздела в JWPUB-файле
Импорт мультимедиа из определенного раздела в JWPUB-файле
Предварительный просмотр медиа из JWPUB-файла перед импортом
Предварительный просмотр медиа из JWPUB-файла перед импортом
Переименование медиа-файла
Переименование медиа-файла


M³ не требует административных привилегий для установки или запуска. Чтобы установить M³, просто загрузите последнюю программу установки и запустите ее.

Операционная система Соответствующий файл
Виндовс meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

Что дальше?

Настройте приложение с помощью Настройки.

Не удалось установить?

Просмотрите технические примечания для справки.


Зависит ли это приложение от внешних сайтов, источников или “кураторов”, чтобы загружать публикации и мультимедиа для встреч?

Нет. Приложение работает аналогично JW Library. Оно загружает публикации и мультимедиа непосредственно с официального сайта JW.org. Во время работы приложение автоматически определяет, что необходимо загрузить, например, медиафайлы и публикации. Исходный код доступен для всех для анализа и проверки.

Нарушает ли это приложение условия использования JW.org?

Нет. Условия использования JW.org на самом деле прямо разрешают такое использование, которое мы делаем. Вот соответствующая выдержка из этих условий:

Вы не можете:

создавать с целью распространения какие бы то ни было компьютерные приложения, программы и методы, которые были специально разработаны для того, чтобы собирать, копировать, скачивать, извлекать данные, HTML, изображения или текст с этого сайта, а также осуществлять комплексный поиск, сбор и интеллектуальный анализ данных (при этом не запрещается распространение бесплатных, некоммерческих приложений, разработанных для скачивания электронных файлов — например, файлов в формате EPUB, PDF, MP3 и MP4 — из общедоступного пространства этого сайта)

Синхронизация собрания

Брат, названный организатором видеоконференций (ОВ) советом старейшин, может использовать M³ для управления тем, какие мультимедиа будут предоставлены команде аудио/видео техподдержки в его собрании.

ОВ, или назначенные ему лица, может:

  • загрузить дополнительные медиа для встреч, например, для посещения районного старейшины или для публичных речей
  • скрыть медиа из JW.org, которые не актуальны для какой-то встречи, например, когда часть была заменена местным филиалом
  • добавить или удалить повторяющиеся медиа, такие как видео с годовым текстом или слайд с объявлением

Все, кто синхронизирован с одним и тем же собранием, получат точно такие же мультимедийные файлы, когда они нажмут кнопку Обновить папки мультимедиа.

Обратите внимание, что функция синхронизации собраний является опциональной и совершенно необязательной.

Как это работает

Механизм синхронизации собраний, используемый в M³, основан на WebDAV. Это означает, что ОВ (или кто-то под его руководством) должен либо:

  • установить защищенный WebDAV-сервер, доступный через Интернет, либо
  • использовать сторонний сервис облачного хранения данных, который поддерживает протокол WebDAV (см. опцию Веб адрес в разделе Настройка синхронизации на уровне местного собрания ниже).

Все пользователи, желающие синхронизироваться вместе, должны будут подключаться к тому же WebDAV-серверу, используя информацию о подключении и учетные данные, предоставленные им ОВ.

Настройка синхронизации на уровне местного собрания

Настройки Обьяснение
Веб адрес Веб адрес WebDAV-сервера. Требуется безопасный HTTP (HTTPS).

Примечание: После нажатия, кнопка Веб адрес покажет список WebDAV-провайдеров совместимые с M³, и автоматически заполнят определенные настройки для этих провайдеров.

Этот список предоставляется как есть и ни в коем случае не является одобрением какой-либо конкретной услуги или провайдера. Самый лучший сервер - это всегда тот, который принадлежит вам…
Имя пользователя Имя пользователя для WebDAV-провайдера.
Пароль Пароль для WebDAV-провайдера.

Примечание: Как подробно описано на их страницах поддержки, может потребоваться создание пароля для конкретного приложения для Box и Koofr для того, чтобы включить WebDAV-соединения с их службами.
Папка для собрания Это папка, которая будет использоваться для синхронизации мультимедиа для всех пользователей синхронизации собрания. Вы можете набрать/вставить путь или использовать мышку для перехода в целевую папку.

Примечание: Убедитесь, что все пользователи синхронизации вводит один и тот же путь к папке; иначе синхронизация не будет работать так как ожидалось.
Настройки для всего собрания После того, как ОВ настроил разделы медиа и встречи в настройках на своем компьютере, затем он может использовать эту кнопку, чтобы применить определенные настройки для всех пользователей синхронизации (например, дни встречи, язык мультимедиа, настройки конверсии и т. д.). Это означает, что выбранные настройки будут принудительно применены для всех синхронизированных пользователей при каждом открытии M³.

Использование синхронизации собрания для управления медиа

После завершения установки синхронизации собрания, вы готовы управлять медиа для команды аудио/видео техподдержки.

Скриншоты синхронизации собрания

Настройка синхронизации на уровне местного собрания
Настройка синхронизации на уровне местного собрания


Экран настроек разделен на 4 раздела. Большинство опций не требуют пояснений, но вот несколько дополнительных подробностей.

Настройка приложения

Настройки Обьяснение
Оффлайн-режим Если эта опция включена, M³ не будет пытаться подключиться к JW.org или к синхронизации собрания. Это полезно, когда у вас плохое интернет-соединение и вы хотите сэкономить пропускную способность.
Предпочтение темы Выберите тему, которую вы предпочитаете. При выборе Система, M³ будет использовать тему системы.
Название собрания Название вашего собрания. Это используется в случае, когда несколько собраний используют один и тот же компьютер и имя пользователя Windows.
Язык интерфейса Устанавливает язык, на котором отображается M³.

Благодарим наших многочисленных участников за то, что они перевели приложение на столько языков! Если вы хотите помочь улучшить существующий перевод или добавить новый, пожалуйста, откройте новую дискуссию.
Папка для сохранения мультимедиа Медиафайлы собрания будут сохранены в этой папке для последующей демонстрации.
Пользовательская папка кэша По умолчанию, публикации и другие данные сохраняются в отдельной папке для каждого пользователя. Можно изменить эту папку, если вы хотите использовать общую папку кэша для многих пользователей на одном компьютере.
Формат даты для папок встреч Формат даты, используемый для папок встреч.

*Примечание: При использовании синхронизации собраний, пожалуйста, убедитесь, что все настроили одинаковый формат даты, используя функцию `Настройки для всего собрания
Запускать приложение при загрузке системы Если эта опция включена, M³ будет автоматически запускаться при входе текущего пользователя в компьютер.

Примечание: Недоступно на Linux.
Запускать синхронизацию мультимедиа при запуске приложения Если эта опция включена, то через 5 секунд после запуска M³ будет автоматически инициироваться синхронизация мультимедиа.

Чтобы предотвратить автоматическую синхронизацию, нажмите кнопку ⏸ (пауза) до истечения 5-секундного таймера.
Открыть папку мультимедиа после синхронизации Если эта опция включена, папка, содержащая скачанные файлы для выбранной недели, откроется в файловом менеджере компьютера после завершения синхронизации.
Выйти из приложения после синхронизации Если эта опция включена, то M³ автоматически завершит работу через 5 секунд после завершения синхронизации.

Чтобы предотвратить автоматическое завершение работы M³ при включении этой настройки, нажмите кнопку 🏃 (уходящий/убегающий человек) до истечения 5-секундного таймера.
Включить режим совместимости с OBS Studio Если эта опция включена, то с помощью OBS Studio сцены будут автоматически меняться по мере необходимости до и после демонстрации медиа.

При включении этой настройки убедитесь, что OBS Studio настроено на использование плагина obs-websocket, с помощью которого M³ сможет взаимодействовать с OBS Studio.

Кроме того, настройте в OBS все необходимые сцены для демонстрации медиа и показа пюпитра. Как минимум, вам потребуется сцена с захватом окна (рекомендуется) или захватом монитора, чтобы захватить окно демонстрации медиа M³, или экран, на котором будет отображаться медиа.

Вам также нужно будет настроить все желаемые сцены с видом на сцену, например: снимок пюпитра, широкий снимок сцены и т. д.
Порт Порт, на котором плагин obs-websocket будет прослушивать.
Пароль Пароль, настроен в настройках плагина obs-websocket.
Вид сцены, настроенный в OBS Studio Выберите, какая сцена должна быть выбрана по умолчанию при запуске режима демонстрации медиа. Как правило, это будет широкий вид сцены или вид на пюпитр.
Вид окна демонстрации мультимедиа, настроенный в OBS Studio Выберите, какая сцена настроена в OBS Studio для захвата окна мультимедиа M³.
Необязательная отдельная сцена для изображений Дополнительная, необязательная сцена для отображения изображений. Это полезно, если вы хотите показывать изображения не так, как видео (например, с наложением сцены).
Сцена OBS Studio для отображения участников Zoom Необязательная сцена для быстрого и эффективного управления отображением участников Zoom во время гибридной встречи.

Когда эта сцена настроена, действие режима демонстрации мультимедиа несколько изменяется. В этом режиме появится кнопка переключения, при включении которой окно мультимедиа будет скрыто, а сцена Zoom будет показана. Выборщик сцен OBS также будет скрыт. При представлении медиа автоматически появится сцена медиа, как обычно, а после представления медиа окно медиа сразу исчезнет.

Когда переключатель отключен, окно мультимедиа и выборщик сцен будут показаны снова.
Включить интеграцию с Zoom Если эта функция включена, она будет пытаться автоматизировать различные задачи перед встречей (отключить все микрофоны, включить видео/аудио Зала Царства, отключить возможность участникам включить свои микрофоны), во время встречи (выбрать участников для освещения и включить их микрофоны, или отключить микрофоны, опустить руку и убрать освещение) и после встречи (отключить видеопоток Зала Царства, позволить участникам включить свои микрофоны).

Примечание: Это еще бета-функция. Пожалуйста, тщательно протестируйте ее перед внедрением и убедитесь, что автоматизация была корректно выполнена.
Имя участника Zoom Это имя, которое M³ будет использовать для подключения к встрече Zoom.
ID встречи Zoom Идентификатор встречи Zoom, к которой должен подключиться M³.
Пароль Пароль встречи Zoom, к которой должен подключиться M³.
Отслеживать видео при начале встречи Если эта функция включена, M³ автоматически осветит камеру Зала Царства, когда будет выполнена автоматизация “начать встречу”.
Скрыть компонент Zoom по умолчанию Если эта функция включена, компонент Zoom по умолчанию будет скрыт. Компонент Zoom - это обязательный плавающий компонент, который представляет участника M³ на встрече Zoom. С его помощью можно управлять участником M³.
Автоматически выполнять операции по началу встречи Если эта функция включена, M³ будет автоматически выполнять автоматизацию “начать встречу” за определенное количество минут до запланированного начала встречи. Это, в частности, лишит участников возможности включить свои микрофоны, выключит микрофоны всех участников, попросит организатора включить видео и микрофон и, по желанию, осветит камеру Зала Царства.
Автоматически переименовывать участников Zoom С помощью этой опции можно добавить правило переименования, чтобы автоматически переименовывать определенных участников Zoom. Это полезно, если вы хотите переименовать участников, которые постоянно подключаются с неправильным или неполным именем. Необходимо ввести правила в следующем формате: Старое имя=Новое имя.
Включить бета-обновления в целях тестирования Если эта функция включена, M³ будет автоматически загружать бета-обновления, которые выпускаются ежедневно и содержат последние функции и исправления.

Примечание: Не включайте этот параметр на компьютере, который используется для демонстрации медиа в Зале Царства.
Отключите автоматическое обновление приложений Когда эта опция включена, M³ не будет автоматически обновляться при закрытии.
Отключить аппаратное ускорение Включите эту настройку только в том случае, если у вас возникли проблемы с режимом демонстрации медиа. Изменение этого параметра вызовет перезапуск M³.

Настройка синхронизации на уровне местного собрания

Смотрите раздел Синхронизация собрания для подробной информации о том, как именно работает эта функция и как ее настроить.

Настройка мультимедиа

Настройки Обьяснение
Язык мультимедиа Выберите язык собрания или группы. Все медиа будут загружены с JW.org на этом языке.
Резервный язык мультимедиа, в случае отсутствия основного языка Этот язык используется в тех случаях, когда основной язык медиа недоступен.

Например, если вы выберете ирландский язык как язык медиа, а английский как резервный, то всякий раз, когда публикация или видео не доступны на ирландском языке, они будут загружаться на английском.
Максимальное разрешение для видео Видео, загруженные с JW.org, будут загружены в это разрешение или следующее доступное разрешение. Полезно в тех случаях, когда пропускная способность низкоскоростная или ограничена.
Включить субтитры для мультимедиа Включите эту опцию, если вы хотите загрузить субтитры для видео, когда они доступны. Субтитры будут показаны по умолчанию, но могут быть включены/выключены во время представления. Вертикальную позицию субтитров можно изменить, нажав на значок субтитры в предварительном просмотре видео.
Преобразовать медиафайлы в формат MP4 Эта опция автоматически преобразует все изображения и аудиофайлы в формат MP4 для использования с встроенной в Zoom функцией демонстрации MP4 во время полностью удаленных встреч Zoom. Сюда входят все изображения и файлы мультимедиа, загруженные с JW.org, а также дополнительные файлы мультимедиа, добавленные пользователем или организатором видеоконференций.

Примечание: Этот вариант лучше всего подходит для полностью удаленных встреч собрания, проводимых через Zoom. Если проводятся как гибридные, так и обычные встречи собрания, рассмотрите вариант использования режима демонстрации медиа, активировав опцию Демонстрировать медиафайлы на внешнем экране или в отдельном окне, и отключите данную опцию.
Сохранить исходные медиафайлы после преобразования Если эта опция включена, то после преобразования в формат MP4 изображения и аудиофайлы будут сохраняться в папке мультимедиа, а не удаляться. Это означает, что папка мультимедиа станет немного более захламленной, и обычно эту опцию не нужно включать, если обмен мультимедиа осуществляется через функцию обмена МР4-файлами в Zoom. (См. Преобразовать медиафайлы в формат MP4 выше.)

Примечание: Видимо, только если Преобразовать медиафайлы в формат MP4 включено.
Демонстрировать медиафайлы на внешнем экране или в отдельном окне Эта опция позволит вам использовать M³ для демонстрации изображений, видео и аудиофайлов во время гибридных или обычных встреч собрания в живую. Затем можно перейти к экрану управления воспроизведением мультимедиа, нажав кнопку ▶️ (воспроизведение) на главном экране M³.

Экран демонстрации мультимедиа автоматически отображается на внешнем мониторе, если таковой имеется; если нет, то мультимедиа будет отображаться в отдельном окне с изменяемым размером.

Примечание: Этот вариант лучше всего подходит для гибридных или обычных встреч собрания.

Если проводятся полностью удаленные встречи собрания, попробуйте включить опцию Преобразовать медиафайлы в формат MP4 и поделиться медиа с помощью встроенной функции обмена MP4 в Zoom.
Фоновое изображение для режима демонстрации мультимедиа По умолчанию, M³ будет пытаться загрузить текущий годовой текст на выбранном ранее языке, чтобы отобразить его на черном фоне, когда используется режим демонстрации медиа и никакие другие медиа на данный момент не воспроизводятся. Если по какой-то причине автоматическое скачивание годового текста не удалось, или если вы хотите отобразить другое фоновое изображение, можно воспользоваться кнопкой ‘Поиск’ чтобы выбрать пользовательское изображение, или кнопкой ‘Обновить’, чтобы попробовать автоматически скачать годовой текст снова.

Примечание: Если синхронизация собрания включена, выбор пользовательского фонового изображения автоматически синхронизирует его для всех пользователей синхронизации собрания.
Скрыть окно мультимедиа после завершения воспроизведения мультимедиа Если эта опция включена, окно мультимедиа будет скрываться сразу после завершения воспроизведения каждого мультимедийного файла.

Примечание: Эта настройка особенно полезна для встреч, проводимых на жестовом языке.
Автоматически воспроизвести первый мультимедийный файл Если эта опция включена, первый медиафайл в списке автоматически начнет воспроизводиться за настраиваемое количество минут до запланированного начала встречи.
Включить горячие клавиши во время воспроизведения мультимедиа Эта опция позволяет настроить пользовательские комбинации клавиш для воспроизведения и остановки мультимедиа. Это удобно, например, в сочетании с USB-пультом дистанционного управления.
Создать плейлист для использования в VLC Включите эту опцию, если вы хотите автоматически создавать плейлисты для каждой встречи, которые затем могут быть загружены в VLC, если вы пользуетесь этим приложением для демонстрации медиа вместо режима демонстрации медиа.
Исключить все медиа из брошюры th Если эта опция включена, то медиа из брошюры Развивай навыки не будет включаться во встречу в будние дни.
Исключить из книги lff изображения, не относящиеся к изучению Библии в собрании Если эта опция включена, то изображения из книги Радуйтесь жизни (lff) не будут включены, например, для учебных заданий во время встречи в будние дни.
Включить изображения из печатного издания, когда они доступны Если эта опция включена, визуализации печатных изданий публикаций будут включаться, если они доступны. Это может быть полезно для таблиц или коллажей изображений, которые более понятны в печатном виде.

Настройки, связанные со встречами

Настройки Обьяснение
Специальное собрание Если эта опция включена, никакие мультимедиа не будут загружаться с сайта JW.org. Будут доступны только вручную добавленные медиа. Это полезно например для теократических школ.
Встречи в будние дни Укажите обычный день и время проведения встречи в будние дни; используется для именования папок и автоматического затухания фоновой музыки (см. ниже).
Встречи в выходные дни Укажите обычный день и время проведения встречи в выходные дни.
Следующее запланированное посещение районного старейшины При выборе даты следующего запланированного посещения районного старейшины, M³ автоматически настроит встречу в будний день на эту неделю на вторник, пропустит медиа для изучения Библии в собрании, а также пропустит завершающие песни Царства для обеих встреч.

Примечание: При использовании синхронизации собраний, обязательно заблокируйте эту настройку для всех подключенных пользователей, чтобы у всех была настроена одна и та же дата посещения районного старейшины.
Включить кнопку для воспроизведения фоновой музыки Включить кнопку на главном экране, которая будет воспроизводить песни Царства из серии sjjm в случайном порядке. Это полезно, например, для воспроизведения песен до и после встреч в Зале Царства в качестве фоновой музыки. Справа от этой опции находится кнопка для загрузки всех доступных песен Царства, что может быть полезно для предотвращения задержек при буферизации.
Громкость фоновой музыки Устанавливает громкость, при которой будет воспроизводиться фоновая музыка.
Автоматически воспроизвести фоновую музыку до встреч Если эта опция включена, фоновая музыка будет автоматически включаться при запуске приложения, если встреча должна начаться менее чем через час.
Автоматически остановить воспроизведение фоновой музыки Если включена опция Включить кнопку для воспроизведения фоновой музыки, то данная опция позволит вам указать промежуток времени, после которого фоновая музыка должна автоматически останавливаться. Это может быть либо заданное количество минут, либо заданное количество секунд до момента начала встречи (в случае, если фоновая музыка была запущена до начала встречи).

Скриншоты экрана настроек

Настройка приложения
Настройка приложения
Настройка мультимедиа
Настройка мультимедиа
Настройки, связанные со встречами
Настройки, связанные со встречами

Проблемы и запросы на новые функции

Как мне сообщить о проблеме или ошибке, с которой я столкнулся?

Если у вас возникнут какие-либо проблемы с M³, пожалуйста, используйте GitHub Issues, чтобы сообщить об этом. Исправления ошибок выпускаются на регулярной основе, как правило, ежемесячно.

Как мне запросить новые функции?

Мы всегда рады предложениям! Пожалуйста, используйте GitHub Discussions для обсуждения потенциальных новых функций.

Note tehnice de utilizare

Aplicația ar trebui să funcționeze așa cum este pe majoritatea calculatoarelor moderne care rulează Windows, Linux sau macOS.

Windows: Instalare și prima lansare

La deschiderea instalatorului, puteți obține o eroare care indică faptul că “Windows SmartScreen a împiedicat pornirea unei aplicații nerecunoscute”. Acest lucru se datorează faptului că aplicația nu are un număr mare de descărcări și, în consecință, nu este în mod explicit „de încredere” de către Windows. Pentru a trece peste asta, fă clic pe „Mai multe informații”, apoi „Rulează”.

Linux: Instalare și prima lansare

Conform documentației oficiale AppImage, dacă aplicația nu reușește să se deschidă corect, confirmă rezultatul următoarei comenzi:


Dacă rezultatul este 0, apoi AppImage va rula not numai dacă rulați următoarea comandă, urmată de o repornire :

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Asigură-te că ai citit pe ce implică înainte de a face acest lucru.

macOS: Instalare și lansare

Dacă la lansarea aplicației, primiți un avertisment că aplicația nu poate fi deschisă, fie pentru că “nu a fost descărcat din magazinul de aplicații” sau pentru că “dezvoltatorul nu poate fi verificat”, apoi acest Pagina de suport Apple vă va ajuta să depășiți acest lucru.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Spre deosebire de Windows și Linux, funcția de auto-actualizare este nu implementată pe macOS și probabil din motive tehnice nu va fi niciodată. Cu toate acestea, unul dintre două lucruri se va întâmpla pentru utilizatorii macOS atunci când este disponibilă o actualizare:

  • M3 va încerca să descarce pachetul de actualizare și să îl deschidă automat, după care utilizatorul va trebui să finalizeze manual instalarea actualizării M3 prin glisarea și adăugarea aplicației actualizate în dosarul Aplicații. Apoi, vor putea lansa M3 nou actualizat din dosarul Aplicații ca de obicei.
  • Dacă pasul anterior eșuează în orice stadiu, M3 va afișa o notificare persistentă, indicând că o actualizare este disponibilă, cu un link către actualizare. O notificare roșie în pulsing va fi de asemenea afișată pe butonul de setări în ecranul principal al M3. Numărul versiunii M3 din ecranul de setări se va transforma într-un buton care, odată apăsat, deschide pagina de descărcare automată a ultimei versiuni.

Mod prezentare media

Folosind modul de prezentare media

Modurile de prezentare și de control media sunt concepute pentru simplitate și pentru a preveni greșelile în timpul reuniunilor.

Odată ce opțiunea Prezentarea media pe un monitor extern sau într-o fereastră separată este activată, ecranul de prezentare media va apărea automat pe ecranul extern dacă există, sau într-o fereastră separată, glisabilă și redimensionabilă în cazul în care nu a fost detectat niciun monitor extern.

Când este în așteptare, ecranul de prezentare media va afișa imaginea de fundal care este configurată în setări. Dacă nici o imagine de fundal nu a fost configurată, atunci M3 va încerca automat să preia și să afișeze yeartextul.

Dacă nici o imagine de fundal nu este configurată în setări şi yeartext nu a putut fi încărcat automat, un fundal negru va fi afişat când este în poziţie verticală.

Modul controller media poate fi accesat făcând clic pe butonul ▶️ (play) pe ecranul principal al M3, sau folosind tastatura rapidă Alt D (pentru afişare externă).

Odată ce ați introdus modul controler, ecranul de selecție a dosarelor vă va permite să selectați data pentru care doriți să afișați media. Dacă dosarul zilei curente există, acesta va fi apăsat automat. Odată ce este selectată o dată, încă poți schimba data selectată în orice moment făcând clic pe butonul de selectare a datei, în secțiunea de sus.

Prezentare media

Pentru a reda media, apăsați butonul ▶️ (play) pentru fișierul pe care l-ați dori. Pentru a ascunde media, apăsați butonul ⏹️ (opriți). Dacă se doreşte, un videoclip poate fi răsucit sau accelerat în timpul întreruperii. Vă rugăm să rețineți că pentru videoclipuri; butonul de stop trebuie apăsat de două ori pentru a preveni oprirea accidentală şi prematură a unui videoclip în timp ce acesta este redat pentru congregare. Videoclipurile se vor opri automat când vor fi redate în întregime.

Caracteristici suplimentare

M3 are câteva caracteristici suplimentare care pot fi folosite pentru a îmbunătăți experiența de prezentare a mass-media.

Prezent JW.org

Pentru a prezenta JW.org, puteți apăsa butonul (ellipsis) din partea de sus a ecranului și selectați `Open JW.org`. Acest lucru va deschide o nouă fereastră de control cu JW.org încărcat. Fereastra media va afișa și JW.org. Acum puteți utiliza fereastra controller pentru a naviga pe JW.org, iar fereastra media va afișa acțiunile dvs. Când ați terminat prezentând JW.org, puteți închide fereastra controller și să continuați cu modul normal de prezentare.

Zoom și pan imagini

Când o imagine este afișată, poți derula roata mouse-ului în timp ce planezi peste previzualizarea imaginii pentru a mări și micșora. Alternativ, poți de asemenea să faci dublu clic pe previzualizarea imaginii pentru a mări imaginea. Dublu-clic va alterna între 1,5x, 2x, 3x, 4x și înapoi la o zoom de 1x. Poți, de asemenea, ține apăsată și trage imaginea în jurul imaginii.

Sortează lista media

Lista media poate fi sortată făcând clic pe butonul de sortare din dreapta sus a ecranului. Elementele media vor avea un buton lângă ele care pot fi folosite pentru a glisa elementul media în sus sau în jos în listă. Cand sunteti multumit de comanda, puteti apasa butonul de sortare din nou pentru a bloca comanda.

Adaugă o melodie de ultim minut

Dacă trebuie să adaugi o melodie de ultim minut în lista media, poți apăsa butonul ♫ + (adaugă melodia) în partea de sus a ecranului. O listă verticală va apărea cu o listă cu toate melodiile regatului. Când selectaţi unul, va fi adăugat imediat în partea de sus a listei media şi poate fi redat instantaneu. Fie va viziona melodia de pe JW.org, fie va reda melodia de pe cache-ul local dacă a fost descărcat anterior.

Realizarea de reuniuni hibride utilizând o combinație de M3, OBS Studio și Zoom

Cel mai simplu mod de a împărtăși mass-media în timpul întâlnirilor hibride este de departe configurarea OBS Studio, M3 și Zoom de a lucra împreună.

Configurare inițială: Sala regatului

Setați rezoluția ecranului monitorului extern la 1280x720, sau ceva apropiat de acesta.

Configurați ieșirea cardului de sunete pentru a merge la unul dintre mixerii de sunete, și amestecul de sunet al sunetului pentru a merge la sistemul de introducere a cardului sonor.

Configurare iniţială: OBS Studio

Instalați OBS Studio sau descărcați versiunea portabilă.

Dacă utilizaţi versiunea portabilă a OBS Studio, instalaţi plugin-ul Virtualcam , și dacă folosiți versiunea portabilă a OBS Studio, adăugați camera virtuală la Windows făcând clic pe scriptul de instalare furnizat.

Dacă aveți OBS Studio v27 sau mai mare, trebuie să instalați plugin-ul obs-websocket. În caz contrar este inclus şi obs-websocket-ul. Configurați un număr de port și o parolă pentru obs-websocket.

În setările OBS, sub General > System Tray, activează toate casetele de selectare. În Ieșire > Streamingactivați codificatorul de hardware, dacă este disponibil. Sub rezoluţia Video > Rezoluţia de bază (Canvas) şi Rezoluţia de ieşirealege 1280x720, și sub Filtru Downscale, alege Bilinear.

Configurați cel puțin 2 scene: una pentru ecranul media (Captură de fereastră sau Afișează Captura cu cursorul mouse-ului dezactivat și titlu/monitor corespunzător selectat), și unul pentru vizualizarea etapei (Dispozitiv de Captură Video cu camera KH selectată). De asemenea, puteţi adăuga o altă scenă specifică pentru imagini, unde fereastra media este vizibilă împreună cu podiumul într-un afişaj de imagine-în-imagine. Puteţi adăuga câte scene este necesar, cu camera ajustată, zoomed-in şi decupate după necesităţi (vedere lectură, dirijor şi cititor, vedere faţă de masă etc.).

Activează filtrul Scaling/Aspect pe toată fereastra Captura sau Captură cu o Rezoluție `` din Rezoluția (Canvas) Acest lucru va asigura că fereastra media este întotdeauna extinsă la rezoluţia rezultatului camerei virtuale.

Adaugă o scurtătură la OBS Studio, cu parametrul --startvirtualcam , în folderul Startup al profilului de utilizator Windows, pentru a se asigura că OBS Studio este pornit automat când utilizatorul se autentifică.

Configurația inițială: Zoom în Sala Regatului

Zoom trebuie configurat să folosească monitoare duble. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Setați “microfonul” implicit să fie ieșirea mixerului de sunet (astfel încât tot ce este auzit în sistemul de sunet al Regatului să fie transmis prin Zoom, inclusiv microfoanele și mass-media) și „camera” care vor fi camera virtuală furnizată de OBS Studio.

Configurația inițială: M3

Activați opțiunea Prezentați media pe un monitor extern sau într-o fereastră separată.

Activaţi şi configuraţi modul de compatibilitate OBS Studio, folosind portul şi parola informaţii configurate în pasul de configurare OBS Studio.

Începerea şedinţei

Începeţi şedinţa Zoom şi mutaţi fereastra secundară a şedinţei Zoom pe monitorul extern. Faceți-l pe tot ecranul, dacă doriți. Aici va fi afișat participanților la o întâlnire la distanță pentru a vedea congregația.

Odată ce ședința Zoom este afișată pe monitorul extern, deschideți M3. Fereastra de prezentare media se va deschide automat deasupra Zoom pe monitorul extern. Sincronizaţi dacă este necesar şi introduceţi modul controller media făcând clic pe butonul ▶️ (play) pe ecranul principal al M3, sau Alt D.

Activează feed-ul video de la Sala Regatului (Alt V), și să evidențieze feed-ul video din Sala regatului, dacă este necesar, astfel încât participanții să vadă etapa din Sala Regatului. Dă silențios fluxul audio la Sala Regatului în Zoom (Alt A). Nu ar trebui să fie necesară dezactivarea fluxului video sau audio din Zoom pe durata ședinței. Asiguraţi-vă că “Sunetul original pentru muzicieni” este activat în Zoom, pentru a asigura cea mai bună calitate audio pentru participanţii la întâlnirile de la distanţă.

Pornește redarea de fundal folosind butonul din stânga jos, sau Alt K.

Difuzarea de părți în persoană din etapa înaltă a regatului prin Zoom

Nicio acțiune necesară.

În timpul întâlnirii pot fi alese diferite unghiuri de cameră/zoom folosind meniul din partea de jos a ferestrei de control a redării media M3; acest meniu va conține o listă cu toate scenele configurate de vizualizare a camerei, în OBS.

Partajează media la Sala Regatului și la Zoom

Găsiți fișierele media pe care doriți să le partajați în fereastra de control a redării M3 și apăsați butonul “redare”.

Cand ai terminat impartasiti media, apasati butonul “stop” din M3. Țineți cont că videoclipurile se opresc automat la finalizare.

Afişează participanţii la Zoom de la distanţă pe monitorul din Sala Regatului

Apăsați butonul “ascundere/afișare fereastră de prezentare media” în colțul din dreapta jos al ecranului de control media M3, sau Alt Z, pentru a ascunde fereastra de prezentare media. Întâlnirea Zoom va fi vizibilă acum pe monitorul din Sala Regatului.

Dacă participantul are mass-media de arătat, urmează pașii de sub subrubrica Partajare media la Sala Regatului și la Zoom.

Odată ce participantul și-a terminat partea sa, apăsaţi pe butonul “ascunde/arată fereastra de prezentare media” în colţul din dreapta jos al ferestrei de control a redării media M3, sau Alt Z, la arată fereastra de prezentare media. Monitorul din Sala Regatului va arăta acum yeartextul.

Realizarea de reuniuni hibride utilizând doar M3 și Zoom

Dacă nu doriţi să utilizaţi OBS Studio pentru orice motiv, următoarele sugestii vă vor ajuta probabil să stabiliți lucrurile cât mai simplu posibil.

Configuratie initiala fara OBS: Sala regatului

La fel ca în secţiunea corespunzătoare de mai sus. Cu adăugarea scurtăturii globale de tastatură pentru Zoom pentru pornirea/oprirea partajării ecranului (Alt S). Camera foto va fi alimentată de camera foto de la camera din Regat.

Configurația inițială fără OBS: M3

Activați opțiunea Prezentați media pe un monitor extern sau într-o fereastră separată.

Începerea şedinţei fără OBS

La fel ca în secţiunea corespunzătoare de mai sus.

Difuzarea pieselor în persoană din etapa de vârf a regatului de peste Zoom fără OBS

La fel ca în secţiunea corespunzătoare de mai sus.

Partajează media la Sala Regatului și la Zoom fără OBS

Începe să distribui în Zoom atingând Alt S. În fereastra de partajare Zoom care apare în sus, alegeți monitorul extern și activați ambele căsuțe în stânga jos (pentru optimizarea sunetului și a video). Acum textul yeartext va fi partajat prin Zoom.

Găsiți fișierele media pe care doriți să le partajați în fereastra de control a redării M3 și apăsați butonul “redare”.

Cand ai terminat sa partajezi media, apasa Alt S pentru a pune capăt partajării ecranului Zoom.

Afişează participanţii la Zoom de la distanţă pe monitorul din Sala Regatului fără OBS

La fel ca în secţiunea corespunzătoare de mai sus.

Capturi ecran în Modul Prezentare

Buton albastru pentru a intra în modul controler media
Buton albastru pentru a intra în modul controler media
Lista fișierelor media care sunt gata să fie prezentate
Lista fișierelor media care sunt gata să fie prezentate
Fundal media implicit, cu yeartext generat automat
Fundal media implicit, cu yeartext generat automat
Afişare imagine
Afişare imagine
Redarea unui videoclip
Redarea unui videoclip
Trecerea la o anumită perioadă într-un videoclip
Trecerea la o anumită perioadă într-un videoclip

Gestionare media

Ecranul de administrare media permite utilizatorului să adauge sau să elimine media pentru orice întâlnire. gestionează mass-media recurente și chiar adaugă suporturi speciale pentru alte date la care nu este programată în mod normal nicio întâlnire.

Gestionarea suporturilor pentru orice zi

Pentru a gestiona mass-media pentru o anumită întâlnire sau zi, fă clic pe iconița acelei zile pe ecranul principal al M3. Pentru a gestiona mass-media care se repetă la fiecare întâlnire, faceți clic pe casuța media recurentă.

Adăugare fișiere media

Iată cum să adăugați ** media din ecranul de management media.

Opţiune Explicație
Tipul încărcării Alegeți din unul dintre tipurile de media (a se vedea mai jos).
Media de adăugat Depinde de tipul de media ales (a se vedea mai jos).
Prefix nume fișier Pot fi adăugate până la 6 cifre înainte de numele fișierului media, pentru a ajuta la sortare.
Listă media Acest lucru arată media planificată în prezent pentru ciocolata datei selectate.

În câmpul Media pentru a adăuga , vi se vor prezenta opțiuni diferite, în funcție de tipul de fișier media selectat.

Tip media Media pentru a adăuga câmpul
Cântec … afișează un meniu cu toate videoclipurile din serialele sjm , în limba media. Alegeți această opțiune de exemplu pentru a adăuga un cântec pentru conferința publică sau pentru vizitele supraveghetorilor de circuit.

Melodia selectată va fi descărcată automat de pe JW.org, în congregația sau în limba grupului, conform configurației Setările.
JWPUB … vă permite să navigați la (sau drag and drop) un fișier JWPUB.

Vi se va solicita apoi să selectaţi secţiunea sau capitolul din care doriţi să adăugaţi media. Aceasta va adăuga atât media încorporată, cât şi media la referinţă din acea secţiune în fişierul JWPUB.

Un exemplu de fişier JWPUB utilizat în mod obişnuit este S-34, dar orice fişier JWPUB poate fi folosit aici.
Personalizat … vă permite să navigați la (sau drag and drop) orice alte fișiere media de pe computer.

Reţineţi că toate fişierele PDF şi SVG vor fi convertite automat în imagini de înaltă rezoluţie de M3.
JW.ORG … vă permite să selectaţi un videoclip din cele mai recente videoclipuri recomandate pe JW.org.

Eliminarea, ascunderea și afișarea fișierelor media

To remove, hide, or show media, simply find the media file you don’t want, and click on the relevant icon.

O pictogramă roșie 🟥 (șterge) O pictogramă ☑️ (bifată caseta) O pictogramă 🔲 (casetă neselectată)
Fișierul media a fost adăugat la media din ziua respectivă de către dvs. sau VO. Dosarul media este menţionat în materialul întâlnirii.

It will be downloaded from JW.org or extracted from the relevant publication.
Dosarul media este menţionat în materialul întâlnirii.

It was hidden by you or the VO, so it will not be downloaded or added to the meeting’s media.

Capturi de ecran ale ecranului de management media

Adăugarea unui cântec pentru o discuție publică
Adăugarea unui cântec pentru o discuție publică
Adăugarea unei imagini adiționale
Adăugarea unei imagini adiționale
Importă fișiere dintr-o secțiune într-un fișier JWPUB
Importă fișiere dintr-o secțiune într-un fișier JWPUB
Previzualizarea fișierelor media dintr-un fișier JWPUB înainte de import
Previzualizarea fișierelor media dintr-un fișier JWPUB înainte de import
Redenumirea unui fişier media
Redenumirea unui fişier media


M3 nu necesită privilegii administrative pentru a instala sau rula. Pentru a instala M3, pur și simplu descarcă cel mai recent instalator și rulează-l.

Sistem de operare Fișier de descărcat
Ferestre meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

Ce urmează?

Configurați aplicația folosind ecranul Setări.

Probleme de instalare?

Check the Technical usage notes for help.


Depinde această aplicație de site-uri externe, surse sau “curatori” pentru a descărca publicații și întâlniri cu media?

Nu. Aplicaţia se comportă similar cu Biblioteca JW. Acesta descarcă publicații și media direct de pe site-ul oficial JW.org și de pe rețeaua sa de distribuție a conținutului. În timpul rulării, aplicația determină automat ce trebuie descărcat, cum ar fi fișierele media și publicațiile. Codul sursă este disponibil pentru toți pentru a examina și verifica acest lucru.

Această aplicație încalcă Termenii de utilizare JW.ort?

Nu. Termenii de utilizare JW.org permit de fapt în mod explicit tipul de utilizare pe care îl facem. Iată extrasul relevant al acestor termeni (minus de subliniere):

Nu puteţi să:

Crează în scopuri de distribuție, orice aplicații, unelte sau tehnici software care sunt destinate în mod specific colectării; copiere, descărcare, extract, recoltare sau resturi de date, HTML, imagini, sau text de pe acest site. (Acest lucru nu face nu interzice distribuirea gratuită, aplicații necomerciale concepute pentru a descărca fișiere electronice precum EPUB, PDF, MP3 și MP4 din spațiile publice ale acestui site.)

Sincronizarea congregației

Fratele desemnat ca organizator videoConference (VO) de corpul bătrânilor poate folosi M3 pentru a gestiona ce media este pusă la dispoziția echipei tehnice de asistență A/V în congregația sa.

OV sau o persoană desemnată de acesta poate:

  • încarcă suplimentar media pentru a fi partajată în timpul unei ședințe, cum ar fi pentru vizita supraveghetorului circuitului sau pentru conferințele vorbitorilor publici
  • ascunde media de la JW.org care nu este relevantă pentru o anumită întâlnire, de exemplu, atunci când o parte a fost înlocuită de sucursala locală
  • adăugați sau eliminați recurente , cum ar fi un videoclip text de an sau un slide de anunț

Toţi cei care sunt sincronizaţi cu aceeaşi congregaţie vor primi exact aceeaşi media atunci când fac clic pe butonul Actualizează dosarele media.

Vă rugăm să reţineţi că funcţia de sincronizare a congregaţiei este opt-in şi complet opţională.

Cum funcţionează

Mecanismul de sincronizare de bază al M3 folosește WebDAV. Aceasta înseamnă că OV (sau cineva aflat sub supravegherea sa) trebuie:

  • setează un server WebDAV securizat care este accesibil web, sau
  • utilizează un serviciu de stocare în cloud care suportă protocolul WebDAV (vezi setarea ** a adresei Web în secțiunea Congregation sync setup de mai jos).

Toți utilizatorii care doresc să fie sincronizați împreună vor trebui să se conecteze la același server WebDAV folosind informațiile de conectare și acreditările oferite de către VO.

Configurare sincronizare congregație

Setare Explicație
Adresă web Adresa web a serverului WebDAV. Este necesar HTTP securizat (HTTPS).

Notă: Butonul de adresă web, odată ce se dă click, va afișa o listă de furnizori WebDAV care au fost cunoscuți ca fiind compatibili cu M3 și care vor înlocui automat anumite setări pentru acești furnizori.

Această listă este furnizată ca o curtoazie și nu reprezintă în niciun caz o aprobare a unui anumit serviciu sau furnizor. Cel mai bun server este întotdeauna cel pe care îl deține…
Nume de utilizator Nume de utilizator pentru serviciul WebDAV.
Parolă Parola pentru serviciul WebDAV.

Notă: Conform detaliilor din paginile lor respective de sprijin, pentru Box și Koofr ar putea fi necesară o parolă specifică fiecărei aplicații, pentru a permite conexiuni WebDAV la serviciile lor.
Configurare sincronizare congregație Acesta este folderul care va fi folosit pentru a sincroniza media pentru toți utilizatorii de sincronizare congregare. Poți tipa/lipi pe o traiectorie sau să folosești mouse-ul pentru a naviga la folderul țintă.

Notă: Asigurați-vă că toți utilizatorii sincronizați introduc aceeași cale de dosare; altfel sincronizarea nu va funcționa conform așteptărilor.
Setări generale al congregației Odată ce OV a configurat secțiunile Media setup și Întâlnire din secțiunea Setări pe propriul calculator, el poate utiliza apoi acest buton pentru a impune anumite setări pentru toți utilizatorii de sincronizare a congregației (de exemplu, zile de întâlnire, limbaj media, setări de conversie etc. Aceasta înseamnă că setările selectate vor fi aplicate forțat pentru toți utilizatorii sincronizați de fiecare dată când deschid M3.

Utilizare sincronizare congregare pentru gestionarea media

Odată ce configurarea sincronizării de congregare este completă, sunteți gata să porniți cu Managing media pentru echipa de asistență tehnică AV a congregsului dvs.

Capturi de ecran sincronizare în acțiune

Configurare sincronizare congregație
Configurare sincronizare congregație


Ecranul Setări este împărțit în 4 secțiuni. Majoritatea opțiunilor sunt explicative, dar iată câteva detalii suplimentare.

Configurarea aplicației

Setare Explicație
Mod offline Dacă este activată, M3 nu va încerca să se conecteze la JW.org sau la serverul de congregare. Acest lucru este util atunci când ai o conexiune slabă la internet și vrei să salvezi lățimea de bandă.
Preferințe de temă Selectaţi tema pe care o preferaţi. Dacă selectaţi Sistemul, M3 va utiliza tema sistemului.
Nume congregație Numele congregației tale. Acest lucru este folosit pentru a susține mai multe congregații care împart același computer.
Limba de afișare Setează limba în care este afișat M3.

Mulțumim numeroșilor noștri contribuabili pentru traducerea aplicației în atât de multe limbi! If you want to help improve an existing translation or add a new one, please open up a new discussion.
Folder în care să fie salvate fișierele Fișierele de întâlnire vor fi salvate în acest dosar pentru partajare și utilizare ulterioară.
Cale personalizată Implicit, publicațiile și alte date sunt salvate într-un director diferit pentru fiecare utilizator. Poți schimba acest director dacă vrei să împarți datele din cache între mai mulți utilizatori de pe același computer.
Formatul datei pentru folderele întrunirilor Formatul datei folosit pentru dosarele ședințelor.

Notă: Când se utilizează un server de congregare, vă rugăm să vă asiguraţi că toată lumea configurează acelaşi format de dată prin aplicarea sa folosind Setări la nivelul congregării.
Porniți aplicația la pornirea sistemului Dacă este activat, M3 se va lansa atunci când utilizatorul curent se loghează în computer.

Notă: Indisponibil pe Linux.
Inițiați automat sincronizarea media Dacă este activată, această opțiune va iniția automat o sincronizare media la 5 secunde după lansarea M3.

Pentru a preveni ca sincronizarea automată să apară atunci când această setare este activată, apăsați butonul ⏸️ (pauză) înainte ca al doilea cronometru să fie în sus.
Deschideți folderul după sincronizarea media Dacă este activat, dosarul care conține fișierele descărcate pentru săptămâna aleasă se va deschide în managerul de fișiere al computerului după ce sincronizarea media este completă.
Închideți aplicația după sincronizarea media Dacă este activată, această opțiune va renunța automat la M3 5 secunde după ce sincronizarea media este completă.

Pentru a împiedica M3 să renunţe automat când această setare este activată, apăsați butonul 🏃 (persoana părăsește/rulează) înainte ca cronometrul de 5 secunde.
Activează modul de compatibilitate OBS Studio Dacă este activată, această opţiune va face clic pe OBS Studio pentru a schimba scenele automat după cum este necesar, atât înainte, cât şi după partajarea media.

Dacă se activează această setare, asigură-te că OBS Studio este configurat să folosească plugin-ul obs-websocket , care va permite M3 să comunice cu OBS Studio.

De asemenea, configurați toate scenele necesare pentru partajarea media și afișarea etapelor în OBS. Cel puţin, vei avea nevoie de o scenă cu o Captură Fereastră (recomandată) sau Display Captura configurată pentru a captura fereastra de prezentare M3, sau ecranul pe care vor fi prezentate suporturile.

Va trebui de asemenea să configurezi toate scenele de vizualizare dorite, de exemplu: o fotografie a cursului, o imagine largă a scenei etc.
Port Portul pe care plugin-ul obs-websocket este configurat să îl asculte.
Parolă Parola configurată în setările plugin-ului obs-websocket.
Scena implicită din OBS Studio Selectați care scenă ar trebui să fie selectată în mod implicit atunci când este lansat modul de prezentare media. De obicei o viziune pe tot scena, sau o poză a lectorului.
Scena din OBS Studio pentru materiale media Selectați care scenă este configurată în OBS Studio pentru a captura fereastra media M3.
Scenă media separată opțională pentru imagini O scenă opțională pentru a selecta o scenă alternativă pentru afișarea imaginilor. Acest lucru este util dacă doriți să afișați imaginile într-un mod diferit față de videoclipuri (de exemplu, cu scena suprapusă într-un stil de imagine).
Scena din OBS Studio pentru a afișa participanții Zoom O scenă opțională pentru gestionarea rapidă și eficientă a afișării participanților la Zoom în timpul reuniunilor hibride.

Când această scenă este configurată, comportamentul Prezentare Media se schimbă într-o oarecare măsură. Când este în acest mod, va apărea un buton de comutare care, atunci când este activat, va face ca fereastra media să fie ascunsă și scena Zoom să fie afișată. Selectorul de scenă OBS va fi, de asemenea, ascuns. Partajarea de fișiere media va arăta automat scena media ca de obicei, iar după distribuirea mass-media, fereastra media va dispărea imediat.

Când comutatorul este dezactivat, fereastra media și selectoarele de scenă vor fi afișate din nou.
Activați integrarea Zoom Când este activată, această caracteristică va încerca să automatizeze diferite întâlniri de dinaintea întâlnirii (mută tot, activează video/audio al Sala Regatului, dezactivează opțiunea ca participanții să se deblocheze singuri), în cadrul întâlnirii (selectați participanții pentru a le evidenția și a le debloca, sau pentru a le dezactiva, aruncă mâna și scoate lumina reflectoarelor) și post-întâlnire (dezactivează fluxul video al Hall-ului, permite participanților să se deblocheze singuri).

Notă: Aceasta este încă o caracteristică beta. Vă rugăm să îl testați cu atenție înainte de a-l implementa și verificați întotdeauna dacă automatizarea a fost executată corect.
Nume participant Zoom Acesta este numele pe care M3 îl va folosi pentru a se alătura reuniunii Zoom.
Zoom ID al întrunirii ID-ul de ședință al întâlnirii Zoom la care ar trebui să se alăture M3.
Parolă Parola întâlnirii Zoom la care M3 ar trebui să se alăture.
Spotlight video la începerea întrunirii Când este activată, M3 va evidenția automat feed-ul video din Sala Regatului atunci când automatizarea “începe întâlnirea” este executată.
Ascundeți implicit componenta Zoom Când este activată, componenta Zoom va fi ascunsă implicit. Componenta Zoom este o componentă plutitoare necesară care reprezintă participantul M3 la reuniunea Zoom. Poți controla participantul M3 cu el.
Efectuați automat acțiunile de începere a întrunirii Când este activată, M3 va efectua automat acțiunile “începe întâlnirea”, o sumă configurată de minute înainte de data programată să înceapă. Aceste acțiuni sunt: să nu le permită participanților să se deblocheze, să mute pe toți, să ceară gazdei să activeze video-ul și microfonul și, opțional, să evidențieze fluxul video al Hall-ului regatului.
Redenumiți automat participanții Zoom Cu această setare, puteți adăuga o regulă de redenumire pentru a redenumi automat anumiți participanți Zoom. Acest lucru este util dacă doriţi să redenumiţi participanţi care se alătură în mod consecvent cu un nume greşit sau incomplet. Regulile trebuie introduse în următorul format: Nume Veche=Nume Nou.
Activează actualizările beta pentru testare Când este activată, M3 va primi automat actualizări beta, care sunt lansate zilnic și care conțin cele mai recente caracteristici și remedii.

Notă: Nu activa această setare pe computer folosită pentru a prezenta media în Sala Regatului.
Dezactivați actualizarea automată Când această opțiune este activată, M3 nu se va autoactualiza automat atunci când este închisă.
Dezactivează accelerarea hardware Activați această setare numai dacă întâmpinați probleme cu modul de prezentare media. Modificarea acestei setări va face ca M3 să se repornească.

Configurare sincronizare congregație

Vezi secțiunea Congregation sync pentru detalii despre ce face acest lucru exact și cum să configurezi această secțiune.

Configurare materiale media

Setare Explicație
Limba materialelor media Selectează limba congregației sau a grupului tău. Toate fișierele media vor fi descărcate de pe JW.org în această limbă.
Limba media de rezervă Această limbă este utilizată ori de câte ori limba primară pentru media nu este disponibilă.

De exemplu, dacă selectezi limba irlandeză ca limba ta media și engleza ca piesă de rezervă, ori de câte ori o publicaţie sau un videoclip nu este disponibil în limba irlandeză, aceasta va fi preluată în limba engleză.
Rezoluția maximă pentru materiale video Videoclipurile descărcate de pe JW.org vor fi descărcate la această rezoluție, sau la următoarea rezoluție inferioară disponibilă. Util pentru situații limitate sau cu lățime mică de bandă.
Activați subtitrările pentru materialele video Activați această opțiune dacă doriți să preluați subtitrări pentru videoclipuri, ori de câte ori este disponibil. Subtitrările vor fi afișate în mod implicit, dar pot fi togled on/off în timpul prezentării. Poziția verticală a subtitrărilor poate fi modificată făcând clic pe pictograma subtitrări din cadrul previzualizării video.
Convertiți media în format MP4 Aceasta va converti automat toate fişierele imagine şi audio în format MP4, pentru a utiliza funcția Zoom de partajare MP4 nativ în timpul întâlnirilor de mărire Zoom la distanță. Aceasta include toate imaginile şi fişierele media descărcate de pe JW.org, precum şi fişierele media suplimentare adăugate de utilizator sau VO.

Notă: Această opţiune este cea mai potrivită pentru întâlnirile de la doar de la distanţă congregare Zoom. În cazul în care se desfășoară ședințe de congregare hibrid sau obișnuite , Uitaţi-vă la utilizarea modului Media Presentation prin activarea Prezentare media pe un monitor extern sau într-o fereastră separată, în schimb, și dezactivează această opțiune.
Păstrați fișierele media originale după conversie Dacă această setare este activată, fișierele imagine și audio vor fi păstrate în dosarul media după ce au fost convertite în format MP4, în loc să fie șterse. Acest lucru va avea ca rezultat un dosar media puțin mai aglomerat și, în general, nu trebuie să fie activat dacă se distribuie media prin Zoom MP4. (Vezi Convertește media în formatul MP4 de mai sus.)

Notă: vizibil numai dacă Convertește media în format MP4 este de asemenea activat.
Prezintă materialele media pe un monitor extern sau într-o fereastră separată Această setare vă va permite să utilizați M3 pentru a prezenta poze, videoclipuri și fișiere audio în timpul ședințelor de congregare hibrid sau în persoana. Ecranul de administrare a redării media poate fi accesat făcând clic pe butonul ▶️ (play) pe ecranul principal al M3.

Ecranul de prezentare media va utiliza automat un monitor extern dacă este prezent; dacă nu, media va fi afișată într-o fereastră separată, redimensionabilă.

Notă: Această opţiune este cea mai potrivită pentru şedinţele regulate de congregare ** sau **.

În cazul în care efectuează ședințe de congregare Zoom doar de la distanță , verifică activarea opțiunii Convertește media în formatul MP4 și partajează media cu partajarea MP4 nativă în schimb a MP4.
Imagine de fundal pentru modul de prezentare media În mod implicit, M3 va încerca să preia textul de anul curent în limba selectată anterior, Pentru a-l afișa pe un fundal negru când în Modul de Prezentare Media și nu este redat niciun alt media. Dacă recuperarea automată a yeartext eșuează dintr-un motiv sau dacă doriți să afișați o altă imagine de fundal, puteți utiliza fie butonul ‘Răsfoire’ pentru a selecta o imagine personalizată, fie butonul ‘Reîmprospătare’ pentru a încerca preluarea textului automat din nou.

Notă: Dacă Congregation sync este activat, selectarea unei imagini de fundal personalizate o va sincroniza pentru toți utilizatorii sincronizați automat.
Ascundeți fereastra media după redarea materialului Dacă este activată, fereastra media va fi ascunsă imediat după ce fiecare fişier media a terminat de redat.

Notă: Această setare este utilă în special pentru reuniunile în limbaj de semne.
Redați automat primul material media Dacă este activat, primul element media din lista media va începe automat redarea unui număr configurabil de minute înainte ca întâlnirea să înceapă.
Activează scurtăturile pentru tastatură în timpul redării media Această setare vă permite să setați combinații de taste personalizate pentru a juca și opri media. Acest lucru este util în combinaţie cu o telecomandă USB, de exemplu.
Creați liste de redare pentru utilizare cu VLC Activează acest lucru dacă vrei să generezi liste de redare pentru fiecare ședință automat, care poate fi apoi încărcată în VLC, dacă folosești acea aplicație pentru a afișa fișiere media în loc de Modul de Prezentare media.
Exclude toate mediile din broşura a treia Dacă este activată, acest lucru va împiedica media din broșura Aplicați-vă cu de la a fi inclusă la fiecare întâlnire la jumătatea săptămânii.
Exclude imaginile pentru totdeauna din afara studiului Bibliei Congregation Dacă este activată, acest lucru va împiedica includerea imaginilor din cartea Live pentru totdeauna (lff), de exemplu pentru temele studenților în timpul întâlnirii de la jumătatea săptămânii.
Includeți media tipărită atunci când este disponibil Dacă este activată, redările edițiilor imprimate ale publicațiilor vor fi incluse atunci când vor fi disponibile. Acest lucru ar putea fi util pentru anumite tabele sau grupuri de imagini care sunt mai clare în formă tipărită.

Configurare întrunire

Setare Explicație
Congregaţie specială Dacă este activat, nici un fișier media nu va fi descărcat de pe JW.org. Va fi disponibil doar media adăugat manual. Acest lucru este util pentru şcolile teocrate, de exemplu.
Întrunirea din timpul săptămânii A se indica ziua și ora obișnuite pentru întâlnirea de la jumătatea săptămânii; pentru numirea dosarelor și pentru estomparea automată a muzicii de fundal (a se vedea mai jos).
Întrunire de weekend A se indica ziua şi ora obişnuite pentru şedinţa de la sfârşitul săptămânii.
Următoarea vizită planificată a supraveghetorului de circumscripție Când selectați o dată pentru următoarea vizită planificată a supraveghetorului circuitului, M3 va stabili automat ziua întâlnirii de la jumătatea săptămânii pentru săptămâna respectivă până marţi, săriți peste media Studiului Bibliei Congregației și săriți peste melodiile finale ale Regatului pentru ambele întâlniri.

Notă: Când se utilizează un server de congregare, asigură-te că ai aplicat această setare astfel încât toți frații conectați să aibă aceeași dată de vizitare a circuitului configurată.
Activați butonul pentru a reda muzica de fundal Activează un buton pe ecranul principal care va reda melodiile regatului din seriile sjm , în ordine aleatoare. Acest lucru este util, de exemplu, pentru a cânta cântece înainte şi după întâlnirile din sala regatului ca muzică de fundal. În dreapta acestei opțiuni este un buton pentru descărcarea tuturor melodiilor disponibile din regat, care ar putea fi util pentru a preveni întârzierile de tamponare.
Volumul redării muzicii de fundal Setează volumul la care va fi redată muzica de fundal.
Redați automat muzica de fundal înainte de întruniri Dacă este activat, Muzica de fundal va începe automat la pornirea aplicaţiei atunci când este o zi de şedinţă şi şedinţa începe în mai puţin de o oră.
Opriți automat redarea muzicii de fundal Dacă Activează butonul pentru a reda muzica de fundal este activ, apoi această setare vă va permite să specificați o întârziere după care muzica de fundal trebuie oprită automat. Acesta poate fi fie un număr de minute stabilit, sau un număr predeterminat de secunde înainte de începerea ședinței (în cazul în care a început muzica de fundal înainte de o reuniune).

Capturi de ecran din ecranul de setări

Configurarea aplicației
Configurarea aplicației
Configurare materiale media
Configurare materiale media
Configurare întrunire
Configurare întrunire

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Technical usage notes

The app should run as is on most modern computers running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Windows: Installation and first launch

On opening the installer, you might get an error indicating that “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting”. This is due to the app not having a high number of downloads, and consequently not being explicitly “trusted” by Windows. To get around this, simply click on “More info”, then “Run anyway”.

Linux: Installation and first launch

As per the official AppImage documentation, if the app fails to open properly, confirm the output of the following command:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

If the output is 0, then the AppImage will not run unless you run the following command, followed by a reboot:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Make sure you read up on what this entails before you do this.

macOS: Installation and first launch

If upon launching the app, you receive a warning that the app cannot be opened, either because “it was not downloaded from the App store” or because “the developer cannot be verified”, then this Apple support page will help you to get past that.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Unlike Windows and Linux, auto-update functionality is not implemented on macOS, and for technical reasons probably never will be. However, one of two things will happen for macOS users when an update is available:

  • M³ will attempt to download the update package and open it automatically, after which the user will have to manually complete the installation of the M³ update by dragging and dropping the updated app to their Applications folder. Then, they will be able to launch the newly updated M³ from their Applications folder as usual.
  • If the previous step fails at any stage, M³ will display a persistent notification indicating that an update is available, with a link to the update itself. A red, pulsing notification will also be displayed on the settings button in the main screen of M³. The M³ version number in the settings screen will turn into a button that, once clicked, opens the latest release’s download page automatically.

Media Presentation mode

Using media presentation mode

The media presentation and controller modes are designed for simplicity and to prevent mistakes during meetings.

Once the option Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window is enabled, the media presentation screen will automatically appear on the external monitor if present, or in a separate, draggable and resizable window if no external monitor was detected.

When in standby, the media presentation screen will display the background image that is configured in the settings. If no background image has been configured, then M³ will attempt to automatically fetch and display the yeartext.

If no background image is configured in the settings and the yeartext could not be loaded automatically, a black background will be displayed when on standby.

Media controller mode can be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or by using the keyboard shortcut Alt D (for external display).

Once you have entered controller mode, the folder selection screen will allow you to select the date for which you’d like to display media. If the current day’s folder exists, it will automatically be preselected. Once a date is selected, you can still change the selected date at any time by clicking on the date selection button, in the top section.

Presenting media

To play media, press the ▶️ (play) button for the file you’d like. To hide the media, press the ⏹️ (stop) button. A video can be rewound or fast-forwarded while paused, if desired. Please note that for videos, the stop button must be pressed twice to prevent accidentally and prematurely stopping a video while it is playing for the congregation. Videos will auto-stop when they have played in their entirety.

Extra Features

M³ has a few extra features that can be used to enhance the media presentation experience.

Present JW.org

To present JW.org, you can press the ⋮ (ellipsis) button at the top of the screen, and select Open JW.org. This will open a new controller window with JW.org loaded. The media window will also display JW.org. Now you can use the controller window to navigate JW.org, and the media window will display your actions. When you are done presenting JW.org, you can close the controller window, and continue with the normal media presentation mode.

Zoom and pan images

When an image is being displayed, you can scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the image preview to zoom in and out. Alternatively, you can also double click on the image preview to zoom in. Double clicking will alternate between 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x and back to 1x zoom. You can also hold and drag the image to pan around the image.

Sort the media list

The media list can be sorted by clicking the sort button at the top right of the screen. The media items will have a button appear next to them that can be used to drag the media item up or down in the list. When you are satisfied with the order, you can click the sort button again to lock the order.

Add a last-minute song

If you need to add a last-minute song to the media list, you can press the ♫ + (add song) button at the top of the screen. A dropdown will appear with a list of all the Kingdom songs. When you select one, it will immediately be added to the top of the media list and it can be played instantly. It will either stream the song from JW.org, or play the song from the local cache if it was previously downloaded.

Conducting hybrid meetings using a combination of M³, OBS Studio, and Zoom

By far the simplest way to share media during hybrid meetings is by configuring OBS Studio, M³ and Zoom to work together.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall computer

Set the external monitor’s screen resolution to 1280x720, or something close to that.

Configure the computer sound card’s output to go to one of the sound booth mixer’s inputs, and the sound booth mixer’s combined output to go to the computer’s sound card input.

Initial configuration: OBS Studio

Install OBS Studio, or download the portable version.

If using the portable version of OBS Studio, install the Virtualcam plugin, and if using the portable version of OBS Studio, add the virtual camera to Windows by double-clicking the provided installation script.

If you have OBS Studio v27 or older, you need to install the obs-websocket plugin. Otherwise obs-websocket is included. Configure a port number and password for obs-websocket.

In the OBS settings, under General > System Tray, enable all checkboxes. Under Output > Streaming, enable a hardware encoder if available. Under Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Set up at least 2 scenes: one for the media display (Window Capture or Display Capture with the mouse cursor disabled and the appropriate window title/monitor selected), and one for the stage view (Video Capture Device with the KH camera selected). You can also add another scene specifically for pictures, where the media window is visible along with the podium in a picture-in-picture style display. You may add as many scenes as required, with the camera adjusted, zoomed-in and cropped as needed (lectern view, conductor and reader view, table view, etc.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Add a shortcut to OBS Studio, with the --startvirtualcam parameter, to the Startup folder of the Windows user profile, to ensure that OBS Studio gets started automatically when the user logs in.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall Zoom

Zoom should be configured to use dual monitors. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Set the default “microphone” to be sound booth mixer’s combined output (so that everything that is heard over the Kingdom Hall sound system is transmitted over Zoom, including microphones and media) and the “camera” to be the virtual camera provided by OBS Studio.

Initial configuration: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Enable and configure OBS Studio compatibility mode, using the port and password information configured in the OBS Studio configuration step.

Starting the meeting

Start the Zoom meeting, and move the secondary Zoom meeting window to the external monitor. Make it fullscreen if desired. This is where any remote meeting participants will be displayed for the congregation to see.

Once the Zoom meeting is being displayed on the external monitor, open M³. The media presentation window will automatically open on top of Zoom on the external monitor. Sync media if necessary, and enter media controller mode by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or Alt D.

Enable the Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), and spotlight the Kingdom Hall video feed if necessary so that Zoom participants see the Kingdom Hall stage. Unmute the Kingdom Hall audio feed in Zoom (Alt A). It should not be necessary to disable the video or audio feed in Zoom for the duration of the meeting. Make sure that “Original sound for musicians” is enabled in Zoom, to ensure the best audio quality for remote meeting participants.

Start background music playback using the button on the bottom left, or Alt K.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom

No action necessary.

Various camera angles/zoom can be chosen during the meeting by using the menu on the bottom of the M³ media playback control window; this menu will contain a list of all configured camera view scenes in OBS.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, press the “stop” button in M³. Note that videos automatically stop upon completion.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor

Press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media controller screen, or Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. The Zoom meeting will now be visible on the Kingdom Hall monitor.

If the participant has media to show, follow the steps under the Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom subheading.

Once the participant has finished their part, press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media playback control window, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. The Kingdom Hall monitor will now show the yeartext.

Conducting hybrid meetings using only M³ and Zoom

If you do not wish to use OBS Studio for any reason, the following suggestions will perhaps help you to set things up as simply as possible.

Initial configuration without OBS: Kingdom Hall computer

Same as corresponding section above. With the addition of the global keyboard shortcut for Zoom for starting/stopping screen sharing (Alt S). The “camera” will be the camera feed from the Kingdom Hall camera.

Initial configuration without OBS: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Starting the meeting without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom without OBS

Start sharing in Zoom by hitting Alt S. In the Zoom sharing window that pops up, choose the external monitor and enable both checkboxes on the bottom left (for sound and video optimization). The yeartext will now be shared over Zoom.

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, hit Alt S to end Zoom screen sharing.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Screenshots of Presentation Mode

Blue play button to enter media controller mode
Blue play button to enter media controller mode
List of media that is ready to be presented
List of media that is ready to be presented
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Displaying a picture
Displaying a picture
Playing a video
Playing a video
Moving to a specific time in a video
Moving to a specific time in a video

Managing media

The media management screen allows the user to add or remove media for any given meeting, manage recurring media, and even add special media for other dates on which no meeting is normally scheduled.

Managing media for any particular day

To manage media for a certain meeting or day, simply click on that day’s tile on the main screen of M³. To manage media that be repeated at every meeting, click on the Recurring media tile.

Adding media

Here’s how to add media from the media management screen.

Option Explanation
Type of upload Choose from one of the 3 media types (see below).
Media to add Depends on the media type chosen (see below).
Filename prefix Up to 6 digits can be added before the media filename(s), to help with sorting.
Media list This shows the currently planned media for the selected date tile.

In the Media to add field, you’ll be presented with different options, depending on the media type selected.

Media type The Media to add field
Song … shows a menu with all Kingdom song videos from the sjjm series, in the media language. Choose this option for example to add a song for the public talk, or for circuit overseer visits.

The selected song will be automatically downloaded from JW.org, in the congregation or group’s language, as configured in the Settings.
JWPUB … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) a JWPUB file.

You’ll then be prompted to select the section, or chapter, from which you’d like to add media. This will add both embedded and referenced media from that section in the JWPUB file.

An example of a commonly used JWPUB file is the S-34, but any JWPUB file can be used here.
Custom … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) any other media file(s) from your computer.

Note that all PDF and SVG files will automatically be converted into high-resolution images by M³.
JW.ORG … allows you to select a video from the latest featured videos on JW.org.

Removing, hiding and showing media

To remove, hide, or show media, simply find the media file you don’t want, and click on the relevant icon.

A red 🟥 (delete) icon A ☑️ (checked checkbox) icon A 🔲 (unchecked checkbox) icon
The media file was added to that day’s media by you or the VO. The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It will be downloaded from JW.org or extracted from the relevant publication.
The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It was hidden by you or the VO, so it will not be downloaded or added to the meeting’s media.

Screenshots of the media management screen

Adding a song for a public talk
Adding a song for a public talk
Adding an additional picture
Adding an additional picture
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Renaming a media file
Renaming a media file


M³ does not require administrative privileges to install or run. To install M³, simply download the latest installer and run it.

Operating System File to download
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

What’s next?

Configure the app using the Settings screen.

Trouble installing?

Check the Technical usage notes for help.


Does this app depend on external sites, sources or “curators” to download publications and meeting media?

No. The app behaves similarly to JW Library. It downloads publications and media directly from the official JW.org website and its content delivery network. At runtime, the app automatically determines what needs to be downloaded, such as media files and publications. The source code is available for all to examine and verify this.

Does this app infringe the JW.org Terms of Use?

No. The JW.org Terms of Use actually explicitly allow the kind of usage that we are making. Here is the relevant excerpt from those terms (emphasis mine):

You may not:

Create for distribution purposes, any software applications, tools, or techniques that are specifically made to collect, copy, download, extract, harvest, or scrape data, HTML, images, or text from this site. (This does not prohibit the distribution of free, non-commercial applications designed to download electronic files such as EPUB, PDF, MP3, and MP4 files from public areas of this site.)

Congregation sync

The brother designated as videoconference organizer (VO) by the body of elders can use M³ to manage what media is made available to the technical A/V support team in his congregation.

The VO, or someone designated by him, can:

  • upload additional media to be shared during a meeting, such as for the circuit overseer’s visit, or for public speakers’ talks
  • hide media from JW.org that isn’t relevant for a given meeting, for example, when a part has been replaced by the local branch
  • add or remove recurring media, such as a year-text video, or an announcement slide

All who are synced to the same congregation will then receive the exact same media when they click the Update media folders button.

Please note that the congregation sync feature is opt-in and entirely optional.

How it works

M³’s underlying sync mechanism uses WebDAV. This means that the VO (or someone under his supervision) needs to either:

  • set up a secured WebDAV server that is web-accessible, or
  • use a third-party cloud storage service that supports the WebDAV protocol (see the Web address setting in the Congregation sync setup section below).

All users that wish to be synchronized together will need to connect to the same WebDAV server using the connection information and credentials provided to them by their VO.

Congregation sync setup

Setting Explanation
Web address Web address of the WebDAV server. Secure HTTP (HTTPS) is required.

Note: The Web address button, once clicked, will show a list of WebDAV providers that have been known to be compatible with M³, and will automatically prefill certain settings for those providers.

This list is provided as a courtesy, and in no way represents an endorsement of any particular service or provider. The best server is always the one you own…
Username Username for the WebDAV service.
Password Password for the WebDAV service.

Note: As detailed in their respective support pages, an app-specific password might need to be created for Box and Koofr in order to enable WebDAV connections to their services.
Congregation sync folder This is the folder that will be used to synchronize media for all congregation sync users. You can either type/paste in a path, or use your mouse to navigate to the target folder.

Note: Make sure that all congregation sync users input the same folder path; otherwise the sync won’t work as expected.
Congregation-wide settings Once the VO has configured the Media setup and Meeting setup sections of the Settings on his own computer, he can then use this button to enforce certain settings for all congregation sync users (for example, meeting days, media language, conversion settings, and so on). This means that the selected settings will be forcefully applied for all synced users every time they open M³.

Using congregation sync to manage media

Once the congregation sync setup is complete, you’re ready to start Managing media for your congregation’s technical AV support team.

Screenshots of congregation sync in action

Congregation sync setup
Congregation sync setup


The Settings screen is divided into 4 sections. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but here are a few additional details.

Application setup

Setting Explanation
Offline mode If enabled, M³ will not attempt to connect to JW.org or your congregation server. This is useful for when you have a poor internet connection and want to save bandwidth.
Theme preference Select the theme you prefer. If you select System, M³ will use the system’s theme.
Congregation name The name of your congregation. This is used to support multiple congregations who share the same computer.
Display language Sets the language in which M³ is displayed.

Thank you to our many contributors for translating the app in so many languages! If you want to help improve an existing translation or add a new one, please open up a new discussion.
Folder in which to save media Meeting media will be saved to this folder for later sharing and use.
Custom cache path By default, publications and other data are saved in a different directory for each user. You can change this directory if you want to share the cached data between multiple users on the same computer.
Date format for meeting folders The date format used for the meeting folders.

Note: When using a congregation server, please ensure that everyone configures the same date format by enforcing it using Congregation-wide settings.
Run app at system start-up If enabled, M³ will launch when the current user logs into the computer.

Note: Unavailable on Linux.
Automatically initiate media sync If enabled, this option will automatically initiate a media sync 5 seconds after M³ is launched.

To prevent the automatic sync from occurring when this setting is enabled, press the ⏸ (pause) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Open folder after media sync If enabled, the folder containing the downloaded media for the chosen week will open in the computer’s file manager after the media sync is complete.
Quit app after media sync If enabled, this option will automatically quit M³ 5 seconds after the media sync is complete.

To prevent M³ from quitting automatically when this setting is enabled, press the 🏃 (person leaving/running) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Enable OBS Studio compatibility mode If enabled, this option will tap into OBS Studio to change scenes automatically as needed both before and after sharing media.

If enabling this setting, make sure that OBS Studio is configured to use the obs-websocket plugin, which is what will enable M³ to communicate with OBS Studio.

Also, configure all needed scenes for media sharing and stage display in OBS. At the very least, you’ll need a scene with a Window Capture (recommended) or Display Capture configured to capture the M³ media presentation window, or the screen on which the media will be presented.

You’ll also need to configure all desired stage view scenes, for example: a shot of the lecturn, a wide shot of the stage, etc.
Port Port on which the obs-websocket plugin is configured to listen.
Password Password configured in the obs-websocket plugin’s settings.
Default stage view scene in OBS Studio Select which scene should be selected by default when media presentation mode is launched. Usually a stage wide view, or a shot of the lectern.
Media window scene in OBS Studio Select which scene is configured in OBS Studio to capture the M³ media window.
Optional separate media scene for images An optional scene to select an alternative scene for showing images. This is useful if you want to show images in a different way than videos (for example, with the stage overlaid in a picture-in-picture style).
OBS Studio scene to display Zoom participants An optional scene to quickly and efficiently manage the display of Zoom participants during hybrid meetings.

When this scene is configured, the behavior of the Media Presentation mode changes somewhat. When in this mode, a toggle button will appear which, when enabled, will cause the media window to be hidden, and the Zoom scene to be shown. The OBS scene picker will also be hidden. Sharing media will automatically show the media scene as per usual, and after sharing media, the media window will disappear immediately.

When the toggle is disabled, the media window and scene pickers will be shown again.
Enable Zoom integration When enabled, this feature will attempt to automate various pre-meeting (mute all, enable the Kingdom Hall’s video/audio, disable the option for participants to unmute themselves), in-meeting (select participants to spotlight and unmute them, or to mute them, lower their hand and remove the spotlight) and post-meeting (disable the Kingdom Hall’s video feed, allow participants to unmute themselves) tasks.

Note: This is still a beta feature. Please test test it thoroughly before implementing it and always verify that the automation was correctly executed.
Zoom participant name This is the name that M³ will use to join the Zoom meeting.
Zoom Meeting ID The Meeting ID of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Password The password of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Spotlight video when starting the meeting When enabled, M³ will automatically spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed when the “start meeting” automation is executed.
Hide Zoom component by default When enabled, the Zoom component will be hidden by default. The Zoom component is a required floating component that represents the M³ participant in the Zoom meeting. You can control the M³ participant with it.
Automatically perform start meeting actions When enabled, M³ will automatically perform the “start meeting” actions, a configured amount of minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start. These actions are: disallow participants to unmute themselves, mute all, ask host to enable video and microphone and optionally spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed.
Automatically rename Zoom participants With this setting, you can add a rename rule to automatically rename certain Zoom participants. This is useful if you want to rename participants who consistently join with a wrong or incomplete name. Rules must be entered in the following format: Old Name=New Name.
Enable beta updates for testing purposes When enabled, M³ will automatically receive beta updates, which are released daily and contain the latest features and fixes.

Note: Do not enable this setting on the computer used to present media at the Kingdom Hall.
Disable automatic app update When this option is enabled, M³ will not automatically self-update when closed.
Disable hardware acceleration Only enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with media presentation mode. Changing this setting will cause M³ to restart.

Congregation sync setup

See the Congregation sync section for details on what this does exactly and how to configure this section.

Media setup

Setting Explanation
Media language Select the language of your congregation or group. All media will be downloaded from JW.org in this language.
Fallback media language This language is used whenever the primary media language is not available.

For example, if you select Irish as your media language and English as your fallback, whenever a publication or video is not available in Irish, it will be fetched in English.
Maximum resolution for videos Videos downloaded from JW.org will be downloaded at this resolution, or the next available lower resolution. Useful for limited or low-bandwidth situations.
Enable subtitles for videos Enable this option if you want to fetch subtitles for videos, whenever available. Subtitles will be shown by default, but can be toggled on/off while presenting. The vertical position of the subtitles can be changed by clicking the subtitles icon inside the video preview.
Convert media to MP4 format This will automatically convert all picture and audio files into MP4 format, for use with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing feature during fully remote congregation Zoom meetings. This includes all pictures and media files downloaded from JW.org, as well as additional media files added by the user or the VO.

Note: This option is best suited for remote-only congregation Zoom meetings. If conducting either hybrid or regular congregation meetings, look into using Media Presentation mode by activating the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option instead, and disable this option.
Keep original media files after conversion If this setting is enabled, picture and audio files will be kept in the media folder after being converted to MP4 format, rather than deleted. This will result in a slightly more cluttered media folder, and generally does not need to be enabled if sharing media through Zoom MP4 sharing. (See Convert media to MP4 format above.)

Note: Only visible if Convert media to MP4 format is also enabled.
Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window This setting will allow you to use M³ to present pictures, videos and audio files during hybrid or in-person congregation meetings. The media playback management screen can then be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³.

The media presentation screen will automatically use an external monitor if present; if not, the media will be displayed in a separate, resizable window.

Note: This option is best suited for either hybrid or regular congregation meetings.

If conducting remote-only congregation Zoom meetings, look into activating the Convert media to MP4 format option and sharing the media with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing instead.
Background image for media presentation mode By default, M³ will attempt to fetch the current year’s text in the language selected previously, in order to display it on a black background when in Media Presentation mode and no other media is being played. If the automatic yeartext retrieval fails for some reason, or if you wish to display a different background image, you can either use the ‘Browse’ button to select a custom picture, or the ‘Refresh’ button to try fetching the yeartext automatically again.

Note: If Congregation sync is enabled, selecting a custom background image will synchronize it for all congregation sync users automatically.
Hide media window after media finished playing If enabled, the media window will be hidden immediately after each media file has finished playing.

Note: This setting is especially useful for sign-language meetings.
Κχελ αυτόματα ο πρώτος αρχείος πολυμέσων If enabled, the first media item in the media list will automatically start playing a configurable number of minutes before the meeting is supposed to start.
Enable keyboard shortcuts during media playback This setting allows you to set custom key combinations to play and stop media. This is useful in combination with a USB remote control, for example.
Create playlists for use with VLC Enable this if you want to generate playlists for every meeting automatically, which can then be loaded in VLC, if you are using that app to display media instead of Media Presentation mode.
Exclude all media from the th brochure If enabled, this will prevent media from the Apply Yourself brochure from being included at every midweek meeting.
Exclude Enjoy Life Forever images outside the Congregation Bible Study If enabled, this will prevent images from the Live Forever book (lff) from being included, for example for student assignments during the midweek meeting.
Include printed media when available If enabled, renderings of the printed editions of publications will be included when available. This could be useful for some tables or groups of images that are clearer in printed form.

Meeting setup

Setting Explanation
Special congregation If enabled, no media will be downloaded from JW.org. Only manually added media will be available. This is useful for theocratic schools, for example.
Midweek meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the midweek meeting; used for folder naming and automatic background music fade-out (see below).
Weekend meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the weekend meeting.
Next planned visit of the circuit overseer When you select a date for the next planned visit of the circuit overseer, M³ will automatically set the midweek meeting day for that week to Tuesday, skip the Congregation Bible Study media, as well as skip the concluding Kingdom songs for both meetings.

Note: When using a congregation server, make sure to enforce this setting so that all connected brothers have the same circuit overseer visit date configured.
Enable button to play background music Enable a button on the main screen which will play Kingdom songs from the sjjm series, in random order. This is useful, for example, to play songs before and after meetings at the Kingdom Hall as background music. To the right of this option is a button to download all available Kingdom songs, which could be useful to prevent buffering delays.
Background music playback volume Sets the volume at which the background music will play.
Play background music automatically before meetings If enabled, background music will automatically start playing at app startup when it’s a meeting day and the meeting is starting in less than an hour.
Automatically stop playing background music If Enable button to play background music is active, then this setting will allow you to specify a delay after which background music should be automatically stopped. This can be either a set number of minutes, or a predetermined number of seconds before the start of the meeting (in the case where the background music was started before a meeting).

Screenshots of the settings screen

Application setup
Application setup
Media setup
Media setup
Meeting setup
Meeting setup

Issues and feature requests

How do I report an issue or bug I encountered?

If ever you run into any issues with M³, please use GitHub Issues to report it. Bug fixes are issued on a regularly basis, usually monthly.

How can I request new features?

I’m open to suggestions! Please use GitHub Discussions to discuss potential new features.

Instalação e atualização

O aplicativo funciona nos sistemas operacionais Windows, Linux ou Mac.

Windows: Instalação e primeira execução

Ao abrir o instalador, pode aparecer um erro indicando que “O Windows SmartScreen impediu que um aplicativo não reconhecido fosse iniciado”. Isso ocorre porque o aplicativo não possui um número alto de downloads e, consequentemente, não é “confiável” pelo Windows. Para resolver isso, basta clicar em “Mais informações” e depois em “Executar assim mesmo”.

Linux: Instalação e primeira execução

De acordo com a documentação oficial do AppImage, se o aplicativo não abrir corretamente, confirme a saída do seguinte comando:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Se a saída for 0, o AppImage não será executado, a menos que você execute o seguinte comando, seguido de uma reinicialização:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Certifique-se de ler o que isso implica antes de fazer isso.

macOS: Instalação e primeira execução

Se ao iniciar o aplicativo, você receber um aviso de que o aplicativo não pode ser aberto, seja porque “não foi baixado da App Store” ou porque “o desenvolvedor não pode ser verificado”, esta página de suporte da Apple ajudará você.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Atualização automática

Ao contrário do Windows e do Linux, a funcionalidade de atualização automática não é implementada no macOS e, por motivos técnicos, provavelmente nunca será. No entanto, pode acontecer isso aos usuários do macOS quando uma atualização estiver disponível:

  • O M³ tentará baixar o arquivo de atualização e abri-lo automaticamente, após isso o usuário terá que concluir manualmente a instalação da atualização do M³ arrastando e soltando o aplicativo atualizado na pasta Aplicativos. Em seguida, você pode iniciar o M³ atualizado na sua pasta Aplicativos, como de costume.
  • Se isso não funcionar, o M³ exibirá uma notificação indicando que uma atualização está disponível, com um link para a atualização. Uma notificação vermelha também será exibida no botão de configurações na tela principal do M³. Você também pode clicar no botão do número da versão do M³ na tela de configurações, nele vai abrir a página para você baixar a última versão.

Modo de exibição de mídias

Usando o modo de exibição de mídias

Exibir mídias pelo M³ é simples e evita erros durante as reuniões.

Assim que a opção Habilitar tela para exibição de mídias estiver ativa, a tela de exibição de mídia aparecerá automaticamente numa tela, se conectada, ou em uma janela separada, que pode ser movida e redimensionável, se nenhuma tela externa for detectada.

Quando nenhum vídeo ou imagem estiver sendo exibido, a tela de exibição de mídia do M³ exibirá a imagem de fundo escolhida nas configurações. Se nenhuma imagem de fundo tiver sido selecionada, o M³ tentará buscar e exibir automaticamente o texto do ano.

Se nenhuma imagem de fundo estiver selecionada nas configurações e o texto do ano não puder ser carregado automaticamente, um fundo preto será exibido quando nenhuma mídia estiver sendo executada.

O modo de exibição de mídias pode ser acessado clicando no botão ▶️ (reproduzir) na tela principal do M³, ou usando o atalho de teclado Alt D (para exibir numa tela externa).

Depois de entrar no modo de exibição, a tela para selecionar a pasta permitirá que você selecione a data que deseja para exibir a mídia. Se a pasta do dia atual existir, ela será selecionada automaticamente. Depois que uma data é selecionada, você ainda pode alterar a data selecionada a qualquer momento clicando no botão de seleção de data, no quadrado superior.

Exibindo mídia

Para reproduzir a mídia, clique no botão ▶️ (reproduzir) na mídia. Para parar a reprodução da mídia, clique no botão ⏹️ (parar). Um vídeo pode ser avançado ou retrocedido enquanto pausado, se desejado. Observe que, para vídeos, o botão Parar deve ser pressionado duas vezes para evitar que alguém aperte sem querer em parar enquanto algum vídeo estiver sendo reproduzido para a congregação. Os vídeos serão parados automaticamente ao terminar a reprodução.

Recursos adicionais

O M³ tem alguns recursos extras que podem ser usados para melhorar a experiência da exibição de mídias.

Exibir JW.org

Para exibir o JW.org, você pode pressionar o botão (círculo) no topo da tela e selecionar Abrir JW.org. Isso abrirá uma janela de controle para o JW.org. A tela de exibição de mídia também mostrará o JW.org. Agora você pode usar a janela de controle para navegar no JW.org, e a janela de mídia exibirá suas ações. Quando terminar de exibir o JW.org, você pode fechar a janela de controle e continuar no modo normal de exibição de mídia.

Ampliar e mover imagens

Quando uma imagem estiver sendo exibida, você poderá rolar a roda do mouse enquanto passar o mouse sobre a pré-visualização da imagem para aumentar e diminuir o zoom. Como alternativa, você também pode clicar duas vezes na pré-visualização da imagem para ampliar. Um clique duplo irá alternar entre 1,5x, 2x, 3x, 4x e voltar para 1x zoom. Você também pode segurar e arrastar para mover a visualização para diferentes regiões da imagem.

Escolher ordem das mídias

A ordem das mídias pode ser definida clicando no botão no canto superior direito da tela. Ao lado de cada mídia terá um botão que pode ser usado para arrastar essa mídia para cima ou para baixo na lista. Quando você definir a ordem, pode clicar no botão no canto superior direito novamente para bloquear a ordem.

Adicionar um cântico de última hora

Se você precisar adicionar um cântico de última hora à lista de mídia, você pode pressionar o botão ♫+ (adicionar cântico) no topo do lado esquerdo da tela. Um menu aparecerá com uma lista de todos os cânticos. Quando você selecionar um cântico, ele vai ser adicionado ao topo da lista de mídia e poderá ser reproduzido instantaneamente. Será reproduzido o cântico do JW.org, ou se o cântico escolhido já tiver sido baixado pelo M³, será reproduzido.

Realização de reuniões híbridas usando o M³, OBS Studio e Zoom

A maneira mais simples de exibir as mídias durante reuniões híbridas é configurando o OBS Studio com o M³ e o Zoom.

Configuração inicial: computador do Salão do Reino

Defina a resolução da tela externa para 1280x720, ou algo próximo disso.

Conecte o cabo P10 na mesa de som e o P2 na saída de áudio do computador para mandar o áudio do computador para os auto-falantes do Salão do Reino. E um cabo P10 ou RCA na entrada de gravação da mesa de som, e o P2 na saída de microfone do computador.

Configuração inicial: OBS Studio

Instale o OBS Studio ou baixe a versão portátil.

Se estiver usando a versão portátil do OBS Studio, instale o plug-in Virtualcam e, se estiver usando a versão portátil do OBS Studio, adicione a câmera virtual ao Windows clicando duas vezes no script de instalação.

Se você tiver o OBS Studio v27 ou anterior, precisará instalar o plugin obs-websocket. Caso contrário, o obs-websocket estará incluído. Configure um número de porta e senha para obs-websocket.

Nas configurações do OBS, em Geral > Bandeja do sistema, marque todas as caixas de seleção. Em Saída > Transmissão, habilite um codificador de hardware, se disponível. Em Vídeo > Resolução de base (canvas) e Resolução de saída (escalonada), escolha 1280x720 e em Filtro, escolha Bilinear.

Configure pelo menos 2 cenas: uma para a exibição de mídia (Captura de janela ou Captura de tela com o cursor do mouse desativado e o título/monitor de janela apropriado selecionado) e uma para a visualização do palco (Dispositivo de captura de vídeo com a câmera do Salão do Reino selecionada). Você também pode adicionar outra cena para imagens. Ideal para mostrar a tela de exibição de mídias em tela cheia configurada no OBS e a câmera do Salão do Reino no canto no estilo Picture-in-Picture. Você pode adicionar quantas cenas forem necessárias, em diferentes cortes de câmera como (uma cena da tribuna, uma cena do dirigente e leitor, uma cena da mesa, etc.).

Adicione um filtro de Dimensionamento/proporção na Captura de janela ou Captura de tela configurada para Resolução Base (Tela). Isso garantirá que a tela de exibição de mídias seja sempre ajustada à resolução de saída da câmera virtual.

Adicione um atalho para o OBS Studio, com o parâmetro --startvirtualcam, na pasta Iniciar do perfil de usuário do Windows, para garantir que o OBS Studio seja iniciado automaticamente ao iniciar o computador.

Configuração inicial: Zoom do Salão do Reino

O zoom deve ser configurado para usar monitores duplos. Ative os atalhos de teclado globais para Zoom para silenciar/ativar o áudio do Salão do Reino no Zoom (Alt A) e iniciar/parar o vídeo do Salão do Reino no Zoom ( Alt V).

Defina o “microfone” padrão como a placa externa de som ou do próprio computador (para que tudo o que for ouvido pelo sistema de som do Salão do Reino seja transmitido pelo Zoom, incluindo microfones e mídia) e a “câmera” para ser a câmera virtual do OBS Studio.

Configuração inicial: M³

Ative a opção Habilitar tela para exibição de mídias.

Habilite e configure o modo de compatibilidade com o OBS Studio, colocando a porta e senha que você configurou no plugin obs-websocket no OBS Studio.

Iniciando a reunião

Inicie a reunião Zoom e mova a janela secundária da reunião Zoom para a tela conectada. Você pode fazer isso em tela cheia, se desejar. É aqui que todos os participantes da reunião Zoom serão exibidos para a congregação ver.

Quando a reunião do Zoom estiver sendo exibida na tela externa, abra o M³. A janela de exibição de mídia será aberta automaticamente em cima do Zoom na tela externa. Baixe as mídias, se necessário, e entre no modo de exibição de mídia clicando no botão ▶️ (reproduzir) na tela principal do M³, ou Alt D.

Ative o vídeo do Salão do Reino (Alt V) pelo Zoom e destaque o vídeo do Salão do Reino, se necessário, para que os participantes do Zoom vejam a câmera do Salão do Reino. Ative o áudio do Salão do Reino no Zoom (Alt A). Não deve ser necessário desativar a câmera ou áudio no Zoom durante a reunião. Certifique-se de que o “Som original” esteja ativado no Zoom, para garantir a melhor qualidade de áudio.

Inicie a reprodução de cânticos de fundo usando o botão no canto inferior esquerdo, ou Alt K.

Transmitindo partes do palco do Salão do Reino para o Zoom

Nenhuma ação necessária.

Vários ângulos/zoom da câmera podem ser escolhidos durante a reunião usando o menu na parte inferior da janela de controle de reprodução de mídia do M³; este menu conterá uma lista de todas as cenas de visualização de câmera configuradas no OBS.

Compartilhando mídia no Salão do Reino e pelo Zoom

Encontre a mídia que deseja compartilhar na janela de controle de reprodução de mídia M³ e pressione o botão “reproduzir”.

Quando terminar de compartilhar a mídia, pressione o botão “parar” no M³. Todos os vídeos param automaticamente após a conclusão.

Exibindo participantes do Zoom na tela do Salão do Reino

Pressione o botão “ocultar/exibir janela de apresentação de mídia” no canto inferior direito da tela do modo de exibição de mídia do M³, ou Alt Z, para ocultar a tela de exibição de mídia. A reunião Zoom agora estará visível na tela do Salão do Reino.

Se o participante tiver mídia para mostrar, siga as etapas no subtítulo Compartilhando mídia no Salão do Reino e pelo Zoom.

Quando o participante terminar sua parte, pressione o botão “ocultar/exibir a tela de exibição de mídia” no canto inferior direito no modo de exibição de mídia do M³, ou Alt Z, para mostrar a tela de exibição de mídia. A tela do Salão do Reino mostrará agora o texto do ano.

Reuniões híbridas usando apenas o M³ e Zoom

Se você não deseja usar o OBS Studio por qualquer motivo, as sugestões a seguir talvez o ajudem a configurar as coisas da maneira mais simples possível.

Configuração inicial: computador do Salão do Reino

Igual à seção acima. Com a adição do atalho de teclado global para Zoom para iniciar/parar o compartilhamento de tela (Alt S). A “câmera” será o video da câmera do Salão do Reino.

Configuração inicial: M³

Ative a opção Habilitar tela para exibição de mídias.

Iniciando a reunião

Igual à seção acima.

Transmitindo partes do palco do Salão do Reino para o Zoom

Igual à seção acima.

Compartilhando mídia no Salão do Reino e pelo Zoom

Comece a compartilhar no Zoom pressionando Alt S. Na janela de compartilhamento do zoom, escolha a tela externa conectada e ative as duas caixas de seleção no canto inferior esquerdo (para otimização de som e vídeo). O texto do ano agora será compartilhado pelo Zoom.

Encontre a mídia que deseja compartilhar na janela de controle de reprodução de mídia M³ e pressione o botão “reproduzir”.

Quando terminar de compartilhar a mídia, pressione Alt S para encerrar o compartilhamento de tela no Zoom.

Exibindo participantes do Zoom na tela do Salão do Reino

Igual à seção acima.

Capturas de tela do modo de exibição

Botão para entrar no modo de exibição de mídia
Botão para entrar no modo de exibição de mídia
Lista de mídias que estão prontas para serem exibidas
Lista de mídias que estão prontas para serem exibidas
Plano de fundo de mídia padrão, com texto do ano gerado automaticamente
Plano de fundo de mídia padrão, com texto do ano gerado automaticamente
Exibindo uma imagem
Exibindo uma imagem
Reproduzindo um vídeo
Reproduzindo um vídeo
Arrastando a linha do tempo para um momento específico de um vídeo
Arrastando a linha do tempo para um momento específico de um vídeo

Gerenciando mídia

A tela de gerenciamento de mídia permite que o usuário adicione ou remova mídia para qualquer reunião, gerencie mídia recorrente e até adicione mídia especial para outras datas que não sejam reuniões do meio e fim de semana.

Gerenciando mídia para qualquer dia específico

Para adicionar/remover a mídia de uma determinada reunião ou dia, basta clicar no quadrado daquele dia na tela principal do M³. Para escolher a mídia que será usada em todas as reuniões, clique no quadrado Mídia recorrente.

Adicionando mídia

Veja como adicionar as mídias na tela de gerenciamento de mídia.

Opção Explicação
Tipo de arquivo Escolha um dos 3 tipos de mídia (veja abaixo).
Mídia para adicionar Depende do tipo de mídia escolhido (veja abaixo).
Numeração antes do nome do arquivo Até 6 dígitos podem ser adicionados antes do(s) nome(s) de arquivo de mídia, para deixá-los na ordem desejada.
Lista de mídia Aqui mostra as mídias da reunião para a data selecionada.

No campo Mídia para adicionar, você verá diferentes opções, dependendo do tipo de mídia selecionada.

Tipo de mídia O campo Mídia para adicionar
Cântico … mostra um menu com todos os cânticos sjjm, no idioma da mídia. Escolha esta opção, por exemplo, para adicionar um cântico para o discurso público ou para as visitas do superintendente de circuito.

O cântico selecionado será baixado automaticamente do JW.org, no idioma da congregação ou grupo, conforme escolhido em Configurações.
JWPUB … permite que você navegue até (ou arraste e solte) um arquivo JWPUB.

Você será solicitado a selecionar a seção ou capítulo que deseja adicionar essa mídia. Isso adicionará a mídia incluída dessa seção no arquivo JWPUB.

Um exemplo de arquivo JWPUB muito usado é o S-34, mas qualquer arquivo JWPUB pode ser usado aqui.
Personalizado … permite que você navegue (ou arraste e solte) por qualquer outro arquivo(s) de mídia do seu computador.

Todos os arquivos PDF e SVG serão automaticamente convertidos em imagens de alta resolução pelo M³.
JW.ORG … permite que você selecione um vídeo mais recente em destaque do JW.org.

Removendo, ocultando e mostrando mídia

Para remover, ocultar ou mostrar mídia, basta encontrar o arquivo de mídia que você não deseja e clicar no ícone.

A mídia tem um ícone vermelho 🟥 (excluir) Ícone ☑️ (caixa marcada) Ícone 🔲 (caixa desmarcada)
O arquivo de mídia foi adicionado à mídia daquele dia por você ou pelo OV. O arquivo de mídia está na apostila da reunião.

Ele será baixado do JW.org ou extraído da publicação.
O arquivo de mídia está na apostila da reunião.

Ele foi oculto por você ou pelo OV, então não será baixado ou adicionado às mídias da reunião.

Capturas de tela da tela de gerenciamento de mídia

Adicionando um cântico para um discurso público
Adicionando um cântico para um discurso público
Adicionando uma imagem
Adicionando uma imagem
Importando mídia de um tópico em um arquivo JWPUB
Importando mídia de um tópico em um arquivo JWPUB
Visualizando mídia de um arquivo JWPUB antes de importar
Visualizando mídia de um arquivo JWPUB antes de importar
Renomeando um arquivo de mídia
Renomeando um arquivo de mídia


O M³ não requer privilégios de administrador para instalação ou execução. Para instalar o M³, basta baixar o instalador mais recente e executá-lo.

Sistema operacional Arquivo para baixar
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

O que eu faço depois?

Configure o aplicativo usando a tela de Configurações.

Problemas para instalar?

Verifique a seção Como instalar o M³ para obter ajuda.

Perguntas frequentes

Este aplicativo depende de sites, fontes ou “colaboradores” para baixar publicações e mídias da reunião?

Não. O aplicativo se comporta de maneira semelhante ao JW Library. Ele baixa publicações e mídia diretamente do site oficial JW.org. Em execução, o aplicativo determina automaticamente o que precisa ser baixado, como arquivos de mídia e publicações. O código-fonte está disponível para todos examinarem e verificarem isso.

Este aplicativo é contra os Termos de Uso do JW.org?

Não. Os Termos de uso do JW.org na verdade permitem claramente o tipo de uso que estamos fazendo. Aqui está o trecho relevante desses termos (ênfase minha):

Você não pode:

Criar, com o objetivo de distribuir, qualquer software, aplicativo, ferramenta ou técnica que sirva especificamente para colecionar, copiar, baixar, extrair ou rastrear dados, HTML, imagens ou textos deste site. (Isso não proíbe a distribuição gratuita, sem fins comerciais, de aplicativos projetados para baixar arquivos eletrônicos como EPUB, PDF, MP3 e arquivos MP4 das áreas públicas deste site.)

Mídia da congregação

O irmão designado como organizador de videoconferência (OV) pelo corpo de anciãos pode usar o M³ para adicionar/remover as mídias que serão usadas pela equipe técnica da congregação.

O OV, ou alguém que foi designado por ele, pode:

  • enviar mídias adicionais para serem exibidas ou compartilhadas durante uma reunião, como na visita do superintendente de circuito ou para discursos públicos
  • ocultar as mídias do JW.org que não serão usadas numa reunião, por exemplo, quando uma parte for substituída
  • adicionar ou remover mídias recorrentes, como um vídeo de texto do ano ou slides

Todos os que estiverem conectados com o mesmo servidor da congregação receberão a mesma mídia quando clicarem no botão Baixar mídias!.

Observe que o recurso do servidor da congregação é totalmente opcional.

Como funciona

O M³ usa o recurso de WebDAV para sincronizar arquivos com um servidor. Isso significa que o OV (ou alguém sob sua supervisão) precisa:

  • configurar um servidor WebDAV seguro que seja acessível pela Web, ou
  • usar um serviço de armazenamento em nuvem de terceiros que suporte o protocolo WebDAV (consulte a configuração Nome do host na seção Configuração do servidor da congregação abaixo).

Para sincronizar todos os computadores com o servidor WebDAV, todos precisam estar conectados no mesmo servidor, usando os dados de conexão por quem criou o servidor.

Configuração do servidor da congregação

Configuração Explicação
Endereço Web Endereço Web do servidor WebDAV. HTTP seguro (HTTPS) é necessário.

Observação: Aqui tem um botão que, quando clicado, mostrará uma lista de provedores WebDAV conhecidos por serem compatíveis com o M³. Isso preencherá automaticamente algumas configurações para eles.

Esta lista é fornecida como ajuda e de forma alguma representa um patrocínio de qualquer serviço ou provedor em particular. O melhor servidor é sempre aquele que você tem…
Usuário Nome de usuário para o serviço WebDAV.
Senha Senha para o serviço WebDAV.

Observação: conforme detalhado em suas respectivas páginas de suporte, pode ser necessário criar uma senha específica para os serviços Box e Koofr para habilitar conexões WebDAV com eles.
Caminho da pasta Esta é a pasta que será usada para baixar a mídia para todos os usuários do servidor da congregação. Você pode digitar/colar um caminho ou usar o mouse para navegar até a pasta de destino.

Observação: certifique-se de que todos os usuários que usarão o servidor configurado insiram o mesmo caminho de pasta; caso contrário, a sincronização não funcionará conforme o esperado.
Configurações para todos da congregação Uma vez que o OV tenha configurado as seções Configuração de mídia e Configuração da reunião nas Configurações em seu próprio computador, ele pode então usar este botão para bloquear algumas configurações para todos os usuários que utilizarem o mesmo servidor em seus computadores. Isso significa que as configurações selecionadas serão bloqueadas para todos os usuários sincronizados toda vez que abrirem o M³.

Usando o servidor da congregação para escolher a mídia

Quando a configuração de sincronização da congregação estiver concluída, você estará pronto para Gerenciar Mídia para a equipe de áudio e vídeo da sua congregação.

Capturas de tela do servidor da congregação

Configuração do servidor da congregação
Configuração do servidor da congregação


A tela Configurações é dividida em 4 seções. A maioria das opções é autoexplicativa, mas aqui estão alguns detalhes adicionais.

Configuração do programa

Configuração Explicação
Modo offline Se habilitado, o M³ não vai se conectar ao JW.org ou seu servidor da congregação. Isso é útil quando você tem uma conexão com a internet ruim e não quer deixar a internet lenta.
Preferência de tema Selecione o tema de sua preferência. Se você selecionar Padrão do sistema, o M³ usará o tema padrão do sistema.
Nome da congregação O nome da sua congregação. Isso é usado para oferecer suporte a várias congregações que usam o mesmo computador.
Idioma do programa Define o idioma no qual M³ é exibido.

Obrigado aos nossos muitos colaboradores por traduzir o aplicativo em tantos idiomas! Se você quiser ajudar a melhorar uma tradução existente ou adicionar uma nova, abra uma nova discussão.
Pasta para salvar as mídias A mídia da reunião será salva nesta pasta.
Pasta de cache personalizado Por padrão, as publicações e outros dados são salvos em uma pasta diferente para cada usuário. Você pode alterar isso se você quiser compartilhar os dados entre vários usuários no mesmo computador.
Formato de data das pastas de mídia O formato de data usado para as pastas de mídia.

Observação: Quando estiver usando um servidor de congregação, por favor, certifique-se bloquear o formato de data para todos, usando a opção Configurações para todos da congregação.
Executar o programa após a inicialização do sistema Se ativado, o M³ será iniciado quando o usuário atual fizer login no computador.

Observação: não está disponível no Linux.
Baixar as mídias ao abrir o programa Se habilitada, essa opção fechará automaticamente o M³ 5 segundos após baixar as mídias.

Para evitar que o M³ feche automaticamente quando esta configuração estiver habilitada, clique no botão 🏃 (pessoa saindo/correndo) antes que o temporizador de 5 segundos termine.
Abrir pasta após baixar as mídias Se essa opção estiver habilitada, a pasta selecionada para salvar as mídias será aberta no explorador de arquivos após o download de todas as mídias.
Fechar o programa após baixar as mídias Se estiver habilitada, essa opção irá baixar automaticamente as mídias da semana 5 segundos após a execução do M³.

Para evitar que sejam baixadas as mídias quando essa configuração estiver habilitada, clique no botão ⏸ (pausa) antes que o temporizador de 5 segundos termine.
Habilitar compatibilidade com OBS Studio Se habilitada, essa opção entrará no OBS Studio para alterar as cenas automaticamente conforme necessário antes e depois de exibir as mídias.

Se habilitar essa configuração, certifique-se de que o OBS Studio esteja configurado para usar o plugin obs-websocket, que permitirá que o M³ se comunique com o OBS Studio.

Além disso, configure todas as cenas necessárias para as mídias e exibição do palco no OBS. No mínimo, você precisará de uma cena com uma Captura de janela (recomendado) ou Captura de tela configurada para capturar a janela de exibição de mídia M³ ou a tela na qual a mídia será exibida.

Você também precisará configurar todas as cenas de visualização de palco desejadas, por exemplo: Uma cena da tribuna, Uma cena mostrando todo o palco, etc.
Porta Porta em que o plug-in obs-websocket está configurado para se comunicar com o M³.
Senha Senha criada nas configurações do plugin obs-websocket.
Nome da cena de câmera do OBS Studio Selecione qual cena deve ser selecionada por padrão quando o modo de exibição de mídia é iniciado. Pode ser uma cena de câmera de todo o palco, ou apenas da tribuna.
Nome da cena de mídia do OBS Studio Selecione qual cena está configurada no OBS Studio para capturar a tela de mídia do M³.
Cena para imagens no OBS Studio Uma cena opcional para selecionar uma cena alternativa para mostrar imagens. Isso é útil se você quiser mostrar imagens de uma maneira diferente dos vídeos (por exemplo, com a câmera do Salão do Reino num estilo Picture-in-Picture).
Cena para exibir os participantes pelo Zoom no OBS Studio Útil para gerenciar de forma rápida e eficiente a exibição dos participantes pelo Zoom em reuniões híbridas.

Quando esta cena estiver configurada, um botão de alternância aparecerá no modo de exibição de mídias. Quando for ativado, a tela de exibição de mídias será oculta e a cena Zoom será mostrada. O seletor de cena do OBS também será ocultado. Ao reproduzir uma mídia, ela irá aparecer na tela de exibição como de costume, e após a reprodução, a tela de exibição de mídias desaparecerá imediatamente.

Quando o alternador estiver desativado, a tela de exibição de mídias será exibida novamente.
Habilitar integração com o Zoom Quando ativado, irá automatizar várias funções que precisamos fazer antes das reuniões (desligar o som de todos, habilitar o vídeo/áudio no computador do anfitrião, desabilitar a opção para os participantes ligarem o som), Na reunião tem a opção para (selecionar os participantes para destacar ou silenciar, abaixar a mão e remover o destaque). Quando a reunião terminar tem a opção de (desligar o vídeo do Salão do Reino e permitir que os participantes liguem o som).

Observação: Este recurso está em desenvolvimento. Por favor, faça todos os testes antes de usar nas reuniões e sempre verifique se as automações foram executadas corretamente.
Nome do participante Este é o nome que o M³ usará para participar da reunião do Zoom.
ID da reunião O ID da reunião Zoom em que o M³ vai participar.
Senha A senha da reunião Zoom que o M³ vai participar.
Destacar vídeo ao iniciar a reunião Quando ativado, o M³ vai destacar automaticamente o vídeo do anfitrião quando a automação for executada.
Ocultar o botão Zoom por padrão Quando ativado, a tela do Zoom no M³ será ocultada por padrão. Essa é a tela padrão do Zoom com algumas opções de configurações. Você pode configurar algumas coisas do participante M³ com ele.
Executar automaticamente ações antes do início da reunião Quando ativado, o M³ executará automaticamente algumas ações antes do início da reunião. Os minutos podem ser configurados para iniciar a automação antes da reunião começar. Essas ações são: não permitir que os participantes ativem seu próprio som, habilitar o vídeo do anfitrião e o microfone e opcionalmente destacá-lo.
Renomear automaticamente os participantes do Zoom Com essa configuração, você pode adicionar os nomes em que os participantes entram na reunião Zoom e pode renomeá-los. Isso é útil se você deseja renomear os participantes que entram com um nome errado ou incompleto. O seguinte formato deve ser seguido: Nome Atual=Novo Nome.
Habilitar atualizações beta para teste Quando ativado, o M³ receberá automaticamente atualizações beta que são lançadas diariamente e contêm os recursos e correções mais recentes.

Observação: Não ative essa configuração no computador usado para exibir as mídias no Salão do Reino.
Desativar atualização automática Quando esta opção está ativada, o M³ não será atualizado automaticamente quando for fechado.
Desativar a aceleração de hardware Habilite essa configuração apenas se estiver tendo problemas com o modo de exibição de mídia. Alterar esta configuração fará com que o M³ reinicie.

Configuração do servidor da congregação

Consulte a seção Configuração do servidor da congregação para obter detalhes sobre o que isso faz exatamente e como configurar.

Configuração de mídia

Configuração Explicação
Idioma das mídias Selecione o idioma de sua congregação ou grupo. Todas as mídias serão baixadas do JW.org neste idioma.
Idioma alternativo para mídias Este idioma é usado sempre que o idioma principal de mídia não está disponível.

Por exemplo, se você selecionar o Irlandês como seu idioma de mídia e o Inglês como seu alternativo, sempre que uma publicação ou vídeo não estiver disponível em Irlandês, ela será obtida em Inglês.
Resolução dos vídeos Os vídeos baixados do JW.org serão baixados nessa resolução ou na menor resolução disponível. Útil para situações de internet baixa ou limitada.
Ativar legendas dos vídeos Ative esta opção se você quiser legendas para vídeos sempre que disponível. As legendas serão exibidas por padrão, mas podem ser ativadas/desligadas durante a exibição. A posição vertical das legendas pode ser alterada clicando no ícone de legendas dentro da visualização do vídeo.
Converter mídias para MP4 Nessa opção serão convertidos automaticamente todos os arquivos de imagem e áudio para o formato MP4, para uso com o player de compartilhamento nativo MP4 do Zoom durante as reuniões apenas pelo Zoom. Isso inclui todas as imagens e arquivos de mídia baixados do JW.org, bem como arquivos de mídia adicionais adicionados pelo usuário ou pelo Organizador de Videoconferência.

Observação: essa opção é mais adequada para reuniões que são realizadas apenas pelo Zoom. Se estiver realizando reuniões híbridas ou regulares, tente usar o Modo de exibição de mídias ativando a opção Habilitar tela para exibição de mídias e desative essa opção.
Manter os arquivos de mídia originais após a conversão Se essa configuração estiver habilitada, os arquivos de imagem e áudio serão mantidos na pasta de mídia após a conversão para o formato MP4, em vez de serem excluídos. Isso resultará em uma pasta de mídia um pouco mais desordenada e geralmente não precisa ser ativada se você compartilhar a mídia por meio do compartilhamento Zoom MP4. (Veja a opção Converter mídias para MP4 acima.)

Observação: somente visível se a opção Converter mídias para MP4 também estiver ativada.
Habilitar tela para exibição de mídias Essa configuração permitirá que você use o M³ para exibir imagens, vídeos e arquivos de áudio durante as reuniões de sua congregação híbridas ou presenciais. A tela para exibição e controle de mídia pode ser acessada clicando no botão ▶️ (reproduzir) na tela principal do M³.

A tela de exibição de mídia usará automaticamente uma tela externa se estiver conectada; caso contrário, a mídia será exibida em uma janela separada que pode ser redimensionada.

Observação: essa opção é mais adequada para reuniões congregacionais híbridas ou regulares.

Se estiver realizando reuniões apenas pelo Zoom, ative a opção Converter mídias para MP4 para compartilhar as mídias pelo player nativo do Zoom.
Imagem de fundo da tela de exibição de mídias Por padrão, o M³ tentará buscar o texto do ano atual no idioma selecionado anteriormente, para exibi-lo em um fundo preto quando estiver no Modo de exibição de mídia e nenhuma outra mídia estiver sendo reproduzida. Se o M³ não conseguir buscar o texto do ano por algum motivo, ou se você desejar exibir uma imagem de fundo diferente, você pode usar o botão ‘Selecionar’ para escolher uma imagem personalizada ou o botão ‘Atualizar’ para tentar buscar o texto do ano automaticamente novamente.

Observação: Se a Configuração do servidor da congregação estiver preenchida, quando você selecionar uma imagem de fundo personalizada para a exibição de mídia, o M³ irá sincronizar automaticamente para todos que estejam conectados ao servidor da congregação no M³.
Ocultar a tela de exibição de mídias após a reprodução de mídia Se ativado, a tela de exibição de mídias será ocultada imediatamente após a exibição ou reprodução de uma mídia.

Observação: Essa configuração é especialmente útil para reuniões em língua de sinais.
Reproduzir automaticamente a primeira mídia da lista Se essa opção estiver habilitada, a primeira mídia da lista vai ser reproduzida automaticamente no horário que você configurar antes do início da reunião.
Ativar atalhos de teclado durante a reprodução de mídia Esta configuração permite que você defina combinações de teclas personalizadas para reproduzir e parar a mídia. Isso é útil em combinação com um controle remoto USB, por exemplo.
Criar lista de reprodução para usar no VLC Habilite isso se quiser gerar listas de reprodução para cada reunião automaticamente, que podem ser carregadas no VLC, se você estiver usando esse aplicativo para exibir mídia em vez do Modo de exibição de mídia.
Excluir todas as mídias da publicação Melhore Se ativado, isso impedirá que as mídias da brochura Melhore apareça em todas as reuniões do meio de semana.
Excluir imagens do livro Seja Feliz para Sempre que não serão consideradas no Estudo Bíblico de Congregação Se ativado, as imagens do livro Seja Feliz para Sempre (lff) não serão incluídas nos arquivos de mídia, por exemplo, em partes de estudante na reunião do meio de semana.
Incluir mídia impressa quando disponível Se ativado, as imagens das edições impressas de publicações serão incluídas quando disponíveis. Isso pode ser útil para algumas tabelas ou grupos de imagens que podem melhorar a visualização na forma impressa.

Configuração da reunião

Configuração Explicação
Congregação especial Se ativado, nenhuma mídia será baixada do JW.org. Só serão adicionadas manualmente as mídias disponíveis. Isto é útil para as escolas teocráticas, por exemplo.
Reunião do meio de semana Selecione o dia e a hora da sua reunião do meio de semana; usado para nomeação de pastas e parar automaticamente os cânticos de fundo (veja abaixo).
Reunião de fim de semana Escolha o dia e horário da sua reunião do fim de semana.
Data da visita do superintendente de circuito Quando você selecionar uma data para a próxima visita do superintendente de circuito, o M³ vai definir automaticamente o dia da reunião de meia de semana para aquela semana na terça-feira, não vai buscar as mídias do Estudo Bíblico de Congregação e o cântico final das reuniões de meio e fim de semana.

Observação: Quando estiver usando um servidor para a congregação, certifique-se de bloquear para que todos os que estiverem conectados nesse servidor, tenham a mesma data da visita definida.
Habilitar botão para reproduzir cânticos de fundo Nessa opção o M³ mostra um botão na tela principal que ao clicado duas vezes vai reproduzir cânticos sjjm, aleatoriamente. Isso é útil, por exemplo, para reproduzir cânticos antes e depois das reuniões no Salão do Reino como música de fundo. À direita desta opção é um botão para baixar todos os Cânticos em MP3, o que pode ser útil quando a internet é ruim.
Volume de reprodução dos cânticos de fundo Define o volume em que os cânticos de fundo serão reproduzidos.
Reproduzir cânticos automaticamente antes das reuniões Se habilitado, os cânticos de fundo vão ser reproduzidos automaticamente na inicialização do M³ quando for um dia de reunião, e a reunião iniciar em menos de uma hora.
Parar de reproduzir cânticos de fundo automaticamente Se a opção Habilitar botão para reproduzir cânticos de fundo estiver ativada, você pode definir um tempo em que eles devem ser interrompidos automaticamente. Isso pode ser: um determinado número de minutos, ou um número escolhido de segundos antes do início da reunião (no caso em que o cântico de fundo foi iniciado antes de uma reunião).

Capturas de tela da tela de configurações

Configuração do programa
Configuração do programa
Configuração de mídia
Configuração de mídia
Configuração da reunião
Configuração da reunião

Problemas e solicitações de recursos

Como faço para reportar um erro ou bug que encontrei?

Se você tiver qualquer problema com o M³, por favor use o Problemas no GitHub para reportar. As correções de bugs são feitas regularmente, geralmente mensalmente.

Como posso pedir novos recursos?

Estou aberto a sugestões! Use as Discussões do GitHub para conversarmos sobre possíveis novos recursos.

Notas de uso técnico

A aplicação deve ser executada como está nos computadores mais modernos em execução de Windows, Linux ou macOS.

Windows: Instalação e primeira inicialização

Ao abrir o instalador, você pode receber um erro indicando que o “Windows SmartScreen impediu o início de um aplicativo não reconhecido”. Isso deve-se ao fato de a ‘app’ não ter um número elevado de downloads, e consequentemente não ser explicitamente “confiável” pelo Windows. Para contornar isso, basta clicar em “Mais informações”, depois em “Executar mesmo assim”.

Linux: Instalação e primeira inicialização

De acordo com a documentação oficial AppImage, se o aplicativo não abrir corretamente, confirme a saída do seguinte comando:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Se a saída for 0, então o AppImage não será executado a menos que você execute o seguinte comando, seguido por uma reinicialização:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Certifique-se de ler o que isso implica antes de fazer isso.

macOS: Instalação e primeira inicialização

Se ao iniciar o aplicativo, você recebe um aviso de que o app não pode ser aberto, ou porque “não foi descarregado da App Store” ou porque “o desenvolvedor não pode ser verificado”, então esta página de suporte da Apple irá ajudá-lo a passar por isso.

Se você receber uma mensagem indicando que você não tem permissão para abrir o aplicativo”, então tente algumas soluções de esta página, por exemplo, executando o seguinte comando em Terminal. pp:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Problemas com permissões de áudio ou microfone no macOS Sonoma

Com o macOS Sonoma, alguns utilizadores podem encontrar um problema em que o M3 fornece repetidamente uma mensagem de erro indicando que ele precisa de acesso ao microfone. Executar o seguinte comando em Terminal.app resolveu o problema para alguns:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Atualização automática

Ao contrário do Windows e do Linux, a funcionalidade de atualização automática não é nem implementada no macOS, e, por razões técnicas, provavelmente nunca será. No entanto, uma das duas coisas vai acontecer aos utilizadores do macOS quando uma atualização estiver disponível:

  • O M³ irá tentar descarregar o pacote de atualização e abri-lo automaticamente, após o qual o utilizador terá que completar a instalação manualmente da atualização M3, arrastando e largando o aplicativo atualizado na sua pasta Aplicativos. Em seguida, eles poderão iniciar o M³ recém-atualizado a partir da sua pasta Aplicativos como habitual.
  • Se o passo anterior falhar em alguma fase, O M³ mostrará uma notificação persistente, indicando que uma atualização está disponível, com um link para a própria atualização. Uma notificação vermelha e pulsante também será exibida no botão de definições na tela principal do M³. O número de versão M3 na tela de definições vai tornar-se um botão que, depois de clicado, abre a página de download da última versão automaticamente.

Modo de Exibição de Multimédia

Usar o Modo de Exibição de Multimédia

A exibição de multimédia e os modos de controlo de multimédia são concebidos para simplificar o trabalho de quem está no A/V e evitar erros durante reuniões.

Uma vez que a opção Exibir multimédia num monitor externo ou numa janela separada é habilitada a tela de exibição de multimédia aparecerá automaticamente no monitor externo, se estiver presente, ou numa janela separada, móvel e redimensionável se nenhum monitor externo for detetado.

Quando em espera, a tela de exibição de multimédia exibirá a imagem de fundo configurada nas definições. Se nenhuma imagem de fundo foi configurada, o M³ tentará procurar e exibir automaticamente o texto.

Se nenhuma imagem de fundo estiver configurada nas definições e o texto do ano não puder ser carregado automaticamente, um fundo preto será exibido no modo de espera.

O modo de controlo de multimédia pode ser acedido ao clicar no botão ▶️ (play) na tela principal do M³, ou usar o atalho do teclado Alt D (para exibição externa).

Após ter entrado no modo de controlo, a tela de seleção de pastas permitirá que selecione a data na qual gostaria de exibir a multimédia. Se existir uma pasta de dia atual, ela será pré-selecionada automaticamente. Uma vez que uma data é selecionada, ainda pode alterar a data selecionada a qualquer momento clicando no botão de seleção de data, na secção superior.

Exibir multimédia

Para reproduzir a multimédia, pressione o botão ▶️ (play) para o ficheiro que desejar. Para ocultar a multimédia, pressione o botão ⏹️ (stop). Um vídeo pode ser rebobinado ou avançado rapidamente enquanto está em pausa, se desejado. Observe que para os vídeos, o botão de parar deve ser pressionado duas vezes para evitar parar um vídeo acidentalmente enquanto estiver a reproduzir para a congregação. Os vídeos param automaticamente quando tiverem sido reproduzidos na totalidade.

Funcionalidades Extra:

O M³ tem alguns recursos extras que podem ser usados para melhorar a experiência de exibição de multimédia.

Exibir o JW.org

Para exibir o JW.org, pode pressionar o botão (reticências) na parte superior da tela e selecionar Abrir JW.org. Isso abrirá uma nova janela de controlo com JW.org carregada. A janela de multimédia também exibirá o JW.org. Agora você pode usar a janela do controlo para navegar no JW.org, e a janela de multimédia exibirá as suas ações. Quando terminar de exibir o JW.org, você pode fechar a janela de controlo e continuar com o modo normal de exibição de multimédia.

Ampliar e deslocar imagens

Quando uma imagem está a ser exibida, pode deslocar a roda do mouse enquanto passa o mouse sobre a pré-visualização da imagem para aumentar ou diminuir o zoom. Em alternativa, também pode fazer duplo clique na pré-visualização da imagem para aumentar o zoom. Se fizer duplo clique, alterna entre 1,5x, 2x, 3x, 4x e volta ao zoom de 1x. Também pode manter premido e arrastar a imagem para deslocar a imagem.

Ordenar a lista de multimédia

A lista de multimédia pode ser ordenada clicando no botão de ordenação no canto superior direito da tela. Os itens de multimédia terão um botão junto a eles que pode ser utilizado para arrastar o item de multimédia para cima ou para baixo na lista. Quando estiver satisfeito com a ordem, pode clicar novamente no botão de ordenação para bloquear a ordem.

Adicionar um cântico de última hora

Se precisar de adicionar uma música de última hora à lista de multimédia, pode premir o botão ♫ + (adicionar cântico) na parte superior da tela. Um menu suspenso aparecerá com uma lista de todos os cânticos. Quando seleciona um, este é imediatamente adicionado ao topo da lista de média e pode ser reproduzido instantaneamente O cântico será transmitida a partir de JW.org ou reproduzida a partir da cache local, caso tenha sido descarregada anteriormente.

Realizar reuniões híbridas usando uma combinação de M3, OBS Studio e Zoom

De longe, a maneira mais simples de compartilhar a multimédia durante reuniões híbridas é configurar o OBS Studio, M3 e Zoom para trabalhar juntos.

Configuração inicial: Computador do Salão do Reino

Defina a resolução de tela do monitor externo para 1280x720, ou algo próximo a isso.

Configure a saída da placa de som do computador para ir para uma das entradas do misturador da cabina de som e a saída combinada do misturador da cabina de som para ir para a entrada da placa de som do computador.

Configuração inicial: OBS Studio

Instale o OBS Studio ou faça o download da versão portátil.

Se usar a versão portátil do OBS Studio, instale o plugin Virtualcam , e se estiver a usar a versão portátil do OBS Studio, adicione a câmara virtual no Windows clicando duas vezes no script de instalação fornecido.

Se você tem o OBS Studio v27 ou mais antigo, você precisa instalar o plugin obs-websocket. Caso contrário, obs-websocket está incluído. Configure o número da porta e senha para obs-websocket.

Nas configurações do OBS, em Geral > Sistema, habilite todas as caixas de verificação. Em Saída > Streaming, habilite um codificador de hardware se disponível. Sob Vídeo > Base (tela) Resolução e Saída (Chamado) Resolução, escolha 1280x720e abaixo Filtro de Rebaixa, escolha Bilinear.

Configure pelo menos 2 cenas: uma para a exibição de multimédia(Captura de janela ou Exibir Captura com o cursor do mouse desativado e o título/monitor da janela apropriada selecionado), e uma para a visualização do palco (Dispositivo de Captura de Vídeo com a câmera KH selecionada). Você também pode adicionar outra cena especificamente para imagens, onde a janela de mídia é visível junto com o pódio em um display de estilo picture-in-pic. Pode adicionar tantas cenas quantas as necessárias, com a câmara ajustada, ampliada e cortada conforme necessário (vista do orador e do leitor, vista da mesa, etc.).

Habilite o filtro Scaling/Aspect Ratio em todas as entradas Captura de janela ou Captura de tela com a Resolução Resolução da Base (tela) Resolução. Isso garantirá que a janela de multimédia seja sempre ajustada à resolução de saída da câmara virtual.

Adicionar um atalho ao OBS Studio, com o parâmetro --startvirtualcam , para a pasta Startup do perfil do utilizador do Windows, para garantir que o OBS Studio é iniciado automaticamente quando o utilizador faz o login.

Configuração inicial: Zoom do Salão do Reino

O zoom deve ser configurado para utilizar monitores duplos. Habilitar atalhos de teclado globais para silenciar/desmutar o áudio da Sala do Reino no Zoom (Alt A), e iniciar/parar a feed de vídeo do Salão do Reino no Zoom (Alt V).

Defina o “microfone” predefinido para ser a saída combinada do misturador da cabina de som (para que tudo o que é ouvido no sistema de som do Salão do Reino seja transmitido através do Zoom, incluindo microfones e meios de comunicação) e a “câmara” para ser a câmara virtual fornecida pelo OBS Studio.

Configuração inicial: M³

Habilita a Multimédiapresente num monitor externo ou numa janela separada.

Ativar e configurar o modo de compatibilidade do OBS Studio, usando as informações de porta e senha configuradas na etapa de configuração do OBS Studio.

Início da reunião

Inicie a reunião Zoom e mova a janela secundária de reunião Zoom para o monitor externa. Torne-a tela cheia, se desejar. Aqui é onde quaisquer participantes da reunião Zoom serão exibidos para a congregação ver.

Quando a reunião Zoom estiver a ser exibida no monitor externo, abra o M³. A janela de exibição de multimédia será aberta automaticamente no topo do Zoom no monitor externo. Sincronize a multimédia, se necessário, e entre no modo de controlo de multimédia, clicando no botão ▶️ (play) na tela principal do M3, ou ALT D.

Habilite a fonte de vídeo do Salão do Reino (Alt V) e destaque-a, se necessário, para que os participantes do Zoom vejam o palco do Salão do Reino. Ative o som da fonte de áudio da Sala do Reino no Zoom (Alt A). Não deve ser necessário desativar a transmissão de vídeo ou áudio no Zoom durante a reunião. Certifique-se de que o “Som original para músicos” (ou algo parecido) esteja ativo no Zoom, para garantir a melhor qualidade de áudio para os participantes no Zoom.

Inicie a reprodução de música de fundo usando o botão na parte inferior esquerda, ou ALT K.

Transmitindo partes presenciais do Salão do Reino acima do Zoom

Nenhuma ação é necessária.

Vários ângulos da câmara/zoom podem ser escolhidos durante a reunião, usando o menu na parte inferior da janela de controlo de reprodução de multimédia M3; este menu irá conter uma lista de todas as cenas de exibição de câmara configuradas no OBS.

Compartilhar multimédia no Salão do Reino e Zoom

Encontre a multimédia que deseja compartilhar na janela de controlo de reprodução de multimédia do M3 e pressione o botão “reproduzir”.

Quando terminar de compartilhar a multimédia, pressione o botão “parar” no M3. Observe que os vídeos param automaticamente após a sua conclusão.

Exibindo participantes do Zoom no Salão do Reino

Prima o botão “mostrar/ocultar exibição de multimédia” no canto inferior direito da tela do controlador de multimédia M³ ou Alt Z, to ocultar a janela de exibição de multimédia. A reunião Zoom será visível no(s) monitor(es) externo(s) do Salão do Reino

Se o participante tiver multimédia a exibir, siga os passos sob a multimédiade compartilhamento no Salão do Reino e Zoom subtítulo.

Uma vez que o usuário termine sua parte, pressione o botão “ocultar/mostrar janela de exibição de multimédia” no canto inferior direito do controlo de multimédia M3, janela de reprodução de multimédia ou Alt Z, para mostrar a janela de exibição de multimédia. O monitor Salão do Reino agora mostrará o texto do ano.

Realizar reuniões híbridas usando apenas M3 e Zoom

Se você não deseja usar o OBS Studio por qualquer motivo, as seguintes sugestões talvez o ajudem a organizar as coisas da forma mais simples possível.

Configuração inicial sem OBS: Computador do Salão do Reino

Mesmo que a secção correspondente acima. Com a adição do atalho de teclado global para Zoom para iniciar/parar o compartilhamento de tela (ALT S). A “câmara” será a fonte da câmara do Salão do Reino.

Configuração inicial sem OBS: M3

Habilita a Multimédiapresente num monitor externo ou numa janela separada.

Iniciar a reunião sem OBS

Mesmo que a secção correspondente acima.

Transmitindo partes presenciais do Salão do Reino acima do Zoom sem OBS

Mesmo que a secção correspondente acima.

Compartilhar multimédia no Salão do Reino e Zoom sem OBS

Comece a compartilhar o Zoom ao pressionarAlt S. Na janela de compartilhamento de Zoom que aparece, escolha o monitor externo e ative as duas caixas de seleção na parte inferior esquerda (para otimização de som e vídeo). O texto do ano será agora compartilhado no Zoom.

Encontre a multimédia que deseja compartilhar na janela de controlo de reprodução de multimédia do M3 e pressione o botão “reproduzir”.

Quando terminar de compartilhar a multimédia, pressione Alt S para finalizar o compartilhamento de tela do Zoom.

Exibir participantes do Zoom no Salão do Reino sem OBS

Mesmo que a secção correspondente acima.

Capturas de tela do Modo de exibição

Botão de reprodução azul para entrar no modo de controlador de multimédia
Botão de reprodução azul para entrar no modo de controlador de multimédia
Lista da multimédia pronta a ser apresentada
Lista da multimédia pronta a ser apresentada
Fundo padrão da tela da multimédia, com o texto do ano gerado automaticamente
Fundo padrão da tela da multimédia, com o texto do ano gerado automaticamente
A apresentar uma imagem
A apresentar uma imagem
A reproduzir um vídeo
A reproduzir um vídeo
Passar para um momento específico no vídeo
Passar para um momento específico no vídeo

Gerir multimédia

A tela de gestão de multimédia permite ao utilizador adicionar ou remover a multimédia para qualquer reunião específica, gerir multimédia recorrentes e até adicionar multimédia especial para outras datas em que nenhuma reunião é normalmente programada.

Gerir a multimédia para um dia especial

Para gerir a multimédia para uma determinada reunião ou dia, basta clicar no botão do dia na tela principal do M³. Para gerir a multimédia que se repete em todas as reuniões, clique no mosaico Multimédia recorrente.

Adicionar multimédia

Aqui está como adicionar multimédia a partir da tela: Gerir Multimédia.

Opção Explicação
Tipo de upload Escolha entre um dos três tipos de multimédia (veja abaixo).
Multimédia para adicionar Depende do tipo de mídia escolhido (veja abaixo).
Prefixo do nome do ficheiro Até 6 dígitos podem ser adicionados antes do(s) nome(s) de multimédia(s), para ajudar na ordenação.
Lista de multimédia Exibe a multimédia atualmente programada para o bloco de data selecionado.

No campo Multimédia para adicionar , haverá opções diferentes, dependendo do tipo de multimédia selecionado.

Tipo de multimédia O campo de Multimédia para adicionar
Cântico … mostra um menu com todos os vídeos dos Cânticos para Reuniões de sjj , no idioma da multimédia. Escolha esta opção, por exemplo, para adicionar um cântico para o discurso público ou para o superintendente de circuito.

O cântico selecionado será automaticamente descarregado do JW.org, no idioma da congregação ou grupo, conforme configurado nas Definições.
JWPUB … permite-lhe navegar para (ou arrastar e largar) um ficheiro JWPUB.

Ser-lhe-á então pedido que selecione a secção ou o capítulo a partir do qual pretende adicionar os multimédia. Isto adicionará a multimédia incorporada e referenciada dessa secção do ficheiro JWPUB.

Um exemplo de um ficheiro JWPUB usado é o S-34, mas qualquer ficheiro JWPUB pode ser usado aqui.
Personalizado … permite-lhe navegar para (ou arrastar e largar) qualquer outro(s) ficheiro(s) multimédia do seu computador.

Note que todos os ficheiros PDF e SVG serão automaticamente convertidos em imagens de alta resolução pelo M³.
JW.ORG … permite-lhe selecionar um vídeo dos últimos vídeos em destaque no JW.org.

Remover, ocultar e mostrar multimédia

Para remover, ocultar, ou mostrar ficheiros multimédia, basta localizar o ficheiro multimédia que não pretende e clicar no ícone correspondente.

Um ícone vermelho 🟥 (eliminar) Um ícone ☑️ (caixa de verificação marcada) Um ícone 🔲 (caixa de verificação desmarcada)
O ficheiro multimédia foi adicionado à multimédia daquele dia por si ou pelo VO. O ficheiro multimédia é referenciado no material da reunião.

Ele será descarregado do JW.org ou extraído da publicação relevante.
O ficheiro multimédia é referenciado no material da reunião.

Foi ocultada por si ou pelo VO, pelo que não será nem descarregada, nem adicionada, à multimédia da reunião.

Capturas de ecrã da tela: Gerir Multimédia

Adicionar um cântico para o discurso público
Adicionar um cântico para o discurso público
Adicionar uma imagem adicional
Adicionar uma imagem adicional
Importar multimédia de uma secção de um ficheiro JWPUB
Importar multimédia de uma secção de um ficheiro JWPUB
Pré-visualizar a multimédia de um ficheiro JWPUB antes de importar
Pré-visualizar a multimédia de um ficheiro JWPUB antes de importar
Renomear um ficheiro de multimédia
Renomear um ficheiro de multimédia


O M³ não requer privilégios administrativos para instalar ou executar. Para instalar M3, simplesmente descarregue o instalador mais recente e execute-o.

Sistema Operativo Ficheiros para download
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

E agora?

Configure o aplicativo usando a tela Configurações.

Problemas na instalação?

Verifique as Notas de Uso Técnico para obter ajuda.

Perguntas frequentes

Este aplicativo depende de sites, fontes ou “curadores” externos para descarregar as publicações e multimédias da reunião?

Não. O aplicativo comporta-se da mesma maneira que a JW Library. Descarrega publicações e multimédia diretamente do site oficial JW.org e da sua rede de distribuição de conteúdos. Na execução, a aplicação determina automaticamente o que precisa de ser descarregado, como ficheiros multimédia e publicações. O código-fonte está disponível para todos examinarem e verificarem isto.

Este aplicativo infringe os Termos de Uso do JW.org?

Não. Os Termos de Uso do JW.org permitem explicitamente o tipo de utilização que estamos a fazer. Aqui está o trecho relevante desses termos (o nosso sublinhado):

Não poderá, nem poderá permitir a terceiros:

Criar, para efeitos de distribuição, quaisquer aplicações de software, ferramentas ou técnicas que tenham o objetivo específico de recolher, copiar, descarregar, extrair, levantar ou obter dados, HTML, imagens ou texto desta Aplicação. (Isto não implica que esteja proibida a distribuição de aplicações grátis, não comerciais, criadas para descarregar ficheiros eletrónicos, como EPUB, PDF, MP3 e MP4, de áreas públicas deste site.)

Multimédia da congregação

O irmão designado como responsável pelas videoconferências (VO) pelo corpo de anciãos pode utilizar o M³ para gerir a multimédia disponibilizada à equipa de apoio técnico A/V da sua congregação.

O VO ou alguém designado por ele, pode:

  • carregar ficheiros multimédia adicionais para serem exibidos durante uma reunião, por exemplo, para a visita do superintendente do circuito ou para discursos de oradores públicos
  • ocultar multimédia do JW.org que não seja relevante para uma determinada reunião, por exemplo, quando uma parte da reunião foi alterada pela filial local.
  • adicionar ou remover uma multimédia recorrente, como um vídeo do texto do ano, ou um ‘slide’ de anúncio

Todos os que estiverem sincronizados com a mesma congregação receberão os mesmos ficheiros multimédia quando clicarem no botão Atualizar pastas multimédia.

Tenha em atenção que a funcionalidade de sincronização da congregação é opcional e totalmente facultativa.

Como funciona

O mecanismo de sincronização subjacente do M³ usa WebDAV. Isto significa que o VO (ou alguém sob a sua supervisão) também precisa:

  • configurar um servidor seguro WebDAV que seja acessível pela web, ou
  • usar um serviço de armazenamento de nuvem de terceiros que suporte o protocolo WebDAV (veja o endereço Web definido na secção Configuração do servidor da congregação abaixo).

Todos os utilizadores que pretendam ser sincronizados em conjunto terão de se ligar ao mesmo servidor WebDAV utilizando as informações de ligação e as credenciais que lhes foram fornecidas pelo seu VO.

Configuração do servidor da congregação

Definições Explicação
Endereço web Endereço web do servidor WebDAV. É necessário um HTTP (HTTPS) seguro.

Nota: O botão de endereço da Web, quando clicado, irá mostrar uma lista de provedores WebDAV conhecidos por serem compatíveis com M³, e irá preencher automaticamente certas configurações para esses provedores.

Essa lista é fornecida como uma cortesia, e não representa de forma alguma um endosso a qualquer serviço ou provedor em particular. O melhor servidor é sempre aquele que você possui…
Utilizador Nome de utilizador para o serviço WebDAV
Palavra-passe Palavra-passe para o serviço WebDAV.

Nota: Como detalhadas nas suas respectivas páginas de suporte, uma senha específica para o aplicativo pode precisar ser criada para a Box e Koofr a fim de ativar as conexões WebDAV para os seus serviços.
Caminho da pasta Esta é a pasta que será utilizada para sincronizar multimédia para todos os utilizadores da sincronização de congregação. Você pode digitar/colar num caminho ou usar o mouse para navegar para a pasta de destino.

Nota: Certifique-se de que todas as congregações sincronizam os utilizadores com o mesmo caminho da pasta; caso contrário, a sincronização não funcionará conforme o esperado.
Definições para toda a congregação Depois que o VO tiver configurado a configuração de multimédia e configuração de reunião seções, configurações no seu próprio computador, então ele pode usar este botão para impor certas configurações para todos os usuários de sincronização de congregação (por exemplo, dias de reunião, idioma da multimédia, configurações de conversão, etc. Isto significa que as definições selecionadas serão aplicadas à força a todos os utilizadores sincronizados sempre que abrirem o M³.

Ao usar a sincronização de congregação para gerir multimédia

Uma vez concluída a configuração da sincronização de congregação, você está pronto para começar a gerir a multimédia da equipa de suporte técnico de AV da sua congregação.

Capturas de ecrã da sincronização de congregação em ação

Configuração do servidor da congregação
Configuração do servidor da congregação


A tela de definições é dividida em 4 secções. A maior parte das opções são auto-explicativas, mas aqui estão alguns detalhes adicionais.

Configuração do programa

Definições Explicação
Modo offline Se ativado, o M3 não tentará conectar ao JW.org ou ao seu servidor de congregação. Isso é útil quando tem uma conexão com a internet fraca e deseja economizar largura de banda.
Preferência de tema Selecione o tema que prefere. Se selecionar Sistema, M3 usará o tema do sistema.
Nome da congregação O Nome da sua organização Isto é usado para oferecer suporte a várias congregações que compartilham o mesmo computador.
Idioma do programa Define o idioma em que o M3 é exibido.

Obrigado aos nossos colaboradores para traduzir o aplicativo em tantos idiomas! Se quiser ajudar a melhorar uma tradução existente ou adicionar uma nova, por favor abra uma nova discussão.
Pasta onde guardar os ficheiros multimédia A multimédia da reunião será salva nesta pasta para compartilhamento e uso posteriores.
Local de cache personalizado Por padrão, as publicações e outros dados são salvos num diretório diferente para cada utilizador. Pode alterar esse diretório se quiser compartilhar os dados em cache entre vários utilizadores no mesmo computador.
Formato de data para pastas de reuniões Formato da data usado para as pastas da reunião.

Nota: Quando usar um servidor de congregação por favor, certifique-se de que todos configuram o mesmo formato de data, forçando-o a usar Configurações de Congregação.
Executar aplicativo ao inicializar o sistema Se ativado, o M3 iniciará quando o utilizador atual inicia no computador.

Nota: Indisponível no Linux.
Descarregar as multimédias automaticamente ao abrir o programa Se ativado, esta opção iniciará automaticamente uma sincronização de multimédia 5 segundos após o M3 ser iniciado.

Para impedir que a sincronização automática ocorra quando esta configuração estiver habilitada pressione o botão ⏸️ (pause) antes do timer de 5 segundos.
Abrir pasta após descarregar as multimédias Se ativado, a pasta que contém as multimédias descarregadas durante a semana escolhida abrirá no explorador de ficheiros do computador após a sincronização de multimédia ser concluída.
Fechar o programa após descarregar as multimédias Se ativada, esta opção irá encerrar automaticamente o M3 5 segundos após a sincronização de multimédia ser concluída.

Para impedir que o M3 saia automaticamente quando essa configuração estiver habilitada, pressione o botão 🏃 (pessoa saindo / executando) antes do tempo de 5 segundos expirar.
Ativar modo de compatibilidade do OBS Studio Se ativada, esta opção irá tocar no OBS Studio para alterar as cenas automaticamente, conforme necessário antes e depois do compartilhamento de multimédia.

Se ativar esta configuração, certifique-se de que o OBS Studio está configurado para usar o plugin obs-websocket , que é o que permitirá que o M3 se comunique com o OBS Studio.

Além disso, configure todas as cenas necessárias para o compartilhamento de multimédia e exibição de estágios no OBS. No mínimo você precisará de uma cena com uma Captura de Janela (recomendado) ou Captura de Tela configurada para capturar a janela de exibição de multimédia M3, ou a tela na qual as multimédias serão apresentadas.

Também é necessário configurar todas as cenas de visualização do palco pretendidas, por exemplo: uma imagem da tribuna, uma imagem ampla do palco, etc.
Porta Porta na qual o plugin obs-websocket está configurado para ouvir.
Palavra-passe Senha configurada nas configurações do plug-in obs-websocket.
Nome da cena padrão do palco do OBS Studio Selecione qual cena deve ser selecionada por padrão quando o modo de apresentação de multimédia for iniciado. Normalmente, uma vista ampla do palco ou uma imagem do leitor.
Nome da cena de multimédia do OBS Studio Selecione qual cena está configurada no OBS Studio para capturar a janela de multimédia M3.
Cena opcional de multimédia separada para imagens Uma cena opcional para selecionar uma cena alternativa para exibir imagens. Isso é útil se você quiser mostrar imagens de uma maneira diferente dos vídeos (por exemplo, com o estágio sobreposto em um estilo picture-in-image).
Cena do OBS Studio para exibir os participantes pelo Zoom Uma cena opcional para gerir rápida e eficientemente a exibição de participantes do Zoom durante reuniões híbridas.

Quando esta cena estiver configurada, o comportamento do modo de exibição de multimédia muda um pouco. Quando ativado neste modo, um botão irá aparecer que, quando ativado, fará com que a janela de multimédia seja oculta e que a cena Zoom seja mostrada. O seletor de cenas OBS também será ocultado. A partilha de multimédia mostra automaticamente a cena de multimédia como habitualmente e, após a partilha, a janela de multimédia desaparece imediatamente.

Quando a alternância é desativada, a janela multimédia e os seletores de cenas voltam a ser apresentados.
Ativar integração do Zoom Quando activada, esta funcionalidade tentará automatizar várias tarefas pré-reunião (silenciar todos, ativar o vídeo/áudio do Salão do Reino, desativar a opção de os participantes se silenciarem a si próprios), durante a reunião (selecionar os participantes para os destacar e ativar-he o som, ou para os silenciar, baixar a mão e remover o destaque) e após a reunião (desativar a fonte de vídeo do Salão do Reino, permitir que os participantes ativem o seu som).

Nota: Este ainda é um recurso beta. Por favor, teste-o completamente antes de implementá-lo e sempre verifique se a automação foi executada corretamente.
Nome do participante no Zoom Este é o nome que o M3 usará para ingressar na reunião do Zoom.
ID da Reunião Zoom O ID da reunião Zoom em que o M3 deve ingressar.
Palavra-passe A senha da reunião Zoom que o M3 deve ingressar.
Destacar vídeo ao iniciar a reunião Quando ativado, o M3 focará automaticamente o vídeo do Salão do Reino quando a automação “iniciar reunião” for executada.
Ocultar o componente Zoom por predefinição Quando ativado, o componente Zoom será ocultado por padrão. O componente Zoom é um componente flutuante necessário que representa o participante M3 na reunião do Zoom. Você pode controlar o participante M3 com ele.
Executar automaticamente as ações de início de reunião Quando ativado, o M³ executa automaticamente as ações “iniciar reunião”, um número configurado de minutos antes do início da reunião. Estas ações são: não permitir que os participantes ativem o seu som, silenciar todos, pedir ao anfitrião para ativar o vídeo e o microfone e, opcionalmente, destacar a transmissão de vídeo do Salão do Reino.
Renomear automaticamente os participantes do Zoom Com essa configuração, você pode adicionar uma regra de renomeação para renomear automaticamente certos participantes do Zoom. Isso é útil se desejar renomear os participantes que consistentemente ingressam na reunião com um nome errado ou incompleto. As regras devem ser inseridas no seguinte formato: Nome Antigo=Nome Novo.
Ativar atualizações beta para fins de teste Quando ativado, o M3 receberá automaticamente atualizações beta que são lançadas diariamente e contêm os recursos e correções mais recentes.

Nota: Não habilite esta configuração no computador usado para exibir a multimédia no Salão do Reino.
Desativar atualização automática Quando esta opção está habilitada, o M3 não atualizará automaticamente quando fechado.
Desativar aceleração de hardware Apenas ative essa configuração se você estiver a ter problemas com o modo de exibição de multimédia. Alterar esta configuração fará com que o M3 seja reiniciado.

Configuração do servidor da congregação

Veja a secção Sincronização da Congregação para detalhes sobre o que isso faz exatamente e como configurar esta secção.

Configuração de multimédia

Isto converterá automaticamente todos os ficheiros de imagem e áudio para o formato MP4, para uso com o caraterística nativa de compartilhamento de MP4 durante as reuniões do Zoom de congregação totalmente remota. Isto inclui todas as fotos e ficheiros multimédia descarregados da JW.org, bem como ficheiros multimédia adicionais adicionados pelo utilizador ou pelo VO.

*Nota: Esta opção é mais adequada para reuniões de controlo remoto de Zoom. Se estiver a realizar reuniões congregacionais híbridas ou regulares, procure utilizar o modo Exibição de Multimédia ativando a opção `Apresentar multimédia num monitor externo ou numa janela separada, e desative esta opção.</em></td> </tr>

Manter os ficheiros de multimédia originais após a conversão`</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ### Configuração da reunião | Definições | Explicação | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `Congregação especial` | Se ativado, nenhuma multimédia será descarregada do JW.org. Apenas ficheiros adicionados manualmente estarão disponíveis. Isto é útil para as escolas teocráticas, por exemplo. | | `Reunião do meio de semana` | Indicar o dia e a hora habituais da reunião a meio da semana; utilizado para a atribuição de nomes às pastas e para o desvanecimento automático da música de fundo (ver abaixo). | | `Reunião de fim de semana` | Indique o dia e a hora habituais para a reunião do fim de semana. | | `Próxima visita programada do superintendente de circuito` | Quando você selecionar uma data para a próxima visita programada do superintendente de circuito, A M3 definirá automaticamente o dia da reunião da meia-semana para aquela semana na terça-feira, igonrar as multimédias do Estudo Bíblico de Congregação, bem como ignorar os cânticos finais para ambas as reuniões.

***Nota:** Ao usar um servidor de congregação, certifique-se de aplicar o ajuste para que todos os irmãos conectados tenham a mesma data de visita do superintendente configurada.* | | `Ativar botão para reproduzir música de fundo` | Ativar um botão na tela principal que irá tocar cânticos da série *sjj* , em ordem aleatória. Isso é útil, por exemplo, para tocar músicas antes e após reuniões no Salão do Reino como música de fundo. À direita desta opção, existe um botão para descarregar todos os cânticos disponíveis, o que pode ser útil para evitar atrasos na colocação em memória temporária. | | `Volume de reprodução de música de fundo` | Define o volume em que a música de fundo será reproduzida. | | `Reproduzir música de fundo automaticamente antes das reuniões` | Se ativado, a música de fundo começará automaticamente a tocar na inicialização do aplicativo quando for um dia de reunião e se a reunião iniciar em menos de uma hora. | | `Parar automaticamente a reprodução de música de fundo` | Se `habilitar botão para tocar música de fundo` estiver ativo então essa configuração permitirá que você especifique um atraso após o qual a música de fundo deve ser automaticamente interrompida. Pode ser um número definido de minutos ou um número pré-determinado de segundos antes do início da reunião (no caso de a música de fundo ter sido iniciada antes de uma reunião). | ### Capturas de tela da tela das definições
Configuração do programa
Configuração do programa
Configuração de multimédia
Configuração de multimédia
Configuração da reunião
Configuração da reunião

Problemas e pedidos de funcionalidades

Como posso comunicar um problema ou um erro que encontrei?

Caso você tenha quaisquer problemas com o M3, por favor, use GitHub Issues para relatá-lo. Correções de erros (bugs) são emitidas regularmente, geralmente mensalmente.

Como posso solicitar novos recursos?

Estou aberto a sugestões! Por favor, use GitHub Discussions para sugerir possíveis novas funcionalidades.

Technical usage notes

The app should run as is on most modern computers running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Windows: Installation and first launch

On opening the installer, you might get an error indicating that “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting”. This is due to the app not having a high number of downloads, and consequently not being explicitly “trusted” by Windows. To get around this, simply click on “More info”, then “Run anyway”.

Linux: Installation and first launch

As per the official AppImage documentation, if the app fails to open properly, confirm the output of the following command:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

If the output is 0, then the AppImage will not run unless you run the following command, followed by a reboot:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Make sure you read up on what this entails before you do this.

macOS: Installation and first launch

If upon launching the app, you receive a warning that the app cannot be opened, either because “it was not downloaded from the App store” or because “the developer cannot be verified”, then this Apple support page will help you to get past that.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Unlike Windows and Linux, auto-update functionality is not implemented on macOS, and for technical reasons probably never will be. However, one of two things will happen for macOS users when an update is available:

  • M³ will attempt to download the update package and open it automatically, after which the user will have to manually complete the installation of the M³ update by dragging and dropping the updated app to their Applications folder. Then, they will be able to launch the newly updated M³ from their Applications folder as usual.
  • If the previous step fails at any stage, M³ will display a persistent notification indicating that an update is available, with a link to the update itself. A red, pulsing notification will also be displayed on the settings button in the main screen of M³. The M³ version number in the settings screen will turn into a button that, once clicked, opens the latest release’s download page automatically.

Media Presentation mode

Using media presentation mode

The media presentation and controller modes are designed for simplicity and to prevent mistakes during meetings.

Once the option Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window is enabled, the media presentation screen will automatically appear on the external monitor if present, or in a separate, draggable and resizable window if no external monitor was detected.

When in standby, the media presentation screen will display the background image that is configured in the settings. If no background image has been configured, then M³ will attempt to automatically fetch and display the yeartext.

If no background image is configured in the settings and the yeartext could not be loaded automatically, a black background will be displayed when on standby.

Media controller mode can be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or by using the keyboard shortcut Alt D (for external display).

Once you have entered controller mode, the folder selection screen will allow you to select the date for which you’d like to display media. If the current day’s folder exists, it will automatically be preselected. Once a date is selected, you can still change the selected date at any time by clicking on the date selection button, in the top section.

Presenting media

To play media, press the ▶️ (play) button for the file you’d like. To hide the media, press the ⏹️ (stop) button. A video can be rewound or fast-forwarded while paused, if desired. Please note that for videos, the stop button must be pressed twice to prevent accidentally and prematurely stopping a video while it is playing for the congregation. Videos will auto-stop when they have played in their entirety.

Extra Features

M³ has a few extra features that can be used to enhance the media presentation experience.

Present JW.org

To present JW.org, you can press the ⋮ (ellipsis) button at the top of the screen, and select Open JW.org. This will open a new controller window with JW.org loaded. The media window will also display JW.org. Now you can use the controller window to navigate JW.org, and the media window will display your actions. When you are done presenting JW.org, you can close the controller window, and continue with the normal media presentation mode.

Zoom and pan images

When an image is being displayed, you can scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the image preview to zoom in and out. Alternatively, you can also double click on the image preview to zoom in. Double clicking will alternate between 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x and back to 1x zoom. You can also hold and drag the image to pan around the image.

Sort the media list

The media list can be sorted by clicking the sort button at the top right of the screen. The media items will have a button appear next to them that can be used to drag the media item up or down in the list. When you are satisfied with the order, you can click the sort button again to lock the order.

Add a last-minute song

If you need to add a last-minute song to the media list, you can press the ♫ + (add song) button at the top of the screen. A dropdown will appear with a list of all the Kingdom songs. When you select one, it will immediately be added to the top of the media list and it can be played instantly. It will either stream the song from JW.org, or play the song from the local cache if it was previously downloaded.

Conducting hybrid meetings using a combination of M³, OBS Studio, and Zoom

By far the simplest way to share media during hybrid meetings is by configuring OBS Studio, M³ and Zoom to work together.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall computer

Set the external monitor’s screen resolution to 1280x720, or something close to that.

Configure the computer sound card’s output to go to one of the sound booth mixer’s inputs, and the sound booth mixer’s combined output to go to the computer’s sound card input.

Initial configuration: OBS Studio

Install OBS Studio, or download the portable version.

If using the portable version of OBS Studio, install the Virtualcam plugin, and if using the portable version of OBS Studio, add the virtual camera to Windows by double-clicking the provided installation script.

If you have OBS Studio v27 or older, you need to install the obs-websocket plugin. Otherwise obs-websocket is included. Configure a port number and password for obs-websocket.

In the OBS settings, under General > System Tray, enable all checkboxes. Under Output > Streaming, enable a hardware encoder if available. Under Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Set up at least 2 scenes: one for the media display (Window Capture or Display Capture with the mouse cursor disabled and the appropriate window title/monitor selected), and one for the stage view (Video Capture Device with the KH camera selected). You can also add another scene specifically for pictures, where the media window is visible along with the podium in a picture-in-picture style display. You may add as many scenes as required, with the camera adjusted, zoomed-in and cropped as needed (lectern view, conductor and reader view, table view, etc.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Add a shortcut to OBS Studio, with the --startvirtualcam parameter, to the Startup folder of the Windows user profile, to ensure that OBS Studio gets started automatically when the user logs in.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall Zoom

Zoom should be configured to use dual monitors. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Set the default “microphone” to be sound booth mixer’s combined output (so that everything that is heard over the Kingdom Hall sound system is transmitted over Zoom, including microphones and media) and the “camera” to be the virtual camera provided by OBS Studio.

Initial configuration: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Enable and configure OBS Studio compatibility mode, using the port and password information configured in the OBS Studio configuration step.

Starting the meeting

Start the Zoom meeting, and move the secondary Zoom meeting window to the external monitor. Make it fullscreen if desired. This is where any remote meeting participants will be displayed for the congregation to see.

Once the Zoom meeting is being displayed on the external monitor, open M³. The media presentation window will automatically open on top of Zoom on the external monitor. Sync media if necessary, and enter media controller mode by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or Alt D.

Enable the Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), and spotlight the Kingdom Hall video feed if necessary so that Zoom participants see the Kingdom Hall stage. Unmute the Kingdom Hall audio feed in Zoom (Alt A). It should not be necessary to disable the video or audio feed in Zoom for the duration of the meeting. Make sure that “Original sound for musicians” is enabled in Zoom, to ensure the best audio quality for remote meeting participants.

Start background music playback using the button on the bottom left, or Alt K.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom

No action necessary.

Various camera angles/zoom can be chosen during the meeting by using the menu on the bottom of the M³ media playback control window; this menu will contain a list of all configured camera view scenes in OBS.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, press the “stop” button in M³. Note that videos automatically stop upon completion.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor

Press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media controller screen, or Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. The Zoom meeting will now be visible on the Kingdom Hall monitor.

If the participant has media to show, follow the steps under the Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom subheading.

Once the participant has finished their part, press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media playback control window, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. The Kingdom Hall monitor will now show the yeartext.

Conducting hybrid meetings using only M³ and Zoom

If you do not wish to use OBS Studio for any reason, the following suggestions will perhaps help you to set things up as simply as possible.

Initial configuration without OBS: Kingdom Hall computer

Same as corresponding section above. With the addition of the global keyboard shortcut for Zoom for starting/stopping screen sharing (Alt S). The “camera” will be the camera feed from the Kingdom Hall camera.

Initial configuration without OBS: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Starting the meeting without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom without OBS

Start sharing in Zoom by hitting Alt S. In the Zoom sharing window that pops up, choose the external monitor and enable both checkboxes on the bottom left (for sound and video optimization). The yeartext will now be shared over Zoom.

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, hit Alt S to end Zoom screen sharing.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Screenshots of Presentation Mode

Blue play button to enter media controller mode
Blue play button to enter media controller mode
List of media that is ready to be presented
List of media that is ready to be presented
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Displaying a picture
Displaying a picture
Playing a video
Playing a video
Moving to a specific time in a video
Moving to a specific time in a video

Managing media

The media management screen allows the user to add or remove media for any given meeting, manage recurring media, and even add special media for other dates on which no meeting is normally scheduled.

Managing media for any particular day

To manage media for a certain meeting or day, simply click on that day’s tile on the main screen of M³. To manage media that be repeated at every meeting, click on the Recurring media tile.

Adding media

Here’s how to add media from the media management screen.

Option Explanation
Type of upload Choose from one of the 3 media types (see below).
Media to add Depends on the media type chosen (see below).
Filename prefix Up to 6 digits can be added before the media filename(s), to help with sorting.
Media list This shows the currently planned media for the selected date tile.

In the Media to add field, you’ll be presented with different options, depending on the media type selected.

Media type The Media to add field
Song … shows a menu with all Kingdom song videos from the sjjm series, in the media language. Choose this option for example to add a song for the public talk, or for circuit overseer visits.

The selected song will be automatically downloaded from JW.org, in the congregation or group’s language, as configured in the Settings.
JWPUB … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) a JWPUB file.

You’ll then be prompted to select the section, or chapter, from which you’d like to add media. This will add both embedded and referenced media from that section in the JWPUB file.

An example of a commonly used JWPUB file is the S-34, but any JWPUB file can be used here.
Custom … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) any other media file(s) from your computer.

Note that all PDF and SVG files will automatically be converted into high-resolution images by M³.
JW.ORG … allows you to select a video from the latest featured videos on JW.org.

Removing, hiding and showing media

To remove, hide, or show media, simply find the media file you don’t want, and click on the relevant icon.

A red 🟥 (delete) icon A ☑️ (checked checkbox) icon A 🔲 (unchecked checkbox) icon
The media file was added to that day’s media by you or the VO. The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It will be downloaded from JW.org or extracted from the relevant publication.
The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It was hidden by you or the VO, so it will not be downloaded or added to the meeting’s media.

Screenshots of the media management screen

Adding a song for a public talk
Adding a song for a public talk
Adding an additional picture
Adding an additional picture
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Renaming a media file
Renaming a media file


M³ does not require administrative privileges to install or run. To install M³, simply download the latest installer and run it.

Operating System File to download
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

What’s next?

Configure the app using the Settings screen.

Trouble installing?

Check the Technical usage notes for help.


Does this app depend on external sites, sources or “curators” to download publications and meeting media?

No. The app behaves similarly to JW Library. It downloads publications and media directly from the official JW.org website and its content delivery network. At runtime, the app automatically determines what needs to be downloaded, such as media files and publications. The source code is available for all to examine and verify this.

Does this app infringe the JW.org Terms of Use?

No. The JW.org Terms of Use actually explicitly allow the kind of usage that we are making. Here is the relevant excerpt from those terms (emphasis mine):

You may not:

Create for distribution purposes, any software applications, tools, or techniques that are specifically made to collect, copy, download, extract, harvest, or scrape data, HTML, images, or text from this site. (This does not prohibit the distribution of free, non-commercial applications designed to download electronic files such as EPUB, PDF, MP3, and MP4 files from public areas of this site.)

I-sync ed Congregation

The brother designated as videoconference organizer (VO) by the body of elders can use M³ to manage what media is made available to the technical A/V support team in his congregation.

The VO, or someone designated by him, can:

  • upload additional media to be shared during a meeting, such as for the circuit overseer’s visit, or for public speakers’ talks
  • hide media from JW.org that isn’t relevant for a given meeting, for example, when a part has been replaced by the local branch
  • add or remove recurring media, such as a year-text video, or an announcement slide

All who are synced to the same congregation will then receive the exact same media when they click the Update media folders button.

Please note that the congregation sync feature is opt-in and entirely optional.

How it works

M³’s underlying sync mechanism uses WebDAV. This means that the VO (or someone under his supervision) needs to either:

  • set up a secured WebDAV server that is web-accessible, or
  • use a third-party cloud storage service that supports the WebDAV protocol (see the Web address setting in the Congregation sync setup section below).

All users that wish to be synchronized together will need to connect to the same WebDAV server using the connection information and credentials provided to them by their VO.

Congregation sync setup

Setting Explanation
Web address Web address of the WebDAV server. Secure HTTP (HTTPS) is required.

Note: The Web address button, once clicked, will show a list of WebDAV providers that have been known to be compatible with M³, and will automatically prefill certain settings for those providers.

This list is provided as a courtesy, and in no way represents an endorsement of any particular service or provider. The best server is always the one you own…
Username Username for the WebDAV service.
Password Password for the WebDAV service.

Note: As detailed in their respective support pages, an app-specific password might need to be created for Box and Koofr in order to enable WebDAV connections to their services.
Congregation sync folder This is the folder that will be used to synchronize media for all congregation sync users. You can either type/paste in a path, or use your mouse to navigate to the target folder.

Note: Make sure that all congregation sync users input the same folder path; otherwise the sync won’t work as expected.
Congregation-wide settings Once the VO has configured the Media setup and Meeting setup sections of the Settings on his own computer, he can then use this button to enforce certain settings for all congregation sync users (for example, meeting days, media language, conversion settings, and so on). This means that the selected settings will be forcefully applied for all synced users every time they open M³.

Using congregation sync to manage media

Once the congregation sync setup is complete, you’re ready to start Managing media for your congregation’s technical AV support team.

Screenshots of congregation sync in action

Congregation sync setup
Congregation sync setup


The Settings screen is divided into 4 sections. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but here are a few additional details.

Application setup

Setting Explanation
Offline mode If enabled, M³ will not attempt to connect to JW.org or your congregation server. This is useful for when you have a poor internet connection and want to save bandwidth.
Theme preference Select the theme you prefer. If you select System, M³ will use the system’s theme.
Ngaran na Congregation The name of your congregation. This is used to support multiple congregations who share the same computer.
Display language Sets the language in which M³ is displayed.

Thank you to our many contributors for translating the app in so many languages! If you want to help improve an existing translation or add a new one, please open up a new discussion.
Folder in which to save media Meeting media will be saved to this folder for later sharing and use.
Custom cache path By default, publications and other data are saved in a different directory for each user. You can change this directory if you want to share the cached data between multiple users on the same computer.
Date format for meeting folders The date format used for the meeting folders.

Note: When using a congregation server, please ensure that everyone configures the same date format by enforcing it using Congregation-wide settings.
Run app at system start-up If enabled, M³ will launch when the current user logs into the computer.

Note: Unavailable on Linux.
Automatically initiate media sync If enabled, this option will automatically initiate a media sync 5 seconds after M³ is launched.

To prevent the automatic sync from occurring when this setting is enabled, press the ⏸ (pause) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Open folder after media sync If enabled, the folder containing the downloaded media for the chosen week will open in the computer’s file manager after the media sync is complete.
Quit app after media sync If enabled, this option will automatically quit M³ 5 seconds after the media sync is complete.

To prevent M³ from quitting automatically when this setting is enabled, press the 🏃 (person leaving/running) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Enable OBS Studio compatibility mode If enabled, this option will tap into OBS Studio to change scenes automatically as needed both before and after sharing media.

If enabling this setting, make sure that OBS Studio is configured to use the obs-websocket plugin, which is what will enable M³ to communicate with OBS Studio.

Also, configure all needed scenes for media sharing and stage display in OBS. At the very least, you’ll need a scene with a Window Capture (recommended) or Display Capture configured to capture the M³ media presentation window, or the screen on which the media will be presented.

You’ll also need to configure all desired stage view scenes, for example: a shot of the lecturn, a wide shot of the stage, etc.
Port Port on which the obs-websocket plugin is configured to listen.
Password Password configured in the obs-websocket plugin’s settings.
Default stage view scene in OBS Studio Select which scene should be selected by default when media presentation mode is launched. Usually a stage wide view, or a shot of the lectern.
Media window scene in OBS Studio Select which scene is configured in OBS Studio to capture the M³ media window.
Optional separate media scene for images An optional scene to select an alternative scene for showing images. This is useful if you want to show images in a different way than videos (for example, with the stage overlaid in a picture-in-picture style).
OBS Studio scene to display Zoom participants An optional scene to quickly and efficiently manage the display of Zoom participants during hybrid meetings.

When this scene is configured, the behavior of the Media Presentation mode changes somewhat. When in this mode, a toggle button will appear which, when enabled, will cause the media window to be hidden, and the Zoom scene to be shown. The OBS scene picker will also be hidden. Sharing media will automatically show the media scene as per usual, and after sharing media, the media window will disappear immediately.

When the toggle is disabled, the media window and scene pickers will be shown again.
Enable Zoom integration When enabled, this feature will attempt to automate various pre-meeting (mute all, enable the Kingdom Hall’s video/audio, disable the option for participants to unmute themselves), in-meeting (select participants to spotlight and unmute them, or to mute them, lower their hand and remove the spotlight) and post-meeting (disable the Kingdom Hall’s video feed, allow participants to unmute themselves) tasks.

Note: This is still a beta feature. Please test test it thoroughly before implementing it and always verify that the automation was correctly executed.
Zoom participant name This is the name that M³ will use to join the Zoom meeting.
Zoom Meeting ID The Meeting ID of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Password The password of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Spotlight video when starting the meeting When enabled, M³ will automatically spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed when the “start meeting” automation is executed.
Hide Zoom component by default When enabled, the Zoom component will be hidden by default. The Zoom component is a required floating component that represents the M³ participant in the Zoom meeting. You can control the M³ participant with it.
Automatically perform start meeting actions When enabled, M³ will automatically perform the “start meeting” actions, a configured amount of minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start. These actions are: disallow participants to unmute themselves, mute all, ask host to enable video and microphone and optionally spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed.
Automatically rename Zoom participants With this setting, you can add a rename rule to automatically rename certain Zoom participants. This is useful if you want to rename participants who consistently join with a wrong or incomplete name. Rules must be entered in the following format: Old Name=New Name.
Enable beta updates for testing purposes When enabled, M³ will automatically receive beta updates, which are released daily and contain the latest features and fixes.

Note: Do not enable this setting on the computer used to present media at the Kingdom Hall.
Disable automatic app update When this option is enabled, M³ will not automatically self-update when closed.
Disable hardware acceleration Only enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with media presentation mode. Changing this setting will cause M³ to restart.

Congregation sync setup

See the Congregation sync section for details on what this does exactly and how to configure this section.

Media setup

Setting Explanation
Media language Select the language of your congregation or group. All media will be downloaded from JW.org in this language.
Fallback media language This language is used whenever the primary media language is not available.

For example, if you select Irish as your media language and English as your fallback, whenever a publication or video is not available in Irish, it will be fetched in English.
Maximum resolution for videos Videos downloaded from JW.org will be downloaded at this resolution, or the next available lower resolution. Useful for limited or low-bandwidth situations.
I-enable so subtitle parad videos Enable this option if you want to fetch subtitles for videos, whenever available. Subtitles will be shown by default, but can be toggled on/off while presenting. The vertical position of the subtitles can be changed by clicking the subtitles icon inside the video preview.
I-convert so media ed MP4 Format This will automatically convert all picture and audio files into MP4 format, for use with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing feature during fully remote congregation Zoom meetings. This includes all pictures and media files downloaded from JW.org, as well as additional media files added by the user or the VO.

Note: This option is best suited for remote-only congregation Zoom meetings. If conducting either hybrid or regular congregation meetings, look into using Media Presentation mode by activating the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option instead, and disable this option.
Keep original media files after conversion If this setting is enabled, picture and audio files will be kept in the media folder after being converted to MP4 format, rather than deleted. This will result in a slightly more cluttered media folder, and generally does not need to be enabled if sharing media through Zoom MP4 sharing. (See Convert media to MP4 format above.)

Note: Only visible if Convert media to MP4 format is also enabled.
I-present so media ed external monitor odino ed separate window This setting will allow you to use M³ to present pictures, videos and audio files during hybrid or in-person congregation meetings. The media playback management screen can then be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³.

The media presentation screen will automatically use an external monitor if present; if not, the media will be displayed in a separate, resizable window.

Note: This option is best suited for either hybrid or regular congregation meetings.

If conducting remote-only congregation Zoom meetings, look into activating the Convert media to MP4 format option and sharing the media with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing instead.
Background image for media presentation mode By default, M³ will attempt to fetch the current year’s text in the language selected previously, in order to display it on a black background when in Media Presentation mode and no other media is being played. If the automatic yeartext retrieval fails for some reason, or if you wish to display a different background image, you can either use the ‘Browse’ button to select a custom picture, or the ‘Refresh’ button to try fetching the yeartext automatically again.

Note: If Congregation sync is enabled, selecting a custom background image will synchronize it for all congregation sync users automatically.
Hide media window after media finished playing If enabled, the media window will be hidden immediately after each media file has finished playing.

Note: This setting is especially useful for sign-language meetings.
I-play ya automatic so unonan media item If enabled, the first media item in the media list will automatically start playing a configurable number of minutes before the meeting is supposed to start.
Enable keyboard shortcuts during media playback This setting allows you to set custom key combinations to play and stop media. This is useful in combination with a USB remote control, for example.
Create playlists for use with VLC Enable this if you want to generate playlists for every meeting automatically, which can then be loaded in VLC, if you are using that app to display media instead of Media Presentation mode.
Exclude all media from the th brochure If enabled, this will prevent media from the Apply Yourself brochure from being included at every midweek meeting.
Exclude Enjoy Life Forever images outside the Congregation Bible Study If enabled, this will prevent images from the Live Forever book (lff) from being included, for example for student assignments during the midweek meeting.
Include printed media when available If enabled, renderings of the printed editions of publications will be included when available. This could be useful for some tables or groups of images that are clearer in printed form.

Meeting setup

Setting Explanation
Special congregation If enabled, no media will be downloaded from JW.org. Only manually added media will be available. This is useful for theocratic schools, for example.
Midweek meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the midweek meeting; used for folder naming and automatic background music fade-out (see below).
Weekend meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the weekend meeting.
Unsublay ya bisita na Circuit Overseer When you select a date for the next planned visit of the circuit overseer, M³ will automatically set the midweek meeting day for that week to Tuesday, skip the Congregation Bible Study media, as well as skip the concluding Kingdom songs for both meetings.

Note: When using a congregation server, make sure to enforce this setting so that all connected brothers have the same circuit overseer visit date configured.
I-enable so button parad pangiplay na background music Enable a button on the main screen which will play Kingdom songs from the sjjm series, in random order. This is useful, for example, to play songs before and after meetings at the Kingdom Hall as background music. To the right of this option is a button to download all available Kingdom songs, which could be useful to prevent buffering delays.
Background music playback volume Sets the volume at which the background music will play.
I-play so background music antis na aral If enabled, background music will automatically start playing at app startup when it’s a meeting day and the meeting is starting in less than an hour.
Automatically stop playing background music If Enable button to play background music is active, then this setting will allow you to specify a delay after which background music should be automatically stopped. This can be either a set number of minutes, or a predetermined number of seconds before the start of the meeting (in the case where the background music was started before a meeting).

Screenshots of the settings screen

Application setup
Application setup
Media setup
Media setup
Meeting setup
Meeting setup

Issues and feature requests

How do I report an issue or bug I encountered?

If ever you run into any issues with M³, please use GitHub Issues to report it. Bug fixes are issued on a regularly basis, usually monthly.

How can I request new features?

I’m open to suggestions! Please use GitHub Discussions to discuss potential new features.

Technische gebruiksnotities

Deze applicatie zou moeten werken op de meeste moderne computers met Windows, Linux of MacOS.

Windows: Installatie en eerste keer opstarten

Bij het openen van het installatiebestand krijg je misschien een error die het volgende zegt: “Windows SmartScreen voorkwam dat een niet herkende applicatie geïnstalleerd werd”. Dit komt omdat deze applicatie geen hoog aantal downloads heeft en daarom niet uitdrukkelijk “vertrouwd” wordt door Windows. Om dit op te lossen klik je op “Meer info” en dan “Toch uitvoeren”.

Linux: Installatie en eerste keer opstarten

Volgens de officiële AppImage documentatie, als de app niet goed opent, controleer dan het resultaat van het volgende commando:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Als het resultaat 0 is, dan wordt de applicatie niet uitgevoerd, behalve als je het volgende commando uitvoert, gevolgd door het opnieuw opstarten van de computer:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Zorg ervoor dat je weet wat dit inhoudt voordat je dit doet.

macOS: Installatie en eerste keer opstarten

Als je bij het openen van de applicatie de waarschuwing “het was niet gedownload van de App Store” of “de ontwikkelaar kan niet worden geverifieerd”, dan kan deze Apple help pagina je helpen om het probleem op te lossen.

Als je de waarschuwing “je hebt geen toestemming om de applicatie te openen” krijgt, probeer dan de oplossingen op deze stackoverflow pagina, bijvoorbeeld het volgende commando in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Problemen met audio- of microfoonmachtigingen in macOS Sonoma

Sinds macOS Sonoma kunnen sommige gebruikers een probleem ondervinden waarbij M³ herhaaldelijk een foutmelding geeft dat het toegang tot de microfoon nodig heeft. Het uitvoeren van het volgende commando in Terminal.app heeft het probleem opgelost voor sommigen:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Automatisch updaten

Niet zoals Windows and Linux, is de automatisch updaten functie niet beschikbaar voor macOS en voor technische redenen zal dat waarschijnlijk nooit gebeuren. Een van de volgende dingen zal gebeuren als er een update beschikbaar is voor MacOS gebruikers:

  • M³ zal proberen de update te downloaden en openen, waarna de gebruiker zelf handmatig de installatie van de update moet voltooien door de nieuwe versie te slepen naar de applicatie folder zoals gewoonlijk. Daarna, kan je de nieuwe versie van M³ vanaf de applicatie folder openen zoals gewoonlijk.
  • Als de vorige stap mislukt, zal M³ een notificatie tonen die aangeeft dat er een update beschikbaar is met een link om de update te downloaden. De instellingen-knop zal een rode kleur krijgen. Het M³ versie nummer linksonder in het instellingen scherm zal een link worden die je verwijst naar de download pagina voor de update.

Media presentatie modus

Media presentatie modus gebruiken

De media presentatie modus heeft als doel zo simpel mogelijk te zijn om fouten tijdens de vergadering te voorkomen.

Zodra de optie Zet knop aan om media op een externe monitor of apart scherm af te spelen aan staat, zal het media presentatie scherm automatisch verschijnen op een externe monitor als die er is. Zo niet, zal hij in een apart sleepbaar scherm verschijnen.

Wanneer er geen media getoond wordt, zal de achtergrondfoto die is ingesteld in de instellingen getoond worden. Als er geen achtergrondfoto is ingesteld zal M³ proberen de jaartekst van dit jaar op te halen en te tonen.

Als er geen achtergrondfoto is ingesteld en de jaartekst niet beschikbaar is, zal er een zwart scherm getoond worden.

Media presentatie modus kan geopend worden door op de ▶️ (play) knop op het beginscherm van M³ te klikken, of door de toetsenbord snelkoppeling Alt D (voor externe display).

Zodra je de presentatie modus hebt geopend, zal er een selectiescherm verschijnen waar je de datum die je wilt presenteren kan aanklikken. Als de datum van vandaag bestaat, zal die automatisch geopend worden. Je kan altijd de datum veranderen door op de knop met de gekozen datum te klikken bovenin het scherm.

Media presenteren

Om media af te spelen, druk je op de ▶️ (play) knop, voor het bestand waar het om gaat. Om media te verbergen, druk je op de ⏹️ (stop) knop. Een filmpje kan teruggespoeld of doorgespoeld worden terwijl hij gepauzeerd is. Bedenk dat je voor filmpjes twee keer op de stop knop moet drukken om te voorkomen dat je per ongeluk het filmpje te vroeg stopt. Filmpjes stoppen automatisch zodra ze het einde bereikt hebben.

Extra functionaliteiten

M³ heeft een paar extra functies die kunnen worden gebruikt om de media-presentatie ervaring te verbeteren.

Presenteer JW.org

Om JW.org te presenteren, kun je op de ⋮ (drie puntjes) knop bovenaan het scherm drukken en vervolgens Open JW.org. Dit zal een nieuw venster openen met JW.org geladen. Het media-venster zal ook JW.org weergeven. Nu kun je het besturingsvenster gebruiken om JW.org te navigeren en het media-venster zal je acties weergeven. Wanneer je klaar bent met JW.org presenteren, kan je het besturingsvenster sluiten en doorgaan met de normale media presentatie modus.

Afbeeldingen inzoomen en slepen

Wanneer een afbeelding getoond wordt, kan je jouw muiswiel gebruiken terwijl je over de voorbeeldweergave zweeft om de afbeelding in en uit te zoomen. Je kunt ook dubbelklikken op de voorbeeldweergave van de afbeelding om in te zoomen. Dubbelklikken zal wisselen tussen 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x en terug naar 1x zoom. Je kunt ook de afbeelding ingedrukt houden en slepen om de afbeelding te slepen.

Sorteer de medialijst

De medialijst kan worden gesorteerd door op de sorteerknop rechtsboven in het scherm te klikken. De mediabestanden krijgen een knop om het media-item omhoog of omlaag in de lijst te slepen. Wanneer je tevreden bent met de volgorde, kan je nogmaals op de sorteerknop klikken om de volgorde te vergrendelen.

Voeg snel een lied toe

Als je een lied op het laatste moment wilt toevoegen aan de medialijst, kan je op de ♫ + (voeg lied toe) knop bovenaan het scherm drukken. Er zal een dropdown verschijnen met een lijst van alle koninkrijksliederen. Als je er een selecteert, wordt het onmiddellijk aan de bovenkant van de medialijst toegevoegd en kan het onmiddellijk worden afgespeeld. Het lied zal of direct gestreamd worden van JW.org of afgespeeld worden vanuit de lokale cache als het eerder is gedownload.

Hybride vergaderingen houden met M³, OBS Studio, en Zoom

De simpelste manier om media te delen tijdens een hybride vergadering is door OBS Studio, M³ en Zoom samen te laten werken.

Eerste opzet: computer van de Koninkrijkszaal

Zet de resolutie van het externe scherm op 1280x720 of iets in de buurt.

Stel de computer zo in dat het geluid van de computer naar een van de geluidsinstallatie inputs gaat en het gecombineerde geluid van de geluidsinstallatie naar de geluidskaart van de computer gaat.

Eerste opzet: OBS Studio

Installeer OBS Studio, of download een portable versie van OBS Studio.

Als je de portable versie van OBS gebruikt, installeer de Virtualcam plugin, en als je de portable versie van OBS Studio gebruikt, voeg de virtuele camera toe aan Windows door dubbel te klikken op het gegeven installatie script.

Als je OBS Studio v27 of ouder hebt, moet je de obs-websocket plugin installeren. Anders is de plugin inbegrepen. Configureer het poortnummer en het wachtwoord voor obs-websocket.

In de instellingen van OBS, onder Algemeen > System Tray, vink alle checkboxen aan. Onder Output > Streaming, zet een hardware encoder aan als er een beschikbaar is. Onder Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution en Output (Scaled) Resolution, kies 1280x720, en onder Downscale Filter, kies Bilinear.

Zet ten minste 2 scenes op: een voor de media (Window Capture of Display Capture met de muis cursor uitgeschakeld en het juiste scherm geselecteerd), en een voor het podiumbeeld (Video Capture Device met de camera van de zaal geselecteerd). Je kunt ook een andere scène toevoegen die specifiek voor plaatjes is, waar het media-venster zichtbaar is samen met het podium in een picture-in-picture modus. Je kan zo veel scenes maken als je maar nodig hebt, met een andere camera stand of ingezoomd bijvoorbeeld (spreker, studieleider met lezer, demonstratie, etc.).

Schakel het Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter in op alle Window Capture of Display Capture Inputs, met een Resolutie van Base (Canvas) Resolution. Dit zal ervoor zorgen dat het mediavenster altijd wordt geschaald naar de uitvoerresolutie van de virtuele camera.

Voeg een snelkoppeling van OBS Studio toe met de --startvirtualcam parameter, in de opstart folder van Windows om te zorgen dat OBS Studio automatisch opstart zodra de gebruiker inlogt.

Eerste opzet: Zoom in de koninkrijkszaal

Zoom moet ingesteld worden met “dual monitors”. Zet de globale snelkoppelingen voor Zoom om de microfoon aan en uit te zetten (Alt A), en om de video te starten/stoppen (Alt V) aan.

Zet de standaard “microphone” op de gecombineerde output van de geluidsinstallatie (zodat alles wat in de zaal te horen is naar Zoom wordt gestuurd, inclusief microfoons en media) and de “camera” op de virtuele camera van OBS Studio.

Eerste opzet: M³

Zet de Zet knop aan om media op een externe monitor of apart scherm af te spelen optie aan.

Ze de OBS Studio integratie aan, gebruik makend van het poortnummer en wachtwoord dat je hebt ingesteld in OBS Studio.

Een vergadering starten

Start de Zoom vergadering en breng het tweede zoom scherm naar de externe monitor. Maak het tweede Zoom scherm fullscreen als dat gewild is. Dit is waar de Zoom aandelen op getoond worden zodat de mensen in de zaal het kunnen volgen.

Zodra Zoom getoond wordt op het externe scherm, open je M³. Het mediascherm zal automatisch geopend worden bovenop het Zoom scherm op de externe monitor. Haal de nodige media media and open de media presentatie modus door op de ▶️ (play) knop op het beginscherm van M³ te drukken, of met Alt D.

Zet de video van de zaal in Zoom aan (Alt V), en “spotlight” indien nodig de zaal video zodat de Zoom deelnemers het podium kunnen zien. Zet je microfoon in Zoom (Alt A) aan. Het zou niet nodig moeten zijn om de video of microfoon uit te zetten tijdens de vergadering. Zorg ervoor dat “Oorspronkelijk geluid” is ingeschakeld in Zoom, om de beste audiokwaliteit te garanderen voor externe deelnemers aan vergaderingen.

Start de achtergrond muziek door op de knop linksonder te drukken, of met Alt K.

Fysieke aandelen in de koninkrijkszaal tonen via Zoom

Geen actie nodig.

De verschillende camera/zoom standen kunnen gekozen worden door het menu onderin het presentatie scherm van M³; Dit menu heeft alle scenes die ingesteld zijn via OBS, behalve de scene die gebruikt wordt om de media te tonen.

Media delen in de koninkrijkszaal en via Zoom

Vind de media die je wilt delen in M³ en druk op de “play” knop.

Wanneer je klaar bent met delen, druk je op de “stop” knop in M³. Bedenk dat filmpjes automatisch stoppen zodra ze afgelopen zijn.

Zoom aandelen tonen in de koninkrijkszaal

Druk op de “toon/verberg mediascherm” knop rechtsonder in M³ of gebruik Alt Z, om het mediascherm te verbergen. De Zoom vergadering is nu zichtbaar op het externe scherm.

Als de Zoom deelnemer media heeft om te tonen, volg de stoppen onder het kopje Media delen in de koninkrijkszaal en via Zoom.

Zodra de Zoom deelnemer klaar is, druk je weer op de “toon/verberg mediascherm” knop rechtsonder in M³ of gebruik je Alt Z, om het mediascherm te tonen. De gekozen achtergrond (of de jaartekst) is nu weer zichtbaar op de externe monitor.

Hybride vergaderingen houden met alleen M³ en Zoom

Als je geen gebruik wilt maken van OBS Studio, om wat voor reden dan ook, wordt het volgende aangeraden om het proces zo simpel mogelijk te houden.

Eerste opzet zonder OBS: computer van de Koninkrijkszaal

Hetzelfde als de gelijknamige sectie hierboven. Met de aanvulling dat de globale snelkoppeling van Zoom om te starten/stoppen met media delen (Alt S) is. De “camera” zal de camera in de koninkrijkszaal zijn.

Eerste opzet zonder OBS: M³

Zet de Zet knop aan om media op een externe monitor of apart scherm af te spelen optie aan.

Een vergadering starten zonder OBS

Hetzelfde als de gelijknamige sectie hierboven.

Fysieke aandelen in de koninkrijkszaal tonen via Zoom zonder OBS

Hetzelfde als de gelijknamige sectie hierboven.

Media delen in de koninkrijkszaal en via Zoom zonder OBS

Start het delen in Zoom door Alt S in te drukken. In Zoom komt er een scherm in beeld. Kies de externe monitor en vink beide checkboxen aan linksonderin (voor geluid en video-optimalisatie). De jaartekst wordt nu via Zoom gedeeld.

Vind de media die je wilt delen in M³ en druk op de “play” knop.

Wanneer je klaar bent, druk je weer op Alt S om de Zoom share te stoppen.

Zoom aandelen tonen in de koninkrijkszaal zonder OBS

Hetzelfde als de gelijknamige sectie hierboven.

Schermafbeeldingen van de media presentatie modus

Blauwe play knop om de media presentatie modus te openen
Blauwe play knop om de media presentatie modus te openen
Lijst van de media die getoond kan worden
Lijst van de media die getoond kan worden
Standaard media achtergrond, met jaartekst
Standaard media achtergrond, met jaartekst
Een afbeelding tonen
Een afbeelding tonen
Een filmpje afspelen
Een filmpje afspelen
Naar een specifiek moment in het filmpje springen
Naar een specifiek moment in het filmpje springen

Media beheren

Het mediabeheer scherm staat de gebruiker toe om media toe te voegen en te verwijderen voor elke vergadering, terugkerende media te beheren en zelfs om speciale media voor andere dagen in de week te beheren.

Media beheren voor elke dag van de week

Om media te beheren voor een specifieke vergadering of dag, kan je eenvoudig op die dag klikken in het beginscherm. Om media terugkerende media te beheren dat op elke vergadering nodig is kan je op “Terugkerende media” klikken op het beginscherm.

Media toevoegen

Zo kan je media toevoegen via het mediabeheer scherm:

Optie Uitleg
Type bestand Kies een van de 3 soorten media typen (zie hieronder).
Media om toe te voegen Afhankelijk van het gekozen media type (zie hieronder).
Bestandsnaam prefix Tot 6 getallen die voor de bestandsnaam/bestandsnamen komen te staan om te kunnen sorteren.
Medialijst Deze lijst toont de huidige media die gepland staat voor de gekozen datum.

In het Media toevoegen veld heb je verschillende opties, afhankelijk van het gekozen media type.

Media type Het Media om toe te voegen veld
Lied … toont een menu met koninkrijksliederen van de sjjm serie, in jouw media taal. Kies deze optie om bijvoorbeeld het lied van de openbare lezing of van de kringopziener toe te voegen.

Het gekozen lied zal automatisch gedownload worden van JW.org in de taal van jouw gemeente of groep, zoals ingesteld in de instellingen.
JWPUB Kies (of drag en drop) een JWPUB bestand.

Je zult gevraagd worden om een sectie of hoofdstuk te selecteren waarvan je de media wilt toevoegen. Deze optie zal zowel de bijgeleverde als de gerefereerde media toevoegen.

Een voorbeeld van een vaak gebruikte JWPUB bestand is het S-34 formulier, maar elk JWPUB bestand kan gebruikt worden.
Anders Kies (of sleep) andere bestanden van je computer.

Bedenk dat alle PDF en SVG-bestanden automatisch worden omgezet in plaatjes van hoge resolutie door M³.
JW.ORG … kan je een video selecteren uit de nieuwste video’s op JW.org.

Media verwijderen, verbergen en tonen

Om media te verwijderen, verbergen, of te tonen, zoek je eenvoud het bestand waar het om gaat en druk je op het bijbehorende icoontje.

Een rood 🟥 (verwijder) icoontje Een ☑️ (aangevinkte checkbox) icoontje Een 🔲 (niet aangevinkte checkbox) icoontje
Het mediabestand was toegevoegd voor die dag door jou of een andere gebruiker. Er wordt naar dit bestand verwezen in het materiaal van de vergadering.

Het bestand zal gedownload worden van JW.org of gehaald worden uit de relevantie publicatie.
Er wordt naar dit bestand verwezen in het materiaal van de vergadering.

Het bestand is verborgen door jou of de VO, dus het zal niet gedownload of toegevoegd worden aan de media lijst.

Schermafbeeldingen van het beheer media scherm

Een lied toevoegen voor een openbare lezing
Een lied toevoegen voor een openbare lezing
Een extra plaatje toevoegen
Een extra plaatje toevoegen
Media importeren van een JWPUB bestand
Media importeren van een JWPUB bestand
Media tonen van een JWPUB bestand voordat het geïmporteerd wordt
Media tonen van een JWPUB bestand voordat het geïmporteerd wordt
Een mediabestand hernoemen
Een mediabestand hernoemen


M³ heeft geen administratieve rechten nodig om te installeren en te gebruiken. Om M³ te installeren kan je eenvoudig de nieuwste installeer versie downloaden en hem uitvoeren.

Besturingssysteem Bestand om te downloaden
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

Wat nu?

Configureer de applicatie via het Instellingen scherm.

Problemen bij het installeren?

Bekijk de Technische gebruiksnotities sectie voor hulp.

Veelgestelde vragen

Maakt deze applicatie gebruik van externe websites, bronnen of diensten om de publicaties en vergadering media te downloaden?

Nee. De applicatie werkt hetzelfde als JW Library. De publicaties en media worden direct van de officiële JW.org website en zijn CDN gedownload. Tijdens het gebruik van de applicatie wordt er automatisch gekeken wat er gedownload moet worden, zoals mediabestanden en publicaties. De broncode is voor iedereen beschikbaar om te onderzoeken en dit te bevestigen.

Gaat deze applicatie in tegen de gebruikersvoorwaarden van JW.org?

Nee. De gebruikersvoorwaarden van jw.org geven uitdrukkelijk toestemming voor het gebruik van dit soort applicaties. Hier is het relevante stukje van de gebruiksvoorwaarden (nadruk is niet origineel):

Het is niet toegestaan:

voor distributiedoeleinden software-applicaties, tools of technieken te ontwikkelen die specifiek worden gemaakt om gegevens, HTML, afbeeldingen of tekst van deze site te verzamelen, te kopiëren, te downloaden of te extraheren (het is wel toegestaan om gratis, niet-commerciële sofware-applicaties te distribueren die ontwikkeld zijn om elektronische bestanden zoals EPUB, PDF, MP3 en MP4 te downloaden van openbare delen van deze site.)

Gemeente sync

De broeder die is aangesteld als videoconferentie organisator (VO) door het lichaam van ouderlingen kan M³ gebruiken om te beheren welke media beschikbaar wordt gemaakt voor het technische A/V ondersteuning team van zijn gemeente.

De VO, of iemand anders die door hem is aangesteld, kan:

  • extra media uploaden om te delen tijdens een vergadering, zoals wanneer de kringopziener komt of voor een openbare lezing
  • Media van JW.org verbergen dat niet relevant is voor de gekozen vergadering, bijvoorbeeld, wanneer een aandeel wordt vervangen door een plaatselijke behoefte
  • Terugkerende media verwijderen of toevoegen, zoals een jaartekst filmpje of een mededelingen slideshow

Iedereen die verbonden is met dezelfde gemeente ontvangt deze wijzigingen automatisch wanneer ze op de Haal media op knop drukken.

Bedenk dat de gemeente sync optie geheel optioneel is.

Hoe het werkt

M³’s onderliggende sync mechanisme gebruikt WebDAV. Dat bekent dat de VO (of iemand onder zijn leiding) een van de volgende opties moet kiezen:

  • Een veilige WebDAV server opzetten die bereikbaar is via het internet, of
  • een externe cloud storage service gebruiken die het WebDAV protocol ondersteunt (zie de Hostnaam optie in de Gemeente sync setup sectie hieronder).

Alle gebruikers die gesynchroniseerd willen worden moeten verbinden met dezelfde WebDAV server door gebruik te maken van de informatie en inloggegevens die de VO heeft opgegeven.

Gemeente sync configuratie

Instelling Uitleg
Hostnaam Het webadres van de WebDAV server. Veilige HTTP (HTTPS) is verplicht.

Let op: De hostnaam knop toont een lijst met WebDAV providers waarvan bevestigd is dat ze werken met M³, en zal automatisch sommige instellingen voor je invullen.

De lijst is bedoeld om te helpen, maar is op geen enkele manier een promotie van een bepaalde service of aanbieder. De beste server is altijd degene die je zelf beheert…
Gebruikersnaam Gebruikersnaam voor de WebDAV service.
Wachtwoord Wachtwoord voor de WebDAV service.

Let op: Onder andere voor Box en Koofr moet je een app-specifiek wachtwoord instellen om WebDAV connecties toe te staan.
Gemeente sync folder Dit is de folder die gebruikt zal worden om alle media voor de vergaderingen te synchroniseren tussen gebruikers. Je kan het pad er in plakken/typen of navigeren via je muis naar de juiste folder.

Let op: Zorg ervoor dat alle gemeente sync gebruikers hetzelfde pad invullen, anders werkt de synchronisatie niet zoals verwacht.
Gemeente brede instellingen Zodra de VO de Media setup en Vergadering setup secties van de Instellingen op zijn eigen computer heeft ingesteld, kan hij deze knop gebruiken om bepaalde instellingen vast te zetten voor alle gemeente sync gebruikers (bijvoorbeeld, vergadering dagen/tijden, media taal, conversie instellingen, etc.). Dit betekent dat sommige instellingen geforceerd aan of uit staan voor alle gesynchroniseerde gebruikers elke keer dat zij M³ openen.

Gemeente sync gebruiken om media te beheren

Zodra de gemeente sync set-up compleet is, ben je klaar om te beginnen met Media beheren voor het technische AV-ondersteuning team van jouw gemeente.

Schermafbeeldingen van de gemeente sync in actie

Gemeente sync configuratie
Gemeente sync configuratie


Het instellingen scherm is verdeeld in 4 secties. De meeste opties spreken voor zich, maar hier zijn wat extra details.

Applicatie configuratie

Instelling Uitleg
Offline modus Als deze optie aan staat, zal M³ geen connectie maken met JW.org of je gemeente server. Dit is handig wanneer je een slechte internetverbinding hebt en bandbreedte wilt besparen.
Thema voorkeur Kies het thema dat je wilt gebruiken. Als je Systeem kiest zal M³ het thema van het systeem gebruiken.
Gemeente naam De naam van je gemeente. Dit wordt gebruikt om meerdere gemeentes te ondersteunen die dezelfde computer gebruiken.
Applicatie taal De taal waarin M³ wordt weergegeven.

Alle vrijwilliger, enorm bedankt voor het vertalen van deze app in zo veel talen! Als je wilt meehelpen aan het verbeteren van een bestaande vertaling of een nieuwe taal wilt toevoegen, open dan alsjeblieft een nieuwe discussie.
Folder waar de media wordt opgeslagen Media voor de vergaderingen wordt in deze folder opgeslagen voor later gebruik.
Andere cache locatie Standaard worden publicaties en andere gegevens opgeslagen in een andere map voor elke gebruiker. Je kan deze map wijzigen als je de cache wilt delen met meerdere gebruikers op dezelfde computer.
Datum formaat voor vergadering folders De datumnotatie die gebruikt wordt voor de vergadering mappen.

Let op: Als je een gemeente server gebruikt, zorg ervoor dat iedereen hetzelfde datumformaat gebruikt, door het te forceren met Gemeente-brede instellingen
Start de app bij systeem opstarten Als deze optie aan staat, zal M³ automatisch opstarten zodra de huidige gebruiker inlogt op de computer.

Let op: Niet beschikbaar voor Linux.
Automatisch media syncen Als deze optie aan staat, zal M³ 5 seconden na de media sync, zichzelf automatisch afsluiten.

Om te voorkomen dat M³ zichzelf afsluit kan je de 🏃 (persoon aan het rennen) knop indrukken voordat de 5 seconden timer om is.
Open folder na media sync Als deze optie aan staat, zal de folder waar media voor die week wordt opgeslagen automatisch geopend worden nadat de media sync klaar is.
Sluit app na media sync Als deze optie aan staat, zal M³ automatisch media gaan ophalen 5 seconden nadat de applicatie is opgestart.

Om te voorkomen dat media wordt opgehaald kan je op de ⏸ (pauze) knop drukken voordat de 5 seconden timer om is.
Zet OBS Studio integratie modus aan Als deze optie aan staat, zal M³ verbinding maken met OBS Studio om automatisch de scenes aan te passen voor en na het delen van media.

Als je deze optie wilt gebruiken, moet je zorgen dat OBS Studio gebruikt maakt van de obs-websocket plugin, die M³ in staat stelt om met OBS Studio te verbinden.

Bovendien moet je alle nodige scenes om media te delen en het podium te tonen instellen in OBS. Op zijn minst heb je een scene nodig met Window Capture (aanbevolen) of Display Capture ingesteld om het media presentatie scherm van M³ te tonen, of het externe scherm waar de media gepresenteerd wordt.

Je moet ook alle gewilde scenes voor het podium beeld instellen, bijvoorbeeld: Een weergave van de spreker, Een wijd beeld van het hele podium, etc.
Poort De poort waar de obs-websocket plugin op luistert.
Wachtwoord Het wachtwoord dat is ingesteld in de instellingen van de obs-websocket plugin.
Standaard scene voor het podium in OBS Studio Selecteer de scene die je als standaard wilt wanneer de media presentatie modus aan wordt gezet. Vaak is dit het podium wijd beeld of het beeld voor de spreker.
Media scherm scene in OBS Studio Selecteer welke scene in OBS is ingesteld om het mediascherm van M³ te tonen.
Optionele aparte mediacène voor afbeeldingen Een optionele scène om een alternatieve scène te selecteren voor het tonen van afbeeldingen. Dit is handig als je afbeeldingen op een andere manier wilt weergeven dan video’s (bijvoorbeeld met het podium eronder in een picture-in-picture style).
OBS Studio scene om Zoom deelnemers te tonen Een optionele scène om Zoom deelnemers snel en makkelijk te tonen tijdens hybride vergaderingen.

Wanneer deze scène is geconfigureerd, verandert de manier waarop de Media Presentatie modus werkt. In deze modus verschijnt er een aan/uit knop. Wanneer de knop aan wordt gezet zal het media-venster worden verborgen en de Zoom scène worden getoond. De OBS scène wordt ook verborgen. Het delen van media zal automatisch zoals gebruikelijk de media scene weergeven, en na het delen van media zal het media-venster onmiddellijk verdwijnen.

Als de optie wordt uitgeschakeld, zal het media-venster en de scène kiezer weer getoond worden.
Zet Zoom integratie aan Wanneer ingeschakeld, zal deze optie proberen om verschillende handelingen (iedereen dempen, video/audio in- en uitschakelen, selecteer deelnemers om te spotlighten en microfoon aan te zetten, of om ze te dempen, hun hand te verlagen en de spotlight te verwijderen) zowel voor, tijdens als na de vergadering uit te voeren.

Let op: Dit is nog steeds een bèta feature. Test het eerst grondig voordat je het implementeert en controleer altijd of de automatisering correct is uitgevoerd.
Zoom deelnemer naam Dit is de naam die M³ zal gebruiken om deel te nemen aan de Zoomvergadering.
Zoom Meeting ID De Meeting ID van de Zoomvergadering die M³ moet bijwonen.
Wachtwoord Het wachtwoord van de Zoomvergadering die M³ moet bijwonen.
Spotlight video bij het starten van de vergadering Wanneer ingeschakeld, zal M³ automatisch de video van de Koninkrijkszaal spotlighten wanneer de “start vergadering” automatisering wordt uitgevoerd.
Zoom component automatisch verbergen Wanneer ingeschakeld, zal de Zoom component standaard worden verborgen. Het Zoom component is een verplicht component dat de M³ deelnemer in de Zoomvergadering vertegenwoordigt. Je kunt de M³ deelnemer ermee bedienen.
Automatisch "start vergadering" acties uitvoeren Wanneer ingeschakeld, zal M³ automatisch de “start vergadering” acties uitvoeren, een ingestelde hoeveelheid minuten voordat de vergadering wordt gestart. Deze acties zijn: het niet toestaan van deelnemers om hun microfoon aan te zetten, de host vragen om zijn video en microfoon in te schakelen en eventueel de video van de koninkrijkszaal te spotlighten.
Zoom deelnemers automatisch hernoemen Met deze instelling kan je een hernoem regel toevoegen om bepaalde Zoom deelnemers automatisch te hernoemen. Dit is handig als je de naam van de deelnemers wilt wijzigen die consequent inloggen met een verkeerde of onvolledige naam. Regels moeten worden ingevoerd in het volgende formaat: Oude naam=Nieuwe naam.
Bèta-updates inschakelen voor testdoeleinden Wanneer ingeschakeld, zal M³ automatisch bèta-updates ontvangen, die dagelijks worden vrijgegeven en de nieuwste functies en bug fixes bevatten.

Let op: Schakel deze instelling niet in op de computer die gebruikt wordt om media in de Koninkrijkszaal te presenteren.
Zet automatisch updaten uit Als deze optie aan staat zal M³ niet automatisch bijwerken wanneer deze gesloten is.
Zet hardware acceleratie uit Zet deze optie alleen aan als je problemen ondervindt met de media presentie modus. Na het veranderen moet je M³ opnieuw opstarten.

Gemeente sync configuratie

Zie de Gemeente sync sectie voor details over wat deze optie is en hoe je het instelt.

Media configuratie

Instelling Uitleg
Media taal Selecteer de taal van jouw gemeente of groep. Alle media zal van JW.org gedownload worden in deze taal.
Alternatieve media taal Deze taal wordt gebruikt wanneer de primaire media taal niet beschikbaar is.

Als je bijvoorbeeld Iers selecteert als jouw taal en Engels als alternatief en een publicatie of video niet beschikbaar is in het Iers, zal deze worden opgehaald in het Engels.
Maximale resolutie voor filmpjes Filmpjes van JW.org worden in deze resolutie gedownload of de eerst volgende, lagere, beschikbare resolutie. Handig voor situaties met weinig bandbreedte.
Zet ondertiteling aan voor video's Schakel deze optie in als je ondertiteling voor video’s wilt downloaden wanneer deze beschikbaar is. Ondertitels worden standaard weergegeven, maar kunnen tijdens de presentatie aan en uit worden gezet. De verticale positie van de ondertitels kan worden gewijzigd door te klikken op het ondertiteling icoontje in het videovoorbeeld.
Converteer media naar MP4 formaat Deze optie zorgt dat alle plaatjes en audio bestanden worden geconverteerd naar MP4 formaat, om te gebruiken met de“native MP4 sharing feature”van Zoom tijdens volledig digitale gemeente Zoom vergaderingen. Dit omvat alle plaatje en media bestanden die gedownload worden van JW.org en alle extra media bestanden die worden toegevoegd door de gebruiker of de VO.

Let op: Deze optie is bedoeld voor volledig digitale gemeente Zoom vergaderingen. Als je hybride of gewone gemeente vergaderingen houdt, probeer dan de Media presentatie modus door het activeren van de Zet knop aan om media op een externe monitor of apart scherm af te spelen optie, en zet deze optie uit.
Behoud originele media bestanden na omzetten Als deze optie aan staat zullen de originele plaatjes en auto bestanden die worden omgezet naar MP4 formaat behouden worden in plaats van verwijderd en vervangen door de filmpjes. Dit zorgt dat de media folder wat chaotischer eruit komt te zien en hoeft over het algemeen niet aangezet worden om media via Zoom MP4 delen te tonen. (Zie Converteer media naar MP4 formaat hierboven.)

Let op: Alleen zichtbaar als Converteer media naar MP4 formaat aan staat.
Zet knop aan om media op een externe monitor of apart scherm af te spelen Deze instelling stelt je in staat om de gedownloade media te presenteren tijdens hybride of gewone gemeente vergaderingen. Het media afspeelscherm kan dan geopend worden door te klikken op de ▶️ (play) knop op het hoofdscherm van M³.

Het media presentatie scherm zal automatisch geopend worden op een extern scherm als die beschikbaar is; zo niet, zal de media getoond worden in een los, sleepbaar scherm.

Let op: Deze optie werkt het beste voor hybride of gewone gemeente vergaderingen.

Als je volledig digitale gemeente Zoom vergadering houdt, bekijk dan de Converteer media naar MP4 formaat optie en het delen van media via Zoom’s eigen MP4 deel functie.
Achtergrondplaatje voor media presentatie modus Standaard zal M³ proberen om de jaartekst van dit jaar in de gekozen media taal proberen op te halen om die als achtergrond te tonen in de Media presentatie modus wanneer er geen media wordt afgespeeld. Als het ophalen van jaartekst mislukt of je om een bepaalde reden een andere achtergrond wilt gebruiken kan je de ‘Blader’ knop gebruiken om een andere plaatje te selecteren of de ‘refresh’ knop gebruiken om de jaartekst nog een keer op te halen.

Let op: Als Gemeente sync aan is gezet, zal de achtergrond automatisch gesynchroniseerd worden met alle andere gebruikers van jullie gemeente.
Verberg media scherm nadat media is afgespeeld Indien ingeschakeld, wordt het media-venster onmiddellijk verborgen zodra media niet meer getoond wordt.

Let op: Deze instelling is vooral handig voor gebarentaal vergaderingen.
Speel eerste media-item automatisch af Als deze optie aan staat zal het eerste media-item in de medialijst automatisch een configureerbaar aantal minuten voor de vergadering afgespeeld worden.
Zet sneltoetsen aan tijdens het presenteren van media Met deze instelling kun je sneltoetsen instellen om media te afspelen en te stoppen. Dit is bijvoorbeeld handig in combinatie met een USB-afstandsbediening.
Maak playlists voor het gebruik met VLC Zet deze optie aan om automatisch playlists te genereren van elke vergaderingen, om die in VLC te laden als je VLC gebruikt in plaats van de Media presentatie modus.
Sluit alle media van de th brochure uit Als deze optie aan staat, zal de media van de Leg je toe op brochure niet worden gedownload voor de doordeweekse vergadering.
Sluit Voor Eeuwig Gelukkig plaatjes uit buiten de gemeentebijbelstudie Als deze optie aan staat, zullen de plaatjes van het Voor eeuwig gelukkig boek (lff), van bijvoorbeeld de bijbelstudie, niet gedownload worden.
Haal geprinte media op als het beschikbaar is Als deze optie aan staat, zullen afbeeldingen van de gedrukte versies van publicaties worden gedownload indien beschikbaar. Dit kan nuttig zijn voor sommige tabellen of afbeeldingen die duidelijker zijn in geprinte vorm.

Vergadering configuratie

Instelling Uitleg
Speciale gemeente Indien ingeschakeld, wordt er geen media gedownload van JW.org. Alleen handmatig toegevoegde media zal beschikbaar zijn. Dit is bijvoorbeeld handig voor theocratische scholen.
Doordeweekse vergadering Stel in welke dag en tijd de doordeweekse vergadering normaal gehouden wordt. Dit wordt gebruikt voor de naamgeving van de media folders en het automatisch stoppen van achtergrond muziek (zie hieronder).
Weekend vergadering Stel in welke dag en tijd de weekend vergadering normaal gehouden wordt.
Eerst volgende bezoek van de kringopziener Wanneer je een datum selecteert voor het volgende geplande bezoek van de kringopziener, zal M³ voor die week automatisch de doordeweekse vergaderdag op dinsdag zetten, de gemeentebijbelstudie media en slot koninkrijksliederen voor beide vergaderingen overslaan.

Let op: Zorg bij het gebruik van een gemeente server, ervoor dat deze instelling wordt geforceerd, zodat alle aangesloten broers dezelfde kringopziener datum hebben geconfigureerd.
Schakel knop in om achtergrondmuziek af te spelen Deze knop komt op het beginscherm te staan en speelt koninkrijksliederen van de sjjm serie, in willekeurige volgorde, af. Dit is handig om bijvoorbeeld voor en na de vergadering achtergrond muziek af te spelen in de Koninkrijkszaal. Rechts van deze optie is een knop om alle koninkrijksliederen te downloaden, wat nuttig kan zijn om buffering te voorkomen.
Afspeelvolume achtergrondmuziek Stelt het volume in voor de achtergrondmuziek.
Speel achtergrondmuziek automatisch af voor vergaderingen Indien ingeschakeld zal achtergrond muziek automatisch beginnen met afspelen bij het opstarten van de app wanneer het een vergaderdag dag is en de vergadering in minder dan een uur begint.
Automatisch afspelen van achtergrondmuziek stoppen Als Schakel knop in om achtergrondmuziek af te spelen aan staat, zorgt deze instelling ervoor dat de achtergrond muziek automatisch stopt met spelen na een ingestelde tijd. Dit kan zijn: na een vast aantal minuten, of een aantal seconden voor de vergadering begint (als de muziek wordt afgespeeld op een vergadering dag voordat de vergadering is begonnen).

Schermafbeeldingen van het instellingenscherm

Applicatie configuratie
Applicatie configuratie
Media configuratie
Media configuratie
Vergadering configuratie
Vergadering configuratie

Problemen en functieverzoeken

Hoe rapporteer ik een probleem met de applicatie?

Als je ooit problemen ondervindt met M³, gebruik dan GitHub Issues om dit te melden. Oplossingen voor problemen worden regelmatig doorgevoerd, vaak maandelijks.

Hoe kan ik een suggestie geven voor een nieuwe functionaliteit?

Suggesties zijn welkom! Maak alsjeblieft gebruik van GitHub Discussies om ideeën met elkaar en het team uit te wisselen.

Technical usage notes

The app should run as is on most modern computers running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Windows: Installation and first launch

On opening the installer, you might get an error indicating that “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting”. This is due to the app not having a high number of downloads, and consequently not being explicitly “trusted” by Windows. To get around this, simply click on “More info”, then “Run anyway”.

Linux: Installation and first launch

As per the official AppImage documentation, if the app fails to open properly, confirm the output of the following command:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

If the output is 0, then the AppImage will not run unless you run the following command, followed by a reboot:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Make sure you read up on what this entails before you do this.

macOS: Installation and first launch

If upon launching the app, you receive a warning that the app cannot be opened, either because “it was not downloaded from the App store” or because “the developer cannot be verified”, then this Apple support page will help you to get past that.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Unlike Windows and Linux, auto-update functionality is not implemented on macOS, and for technical reasons probably never will be. However, one of two things will happen for macOS users when an update is available:

  • M³ will attempt to download the update package and open it automatically, after which the user will have to manually complete the installation of the M³ update by dragging and dropping the updated app to their Applications folder. Then, they will be able to launch the newly updated M³ from their Applications folder as usual.
  • If the previous step fails at any stage, M³ will display a persistent notification indicating that an update is available, with a link to the update itself. A red, pulsing notification will also be displayed on the settings button in the main screen of M³. The M³ version number in the settings screen will turn into a button that, once clicked, opens the latest release’s download page automatically.

Media Presentation mode

Using media presentation mode

The media presentation and controller modes are designed for simplicity and to prevent mistakes during meetings.

Once the option Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window is enabled, the media presentation screen will automatically appear on the external monitor if present, or in a separate, draggable and resizable window if no external monitor was detected.

When in standby, the media presentation screen will display the background image that is configured in the settings. If no background image has been configured, then M³ will attempt to automatically fetch and display the yeartext.

If no background image is configured in the settings and the yeartext could not be loaded automatically, a black background will be displayed when on standby.

Media controller mode can be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or by using the keyboard shortcut Alt D (for external display).

Once you have entered controller mode, the folder selection screen will allow you to select the date for which you’d like to display media. If the current day’s folder exists, it will automatically be preselected. Once a date is selected, you can still change the selected date at any time by clicking on the date selection button, in the top section.

Presenting media

To play media, press the ▶️ (play) button for the file you’d like. To hide the media, press the ⏹️ (stop) button. A video can be rewound or fast-forwarded while paused, if desired. Please note that for videos, the stop button must be pressed twice to prevent accidentally and prematurely stopping a video while it is playing for the congregation. Videos will auto-stop when they have played in their entirety.

Extra Features

M³ has a few extra features that can be used to enhance the media presentation experience.

Present JW.org

To present JW.org, you can press the ⋮ (ellipsis) button at the top of the screen, and select Open JW.org. This will open a new controller window with JW.org loaded. The media window will also display JW.org. Now you can use the controller window to navigate JW.org, and the media window will display your actions. When you are done presenting JW.org, you can close the controller window, and continue with the normal media presentation mode.

Zoom and pan images

When an image is being displayed, you can scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the image preview to zoom in and out. Alternatively, you can also double click on the image preview to zoom in. Double clicking will alternate between 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x and back to 1x zoom. You can also hold and drag the image to pan around the image.

Sort the media list

The media list can be sorted by clicking the sort button at the top right of the screen. The media items will have a button appear next to them that can be used to drag the media item up or down in the list. When you are satisfied with the order, you can click the sort button again to lock the order.

Add a last-minute song

If you need to add a last-minute song to the media list, you can press the ♫ + (add song) button at the top of the screen. A dropdown will appear with a list of all the Kingdom songs. When you select one, it will immediately be added to the top of the media list and it can be played instantly. It will either stream the song from JW.org, or play the song from the local cache if it was previously downloaded.

Conducting hybrid meetings using a combination of M³, OBS Studio, and Zoom

By far the simplest way to share media during hybrid meetings is by configuring OBS Studio, M³ and Zoom to work together.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall computer

Set the external monitor’s screen resolution to 1280x720, or something close to that.

Configure the computer sound card’s output to go to one of the sound booth mixer’s inputs, and the sound booth mixer’s combined output to go to the computer’s sound card input.

Initial configuration: OBS Studio

Install OBS Studio, or download the portable version.

If using the portable version of OBS Studio, install the Virtualcam plugin, and if using the portable version of OBS Studio, add the virtual camera to Windows by double-clicking the provided installation script.

If you have OBS Studio v27 or older, you need to install the obs-websocket plugin. Otherwise obs-websocket is included. Configure a port number and password for obs-websocket.

In the OBS settings, under General > System Tray, enable all checkboxes. Under Output > Streaming, enable a hardware encoder if available. Under Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Set up at least 2 scenes: one for the media display (Window Capture or Display Capture with the mouse cursor disabled and the appropriate window title/monitor selected), and one for the stage view (Video Capture Device with the KH camera selected). You can also add another scene specifically for pictures, where the media window is visible along with the podium in a picture-in-picture style display. You may add as many scenes as required, with the camera adjusted, zoomed-in and cropped as needed (lectern view, conductor and reader view, table view, etc.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Add a shortcut to OBS Studio, with the --startvirtualcam parameter, to the Startup folder of the Windows user profile, to ensure that OBS Studio gets started automatically when the user logs in.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall Zoom

Zoom should be configured to use dual monitors. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Set the default “microphone” to be sound booth mixer’s combined output (so that everything that is heard over the Kingdom Hall sound system is transmitted over Zoom, including microphones and media) and the “camera” to be the virtual camera provided by OBS Studio.

Initial configuration: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Enable and configure OBS Studio compatibility mode, using the port and password information configured in the OBS Studio configuration step.

Starting the meeting

Start the Zoom meeting, and move the secondary Zoom meeting window to the external monitor. Make it fullscreen if desired. This is where any remote meeting participants will be displayed for the congregation to see.

Once the Zoom meeting is being displayed on the external monitor, open M³. The media presentation window will automatically open on top of Zoom on the external monitor. Sync media if necessary, and enter media controller mode by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or Alt D.

Enable the Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), and spotlight the Kingdom Hall video feed if necessary so that Zoom participants see the Kingdom Hall stage. Unmute the Kingdom Hall audio feed in Zoom (Alt A). It should not be necessary to disable the video or audio feed in Zoom for the duration of the meeting. Make sure that “Original sound for musicians” is enabled in Zoom, to ensure the best audio quality for remote meeting participants.

Start background music playback using the button on the bottom left, or Alt K.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom

No action necessary.

Various camera angles/zoom can be chosen during the meeting by using the menu on the bottom of the M³ media playback control window; this menu will contain a list of all configured camera view scenes in OBS.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, press the “stop” button in M³. Note that videos automatically stop upon completion.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor

Press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media controller screen, or Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. The Zoom meeting will now be visible on the Kingdom Hall monitor.

If the participant has media to show, follow the steps under the Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom subheading.

Once the participant has finished their part, press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media playback control window, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. The Kingdom Hall monitor will now show the yeartext.

Conducting hybrid meetings using only M³ and Zoom

If you do not wish to use OBS Studio for any reason, the following suggestions will perhaps help you to set things up as simply as possible.

Initial configuration without OBS: Kingdom Hall computer

Same as corresponding section above. With the addition of the global keyboard shortcut for Zoom for starting/stopping screen sharing (Alt S). The “camera” will be the camera feed from the Kingdom Hall camera.

Initial configuration without OBS: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Starting the meeting without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom without OBS

Start sharing in Zoom by hitting Alt S. In the Zoom sharing window that pops up, choose the external monitor and enable both checkboxes on the bottom left (for sound and video optimization). The yeartext will now be shared over Zoom.

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, hit Alt S to end Zoom screen sharing.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Screenshots of Presentation Mode

Blue play button to enter media controller mode
Blue play button to enter media controller mode
List of media that is ready to be presented
List of media that is ready to be presented
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Displaying a picture
Displaying a picture
Playing a video
Playing a video
Moving to a specific time in a video
Moving to a specific time in a video

Managing media

The media management screen allows the user to add or remove media for any given meeting, manage recurring media, and even add special media for other dates on which no meeting is normally scheduled.

Managing media for any particular day

To manage media for a certain meeting or day, simply click on that day’s tile on the main screen of M³. To manage media that be repeated at every meeting, click on the Recurring media tile.

Adding media

Here’s how to add media from the media management screen.

Option Explanation
Type of upload Choose from one of the 3 media types (see below).
Media to add Depends on the media type chosen (see below).
Filename prefix Up to 6 digits can be added before the media filename(s), to help with sorting.
Media list This shows the currently planned media for the selected date tile.

In the Media to add field, you’ll be presented with different options, depending on the media type selected.

Media type The Media to add field
Hira … shows a menu with all Kingdom song videos from the sjjm series, in the media language. Choose this option for example to add a song for the public talk, or for circuit overseer visits.

The selected song will be automatically downloaded from JW.org, in the congregation or group’s language, as configured in the Settings.
JWPUB … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) a JWPUB file.

You’ll then be prompted to select the section, or chapter, from which you’d like to add media. This will add both embedded and referenced media from that section in the JWPUB file.

An example of a commonly used JWPUB file is the S-34, but any JWPUB file can be used here.
Hafa … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) any other media file(s) from your computer.

Note that all PDF and SVG files will automatically be converted into high-resolution images by M³.
JW.ORG … allows you to select a video from the latest featured videos on JW.org.

Removing, hiding and showing media

To remove, hide, or show media, simply find the media file you don’t want, and click on the relevant icon.

A red 🟥 (delete) icon A ☑️ (checked checkbox) icon A 🔲 (unchecked checkbox) icon
The media file was added to that day’s media by you or the VO. The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It will be downloaded from JW.org or extracted from the relevant publication.
The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It was hidden by you or the VO, so it will not be downloaded or added to the meeting’s media.

Screenshots of the media management screen

Adding a song for a public talk
Adding a song for a public talk
Adding an additional picture
Adding an additional picture
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Renaming a media file
Renaming a media file


M³ does not require administrative privileges to install or run. To install M³, simply download the latest installer and run it.

Operating System File to download
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

What’s next?

Configure the app using the Settings screen.

Trouble installing?

Check the Technical usage notes for help.


Does this app depend on external sites, sources or “curators” to download publications and meeting media?

No. The app behaves similarly to JW Library. It downloads publications and media directly from the official JW.org website and its content delivery network. At runtime, the app automatically determines what needs to be downloaded, such as media files and publications. The source code is available for all to examine and verify this.

Does this app infringe the JW.org Terms of Use?

No. The JW.org Terms of Use actually explicitly allow the kind of usage that we are making. Here is the relevant excerpt from those terms (emphasis mine):

You may not:

Create for distribution purposes, any software applications, tools, or techniques that are specifically made to collect, copy, download, extract, harvest, or scrape data, HTML, images, or text from this site. (This does not prohibit the distribution of free, non-commercial applications designed to download electronic files such as EPUB, PDF, MP3, and MP4 files from public areas of this site.)

Fifampifanarahan'ny fiangonana

The brother designated as videoconference organizer (VO) by the body of elders can use M³ to manage what media is made available to the technical A/V support team in his congregation.

The VO, or someone designated by him, can:

  • upload additional media to be shared during a meeting, such as for the circuit overseer’s visit, or for public speakers’ talks
  • hide media from JW.org that isn’t relevant for a given meeting, for example, when a part has been replaced by the local branch
  • add or remove recurring media, such as a year-text video, or an announcement slide

All who are synced to the same congregation will then receive the exact same media when they click the Update media folders button.

Please note that the congregation sync feature is opt-in and entirely optional.

How it works

M³’s underlying sync mechanism uses WebDAV. This means that the VO (or someone under his supervision) needs to either:

  • set up a secured WebDAV server that is web-accessible, or
  • use a third-party cloud storage service that supports the WebDAV protocol (see the Web address setting in the Congregation sync setup section below).

All users that wish to be synchronized together will need to connect to the same WebDAV server using the connection information and credentials provided to them by their VO.

Firafitrin’ny fifampifanarahan’ny fiangonana

Setting Explanation
Adiresin'ny tranokala Web address of the WebDAV server. Secure HTTP (HTTPS) is required.

Note: The Web address button, once clicked, will show a list of WebDAV providers that have been known to be compatible with M³, and will automatically prefill certain settings for those providers.

This list is provided as a courtesy, and in no way represents an endorsement of any particular service or provider. The best server is always the one you own…
Solon'anarana Username for the WebDAV service.
Tenimiafina Password for the WebDAV service.

Note: As detailed in their respective support pages, an app-specific password might need to be created for Box and Koofr in order to enable WebDAV connections to their services.
Congregation sync folder This is the folder that will be used to synchronize media for all congregation sync users. You can either type/paste in a path, or use your mouse to navigate to the target folder.

Note: Make sure that all congregation sync users input the same folder path; otherwise the sync won’t work as expected.
Congregation-wide settings Once the VO has configured the Media setup and Meeting setup sections of the Settings on his own computer, he can then use this button to enforce certain settings for all congregation sync users (for example, meeting days, media language, conversion settings, and so on). This means that the selected settings will be forcefully applied for all synced users every time they open M³.

Using congregation sync to manage media

Once the congregation sync setup is complete, you’re ready to start Managing media for your congregation’s technical AV support team.

Screenshots of congregation sync in action

Firafitrin'ny fifampifanarahan'ny fiangonana
Firafitrin'ny fifampifanarahan'ny fiangonana


The Settings screen is divided into 4 sections. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but here are a few additional details.

Firafitrin’ny fitaovana

Setting Explanation
Tsy andefa internet If enabled, M³ will not attempt to connect to JW.org or your congregation server. This is useful for when you have a poor internet connection and want to save bandwidth.
Theme preference Select the theme you prefer. If you select System, M³ will use the system’s theme.
Anaran'ny fiangonana The name of your congregation. This is used to support multiple congregations who share the same computer.
Fitenin'ny fitaovana Sets the language in which M³ is displayed.

Thank you to our many contributors for translating the app in so many languages! If you want to help improve an existing translation or add a new one, please open up a new discussion.
Toerana hametrahana ny Sary/Video Meeting media will be saved to this folder for later sharing and use.
Custom cache path By default, publications and other data are saved in a different directory for each user. You can change this directory if you want to share the cached data between multiple users on the same computer.
Date format for meeting folders The date format used for the meeting folders.

Note: When using a congregation server, please ensure that everyone configures the same date format by enforcing it using Congregation-wide settings.
Alefa hoazy ity programa ity rehefa velona ity fitaovana ity If enabled, M³ will launch when the current user logs into the computer.

Note: Unavailable on Linux.
Automatically initiate media sync If enabled, this option will automatically initiate a media sync 5 seconds after M³ is launched.

To prevent the automatic sync from occurring when this setting is enabled, press the ⏸ (pause) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Sokafana ny toerana misy ny Sary/Video rehefa vita ny fampifanarahana If enabled, the folder containing the downloaded media for the chosen week will open in the computer’s file manager after the media sync is complete.
Quit app after media sync If enabled, this option will automatically quit M³ 5 seconds after the media sync is complete.

To prevent M³ from quitting automatically when this setting is enabled, press the 🏃 (person leaving/running) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Enable OBS Studio compatibility mode If enabled, this option will tap into OBS Studio to change scenes automatically as needed both before and after sharing media.

If enabling this setting, make sure that OBS Studio is configured to use the obs-websocket plugin, which is what will enable M³ to communicate with OBS Studio.

Also, configure all needed scenes for media sharing and stage display in OBS. At the very least, you’ll need a scene with a Window Capture (recommended) or Display Capture configured to capture the M³ media presentation window, or the screen on which the media will be presented.

You’ll also need to configure all desired stage view scenes, for example: a shot of the lecturn, a wide shot of the stage, etc.
"Port" Port on which the obs-websocket plugin is configured to listen.
Tenimiafina Password configured in the obs-websocket plugin’s settings.
Default stage view scene in OBS Studio Select which scene should be selected by default when media presentation mode is launched. Usually a stage wide view, or a shot of the lectern.
Media window scene in OBS Studio Select which scene is configured in OBS Studio to capture the M³ media window.
Optional separate media scene for images An optional scene to select an alternative scene for showing images. This is useful if you want to show images in a different way than videos (for example, with the stage overlaid in a picture-in-picture style).
OBS Studio scene to display Zoom participants An optional scene to quickly and efficiently manage the display of Zoom participants during hybrid meetings.

When this scene is configured, the behavior of the Media Presentation mode changes somewhat. When in this mode, a toggle button will appear which, when enabled, will cause the media window to be hidden, and the Zoom scene to be shown. The OBS scene picker will also be hidden. Sharing media will automatically show the media scene as per usual, and after sharing media, the media window will disappear immediately.

When the toggle is disabled, the media window and scene pickers will be shown again.
Andefa ny fifandraisana amin'ny Zoom When enabled, this feature will attempt to automate various pre-meeting (mute all, enable the Kingdom Hall’s video/audio, disable the option for participants to unmute themselves), in-meeting (select participants to spotlight and unmute them, or to mute them, lower their hand and remove the spotlight) and post-meeting (disable the Kingdom Hall’s video feed, allow participants to unmute themselves) tasks.

Note: This is still a beta feature. Please test test it thoroughly before implementing it and always verify that the automation was correctly executed.
Zoom participant name This is the name that M³ will use to join the Zoom meeting.
Zoom Meeting ID The Meeting ID of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Tenimiafina The password of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Spotlight video when starting the meeting When enabled, M³ will automatically spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed when the “start meeting” automation is executed.
Hide Zoom component by default When enabled, the Zoom component will be hidden by default. The Zoom component is a required floating component that represents the M³ participant in the Zoom meeting. You can control the M³ participant with it.
Automatically perform start meeting actions When enabled, M³ will automatically perform the “start meeting” actions, a configured amount of minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start. These actions are: disallow participants to unmute themselves, mute all, ask host to enable video and microphone and optionally spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed.
Automatically rename Zoom participants With this setting, you can add a rename rule to automatically rename certain Zoom participants. This is useful if you want to rename participants who consistently join with a wrong or incomplete name. Rules must be entered in the following format: Old Name=New Name.
Enable beta updates for testing purposes When enabled, M³ will automatically receive beta updates, which are released daily and contain the latest features and fixes.

Note: Do not enable this setting on the computer used to present media at the Kingdom Hall.
Hajanona ny fanavaozana mandeha ho azy When this option is enabled, M³ will not automatically self-update when closed.
Disable hardware acceleration Only enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with media presentation mode. Changing this setting will cause M³ to restart.

Firafitrin’ny fifampifanarahan’ny fiangonana

See the Congregation sync section for details on what this does exactly and how to configure this section.

Media setup

Setting Explanation
Fitenin'ny Sary/Video Select the language of your congregation or group. All media will be downloaded from JW.org in this language.
Fiteny faharoa ampiasaina, raha tsy misy ho an'ny voalohany This language is used whenever the primary media language is not available.

For example, if you select Irish as your media language and English as your fallback, whenever a publication or video is not available in Irish, it will be fetched in English.
Maximum resolution for videos Videos downloaded from JW.org will be downloaded at this resolution, or the next available lower resolution. Useful for limited or low-bandwidth situations.
Hampiseho ny soratra eny ambany Enable this option if you want to fetch subtitles for videos, whenever available. Subtitles will be shown by default, but can be toggled on/off while presenting. The vertical position of the subtitles can be changed by clicking the subtitles icon inside the video preview.
Avadika ho MP4 ny video This will automatically convert all picture and audio files into MP4 format, for use with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing feature during fully remote congregation Zoom meetings. This includes all pictures and media files downloaded from JW.org, as well as additional media files added by the user or the VO.

Note: This option is best suited for remote-only congregation Zoom meetings. If conducting either hybrid or regular congregation meetings, look into using Media Presentation mode by activating the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option instead, and disable this option.
Tsy esorina ireo Sary/Video tena izy ahorinan'ny famadihana azy If this setting is enabled, picture and audio files will be kept in the media folder after being converted to MP4 format, rather than deleted. This will result in a slightly more cluttered media folder, and generally does not need to be enabled if sharing media through Zoom MP4 sharing. (See Convert media to MP4 format above.)

Note: Only visible if Convert media to MP4 format is also enabled.
Hampiseo ny Sary/Video amin'ny efijery na "fenêtre" manokana This setting will allow you to use M³ to present pictures, videos and audio files during hybrid or in-person congregation meetings. The media playback management screen can then be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³.

The media presentation screen will automatically use an external monitor if present; if not, the media will be displayed in a separate, resizable window.

Note: This option is best suited for either hybrid or regular congregation meetings.

If conducting remote-only congregation Zoom meetings, look into activating the Convert media to MP4 format option and sharing the media with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing instead.
Background image for media presentation mode By default, M³ will attempt to fetch the current year’s text in the language selected previously, in order to display it on a black background when in Media Presentation mode and no other media is being played. If the automatic yeartext retrieval fails for some reason, or if you wish to display a different background image, you can either use the ‘Browse’ button to select a custom picture, or the ‘Refresh’ button to try fetching the yeartext automatically again.

Note: If Congregation sync is enabled, selecting a custom background image will synchronize it for all congregation sync users automatically.
Hesorina ny fampisehoana Sary/Video rehefa tapitra ny Sary/Video mandeha If enabled, the media window will be hidden immediately after each media file has finished playing.

Note: This setting is especially useful for sign-language meetings.
Alefa hoazy ny Sary/Video voalohany If enabled, the first media item in the media list will automatically start playing a configurable number of minutes before the meeting is supposed to start.
Enable keyboard shortcuts during media playback This setting allows you to set custom key combinations to play and stop media. This is useful in combination with a USB remote control, for example.
Create playlists for use with VLC Enable this if you want to generate playlists for every meeting automatically, which can then be loaded in VLC, if you are using that app to display media instead of Media Presentation mode.
Exclude all media from the th brochure If enabled, this will prevent media from the Apply Yourself brochure from being included at every midweek meeting.
Exclude Enjoy Life Forever images outside the Congregation Bible Study If enabled, this will prevent images from the Live Forever book (lff) from being included, for example for student assignments during the midweek meeting.
Include printed media when available If enabled, renderings of the printed editions of publications will be included when available. This could be useful for some tables or groups of images that are clearer in printed form.

Meeting setup

Setting Explanation
Special congregation If enabled, no media will be downloaded from JW.org. Only manually added media will be available. This is useful for theocratic schools, for example.
Fivoriana andavanandro Indicate the usual day and time for the midweek meeting; used for folder naming and automatic background music fade-out (see below).
Fivoriana faran’ny herinandro Indicate the usual day and time for the weekend meeting.
Fitsidihan'ny mpiandraikitrin'ny faritra manaraka When you select a date for the next planned visit of the circuit overseer, M³ will automatically set the midweek meeting day for that week to Tuesday, skip the Congregation Bible Study media, as well as skip the concluding Kingdom songs for both meetings.

Note: When using a congregation server, make sure to enforce this setting so that all connected brothers have the same circuit overseer visit date configured.
Ampiseho ny bokotra ahafahana mandefa ny hira alohan'ny fivoriana Enable a button on the main screen which will play Kingdom songs from the sjjm series, in random order. This is useful, for example, to play songs before and after meetings at the Kingdom Hall as background music. To the right of this option is a button to download all available Kingdom songs, which could be useful to prevent buffering delays.
Background music playback volume Sets the volume at which the background music will play.
Halefa hoazy ny hira alohan'ny hanombohan'ny fivoriana If enabled, background music will automatically start playing at app startup when it’s a meeting day and the meeting is starting in less than an hour.
Automatically stop playing background music If Enable button to play background music is active, then this setting will allow you to specify a delay after which background music should be automatically stopped. This can be either a set number of minutes, or a predetermined number of seconds before the start of the meeting (in the case where the background music was started before a meeting).

Screenshots of the settings screen

Firafitrin'ny fitaovana
Firafitrin'ny fitaovana
Media setup
Media setup
Meeting setup
Meeting setup

Issues and feature requests

How do I report an issue or bug I encountered?

If ever you run into any issues with M³, please use GitHub Issues to report it. Bug fixes are issued on a regularly basis, usually monthly.

How can I request new features?

I’m open to suggestions! Please use GitHub Discussions to discuss potential new features.

Note tecniche di utilizzo

L’app dovrebbe funzionare sulla maggior parte dei computer moderni che eseguono Windows, Linux o Mac.

Windows: installazione e primo avvio

Avviando l’installazione potresti ottenere un errore indicante che “Windows SmartScreen blocca l’avvio di app sconosciute”. Questo a causa del fatto che l’app non ha un alto numero di download e di conseguenza non è considerata sicura da Windows. Per ovviare a questo, clicca su “Altre informazioni poi “Avvia comunque”.

Linux: Installazione e primo avvio

Come per la documentazione AppImage ufficiale, se l’app non riesce ad avviarsi correttamente, conferma l’output del comando seguente:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Se l’output è 0, allora AppImage non si avvierà a meno che non esegui il comando seguente, seguito da un riavvio:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Assicurati di leggere cosa comporta prima di farlo.

macOS: Installazione e primo avvio

Se durante l’installazione ottieni un avviso che l’app non può essere avviata perché “non è stata scaricata dall’App store” oppure “lo sviluppatore non può essere verificato”, allora questa pagina del supporto Apple potrà aiutarti.

Se ricevi un messaggio che indica che “non hai il permesso di aprire l’applicazione”, prova alcune soluzioni da questa pagina, per esempio eseguendo il seguente comando nel Terminale.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Problemi con i permessi audio o microfono in macOS Sonoma

Con macOS Sonoma, alcuni utenti potrebbero incontrare un problema in cui M³ dà ripetutamente un messaggio di errore che indica la necessità di accedere al microfono. Eseguire il seguente comando in Terminale.app in alcuni casi ha risolto il problema:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Aggiornamento automatico

Diversamente da Windows e Linux, la funzione di aggiornamento automatico non è disponibile in macOS, e per ragioni tecniche probabilmente non lo sarà mai. Tuttavia quando è disponibile un aggiornamento potrà verificarsi una di queste due cose:

  • M³ tenterà di scaricare il pacchetto di aggiornamento e aprirlo automaticamente, dopodiché l’utente dovrà completare manualmente l’installazione dell’aggiornamento di M³ trascinando e rilasciando l’app aggiornata nella propria cartella Applicazioni. Quindi, si potrà avviare M³ appena aggiornato dalla cartella Applicazioni come di consueto.
  • Se il passaggio precedente fallisce sempre, M³ visualizzerà una notifica persistente che indica che è disponibile un aggiornamento, con un collegamento all’aggiornamento stesso. Una notifica rossa lampeggiante verrà visualizzata anche sul pulsante delle impostazioni nella schermata principale di M³. Il numero di versione di M³ nella schermata delle impostazioni si trasformerà in un pulsante che, una volta cliccato, apre automaticamente la pagina di download dell’ultima versione.

Modalità presentazione multimedia

Utilizzo della modalità di presentazione dei media

Le modalità di presentazione dei media e di controllo sono progettate per essere semplici e per evitare errori durante le adunanze.

Una volta abilitata l’opzione Mostra i media su un monitor esterno o in una finestra separata, la schermata di presentazione dei media apparirà automaticamente sul monitor esterno se presente, o in una finestra separata, trascinabile e ridimensionabile se non è stato rilevato alcun monitor esterno.

In standby, la schermata di presentazione dei media visualizzerà l’immagine di sfondo configurata nelle impostazioni. Se non è stata configurata alcuna immagine di sfondo, M³ tenterà di recuperare e visualizzare automaticamente il testo della scrittura dell’anno.

Se nelle impostazioni non è configurata alcuna immagine di sfondo e non è stato possibile caricare automaticamente il testo della scrittura dell’anno, in standby verrà visualizzato uno sfondo nero.

È possibile accedere alla modalità controllo multimediale facendo clic sul pulsante ▶️ (riproduci) nella schermata principale di M³ o utilizzando la scorciatoia da tastiera Alt D (per display esterno).

Una volta entrato in modalità controllo, la schermata di selezione della cartella ti consentirà di selezionare la data per la quale desideri visualizzare i file multimediali. Se la cartella del giorno corrente esiste, verrà automaticamente preselezionata. Una volta selezionata una data, puoi comunque modificare la data selezionata in qualsiasi momento facendo clic sul pulsante di selezione della data, nella sezione in alto.

Presentare i media

Per riprodurre contenuti multimediali, premi il pulsante ▶️ (riproduci) per il file che desideri. Per nascondere il file multimediale, premi il pulsante ⏹️ (stop). Se lo si desidera, un video può essere riavvolto o fatto avanzare velocemente mentre è in pausa. Tieni presente che per i video, il pulsante di interruzione deve essere premuto due volte per evitare di interrompere accidentalmente e prematuramente un video durante la riproduzione per la congregazione. I video si interromperanno automaticamente quando saranno stati riprodotti per intero.

Funzionalità extra

M³ ha alcune funzionalità extra che possono essere utilizzate per migliorare l’esperienza di presentazione dei media.

Presenta JW.org

Per presentare il sito JW.org puoi premere il pulsante ⋮ (tre puntini) nella parte superiore dello schermo e selezionare Apri JW.org. Questo aprirà una nuova finestra di controllo con JW.org caricato. Anche la finestra multimediale mostrerà JW.org. Ora puoi usare la finestra di controllo per navigare in JW.org e la finestra multimediale mostrerà le tue azioni. Quando hai finito di presentare JW.org, puoi chiudere la finestra di controllo e continuare con la normale modalità di presentazione dei media.

Zoomma e sposta immagini

Quando un’immagine viene visualizzata, è possibile scorrere la rotellina del mouse mentre si passa sopra l’anteprima dell’immagine per ingrandire e rimpicciolire. In alternativa, puoi anche fare doppio clic sull’anteprima dell’immagine per ingrandirla. Il doppio clic alternerà tra 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x e indietro ad uno zoom 1x. È inoltre possibile tenere premuto e trascinare l’immagine per spostarla.

Ordina l’elenco dei media

L’elenco dei media può essere ordinato facendo clic sul pulsante di ordinamento in alto a destra dello schermo. A sinistra di ogni media c’è un pulsante che può essere utilizzato per trascinare l’elemento multimediale su o giù nella lista. Quando sei soddisfatto dell’ordine, puoi fare nuovamente clic sul pulsante di ordinamento per bloccare l’ordine.

Aggiungi un cantico dell’ultimo minuto

Se è necessario aggiungere un cantico dell’ultimo minuto alla lista dei media, puoi premere il pulsante ♫ + (aggiungi cantico) in alto sullo schermo. Apparirà un menu a tendina con una lista di tutti i cantici del Regno. Quando ne selezioni uno, verrà immediatamente aggiunto in cima alla lista dei media e può essere riprodotto all’istante. Il cantico verrà riprodotto in streaming da JW.org, oppure in locale, se è stato precedentemente scaricato.

Condurre riunioni ibride utilizzando una combinazione di M³, OBS Studio e Zoom

Il modo di gran lunga più semplice per condividere contenuti multimediali durante le riunioni ibride è configurare OBS Studio, M³ e Zoom in modo che funzionino insieme.

Configurazione iniziale: computer della Sala del Regno

Imposta la risoluzione dello schermo del monitor esterno su 1280x720 o qualcosa di simile.

Configura l’uscita della scheda audio del computer in modo che vada a uno degli ingressi del mixer audio e l’uscita combinata del mixer audio in modo che vada all’ingresso della scheda audio del computer.

Configurazione iniziale: OBS Studio

Installa OBS Studio o scarica la versione portatile.

Se utilizzi la versione portatile di OBS Studio, installa il plug-in Virtualcam e, se utilizzi la versione portatile di OBS Studio, aggiungi la videocamera virtuale a Windows facendo doppio clic sullo script di installazione fornito.

Se hai OBS Studio v27 o precedente, devi installare il plug-in obs-websocket. Altrimenti è incluso obs-websocket. Configurare un numero di porta e una password per obs-websocket.

Nelle impostazioni di OBS, sotto General > System Tray, attiva tutte le caselle di controllo. In Output > Streaming, abilita un codificatore hardware se disponibile. Sotto Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution e Output (Scaled) Resolution, scegli 1280x720, e sotto Downscale Filter, scegli Bilinear.

Impostare almeno 2 scene: una per la visualizzazione dei media (Window Capture o Display Capture con il cursore del mouse disabilitato e il titolo della finestra/monitor appropriato selezionato), e una per la vista del palco (Video Capture Device con la videocamera della Sala del Regno selezionata). È inoltre possibile aggiungere un’altra scena specifica per le immagini, dove la finestra multimediale è visibile insieme al podio in un display in stile picture-in-picture. È possibile aggiungere tutte le scene necessarie, con la telecamera regolata, ingrandita e ritagliata secondo necessità (vista leggio, vista conduttore e lettore, vista tavolo, ecc.).

Abilita il filtro Scala/Proporzione su tutti gli ingressi Cattura finestra o Cattura schermo, con una Risoluzione di Risoluzione di base (Canvas). Questo garantirà che la finestra multimediale sia sempre adattata alla risoluzione di uscita della fotocamera virtuale.

Aggiungi un collegamento a OBS Studio, con il parametro --startvirtualcam, nella cartella Avvio del profilo utente di Windows, per essere sicuri che OBS Studio venga avviato automaticamente quando l’utente effettua l’accesso.

Configurazione iniziale: Zoom Sala del Regno

Zoom deve essere configurato per utilizzare due monitor. Abilita le scorciatoie da tastiera globali per Zoom per disattivare/riattivare l’audio della Sala del Regno in Zoom (Alt A) e avviare/arrestare il flusso video della Sala del Regno in Zoom ( Alt V).

Imposta il “microfono” predefinito in modo che sia l’uscita combinata del mixer audio (in modo che tutto ciò che viene ascoltato tramite il sistema audio della Sala del Regno venga trasmesso tramite Zoom, inclusi microfoni e media) e la “videocamera” in modo che sia la videocamera virtuale fornita da OBS Studio.

Configurazione iniziale: M³

Abilita l’opzione Mostra i media su un monitor esterno o in una finestra separata.

Abilita e configura la modalità di compatibilità di OBS Studio, utilizzando le informazioni sulla porta e sulla password configurate nel passaggio di configurazione di OBS Studio.

Avvio dell’adunanza

Avvia la riunione Zoom e sposta la finestra secondaria della riunione Zoom sul monitor esterno. Rendilo a schermo intero se lo desideri. Qui è dove verranno visualizzati tutti i partecipanti alla riunione remota affinché la congregazione possa vederli.

Una volta che la riunione Zoom viene visualizzata sul monitor esterno, apri M³. La finestra di presentazione dei media si aprirà automaticamente sopra Zoom sul monitor esterno. Sincronizza i contenuti multimediali se necessario e accedi alla modalità controllo multimediale facendo clic sul pulsante ▶️ (riproduci) nella schermata principale di M³ o su Alt D.

Abilita il flusso video della Sala del Regno (Alt V) e mettilo in evidenza, se necessario, in modo che i partecipanti di Zoom vedano il palco della Sala del Regno. Riattiva il flusso audio della Sala del Regno in Zoom (Alt A). Non dovrebbe essere necessario disabilitare il flusso video o audio in Zoom per tutta la durata della riunione. Assicurati che il “Audio originale per i musicisti” sia abilitato in Zoom, per garantire la migliore qualità audio per i partecipanti alle riunioni remote.

Avvia la riproduzione della musica di sottofondo utilizzando il pulsante in basso a sinistra o Alt K.

Trasmettere parti presentate di persona dal palco della Sala del Regno su Zoom

Nessuna azione necessaria.

È possibile scegliere vari angoli di ripresa/zoom durante la riunione utilizzando il menu nella parte inferiore della finestra di controllo della riproduzione multimediale di M³; questo menu conterrà un elenco di tutte le scene di visualizzazione della telecamera configurate in OBS.

Condivisione di contenuti multimediali nella Sala del Regno e tramite Zoom

Trova il file multimediale che desideri condividere nella finestra di controllo della riproduzione multimediale M³ e premi il pulsante “riproduci”.

Quando hai finito di condividere i media, premi il pulsante “stop” in M³. Tieni presente che i video si interrompono automaticamente una volta completati.

Visualizzazione dei partecipanti Zoom remoti sul monitor della Sala del Regno

Premi il pulsante “nascondi/mostra la finestra di presentazione multimediale” nell’angolo in basso a destra della schermata del controller multimediale M³ o Alt Z per nascondere la finestra di presentazione multimediale. La riunione Zoom sarà ora visibile sul monitor della Sala del Regno.

Se il partecipante ha contenuti multimediali da mostrare, segui i passaggi sotto il sottotitolo Condivisione di contenuti multimediali nella Sala del Regno e tramite Zoom.

Una volta che il partecipante ha terminato la sua parte, premi il pulsante “nascondi/mostra la finestra di presentazione multimediale” nell’angolo in basso a destra della finestra di controllo della riproduzione multimediale M³, oppure Alt Z, per mostrare la finestra di presentazione multimediale. Il monitor della Sala del Regno ora mostrerà il testo della scrittura dell’anno.

Condurre riunioni ibride utilizzando solo M³ e Zoom

Se non desideri utilizzare OBS Studio per qualsiasi motivo, i seguenti suggerimenti forse ti aiuteranno a impostare le cose nel modo più semplice possibile.

Configurazione iniziale: computer della Sala del Regno

Uguale alla sezione corrispondente sopra. Con l’aggiunta della scorciatoia da tastiera globale per Zoom per avviare/arrestare la condivisione dello schermo (Alt S). La “telecamera” sarà il flusso video dalla telecamera della Sala del Regno.

Configurazione iniziale: M³

Abilita l’opzione Mostra i media su un monitor esterno o in una finestra separata.

Avvio dell’adunanza senza OBS

Uguale alla sezione corrispondente sopra.

Trasmettere parti presentate di persona dal palco della Sala del Regno su Zoom

Uguale alla sezione corrispondente sopra.

Condivisione di contenuti multimediali nella Sala del Regno e tramite Zoom

Inizia a condividere in Zoom premendo Alt S. Nella finestra di condivisione Zoom che si apre, scegli il monitor esterno e attiva entrambe le caselle di controllo in basso a sinistra (per l’ottimizzazione audio e video). Il testo della scrittura dell’anno verrà ora condiviso su Zoom.

Trova il file multimediale che desideri condividere nella finestra di controllo della riproduzione multimediale M³ e premi il pulsante “riproduci”.

Quando hai finito di condividere contenuti multimediali, premi Alt S per terminare la condivisione dello schermo Zoom.

Visualizzazione dei partecipanti Zoom remoti sul monitor della Sala del Regno

Uguale alla sezione corrispondente sopra.

Screenshot della modalità di presentazione

Pulsante blu per accedere alla modalità controllo multimediale
Pulsante blu per accedere alla modalità controllo multimediale
Elenco dei media pronti per essere mostrati
Elenco dei media pronti per essere mostrati
Sfondo predefinito, con testo della scrittura dell'anno generato automaticamente
Sfondo predefinito, con testo della scrittura dell'anno generato automaticamente
Mostra immagine
Mostra immagine
Riproduce video
Riproduce video
Passare a un punto specifico di un video
Passare a un punto specifico di un video

Gestione media

La schermata di gestione dei media consente all’utente di aggiungere o rimuovere i media per una determinata riunione, gestire i media ricorrenti e persino aggiungere media speciali per altre date in cui normalmente non è programmata alcuna riunione.

Gestione dei media per un giorno particolare

Per gestire i media per una certa adunanza o giorno, fai semplicemente clic sul riquadro di quel giorno nella schermata principale di M³. Per gestire i media che si ripetono a ogni riunione, fare clic sul riquadro Media ricorrenti.

Aggiungi media

Ecco come aggiungere media dalla schermata di gestione dei media.

Opzione Spiegazione
Tipo di caricamento Scegli tra uno dei 3 tipi di media (vedi sotto).
Media da aggiungere Dipende dal tipo di media scelto (vedi sotto).
Prefisso nome file È possibile aggiungere fino a 6 cifre prima del/i nome/i del file multimediale, per semplificare l’ordinamento.
Elenco media Mostra i media attualmente pianificati per la data selezionata.

Nel campo Media da aggiungere, ti verranno presentate diverse opzioni, a seconda del tipo di media selezionato.

Tipo di media Il campo Media da aggiungere
Cantico … mostra un menu con tutti i video dei cantici del Regno da sjjm, nella lingua dei media. Scegli questa opzione ad esempio per aggiungere un cantico per il discorso pubblico o per le visite del sorvegliante di circoscrizione.

Il cantico selezionato verrà scaricato automaticamente da JW.org nella lingua della congregazione o del gruppo, come configurato nell Impostazioni.
JWPUB … consente di scegliere (o trascinare e rilasciare) un file JWPUB.

Verrà chiesto di selezionare la sezione, o il capitolo, da cui desideri aggiungere i media. Questo aggiungerà sia i media incorporati che quelli di riferimento da quella sezione nel file JWPUB.

Un esempio di file JWPUB comunemente utilizzato è l’S-34, ma qui è possibile utilizzare qualsiasi file JWPUB.
Personalizza … consente di scegliere (o trascinare e rilasciare) qualsiasi altro file multimediale dal tuo computer.

Tieni presente che tutti i file PDF e SVG verranno automaticamente convertiti in immagini ad alta risoluzione da M³.
JW.ORG … ti permette di selezionare un video dagli ultimi video in evidenza su JW.org.

Rimuovere, nascondere e mostrare i media

Per rimuovere, nascondere o mostrare i media, trova semplicemente il file multimediale che non desideri e fai clic sull’icona pertinente.

Un’icona rossa 🟥 (elimina) Un’icona ☑️ (casella di controllo selezionata) Un’icona 🔲 (casella di controllo non selezionata)
Il file multimediale è stato aggiunto ai media di quel giorno da te o dall’OV. Il file multimediale è referenziato nel materiale della riunione.

Sarà scaricato da JW.org o estratto dalla relativa pubblicazione.
Il file multimediale è referenziato nel materiale della riunione.

È stato nascosto da te o dall’OV, quindi non verrà scaricato o aggiunto ai media della riunione.

Screenshot della schermata di gestione dei contenuti multimediali

Aggiunta di un cantico per un discorso pubblico
Aggiunta di un cantico per un discorso pubblico
Aggiunta di un'altra immagine
Aggiunta di un'altra immagine
Importa file multimediali da una sezione di un file JWPUB
Importa file multimediali da una sezione di un file JWPUB
Anteprima dei media da un file JWPUB prima di importarli
Anteprima dei media da un file JWPUB prima di importarli
Rinominare un file multimediale
Rinominare un file multimediale


M³ non richiede privilegi di amministratore per l’installazione o l’esecuzione. Per installare M³, scarica il programma di installazione più recente ed eseguilo.

Sistema operativo File da scaricare
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

E poi?

Configurare l’app utilizzando la schermata Impostazioni.

Problemi durante l’installazione?

Controlla le Note tecniche di utilizzo per aiuto.


Questa app dipende da siti esterni, fonti o “curatori” per scaricare pubblicazioni e media per l’adunanza?

No. L’app si comporta in modo simile a JW Library. Scarica pubblicazioni e contenuti multimediali direttamente dal sito web ufficiale JW.org e dalla sua rete di distribuzione dei contenuti. In fase di esecuzione, l’app determina automaticamente cosa deve essere scaricato, come file multimediali e pubblicazioni. Il codice sorgente è a disposizione di tutti per esaminarlo e verificarlo.

Questa app viola i termini di utilizzo di JW.org?

No. I Termini di utilizzo di JW.org in realtà consentono esplicitamente il tipo di utilizzo che stiamo facendo. Ecco il relativo estratto da quei termini (sottolineatura mia):

Non puoi:

Creare a scopo di distribuzione qualsiasi applicazione software, strumento o tecnica specificatamente creata per raccogliere, copiare, scaricare, estrarre, raccogliere o eseguire lo scraping di dati, HTML, immagini o testo da questo sito. (Ciò non vieta la distribuzione di applicazioni gratuite e non commerciali progettate per scaricare file elettronici come file EPUB, PDF, MP3 e MP4 dalle aree pubbliche di questo sito.)

Sincronizzazione della congregazione

Il fratello incaricato come organizzatore della videoconferenza (OV) dal corpo degli anziani può usare M³ per rendere disponibili i media alla squadra A/V della sua congregazione.

L’OV, o qualcuno da lui designato, può:

  • carica media aggiuntivi da condividere durante l’adunanza, come la visita del sorvegliante di circoscrizione o il discorso pubblico
  • nascondi contenuti multimediali da JW.org che non sono rilevanti per una determinata adunanza, ad esempio, quando una parte è stata sostituita dalla filiale
  • aaggiungi o rimuovi media ricorrenti, come un video con il testo della scrittura dell’anno o una diapositiva con annuncio

Tutti coloro che sono sincronizzati con la stessa congregazione riceveranno esattamente gli stessi media quando fanno clic sul pulsante Aggiorna cartelle multimediali.

Tieni presente che la funzione di sincronizzazione della congregazione è attiva e del tutto facoltativa.

Come funziona

Il meccanismo di sincronizzazione di M³ utilizza WebDAV. Ciò significa che l’OV (o qualcuno sotto la sua supervisione) deve:

  • configurare un server WebDAV protetto accessibile dal Web, o
  • utilizzare un servizio di cloud storage di terze parti che supporta il protocollo WebDAV (vedi l’impostazione dell’ indirizzo Web nella configurazione di sincronizzazione Congregazione sotto).

Tutti gli utenti che desiderano essere sincronizzati insieme dovranno connettersi allo stesso server WebDAV utilizzando le informazioni di connessione e le credenziali fornite loro dal proprio OV.

Impostazioni sincronizzazione congregazione

Impostazioni Spiegazione
Indirizzo web Indirizzo Web del server WebDAV. È richiesto HTTP sicuro (HTTPS).

Nota: Il pulsante dell’indirizzo Web, una volta cliccato, mostrerà un elenco di provider WebDAV noti per essere compatibili con M³ e precompilerà automaticamente determinate impostazioni per tali provider.

Questo elenco è fornito a titolo di cortesia e non rappresenta in alcun modo un’approvazione di un particolare servizio o fornitore. Il server migliore è sempre quello che possiedi…
Username Nome utente per il servizio WebDAV.
Password Password per il servizio WebDAV.

Note: come dettagliato nelle rispettive pagine di supporto, potrebbe essere necessario creare una password specifica per l’app per Box e Koofr per abilitare le connessioni WebDAV ai loro servizi.
Cartella di sincronizzazione della congregazione Questa è la cartella che verrà utilizzata per sincronizzare i media per tutti gli utenti sincronizzati della congregazione. Puoi digitare/incollare in un percorso o utilizzare il mouse per navigare fino alla cartella di destinazione.

Note: assicurati che tutti gli utenti sincronizzati dellacongregazione inseriscano lo stesso percorso della cartella; altrimenti la sincronizzazione non funzionerà come previsto.
Impostazioni a livello di congregazione Una volta che l’OV ha configurato le sezioni Impostazioni media and Impostazioni adunanza di Impostazioni sul proprio computer, può utilizzare questo pulsante per applicare determinate impostazioni per tutti gli utenti sincronizzati della congregazione (ad esempio, giorni dell’adunanza, lingua dei media, impostazioni di conversione e così via). Ciò significa che le impostazioni selezionate verranno applicate forzatamente a tutti gli utenti sincronizzati ogni volta che aprono M³.

Utilizzo della sincronizzazione della congregazione per gestire i contenuti multimediali

Una volta completata la configurazione della sincronizzazione della congregazione, sei pronto per avviare Gestione media per la squadra AV della tua congregazione.

Screenshot della sincronizzazione della congregazione in azione

Impostazioni sincronizzazione congregazione
Impostazioni sincronizzazione congregazione


La schermata delle impostazioni è suddivisa in 4 sezioni. Molte opzioni si spiegano da sole ma qui ci sono ulteriori dettagli.

Impostazioni applicazione

Impostazioni Spiegazione
Modalità Offline Se abilitato, M3 non tenterà di connettersi a JW.org o al tuo server di congregazione. Questo è utile per quando si dispone di una scarsa connessione internet e si desidera salvare la larghezza di banda.
Preferenza tema Seleziona il tema che preferisci. Se selezioni System, M3 userà il tema del sistema.
Nome della congregazione Il nome della tua congregazione. Questo è usato per supportare più congregazioni che condividono lo stesso computer.
Lingua interfaccia Imposta la lingua in cui viene visualizzato M³.

Grazie ai nostri numerosi volontari per aver tradotto l’app in così tante lingue! Se vuoi contribuire a migliorare una traduzione esistente o aggiungerne una nuova, apri una nuova discussione.
Cartella dove salvare i media I media dell’adunanza saranno salvati in questa cartella per essere condivisi e utilizzati in seguito.
Percorso cache personalizzato Per impostazione predefinita, le pubblicazioni e gli altri dati vengono salvati in una cartella diversa per ogni utente. È possibile modificare questa directory se si desidera condividere i dati nella cache tra più utenti sullo stesso computer.
Formato della data per le cartelle delle adunanze Il formato della data utilizzato per le cartelle delle adunanze.

Nota: Quando si utilizza un server di congregazione, assicurarsi che tutti abbiano configurato lo stesso formato data Tutte le impostazioni.
Apri l'applicazione all'avvio del sistema Se abilitato, M³ sarà avviato quando l’utente corrente eseguirà l’accesso al computer.

Nota: Non disponibile su Linux.
Avvia automaticamente la sincronizzazione dei media Questa opzione, se abilitata, attiva la sincronizzazione automatica dei media 5 secondi dopo l’avvio di M³.

Per impedire la sincronizzazione automatica quando questa opzione è abilitata, premere il pulsante ⏸ (pausa) prima che trascorrano 5 secondi.
Apri la cartella dopo la sincronizzazione dei media Se abilitata, la cartella contenente i file multimediali scaricati per la settimana scelta si aprirà nel file manager del computer al termine della sincronizzazione.
Esci dall'app dopo la sincronizzazione dei media Se abilitata, questa opzione chiuderà automaticamente M³ 5 secondi dopo il completamento della sincronizzazione dei media.

Per evitare che M³ si chiuda automaticamente quando questa impostazione è abilitata, premi il pulsante 🏃 (persona che esce/corre) prima che il timer di 5 secondi sia scaduto.
Abilita la modalità di compatibilità di *OBS Studio_ Se abilitata, questa opzione attingerà a OBS Studio per cambiare automaticamente le scene secondo necessità sia prima che dopo la condivisione dei media.

Se abiliti questa impostazione, assicurati che OBS Studio sia configurato per utilizzare il plug-in obs-websocket, cosa che consentirà a M³ di comunicare con OBS Studio.

Inoltre, configura tutte le scene necessarie per la condivisione dei media e la visualizzazione sul palco in OBS. Come minimo, avrai bisogno di una scena con un Cattura finestra (consigliato) o un Cattura schermo configurato per catturare la finestra di presentazione dei media di M³ o lo schermo su cui il saranno presentati i media.

Dovrai anche configurare tutte le scene di ripresa del palco desiderate, ad esempio: inquadratura del leggio, inquadratura ampia del palco, etc.
Porta Porta su cui è configurato per l’ascolto il plug-in obs-websocket.
Password Password configurata nelle impostazioni del plugin obs-websocket.
Scena di visualizzazione del palco predefinita in OBS Studio Seleziona quale scena deve essere selezionata per impostazione predefinita quando viene avviata la modalità di presentazione multimediale. Di solito un’ampia inquadratura del palco o un’inquadratura del leggio.
Scena della finestra dei media in OBS Studio Selezionare quale scena impostare in OBS Studio per essere catturata dalla finestra dei media di M³.
Scena multimediale separata opzionale per le immagini Una scena opzionale per selezionare una scena alternativa per mostrare le immagini. Questo è utile se si desidera mostrare le immagini in modo diverso dai video (ad esempio, con il podio sovrapposto in uno stile picture-in-picture).
Scena di OBS Studio per visualizzare i partecipanti Zoom Una scena opzionale per gestire in modo rapido ed efficiente la visualizzazione dei partecipanti Zoom durante le riunioni ibride.

Quando questa scena è configurata, il comportamento della modalità di presentazione multimediale cambia un po’. Quando in questa modalità, apparirà un pulsante di commutazione che, quando abilitato, farà nascondere la finestra multimediale e mostrerà la scena zoom. Anche il selettore di scena OBS sarà nascosto. La condivisione dei media mostrerà automaticamente la scena dei media come da solito, e dopo la condivisione dei media, la finestra dei media scomparirà immediatamente.

Quando l’interruttore è disabilitato, la finestra multimediale e i selettore delle scene verranno mostrati di nuovo.
Abilita integrazione con Zoom Questo è un lavoro in corso. Prova a fondo prima di implementarlo. Se abilitato, tenterà di automatizzare varie opzioni pre-riunione (disattiva tutti i microfoni, abilita l’audio/video della Sala del regno, disabilita l’opzione che consente ai partecipanti attivare il proprio microfono), in-riunione (seleziona i partecipanti da mettere in evidenza e per i quali riattivare il microfono, oppure disattivare il microfono, abbassare la mano e rimuovere l’evidenzai) e post-riunione (disabilitare il flusso video della Sala del Regno, consentire ai partecipanti di riattivare il proprio microfono).

Nota: Questa è ancora una funzionalità beta. Verificalo a fondo prima di implementarlo e verifica sempre che l’automazione sia stata eseguita correttamente.
Nome partecipante zoom Questo è il nome che M³ userà per partecipare alla riunione di zoom.
ID riunione Zoom L’ID della riunione Zoom a cui M³ si deve unire.
Password La password della riunione Zoom a cui M³ si deve unire.
Video in evidenza all'avvio della riunione Se abilitato, M³ metterà automaticamente in evidenza il flusso video della Sala del Regno quando viene eseguita l’automazione “avvio riunione”.
Nascondi componente Zoom per impostazione predefinita Se abilitata, il componente Zoom sarà nascosto per impostazione predefinita. Il componente Zoom è un componente fluttuante richiesto che rappresenta il partecipante M³ alla riunione Zoom. Con questo puoi controllare il partecipante M³.
Esegue automaticamente le azioni di inizio riunione Se abilitato, M³ eseguirà automaticamente le azioni “avvio riunione”, un numero di minuti configurato prima dell’inizio dell’adunanza. Queste azioni sono: non consentire ai partecipanti di riattivarsi il microfono, disattivare tutti i microfoni, chiedere all’organizzatore di abilitare il video e il microfono e, opzionalmente, di mettere in evidenza il flusso video della Sala del Regno.
Rinomina automaticamente i partecipanti Zoom Con questa impostazione, è possibile aggiungere una regola di rinomina per rinominare automaticamente alcuni partecipanti zoom. Questo è utile se si desidera rinominare i partecipanti che si uniscono costantemente con un nome sbagliato o incompleto. Le regole devono essere inserite nel seguente formato: Vecchio Nome=Nuovo Nome.
Abilita gli aggiornamenti beta per scopi di test Se abilitato, M³ riceverà automaticamente aggiornamenti beta, che vengono rilasciati quotidianamente e contengono le ultime funzionalità e correzioni.

Nota: Non abilitare questa impostazione sul computer utilizzato per presentare media nella Sala del Regno.
Disabilita l'aggiornamento automatico dell'app Quando questa opzione è abilitata, M3 non si auto-aggiornerà automaticamente quando è chiuso.
Disabilita l'accelerazione hardware Abilita questa impostazione solo se riscontri problemi con la modalità di presentazione dei media. La modifica di questa impostazione causerà il riavvio di M³.

Impostazioni sincronizzazione congregazione

Vedere la sezione Sincronizzazione della congregazione per i dettagli su cosa fa esattamente e come configurare questa sezione.

Impostazioni media

Impostazioni Spiegazione
Lingua dei media Seleziona la lingua della tua congregazione o gruppo. Tutti i media saranno scaricati da JW.org in questa lingua.
Lingua dei media di riserva Questa lingua viene utilizzata ogni volta che la lingua principale dei media non è disponibile.

Per esempio, se selezioni l’irlandese come lingua media e l’inglese come riserva, ogni volta che una pubblicazione o video non è disponibile in irlandese, sarà recuperato in inglese.
Risoluzione massima dei video I video saranno scaricati da JW.org con questa risoluzione oppure con quella immediatamente inferiore. Utile per connessioni limitate o con scarsa banda.
Abilita sottotitoli per i video Abilita questa opzione se vuoi recuperare i sottotitoli per i video, quando disponibili. I sottotitoli saranno mostrati per impostazione predefinita, ma possono essere attivati /disattivati durante la presentazione. La posizione verticale dei sottotitoli può essere cambiata facendo clic sull’icona sottotitoli all’interno dell’anteprima video.
Converti media nel formato MP4 Immagini e file audio saranno automaticamente convertiti nel formato MP4 per essere utilizzati direttamente con Zoom“native MP4 sharing feature”durante le adunanze di congregazione completamente in remoto tenute con Zoom. Ciò include tutte le immagini e i file multimediali scaricati da JW.org, nonché i file multimediali aggiunti dall’utente o dall’OV.

Nota: Questa opzione adatta per le riunioni Zoom della congregazione tenute solo da remoto. Se conduci adunanze di congregazione ibride o regolari, cerca di utilizzare Modalità presentazione multimedia attivando invece l’opzione Mostra i media su un monitor esterno o in una finestra separata e disattiva questa opzione.
Mantieni i media originali dopo la conversione Se questa impostazione è abilitata, i file immagine e audio verranno conservati nella cartella multimediale dopo essere stati convertiti in formato MP4, invece di essere eliminati. Questa avrà come conseguenza una cartella dei media leggermente più disordinata e generalmente non è necessario abilitarla se si condivide un file multimediale tramite la condivisione MP4 di Zoom. (Vedi Converti media nel formato MP4 sopra.)

Nota: visibile solo se Converti media nel formato MP4 è abilitato.
Mostra i media su un monitor esterno o in una finestra separata Questa impostazione ti consentirà di utilizzare M³ per presentare immagini, video e file audio durante riunioni di congregazione ibride o di persona. La schermata di gestione della riproduzione multimediale può essere consultata facendo clic sul pulsante ▶️ (play) nella schermata principale di M3.

La presentazione dei media avverrà automaticamente in un monitor esterno se presente; in caso contrario, il supporto verrà visualizzato in una finestra separata e ridimensionabile.

**Nota: questa opzione è più adatta per riunioni di congregazione ibride o normali.

Se conduci riunioni Zoom della congregazione solo da remoto, attivare l’opzione Converti media nel formato MP4 e condividere i contenuti multimediali con la condivisione MP4 nativa di Zoom.*
Immagine di sfondo per la modalità di presentazione multimediale Per impostazione predefinita, M³ tenterà di recuperare il testo della scrittura dell’anno in corso nella lingua selezionata in precedenza, per visualizzarlo su uno sfondo nero quando si è in Modalità presentazione multimedia e nessun altro media viene riprodotto. Se il recupero automatico del testo della scrittura dell’anno non riesce per qualche motivo, o se desideri visualizzare un’immagine di sfondo diversa, puoi utilizzare il pulsante “Sfoglia” per selezionare un’immagine personalizzata o il pulsante “Aggiorna” per provare a recuperare automaticamente il testo della scrittura dell’anno.

Nota: se Sincronizzazione della congregazione è abilitato, la selezione di un’immagine di sfondo personalizzata la sincronizzerà automaticamente per tutti gli utenti sincronizzati della congregazione.
Nascondi la finestra dei media al termine della riproduzione dei media Se abilitata, la finestra multimediale sarà nascosta immediatamente dopo che ogni file multimediale ha terminato la riproduzione.

Nota: Questa impostazione è particolarmente utile per le riunioni nella lingua dei segni.
Riproduci automaticamente il primo elemento multimediale Se attivato, il primo elemento multimediale nella lista dei media sarà riprodotto automaticamente un numero di minuti configurabile prima che l’adunanza inizi.
Abilita le scorciatoie da tastiera durante la riproduzione multimediale Questa impostazione consente di impostare combinazioni di tasti personalizzate per riprodurre e fermare i supporti. Questo è utile in combinazione con un telecomando USB, per esempio.
Crea playlist da utilizzare con *VLC_ Abilita questa opzione se desideri generare automaticamente playlist per ogni riunione, che possono quindi essere caricate in VLC, se stai utilizzando quell’app per visualizzare contenuti multimediali invece di Modalità presentazione multimedia.
Escludi tutti i media dall'opuscolo Se abilitato, non includerà i media dell’opuscolo Lettura e insegnamento in ogni riunione infrasettimanale.
Escludere immagini dal libro Vivere felice per sempre a parte lo studio biblico di congregazione Se abilitato, impedirà l’aggiunta delle immagini dal libro Vivere felice per sempre (lff), ad esempio per le parti degli studenti durante la riunione infrasettimanale.
Includere l'edizione stampata se disponibile Se abilitata, i rendering delle edizioni stampate delle pubblicazioni saranno inclusi quando disponibili. Questo potrebbe essere utile per alcune tabelle o gruppi di immagini che sono più chiari in forma stampata.

Impostazioni adunanza

Impostazioni Spiegazione
Congregazione speciale Se abilitato, nessun media sarà scaricato da JW.org. Solo i media aggiunti manualmente saranno disponibili. Questo è utile per le scuole teocratiche, per esempio.
Adunanza infrasettimanale Indicare il giorno e l’ora abituale della riunione infrasettimanale; utilizzato per nominare le cartelle e la dissolvenza automatica della musica di sottofondo (vedi sotto).
Adunanza del fine settimana Indicare il giorno e l’ora abituali per l’adunanza del fine settimana.
Prossima visita programmata del sorvegliante di circoscrizione Quando si seleziona una data per la prossima visita programmata del sorvegliante di circoscrizione, M³ imposterà automaticamente il giorno della riunione infrasettimanale per quella settimana a martedì, saltando i media dello studio biblico di congregazione, così come i cantici conclusivi di entrambe le adunanze.

Nota: Quando si utilizza un server di congregazione, assicurati di applicare questa impostazione in modo che tutti i fratelli connessi abbiano la stessa data di visita del sorvegliante di circoscrizione.
Abilita il pulsante per riprodurre musica di sottofondo Abilita il pulsante nella schermata principale che riprodurrà i cantici da sjjm in ordine casuale. Questo è utile, ad esempio, per riprodurre i cantici come musica di sottofondo prima e dopo le adunanze nella Sala del Regno. A destra di questa opzione c’è un pulsante per scaricare tutti i cantici disponibili, cosa che potrebbe essere utile per evitare ritardi nel buffering.
Volume della musica di sottofondo Impostare il volume di riproduzione della musica di sottofondo.
Riproduci automaticamente musica di sottofondo prima dell'adunanza Se attivata, la riproduzione del sottofondo musicale inizierà automaticamente all’avvio dell’app quando è un giorno di adunanza e la riunione inizia meno di un’ora dopo.
Ferma automaticamente la riproduzione della musica di sottofondo Se Abilita il pulsante per riprodurre i cantici in ordine casuale è attiva, questa opzione consentirà di specificare il ritardo dopo il quale la musica di sottofondo sarà arrestata automaticamente. Questo può essere: un determinato numero di minuti, o un numero prestabilito di secondi prima dell’inizio dell’adunanza (nel caso in cui la musica di sottofondo sia stata avviata prima di una riunione).

Screenshot della schermata delle impostazioni

Impostazioni applicazione
Impostazioni applicazione
Impostazioni media
Impostazioni media
Impostazioni adunanza
Impostazioni adunanza

Problemi e richieste di funzionalità

Come posso segnalare un problema o un bug che ho riscontrato?

Se riscontri problemi con M³, usa GitHub Issues per segnalarlo. Le correzioni di bug vengono rilasciate regolarmente, di solito mensilmente.

Come posso richiedere nuove funzionalità?

Sono aperto a suggerimenti! Si prega di utilizzare GitHub Discussions per discutere di potenziali nuove funzionalità.

Technical usage notes

The app should run as is on most modern computers running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Windows: Installation and first launch

On opening the installer, you might get an error indicating that “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting”. This is due to the app not having a high number of downloads, and consequently not being explicitly “trusted” by Windows. To get around this, simply click on “More info”, then “Run anyway”.

Linux: Installation and first launch

As per the official AppImage documentation, if the app fails to open properly, confirm the output of the following command:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

If the output is 0, then the AppImage will not run unless you run the following command, followed by a reboot:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Make sure you read up on what this entails before you do this.

macOS: Installation and first launch

If upon launching the app, you receive a warning that the app cannot be opened, either because “it was not downloaded from the App store” or because “the developer cannot be verified”, then this Apple support page will help you to get past that.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Unlike Windows and Linux, auto-update functionality is not implemented on macOS, and for technical reasons probably never will be. However, one of two things will happen for macOS users when an update is available:

  • M³ will attempt to download the update package and open it automatically, after which the user will have to manually complete the installation of the M³ update by dragging and dropping the updated app to their Applications folder. Then, they will be able to launch the newly updated M³ from their Applications folder as usual.
  • If the previous step fails at any stage, M³ will display a persistent notification indicating that an update is available, with a link to the update itself. A red, pulsing notification will also be displayed on the settings button in the main screen of M³. The M³ version number in the settings screen will turn into a button that, once clicked, opens the latest release’s download page automatically.

Media Presentation mode

Using media presentation mode

The media presentation and controller modes are designed for simplicity and to prevent mistakes during meetings.

Once the option Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window is enabled, the media presentation screen will automatically appear on the external monitor if present, or in a separate, draggable and resizable window if no external monitor was detected.

When in standby, the media presentation screen will display the background image that is configured in the settings. If no background image has been configured, then M³ will attempt to automatically fetch and display the yeartext.

If no background image is configured in the settings and the yeartext could not be loaded automatically, a black background will be displayed when on standby.

Media controller mode can be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or by using the keyboard shortcut Alt D (for external display).

Once you have entered controller mode, the folder selection screen will allow you to select the date for which you’d like to display media. If the current day’s folder exists, it will automatically be preselected. Once a date is selected, you can still change the selected date at any time by clicking on the date selection button, in the top section.

Presenting media

To play media, press the ▶️ (play) button for the file you’d like. To hide the media, press the ⏹️ (stop) button. A video can be rewound or fast-forwarded while paused, if desired. Please note that for videos, the stop button must be pressed twice to prevent accidentally and prematurely stopping a video while it is playing for the congregation. Videos will auto-stop when they have played in their entirety.

Extra Features

M³ has a few extra features that can be used to enhance the media presentation experience.

Present JW.org

To present JW.org, you can press the ⋮ (ellipsis) button at the top of the screen, and select Open JW.org. This will open a new controller window with JW.org loaded. The media window will also display JW.org. Now you can use the controller window to navigate JW.org, and the media window will display your actions. When you are done presenting JW.org, you can close the controller window, and continue with the normal media presentation mode.

Zoom and pan images

When an image is being displayed, you can scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the image preview to zoom in and out. Alternatively, you can also double click on the image preview to zoom in. Double clicking will alternate between 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x and back to 1x zoom. You can also hold and drag the image to pan around the image.

Sort the media list

The media list can be sorted by clicking the sort button at the top right of the screen. The media items will have a button appear next to them that can be used to drag the media item up or down in the list. When you are satisfied with the order, you can click the sort button again to lock the order.

Add a last-minute song

If you need to add a last-minute song to the media list, you can press the ♫ + (add song) button at the top of the screen. A dropdown will appear with a list of all the Kingdom songs. When you select one, it will immediately be added to the top of the media list and it can be played instantly. It will either stream the song from JW.org, or play the song from the local cache if it was previously downloaded.

Conducting hybrid meetings using a combination of M³, OBS Studio, and Zoom

By far the simplest way to share media during hybrid meetings is by configuring OBS Studio, M³ and Zoom to work together.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall computer

Set the external monitor’s screen resolution to 1280x720, or something close to that.

Configure the computer sound card’s output to go to one of the sound booth mixer’s inputs, and the sound booth mixer’s combined output to go to the computer’s sound card input.

Initial configuration: OBS Studio

Install OBS Studio, or download the portable version.

If using the portable version of OBS Studio, install the Virtualcam plugin, and if using the portable version of OBS Studio, add the virtual camera to Windows by double-clicking the provided installation script.

If you have OBS Studio v27 or older, you need to install the obs-websocket plugin. Otherwise obs-websocket is included. Configure a port number and password for obs-websocket.

In the OBS settings, under General > System Tray, enable all checkboxes. Under Output > Streaming, enable a hardware encoder if available. Under Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Set up at least 2 scenes: one for the media display (Window Capture or Display Capture with the mouse cursor disabled and the appropriate window title/monitor selected), and one for the stage view (Video Capture Device with the KH camera selected). You can also add another scene specifically for pictures, where the media window is visible along with the podium in a picture-in-picture style display. You may add as many scenes as required, with the camera adjusted, zoomed-in and cropped as needed (lectern view, conductor and reader view, table view, etc.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Add a shortcut to OBS Studio, with the --startvirtualcam parameter, to the Startup folder of the Windows user profile, to ensure that OBS Studio gets started automatically when the user logs in.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall Zoom

Zoom should be configured to use dual monitors. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Set the default “microphone” to be sound booth mixer’s combined output (so that everything that is heard over the Kingdom Hall sound system is transmitted over Zoom, including microphones and media) and the “camera” to be the virtual camera provided by OBS Studio.

Initial configuration: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Enable and configure OBS Studio compatibility mode, using the port and password information configured in the OBS Studio configuration step.

Starting the meeting

Start the Zoom meeting, and move the secondary Zoom meeting window to the external monitor. Make it fullscreen if desired. This is where any remote meeting participants will be displayed for the congregation to see.

Once the Zoom meeting is being displayed on the external monitor, open M³. The media presentation window will automatically open on top of Zoom on the external monitor. Sync media if necessary, and enter media controller mode by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or Alt D.

Enable the Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), and spotlight the Kingdom Hall video feed if necessary so that Zoom participants see the Kingdom Hall stage. Unmute the Kingdom Hall audio feed in Zoom (Alt A). It should not be necessary to disable the video or audio feed in Zoom for the duration of the meeting. Make sure that “Original sound for musicians” is enabled in Zoom, to ensure the best audio quality for remote meeting participants.

Start background music playback using the button on the bottom left, or Alt K.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom

No action necessary.

Various camera angles/zoom can be chosen during the meeting by using the menu on the bottom of the M³ media playback control window; this menu will contain a list of all configured camera view scenes in OBS.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, press the “stop” button in M³. Note that videos automatically stop upon completion.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor

Press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media controller screen, or Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. The Zoom meeting will now be visible on the Kingdom Hall monitor.

If the participant has media to show, follow the steps under the Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom subheading.

Once the participant has finished their part, press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media playback control window, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. The Kingdom Hall monitor will now show the yeartext.

Conducting hybrid meetings using only M³ and Zoom

If you do not wish to use OBS Studio for any reason, the following suggestions will perhaps help you to set things up as simply as possible.

Initial configuration without OBS: Kingdom Hall computer

Same as corresponding section above. With the addition of the global keyboard shortcut for Zoom for starting/stopping screen sharing (Alt S). The “camera” will be the camera feed from the Kingdom Hall camera.

Initial configuration without OBS: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Starting the meeting without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom without OBS

Start sharing in Zoom by hitting Alt S. In the Zoom sharing window that pops up, choose the external monitor and enable both checkboxes on the bottom left (for sound and video optimization). The yeartext will now be shared over Zoom.

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, hit Alt S to end Zoom screen sharing.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Screenshots of Presentation Mode

Blue play button to enter media controller mode
Blue play button to enter media controller mode
List of media that is ready to be presented
List of media that is ready to be presented
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Displaying a picture
Displaying a picture
Playing a video
Playing a video
Moving to a specific time in a video
Moving to a specific time in a video

Managing media

The media management screen allows the user to add or remove media for any given meeting, manage recurring media, and even add special media for other dates on which no meeting is normally scheduled.

Managing media for any particular day

To manage media for a certain meeting or day, simply click on that day’s tile on the main screen of M³. To manage media that be repeated at every meeting, click on the Recurring media tile.

Adding media

Here’s how to add media from the media management screen.

Option Explanation
Type of upload Choose from one of the 3 media types (see below).
Media to add Depends on the media type chosen (see below).
Filename prefix Up to 6 digits can be added before the media filename(s), to help with sorting.
Media list This shows the currently planned media for the selected date tile.

In the Media to add field, you’ll be presented with different options, depending on the media type selected.

Media type The Media to add field
Song … shows a menu with all Kingdom song videos from the sjjm series, in the media language. Choose this option for example to add a song for the public talk, or for circuit overseer visits.

The selected song will be automatically downloaded from JW.org, in the congregation or group’s language, as configured in the Settings.
JWPUB … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) a JWPUB file.

You’ll then be prompted to select the section, or chapter, from which you’d like to add media. This will add both embedded and referenced media from that section in the JWPUB file.

An example of a commonly used JWPUB file is the S-34, but any JWPUB file can be used here.
Custom … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) any other media file(s) from your computer.

Note that all PDF and SVG files will automatically be converted into high-resolution images by M³.
JW.ORG … allows you to select a video from the latest featured videos on JW.org.

Removing, hiding and showing media

To remove, hide, or show media, simply find the media file you don’t want, and click on the relevant icon.

A red 🟥 (delete) icon A ☑️ (checked checkbox) icon A 🔲 (unchecked checkbox) icon
The media file was added to that day’s media by you or the VO. The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It will be downloaded from JW.org or extracted from the relevant publication.
The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It was hidden by you or the VO, so it will not be downloaded or added to the meeting’s media.

Screenshots of the media management screen

Adding a song for a public talk
Adding a song for a public talk
Adding an additional picture
Adding an additional picture
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Renaming a media file
Renaming a media file


M³ does not require administrative privileges to install or run. To install M³, simply download the latest installer and run it.

Operating System File to download
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

What’s next?

Configure the app using the Settings screen.

Trouble installing?

Check the Technical usage notes for help.


Does this app depend on external sites, sources or “curators” to download publications and meeting media?

No. The app behaves similarly to JW Library. It downloads publications and media directly from the official JW.org website and its content delivery network. At runtime, the app automatically determines what needs to be downloaded, such as media files and publications. The source code is available for all to examine and verify this.

Does this app infringe the JW.org Terms of Use?

No. The JW.org Terms of Use actually explicitly allow the kind of usage that we are making. Here is the relevant excerpt from those terms (emphasis mine):

You may not:

Create for distribution purposes, any software applications, tools, or techniques that are specifically made to collect, copy, download, extract, harvest, or scrape data, HTML, images, or text from this site. (This does not prohibit the distribution of free, non-commercial applications designed to download electronic files such as EPUB, PDF, MP3, and MP4 files from public areas of this site.)

Congregation sync

The brother designated as videoconference organizer (VO) by the body of elders can use M³ to manage what media is made available to the technical A/V support team in his congregation.

The VO, or someone designated by him, can:

  • upload additional media to be shared during a meeting, such as for the circuit overseer’s visit, or for public speakers’ talks
  • hide media from JW.org that isn’t relevant for a given meeting, for example, when a part has been replaced by the local branch
  • add or remove recurring media, such as a year-text video, or an announcement slide

All who are synced to the same congregation will then receive the exact same media when they click the Update media folders button.

Please note that the congregation sync feature is opt-in and entirely optional.

How it works

M³’s underlying sync mechanism uses WebDAV. This means that the VO (or someone under his supervision) needs to either:

  • set up a secured WebDAV server that is web-accessible, or
  • use a third-party cloud storage service that supports the WebDAV protocol (see the Web address setting in the Congregation sync setup section below).

All users that wish to be synchronized together will need to connect to the same WebDAV server using the connection information and credentials provided to them by their VO.

Congregation sync setup

Setting Explanation
Web address Web address of the WebDAV server. Secure HTTP (HTTPS) is required.

Note: The Web address button, once clicked, will show a list of WebDAV providers that have been known to be compatible with M³, and will automatically prefill certain settings for those providers.

This list is provided as a courtesy, and in no way represents an endorsement of any particular service or provider. The best server is always the one you own…
Username Username for the WebDAV service.
Password Password for the WebDAV service.

Note: As detailed in their respective support pages, an app-specific password might need to be created for Box and Koofr in order to enable WebDAV connections to their services.
Congregation sync folder This is the folder that will be used to synchronize media for all congregation sync users. You can either type/paste in a path, or use your mouse to navigate to the target folder.

Note: Make sure that all congregation sync users input the same folder path; otherwise the sync won’t work as expected.
Congregation-wide settings Once the VO has configured the Media setup and Meeting setup sections of the Settings on his own computer, he can then use this button to enforce certain settings for all congregation sync users (for example, meeting days, media language, conversion settings, and so on). This means that the selected settings will be forcefully applied for all synced users every time they open M³.

Using congregation sync to manage media

Once the congregation sync setup is complete, you’re ready to start Managing media for your congregation’s technical AV support team.

Screenshots of congregation sync in action

Congregation sync setup
Congregation sync setup


The Settings screen is divided into 4 sections. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but here are a few additional details.

Application setup

Setting Explanation
Offline mode If enabled, M³ will not attempt to connect to JW.org or your congregation server. This is useful for when you have a poor internet connection and want to save bandwidth.
Theme preference Select the theme you prefer. If you select System, M³ will use the system’s theme.
Congregation name The name of your congregation. This is used to support multiple congregations who share the same computer.
Display language Sets the language in which M³ is displayed.

Thank you to our many contributors for translating the app in so many languages! If you want to help improve an existing translation or add a new one, please open up a new discussion.
Folder in which to save media Meeting media will be saved to this folder for later sharing and use.
Custom cache path By default, publications and other data are saved in a different directory for each user. You can change this directory if you want to share the cached data between multiple users on the same computer.
Date format for meeting folders The date format used for the meeting folders.

Note: When using a congregation server, please ensure that everyone configures the same date format by enforcing it using Congregation-wide settings.
Run app at system start-up If enabled, M³ will launch when the current user logs into the computer.

Note: Unavailable on Linux.
Automatically initiate media sync If enabled, this option will automatically initiate a media sync 5 seconds after M³ is launched.

To prevent the automatic sync from occurring when this setting is enabled, press the ⏸ (pause) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Open folder after media sync If enabled, the folder containing the downloaded media for the chosen week will open in the computer’s file manager after the media sync is complete.
Quit app after media sync If enabled, this option will automatically quit M³ 5 seconds after the media sync is complete.

To prevent M³ from quitting automatically when this setting is enabled, press the 🏃 (person leaving/running) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Enable OBS Studio compatibility mode If enabled, this option will tap into OBS Studio to change scenes automatically as needed both before and after sharing media.

If enabling this setting, make sure that OBS Studio is configured to use the obs-websocket plugin, which is what will enable M³ to communicate with OBS Studio.

Also, configure all needed scenes for media sharing and stage display in OBS. At the very least, you’ll need a scene with a Window Capture (recommended) or Display Capture configured to capture the M³ media presentation window, or the screen on which the media will be presented.

You’ll also need to configure all desired stage view scenes, for example: a shot of the lecturn, a wide shot of the stage, etc.
Port Port on which the obs-websocket plugin is configured to listen.
Password Password configured in the obs-websocket plugin’s settings.
Default stage view scene in OBS Studio Select which scene should be selected by default when media presentation mode is launched. Usually a stage wide view, or a shot of the lectern.
Media window scene in OBS Studio Select which scene is configured in OBS Studio to capture the M³ media window.
Optional separate media scene for images An optional scene to select an alternative scene for showing images. This is useful if you want to show images in a different way than videos (for example, with the stage overlaid in a picture-in-picture style).
OBS Studio scene to display Zoom participants An optional scene to quickly and efficiently manage the display of Zoom participants during hybrid meetings.

When this scene is configured, the behavior of the Media Presentation mode changes somewhat. When in this mode, a toggle button will appear which, when enabled, will cause the media window to be hidden, and the Zoom scene to be shown. The OBS scene picker will also be hidden. Sharing media will automatically show the media scene as per usual, and after sharing media, the media window will disappear immediately.

When the toggle is disabled, the media window and scene pickers will be shown again.
Enable Zoom integration When enabled, this feature will attempt to automate various pre-meeting (mute all, enable the Kingdom Hall’s video/audio, disable the option for participants to unmute themselves), in-meeting (select participants to spotlight and unmute them, or to mute them, lower their hand and remove the spotlight) and post-meeting (disable the Kingdom Hall’s video feed, allow participants to unmute themselves) tasks.

Note: This is still a beta feature. Please test test it thoroughly before implementing it and always verify that the automation was correctly executed.
Zoom participant name This is the name that M³ will use to join the Zoom meeting.
Zoom Meeting ID The Meeting ID of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Password The password of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Spotlight video when starting the meeting When enabled, M³ will automatically spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed when the “start meeting” automation is executed.
Hide Zoom component by default When enabled, the Zoom component will be hidden by default. The Zoom component is a required floating component that represents the M³ participant in the Zoom meeting. You can control the M³ participant with it.
Automatically perform start meeting actions When enabled, M³ will automatically perform the “start meeting” actions, a configured amount of minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start. These actions are: disallow participants to unmute themselves, mute all, ask host to enable video and microphone and optionally spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed.
Automatically rename Zoom participants With this setting, you can add a rename rule to automatically rename certain Zoom participants. This is useful if you want to rename participants who consistently join with a wrong or incomplete name. Rules must be entered in the following format: Old Name=New Name.
Enable beta updates for testing purposes When enabled, M³ will automatically receive beta updates, which are released daily and contain the latest features and fixes.

Note: Do not enable this setting on the computer used to present media at the Kingdom Hall.
Disable automatic app update When this option is enabled, M³ will not automatically self-update when closed.
Disable hardware acceleration Only enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with media presentation mode. Changing this setting will cause M³ to restart.

Congregation sync setup

See the Congregation sync section for details on what this does exactly and how to configure this section.

Media setup

Setting Explanation
Media language Select the language of your congregation or group. All media will be downloaded from JW.org in this language.
Fallback media language This language is used whenever the primary media language is not available.

For example, if you select Irish as your media language and English as your fallback, whenever a publication or video is not available in Irish, it will be fetched in English.
Maximum resolution for videos Videos downloaded from JW.org will be downloaded at this resolution, or the next available lower resolution. Useful for limited or low-bandwidth situations.
Enable subtitles for videos Enable this option if you want to fetch subtitles for videos, whenever available. Subtitles will be shown by default, but can be toggled on/off while presenting. The vertical position of the subtitles can be changed by clicking the subtitles icon inside the video preview.
Convert media to MP4 format This will automatically convert all picture and audio files into MP4 format, for use with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing feature during fully remote congregation Zoom meetings. This includes all pictures and media files downloaded from JW.org, as well as additional media files added by the user or the VO.

Note: This option is best suited for remote-only congregation Zoom meetings. If conducting either hybrid or regular congregation meetings, look into using Media Presentation mode by activating the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option instead, and disable this option.
Keep original media files after conversion If this setting is enabled, picture and audio files will be kept in the media folder after being converted to MP4 format, rather than deleted. This will result in a slightly more cluttered media folder, and generally does not need to be enabled if sharing media through Zoom MP4 sharing. (See Convert media to MP4 format above.)

Note: Only visible if Convert media to MP4 format is also enabled.
Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window This setting will allow you to use M³ to present pictures, videos and audio files during hybrid or in-person congregation meetings. The media playback management screen can then be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³.

The media presentation screen will automatically use an external monitor if present; if not, the media will be displayed in a separate, resizable window.

Note: This option is best suited for either hybrid or regular congregation meetings.

If conducting remote-only congregation Zoom meetings, look into activating the Convert media to MP4 format option and sharing the media with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing instead.
Background image for media presentation mode By default, M³ will attempt to fetch the current year’s text in the language selected previously, in order to display it on a black background when in Media Presentation mode and no other media is being played. If the automatic yeartext retrieval fails for some reason, or if you wish to display a different background image, you can either use the ‘Browse’ button to select a custom picture, or the ‘Refresh’ button to try fetching the yeartext automatically again.

Note: If Congregation sync is enabled, selecting a custom background image will synchronize it for all congregation sync users automatically.
Hide media window after media finished playing If enabled, the media window will be hidden immediately after each media file has finished playing.

Note: This setting is especially useful for sign-language meetings.
Automatiko nga i-play ti umuna a media item If enabled, the first media item in the media list will automatically start playing a configurable number of minutes before the meeting is supposed to start.
Enable keyboard shortcuts during media playback This setting allows you to set custom key combinations to play and stop media. This is useful in combination with a USB remote control, for example.
Create playlists for use with VLC Enable this if you want to generate playlists for every meeting automatically, which can then be loaded in VLC, if you are using that app to display media instead of Media Presentation mode.
Exclude all media from the th brochure If enabled, this will prevent media from the Apply Yourself brochure from being included at every midweek meeting.
Exclude Enjoy Life Forever images outside the Congregation Bible Study If enabled, this will prevent images from the Live Forever book (lff) from being included, for example for student assignments during the midweek meeting.
Include printed media when available If enabled, renderings of the printed editions of publications will be included when available. This could be useful for some tables or groups of images that are clearer in printed form.

Meeting setup

Setting Explanation
Special congregation If enabled, no media will be downloaded from JW.org. Only manually added media will be available. This is useful for theocratic schools, for example.
Midweek meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the midweek meeting; used for folder naming and automatic background music fade-out (see below).
Weekend meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the weekend meeting.
Next planned visit of the circuit overseer When you select a date for the next planned visit of the circuit overseer, M³ will automatically set the midweek meeting day for that week to Tuesday, skip the Congregation Bible Study media, as well as skip the concluding Kingdom songs for both meetings.

Note: When using a congregation server, make sure to enforce this setting so that all connected brothers have the same circuit overseer visit date configured.
Enable button to play background music Enable a button on the main screen which will play Kingdom songs from the sjjm series, in random order. This is useful, for example, to play songs before and after meetings at the Kingdom Hall as background music. To the right of this option is a button to download all available Kingdom songs, which could be useful to prevent buffering delays.
Background music playback volume Sets the volume at which the background music will play.
Automatiko nga i-play ti background music sakbay ti gimong If enabled, background music will automatically start playing at app startup when it’s a meeting day and the meeting is starting in less than an hour.
Automatically stop playing background music If Enable button to play background music is active, then this setting will allow you to specify a delay after which background music should be automatically stopped. This can be either a set number of minutes, or a predetermined number of seconds before the start of the meeting (in the case where the background music was started before a meeting).

Screenshots of the settings screen

Application setup
Application setup
Media setup
Media setup
Meeting setup
Meeting setup

Issues and feature requests

How do I report an issue or bug I encountered?

If ever you run into any issues with M³, please use GitHub Issues to report it. Bug fixes are issued on a regularly basis, usually monthly.

How can I request new features?

I’m open to suggestions! Please use GitHub Discussions to discuss potential new features.

Műszaki használati jegyzetek

Az alkalmazásnak változatlanul futnia kell a legtöbb modern, Windows, Linux vagy macOS operációs rendszert futtató számítógépen.

Windows: Telepítés és első lépések

A telepítő megnyitásakor előfordulhat, hogy egy hibaüzenet jelenik meg arról, hogy “A Windows SmartScreen megakadályozta egy fel nem ismert alkalmazás elindítását”. Ennek oka, hogy az alkalmazás nem rendelkezik nagyszámú letöltéssel, és ezért a Windows nem “bízik meg” benne. Ennek megkerüléséhez egyszerűen kattintson a “További információk”, majd a “Futtatás mindenképpen” gombra.

Linux: Telepítés és első lépések

A hivatalos AppImage dokumentáció szerint, ha az alkalmazás nem nyílik meg megfelelően, ellenőrizze a következő parancs kimenetét:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Ha a kimenet 0, akkor az AppImage nem fog futni, hacsak nem futtatja a következő parancsot, amelyet egy újraindítás követ:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Mielőtt ezt megteszi, mindenképpen olvassa el, hogy mivel jár ez.

macOS: Telepítés és első használatba vétel

Ha az alkalmazás elindításakor figyelmeztetést kap, hogy az alkalmazás nem nyitható meg, mert “nem az App Store-ból lett letöltve”, vagy mert “a fejlesztő nem ellenőrizhető”, akkor ez az Apple támogatási oldal segít, hogy túljusson ezen.

Ha azt az üzenetet kapja, hogy “nincs jogosultsága az alkalmazás megnyitásához”, akkor próbáljon meg néhány megoldást ezen az oldalon, például futtassa a következő parancsot a Terminal.app programban:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Problémák az audio- vagy mikrofonengedélyekkel a macOS Sonoma rendszerben

A macOS Sonoma óta egyes felhasználók találkozhatnak egy olyan problémával, amikor az M³ ismétlődően olyan hibaüzenetet ad, amely azt jelzi, hogy hozzáférésre van szüksége a mikrofonhoz. A következő parancs végrehajtása a Terminal.app programban egyeseknél megoldotta a problémát:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Automatikus frissítés

A Windows és Linux rendszerekkel ellentétben az automatikus frissítés funkció nincs implementálva a macOS rendszeren, és technikai okokból valószínűleg soha nem is lesz. Ugyanakkor a macOS-t használók számára két dolog egyike fog történni, amikor a frissítés elérhetővé válik:

  • Az M³ megpróbálja letölteni a frissítőcsomagot, és automatikusan megnyitja azt, majd a felhasználónak kézzel kell befejeznie az M³ frissítés telepítését a frissített alkalmazásnak az Alkalmazások mappába történő húzásával. Ezután a szokásos módon elindíthatja az újonnan frissített M³ programot az Alkalmazások mappából.
  • Ha az előző lépés bármelyik szakaszában sikertelen, az M³ egy állandó értesítést jelenít meg, amely jelzi, hogy elérhető a frissítés, és hivatkozik magára a frissítésre. Az M³ főképernyőjének beállítások gombján egy piros, pulzáló értesítés is megjelenik. A beállítások képernyőn az M³ verziószám egy gombbá változik, amelyre kattintva automatikusan megnyílik a legújabb kiadás letöltési oldala.

Médiabemutató mód

Médiaprezentációs mód használata

A médiaprezentációs és vezérlési módok úgy lettek kialakítva, hogy a használatuk egyszerű legyen, illetve ne lehessen hibákat véteni az összejövetelek során.

Ha a Média megjelenítése külső megjelenítőn vagy külön ablakban opció engedélyezve van, a médiabemutató képernyő automatikusan megjelenik a külső monitoron, ha van ilyen, vagy egy különálló, mozgatható és átméretezhető ablakban, ha nem érzékelt külső monitort.

Amikor készenléti állapotban van, a médiabemutató képernyőn a beállításokban konfigurált háttérkép jelenik meg. Ha nincs beállítva háttérkép, akkor az M³ megpróbálja automatikusan lekérni és megjeleníteni az éviszöveget.

Ha a beállításokban nincs háttérkép konfigurálva, és az éviszöveget nem lehetett automatikusan betölteni, akkor készenléti állapotban egy fekete háttér jelenik meg.

A médiavezérlő mód az M³ főképernyőjén a ▶️ (lejátszás) gombra kattintva, vagy az Alt D billentyűparanccsal (külső megjelenítő esetén) érhető el.

Miután belépett a vezérlő módba, a mappaválasztó képernyőn kiválaszthatja azt a dátumot, amelyre vonatkozóan a médiát szeretné megjeleníteni. Ha az aktuális nap mappája létezik, akkor automatikusan kiválasztásra kerül. Ha egyszer már kiválasztott egy dátumot, bármikor módosíthatja azt a felső részben található dátumválasztó gombbal.

Média bemutatása

A média lejátszásához nyomja meg a ▶️ (lejátszás) gombot a kívánt fájlhoz. A média elrejtéséhez nyomja meg a ⏹️ (stop) gombot. Szükség esetén a videó szüneteltetés közben vissza- vagy előre is tekerhető. Kérjük, vegye figyelembe, hogy a videók esetében a leállítás gombot kétszer kell megnyomni, hogy elkerülje a videó véletlen és idő előtti leállítását, miközben az a gyülekezet számára lejátszásra kerül. A videók automatikusan leállnak, ha teljes egészében lejátszották őket.

Extra funkciók

Az M³ rendelkezik néhány extra funkcióval, amelyek segítségével javíthatja a médiabemutatás hatékonyságát.

JW.org megjelenítése

A JW.org megjelenítéséhez nyomja meg a képernyő tetején található ⋮ (ellipszis) gombot, és válassza a JW.org megnyitása lehetőséget. Ez egy új vezérlőablakot nyit meg a JW.org betöltésével. A médiaablakban szintén megjelenik a JW.org. Most már használhatja a vezérlőablakot a JW.org navigálására, a médiaablak pedig megjeleníti a tevékenységeit. Ha befejezte a JW.org megjelenítését, bezárhatja a vezérlőablakot, és folytathatja a normál médiabemutatási módot.

Képek nagyítása és léptetése

Amikor egy kép jelenik meg, az egérgörgő segítségével a kép előnézete felett görgetve nagyíthat és kicsinyíthet. Másik lehetőségként a kép előnézetére duplán kattintva is nagyíthatja a képet. A dupla kattintás felváltva változtat az 1,5x, 2x, 3x, 4x, majd vissza az 1x-es zoomra. A képet lenyomva tartva és húzva is mozgathatja a képet, amellyel körbepásztázhatja a képet.

A média listájának rendezése

A média listája a képernyő jobb felső sarkában található rendezés gombra kattintva rendezhető. A médiatartalmak mellett megjelenik egy gomb, amellyel felfelé vagy lefelé húzhatja a médiaelemeket a listában. Ha elégedett a sorrenddel, a sorrend rögzítéséhez kattintson ismét a rendezés gombra.

Adj hozzá egy last minute dalt

Ha az utolsó pillanatban szeretne egy dalt hozzáadni a médialistához, akkor nyomja meg a képernyő tetején található ♫ + (dal hozzáadása) gombot. Megjelenik egy legördülő lista a Királyság énekekkel. Ha kiválaszt egyet, az azonnal a lista tetejére kerül, és egyből lejátszható. Az alkalmazás streameli a dalt a JW.org-ról, vagy a helyi gyorsítótárból játssza le, ha korábban már letöltötte azt.

Hibrid összejövetelek lebonyolítása az M³, az OBS Studio és a Zoom kombinációjával

A hibrid összejövetelek során a média megosztásának messze legegyszerűbb módja az OBS Studio, az M³ és a Zoom együttes konfigurálása.

Első beállítás: Királyság-terem számítógép

Állítsa a külső monitor képernyőfelbontását 1280x720-ra vagy egy ehhez közeli értékre.

Állítsa be, hogy a számítógép hangkártyájának kimenete a keverőpult egyik bemenetére, a keverőpult kombinált kimenete pedig a számítógép hangkártyájának bemenetére csatlakozzon.

Első beállítás: OBS Studio

Telepítse az OBS Studio-t, vagy töltse le a hordozható verzióját.

Ha az OBS Studio hordozható verzióját használja, telepítse a Virtualcam bővítményt, és ha a hordozható verziót használja, adja hozzá a virtuális kamerát a Windows-hoz a mellékelt telepítő szkriptre való dupla kattintással.

Ha OBS Studio v27 vagy régebbi verzióval rendelkezik, telepítenie kell az obs-websocket plugint. Újabb verzió esetén az obs-websocket része a programnak. Állítson be egy portszámot és jelszót az obs-websocket számára.

Az OBS beállításaiban az Általános > Értesítési terület alatt pipálja ki az összes jelölőnégyzetet. A Kimenet > Közvetítés mezőben engedélyezze a hardveres kódolót, ha elérhető. A Videó > Alap (vászon) felbontás és a Kimeneti (skálázott) felbontás menüpontban válassza az 1280x720-as felbontást, a Leskálázási szűrő menüpontban pedig a Bilineáris opciót.

Állítson be legalább 2 jelenetet: egyet a média megjelenítéséhez (Ablak felvétele vagy Kijelző felvétele az egérkurzor kikapcsolásával és a megfelelő ablakcím/monitor kiválasztásával), és egyet a színpadi nézethez (Videófelvevő eszköz a KT kamera kiválasztásával). Kifejezetten a képekhez egy másik jelenetet is hozzáadhat, ahol a médiaablak a pódiummal együtt látható egy kép-a-képben stílusú megjelenítésben. Annyi jelenetet adhat hozzá, amennyit csak akar, a kamera beállításával, nagyításával és vágásával, amennyire szükséges (nézet a pulpitusról, nézet az előadótól és az olvasótól, nézet az asztalról stb.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Adjon hozzá egy parancsikont az OBS Studio-hoz a --startvirtualcam paraméterrel a Windows felhasználói profil Indítópult mappájához, hogy az OBS Studio automatikusan elinduljon, amikor a felhasználó bejelentkezik.

Első beállítás: Királyság-terem Zoom

A Zoomot úgy kell beállítani, hogy két monitort használjon. Engedélyezze a Zoom globális billentyűparancsok használatát a Királyságterem hangjának elnémításához/lekapcsolásához a Zoomban (Alt A), valamint a Királyságterem videó közvetítésének elindításához/leállításához a Zoomban (Alt V).

Állítsa be, hogy az alapértelmezett “mikrofon” a keverőpult kombinált kimenete legyen (így minden, ami a Királyság-terem hangrendszerén keresztül hallható, a Zoom-on keresztül is továbbításra kerül, beleértve a mikrofonokat és a médiát is), a “kamera” pedig az OBS Studio által biztosított virtuális kamera legyen.

Első beállítás: M³

Engedélyezze a Média megjelenítése külső megjelenítőn vagy külön ablakban opciót.

Engedélyezze és konfigurálja az OBS Studio kompatibilitási módját az OBS Studio konfigurációja során megadott port- és jelszóadatokkal.

Az összejövetel megkezdése

Indítsa el a Zoom-meetinget, és helyezze át a Zoom-meeting másodlagos ablakát a külső monitorra. Ha szükséges, tegye teljes képernyőre. Itt jelenik meg a gyülekezet számára az összes online résztvevő.

Miután a Zoom meeting megjelenik a külső monitoron, nyissa meg az M³ programot. A médiabemutató ablak automatikusan megnyílik a külső monitoron a Zoom fölött. Szinkronizálja a médiát, ha szükséges, és lépjen médiavezérlő üzemmódba az M³ főképernyőjén a ▶️ (lejátszás) gombra kattintva, vagy az Alt D lenyomásával.

Kapcsolja be a Királyságterem videoközvetítését (Alt V), és szükség esetén állítsa reflektorfénybe a Királyságterem videóképét, hogy a Zoom résztvevői láthassák a Királyságterem színpadját. Adja ki a Királyság terem hangját a Zoomban (Alt A). Az összejövetel idejére nem szükséges letiltani a videó- vagy hangtovábbítást a Zoomban. Győződjön meg róla, hogy a Zoomban engedélyezve van az “Eredeti hang zenészek számára”, hogy a távoli résztvevők számára a legjobb hangminőséget biztosítsa.

Indítsa el a háttérzene lejátszását a bal alsó sarokban lévő gombbal vagy az Alt K kombinációval.

A személyes részek közvetítése a Királyság-terem színpadjáról a Zoom-on keresztül

Nem igényel beavatkozást.

A különböző kameraszögeket/zoomot a megbeszélés során az M³ médialejátszás vezérlőablakának alján található menü segítségével lehet kiválasztani; ez a menü tartalmazza az OBS-ben konfigurált összes kameranézet-jelenet listáját.

Média megosztása a Királyság-teremben és a Zoom-ban

Keresse meg a megosztani kívánt fájlt az M³ médialejátszó ablakában, és nyomja meg a “lejátszás” gombot.

Ha befejezte a média megosztását, nyomja meg a “stop” gombot az M³-ban. Vegye figyelembe, hogy a videók automatikusan leállnak a befejezést követően.

Zoom résztvevők megjelenítése a Királyság-terem monitorján

Nyomja meg az M³ médiavezérlő képernyőjének jobb alsó sarkában található “médiabemutató ablak elrejtése/megjelenítése” gombot, vagy a Alt Z billentyűt a médiabemutató ablak elrejtéséhez. A Zoom meeting mostantól látható lesz a Királyság terem monitorján.

Ha a résztvevőnek médiát kell bemutatnia, kövesse a Média megosztása a Királyság-teremben és a Zoom-ban alcím alatti lépéseket.

Miután a távoli résztvevő befejezte a feladatát, nyomja meg az M³ médialejátszás vezérlőablakának jobb alsó sarkában lévő “médiabemutató ablak elrejtése/megjelenítése” gombot, vagy a Alt Z gombot a médiabemutató ablak megjelenítéséhez. A királysági terem monitorján mostantól az éviszöveg jelenik meg.

Hibrid összejövetelek lebonyolítása kizárólag az M³ és Zoom használatával

Ha bármilyen okból nem kívánja használni az OBS Studio-t, a következő javaslatok segíthetnek a minél egyszerűbb beállításban.

Első beállítás: Királyság-terem számítógép

Ugyanaz, mint a fenti megfelelő részben. A Zoom globális billentyűkombinációval kiegészítve a képernyőmegosztás elindításához/leállításához (Alt S). A “kamera” a királysági terem kamerájának képét mutatja majd.

Első beállítás: M³

Engedélyezze a Média megjelenítése külső megjelenítőn vagy külön ablakban opciót.

Az összejövetel megkezdése

Ugyanaz, mint a fent említett megfelelő szakaszban.

A személyes részek közvetítése a Királyság-terem színpadjáról a Zoom-on keresztül

Ugyanaz, mint a fent említett megfelelő szakaszban.

Média megosztása a Királyság-teremben és a Zoom-ban

Kezdje el a megosztást a Zoomban az Alt S billentyűvel. A megjelenő Zoom megosztás ablakban válassza ki a külső monitort, és engedélyezze mindkét jelölőnégyzetet a bal alsó sarokban (a hang és a videó optimalizálásához). Az éviszöveg mostantól a Zoomon keresztül kerül megosztásra.

Keresse meg a megosztani kívánt fájlt az M³ médialejátszó ablakában, és nyomja meg a “lejátszás” gombot.

Ha végzett a média megosztásával, nyomja le az Alt S billentyűt a Zoom képernyőmegosztás befejezéséhez.

Zoom résztvevők megjelenítése a Királyság-terem monitorján

Ugyanaz, mint a fent említett megfelelő szakaszban.

Képernyőképek a Prezentációs módról

Kék lejátszás gomb a médiavezérlő módba lépéshez
Kék lejátszás gomb a médiavezérlő módba lépéshez
A bemutatásra kész médiatartalmak listája
A bemutatásra kész médiatartalmak listája
Alapértelmezett média háttér, automatikusan frissített éviszöveggel
Alapértelmezett média háttér, automatikusan frissített éviszöveggel
Egy kép megjelenítése
Egy kép megjelenítése
Egy videó lejátszása
Egy videó lejátszása
Egy adott időpontra ugrás egy videóban
Egy adott időpontra ugrás egy videóban

Média kezelése

A médiakezelő képernyő lehetővé teszi a felhasználó számára, hogy bármely adott összejövetelhez médiát adjon hozzá vagy távolítson el, kezelje az ismétlődő médiafájlokat, sőt, olyan időpontokhoz is adhat egyedi fájlokat, amelyekre nincs beütemezve összejövetel.

A média kezelése bármely napra vonatkozóan

Egy adott összejövetel vagy nap médiájának kezeléséhez egyszerűen kattintson az adott nap csempéjére az M³ főképernyőjén. A minden összejövetelen ismétlődő média kezeléséhez kattintson az Ismétlődő média csempére.

Média hozzáadása

A következő módon adhat hozzá médiát a médiakezelő képernyőn.

Lehetőség Magyarázat
Feltöltés típusa Válasszon a 3 médiatípus közül (lásd alább).
Hozzáadandó média A kiválasztott médiatípustól függ (lásd alább).
Fájlnév előtag Legfeljebb 6 számjegy adható a médiafájlok neve(i) elé a rendezés megkönnyítése érdekében.
Média listája Ez mutatja az aktuálisan tervezett médiát a kiválasztott dátumra.

A Hozzáadandó média mezőben a kiválasztott médiatípustól függően különböző lehetőségek jelennek meg.

Média típusa A Hozzáadandó média mező
Ének … megjelenít egy menüt az sjjm kiadványból származó összes Királyság-ének videójával, a média nyelvén. Válassza ezt az opciót például a nyilvános előadáshoz, vagy a körzetfelvigyázói látogatásokhoz szükséges ének hozzáadásához.

A kiválasztott dal automatikusan letöltődik a JW.org-ról, a gyülekezet vagy csoport nyelvén, ahogyan azt a Beállítások oldalon konfigurálta.
JWPUB … lehetővé teszi, hogy tallózzon (vagy fogd és vidd) egy JWPUB fájlt.

Ezután a program felkéri, hogy válassza ki azt a részt vagy fejezetet, amelyből médiát szeretne hozzáadni. Ez a beágyazott és a hivatkozott médiát is hozzáadja a JWPUB-fájlhoz az adott szakaszból.

Az általánosan használt JWPUB fájl példája az S-38, de bármilyen JWPUB fájl használható.
Egyedi … lehetővé teszi a böngészést (vagy fogd és vidd) tetszőleges médiafájl(ok)ra a számítógépről.

Vegye figyelembe, hogy minden PDF és SVG fájlt az alkalmazás automatikusan nagy felbontású képekké alakít át.
JW.ORG … lehetővé teszi, hogy kiválasszon egy videót a JW.org oldalon található legújabb videók közül.

Média eltávolítása, elrejtése vagy megjelenítése

A média eltávolításához, elrejtéséhez vagy megjelenítéséhez egyszerűen keresse meg a nem kívánt médiafájlt, és kattintson a megfelelő ikonra.

A médiának egy piros 🟥 (törlés) ikonja van A médiának van egy ☑️ (kipipált jelölőnégyzet) ikonja A médiának van egy 🔲 (nem kipipált jelölőnégyzet) ikonja
A médiafájlt Ön vagy a videokonferencia szervezője adta hozzá az adott napi médiához. A médiafájlra az összejöveteli anyagban hivatkoznak.

Ezek a JW.org oldalról lesznek letöltve, vagy a vonatkozó kiadványból lesznek kinyerve.
A médiafájlra az összejöveteli anyagban hivatkoznak.

Ön vagy a videokonferencia szervezője elrejtette, így nem kerül letöltésre vagy hozzáadásra a megbeszélés médiájához.

Képernyőképek a médiakezelő felületről

Ének felvétele egy nyilvános előadáshoz
Ének felvétele egy nyilvános előadáshoz
További képek hozzáadása
További képek hozzáadása
Média importálása egy JWPUB fájl adott szakaszából
Média importálása egy JWPUB fájl adott szakaszából
Média előnézeti megjelenítése a JWPUB fájlból importálás előtt
Média előnézeti megjelenítése a JWPUB fájlból importálás előtt
Médiafájl átnevezése
Médiafájl átnevezése


Az M³ telepítéséhez vagy futtatásához nem szükséges rendszergazdai jogosultság. Az M³ telepítéséhez egyszerűen töltse le a legújabb telepítőt és futtassa.

Operációs rendszer Letölteni kívánt fájl
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

Hogyan tovább?

Konfigurálja az alkalmazást a Beállítások képernyőn.

Hiba történt a telepítés során?

Segítségért nézze meg ezt: Műszaki használati jegyzetek.


Ez az alkalmazás külső webhelyektől, forrásoktól vagy “kurátoroktól” teszi függővé a kiadványok és az összejöveteli média letöltését?

Nem. Az alkalmazás hasonlóan működik, mint a JW Library. Közvetlenül a JW.org hivatalos weboldaláról és annak tartalomszolgáltató hálózatáról tölti le a kiadványokat és a médiaanyagot. Az alkalmazás futáskor automatikusan meghatározza, hogy mit kell letölteni, úgy mint a médiafájlokat és a kiadványokat. A forráskód mindenki számára elérhető, hogy ezt megvizsgálja és ellenőrizze.

Ez az alkalmazás sérti a JW.org felhasználási feltételeit?

Nem. A JW.org Használati feltételei kifejezetten engedélyezik az általunk alkalmazott felhasználási módot. Íme a vonatkozó részlet az említett feltételekből ( kiemelés tőlem):


Terjesztési céllal olyan szoftveralkalmazást készíteni, eszközt vagy módszert alkalmazni, amelynek célja kifejezetten a honlapon található adatok, HTML-állományok, képek vagy szövegek gyűjtése, másolása, kinyerése, lehalászása vagy letapogatása (Ez a tilalom nem vonatkozik azon ingyenes, nem kereskedelmi célú alkalmazások terjesztésére, melyek célja elektronikus fájlok [pl. EPUB, PDF, MP3 és MP4 fájlok] letöltése a honlap nyilvánosan elérhető részéről.)

Gyülekezet szinkronizálás

A vének testülete által videokonferencia-szervezőnek (VO) kijelölt testvér az M³ segítségével kezelheti, hogy milyen médiát tesz elérhetővé a gyülekezete technikai Audio/Video támogató csoportja számára.

A videokonferencia szervezője vagy az általa kijelölt személy a következőket teheti:

  • kiegészítő média feltöltése, amelyet az összejövetel során kell megosztani, például a körzetfelvigyázó látogatásához vagy a nyilvános előadók előadásaihoz
  • elrejti az olyan médiát a JW.org-ról, amely nem releváns az adott összejövetel szempontjából, például ha egy programrészt a helyi gyülekezet lecserélt
  • ismétlődő média hozzáadása vagy eltávolítása, például egy éviszöveges videó vagy egy bejelentés

Mindenki, aki ugyanazzal a gyülekezettel van szinkronizálva, pontosan ugyanazt a médiatartalmat fogja megkapni, amikor a Médiamappák frissítése gombra kattint.

Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy a gyülekezet szinkronizálási funkció választható és teljesen opcionális.

Hogyan működik

Az M³ alapjául szolgáló szinkronizálási mechanizmus a WebDAV protokollt használja. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a Videokonferencia-szervezőnek (vagy valakinek a felügyelete alatt) a következőket kell tennie:

  • egy biztonságos WebDAV-kiszolgáló beállítása, amely az interneten keresztül elérhető, vagy
  • olyan harmadik féltől származó felhőalapú tárhelyszolgáltatást kell igénybe vennie, amely támogatja a WebDAV protokollt (lásd a Webcím beállítást a Szinkronizálás beállítása szakaszban).

A szinkronizálni szándékozó összes felhasználót ugyanahhoz a WebDAV-kiszolgálóhoz kell csatlakoztatni a videokonferencia-szervező által megadott kapcsolódási információk és hitelesítő adatok segítségével.

Gyülekezeti szinkronizálás beállítása

Beállítás Magyarázat
Hosztnév A WebDAV-kiszolgáló webcíme. Biztonságos HTTP (HTTPS) szükséges.

Megjegyzés: A Webcím gombra kattintva megjelenik az M³-al ismerten működő WebDAV szolgáltatók listája, és automatikusan kitölti a szolgáltatók bizonyos beállításait.

Ez a lista csak szívességből készült, és semmiképpen nem garantálja egy adott szolgáltatás vagy szolgáltató támogatását. A legjobb szerver mindig az, amelyik az Ön tulajdonában van…
Felhasználónév Felhasználónév a WebDAV szolgáltatáshoz.
Jelszó Jelszó a WebDAV szolgáltatáshoz.

Megjegyzés: Ahogy azt a megfelelő támogatási oldalakon részletesen leírják, a Box és a Koofr esetében alkalmazásspecifikus jelszót kell létrehozni a szolgáltatásaikhoz való WebDAV-kapcsolat engedélyezéséhez.
Gyülekezet szinkronizációs mappa Ez az a mappa, amely a média szinkronizálására szolgál az összes – gyülekezeti szinkronizálást végző – felhasználó számára. Beírhat/beilleszthet egy elérési utat, vagy az egérrel navigálhat a célmappához.

Megjegyzés: Győződjön meg róla, hogy minden gyülekezeti szinkronizáló felhasználó ugyanazt a mappa elérési útvonalat adja meg, különben a szinkronizálás nem fog megfelelően működni.
Gyülekezet-szintű beállítások Miután a Videokonferencia-szervező a saját számítógépén konfigurálta a Média beállítás és az Összejövetel beállítás szakaszokat a Beállításokban, ezzel a gombbal érvényesíthet bizonyos beállításokat az összes gyülekezeti szinkronizáló felhasználó számára (például az összejövetelek napjai, a média nyelve, a konvertálási beállítások stb.). Ez azt jelenti, hogy a kiválasztott beállítások kötelezően alkalmazásra kerülnek az összes szinkronizált felhasználóra, valahányszor megnyitják az M³ programot.

A gyülekezeti szinkronizálás használata a média kezelésére

Miután a gyülekezeti szinkronizálás beállítása befejeződött, megkezdheti a Média kezelését a gyülekezet műszaki támogató csapata számára.

Képernyőképek a gyülekezeti szinkronizáció működéséről

Gyülekezeti szinkronizálás beállítása
Gyülekezeti szinkronizálás beállítása


A Beállítások képernyő 4 részre van osztva. A legtöbb opció magától értetődő, de itt van néhány további információ.

Alkalmazás beállítása

Beállítás Magyarázat
Offline mód Ha engedélyezve van, az M³ nem próbál meg csatlakozni a JW.org honlaphoz vagy a gyülekezeti szerverhez. Ez akkor hasznos, ha gyenge internetkapcsolattal rendelkezik, és sávszélességet szeretne megtakarítani.
Téma Válassza ki a kívánt témát. Ha a Rendszer lehetőséget választja, az M³ a rendszer témáját fogja használni.
Gyülekezet név A gyülekezet neve. Ez több gyülekezet támogatására szolgál, amelyek ugyanazt a számítógépet használják.
Megjelenítési nyelv Beállítja, hogy az M³ milyen nyelven jelenjen meg.

Köszönjük a számos közreműködőnknek, hogy lefordították az alkalmazást ilyen sok nyelvre! Ha segíteni szeretne egy meglévő fordítás javításában vagy egy új fordítás hozzáadásában, kérjük, nyisson egy új beszélgetést.
Mappa, amelybe a médiát menteni kívánja Az összejövetel médiája ebbe a mappába kerül mentésre a későbbi megosztás és felhasználás céljából.
Egyéni gyorsítótár elérési útvonal Alapértelmezés szerint a kiadványok és egyéb adatok minden felhasználó számára más-más könyvtárba kerülnek mentésre. Ezt a könyvtárat megváltoztathatja, ha a gyorsítótárazott adatokat ugyanazon a számítógépen több felhasználó között szeretné megosztani.
Dátumformátum az összejövetel mappáihoz Az összejövetelek mappáihoz használt dátumformátum.

Megjegyzés: Ha gyülekezeti szervert használ, kérjük, gondoskodjon arról, hogy mindenki ugyanazt a dátumformátumot állítsa be a Gyülekezeti beállításokban.
Alkalmazás futtatása a rendszer indításakor Ha engedélyezve van, az M³ elindul, amikor a jelenlegi felhasználó bejelentkezik a számítógépre.

Megjegyzés: Linuxon nem elérhető.
Automatikus médiaszinkronizálás kezdeményezése Ha engedélyezve van, ez az opció automatikusan elindítja a médiaszinkronizálást 5 másodperccel a program elindítását követően.

Az automatikus szinkronizálás megakadályozásához, ha ez a beállítás engedélyezve van, nyomja meg a ⏸ (szünet) gombot az 5 másodperces időzítő lejárta előtt.
Mappa megnyitása a médiaszinkronizálás után Ha engedélyezve van, a kiválasztott hét letöltött médiáját tartalmazó mappa a médiaszinkronizálás befejezése után megnyílik a számítógép fájlkezelőjében.
Kilépés az alkalmazásból a médiaszinkronizálás után Ha engedélyezve van, ez az opció automatikusan kilép az M³ rendszerből 5 másodperccel a médiaszinkronizálás befejezése után.

Annak megakadályozásához, hogy az M³ automatikusan kilépjen, ha ez a beállítás be van kapcsolva, nyomja meg a 🏃 (személy távozik/fut) gombot az 5 másodperces időzítő lejárta előtt.
OBS Studio kompatibilitási mód engedélyezése Ha engedélyezve van, ez az opció az OBS Studio-t használja, hogy szükség szerint automatikusan megváltoztassa a jeleneteket a média megosztása előtt és után.

Ha engedélyezi ezt a beállítást, győződjön meg róla, hogy az OBS Studio úgy van beállítva, hogy használja a obs-websocket plugint, ami lehetővé teszi az M³ számára az OBS Studio-val történő kommunikációt.

Emellett konfigurálja az összes szükséges jelenetet a médiamegosztáshoz és a színpadi megjelenítéshez az OBS-ben. Legalább egy olyan jelenetre van szükség, amelyben az Ablak Felvétele (ajánlott) vagy a Kijelző Felvétele úgy van beállítva, hogy rögzítse az M³ média bemutató ablakát, vagy a képernyőt, amelyen a média megjelenik.

Az összes kívánt színpadi jelenetet is be kell állítania, például: egy felvétel a pulpitusról, egy széles felvétel a színpadról stb.
Port Az a port, amelyen a obs-websocket bővítményt figyelni kell.
Jelszó Az obs-websocket bővítmény beállításaiban konfigurált jelszó.
Alapértelmezett színpadi jelenet az OBS Studio-ban Válassza ki, hogy melyik jelenet legyen alapértelmezés szerint kiválasztva a médiabemutató mód indításakor. Ez általában a színpadról vagy a pulpitusról készült felvétel.
Médiaablak jelenet az OBS Studio-ban Válassza ki, hogy az OBS Studio-ban melyik jelenet van beállítva az M³ médiaablak rögzítésére.
Opcionális különálló médiajelenet a képeknek Egy opcionális beállítás ahhoz, hogy alternatív jelenetet válasszon a képek megjelenítéséhez. Ez akkor hasznos, ha a képeket a videótól eltérő módon szeretné megjeleníteni (például a színpadot kép a képben stílusban egymásra helyezve).
OBS Studio jelenet a Zoom résztvevők megjelenítéséhez Egy opcionális jelenet a Zoom résztvevők megjelenítésének gyors és hatékony kezeléséhez a hibrid összejövetelek során.

Ha ez a jelenet be van állítva, a Médiaprezentációs mód viselkedése némileg megváltozik. Ebben az üzemmódban megjelenik egy gomb, amelynek használatával a médiaablak elrejtésre kerül, és a Zoom jelenet lesz látható. Az OBS jelenetválasztó is el lesz rejtve. A médiamegosztás automatikusan megjeleníti a médiajelenetet a szokásos módon, és a média megosztását követően a médiaablak azonnal eltűnik.

Ha a funkciót kikapcsolja, a médiaablak és a jelenetválasztók ismét megjelennek.
Zoom integráció bekapcsolása Ez egy folyamatban lévő fejlesztés. Kérjük, alaposan tesztelje le, mielőtt elkezdi használni. Ha engedélyezve van, megkísérli automatizálni a különböző összejövetel előtti (mindenki elnémítása, a Királyságterem videójának/hangjának engedélyezése, a résztvevők számára a némításfeloldás lehetőségének letiltása), összejövetel közbeni (a résztvevők reflektorfénybe állítása és a mikrofonjuk bekapcsolása, vagy résztvevők némítása, jelentkezésük visszaállítása [lower hand] és eltávolításuk a reflektorfényből), és összejövetel utáni (a Királyságterem videójának letiltása, a résztvevők számára a némítás feloldásának engedélyezése) feladatokat.

Megjegyzés: Ez még egy tesztelési fázisban lévő funkció. Kérjük, alaposan tesztelje le, mielőtt elkezdi használni, és mindig ellenőrizze, hogy az automatizálást helyesen hajtotta-e végre.
Zoom résztvevő neve Ezt a nevet fogja használni az M³ a Zoom-megbeszéléshez történő csatlakozáskor.
Zoom Meeting ID Annak a Zoom-értekezletnek a Meeting ID-ja, amelyhez a programnak csatlakoznia kell.
Jelszó Annak a Zoom-megbeszélésnek a jelszava, amelyhez a programnak csatlakoznia kell.
Videó kiemelése az értekezlet indításakor Ha engedélyezve van, az M³ automatikusan reflektorfénybe helyezi a Királyság terem videóképét, amikor az “összejövetel megkezdése” automatizáció végrehajtásra kerül.
Zoom komponens elrejtése alapértelmezetten Ha engedélyezve van, a Zoom komponens alapértelmezés szerint el lesz rejtve. A Zoom komponens egy szükséges lebegő komponens, amely a Zoom megbeszélésben az M³ résztvevőt jelképezi. Ezzel vezérelheti az M³ résztvevőt.
Automatikusan végezze el a meeting indítási műveleteket Ha engedélyezve van, az M³ automatikusan végrehajtja a “összejövetel megkezdése” műveleteket az összejövetel tervezett kezdete előtt meghatározott számú perccel. Ezek a műveletek a következők: tiltsa meg a résztvevőknek, hogy feloldják a némítást, némítson el mindenkit, kérje a hostot, hogy engedélyezze a videót és a mikrofont, és opcionálisan állítsa reflektorfénybe a Királyság terem videókapcsolatát.
Zoom résztvevők automatikus átnevezése Ezzel a beállítással átnevezési szabályt adhat hozzá bizonyos Zoom-résztvevők automatikus átnevezéséhez. Ez akkor hasznos, ha át akarja nevezni azokat a résztvevőket, akik folyamatosan rossz vagy hiányos névvel csatlakoznak. A szabályokat a következő formátumban kell megadni: Régi név=Új név.
Engedélyezze a beta frissítéseket tesztelési célokra Ha engedélyezve van, az M³ automatikusan megkapja a naponta megjelenő béta frissítéseket, amelyek a legújabb funkciókat és javításokat tartalmazzák.

Megjegyzés: Ne engedélyezze ezt a beállítást azon a számítógépen, amelyet a média bemutatására használnak a Királyság teremben.
Automatikus alkalmazásfrissítés letiltása Ha ez az opció be van kapcsolva, az M³ nem frissíti magát automatikusan, amikor bezárja.
Hardveres gyorsítás kikapcsolása Csak akkor engedélyezze ezt a beállítást, ha problémák merülnek fel a médiamegjelenítési móddal. Ha ezt a beállítást megváltoztatja, az M³ újraindul.

Gyülekezeti szinkronizálás beállítása

A Gyülekezet szinkronizálás szakaszban részletesen megtudhatja, hogy ez pontosan mit jelent, és hogyan kell ezt a részt beállítani.

Média beállítása

Beállítás Magyarázat
Média nyelve Válassza ki a gyülekezete vagy csoportja nyelvét. Minden média ezen a nyelven lesz letöltve a JW.org-ról.
A média tartalék (másodlagos) nyelve Ez a nyelv akkor használatos, ha az elsődleges média nyelve nem áll rendelkezésre.

Ha például az ír nyelvet választja a média nyelveként, és az angolt a tartalék nyelvként, akkor ha egy kiadvány vagy videó nem érhető el ír nyelven, akkor az angol nyelven lesz letöltve.
Maximális felbontás a videókhoz A JW.org-ról letöltött videók ebben a felbontásban vagy a következő elérhető alacsonyabb felbontásban kerülnek letöltésre. Hasznos korlátozott vagy alacsony sávszélesség esetén.
Feliratok bekapcsolása a videókhoz Aktiválja ezt a beállítást, ha a videókhoz feliratokat szeretne lekérni, amikor azok rendelkezésre állnak. A felirat alapértelmezés szerint megjelenik, de be- és kikapcsolható a program alatt. A feliratok függőleges pozíciója megváltoztatható a feliratok ikonra kattintva a videó előnézetén belül.
Média konvertálása MP4 formátumba Ez automatikusan átalakítja az összes kép- és hangfájlt MP4 formátumba, hogy a Zoom natív MP4-megosztási funkcióval a teljesen online gyülekezeti Zoom-értekezletek során használható legyen. Ez magában foglalja a JW.org-ról letöltött összes képet és médiafájlt, valamint a felhasználó vagy a videokonferencia szervezője által hozzáadott további médiafájlokat.

Megjegyzés: Ez az opció a legalkalmasabb a kizárólag online tartott gyülekezeti Zoom-összejövetelekhez. Ha hibrid vagy hagyományos gyülekezeti összejöveteleket tart, vizsgálja meg a Médiaprezentációs mód használatát úgy, hogy helyette a Média megjelenítése külső monitoron vagy külön ablakban opciót aktiválja, és kapcsolja ki ezt az opciót.
Az eredeti médiafájlok megtartása a konvertálás után Ha ez a beállítás engedélyezve van, a kép- és hangfájlok az MP4 formátumba történő konvertálás után a média mappában maradnak, és nem kerülnek törlésre. Ez egy kissé rendezettebb médiamappát eredményez, és általában nem kell engedélyezni, ha a Zoom MP4 megosztáson keresztül osztja meg a médiát. (Lásd fentebb a Média konvertálása MP4 formátumba című részt.)

Megjegyzés: Csak akkor látható, ha a Média konvertálása MP4 formátumba szintén engedélyezve van.
Média megjelenítése külső megjelenítőn vagy külön ablakban Ez a beállítás lehetővé teszi, hogy az M³ segítségével képeket, videókat és hangfájlokat jelenítsen meg a hibrid vagy személyes gyülekezeti összejövetelek során. A médialejátszás-kezelő képernyő ezután az M³ főképernyőjén a ▶️ (lejátszás) gombra kattintva érhető el.

A médiabemutató képernyő automatikusan egy külső monitort használ, ha rendelkezésre áll; ha nincs, a média egy különálló, átméretezhető ablakban jelenik meg.

Megjegyzés: Ez az opció a hibrid vagy személyesen tartott gyülekezeti összejövetelekhez a legalkalmasabb.

Ha kizárólag távolléti gyülekezeti Zoom összejöveteleket tartanak, nézzék meg a Média MP4 formátumba konvertálása opció aktiválását és a média megosztását a Zoom natív MP4 megosztásával.
Háttérkép a média megjelenítési módban Alapértelmezés szerint az M³ megpróbálja lekérni az aktuális éviszöveget a korábban kiválasztott nyelven, hogy azt fekete háttérrel jelenítse meg, amikor Média bemutatása módban van, és nincs más média lejátszva. Ha az automatikus éviszöveg-keresés valamilyen okból nem sikerül, vagy ha más háttérképet szeretne megjeleníteni, akkor a “Tallózás” gombbal kiválaszthat egy egyéni képet, vagy a “Frissítés” gombbal újra megpróbálhatja automatikusan lekérni az éviszöveget.

Megjegyzés: Ha a Gyülekezeti szinkron engedélyezve van, az egyénileg beállított háttérkép automatikusan szinkronizálódik az összes gyülekezeti felhasználó számára.
Médiaablak elrejtése a lejátszás befejezése után Ha engedélyezve van, a médiaablak azonnal el lesz rejtve, miután az egyes médiafájlok lejátszása befejeződött.

Megjegyzés: Ez a beállítás különösen hasznos a jelnyelvi találkozókhoz.
Az első médiaelem automatikus lejátszása Ha engedélyezve van, a média listájában szereplő első elem automatikusan lejátszásra kerül egy konfigurálható számú perccel az összejövetel tervezett kezdete előtt.
Billentyűparancsok engedélyezése médialejátszás közben Ez a beállítás lehetővé teszi, hogy egyéni billentyűkombinációkat állítson be a média lejátszásához és leállításához. Ez például egy USB-távirányítóval kombinálva hasznos.
Lejátszási listák készítése *VLC* használatához Engedélyezze ezt a beállítást, ha automatikusan lejátszási listákat szeretne létrehozni minden egyes összejövetelhez, amelyeket aztán a VLC programban használhat, ha azt az alkalmazást használja a média megjelenítésére a Médiabemutató mód helyett.
Minden média kizárása a Tanítás füzetből Ha engedélyezve van, ez megakadályozza, hogy az Odaadóan foglalkozz a felolvasással és a tanítással! című kiadványból származó média minden hét közbeni összejövetelen megjelenjen.
A Boldogan Élhetsz Örökké kiadvány képeinek kizárása a gyülekezeti bibliatanulmányozáson kívülről Ha engedélyezve van, ez megakadályozza, hogy a Boldogan Élhetsz Örökké könyvből (lff) származó képek bekerüljenek, például a hétközi összejövetel során a tanulói feladatokhoz.
A nyomtatott média bevonása, ha rendelkezésre áll Ha engedélyezve van, a kiadványok nyomtatott kiadásainak ábrázolásai is megjelennek, ha rendelkezésre állnak. Ez hasznos lehet néhány táblázat vagy képcsoport esetében, amelyek nyomtatott formában áttekinthetőbbek.

Összejövetel beállítása

Beállítás Magyarázat
Különleges gyülekezet Ha engedélyezve van, a JW.org-ról nem töltődnek le médiatartalmak. Csak a kézzel hozzáadott média lesz elérhető. Ez például a teokratikus iskolák esetében hasznos.
Hétköznapi összejövetel A hétközi összejövetel szokásos napjának és időpontjának feltüntetése; a mappák elnevezéséhez és a háttérzene automatikus kikapcsolásához használatos (lásd alább).
Hétvégi összejövetel Adja meg a hétvégi összejövetel szokásos napját és időpontját.
A körzetfelvigyázó következő tervezett látogatása Amikor kiválasztja a körzetfelvigyázó következő tervezett látogatásának időpontját, az M³ automatikusan keddre állítja a hétközi gyülekezeti napot arra a hétre, kihagyja a gyülekezeti bibliatanulmányozáshoz tartozó médiát, valamint mindkét összejövetel esetében kihagyja a befejező Királyság-énekeket.

Megjegyzés: Gyülekezeti kiszolgáló használata esetén győződjön meg róla, amikor érvényesíti ezt a beállítást, hogy minden csatlakozó testvérnek ugyanaz a körzetfelvigyázó látogatási dátum legyen beállítva.
A háttérzene lejátszásának engedélyező gombja Engedélyezzen egy gombot a főképernyőn, amely az Énekeljünk Jehovának című kiadványból játssza le a dalokat véletlenszerű sorrendben. Ez hasznos például arra, hogy a Királyság teremben a összejövetelek előtt és után háttérzeneként lejátsszuk a dalokat. Ettől az opciótól jobbra található egy gomb az összes elérhető Királyság-ének letöltésére, ami hasznos lehet a pufferelési késedelmek elkerülése érdekében.
Háttérzene lejátszási hangerő Beállítja a háttérzene lejátszásának hangerejét.
Háttérzene automatikus lejátszása összejövetelek előtt Ha engedélyezve van, a háttérzene automatikusan elindul az alkalmazás indításakor, ha összejöveteli nap van, és az összejövetel egy órán belül elkezdődik.
A háttérzene automatikus leállítása Ha a Háttérzene lejátszásának engedélyezése gomb aktív, akkor ez a beállítás lehetővé teszi, hogy megadjon egy késleltetést, amely elteltével a háttérzene automatikusan leáll. Ez lehet egy meghatározott számú perc, vagy egy előre meghatározott számú másodperc az összejövetel kezdete előtt (abban az esetben, ha a háttérzene az összejövetel előtt indult el).

Képernyőképek a beállítási ablakról

Alkalmazás beállítása
Alkalmazás beállítása
Média beállítása
Média beállítása
Összejövetel beállítása
Összejövetel beállítása

Problémák és funkcióigénylések

Hogyan jelenthetek be egy felmerült problémát vagy programhibát?

Ha valaha is bármilyen problémába ütközik az M³ programmal, kérjük, használja a GitHub Issues lehetőséget a bejelentéshez. A hibajavítások rendszeresen, jellemzően havonta kerülnek kiadásra.

Hogyan igényelhetek új funkciókat?

Nyitott vagyok a javaslatokra! Kérjük, használja a GitHub Discussions lehetőséget a lehetséges új funkciók megosztására.

Notes techniques

L’application devrait fonctionner tel quel sur la plupart des ordinateurs modernes sous Windows, Linux ou macOS.

Windows : Installation et premier lancement

Lors de l’ouverture de l’installateur, vous pourriez avoir une erreur indiquant que « Windows SmartScreen a empêché une application non reconnue de démarrer ». Ceci est dû au fait que l’application n’a pas un nombre élevé de téléchargements, et par conséquent n’est pas explicitement “reconnue” par Windows. Pour contourner ce problème, cliquez simplement sur “Plus d’infos”, puis “Exécuter quand même”.

Linux : Installation et premier lancement

Conformément à la documentation officielle de AppImage, si l’application ne s’ouvre pas correctement, confirmez le résultat de la commande suivante :

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Si le résultat est 0, alors l’AppImage ne fonctionnera pas, à moins que vous n’exécutiez la commande suivante, suivie d’un redémarrage :

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Assurez-vous de lire sur ce que cela implique avant de le faire.

macOS : Installation et premier lancement

Si au lancement de l’application, vous recevez un avertissement indiquant que l’application ne peut pas être ouverte, soit parce que “elle n’a pas été téléchargée depuis l’App Store” ou parce que “le développeur ne peut pas être vérifié”, alors cette page de support Apple vous aidera à passer outre cela.

Si vous recevez un message indiquant que vous “n’avez pas la permission d’ouvrir l’application”, essayez d’appliquer quelques-unes des suggestions que l’on peut retrouver sur cette page-ci par exemple l’exécution de la commande suivante dans Terminal.app :

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS : Problèmes avec les permissions audio ou de microphone dans macOS Sonoma

Depuis macOS Sonoma, certains utilisateurs rencontrent un problème où M³ affiche à plusieurs reprises un message d’erreur indiquant qu’il a besoin d’accéder au microphone. L’exécution de la commande suivante dans Terminal.app a résolu le problème pour certains :

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS : Mise à jour automatique de l’application

Contrairement à Windows et Linux, la fonctionnalité de mise à jour automatique n’est pas implémentée sur macOS, et pour des raisons techniques probablement ne le sera jamais. Cependant, une des deux choses suivantes se passera pour les utilisateurs de macOS lorsqu’une mise à jour sera disponible :

  • M³ tentera de télécharger le paquet de mise à jour et l’ouvrira automatiquement, après quoi l’utilisateur devra terminer manuellement l’installation de la mise à jour de M³ en glissant/déposant l’application mise à jour dans son dossier Applications. Ensuite, ils pourront lancer le M³ mis à jour à partir de leur dossier Applications comme d’habitude.
  • Si l’étape précédente échoue, M³ affichera une notification indiquant qu’une mise à jour est disponible, avec un lien vers la mise à jour elle-même. Une notification rouge clignotante s’affichera également sur le bouton Réglages de l’écran principal de M³. Le numéro de version M³ dans l’écran des réglages se transformera en un bouton qui, une fois cliqué, ouvrira automatiquement la page de téléchargement de la dernière version.

Mode de présentation des médias

Utiliser le mode de présentation des médias

Le mode de gestion et présentation des médias est conçu pour être simple et éviter les erreurs lors des réunions.

Une fois que l’option Présenter les médias sur un écran externe ou dans une fenêtre séparée est activée, l’écran de présentation des médias apparaîtra automatiquement sur le moniteur externe si détecté, ou dans une fenêtre séparée, glissable et redimensionnable si aucun moniteur externe n’a été détecté.

En mode veille, l’écran de présentation des médias affiche l’image d’arrière-plan qui est configurée dans les réglages. Si aucune image d’arrière-plan n’a été configurée, M³ tentera alors de récupérer automatiquement et d’afficher le texte de l’année.

Si aucune image de fond n’est configurée dans les réglages et que le texte de l’année n’a pu être chargé automatiquement, un fond noir sera affiché en mode veille.

Vous pouvez accéder au mode de présentation des médias en cliquant sur le bouton ▶️ (lecture) sur l’écran principal de M³, ou en utilisant le raccourci clavier Alt D.

Une fois que vous êtes entré en mode présentation, l’écran de sélection de dossier vous permettra de sélectionner la date pour laquelle vous souhaitez afficher les médias. Si un dossier existe avec la date du jour actuel, il sera automatiquement présélectionné. Une fois qu’une date est sélectionnée, vous pouvez modifier la date sélectionnée à tout moment en cliquant sur le bouton de sélection de la date, dans la section supérieure.

Présentation des médias

Pour lire des médias, appuyez sur le bouton ▶️ (lecture) pour le fichier que vous souhaitez. Pour masquer le média, appuyez sur le bouton ⏹️ (arrêt). Une vidéo peut être reculée ou avancée rapidement lorsqu’elle est sur pause, si désiré. Veuillez noter que pour les vidéos, le bouton d’arrêt doit être appuyé deux fois pour arrêter la vidéo. Ceci est pour éviter d’arrêter accidentellement et prématurément une vidéo pendant qu’elle est en cours de lecture devant l’assemblée locale. Une vidéo s’arrête automatiquement lorsqu’elle a été visionné au complet.

Fonctionnalités supplémentaires

M³ possède quelques fonctionnalités supplémentaires qui peuvent être utiles pour améliorer l’expérience de présentation des médias.

Présenter JW.org

Pour présenter JW.org, vous pouvez appuyer sur le bouton ⋮ (ellipse) en haut de l’écran, et sélectionner Ouvrir JW.org. Cela ouvrira une nouvelle fenêtre de contrôle avec JW.org chargé. La fenêtre des médias affichera également JW.org. Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser la fenêtre de contrôle pour naviguer sur JW.org, et la fenêtre média affichera vos actions. Lorsque vous avez terminé de présenter JW.org, vous pouvez fermer la fenêtre de contrôle et continuer avec le mode de présentation des médias comme d’habitude.

Zoomer et déplacer les images

Lorsqu’une image est affichée, vous pouvez, en survolant l’aperçu de l’image, faire défiler la molette de la souris pour effectuer un zoom avant ou arrière. Vous pouvez également double-cliquer sur l’aperçu de l’image pour effectuer un zoom avant. Un double-clic alterne entre 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x et retour au zoom 1x. Vous pouvez également maintenir la souris enfoncée et faire glisser l’image pour déplacer la partie visible.

Trier la liste des médias

La liste des médias peut être triée en cliquant sur le bouton de tri en haut à droite de l’écran. Chaque élément média affichera un bouton qui permettra de glisser l’élément vers le haut ou vers le bas dans la liste. Lorsque vous êtes satisfait avec l’ordre, vous pouvez cliquer à nouveau sur le bouton de tri pour verrouiller l’ordre.

Ajouter un cantique supplémentaire

Si vous avez besoin d’ajouter un cantique rapidement à la liste des médias, vous pouvez appuyer sur le bouton ♫ + (ajouter un cantique) en haut de la fenêtre. Une liste déroulante apparaîtra avec une liste de tous les cantiques. Lorsque vous en sélectionnez un, il sera immédiatement ajouté en haut de la liste des médias et peut commencer à être lu immédiatement. Il sera soit diffusé depuis JW.org, ou lu à partir du cache local s’il a été précédemment téléchargé.

Tenir des réunions hybrides en utilisant M³, OBS Studio et Zoom

La façon la plus simple de partager des médias lors de réunions hybrides consiste à configurer OBS Studio, M³ et Zoom pour qu’ils travaillent ensemble.

Configuration initiale : Ordinateur de la Salle du Royaume

Réglez la résolution du moniteur externe à 1280x720.

Configurez la sortie de la carte de son de l’ordinateur pour aller à l’une des entrées du mixeur de son de la Salle du Royaume et la sortie combinée du mixeur pour aller à l’entrée de la carte de son de l’ordinateur.

Configuration initiale : OBS Studio

Installez OBS Studio ou téléchargez la version portable.

Si vous utilisez la version portable d’OBS Studio, installez le plugin Virtualcam, et ajoutez la caméra virtuelle à Windows en double-cliquant sur le script d’installation fourni.

Si vous avez OBS Studio v27 ou plus ancien, vous devez installer le plugin obs-websocket. Sinon, obs-websocket est inclus. Configurez un numéro de port et un mot de passe pour obs-websocket.

Dans les réglages de OBS Studio, sous Général > Zone de notifications, activez toutes les cases à cocher. Sous Sortie > Streaming, activez un encodeur matériel si disponible. Sous Vidéo > Résolution de base (zone de travail) et Résolution de sortie (mis à l'échelle), choisissez 1280x720, et sous Filtre de mise à l'échelle, choisissez Bilinéaire.

Configurez au moins 2 scènes : une pour l’affichage des médias (Capture de fenêtres ou Capture de moniteur avec le curseur de souris désactivé et le titre de fenêtre ou moniteur approprié sélectionné), et un pour la scène avec l’estrade (Périphérique de capture vidéo avec la caméra de la Salle du Royaume sélectionnée). Vous pouvez également ajouter une scène spécifique pour les images, par exemple pour que le podium soit visible dans un coin, superposé aux médias. Vous pouvez ajouter autant de scènes que nécessaire, la caméra étant ajustée, zoomée et recadrée selon les besoins (vue du pupitre, vue avec conducteur et lecteur ensembles, vue de la table des étudiants, etc.).

Activez le filtre Mise à échelle/Rapport d'aspect sur toutes les entrées Capture de fenêtres ou Capture de moniteur, avec une Résolution de Résolution de base (zone de travail). Cela permettra de s’assurer que la fenêtre multimédia est toujours mise à l’échelle de la résolution de sortie de la caméra virtuelle.

Ajoutez un raccourci à OBS Studio, avec le paramètre --startvirtualcam, dans le dossier Démarrage du profil d’utilisateur Windows, pour s’assurer que OBS Studio soit démarré automatiquement lorsque l’utilisateur se connecte.

Configuration initiale : Zoom de la Salle du Royaume

Zoom doit être configuré pour utiliser plus d’un moniteur. Activez les raccourcis clavier globaux pour Zoom pour activer/désactiver le “microphone” de la Salle du Royaume dans Zoom (Alt A), et activer/désactiver le flux vidéo de la Salle du Royaume dans Zoom (Alt V).

Définissez le “microphone” par défaut pour être la sortie combinée du mixeur (pour que tout ce qui est entendu sur le système de son de la Salle du Royaume soit transmis par Zoom, y compris le son des microphones et des médias) et la “caméra” pour être la caméra virtuelle fournie par OBS Studio.

Configuration initiale : M³

Activer l’option Présenter les médias sur un écran externe ou dans une fenêtre séparée.

Activez et configurez le mode de compatibilité avec OBS Studio, en utilisant les informations de port et de mot de passe configurées dans l’étape de configuration d’OBS Studio.

Démarrage de la réunion

Démarrez la réunion Zoom et déplacez la fenêtre de réunion de Zoom secondaire sur le moniteur externe. Rendez-la plein écran si désiré. C’est là que les participants Zoom de la réunion seront affichés pour que l’assemblée locale puisse les voir lorsque nécessaire.

Une fois que la réunion Zoom est affichée sur le moniteur externe, ouvrez M³. La fenêtre de présentation des médias s’ouvrira automatiquement par-dessus Zoom sur le moniteur externe. Synchronisez les médias si nécessaire, et entrer en mode de gestion et présentation des médias en cliquant sur le bouton ▶️ (lecture) sur l’écran principal de M³, ou Alt D.

Activez le flux vidéo de la Salle du Royaume (Alt V), et mettez en évidence (“spotlight”) le flux vidéo de la Salle du Royaume si nécessaire pour que les participants dans Zoom voient l’estrade de la Salle du Royaume. Activez le flux audio de la Salle du Royaume dans Zoom (Alt A). Il ne devrait pas être nécessaire de désactiver le flux vidéo ou audio dans Zoom pour la durée de la réunion. Assurez-vous que la fonctionnalité “Son original pour musiciens” est activée dans Zoom, afin de garantir la meilleure qualité audio pour les participants Zoom.

Démarrez la lecture de la musique d’arrière-plan en utilisant le bouton en bas à gauche, ou Alt K.

Diffusion de parties en présentiel à la Salle du Royaume vers Zoom

Aucune action requise.

Différents angles ou scènes de caméra peuvent être choisis pendant la réunion en utilisant le menu en bas de la fenêtre de gestion des médias de M³ ; ce menu contiendra une liste de toutes les scènes de caméra configurées dans OBS.

Partage de médias à la Salle du Royaume et sur Zoom

Trouvez le média que vous voulez partager dans la fenêtre de gestion des médias de M³ et appuyez sur le bouton ▶️ (lecture).

Lorsque vous avez terminé de partager le média, appuyez sur le bouton ⏹️ (arrêt). Notez que les vidéos s’arrêtent automatiquement une fois terminées.

Affichage des participants Zoom sur le moniteur externe de la Salle du Royaume

Appuyez sur le bouton “masquer/afficher la fenêtre de présentation des médias” dans le coin inférieur droit de l’écran de gestion des médias de M³, ou sur Alt Z, pour masquer la fenêtre de présentation du média. La réunion Zoom sera désormais visible sur le moniteur de la Salle du Royaume.

Si le participant doit montrer des médias, suivez les étapes sous la sous-rubrique Partage de médias à la Salle du Royaume et sur Zoom.

Une fois que le participant a terminé sa partie, appuyez à nouveau sur le bouton “masquer/afficher la fenêtre de présentation des médias” dans le coin inférieur droit de l’écran de gestion des médias de M³, ou sur Alt Z, pour afficher la fenêtre de présentation des médias. Le moniteur de la Salle du Royaume affichera maintenant le texte de l’année.

Tenir des réunions hybrides en utilisant uniquement M³ et Zoom

Si vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser OBS Studio pour une raison quelconque, les suggestions suivantes vous aideront peut-être à mettre en place un système aussi simple que possible.

Configuration initiale sans OBS : Ordinateur de la Salle du Royaume

Identique à la section correspondante ci-dessus. Avec l’ajout du raccourci clavier global pour Zoom pour démarrer/arrêter le partage d’écran (Alt S). La “caméra” sera le flux de la caméra de la Salle du Royaume.

Configuration initiale sans OBS: M³

Activer l’option Présenter les médias sur un écran externe ou dans une fenêtre séparée.

Démarrage de la réunion sans OBS

Identique à la section correspondante ci-dessus.

Diffusion de parties en présentiel à la Salle du Royaume vers Zoom sans OBS

Identique à la section correspondante ci-dessus.

Partage de médias à la Salle du Royaume et sur Zoom sans OBS

Commencez le partage dans Zoom en appuyant sur Alt S. Dans la fenêtre de partage de Zoom qui apparaît, choisissez le moniteur externe et activez les deux cases à cocher en bas à gauche (pour l’optimisation du son et de la vidéo). Le texte de l’année sera maintenant partagé sur Zoom.

Trouvez le média que vous voulez partager dans la fenêtre de gestion des médias de M³ et appuyez sur le bouton ▶️ (lecture).

Lorsque vous avez terminé de partager le média, appuyez sur Alt S pour terminer le partage d’écran Zoom.

Affichage des participants Zoom sur le moniteur externe de la Salle du Royaume sans OBS

Identique à la section correspondante ci-dessus.

Captures d’écran du mode de présentation des médias

Bouton bleu pour passer en mode contrôleur média
Bouton bleu pour passer en mode contrôleur média
Liste des médias prêts à être présentés
Liste des médias prêts à être présentés
Arrière-plan par défaut, avec texte de l'année généré automatiquement
Arrière-plan par défaut, avec texte de l'année généré automatiquement
Affichage d'une image
Affichage d'une image
Lecture d'une vidéo
Lecture d'une vidéo
Recherche d'un moment spécifique dans une vidéo
Recherche d'un moment spécifique dans une vidéo

Gérer les médias

L’écran de gestion des médias permet à l’utilisateur d’ajouter ou de supprimer des médias pour une réunion donnée, gérer les médias récurrents et même ajouter des médias spéciaux pour d’autres dates où aucune réunion ne serait normalement planifiée.

Gérer les médias pour une journée particulière

Pour gérer les médias pour une réunion ou une journée donnée, il vous suffit de cliquer sur l’icône de ce jour sur l’écran principal de M³. Pour gérer les médias qui seront répétés à chaque réunion, cliquez sur l’icône des médias récurrents.

Ajout de médias

Voici comment ajouter des médias à partir de l’écran de gestion des médias.

Option Explication
Type de téléversement Choisissez parmi l’un des 3 types de média (voir ci-dessous).
Médias à ajouter Dépend du type de média choisi (voir ci-dessous).
Préfixe Jusqu’à 6 chiffres peuvent être ajoutés avant le ou les noms de fichiers multimédia, pour aider au tri.
Liste des médias Ceci montre les médias actuellement prévus pour la date sélectionnée.

Dans le champ Médias à ajouter, différentes options vous seront présentées selon le type de média sélectionné.

Type de média Le champ Médias à ajouter
Cantique … affichera un menu avec toutes les vidéos des cantiques de la série sjjm, dans la langue des médias. Choisissez cette option par exemple pour ajouter un cantique pour le discours public, ou pour les visites du responsable de circonscription.

Le cantique sélectionné sera automatiquement téléchargé à partir de JW.org, dans la langue de l’assemblée locale ou du groupe, tel que configuré dans les Réglages.
JWPUB … vous permettra de naviguer vers (ou glisser-déposer) un fichier JWPUB.

Vous serez alors invité à sélectionner la section ou le chapitre à partir duquel vous souhaitez ajouter des médias. Cela ajoutera tant les médias intégrés que référencés à partir de cette section du fichier JWPUB.

Un exemple d’un fichier JWPUB couramment utilisé est le S-34, mais n’importe quel fichier JWPUB peut être utilisé ici.
Autre … vous permettra de naviguer vers (ou glisser-déposer) n’importe quel fichier multimédia qui est sur votre ordinateur.

Notez que les fichiers PDF et SVG seront automatiquement convertis en images en haute définition par M³.
JW.org … vous permettra de sélectionner une vidéo parmi les dernières vidéos sur JW.org.

Suppression, masquage et affichage des médias

Pour supprimer, masquer, ou afficher des médias, il vous suffit de trouver le fichier média désiré et de cliquer sur l’icône correspondante.

Icône rouge 🟥 (supprimer) Icône ☑️ (case à cocher cochée) Icône 🔲 (case à cocher décochée)
Le fichier média a été ajouté aux médias de ce jour par vous ou l’OV. Le fichier média est référencé dans le matériel source de la réunion.

Il sera donc téléchargé à partir de JW.org ou extrait de la publication concernée.
Le fichier média est référencé dans le matériel source de la réunion.

Il a été masqué par vous ou par l’OV, donc il ne sera pas téléchargé ou ajouté aux médias de la réunion.

Captures d’écran de l’écran de gestion des médias

Ajout d'un cantique pour un discours public
Ajout d'un cantique pour un discours public
Ajout d'une image supplémentaire
Ajout d'une image supplémentaire
Importation de médias à partir d'un document dans un fichier JWPUB
Importation de médias à partir d'un document dans un fichier JWPUB
Aperçu des médias d'un fichier JWPUB avant de les importer
Aperçu des médias d'un fichier JWPUB avant de les importer
Renommage d'un fichier média
Renommage d'un fichier média


M³ ne nécessite pas de droits d’administrateur pour s’installer ou s’exécuter. Pour installer M³, il vous suffit de télécharger le dernier installateur et de l’exécuter.

Système d’exploitation Fichier à télécharger
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

Et ensuite ?

Configurez l’application à l’aide de l’écran Réglages.

Des problèmes d’installation ?

Consultez les Notes techniques pour obtenir de l’aide.

Foire aux questions

Cette application dépend-elle de sites ou sources externes, ou d’une intervention humaine, pour télécharger des publications et les médias pour les réunions ?

Non. L’application M³ fonctionne de la même manière que l’application JW Library. Elle télécharge les publications et les médias directement depuis le site officiel de JW.org. Au moment son l’exécution, l’application détermine automatiquement ce qui doit être téléchargé, tels que les fichiers multimédias et les publications. Le code source est disponible pour que tous puissent l’examiner et le vérifier si désiré.

Cette application enfreint-elle les conditions d’utilisation de JW.org ?

Non. Les conditions d’utilisation de JW.org permettent en fait explicitement le type d’utilisation que nous faisons. Voici l’extrait pertinent de ces conditions :

Il n’est pas permis de :

Créer à des fins de diffusion des applications ou des techniques permettant de collecter, de copier, de télécharger, d’extraire des données, du HTML, des images ou du texte de ce site. (Cela n’interdit pas la diffusion d’applications gratuites et non commerciales conçues pour télécharger des fichiers électroniques depuis la partie publique du site, par exemple des fichiers EPUB, PDF, MP3 et MP4.)

Synchronisation au niveau de l'assemblée locale

Le frère désigné comme organisateur des visioconférences (OV) par le collège des anciens peut utiliser M³ pour gérer les médias mis à la disposition de l’équipe de soutien technique A/V de son assemblée locale.

Le OV, ou quelqu’un désigné par lui, peut :

  • téléverser des médias supplémentaires à partager lors d’une réunion, par exemple pour la visite du responsable de circonscription, ou pour les discours publics
  • masquer certains médias de JW.org qui ne sont pas pertinents pour une réunion donnée, par exemple, lorsqu’une partie a été remplacée par la filiale
  • ajouter ou supprimer des médias récurrents, tels qu’une vidéo du texte de l’année ou une diapositive d’annonce

Tous ceux qui sont synchronisés avec la même assemblée locale recevront alors exactement les mêmes médias lorsqu’ils cliqueront sur le bouton Rafraîchir les dossiers multimédias.

Veuillez noter que la fonction de synchronisation de l’assemblée locale est optionnelle et entièrement facultative.

Comment cela fonctionne

Le mécanisme de synchronisation sous-jacent de M³ utilise la technologie WebDAV. Cela signifie que l’OV (ou quelqu’un sous sa supervision) doit soit :

  • configurer un serveur WebDAV sécurisé accessible par le web, ou bien
  • utiliser un service de stockage cloud qui prend en charge le protocole WebDAV (voir le paramètre Adresse web dans la section Configuration de la synchronisation au niveau de l’assemblée locale ci-dessous).

Tous les utilisateurs qui souhaitent être synchronisés ensemble devront se connecter au même serveur WebDAV en utilisant les informations de connexion et les identifiants qui leur sont fournis par l’OV.

Configuration de la synchronisation au niveau de l’assemblée locale

Réglage Explication
Adresse web Adresse web du serveur WebDAV. Le protocole HTTP sécurisé (HTTPS) est requis.

Remarque : Le bouton Adresse web, une fois cliqué, affichera une liste des fournisseurs WebDAV qui sont connus pour être compatibles avec M³, et préremplira automatiquement certains réglages pour ces fournisseurs.

Cette liste est fournie à titre de courtoisie et ne représente en aucun cas un endossement d’un service ou d’un fournisseur en particulier. Le meilleur serveur est toujours celui qui vous appartient…
Nom d'utilisateur Nom d’utilisateur pour le service WebDAV.
Mot de passe Mot de passe pour le service WebDAV.

Remarque : Tel qu’indiqué sur leurs pages d’assistance respectives, il se peut qu’un mot de passe spécifique à l’application doit être créé pour Box et Koofr afin d’activer les connexions WebDAV à leurs services.
Dossier de l'assemblée locale Il s’agit du dossier qui sera utilisé pour synchroniser les médias pour tous les utilisateurs de la synchronisation de l’assemblée locale. Vous pouvez soit taper un chemin d’accès ou le coller, soit utiliser votre souris pour naviguer vers le dossier cible.

Remarque : Assurez-vous que tous les utilisateurs de l’assemblée locale utilisent le même chemin d’accès de dossier ; sinon, la synchronisation ne fonctionnera pas comme prévu.
Paramètres bloqués pour l'assemblée locale Une fois que l’OV a configuré les sections Configuration des médias et Configuration des réunions des réglages sur son propre ordinateur, il peut ensuite utiliser ce bouton pour imposer certains réglages à tous les utilisateurs synchronisés de l’assemblée locale (par exemple, les jours de réunion, la langue des médias, les paramètres de conversion, etc.). Cela signifie que les paramètres sélectionnés seront appliqués de manière forcée pour tous les utilisateurs synchronisés chaque fois qu’ils ouvrent M³.

Utilisation de la synchronisation d’assemblée locale pour gérer les médias

Une fois que la configuration de la synchronisation de l’assemblée locale est terminée, vous êtes prêt à commencer à gérer les médias pour votre équipe d’assistance technique AV.

Captures d’écran de la synchronisation de l’assemblée locale à l’œuvre

Configuration de la synchronisation au niveau de l'assemblée locale
Configuration de la synchronisation au niveau de l'assemblée locale


L’écran Réglages est divisé en 4 parties. La plupart des options s’expliquent par eux-mêmes, mais voici quelques détails supplémentaires.

Configuration de l’appli

Réglage Explication
Mode hors-ligne Si activé, M³ ne tentera pas de se connecter à JW.org ou à votre serveur de synchronisation. Ceci est utile lorsque vous avez une mauvaise connexion Internet et que vous voulez économiser la bande passante.
Préférence de thème Sélectionnez le thème que vous préférez. Si vous sélectionnez Système, M³ utilisera le thème du système.
Nom de l'assemblée locale Le nom de votre assemblée locale. Ceci est utilisé pour gérer plusieurs assemblées locales qui partagent le même ordinateur.
Langue d'affichage Définit la langue dans laquelle M³ est affiché.

Merci à nos nombreux contributeurs d’avoir traduit l’application dans autant de langues ! Si vous voulez aider à améliorer une traduction existante ou en ajouter une nouvelle, veuillez ouvrir une nouvelle discussion.
Dossier d'enregistrement des médias Les médias pour les réunions seront enregistrés dans ce dossier pour les partager plus tard.
Dossier de cache personnalisé Par défaut, les publications et autres données sont enregistrées dans un répertoire différent pour chaque utilisateur. Vous pouvez modifier ce répertoire si vous aimeriez partager les données mises en cache entre plusieurs utilisateurs sur le même ordinateur.
Format de date pour les dossiers de réunion Le format de date utilisé pour les dossiers de réunions.

Remarque : Lorsque vous utilisez un serveur de synchronisation, assurez-vous que tous les utilisateurs synchronisés utilisent le même format de date, avec la fonction Paramètres bloqués pour l'assemblée locale.
Lancer l'appli automatiquement au démarrage de l'ordinateur Si cette option est activée, M³ se lancera lorsque l’utilisateur actuel se connectera à l’ordinateur.

Remarque : Pas disponible sur Linux.
Lancer la synchronisation automatiquement Si cette option est activée, une synchronisation des médias débutera automatiquement 5 secondes après le lancement de M³.

Pour éviter la synchronisation automatique lorsque ce paramètre est activé, appuyez sur le bouton ⏸ (pause) avant que le minuteur de 5 secondes arrive à sa fin.
Ouvrir le dossier des médias après la synchronisation Si cette option est activée, le dossier contenant les médias téléchargés pour la semaine choisie s’ouvrira dans le gestionnaire de fichiers de l’ordinateur une fois la synchronisation terminée.
Quitter l'appli après la synchronisation des médias Si cette option est activée, M³ quittera automatiquement 5 secondes après la fin de la synchronisation des médias.

Pour éviter que M³ se quitte automatiquement lorsque ce paramètre est activé, appuyez sur le bouton 🏃 (personne qui court) avant que le minuteur de 5 secondes arrive à sa fin.
Activer le mode de compatibilité avec OBS Studio Si cette option est activée, M³ s’intègrera avec OBS Studio pour changer automatiquement les scènes avant et après le partage de médias.

Si ce paramètre est activé, assurez-vous que OBS Studio est configuré pour utiliser le plugin obs-websocket, qui permettra à M³ de communiquer avec OBS Studio.

De plus, configurez toutes les scènes nécessaires pour le partage de médias et l’affichage de l’estrade dans OBS Studio. Au minimum, vous aurez besoin d’une scène avec une capture de fenêtres (recommandé) ou une capture de moniteur configurée pour capturer soit la fenêtre de présentation des médias de M³, soit l’écran sur lequel les médias seront présentés.

Vous aurez également besoin de configurer toutes les scènes souhaitées pour l’estrade, par exemple : le pupitre, une vue d’ensemble de l’estrade, etc.
Port Port sur lequel le plugin obs-websocket est configuré pour écouter.
Mot de passe Mot de passe configuré dans les paramètres du plugin obs-websocket.
Vue de l'estrade configurée dans OBS Studio Sélectionnez quelle scène doit être sélectionnée par défaut lorsque le mode de présentation des médias est lancé. Habituellement on choisira une vue d’ensemble de l’estrade ou une vue du pupitre.
Vue de la fenêtre de présentation des médias configurée dans OBS Studio Sélectionnez la scène configurée dans OBS Studio pour capturer la fenêtre des médias de M³.
Scène média séparée facultative pour les images Scène optionnelle permettant de présenter les images avec une scène différente que celle pour les autres médias. Cette fonction est utile si vous souhaitez diffuser les images sur Zoom d’une manière différente que les vidéos (par exemple, en superposant l’estrade dans un coin, par-dessus l’image).
Scène OBS Studio pour afficher les participants Zoom On peut configurer une scène optionnelle pour gérer de façon rapide et efficace l’affichage des participants Zoom lors des réunions hybrides.

Lorsque cette scène est configurée, le comportement du mode de présentation des médias change quelque peu. Dans ce mode, un interrupteur marche/arrêt apparaîtra qui, lorsque activé, masquera la fenêtre de présentation des médias, et la scène de Zoom configurée sera affichée. Le sélecteur de scène d’OBS Studio sera également masqué. Le partage des médias activera automatiquement la scène des médias dans OBS Studio et affichera la fenêtre des médias comme d’habitude ; après le partage des médias, la fenêtre des médias se masquera immédiatement.

Lorsque l’interrupteur marche/arrêt est désactivé, la fenêtre média et le menu de sélection des scènes s’affichent à nouveau.
Activer l'intégration avec Zoom Lorsque cette fonctionnalité est activée, elle permettra d’automatiser diverses tâches avant la réunion (couper le micro de tous les participants, activer le flux audio/vidéo de la Salle du Royaume, désactiver l’option permettant aux participants d’activer eux-mêmes leur micro), pendant la réunion (sélectionner des participants pour les mettre en évidence et activer leur micros, ou bien pour couper leur micros, baisser leurs mains et enlever la mise en évidence) et après la réunion (désactiver le flux vidéo de la Salle du Royaume, permettre aux participants d’activer eux-mêmes leur micros).

Remarque : Ceci est toujours une fonctionnalité bêta. Veuillez la tester soigneusement avant de l’implémenter et vérifier toujours que l’automatisation a été correctement exécutée.
Nom du participant Zoom C’est le nom que M³ utilisera pour rejoindre la réunion Zoom.
N° de réunion Zoom L’identifiant de la réunion Zoom que M³ devrait rejoindre.
Mot de passe Le mot de passe de la réunion Zoom que M³ devrait rejoindre.
Mettre en évidence la vidéo au démarrage de la réunion Lorsque cette option est activée, M³ mettra automatiquement en évidence le flux vidéo de la Salle du Royaume lorsque l’automatisation de « début de réunion » est exécutée.
Masquer le composant Zoom par défaut Lorsque cette option est activée, le composant Zoom sera masqué par défaut. Le composant Zoom est un composant flottant requis qui représente le participant M³ lors de la réunion Zoom. Celui-ci vous permet de contrôler le participant M³.
Exécuter automatiquement les actions de début de réunion Lorsque cette option est activée, M³ exécutera automatiquement les actions de “début de réunion” le nombre de minutes configuré avant le début de la réunion. Ces actions sont les suivantes : empêcher que les participants ne réactivent leurs micros, désactiver les micros de tous, demander à l’hôte d’activer sa vidéo et son micro, et même mettre en évidence le flux vidéo de la Salle du Royaume.
Renommer automatiquement certains participants Zoom Avec ce réglage, vous pouvez ajouter une règle de renommage pour renommer automatiquement certains participants Zoom. Ceci est utile si vous voulez renommer les participants qui s’inscrivent systématiquement avec un nom incorrect ou incomplet. Les règles doivent être saisies dans le format suivant : Ancien Nom=Nouveau Nom.
Activez les mises à jour bêta pour effectuer des tests Lorsque ce réglage est activé, M³ téléchargera automatiquement les mises à jour bêta, qui sont publiées quotidiennement et contiennent les dernières fonctionnalités et correctifs.

Remarque : Ce réglage ne doit pas être activé sur l’ordinateur utilisé pour présenter les médias à la salle du Royaume.
Désactiver la mise à jour automatique de l'application Lorsque cette option est activée, M³ ne se mettra pas automatiquement à jour lorsqu’il est fermé.
Désactiver l'accélération matérielle Activez ce paramètre uniquement si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec le mode de présentation des médias. La modification de ce paramètre entraînera le redémarrage de M³.

Configuration de la synchronisation au niveau de l’assemblée locale

Voir la section Synchronisation de l’assemblée locale pour plus de détails sur le fonctionnement et la configuration de cette fonctionnalité.

Configuration des médias

Réglage Explication
Langue des médias Sélectionnez la langue de votre assemblée locale ou de votre groupe. Tous les médias seront téléchargés depuis JW.org dans cette langue.
Langue secondaire, dans le cas où un média ne serait pas disponible dans la langue principale Cette langue est utilisée lorsque la langue de média principale n’est pas disponible.

Par exemple, si vous sélectionnez l’irlandais comme langue de média et l’anglais comme langue secondaire, chaque fois qu’une publication ou une vidéo n’est pas disponible en irlandais, elle sera téléchargée en anglais.
Résolution maximale pour vidéos Les vidéos téléchargées à partir de JW.org seront téléchargées à cette résolution, ou à la prochaine résolution disponible. Utile pour des situations où vous avez une bande passante limitée où faible.
Activer les sous-titres pour les vidéos Activez cette option si vous voulez télécharger les sous-titres pour les vidéos, lorsqu’ils sont disponibles. Les sous-titres seront affichés par défaut, mais peuvent être activés/désactivés lors de la présentation des médias. La position verticale des sous-titres peut être modifiée en cliquant sur l’icône sous-titres dans l’aperçu de la vidéo.
Convertir médias en format MP4 Cela convertira automatiquement tous les fichiers image et audio au format MP4, pour pouvoir les utiliser avec la fonctionnalité de partage intégrée de MP4 de Zoom lors de réunions virtuelles de l’assemblée locale, tenues uniquement par Zoom. Ceci inclut tous les fichiers photos et médias téléchargés à partir de JW.org, ainsi que les fichiers multimédias supplémentaires ajoutés par l’utilisateur ou l’OV.

Remarque : Cette option convient mieux pour les réunions de l’assemblée locale tenues entièrement par Zoom. Si vous tenez les réunions de l’assembleé locale hybrides ou régulières, utilisez plutôt le mode de présentation des médias en activant l’option Présenter les médias sur un écran externe ou dans une fenêtre séparée à la place, et désactivez cette option.
Conserver les fichiers multimédias originaux après leur conversion Si cette option est activée, les images et fichiers audio seront conservés dans le dossier des médias après avoir été converti au format MP4, au lieu d’être supprimé. Cela aura pour effet que le dossier des médias sera un peu plus encombré. Généralement, cette option ne devrait pas être activée si vous utilisez le partage de MP4 intégré de Zoom. (Voir Convertir médias en format MP4 ci-dessus.)

Remarque : Seulement visible si Convertir médias en format MP4 est également activé.
Présenter les médias sur un écran externe ou dans une fenêtre séparée Ce paramètre vous permettra d’utiliser M³ pour partager des images, des vidéos et des fichiers audio pendant les réunions hybrides de l’assemblée locale ou en présentiel. L’écran de gestion des médias est alors accessible en cliquant sur le bouton ▶️ (lecture) sur l’écran principal de M³.

L’écran de présentation des médias utilisera automatiquement un moniteur externe si détecté ; sinon, les médias seront affichés dans une fenêtre redimensionnable séparée.

Remarque : Cette option convient mieux pour les réunions de l’assemblée locale hybrides ou en présentiel.

Si vous tenez des réunions de l’assemblée locale entièrement sur Zoom, essayez d’activer l’option Convertir médias en format MP4 et de partager les médias avec le partage intégré de MP4 de Zoom.
Image d'arrière-plan pour le mode de présentation des médias Par défaut, M³ tentera de récupérer le texte de l’année en cours dans la langue sélectionnée, afin de l’afficher sur un fond noir en mode de présentation des médias pendant qu’aucun autre fichier média n’est en cours de lecture. Si la récupération automatique du texte de l’année échoue pour une raison quelconque, ou si vous souhaitez afficher une image de fond différente, vous pouvez soit utiliser le bouton ‘Parcourir’ pour sélectionner une image personnalisée, soit le bouton ‘Actualiser’ pour essayer de récupérer le texte de l’année automatiquement à nouveau.

Remarque : Si la synchronisation de l’assemblée locale est activée, la sélection d’une image de fond personnalisée la synchronisera automatiquement pour tous les utilisateurs de l’assemblée locale.
Masquer la fenêtre multimédia après la fin de la lecture du média Si cette option est activée, la fenêtre des médias sera masquée immédiatement après la fin de la lecture d’un fichier média.

Remarque : Cette option est particulièrement utile pour les réunions tenues en langue des signes.
Lecture automatique du premier média Si cette option est activée, le premier élément dans la liste des médias commencera automatiquement à jouer un nombre prédéterminé de minutes avant que la réunion ne soit censée commencer.
Activer les raccourcis clavier lors de la lecture des médias Ce paramètre vous permet de définir des raccourcis de clavier personnalisés pour lire et arrêter les médias. Ceci est utile en combinaison avec une télécommande USB, par exemple.
Créer des listes de lecture (playlists) à utiliser avec VLC Activer cette option si vous voulez générer des listes de lecture pour chaque réunion automatiquement. Ces listes de lecture peuvent ensuite être chargées dans VLC, si vous utilisez cette application pour présenter les médias au lieu du mode de présentation des médias.
Exclure tous les médias de la brochure <em>th</em> Si cette option est activée, cela empêchera les médias de la brochure Applique-​toi d’être inclus à chaque réunion de semaine.
Exclure les images du livre lff, excepté lors de l'étude biblique de l'assemblée Si cette option est activée, cela empêchera les images du livre Vivez pour toujours (lff) d’être inclus, par exemple pour les devoirs d’étudiants pendant la réunion de semaine.
Inclure les médias en format imprimé lorsqu'ils sont disponibles Si cette option est activée, les reproductions des éditions imprimées des publications seront incluses lorsque disponibles. Ceci pourrait être utile pour certains tableaux ou groupes d’images qui sont plus clairs sous forme imprimée.

Configuration des réunions

Réglage Explication
Assemblé locale spéciale Si cette option est activée, aucun média ne sera téléchargé à partir de JW.org. Seuls les médias ajoutés manuellement seront disponibles. Ceci est utile pour les écoles théocratiques, par exemple.
Réunion de semaine Indiquez le jour et l’heure habituels pour la réunion de semaine ; utilisé pour le nommage des dossiers et l’arrêt automatique de la musique de fond (voir ci-dessous).
Réunion de fin de semaine Indiquez le jour et l’heure habituels de la réunion de fin de semaine.
Prochaine visite prévue du responsable de circonscription Lorsque vous sélectionnez une date pour la prochaine visite prévue du responsable de circonscription, M³ fixera automatiquement le jour de la réunion de semaine à mardi lors de cette semaine, sautera les médias de l’étude biblique de l’assemblée, et sautera également les cantiques de clôture pour les deux réunions.

Remarque : Lorsque vous utilisez un serveur de syncronisation, assurez-vous de forcer ce réglage, afin que tous les utilisateurs connectés aient la même date de visite du responsable de circonscription configurée.
Activer le bouton pour jouer de la musique de fond Activer un bouton sur l’écran principal qui jouera les cantiques du royaume de la série sjjm, dans un ordre aléatoire. Cela est pratique pour jouer des cantiques avant et après les réunions à la Salle du Royaume comme musique de fond. À droite de cette option se trouve un bouton pour télécharger touts les cantiques disponibles, ce qui peut être utile pour éviter les délais de streaming.
Volume de la musique de fond Définit le volume auquel la musique de fond va jouer.
Jouer automatiquement la musique de fond avant les réunions Si cette option est activée, la musique de fond commencera automatiquement à jouer au démarrage de l’application lorsqu’une réunion est censée débuter dans moins d’une heure.
Arrêt automatique de la lecture de la musique de fond Si Activer le bouton pour jouer de la musique de fond est activé, alors ce réglage vous permettra de spécifier un délai après lequel la musique de fond doit être automatiquement arrêtée. Ceci peut être soit un nombre défini de minutes ou un nombre prédéterminé de secondes avant le début de la réunion (dans le cas où la musique de fond a été démarrée avant une réunion).

Captures d’écran de l’écran des réglages

Configuration de l'appli
Configuration de l'appli
Configuration des médias
Configuration des médias
Configuration des réunions
Configuration des réunions

Bogues et demandes de fonctionnalités

Comment signaler un problème ou un bogue que j’ai rencontré ?

Si jamais vous rencontrez des problèmes avec M³, veuillez utiliser GitHub Issues pour le signaler. Les corrections de bogues sont publiées régulièrement, généralement chaque mois.

Comment puis-je demander de nouvelles fonctionnalités ?

Nous sommes ouverts aux suggestions ! Veuillez utiliser GitHub Discussions pour discuter de nouvelles fonctionnalités potentielles.

Tekniset käyttöohjeet

Sovelluksen toimii useimmissa nykyaikaisissa tietokoneissa, joissa on Windows, Linux, tai macOS.

Windows: Asennus ja ensimmäinen käynnistys

Asennusohjelman avaamisen yhteydessä saatat saada virheen, joka osoittaa, että “Windows SmartScreen esti tunnistamattoman sovelluksen käynnistämistä”. Tämä johtuu siitä, että sovelluksella ei ole suuri määrä latauksia eikä Windows-sovellus näin ollen nimenomaisesti “luota” ohjelmaa. Jos haluat kiertää tämän, klikkaa “Lisää tietoa”, sitten “Suorita joka tapauksessa”.

Linux: Asennus ja ensimmäinen käynnistys

virallinen AppImage-dokumentaatio:n mukaisesti, jos sovellus ei avaudu kunnolla, vahvista seuraavan komennon tulos:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Jos tulos on 0, AppImage ei suoriteta, ellet suorita seuraavaa komentoa ja sen jälkeen uudelleenkäynnistystä:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Muista lukea mitä tämä pitää sisällään ennen kuin teet tämän.

macOS: Asennus ja ensimmäinen käynnistys

Jos saat sovelluksen käynnistämisen yhteydessä varoituksen, että sovellusta ei voi avata, joko siksi, että “se ei ole ladattu App Storesta” tai koska “kehittäjää ei voida vahvistaa”, tämä Applen tukisivu auttaa ohittamaan virheen.

Jos saat viestin, joka ilmoittaa, että sinulla ei ole oikeutta avata sovellusta, kokeile joitain ratkaisuja osoitteesta tästä, esimerkiksi käyttämällä seuraavaa komentoa Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Ongelmat, jotka liittyvät ääni- tai mikrofonien käyttöoikeuksiin macOS Sonomassa

MacOS Sonomasta lähtien, jotkut käyttäjät saattavat kohdata ongelman, jossa M³ toistuvasti antaa virheviestin, joka osoittaa, että se tarvitsee pääsyn mikrofoniin. Seuraavan komennon suorittaminen Terminal.app on ratkaissut ongelman joillekin:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Automaattinen päivitys

Toisin kuin Windows ja Linux, MacOs ei ole ottanut automaattipäivitystoimintoa käyttöön, ja teknisistä syistä luultavasti ei koskaan tule tekemään niin. Kuitenkin toinen kahdesta asiasta tapahtuu Macin käyttäjille, kun päivitys on saatavilla:

  • M³ yrittää ladata päivityspaketin ja avata sen automaattisesti, jonka jälkeen käyttäjän on suoritettava M³-päivityksen asennus manuaalisesti vetämällä ja pudottamalla päivitetty sovellus heidän Sovelluskansioon. Sitten he voivat käynnistää äskettäin päivitetyn M³ kansiosta normaalisti.
  • Jos edellinen vaihe ei onnistu missään vaiheessa, M³ näyttää jatkuvan ilmoituksen, joka osoittaa, että päivitys on saatavilla ja linkki itse päivitykseen. Punainen, sykkivä ilmoitus tulee näkyviin myös asetuspainikkeessa, joka on M³:n päänäytössä. M³-version numero asetusnäytössä muuttuu painikkeeksi joka kerran avaa lataussivun automaattisesti.

Median esitystila

Mediaesitystilan käyttäminen

Mediaesitys- ja ohjaintilat on suunniteltu yksinkertaiseksi ja estämään virheitä kokousten aikana.

Kun vaihtoehto Esitä media ulkoisella näytöllä tai erillisessä ikkunassa on käytössä, mediaesitysnäyttö tulee automaattisesti näkyviin ulkoiselle näytölle, jos sellainen on, tai erillisessä, vedettävässä ja muutettavassa ikkunassa, jos ulkoista näyttöä ei havaittu.

Kun tila on käytössä, median esitysnäyttö näyttää taustakuvan, joka on määritetty asetuksissa. Jos taustakuvaa ei ole määritetty, M³ yrittää automaattisesti noutaa ja näyttää vuositekstin.

Jos taustakuvaa ei ole määritetty asetuksissa eikä vuositekstiä voitu ladata automaattisesti, valmiustilassa näkyy musta tausta.

Mediaohjaintilaan pääsee napsauttamalla ▶️ (toisto) -painiketta M³:n päänäytössä tai käyttämällä pikanäppäintä Alt D (ulkoiselle näytölle).

Mediantoistotilassa voi valita mille päivämäärälle haluat näyttää median. Jos nykyisen päivän kansio on olemassa, se valitaan automaattisesti. Kun päivämäärä on valittu, voit silti muuttaa valittua päivämäärää milloin tahansa klikkaamalla päivämäärän valintapainiketta, ylimmässä osiossa.

Median esittely

Toistaaksesi mediaa, paina ▶️ (Toista) painiketta. Voit piilottaa median, paina ⏹️ (stop) painiketta. Videota voidaan kelata taakse tai eteenpäin vain pause-tilassa. Huomaa, että videoiden osalta, pysäytyspainiketta on painettava kahdesti estääksesi videon pysäyttämisen vahingossa. Videot pysähtyvät automaattisesti, kun ne ovat pelanneet kokonaan.


M³ sisältää muutamia lisäominaisuuksia, joita voidaan käyttää parantamaan median esittelyn kokemusta.

Näytä JW.org

Esittääksesi JW.orgin voit painaa näytön yläreunassa olevaa ⋮ (ellipsis) painiketta ja valita Avaa JW.org. Tämä avaa uuden ikkunan, jossa JW.org on ladattu. Median ikkunassa näkyy myös JW.org. Nyt voit käyttää ikkunaa navigoidaksesi JW.org:ssa, ja media-ikkuna näyttää valintasi. Kun olet valmis esittelemään JW.orgia, voit sulkea ikkunan ja jatkaa normaalia median esitystilaa.

Zoomaa ja panoroi kuvia

Kun kuva on näkyvissä, voit vierittää hiiren pyörää kuvan esikatselun päälla niin kuva suurenee tai pienenee. Vaihtoehtoisesti voit myös zoomata tuplaklikkaamalla kuvan esikatselua. Tuplaklikkaus vaihtelee zoomaustasoa 1,5x, 2x, 3x, 4x ja takaisin 1x. Voit myös pitää kuvaa painettuna ja panoiroida sen vetäämällä kuvaa.

Lajittele medialuettelo

Medialuetteloa voidaan lajitella klikkaamalla sivun oikeassa yläkulmassa olevaa lajittelupainiketta. Mediakohteiden vierellä on painike jota voidaan käyttää vetämään median ylös tai alas luettelossa. Kun olet tyytyväinen lajitteluun voit klikata lajittelupainiketta uudelleen lukitseaksesi lajittelun.

Lisää viime minuutin laulu

Jos haluat lisätä viime miinutun laulun medialuetteloon, voit painaa näytön yläreunassa olevaa ♫ + (lisää laulu). Pudotusvalikko tulee näkyviin, ja siinä on luettelo kaikista valtakunnan lauluista. Kun teet valinnan se lisätään välittömästi medialuettelon alkuun ja se voidaan toistaa välittömästi. Se joko virtaa laulun JW.orgista tai soittaa laulun paikallisesta muistista, jos se on aiemmin ladattu.

Hybridikokousten johtaminen M³:n, OBS Studion ja Zoomin yhdistelmällä

Ylivoimaisesti yksinkertaisin tapa jakaa mediaa hybridikokousten aikana on määrittää OBS Studio, M³ ja Zoom toimimaan yhdessä.

Alkukokoonpano: Valtakunnansalin tietokone

Aseta ulkoisen näytön resoluutioksi 1280x720 tai jotain lähelle sitä.

Määritä tietokoneen äänikortin lähtö menemään johonkin mikserin tuloista ja mikserin yhdistetty lähtö menemään tietokoneen äänikortin tuloon.

Alkukokoonpano: OBS Studio

Asenna OBS Studio tai lataa kannettava versio.

Jos käytät OBS Studion siirretävää versiota, asenna Virtualcam-laajennus, ja jos käytät OBS Studion siirrettävää versiota, lisää virtuaalikamera Windowsiin kaksoisnapsauttamalla mukana toimitettua asennuskomentosarjaa.

Jos sinulla on OBS Studio v27 tai vanhempi, sinun täytyy asentaa obs-websocket plugin. Muuten obs-websocket sisältyy. Määritä obs-websocketin porttinumero ja salasana.

OBS asetuksissa kohdassa Yleistä > Järjestelmän ilmoitusalue, salli kaikki valintaruudut. Ota Output > Streamingkäyttöön laitteistoenkooderi jos käytettävissä. Kohteena Video > Base (Canvas) ja Output (Scaled), valitse 1280x720, ja alle Alamittakaavan Suodatin, valitse Bilinear.

Määritä vähintään 2 skeneä: yksi mediatiedonäytölle (Ikkunan kaappaus tai Näyttö kun hiiren kursori on poistettu käytöstä ja sopiva ikkunan otsikko/näyttö valittu), ja toinen näyttämölle (Video Capture Laite salin kamera valittu). Voit myös lisätä toisen kohtauksen erityisesti kuville, jossa media-ikkuna on näkyvissä yhdessä lavan kanssa kuvassa kuvassa muotona. Voit lisätä niin monta skenea kuin tarvitset, kamera on säädetty, zoomed-in ja rajataan tarpeen mukaan (puhuja ja lukijan näkymä jne.).

Ota käyttöön Scaling/Aspect Ratio -suodatin kaikissa Ikkunan kaappauksissa tai Näyttökaappauksessa jossa Resoluutio Base (Canvas) Resolution. Näin varmistetaan, että media-ikkuna on aina skaalattu virtuaalikameran tulostustarkkuudella.

Lisää OBS Studion pikakuvake --startvirtualcam-parametrilla Windowsin käyttäjäprofiilin Käynnistys-kansioon varmistaaksesi, että OBS Studio käynnistyy automaattisesti, kun käyttäjä kirjautuu sisään.

Alkukokoonpano: Valtakunnan sali Zoom

Zoom on konfiguroitava käyttämään kahta näyttöä. Ota käyttöön globaali näppäimistön pikakuvakkeet Zoomia varten, jotta voit mykistää tai poistaa mykistys salin ääntä Zoomissa (Alt A), ja aloittaa / lopettaa salin video syöte Zoomiin (Alt V).

Aseta oletus”mikrofoniksi” mikserin yhdistetty ulostulo (jotta kaikki valtakunnansalin äänijärjestelmän kautta kuuluva välitetään Zoomin kautta, mukaan lukien mikrofonit ja media) ja “kameraksi” OBS Studion tarjoama virtuaalikamera.

Alkukokoonpano: M³

Ota Esitä media ulkoisella näytöllä tai erillisessä ikkunassa-vaihtoehto käyttöön.

Ota käyttöön ja määritä OBS Studion yhteensopivuustila käyttämällä portti- ja salasanatietoja, jotka on määritetty OBS Studion määritysvaiheessa.

Kokouksen aloittaminen

Aloita Zoom-kokous ja siirrä toissijainen zoomausikkuna ulkoiseen näyttöön. Tee se halutessasi koko näytölle. Tässä kohdassa kaikki etäkokouksen osallistujat näytetään seurakunnalle.

Kun Zoom-kokous on näkyvissä ulkoisessa näytössä, avaa M³. Median esitysikkuna aukeaa automaattisesti ulkoisen monitorin Zoom päälle. Synkronoi mediaa tarvittaessa ja kirjoita mediasäätimen tila klikkaamalla ▶️ (play) painiketta M3:n pääruudulla, tai Alt D.

Ota käyttöön salin video syöte (Alt V), ja spotlightaa salin video syöte tarvittaessa, jotta Zoom osallistujat näkevät salin lavan. Poista mykistys salin äänisyötteestä Zoomissa (Alt A). Ei pitäisi olla tarpeen poistaa video- tai äänilähtöä Zoomista kokouksen aikana. Varmista, että “Original sound for musicians” on käytössä Zoomissa, jotta etäkokouksen osallistujien äänen laatu olisi paras mahdollinen.

Aloita taustamusiikin toisto painamalla vasemmassa alakulmassa olevaa painiketta tai Alt K.

Lähettää osa salin lavaa Zoomin kautta

Toimenpiteitä ei tarvita.

Erilaisia kamerakulmia/zoomauksia voidaan valita kokouksen aikana käyttämällä M³ mediatoiston ohjausikkunan alareunassa olevaa valikkoa; tämä valikko sisältää luettelon kaikista OBS:ssä määritetyistä kameranäkymän kohtauksista.

Median jakaminen valtakunnansalissa ja Zoomissa

Etsi mediaa, jonka haluat jakaa M³ mediatoiston ohjausikkunasta ja paina “toisto”-painiketta.

Kun olet valmis jakaamaan mediaa, paina “pysäytä” -painiketta M³:ssa. Huomaa, että videot pysähtyvät automaattisesti kun ne on valmiita.

Näyttää Zoomin etäosapuolet valtakunnansalin näytöllä

Paina “piilota / näytä median esitysikkuna” -painiketta M³ media ikkunan alakulmassa, tai Alt Z, piiloittaa median esitysikkunan. Zoom kokous tulee nyt näkyviin salin näyttööni.

Jos osallistujalla on näytettävää mediaa, noudata Median jakaminen valtakunnansalissa ja Zoomissa-alaotsikon ohjeita.

Kun osallistuja on suorittanut osuutensa, paina “piilota / näytä median esitysikkuna” -painiketta M³-median oikeassa alakulmassa, tai Alt Z, näyttää medianäyttö ikkunan. Salin näytössä näkyy nyt vuositeksti.

Hybridikokousten pitäminen vain M³:lla ja Zoomilla

Jos et jostain syystä halua käyttää OBS Studiota, seuraavat ehdotukset voivat auttaa sinua asettamaan asiat mahdollisimman yksinkertaisesti.

Alkukokoonpano: Valtakunnansalin tietokone

Sama kuin vastaava jakso yllä. Lisäämällä globaalin näppäimistön pikanäppäimen Zoom näytön jakamisen käynnistämistä tai pysäyttämistä varten (Alt S). “Kamera” on salin kamerasyöte.

Alkukokoonpano: M³

Ota Esitä media ulkoisella näytöllä tai erillisessä ikkunassa-vaihtoehto käyttöön.

Kokouksen aloittaminen

Sama kuin vastaava jakso yllä.

Henkilökohtaisten osien lähettäminen valtakunnansalin näyttämöltä Zoomin kautta

Sama kuin vastaava jakso yllä.

Median jakaminen valtakunnansalissa ja Zoomissa

Aloita jakaminen Zoomissa painamallaAlt S. Zoomauksen jakamisikkunassa, joka ponnahtaa ylös, valitse ulkoinen näyttö ja ota käyttöön molemmat vasemmassa alakulmassa olevat valintaruudut (äänen ja videon optimointi). Vuositeksti jaetaan nyt Zoomin kautta.

Etsi mediaa, jonka haluat jakaa M³ mediatoiston ohjausikkunasta ja paina “toisto”-painiketta.

Kun olet lopettanut median jakamisen, lopeta zoomausnäytön jakaminen painamalla Alt S.

Näyttää Zoomin etäosapuolet valtakunnansalin näytöllä

Sama kuin vastaava jakso yllä.

Kuvakaappaukset esitystilasta

Sininen toistopainike siirtyäksesi median ohjaimen tilaan
Sininen toistopainike siirtyäksesi median ohjaimen tilaan
Luettelo mediasta, joka on valmis esitettäväksi
Luettelo mediasta, joka on valmis esitettäväksi
Median oletustausta automaattisesti luodulla vuositekstillä
Median oletustausta automaattisesti luodulla vuositekstillä
Kuvan näyttäminen
Kuvan näyttäminen
Toistaa videota
Toistaa videota
Siirtyminen tiettyyn aikaan videossa
Siirtyminen tiettyyn aikaan videossa

Median hallinta

Medianhallintanäytön avulla käyttäjä voi lisätä tai poistaa mediaa mitä tahansa kokousta varten, hallita toistuvaa mediaa ja jopa lisätä erityismediaa muille päivämäärille, joille ei normaalisti ole suunniteltu kokousta.

Median hallinta jollekin tietylle päivälle

Voit hallita mediaa tiettyyn kokoukseen tai päivään, klikkaa tuon päivän ruutua M³:n päänäytössä. Jos haluat hallita mediaa, joka toistuu jokaisessa kokouksessa, klikkaa ruutua Toistuvaa mediatilaa.

Median lisääminen

Näin voit lisätä mediaa medianhallintanäytöstä.

Vaihtoehto Selitys
Latauksen tyyppi Valitse yksi kolmesta mediatyypistä (katso alempaa).
Media lisättäväksi Riippuu valitusta mediatyypistä (katso alempaa).
Tiedostonimen etuliite Mediatiedostojen nimien eteen voidaan lisätä enintään 6 numeroa lajittelun helpottamiseksi.
Medialuettelo Tämä näyttää valitulle päivämääräruudulle tällä hetkellä suunnitellun median.

Media lisättäväksi-kentässä sinulle esitetään erilaisia vaihtoehtoja valitun mediatyypin mukaan.

Mediatyyppi Media lisättäväksi-kenttä
Laulu … näyttää valikon jossa on laulukirjan sjjm videot median kielellä. Valitse tämä vaihtoehto esimerkiksi lisätäksesi laulun esitelmään tai kierrosviikkoa varten.

Valittu laulu ladataan automaattisesti JW.org:sta, seurakunnan tai ryhmän kielellä, sellaisena kuin se on määritetty Asetuksissa.
JWPUB … voit selata (tai vetää ja pudottaa) JWPUB tiedoston.

Tämän jälkeen sinua pyydetään valitsemaan osio tai luku, josta haluat lisätä mediaa. Tämä lisää JWPUB-tiedostosta sekä upotettuja että referoituja medioita.

Esimerkki yleisestä JWPUB tiedostosta on S-34, mutta mitä tahansa JWPUB tiedostoa voidaan käyttää täällä.
Mukautettu … voit selata (tai vetäää ja pudottaa) muita mediatiedostoja tietokoneeltasi.

Huomaa, että kaikki PDF- ja SVG-tiedostot muunnetaan automaattisesti korkean resoluution kuviksi M³:n avulla
JW.ORG … voit valita videon viimeisimmistä esillä olevista videoista JW.orgista.

Median poistaminen, piilottaminen ja näyttäminen

Jos haluat poistaa, piilottaa tai näytä median, etsi mediatiedosto, jota et halua, ja napsauta asianmukaista kuvaketta.

Mediassa on punainen 🟥 (poista) -kuvake Mediassa on ☑️ (valittu valintaruutu) -kuvake Mediassa on kuvake 🔲 (valintaruutua ei ole valittu)
Sinä tai VO lisäsi mediatiedoston kyseisen päivän mediaan. Mediatiedostoon on viitattu kokouksen aineistossa.

Se ** ladataan JW.org tai uutetaan kyseisestä julkaisusta.
Mediatiedostoon on viitattu kokouksen aineistossa.

Sinä tai VJ on piiloittannut median joten sitä ei ole ladattu tai lisättu kokousmediaan.

Kuvakaappaukset medianhallintanäytöstä

Laulun lisääminen julkiseen keskusteluun
Laulun lisääminen julkiseen keskusteluun
Lisäkuvan lisääminen
Lisäkuvan lisääminen
Median tuominen JWPUB-tiedoston osiosta
Median tuominen JWPUB-tiedoston osiosta
Median esikatselu JWPUB-tiedostosta ennen tuontia
Median esikatselu JWPUB-tiedostosta ennen tuontia
Mediatiedoston nimeäminen uudelleen
Mediatiedoston nimeäminen uudelleen


M³ ei vaadi hallinnollisia oikeuksia asentaamiseen. Asentaaksesi M³:n lataa uusin versio ja asenna se.

Käyttöjärjestelmä Ladattava tiedosto
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

Mitä seuraavaksi?

Määritä sovellus Asetukset-näytön avulla.

Onko asennuksessa ongelmia?

Katso Tekniset käyttöohjeet saadaksesi apua.


Onko tämä sovellus riippuvainen ulkoisista sivustoista, lähteistä ladatakseen julkaisuja ja kokousmediaa?

nro Sovellus toimii samalla tavalla kuin JW Library. Se lataa julkaisuja ja mediaa suoraan viralliselta JW.org-sivustolta ja sen sisällönjakeluverkostosta. Sovellus määrittää suoritettavassa ajassa automaattisesti, mitä on ladattava, kuten mediatiedostoja ja julkaisuja. Lähdekoodi on kaikkien saatavilla tämän tutkimiseen ja tarkistamiseen.

Rikkooko tämä sovellus JW.orgin käyttöehtoja?

Ei. JW.orgin Käyttöehdot todella nimenomaisesti sallivat tällaisen ohjelman käytön. Tässä on asiaankuuluva ote näistä termeistä (lihavoitu teksti on meidän):

Et saa:

Luoda jaettavaksi mitään ohjelmistoja, työkaluja tai tekniikoita, jotka on tehty keräämään, kopioimaan, lataamaan, poimimaan, haravoimaan tai louhimaan tietoja, HTML-koodia, kuvia tai tekstiä tältä verkkosivustolta. (Ei koske sellaisten ilmaisten, ei-kaupallisten sovellusten jakamista, joilla ladataan sähköisiä tiedostoja [esimerkiksi EPUB-, PDF-, MP3- ja MP4-tiedostoja] tämän sivuston osiosta, joka ei vaadi sisäänkirjautumista)

Seurakunnan synkronointi

Vanhinten videokonferenssien järjestäjäksi (VJ) nimeämä veli voi käyttää M³:a hallitakseen, mitä mediaa on saatavilla hänen seurakuntansa teknisen A/V-tukitiimin käyttöön.

VJ tai hänen nimeämänsä henkilö voi:

  • lataa lisä mediaa jaettavaksi kokouksen aikana, kuten kierrosvalvojan vierailua tai julkisten puhujien puheita varten
  • piilota JW.org:sta media, joka ei ole relevanttia tietyn kokouksen kannalta, esimerkiksi kun paikallinen haaratoimisto on korvannut ohjelmanosan
  • lisää tai poista toistuva media, kuten vuositekstivideo tai ilmoitusdia

Kaikki samaan seurakuntaan synkronoidut saavat sitten täsmälleen saman median, kun he napsauttavat Päivitä mediakansiot-painiketta.

Huomaa, että seurakunnan synkronointiominaisuus on valinnainen.

Kuinka se toimii

M³:n taustalla oleva synkronointimekanismi käyttää WebDAV:ta. Tämä tarkoittaa, että VJ:n (tai jonkun hänen valvonnassaan olevan) on joko:

  • määriteltävä suojattu WebDAV-palvelin, joka on käytettävissä verkossa, tai
  • käytä kolmannen osapuolen pilvitallennuspalvelua, joka tukee WebDAV-protokollaa (katsoWeb address asetusta Seurakunnan synkronoinnin asetukset -osiossa alla).

Kaikkien käyttäjien, jotka haluavat olla synkronoitu yhdessä, on muodostettava yhteys samaan WebDAV-palvelimeen käyttämällä yhteystietoja ja valtuustietoja, jotka heidän VJ:nsa on antanut heille.

Seurakunnan synkronoinnin asetukset

Asetus Selitys
Isäntänimi WebDAV palvelimen verkko-osoite. Turvallinen HTTP (HTTPS) on pakollinen.

Huomautus: KunWeb-osoitepainiketta klikataan se näyttää luettelon WebDAV tarjoajista, joiden tiedetään olevan yhteensopivia M³ kanssa. Valitsemalla jonkun niistä automaattisesti täyttää tietyt asetukset.

Tämä luettelo on vain esimerkki eikä se millään tavoin merkitse suosittelemme tiettyä palvelua tai palveluntarjoajaa. Paras palvelin on aina se, jonka itse omistat…
Käyttäjätunnus WebDAV-palvelun käyttäjätunnus.
Salasana WebDAV-palvelun salasana.

Huomautus: Kunkin tukisivun mukaisesti sovelluskohtainen salasana saattaa olla tarpeen luoda Box ja Koofr varten, jotta WebDAV yhteydet heidän palveluihinsa toimisi.
Seurakunnan synkronointikansio Tämä on kansio jota käytetään synkronoimaan median kaikille seurakunnan käyttäjille. Voit joko kirjoittaa tai liittää polun tai käyttää hiirtäsi navigoidaksesi kohdekansioon.

Huomautus: Varmista, että kaikki seurakunnan synkronointikäyttäjät syöttävät saman hakemiston; muuten synkronointi ei toimi odotetusti.
Seurakuntaasetukset Kun VJ on määrittänyt Mediaasetukset ja Kokousasetukset osassa Asetukset omalla tietokoneellaan, hän voi sitten käyttää tätä painiketta valvoakseen tiettyjä asetuksia kaikille seurakunnan synkronoinnin käyttäjille (esimerkiksi kokouspäivät, median kieli, muuntoasetukset, ja niin edelleen). Tämä tarkoittaa, että valittuja asetuksia sovelletaan kaikille synkronoiduille käyttäjille aina, kun he avaavat M3:n.

Seurakunnan synkronoinnin käyttäminen median hallintaan

Kun seurakunnan synkronoinnin määritys on valmis, olet valmis aloittamaan Median hallinta seurakuntasi tekniselle AV-tukitiimille.

Kuvakaappauksia seurakunnan synkronoinnista toiminnassa

Seurakunnan synkronoinnin asetukset
Seurakunnan synkronoinnin asetukset


Asetusnäyttö on jaettu 4 osaan. Useimmat vaihtoehdot ovat itsestään selviä, mutta tässä on vielä muutamia yksityiskohtia.

Sovelluksen asetukset

Asetus Selitys
Offline-tila Jos käytössä, M³ ei yritä muodostaa yhteyttä JW.orgiin tai seurakuntapalvelimeesi. Tästä on hyötyä, kun internetyhteys on heikko tai jos haluat säästää kaistanleveyttä.
Teeman asetukset Valitse haluamasi teema. Jos valitset Järjestelmä, M³ käyttää järjestelmän teemaa.
Seurakunnan nimi Sinun seurakuntasi nimi. Tätä käytetään jos useita seurakuntia jakavat samaa tietokonetta.
Näytön kieli Asettaa ohjelman kielen.

Kiitos monille vapaaehtoisille sovelluksen kääntämisestä niin monille kielelle! Jos haluat auttaa parantamaan olemassa olevaa käännöstä tai lisätä uuden käännöksen, avaa uusi keskustelu.
Kansio, johon media tallennetaan Kokousmedia tallennetaan tähän kansioon myöhempää jakamista ja käyttöä varten.
Mukautettu kätkön polku Oletusarvona julkaisut ja muut tiedot tallennetaan eri hakemistoon jokaiselle käyttäjälle. Voit muuttaa tätä hakemistoa, jos haluat jakaa välimuistissa olevat tiedot samalla tietokoneella useiden käyttäjien kesken.
Päivämäärämuoto kokouskansioille Päivämäärän muoto, jota käytetään kokouksen kansioissa.

Huomautus: Kun käytät seurakuntapalvelinta, varmistakaa, että kaikki määrittävät saman päiväysmuodon pakottamalla sen täytäntöön Seurakuntaasetuksilla.
Käynnistä sovellus järjestelmän käynnistyksen yhteydessä Jos käytössä, M³ käynnistyy kun tietokone käynnistetään.

Huomautus: Ei käytettävissä Linuxissa.
Aloita median synkronointi automaattisesti Jos käytössä, tämä valinta käynnistää automaattisesti mediasynkronoinnin 5 sekunnin kuluttua M³:n käynnistämisestä.

Estääksesi automaattisen synkronoinnin esiintymisen, kun tämä asetus on käytössä, paina ⏸ (tauko) painiketta ennen kuin 5 sekunnin ajastin on päättynyt.
Avaa kansio mediasynkronoinnin jälkeen Jos käytössä, hakemisto, jossa on ladattu media valitulle viikolle, avautuu tietokoneen tiedostonhallintaan, kun median synkronointi on valmis.
Sulje sovellus median synkronoinnin jälkeen Jos käytössä, tämä asetus sulkee M³:n automaattisesti 5 sekuntia mediasynkronoinnin valmistuttua.

Estääksesi automaattisen synkronoinnin esiintymisen, kun tämä asetus on käytössä, paina ⏸ (tauko) painiketta ennen kuin 5 sekunnin ajastin on päättynyt.
Ota OBS Studion yhteensopivuustila käyttöön Jos käytössä, tämä valinta avaa OBS Studioon muuttaaksesi tilanteita tarpeen mukaan sekä ennen median jakamista että sen jälkeen.

Jos otat tämän käyttöön, varmista, että OBS Studio on määritetty käyttämään obs-websocket pluginia, mikä mahdollistaa M³ kommunikoinnin OBS Studion kanssa.

Määritä myös kaikki tarvittavat kohtaukset median jakamiseen ja näyttämiseen OBS-järjestelmässä. Tarvitset vähintään kohtauksen, jossa on Ikkunan kaappaus (suositeltu) tai Näyttö Kaappaus määritetty kaapataksesi M³-median esitysikkunan, tai näyttö, jolla media esitetään.

Sinun täytyy myös määrittää kaikki halutut skenet, esimerkiksi: puhuja, tai lava jne.
Portti Portti, jota obs-websocket-laajennus on määritetty kuuntelemaan.
Salasana Salasana on määritetty obs-websocket-laajennuksen asetuksissa.
Lavanäkymän oletuskohtaus OBS Studiossa Valitse mikä skene on valittava oletuksena kun median esitystila käynnistetään. Yleensä laaja näkymä lavasta, tai puhujasta.
Mediaikkunakohtaus OBS Studiossa Valitse, mikä kohtaus on määritetty OBS Studiossa kaappaamaan M³-mediaikkunaa.
Valinnainen erillinen mediaskene kuville Valinnainen skene, joka valitsee vaihtoehtoisen skenen kuvien näyttämiseksi. Tämä on hyödyllistä, jos haluat näyttää kuvat eri tavalla kuin videot (esimerkiksi kun lava on päällystetty kuva kuvassa-tyylillä).
OBS Studio kohtaus näyttää zoomausosallistujat Valinnainen skene, jolla Zoom osallistujien näyttö voidaan hallita nopeasti ja tehokkaasti hybridikokousten aikana.

Kun tämä tilanne on määritetty, Median Esitystilan käyttäytyminen muuttuu hieman. Kun tässä tilassa, näytetään toggle painike piiloittaa mediaikkunan, ja Zoomin skene näytetään. OBS skenen poimija piilotetaan. Median jakaminen näyttää median automaattisesti tavalliseen tapaan, ja median jakamisen jälkeen media-ikkuna katoaa välittömästi.

Kun asetus on pois päältä, mediaikkuna ja skenen poimijat näytetään uudelleen.
Salli Zoom-integrointi Kun tämä ominaisuus on käytössä, se yrittää automatisoida eri säätöjä (mykistää kaikki, salli salin videon tai äänen, poistaa käytöstä osallistujien mahdollisuus mykistää itseään), kokouksen aika (valitse osallistujat valokeilaan ja mykistää heidät, alentaa kättään ja poistaa valokeila) ja kokouksen jälkeen (poistaa salin videosyöte, antaa osallistujien purkaa mykistyksestä).

Huomautus: Tämä on vielä beta-ominaisuus. Testaa se huolellisesti ennen sen käyttämistä ja varmista, että automaatio on suoritettu oikein.
Zoom-osallistujan nimi Tämä on nimi, jota M³ käyttää liittyäkseen Zoom kokoukseen.
Zoom-kokouksen ID Zoom-kokouksen ID Zoom johon M³ pitäisi liittyä.
Salasana Zoom kokouksen salasana, johon M³ pitäisi liittyä.
Spotlight-video, kun kokous käynnistetään Kun on käytössä, M³ valottaa automaattisesti Valtakunnan salin videon syötteen, kun “aloita tapaaminen” automaatio suoritetaan.
Piilota Zoom-komponentti oletuksena Kun käytössä, zoomauskomponentti on oletusarvoisesti piilotettu. Zoomaus komponentti on tarvittava kelluva komponentti, joka edustaa M³-osallistujaa Zoom kokouksessa. Voit hallita M³-osallistujaa sen kanssa.
Suorita automaattisesti kokouksen aloittaminen Kun käytössä, M³ suorittaa automaattisesti “käynnistä tapaaminen” toiminnot, ennen kuin kokouksen on tarkoitus aloittaa. Nämä toimet ovat: estää osallistujia avaamaan mikrofonin, mykistää kaikki, pyydä isäntä mahdollistaa videon ja mikrofonin ja vaihtoehtoisesti valokeilaa salin videosyötteen.
Nimeä automaattisesti Zoom-osallistujat Tällä asetuksella voit nimetä automaattisesti tiettyjen zoomausosallistujien nimet. Tämä on hyödyllistä, jos haluat nimetä uudelleen osallistujia, jotka liittyvät jatkuvasti väärällä tai epätäydellisellä nimellä. Nimet on merkittävä seuraavassa muodossa: Vanha nimi = Uusi nimi.
Ota beta-päivitykset käyttöön testausta varten Kun käytössä, M³ vastaanottaa automaattisesti beta-päivityksiä, jotka julkaistaan päivittäin ja sisältävät uusimmat ominaisuudet ja korjaukset.

Huomautus: Älä ota tätä asetusta käyttöön tietokoneella, jota käytetään mediatiedostojen esittelyyn valtakunnan salilla.
Poista automaattinen sovelluspäivitys käytöstä Kun tämä asetus on käytössä, M³ ei automaattisesti päivity suljettuna.
Poista laitteistokiihdytys käytöstä Ota tämä asetus käyttöön vain, jos kohtaat ongelmia median esitystilassa. Tämän asetuksen muuttaminen vaatii M³:n käynnistyksen uudelleen.

Seurakunnan synkronoinnin asetukset

Katso Seurakunnan synkronointi -osiosta lisätietoja siitä, mitä tämä tekee ja kuinka tämä osio määritetään.


Asetus Selitys
Median kieli Valitse seurakuntasi tai ryhmäsi kieli. Kaikki media ladataan JW.org tällä kielellä.
Varamediakieli Tätä kieltä käytetään aina, kun ensisijainen median kieli ei ole käytettävissä.

Esimerkiksi, jos valitset Irlannin mediakieleksi ja Englannin varakieleksi, aina kun julkaisu tai video ei ole saatavilla Irlanniksi, se haetaan Englanniksi.
Maksimiresoluutio videoille JW.orgista ladattavat videot ladataan tällä resoluutiolla tai seuraavalla alemmalla resoluutiolla. Hyödyllinen rajallisiin tai matalan kaistanleveyden tilanteisiin.
Ota tekstitykset käyttöön medialle Ota tämä asetus käyttöön, jos haluat hakea tekstityksiä videoille aina, kun se on saatavilla. Tekstitykset näytetään oletusarvoisesti, mutta ne voidaan kytkeä päälle/pois esiteltäessä. Tekstitysten pystyasentoa voidaan muuttaa klikkaamalla tekstityksiä kuvaketta videon esikatselussa.
Muunna media MP4-muotoon Tämä muuntaa automaattisesti kaikki kuva- ja äänitiedostot MP4-muotoon, käytettäväksi Zoomin natiivin MP4-jakamisominaisuuden kanssa Zoomin kanssa. Tämä sisältää kaikki JW.orgista ladattavat kuvat ja mediatiedostot sekä käyttäjän tai videokonferesijärjestäjän lisäämät mediatiedostot.

Huomautus: Tämä valinta sopii parhaiten vain etäkokouksiin zoomin kautta. Jos suoritetaan joko hybridi tai tavallista seurakuntakokousta, tutustu Mediaesitystilaan aktivoimalla Nykyistä mediaa ulkoisella näytöllä tai erillisessä ikkunassa -vaihtoehdossa sen sijaan, ja poista tämä asetus käytöstä.
Säilytä alkuperäiset mediatiedostot muuntamisen jälkeen Jos tämä asetus on käytössä, kuva- ja äänitiedostot säilytetään mediakansiossa kun ne on muunnettu MP4-muotoon, sen sijaan, että poistettaisiin. Tämä johtaa hieman sekavampaan mediakansioon, eikä yleensä tarvitse olla käytössä, jos jakaa mediaa Zoomin kautta. (Katso Muunna media MP4-muotoon ylhällä.)

Huomautus: Näkyy vain, jos Muunna media MP4-muotoon on myös käytössä.
Esitä media ulkoisella näytöllä tai erillisessä ikkunassa Tämän asetuksen avulla voit esittää kuvia, videoita ja äänitiedostoja hybridi tai tavallisen kokouksen aikana. Median toiston hallintaikkunaa voi käyttää klikkaamalla ▶️ (play) -painiketta M³:n päänäytössä.

Median esitysnäyttö käyttää automaattisesti ulkoista näyttöä, jos semmonen on; jos näin ei ole, media näytetään erillisessä ja muunnettavissa olevassa ikkunassa.

Huomautus: Tämä valinta sopii parhaiten hybriidi taitavallisiin kokouksiin.

Jos suoritetaan vain etäkokousta zoomin kautta, voit aktivoida Muunna media MP4-muotoon ja jakaa mediaa Zoomin natiivin MP4-jakamisen sijaan.
Mediaesitystilan taustakuva Oletuksena M³ yrittää hakea vuositekstiä valitulla kielellä, ja näyttää se mustalla taustalla, Mediaesittely tilassa vain jos ei mitään muuta mediaa ei näytetä. Jos automaattinen vuositekstin haku epäonnistuu jostain syystä tai jos haluat näyttää toisen taustakuvan, voit joko käyttää ‘Selain’ painiketta valitaksesi mukautetun kuvan, tai ‘Päivitä’ -painiketta yrittääksesi hakea vuositekstin uudelleen.

Huomautus: Jos seurakunnansynkronointi on käytössä, mukautetun taustakuvan valitseminen synkronoi sen automaattisesti kaikille seurakuntasynkronoinnin käyttäjille.
Piilota mediaikkuna median toiston päätyttyä Jos käytössä, media-ikkuna piilotetaan välittömästi sen jälkeen, kun jokainen mediatiedosto on toistettu.

Huomautus: Tämä asetus on erityisen hyödyllinen viittomakielisille kokouksille.
Toista median ensimmäinen kohde automaattisesti Jos käytössä, medialuettelon ensimmäinen media kohde alkaa automaattisesti soittaa säädettävän määrän minuutteja ennen kuin kokouksen on tarkoitus alkaa.
Ota käyttöön pikanäppäimet median toiston aikana Tämän asetuksen avulla voit asettaa mukautettuja pikanäppäimiä pelaamaan tai pysäyttämään median. Tästä on hyötyä esimerkiksi USB-kaukosäätimen kanssa.
Luo soittolistoja käytettäväksi VLC:n kanssa Ota tämä käyttöön, jos haluat luoda jokaiselle kokoukselle automaattisesti soittolistoja, jotka voidaan sitten ladata VLC:hen, jos käytät kyseistä sovellusta median näyttämiseen Median esitystila:n sijaan.
Poista kaikki mediat th esitteestä Jos tämä on käytössä, tämä estää Hae itseäsi -esitteen median sisällyttämisen jokaiseen keskiviikon kokoukseen.
Posta kuvat Onnelinen elämä-kirjasta seurakunnan raamatuntutkistelun ulkopuolella Jos tämä on käytössä, tämä estää Onnelinen elämä -kirjan ( lff) kuvien sisällyttämisen esimerkiksi viikkokokouksen oppilastehtävien aikana.
Sisällytä tulostettu media, jos saatavilla Jos käytössä, julkaisujen kuvat on mukana, kun ne on saatavilla. Tästä voi olla hyötyä jos julkaisussa on taulukoilta tai kuvaryhmiä jotka ovat selkeämpiä painetussa julkaisussa.


Asetus Selitys
Erikoisseurakunta Jos käytössä, mediaa ei ladata JW.orgista. Vain käsin lisätty media on saatavilla. Tästä on hyötyä esimerkiksi teokraattisissa kouluissa.
Viikkokokous Ilmoita viikkokokouksen tavallinen päivä ja aika; käytetään kansioiden nimeämiseen ja taustamusiikin automaattiseen häivytykseen (katso alla).
Viikonlopun kokous Ilmoita tavallinen päivä ja aika viikonlopun kokoukselle.
Seuraava suunniteltu kierrospalvojan vierailu Kun valitset päivämäärän seuraavalle kierrosviikolle M³ asettaa kyseisen viikon viikkokokouksen automaattisesti tiistaille. Se ohittaa myös seurakunnan Raamatuntutkistelun mediat ja ohittaa molempien kokousten loppulaulut.

Huomautus: Kun käytät seurakuntapalvelinta, pakota asetuksissa että kaikilla kytketyillä käyttäjilla on sama kierosviikon päivämäärä määritettynä.
Ota painike käyttöön toistaaksesi taustamusiikkia Ota käyttöön päänäytön painike, joka soittaa valtakunnan laulujasjjm -kirjasta, satunnaisessa järjestyksessä. Tämä on kätevää esimerkiksi kun soittaa lauluja taustamusiikkina ennen kokousta ja sen jälkeen. Tämän valinnan oikealle puolelle on painike ladata kaikki saatavilla olevat Valtakunnan laulut, mikä voisi olla hyödyllistä puskuroinnin viivästymisen estämiseksi.
Taustamusiikin voimakkuus Asettaa äänenvoimakkuuden, jolla taustamusiikki toistetaan.
Soita taustamusiikkia automaattisesti ennen kokousta Jos käytössä, taustamusiikki alkaa automaattisesti sovelluksen käynnistyessä kokouspäivänä ja jos kokous alkaa alle tunnin kuluttua.
Lopeta taustamusiikin toistaminen automaattisesti Jos taustamuusikin painike on aktiivinen, sitten tämän asetuksen avulla voit määrittää viiveen, jonka jälkeen taustamusiikki pitäisi automaattisesti sammua. Tämä voi olla joko minuutteja, tai ennalta määritetty sekunttia ennen kokouksen alkua (siinä tapauksessa jos taustamusiikki alkoi ennen kokousta).

Kuvakaappaukset asetusnäytöstä

Sovelluksen asetukset
Sovelluksen asetukset

Ongelmat ja ominaisuuspyynnöt

Miten ilmoitan havaitsemastani ongelmasta tai bugista?

Jos koskaan kohtaat ongelmia M³:n kanssa, ole hyvä ja käytä GitHub Issues ilmoittaaksesi siitä. Virheenkorjauksia tehdään säännöllisesti, yleensä kuukausittain.

Miten voin pyytää uusia ominaisuuksia?

Olen avoin ehdotuksille! Ole hyvä ja käytä GitHub keskustelut keskustellaksesi mahdollisista uusista ominaisuuksista.

Tehnilised kasutusjuhised

The app should run as is on most modern computers running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Windows: Paigaldamine ja esimene käivitamine

On opening the installer, you might get an error indicating that “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting”. This is due to the app not having a high number of downloads, and consequently not being explicitly “trusted” by Windows. To get around this, simply click on “More info”, then “Run anyway”.

Linux: Paigaldamine ja esimene käivitamine

Vastavalt ametlik AppImage dokumentatsioon-le, kui rakendus ei avane korralikult, kinnitage järgmise käsu väljund:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Kui väljund on 0, siis rakendust AppImage ei käivitata, kui te ei käivita järgmist käsku, millele järgneb taaskäivitamine:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Enne selle tegemist lugege kindlasti läbi sait mida see endaga kaasa toob.

macOS: Installation and first launch

If upon launching the app, you receive a warning that the app cannot be opened, either because “it was not downloaded from the App store” or because “the developer cannot be verified”, then this Apple support page will help you to get past that.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Unlike Windows and Linux, auto-update functionality is not implemented on macOS, and for technical reasons probably never will be. However, one of two things will happen for macOS users when an update is available:

  • M³ will attempt to download the update package and open it automatically, after which the user will have to manually complete the installation of the M³ update by dragging and dropping the updated app to their Applications folder. Then, they will be able to launch the newly updated M³ from their Applications folder as usual.
  • If the previous step fails at any stage, M³ will display a persistent notification indicating that an update is available, with a link to the update itself. A red, pulsing notification will also be displayed on the settings button in the main screen of M³. The M³ version number in the settings screen will turn into a button that, once clicked, opens the latest release’s download page automatically.

Meedia esitlusrežiim

Meediumiesitlusrežiimi kasutamine

Meediumiesitluse ja kontrolleri režiimid on loodud lihtsuse huvides ja koosolekutel vigade vältimiseks.

Kui valik Esita meediat teisel monitoril või eraldi aknas on lubatud, ilmub meediumiesitluse ekraan automaatselt välisele monitorile, kui see on olemas, või eraldi, lohistatavas ja suurust muudetavas aknas, kui välist monitori ei tuvastatud.

When in standby, the media presentation screen will display the background image that is configured in the settings. If no background image has been configured, then M³ will attempt to automatically fetch and display the yeartext.

Kui seadetes pole taustapilti konfigureeritud ja aastateksti ei saanud automaatselt laadida, kuvatakse ooterežiimis must taust.

Meediumikontrolleri režiimile pääseb juurde, klõpsates M³ põhiekraanil nuppu ▶️ (esita) või kasutades kiirklahvi Alt D (välise kuva jaoks).

Once you have entered controller mode, the folder selection screen will allow you to select the date for which you’d like to display media. If the current day’s folder exists, it will automatically be preselected. Once a date is selected, you can still change the selected date at any time by clicking on the date selection button, in the top section.

Meedia esitlemine

To play media, press the ▶️ (play) button for the file you’d like. To hide the media, press the ⏹️ (stop) button. A video can be rewound or fast-forwarded while paused, if desired. Please note that for videos, the stop button must be pressed twice to prevent accidentally and prematurely stopping a video while it is playing for the congregation. Videos will auto-stop when they have played in their entirety.

Extra Features

M³ has a few extra features that can be used to enhance the media presentation experience.

Present JW.org

To present JW.org, you can press the ⋮ (ellipsis) button at the top of the screen, and select Open JW.org. This will open a new controller window with JW.org loaded. The media window will also display JW.org. Now you can use the controller window to navigate JW.org, and the media window will display your actions. When you are done presenting JW.org, you can close the controller window, and continue with the normal media presentation mode.

Zoom and pan images

When an image is being displayed, you can scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the image preview to zoom in and out. Alternatively, you can also double click on the image preview to zoom in. Double clicking will alternate between 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x and back to 1x zoom. You can also hold and drag the image to pan around the image.

Sort the media list

The media list can be sorted by clicking the sort button at the top right of the screen. The media items will have a button appear next to them that can be used to drag the media item up or down in the list. When you are satisfied with the order, you can click the sort button again to lock the order.

Add a last-minute song

If you need to add a last-minute song to the media list, you can press the ♫ + (add song) button at the top of the screen. A dropdown will appear with a list of all the Kingdom songs. When you select one, it will immediately be added to the top of the media list and it can be played instantly. It will either stream the song from JW.org, or play the song from the local cache if it was previously downloaded.

Hübriidkoosolekute läbiviimine, kasutades M³, OBS Studio ja Zoom kombinatsiooni

Kõige lihtsam viis meediumite jagamiseks hübriidkoosolekute ajal on konfigureerida OBS Studio, M³ ja Zoom koos töötama.

Algkonfiguratsioon: kuningriigisaali arvuti

Seadke välise monitori ekraani eraldusvõimeks 1280x720 või midagi sellele lähedast.

Konfigureerige arvuti helikaardi väljund ühele mikseri sisendile ja mikseri kombineeritud väljund arvuti helikaardi sisendile.

Esialgne konfiguratsioon: OBS Studio

Installige OBS Studio või laadige alla kaasaskantav versioon.

Kui kasutate OBS Studio kaasaskantavat versiooni, installige pistikprogramm Virtualcam ja kui kasutate OBS Studio kaasaskantavat versiooni, lisage virtuaalkaamera Windowsile, topeltklõpsates kaasasoleval installiskriptil.

If you have OBS Studio v27 or older, you need to install the obs-websocket plugin. Otherwise obs-websocket is included. Configure a port number and password for obs-websocket.

In the OBS settings, under General > System Tray, enable all checkboxes. Under Output > Streaming, enable a hardware encoder if available. Under Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Set up at least 2 scenes: one for the media display (Window Capture or Display Capture with the mouse cursor disabled and the appropriate window title/monitor selected), and one for the stage view (Video Capture Device with the KH camera selected). You can also add another scene specifically for pictures, where the media window is visible along with the podium in a picture-in-picture style display. You may add as many scenes as required, with the camera adjusted, zoomed-in and cropped as needed (lectern view, conductor and reader view, table view, etc.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Lisage OBS Studio otsetee parameetriga --startvirtualcam Windowsi kasutajaprofiili käivituskausta tagamaks, et OBS Studio käivitub kasutaja sisselogimisel automaatselt.

Esialgne konfiguratsioon: Kuningriigisaali suum

Zoom should be configured to use dual monitors. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Seadke vaikimisi “mikrofon” mikseri kombineeritud väljundiks (nii et kõik kuningriigisaali helisüsteemi kaudu kostuv heli edastatakse Zoomi kaudu, sealhulgas mikrofonid ja meedia) ja “kaameraks” OBS Studio pakutav virtuaalne kaamera.

Esialgne konfiguratsioon: M³

Lubage valik Esita meediat teisel monitoril või eraldi aknas.

Lubage ja konfigureerige OBS Studio ühilduvusrežiim, kasutades OBS Studio seadistamise etapis konfigureeritud pordi ja parooli teavet.

Koosoleku alustamine

Start the Zoom meeting, and move the secondary Zoom meeting window to the external monitor. Make it fullscreen if desired. This is where any remote meeting participants will be displayed for the congregation to see.

Once the Zoom meeting is being displayed on the external monitor, open M³. The media presentation window will automatically open on top of Zoom on the external monitor. Sync media if necessary, and enter media controller mode by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or Alt D.

Enable the Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), and spotlight the Kingdom Hall video feed if necessary so that Zoom participants see the Kingdom Hall stage. Unmute the Kingdom Hall audio feed in Zoom (Alt A). It should not be necessary to disable the video or audio feed in Zoom for the duration of the meeting. Make sure that “Original sound for musicians” is enabled in Zoom, to ensure the best audio quality for remote meeting participants.

Alustage taustamuusika taasesitamist vasakpoolses allnurgas oleva nupu või Alt K abil.

Kuningriigisaali lavalt osade otseülekanne Zoomi kaudu

Tegevus pole vajalik.

Koosoleku ajal saab valida erinevaid kaameranurki/suumi, kasutades M³ meedia taasesituse juhtakna allosas olevat menüüd; see menüü sisaldab kõigi OBS-is konfigureeritud kaameravaate stseenide loendit.

Meedia jagamine kuningriigisaalis ja Zoomi kaudu

Otsige M³ meedia taasesituse juhtaknas üles meedium, mida soovite jagada, ja vajutage nuppu “Esita”.

When you’re done sharing media, press the “stop” button in M³. Note that videos automatically stop upon completion.

Suumi kaugosalejate kuvamine kuningriigisaali monitoril

Press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media controller screen, or Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. The Zoom meeting will now be visible on the Kingdom Hall monitor.

Kui osalejal on näidata meediat, järgige alampealkirja Meedia jagamine kuningriigisaalis ja Zoomi kaudu all olevaid juhiseid.

Once the participant has finished their part, press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media playback control window, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. The Kingdom Hall monitor will now show the yeartext.

Hübriidkoosolekute läbiviimine, kasutades ainult M³ ja Zoom

Kui te ei soovi mingil põhjusel OBS Studiot kasutada, aitavad järgmised soovitused teil asju võimalikult lihtsalt seadistada.

Algkonfiguratsioon: kuningriigisaali arvuti

Same as corresponding section above. With the addition of the global keyboard shortcut for Zoom for starting/stopping screen sharing (Alt S). The “camera” will be the camera feed from the Kingdom Hall camera.

Esialgne konfiguratsioon: M³

Lubage valik Esita meediat teisel monitoril või eraldi aknas.

oosoleku alustamine

Sama, mis ülaltoodud vastav jaotis.

Kuningriigisaali lavalt osade otseülekanne Zoomi kaudu

Sama, mis ülaltoodud vastav jaotis.

Meedia jagamine kuningriigisaalis ja Zoomi kaudu

Start sharing in Zoom by hitting Alt S. In the Zoom sharing window that pops up, choose the external monitor and enable both checkboxes on the bottom left (for sound and video optimization). The yeartext will now be shared over Zoom.

Otsige M³ meedia taasesituse juhtaknas üles meedium, mida soovite jagada, ja vajutage nuppu “Esita”.

Kui olete meedia jagamise lõpetanud, vajutage suumiekraani jagamise lõpetamiseks Alt S.

Suumi kaugosalejate kuvamine kuningriigisaali monitoril

Sama, mis ülaltoodud vastav jaotis.

Esitlusrežiimi ekraanipildid

Sinine play nupp meedia esitamise režiimi sisenemiseks
Sinine play nupp meedia esitamise režiimi sisenemiseks
Meediumite loend, mis on esitlemiseks valmis
Meediumite loend, mis on esitlemiseks valmis
Vaikimisi meediumitaust automaatselt genereeritud aastatekstiga
Vaikimisi meediumitaust automaatselt genereeritud aastatekstiga
Pildi kuvamine
Pildi kuvamine
Video esitamine
Video esitamine
Liikumine videos kindlale ajale
Liikumine videos kindlale ajale

Meedia haldamine

Meediahalduse aken võimaldab kasutajal lisada või eemaldada meediat mis tahes koosoleku jaoks, hallata korduvaid meediat ja isegi lisada spetsiaalset meediat muudeks kuupäevadeks, mil koosolekuid tavaliselt ei planeerita.

Meedia haldamine konkreetse koosoleku jaoks

Meedia haldamiseks konkreetsel koosoolekul või päeval, vajuta lihtsalt selle päeva ruudule M³-e avaekraanil. Et hallata korduvkasutatavat meediat, vajuta Korduv meedia ruudule.

Meeda lisamine

Siit saate teada, kuidas lisada meediat meediahalduse aknas.

Valikud Selgitus
Üleslaadimise tüüp Valige üks kolmest meedia tüübist (vaata allpool).
Lisa meediafailid Oleneb valitud meedia tüübist (vt allpool).
Failinime eesliide Meediafaili nime(de) ette saab sortimise hõlbustamiseks lisada kuni 6 numbrit.
Meedia nimekiri See näitab valitud kuupäeva jaoks praegu kavandatud meediat.

Väljal Lisa meediafailid kuvatakse teile sõltuvalt valitud meedia tüübist erinevad valikud.

… võimaldab sul valida (või lohistada) teisi meediafaile sinu arvutist.

*Pane tähele, et kõik PDF ja SVG failid muudetakse M³ rakenduses automaatselt kõrgeresolutsioonilisteks piltideks</td> </tr>

</tbody> </table>

Meedia eemaldamine, peitmine ja näitamine

Meedia eemaldamiseks, peitmiseks või näitamiseks otsige lihtsalt üles meediafail, mida te ei soovi, ja klõpsake vastaval ikoonil.

Punane 🟥 (kustutamise) ikoon ☑️ (märgitud ruut) ikoon 🔲 (märkimata ruut) ikoon
Meediafaili lisasite selle päeva meediasse teie või AVÜ. The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It will be downloaded from JW.org or extracted from the relevant publication.
The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It was hidden by you or the VO, so it will not be downloaded or added to the meeting’s media.

Meediumihalduskuva kuvatõmmised

Laulu lisamine avalikuks kõneks
Laulu lisamine avalikuks kõneks
Lisapildi lisamine
Lisapildi lisamine
Meediumi importimine JWPUB-faili jaotisest
Meediumi importimine JWPUB-faili jaotisest
Meediumi eelvaade JWPUB-failist enne importimist
Meediumi eelvaade JWPUB-failist enne importimist
Meediumifaili ümbernimetamine
Meediumifaili ümbernimetamine


M³ ei nõua administraatori õigusi, et seda arvutisse paigaldada. Et paigaldada M³, lihtsalt lae alla viimane versioon ja käivita see.

Operatsioonisüsteem Allalaaditav fail
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

Mis järgmiseks?

Seadistage rakendus Seaded ekraani abil.

Kas paigaldamisel on probleeme?

Abi saamiseks vaadake jaotist Tehnilised kasutusjuhised.


Kas see rakendus kasutab väljaannete ja koosolekute meedia allalaadimiseks väliseid saite, allikaid või “kuraatoreid”?

Ei. See rakendus töötab sarnaselt JW Library rakendusele. Väljaanded ja meedia laetakse alla JW.org ametlikult lehelt ja serveritest. Rakenduse käivitamisel, rakendus otsib automaatselt, mida on vaja alla laadida, nagu näiteks videod, laulud ja väljaanded. Rakenduse lähtekood on saadaval igaühele, et seda katsetada ja testida.

Kas see rakendus rikub JW.org-i kasutustingimusi?

EI. JW.orgKasutustingimused lubab sellisel viisil andmete kasutamist, nagu me kasutame selles rakenduses. Siin on väljavõte nendest mõtetest (rõhutan minu poolt):

Te ei tohi:

Luua levitamise eesmärgil tarkvararakendusi, tööriistu või muid tehnilisi lahendusi, mis võimaldavad koguda, kaasa arvatud scraping ja harvesting, kopeerida, alla laadida või lahti pakkida andmeid, HTML-i, pilte või teksti sellelt saidilt. (Keeld** ei **kehti tasuta, mitteärilistel eesmärkidel loodud rakenduste kohta, mille eesmärk on võimaldada alla laadida elektroonilisi faile, näiteks EPUB-, PDF-, MP3- ja MP4-vormingus faile selle saidi avalikust osast.)

Koguduse sünkroonimine

Vanematekogu poolt videokonverentsi organiseerija (VO) määratud vend saab kasutada M³-d, et hallata, milline meedia on tema koguduse tehnilisele A/V tugimeeskonnale kättesaadavaks tehtud.

VO või tema määratud isik saab:

  • laadida üles täiendavat meediat, mida koosoleku ajal jagada, näiteks ringkonnaülevaataja külastuse või avalike esinejate kõnede jaoks
  • peita JW.org-ist meedia, mis ei ole antud koosoleku jaoks asjakohane, näiteks kui osa on asendatud kohaliku vajaduste osaga
  • lisada või eemaldada korduvat meedia, nt aastateksti video või teadaande slaid

All who are synced to the same congregation will then receive the exact same media when they click the Update media folders button.

Pange tähele, et koguduse sünkroonimise funktsioon on valikuline.

Kuidas see töötab

M³’s underlying sync mechanism uses WebDAV. This means that the VO (or someone under his supervision) needs to either:

  • seadistage turvaline WebDAV-server, millele on juurdepääs veebis, või
  • use a third-party cloud storage service that supports the WebDAV protocol (see the Web address setting in the Congregation sync setup section below).

Kõik kasutajad, kes soovivad koos sünkroonida, peavad looma ühenduse sama WebDAV-serveriga, kasutades ühenduse teavet ja mandaate, mille neile annab nende VO.

Koguduse sünkroonimise sätted

Seadistamine Selgitus
Hostinimi Web address of the WebDAV server. Secure HTTP (HTTPS) is required.

Note: The Web address button, once clicked, will show a list of WebDAV providers that have been known to be compatible with M³, and will automatically prefill certain settings for those providers.

This list is provided as a courtesy, and in no way represents an endorsement of any particular service or provider. The best server is always the one you own…
Kasutajanimi WebDAV-teenuse kasutajanimi.
Parool Password for the WebDAV service.

Note: As detailed in their respective support pages, an app-specific password might need to be created for Box and Koofr in order to enable WebDAV connections to their services.
Koguduse sünkroonimiskaust This is the folder that will be used to synchronize media for all congregation sync users. You can either type/paste in a path, or use your mouse to navigate to the target folder.

Note: Make sure that all congregation sync users input the same folder path; otherwise the sync won’t work as expected.
Koguduse seaded Once the VO has configured the Media setup and Meeting setup sections of the Settings on his own computer, he can then use this button to enforce certain settings for all congregation sync users (for example, meeting days, media language, conversion settings, and so on). This means that the selected settings will be forcefully applied for all synced users every time they open M³.

Koguduse sünkroonimise kasutamine meedia haldamiseks

Kui koguduse sünkroonimise seadistamine on lõpule viidud, olete valmis alustama oma koguduse tehnilise AV-toe meeskonnaga Meedia haldamine.

Kuvatõmmised koguduse sünkroonimise tegevusest

Koguduse sünkroonimise sätted
Koguduse sünkroonimise sätted


Seaded aken on jagatud neljaks osaks. Suurem osa seadetest on selgesti arusaadavad, aga on ka mõningaid täpsustavaid seadeid ja detaile.

Rakenduse sätted

Seadistamine Selgitus
Võrguühenduseta režiim Kui on sisse lülitatud, siis M³ ei ühenda ennast JW.org lehega ega koguduse serveriga. See on kasulik, kui internetiühendus on vilets ja on vaja säästa internetimahtu.
Teema eelistus Vali rakenduse (välimuse) teema. Kui valid Süsteem, siis M³ kasutab arvutisüsteemi teemat (välimust).
Koguduse nimi Koguduse nimi. Kasutatakse, kui sama arvutit kasutavad erinevad kogudused.
Kuvatav keel Seadistab, millises keeles kuvatakse M³ rakendus.

Täname paljusid vabatahtlikke, kes aitasid tõlkida rakendust paljudesse keeltesse! Kui sa soovid aidata parandada praegust tõlget või lisada uus tõlge, siis ava uus arutelu.
Kaust, kuhu meedia salvestada Koosolekumeedia salvestatakse sellesse kausta hilisemaks jagamiseks ja kasutamiseks.
Kohandatud failide kaust Vaikimisi salvestatakse meediafilid eraldi kaustadesse iga kasutaja kohta. Sa võid muuta kausta aukohta, kui sa soovid jagada meediafaile sama arvuti erinevate kasutajate vahel.
Koosolekukaustade kuupäevavorming Kuupäeva formaat koosoleku kaustade nimetamisel.

Märkus:</strong> Kui kasutada koguduse serveri funktsiooni, palun veendu, et igaüks määraks sama kuupäeva formaadi. Seda saab teha kui kasutada Koguduse-sisesed seaded.
Käivitage rakendus arvuti operatsioonisüsteemi käivitamisel If enabled, M³ will launch when the current user logs into the computer.

Note: Unavailable on Linux.
Käivitage meedia sünkroonimine automaatselt If enabled, this option will automatically initiate a media sync 5 seconds after M³ is launched.

To prevent the automatic sync from occurring when this setting is enabled, press the ⏸ (pause) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Avage kaust pärast meedia sünkroonimist If enabled, the folder containing the downloaded media for the chosen week will open in the computer’s file manager after the media sync is complete.
Pärast meedia sünkroonimist sulgege rakendus If enabled, this option will automatically quit M³ 5 seconds after the media sync is complete.

To prevent M³ from quitting automatically when this setting is enabled, press the 🏃 (person leaving/running) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Luba OBS Studio ühilduvusrežiim If enabled, this option will tap into OBS Studio to change scenes automatically as needed both before and after sharing media.

If enabling this setting, make sure that OBS Studio is configured to use the obs-websocket plugin, which is what will enable M³ to communicate with OBS Studio.

Also, configure all needed scenes for media sharing and stage display in OBS. At the very least, you’ll need a scene with a Window Capture (recommended) or Display Capture configured to capture the M³ media presentation window, or the screen on which the media will be presented.

You’ll also need to configure all desired stage view scenes, for example: a shot of the lecturn, a wide shot of the stage, etc.
Port Port, millele pistikprogramm obs-websocket on seadistatud kuulama.
Parool Parool on seadistatud pistikprogrammi obs-websocket seadetes.
Vaikimisi lavavaate stseen OBS Studios Select which scene should be selected by default when media presentation mode is launched. Usually a stage wide view, or a shot of the lectern.
Meediaakna stseen OBS Studios Valige, milline stseen on OBS Studios konfigureeritud M³ meediumiakna jäädvustamiseks.
Valikuline meedia stseen piltide näitamiseks An optional scene to select an alternative scene for showing images. This is useful if you want to show images in a different way than videos (for example, with the stage overlaid in a picture-in-picture style).
OBS Studio meedia stseen, mida näidata Zoomi osalejatele An optional scene to quickly and efficiently manage the display of Zoom participants during hybrid meetings.

When this scene is configured, the behavior of the Media Presentation mode changes somewhat. When in this mode, a toggle button will appear which, when enabled, will cause the media window to be hidden, and the Zoom scene to be shown. The OBS scene picker will also be hidden. Sharing media will automatically show the media scene as per usual, and after sharing media, the media window will disappear immediately.

When the toggle is disabled, the media window and scene pickers will be shown again.
Luba Zoomiga koostöö When enabled, this feature will attempt to automate various pre-meeting (mute all, enable the Kingdom Hall’s video/audio, disable the option for participants to unmute themselves), in-meeting (select participants to spotlight and unmute them, or to mute them, lower their hand and remove the spotlight) and post-meeting (disable the Kingdom Hall’s video feed, allow participants to unmute themselves) tasks.

Note: This is still a beta feature. Please test test it thoroughly before implementing it and always verify that the automation was correctly executed.
Zoomi osaleja nimi This is the name that M³ will use to join the Zoom meeting.
Zoom koosoleku ID The Meeting ID of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Parool The password of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Tõsta video esile, kui koosolek algab When enabled, M³ will automatically spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed when the “start meeting” automation is executed.
Peida vaikimisi Zoomi komponendid When enabled, the Zoom component will be hidden by default. The Zoom component is a required floating component that represents the M³ participant in the Zoom meeting. You can control the M³ participant with it.
Automaatselt käivita koosoleku alustamise tegevused When enabled, M³ will automatically perform the “start meeting” actions, a configured amount of minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start. These actions are: disallow participants to unmute themselves, mute all, ask host to enable video and microphone and optionally spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed.
Nimeta Zoomi osalejad automaatselt ümber With this setting, you can add a rename rule to automatically rename certain Zoom participants. This is useful if you want to rename participants who consistently join with a wrong or incomplete name. Rules must be entered in the following format: Old Name=New Name.
Enable beta updates for testing purposes When enabled, M³ will automatically receive beta updates, which are released daily and contain the latest features and fixes.

Note: Do not enable this setting on the computer used to present media at the Kingdom Hall.
Keela automaatne rakenduse värskendus When this option is enabled, M³ will not automatically self-update when closed.
Keela riistvaraline kiirendus Only enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with media presentation mode. Changing this setting will cause M³ to restart.

Koguduse sünkroonimise sätted

Mida see täpselt teeb ja kuidas seda jaotist konfigureerida, vaadake jaotisest Koguduse sünkroonimine.

Meedia sätted

Seadistamine Selgitus
Meedia keel Select the language of your congregation or group. All media will be downloaded from JW.org in this language.
"Tagavara" meedia keel This language is used whenever the primary media language is not available.

For example, if you select Irish as your media language and English as your fallback, whenever a publication or video is not available in Irish, it will be fetched in English.
Maksimaalne eraldusvõime videote jaoks Videos downloaded from JW.org will be downloaded at this resolution, or the next available lower resolution. Useful for limited or low-bandwidth situations.
Luba videote subtiitrid Enable this option if you want to fetch subtitles for videos, whenever available. Subtitles will be shown by default, but can be toggled on/off while presenting. The vertical position of the subtitles can be changed by clicking the subtitles icon inside the video preview.
Teisenda meedia MP4-vormingusse This will automatically convert all picture and audio files into MP4 format, for use with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing feature during fully remote congregation Zoom meetings. This includes all pictures and media files downloaded from JW.org, as well as additional media files added by the user or the VO.

Note: This option is best suited for remote-only congregation Zoom meetings. If conducting either hybrid or regular congregation meetings, look into using Media Presentation mode by activating the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option instead, and disable this option.
Pärast teisendamist säilita algsed meediafailid If this setting is enabled, picture and audio files will be kept in the media folder after being converted to MP4 format, rather than deleted. This will result in a slightly more cluttered media folder, and generally does not need to be enabled if sharing media through Zoom MP4 sharing. (See Convert media to MP4 format above.)

Note: Only visible if Convert media to MP4 format is also enabled.
Esita meediat teisel monitoril või eraldi aknas This setting will allow you to use M³ to present pictures, videos and audio files during hybrid or in-person congregation meetings. The media playback management screen can then be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³.

The media presentation screen will automatically use an external monitor if present; if not, the media will be displayed in a separate, resizable window.

Note: This option is best suited for either hybrid or regular congregation meetings.

If conducting remote-only congregation Zoom meetings, look into activating the Convert media to MP4 format option and sharing the media with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing instead.
Taustapilt koosoleku režiimi jaoks By default, M³ will attempt to fetch the current year’s text in the language selected previously, in order to display it on a black background when in Media Presentation mode and no other media is being played. If the automatic yeartext retrieval fails for some reason, or if you wish to display a different background image, you can either use the ‘Browse’ button to select a custom picture, or the ‘Refresh’ button to try fetching the yeartext automatically again.

Note: If Congregation sync is enabled, selecting a custom background image will synchronize it for all congregation sync users automatically.
Peida meediumiaken pärast meedia esitamise lõpetamist If enabled, the media window will be hidden immediately after each media file has finished playing.

Note: This setting is especially useful for sign-language meetings.
Esita automaatselt esimest meedia faili If enabled, the first media item in the media list will automatically start playing a configurable number of minutes before the meeting is supposed to start.
Enable keyboard shortcuts during media playback This setting allows you to set custom key combinations to play and stop media. This is useful in combination with a USB remote control, for example.
Looge *VLC-ga* kasutamiseks esitusloendeid Lubage see, kui soovite luua iga koosoleku jaoks automaatselt esitusloendeid, mida saab seejärel VLC-sse laadida, kui kasutate seda rakendust meediumi kuvamiseks Meedia esitlusrežiim asemel.
Ära arvesta th brošüürist kogu meediat Kui see on lubatud, takistab see brošüüri Rakenda ennast meedia kaasamist igal kesknädalasel koosolekul.
Exclude Enjoy Life Forever images outside the Congregation Bible Study If enabled, this will prevent images from the Live Forever book (lff) from being included, for example for student assignments during the midweek meeting.
Kaasa trükitud väljaandeid, kui need on olemas If enabled, renderings of the printed editions of publications will be included when available. This could be useful for some tables or groups of images that are clearer in printed form.

Koosoleku sätted

Seadistamine Selgitus
Special congregation If enabled, no media will be downloaded from JW.org. Only manually added media will be available. This is useful for theocratic schools, for example.
Nädalasisene koosolek Märkige kesknädalase koosoleku tavaline päev ja kellaaeg; kasutatakse kaustade nimetamiseks ja taustamuusika automaatseks tuhmumiseks (vt allpool).
Nädalavahetuse koosolek Märkige nädalavahetuse koosoleku päev ja kellaaeg.
Järgmine plaanitud ringkonnaülevaataja külastus When you select a date for the next planned visit of the circuit overseer, M³ will automatically set the midweek meeting day for that week to Tuesday, skip the Congregation Bible Study media, as well as skip the concluding Kingdom songs for both meetings.

Note: When using a congregation server, make sure to enforce this setting so that all connected brothers have the same circuit overseer visit date configured.
Luba nupp, et mängida taustamuusikat Enable a button on the main screen which will play Kingdom songs from the sjjm series, in random order. This is useful, for example, to play songs before and after meetings at the Kingdom Hall as background music. To the right of this option is a button to download all available Kingdom songs, which could be useful to prevent buffering delays.
Taustamuusika helivaljusus Määrab helitugevuse, millega taustamuusikat esitatakse.
Mängi automaatselt taustamuusikat enne koosolekut If enabled, background music will automatically start playing at app startup when it’s a meeting day and the meeting is starting in less than an hour.
Peata automaatselt taustamuusika If Enable button to play background music is active, then this setting will allow you to specify a delay after which background music should be automatically stopped. This can be either a set number of minutes, or a predetermined number of seconds before the start of the meeting (in the case where the background music was started before a meeting).

Seadete ekraani kuvatõmmised

Rakenduse sätted
Rakenduse sätted
Meedia sätted
Meedia sätted
Koosoleku sätted
Koosoleku sätted

Probleemid ja funktsioonitaotlused

Kuidas teavitada ilmnenud probleemist või veast?

Kui sul tekib tõrkeid M³-e töös, siis kasuta GitHub Issues, et anda tõrgetest teada. Vigade parandused antakse välja regullaarselt, tavaliselt iga kuu.

Kuidas saan taotleda uusi funktsioone?

Ma olen avatud pakkumistele! Palun kasuta GitHub Discussions, et välja pakkuda uusi funktsioone.

Notas técnicas de uso

La aplicación debería ejecutarse tal como está en la mayoría de las computadoras modernas con Windows, Linux o Mac.

Windows: Instalación y primeros pasos

Al abrir el instalador, es posible que obtenga un error que indique que “Windows SmartScreen impidió que se iniciara una aplicación no reconocida”. Esto se debe a que la aplicación no tiene una gran cantidad de descargas y, en consecuencia, Windows no “confía” explícitamente en ella. Para evitar esto, simplemente haga clic en “Más información”, luego en “Ejecutar de todos modos”.

Linux: Instalación y primeros pasos

Según documentación oficial de AppImage, si la aplicación no se abre correctamente, confirme el resultado del siguiente comando:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Si el resultado es 0, AppImage no se ejecutará a menos que ejecute el siguiente comando, seguido de un reinicio:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Asegúrate de leer lo que esto implica antes de hacer esto.

macOS: Instalación y primeros pasos

Si al iniciar la aplicación, recibe una advertencia de que la aplicación no se puede abrir, ya sea porque “no se descargó de la tienda de aplicaciones” o porque “no se puede verificar el desarrollador”, entonces esta página de soporte de Apple lo ayudará a seguir adelante.

Si recibe un mensaje indicando que “no tiene permiso para abrir la aplicación”, pruebe algunas soluciones de esta página, por ejemplo ejecutando el siguiente comando en Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Problemas con permisos de audio o micrófono en macOS Sonoma

En macOS Sonoma, algunos usuarios pueden encontrar un problema en el que M³ repetidamente da un mensaje de error indicando que necesita acceso al micrófono. Ejecutando el siguiente comando en Terminal.app ha resuelto el problema para algunos:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Actualización Automática

A diferencia de Windows y Linux, la funcionalidad de actualización automática no está implementada en macOS y, por razones técnicas, probablemente nunca lo estará. Sin embargo, una de estas dos cosas sucederá para los usuarios de Mac cuando haya una actualización disponible:

  • M³ intentará descargar el paquete de actualización y lo abrirá automáticamente, después de lo cual el usuario deberá completar manualmente la instalación de la actualización de M³ arrastrando y soltando la aplicación actualizada en su carpeta Aplicaciones. Luego, podrán iniciar M³ recién actualizado desde su carpeta de Aplicaciones como de costumbre.
  • Si el paso anterior falla en cualquier etapa, M³ mostrará una notificación persistente que indica que hay una actualización disponible, con un enlace a la actualización en sí. También se mostrará una notificación roja intermitente en el botón de configuración en la pantalla principal de M³. El número de versión de M³ en la pantalla de configuración se convertirá en un botón que, una vez que se haga clic, abre automáticamente la página de descarga de la última versión.

Modo de presentación multimedia

Uso del modo de presentación multimedia

Los modos de presentación multimedia y controlador están diseñados para simplificar y evitar errores durante las reuniones.

Una vez que la opción Habilitar botón para presentar multimedia en un pantalla externa o en una ventana separada está habilitada, la pantalla de presentación de contenidos aparecerá automáticamente en el monitor externo si está presente, o en una ventana separada, movible y redimensionable si no se detectó un monitor externo.

Cuando esté en modo de espera, la pantalla de presentación multimedia mostrará la imagen de fondo que está configurada en los ajustes. Si no se ha configurado una imagen de fondo, M³ intentará obtener y mostrar automáticamente el texto del año.

Si no se configura una imagen de fondo en la configuración y el texto del año no se puede cargar automáticamente, se mostrará un fondo negro cuando esté en modo de espera.

Se puede acceder al modo de controlador de contenidos haciendo clic en el botón ▶️ (reproducir) en la pantalla principal de M³, o usando el atajo de teclado Alt D (para pantalla externa).

Una vez que haya ingresado al modo de controlador, la pantalla de selección de carpetas le permitirá seleccionar la fecha para la cual le gustaría mostrar los contenidos. Si existe la carpeta del día actual, se preseleccionará automáticamente. Una vez que se selecciona una fecha, aún puede cambiar la fecha seleccionada en cualquier momento haciendo clic en el botón de selección de fecha, en la sección superior.

Presentación de contenidos

Para reproducir contenidos, presione el botón ▶️ (reproducir) para el archivo que desea. Para ocultar el contenido, presione el botón ⏹️ (detener). Un video se puede retroceder o avanzar rápidamente mientras está en pausa, si lo desea. Tenga en cuenta que para los videos, el botón de detener debe presionarse dos veces para evitar detener accidental y prematuramente un video mientras se reproduce para la congregación. Los videos se detendrán automáticamente cuando se hayan reproducido en su totalidad.

Características adicionales

M³ tiene algunas características adicionales que se pueden utilizar para mejorar la experiencia de presentación de contenidos.

Presentar JW.org

Para mostrar JW.org, puede pulsar el botón ⋮ (ellipsis) en la parte superior de la pantalla y seleccionar Abrir JW.org. Esto abrirá una nueva ventana con JW.org cargado. La ventana de contenidos también mostrará JW.org. Ahora puede usar la ventana de controlador para navegar por JW.org, y la ventana de contenidos mostrará sus acciones. Cuando haya terminado de mostrar JW.org, puede cerrar la ventana del controlador y continuar con el modo normal de presentación de contenidos.

Zoom y desplazamiento de imágenes

Cuando se muestra una imagen, puede desplazar la rueda del ratón mientras pasa el cursor sobre la vista previa de la imagen para acercarla o alejarla. Alternativamente, también puede hacer doble clic en la vista previa de la imagen para aumentarla. Doble clic alternará entre aumento 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x y 1x. También puede arrastrar la imagen para desplazarse por ella.

Ordenar la lista de contenidos

La lista de contenidos se puede ordenar haciendo clic en el botón de ordenar en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla. Los elementos multimedia tendrán un botón que aparecerá junto a ellos que puede ser usado para arrastrar el elemento multimedia hacia arriba o hacia abajo en la lista. Cuando esté satisfecho con el orden, puede hacer clic de nuevo en el botón de ordenación para bloquearlo.

Añadir una canción en el último minuto

Si necesitas añadir una canción en el último minuto a la lista de contenidos, puedes pulsar el botón ♫ + (añadir canción) en la parte superior de la pantalla. Un desplegable aparecerá con una lista de todas las canciones del Reino. Cuando seleccione una, se añadirá inmediatamente a la parte superior de la lista de medios y se podrá reproducir al instante. Se reproducirá la canción desde JW.org, o se reproducirá desde la caché local si se descargó previamente.

Realización de reuniones híbridas utilizando una combinación de M³, OBS Studio y Zoom

Con mucho, la forma más sencilla de compartir medios durante las reuniones híbridas es configurar OBS Studio, M³ y Zoom para que funcionen juntos.

Configuración inicial: computadora del Salón del Reino

Establezca la resolución de pantalla del monitor externo en 1280x720, o algo parecido.

Configure la salida de la tarjeta de sonido de la computadora para ir a una de las entradas del mezclador del equipo de sonido y la salida combinada del mezclador del equipo de sonido para ir a la entrada de la tarjeta de sonido de la computadora.

Configuración inicial: OBS Studio

Instale OBS Studio o descargue la versión portable.

Si usa la versión portable de OBS Studio, instale el complemento Virtualcam y, si usa la versión portable de OBS Studio, agregue la cámara virtual a Windows haciendo doble clic en el script de instalación proporcionado.

Si tiene OBS Studio v27 o anterior, debe instalar el complemento obs-websocket. Si su versión de OBS es superior, obs-websocket ya viene instalado. Configure un número de puerto y una contraseña para obs-websocket.

En la configuración de OBS, en General > Bandeja del sistema, active todas las casillas de verificación. En Output > Streaming, habilite un codificador de hardware si está disponible. En Vídeo > Resolución base (lienzo) y Resolución de salida (escalada), elija 1280x720, y en Filtro de reducción de escala, elija Bilineal.

Configure al menos 2 escenas: una para la visualización de contenidos (Captura de ventana o Captura de pantalla con el cursor del ratón deshabilitado y el título de ventana/monitor apropiado seleccionado), y otra para la vista de la plataforma (Video Capture Device con la cámara del Salón del Reino seleccionada). También puede añadir otra escena específicamente para las imágenes, donde la ventana de medios es visible junto con la plataforma en una pantalla de tipo imagen en imagen. Puede agregar tantas escenas como sea necesario, con la cámara ajustada, ampliada y recortada según sea necesario (vista de atril, vista de conductor y lector, vista de mesa, etc.).

Habilite el filtro Ratio de Escalado/Aspecto en todas las entradas Captura de Ventana o Captura de Visualización, con una Resolución de Resolución Base (lienzo). Esto asegurará que la ventana de medios esté siempre ajustada a la resolución de salida de la cámara virtual.

Agregue un acceso directo a OBS Studio, con el parámetro --startvirtualcam, a la carpeta de inicio del perfil de usuario de Windows, para garantizar que OBS Studio se inicie automáticamente cuando el usuario inicie sesión.

Configuración inicial: Zoom Salón del Reino

Zoom debe configurarse para usar monitores duales. Habilite los atajos de teclado globales para que Zoom silencie/active el audio del Salón del Reino en Zoom (Alt A), e inicie/detenga la transmisión de video del Salón del Reino en Zoom (Alt V).

Configure el “micrófono” predeterminado para que sea la salida combinada del mezclador del equipo de sonido (para que todo lo que se escuche a través del sistema de sonido del Salón del Reino se transmita a través de Zoom, incluidos los micrófonos y los contenidos) y la “cámara” para que sea la cámara virtual proporcionada por OBS Studio.

Configuración inicial: M³

Habilite la opción Habilitar botón para presentar multimedia en una pantalla externa o en una ventana separada.

Habilite y configure el modo de compatibilidad de OBS Studio, utilizando la información de puerto y contraseña establecida en el paso de configuración de OBS Studio.

Comenzando la reunión

Inicie la reunión de Zoom y mueva la ventana secundaria de la reunión de Zoom al monitor externo. Cambie a pantalla completa si lo desea. Aquí es donde se mostrarán los participantes de la reunión remota para que los vea la congregación.

Una vez que se muestra la reunión de Zoom en el monitor externo, abra M³. La ventana de presentación multimedia se abrirá automáticamente sobre Zoom en el monitor externo. Sincronice los contenidos si es necesario e ingrese al modo de controlador de contenidos haciendo clic en el botón ▶️ (reproducir) en la pantalla principal de M³, o Alt D.

Habilite la transmisión de video del Salón del Reino (Alt V) y destaque la transmisión de video del Salón del Reino si es necesario, para que los participantes de Zoom vean la plataforma del Salón del Reino. Active el audio del Salón del Reino en Zoom (Alt A). No debería ser necesario deshabilitar la transmisión de video o audio en Zoom durante la reunión. Asegúrese de que “Sonido original para músicos” está habilitado en Zoom, para conseguir la mejor calidad de audio para los participantes de reuniones remotas.

Inicie la reproducción de música de fondo usando el botón en la parte inferior izquierda, o Alt K.

Transmitiendo partes en persona desde la plataforma del Salón del Reino a través de Zoom

No es necesaria ninguna acción.

Se pueden elegir varios ángulos de cámara/zoom durante la reunión usando el menú en la parte inferior de la ventana de control de reproducción de contenidos de M³; este menú contendrá una lista de todas las escenas de vista de cámara configuradas en OBS.

Compartiendo contenidos en el Salón del Reino y por Zoom

Encuentre los contenidos que desea compartir en la ventana de control de reproducción de contenidos de M³ y presione el botón “reproducir”.

Cuando haya terminado de compartir contenidos, presione el botón “detener” en M³. Tenga en cuenta que los videos se detienen automáticamente al finalizar.

Visualización de participantes remotos de Zoom en el monitor del Salón del Reino

Presione el botón “ocultar/mostrar ventana de presentación de contenidos” en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla del controlador de contenidos M³, o Alt Z, para ocultar la ventana de presentación multimedia. La reunión de Zoom ahora será visible en el monitor del Salón del Reino.

Si el participante tiene contenidos para mostrar, siga los pasos del subtítulo Compartiendo contenidos en el Salón del Reino y por Zoom.

Una vez que el participante haya terminado su parte, presione el botón “ocultar/mostrar ventana de presentación de contenidos” en la esquina inferior derecha de la ventana de control de reproducción de contenidos de M³, o Alt Z, para mostrar la ventana de presentación multimedia. El monitor del Salón del Reino ahora mostrará el texto del año.

Realización de reuniones híbridas utilizando solo M³ y Zoom

Si no desea usar OBS Studio por algún motivo, las siguientes sugerencias quizás lo ayuden a configurar las cosas de la manera más simple posible.

Configuración inicial: computadora del Salón del Reino

Igual que la sección correspondiente anterior. Con la adición del atajo de teclado global para Zoom para iniciar/detener el uso compartido de pantalla (Alt S). La “cámara” será la señal de la cámara del Salón del Reino.

Configuración inicial: M³

Habilite la opción Habilitar botón para presentar multimedia en una pantalla externa o en una ventana separada.

Comenzando la reunión

Igual que la sección correspondiente anterior.

Transmitiendo partes en persona desde la plataforma del Salón del Reino a través de Zoom

Igual que la sección correspondiente anterior.

Compartiendo contenidos en el Salón del Reino y por Zoom

Comience a compartir en Zoom presionando Alt S. En la ventana Compartir de Zoom que aparece, elija el monitor externo y habilite ambas casillas de verificación en la parte inferior izquierda (para optimización de sonido y video). El texto del año ahora se compartirá a través de Zoom.

Encuentre los contenidos que desea compartir en la ventana de control de reproducción de contenidos de M³ y presione el botón “reproducir”.

Cuando haya terminado de compartir contenidos, presione Alt S para finalizar el uso compartido de la pantalla de Zoom.

Visualización de participantes remotos de Zoom en el monitor del Salón del Reino

Igual que la sección correspondiente anterior.

Capturas de pantalla del Modo Presentación

Botón azul de reproducción para administrar contenidos
Botón azul de reproducción para administrar contenidos
Lista de contenidos que está lista para ser presentada
Lista de contenidos que está lista para ser presentada
Fondo multimedia predeterminado, con texto de año generado automáticamente
Fondo multimedia predeterminado, con texto de año generado automáticamente
Mostrar una imagen
Mostrar una imagen
Reproducir un video
Reproducir un video
Moverse a un momento específico en un video
Moverse a un momento específico en un video

Gestión de contenidos

La pantalla de administración de contenidos permite al usuario agregar o eliminar contenidos para cualquier reunión determinada, administrar contenidos recurrentes e incluso agregar contenidos especiales para otras fechas en las que normalmente no se programa ninguna reunión.

Gestionar contenidos para un día en particular

Para administrar los contenidos de una determinada reunión o día, simplemente haga clic en el botón de ese día en la pantalla principal de M³. Para administrar los contenidos que se repiten en cada reunión, haga clic en el botón Recurrente.

Agregar contenidos

Aquí se explica cómo añadir contenidos desde la pantalla de administración de contenidos.

Opción Explicación
Tipo de subida Elija uno de los 3 tipos de contenidos (vea abajo).
Contenido a añadir Depende del tipo de contenido elegido (vea abajo).
Prefijo de nombre de archivo Se pueden agregar hasta 6 dígitos antes de los nombres de los archivos multimedia para facilitar la clasificación.
Lista de contenidos Esto muestra los contenidos planificados actualmente para la fecha seleccionada.

En el campo Contenido a agregar, se le presentarán diferentes opciones, según el tipo de contenido seleccionado.

Tipo de contenido El campo Contenido a agregar
Canción … muestra un menú con todos los vídeos de canciones de la serie sjjm, en el idioma de los medios. Elija esta opción, por ejemplo, para agregar una canción para el discurso público o para las visitas del superintendente de circuito.

La canción seleccionada se descargará automáticamente de JW.org, en el idioma de la congregación o del grupo, según se haya configurado en Ajustes.
JWPUB … permite buscar (o arrastrar y soltar) un archivo JWPUB.

A continuación, se le pedirá que seleccione la sección o el capítulo desde el que desea agregar medios. Esto agregará medios incrustados y referenciados de esa sección en el archivo JWPUB.

Un ejemplo de un archivo JWPUB de uso común es el S-34, pero aquí se puede usar cualquier archivo JWPUB.
Personalizar … permite buscar (o arrastrar y soltar) cualquier otro archivo multimedia desde su computadora.

Tenga en cuenta que M³ convertirá automáticamente todos los archivos PDF y SVG en imágenes de alta resolución.
JW.ORG … permite seleccionar un video de los últimos videos destacados en JW.org.

Quitar, ocultar y mostrar contenidos

Para eliminar, ocultar o mostrar contenidos, simplemente busque el archivo de medios que ya no desea y haga clic en el icono correspondiente.

Un icono rojo 🟥 (eliminar) Un icono ☑️ (casilla de verificación marcada) Un icono 🔲 (casilla de verificación sin marcar)
Usted o el OV agregaron el archivo de medios a los contenidos de ese día. El archivo de medios está referenciado en el material de la reunión.

Se descargará de JW.org o se extraerá de la publicación correspondiente.
El archivo de medios está referenciado en el material de la reunión.

Usted o el OV lo ocultaron, por lo que no se descargará ni se agregará a los contenidos de la reunión.

Capturas de pantalla de la pantalla de administración de contenidos

Agregar una canción para un discurso público
Agregar una canción para un discurso público
Agregar una imagen adicional
Agregar una imagen adicional
Importación de contenido desde una sección en un archivo JWPUB
Importación de contenido desde una sección en un archivo JWPUB
Vista previa de contenido desde un archivo JWPUB antes de importar
Vista previa de contenido desde un archivo JWPUB antes de importar
Cambiar el nombre de un archivo multimedia
Cambiar el nombre de un archivo multimedia


M³ no requiere privilegios administrativos para instalarse o ejecutarse. Para instalar M³, solo necesita descargar el último instalador y ejecutarlo.

Sistema Operativo Archivo a descargar
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

¿Qué es lo siguiente?

Configure la aplicación en la pantalla Ajustes.

¿Problemas para instalar?

Consulte las Notas técnicas de uso para obtener ayuda.

Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Esta aplicación depende de sitios o fuentes externos para descargar publicaciones y contenidos de reuniones?

No. La aplicación se comporta de manera similar a JW Library. Descarga publicaciones y medios directamente desde el sitio web oficial JW.org y su red de entrega de contenido. Al ejecutarse, la aplicación determina automáticamente lo que debe descargarse, como archivos multimedia y publicaciones. El código fuente está disponible para que todos lo examinen y verifiquen.

¿Esta aplicación infringe los Términos de uso de JW.org?

No. Los Términos de Uso de JW.org en realidad permiten explícitamente el tipo de uso que estamos haciendo. Aquí está el extracto relevante de esos términos (énfasis mío):

No puede:

Crear para fines de distribución, cualquier aplicación de software, herramienta o técnica que se haga específicamente para recopilar, copiar, descargar, extraer, recolectar o raspar datos, HTML, imágenes o texto de este sitio. (Esto no prohíbe la distribución de aplicaciones gratuitas y no comerciales diseñadas para descargar archivos electrónicos en formato EPUB, PDF, MP3 y MP4 desde áreas públicas de este sitio.)

Sincronización de la congregación

El hermano designado como organizador de videoconferencia (OV) por el cuerpo de ancianos puede usar M³ para administrar qué contenidos están disponibles para el equipo de soporte técnico de Audio/Video en su congregación.

El OV, o alguien designado por él, puede:

  • subir contenidos adicionales para compartir durante una reunión, como la visita del superintendente de circuito o los discursos de los oradores públicos
  • ocultar los medios de JW.org que no son relevantes para una reunión determinada, por ejemplo, cuando una parte ha sido reemplazada por la sucursal local
  • agregar o eliminar contenidos recurrentes, como un video de texto anual o una diapositiva de anuncio

Todos los colaboradores que estén sincronizados con la misma congregación recibirán exactamente los mismos contenidos cuando hagan clic en el botón Actualizar multimedia.

Tenga en cuenta que la función de sincronización de la congregación totalmente opcional.

Cómo funciona

El mecanismo de sincronización subyacente de M³ utiliza WebDAV. Esto significa que el OV (o alguien bajo su supervisión) debe:

  • configurar un servidor WebDAV seguro que sea accesible desde la web, o
  • utilizar un servicio de almacenamiento en la nube de terceros que admita el protocolo WebDAV (consulte la configuración Nombre del host en la sección Configuración de sincronización de la congregación a continuación).

Todos los usuarios que deseen sincronizarse juntos deberán conectarse al mismo servidor WebDAV utilizando la información de conexión y las credenciales que les proporcionó su OV.

Configuración de sincronización de la congregación

Ajuste Explicación
Nombre de host Dirección web del servidor WebDAV. Se requiere HTTP seguro (HTTPS).

Nota: El botón de dirección Web, al hacer clic, mostrará una lista de proveedores WebDAV que son conocidos por ser compatibles con M³, y automáticamente rellenará ciertos ajustes para esos proveedores.

Esta lista se proporciona como cortesía y de ninguna manera representa un respaldo de ningún servicio o proveedor en particular. El mejor servidor es siempre el tuyo…
Nombre de usuario Nombre de usuario para el servicio WebDAV.
Contraseña Contraseña para el servicio WebDAV.

Nota: Como se detalla en sus respectivas páginas de soporte, es posible que se deba crear una contraseña específica de la aplicación paraBox y Koofr para habilitar las conexiones WebDAV a sus servicios.
Carpeta de sincronización de la congregación Esta es la carpeta que se usará para sincronizar contenidos para todos los usuarios de sincronización de la congregación. Puede escribir/pegar una ruta o usar el ratón para navegar a la carpeta de destino.

Nota: Asegúrese de que todos los usuarios de sincronización de la congregación ingresen la misma ruta de carpeta; de lo contrario, la sincronización no funcionará como esperaba.
Configuración de toda la congregación Una vez que el OV ha configurado las secciones Configuración de multimedia y Configuración de la reunión de Ajustes en su propia computadora, puede usar este botón para aplicar ciertas configuraciones para todos los usuarios de sincronización de la congregación (por ejemplo, días de reunión, idioma de los contenidos, configuración de conversión, etc.). Esto significa que la configuración seleccionada se aplicará a la fuerza a todos los usuarios sincronizados cada vez que abran M³.

Usar la sincronización de la congregación para administrar los contenidos

Una vez que se complete la configuración de sincronización de la congregación, estará listo para iniciar gestionar medios para el equipo de soporte técnico AV de su congregación.

Capturas de pantalla de la sincronización de la congregación en acción

Configuración de sincronización de la congregación
Configuración de sincronización de la congregación


La pantalla de Configuración se divide en 4 secciones. La mayoría de las opciones se explican por sí mismas, pero aquí hay algunos detalles adicionales.

Configuración de la aplicación

Ajuste Explicación
Modo sin Internet Si está activado, M³ no intentará conectarse a JW.org o a su servidor de congregación. Esto es útil para cuando tiene una mala conexión a internet y quiere ahorrar ancho de banda.
Seleccionar tema Seleccione el color que desee. Si selecciona Sistema, M³ utilizará el tema del sistema.
Nombre de la congregación El nombre de su congregación. Esto se utiliza para soportar múltiples congregaciones que comparten el mismo equipo.
Idioma a mostrar Establece el idioma en el que se muestra M³.

¡Gracias a todos nuestros colaboradores por traducir la aplicación a tantos idiomas! Si quieres ayudar a mejorar una traducción existente o agregar una nueva, abre una nueva discusión.
Carpeta en la que guardar los contenidos multimedia Los contenidos de la reunión se guardarán en esta carpeta para compartirlos y usarlos más tarde.
Ruta de caché personalizada Por defecto, las publicaciones y otros datos se guardan en una carpeta diferente para cada usuario. Puede cambiar esta carpeta si desea compartir los datos en caché entre varios usuarios en el mismo equipo.
Formato de fecha para carpetas de reuniones Formato de fecha utilizado para las carpetas de reunión.

Nota: Al usar un servidor de congregación, por favor asegúrate de que todos configuran el mismo formato de fecha forzándolo mediante Configuración de toda la congregación.
Ejecutar la aplicación al iniciar el sistema Si está habilitado, M³ se iniciará cuando el usuario actual inicie sesión en la computadora.

Nota: no disponible en Linux.
Iniciar automáticamente la sincronización de contenido multimedia Si está habilitada, esta opción iniciará automáticamente una sincronización de contenidos 5 segundos después de que se inicie M³.

Para evitar que se produzca la sincronización automática cuando esta configuración está habilitada, presione el botón ⏸ (pausa) antes de que finalice el temporizador de 5 segundos.
Abrir carpeta después de la sincronización de contenido multimedia Cuando está habilitado, la carpeta que contiene los contenidos descargados para la semana elegida se abrirá en el explorador de archivos de la computadora después de que se complete la sincronización de contenidos.
Salir de la aplicación después de la sincronización de la multimedia Si está habilitada, esta opción cerrará automáticamente M³ 5 segundos después de que se complete la sincronización de contenidos.

Para evitar que M³ se cierre automáticamente cuando esta configuración está habilitada, presione el botón 🏃 (persona saliendo/corriendo) antes de que finalice el temporizador de 5 segundos.
Habilite el modo de compatibilidad con OBS Studio Si está habilitada, esta opción accederá a OBS Studio para cambiar escenas automáticamente según sea necesario, tanto antes como después de compartir medios.

Si habilita este ajuste, asegúrese de que OBS Studio esté configurado para usar el complemento obs-websocket, que es lo que permitirá que M³ se comunique con OBS Studio.

Además, configure todas las escenas necesarias para compartir contenidos y mostrar la plataforma en OBS. Como mínimo, necesitará una escena con una Captura de ventana (recomendada) o Captura de pantalla configurada para capturar la ventana de presentación multimedia de M³, o la pantalla en la que se presentarán los contenidos.

También deberá configurar todas las escenas de vista deseadas de la plataforma, por ejemplo: una toma del atril, un plano general de la plataforma, etc.
Puerto Puerto en el que el complemento obs-websocket está configurado para escuchar.
Contraseña Contraseña establecida en la configuración del complemento obs-websocket.
Escena de vista predeterminada en OBS Studio Elija qué escena debe seleccionarse de forma predeterminada cuando se inicia el modo de presentación de contenidos. Por lo general, una vista panorámica de la plataforma o una toma del atril.
Escena de ventana multimedia en OBS Studio Seleccione qué escena está configurada en OBS Studio para capturar la ventana multimedia de M³.
Escena opcional multimedia independiente para imágenes Una escena opcional para seleccionar una escena alternativa para mostrar imágenes. Esto es útil si desea mostrar imágenes de una manera diferente a los vídeos (por ejemplo, con la plataforma superpuesta en un estilo de imagen en imagen).
Escena de OBS Studio para mostrar a los asistentes por Zoom Una escena opcional para gestionar de forma rápida y eficiente la visualización de los participantes de Zoom durante las reuniones híbridas.

Cuando esta escena está configurada, el comportamiento del modo de Presentación Multimedia cambia un poco. En este modo, aparecerá un botón de interruptor que, cuando esté activado, hará que la ventana de contenidos se oculte y que se muestre la escena de Zoom. El selector de escena OBS también se ocultará. Al compartir contenidos se mostrará automáticamente la escena de contenidos como de costumbre, y después de compartir los contenidos, la ventana desaparecerá inmediatamente.

Cuando el interruptor esté desactivado, la ventana multimedia y los selectores de escena se mostrarán de nuevo.
Habilitar integración con Zoom Esta es una caraterística en desarrollo. Por favor, pruébelo a fondo antes de implementarlo. Cuando esté activado, intentará automatizar varias tareas previas a la reunión (silenciar a todos, habilitar video/audio del Salón del Reino, desactivar la opción para que los participantes abran sus micros), durante en la reunión (seleccionar participantes para destacarlos y solicitar abrir micros, o para silenciarlos, bajar la mano y dejar de destacar) y después de la reunión (cerrar la cámara de vídeo del Salón del Reino y permitir que los participantes abran sus micros).

Nota: Esta es una característica todavía en fase beta. Por favor, pruébelo a fondo antes de implementarlo y siempre verifique que la automatización se haya ejecutado correctamente.
Nombre del asistente por Zoom Este es el nombre que M³ usará para unirse a la reunión de Zoom.
ID de Reunión de Zoom ID de Reunión de Zoom Meeting a la que la M³ debe unirse.
Contraseña La contraseña de la reunión de Zoom, a la que M³ se debe unir.
Vídeo destacado al comenzar la reunión Cuando está activado, M³ automáticamente destaca para todos los asistentes por Zoom la fuente de vídeo del Salón del Reino cuando se ejecuta la automatización de “iniciar reunión”.
Ocultar usuario Zoom por defecto Cuando está activado, la ventana Zoom en M³ se ocultará por defecto. El usuario Zoom es una ventana flotante requerida que representa al asistente M³ conectado a la reunión Zoom. Puede controlar al asistente M³ con ella.
Ejecuta automáticamente las acciones de inicio de reunión Cuando está activado, M³ realizará automáticamente las acciones de “iniciar reunión”, cuando falten los minutos configurados previamente antes del comienzo de la reunión. Estas acciones son: silenciar a todos, no permitir que los asistentes abran su micro, solicitar al anfitrión que abra su micrófono y vídeo, y opcionalmente destacar para todos la fuente de vídeo del Salón del Reino.
Renombra automáticamente los asistentes de Zoom Con esta configuración, puede añadir una lista de renombrado para renombrar automáticamente cada vez que se unan a la reunión ciertos asistentes por Zoom. Esto es útil si desea renombrar a los asistentes que siempre se unen con un nombre incompleto o incorrecto. Cada cambio debe introducirse en el siguiente formato: Viejo Nombre=Nuevo Nombre. Ejemplo: iPhone de Antonio=Antonio Pérez.
Habilitar actualizaciones beta para hacer pruebas Cuando está activado, M³ recibirá automáticamente las actualizaciones beta, que se publican diariamente y contienen las últimas características y correcciones.

Nota: No active esta configuración en el ordenador usado para presentar contenidos en el Salón del Reino.
Desactivar actualizaciones automáticas Cuando esta opción esté activada, M³ no se actualizará automáticamente al cerrar.
Deshabilite la aceleración por hardware Solo habilite esta configuración si tiene problemas con el modo de presentación multimedia. Cambiar esta configuración hará que M³ se reinicie.

Configuración de sincronización de la congregación

Consulte la sección Sincronización de la congregación para obtener detalles sobre lo que hace exactamente y cómo configurar esta sección.

Configuración de multimedia

Ajuste Explicación
Idioma del contenido multimedia Seleccione el idioma de su congregación o grupo. Todos los contenidos se descargarán de JW.org en este idioma.
Idioma multimedia alternativo Este idioma se utiliza cuando el idioma principal no esté disponible.

Por ejemplo, si selecciona el gaélico como idioma del contenido multimedia y el inglés como idioma alternativo, cada vez que una publicación o vídeo no esté disponible en gaélico, se mostrará en inglés.
Resolución máxima para videos Los videos descargados de JW.org se descargarán con esta resolución o con la siguiente resolución inferior disponible. Útil para situaciones de ancho de banda limitado o bajo.
Habilitar subtítulos para contenidos Active esta opción si desea mostrar subtítulos para vídeos, siempre que estén disponibles. Los subtítulos se mostrarán por defecto, pero pueden ser activados o desactivados durante la presentación. La ubicación de los subtítulos se puede cambiar haciendo clic en el icono de subtítulos dentro de la vista previa del vídeo.
Convertir multimedia a formato MP4 Esto convertirá automáticamente todos los archivos de imagen y audio al formato MP4, para usar con la función nativa de compartir MP4 de Zoom durante las reuniones de congregación por Zoom totalmente remotas. Esto incluye todas las imágenes y archivos multimedia descargados de JW.org, así como archivos multimedia adicionales agregados por el usuario o el Organizador de Videoconferencia.

Nota: esta opción es más adecuada para reuniones de Zoom de congregación solo remotas. Si lleva a cabo reuniones de congregación híbridas o presenciales, intente usar Modo de presentación multimedia activando la opción Habilitar botón para presentar multimedia en un pantalla externa o en una ventana separada y deshabilite esta opción.
Mantenga los archivos multimedia originales después de la conversión Si esta opción está habilitada, los archivos de imagen y audio se mantendrán en la carpeta multimedia después de convertirlos al formato MP4, en lugar de eliminarlos. Esto dará como resultado una carpeta de contenidos un poco más desordenada y, por lo general, no es necesario habilitarla si se comparten contenidos a través de Zoom MP4. (Ver Convertir multimedia a formato MP4 arriba.)

Nota: Solo visible si Convertir multimedia a formato MP4 también está habilitado.
Habilitar botón para presentar multimedia en una pantalla externa o en una ventana separada Esta configuración le permitirá usar M³ para presentar imágenes, videos y archivos de audio durante reuniones de congregación híbridas o en persona. Se puede acceder a la pantalla de reproducción de medios haciendo clic en el botón ▶️ (play) en la pantalla principal de M³.

La pantalla de presentación multimedia utilizará automáticamente un monitor externo si está presente; de lo contrario, los medios se mostrarán en una ventana separada de tamaño variable.

Nota: Esta opción es más adecuada para reuniones de congregación híbridas o presenciales.

Si lleva a cabo reuniones por Zoom solo de manera remota, considere activar la opción Convertir multimedia a formato MP4 y compartir los contenidos con el modo nativo de MP4 de Zoom.
Imagen de fondo para el modo de presentación multimedia De forma predeterminada, M³ intentará obtener el texto del año actual en el idioma seleccionado previamente, para mostrarlo sobre un fondo negro cuando esté en Modo de presentación multimedia y no se esté reproduciendo ningún otro contenido. Si la recuperación automática del texto del año falla por alguna razón, o si desea mostrar una imagen de fondo diferente, puede usar el botón ‘Examinar’ para seleccionar una imagen personalizada, o el botón ‘Actualizar’ para intentar recuperar el texto del año automáticamente de nuevo.

Nota: Si Sincronización de la congregación está habilitado, al seleccionar una imagen de fondo personalizada, se sincronizará automáticamente para todos los usuarios de sincronización de la congregación.
Ocultar la ventana de presentación multimedia cuando los contenidos terminan de reproducirse Si está activado, la ventana de contenidos se ocultará inmediatamente después de que cada archivo haya terminado de reproducirse.

Nota: Esta configuración es especialmente útil para reuniones en lengua de signos.
Reproducir automáticamente el primer contenido Si está activado, el primer elemento multimedia de la lista de medios comenzará a reproducirse automáticamente un número de minutos antes del comienzo programado de la reunión.
Activar atajos de teclado durante la reproducción de contenidos Este ajuste le permite establecer combinaciones de teclas personalizadas para reproducir y detener los contenidos. Esto es útil en combinación con un control remoto USB, por ejemplo.
Crear listas de reproducción para usar con VLC Habilite esto si desea generar listas de reproducción para cada reunión automáticamente, que luego se pueden cargar en VLC, si está utilizando esa aplicación para mostrar contenidos en lugar de Modo de presentación multimedia.
Excluir todos los contenidos del folleto th Si está habilitado, esto evitará que los medios del folleto Maestros se incluyan en cada reunión entre semana.
Excluir imágenes Disfrute de la vida que no sean del Estudio Bíblico de Congregación Si está activado, evitará que se incluyan imágenes del libro Vivir para Siempre (lff), por ejemplo, para las asignaciones de los estudiantes durante la reunión entre semana.
Incluir contenidos en edición impresa cuando estén disponibles Si está activado, las traducciones de las ediciones impresas de las publicaciones se incluirán cuando estén disponibles. Esto podría ser útil para algunas tablas o grupos de imágenes que son más claras en la edición impresa.

Configuración de la reunión

Ajuste Explicación
Congregación especial Si está activado, no se descargará ningún contenido de JW.org. Sólo los contenidos añadidos manualmente estarán disponibles. Esto es útil para escuelas teocráticas, por ejemplo.
Reunión entre semana Indicar el día y la hora habituales para la reunión entre semana; se utiliza para nombrar carpetas y atenuación automática de la música de fondo (ver más abajo).
Reunión de fin de semana Indicar día y hora habitual para la reunión del fin de semana.
Siguiente visita del Superintendente de Circuito Cuando seleccione una fecha para la próxima visita planificada del Superintendente de Circuito, M³ establecerá automáticamente el día de la reunión de entresemana para esa semana al Martes, omitirá los contenidos del Estudio Bíblico de la Congregación, y la canción final para ambas reuniones.

Nota: Al usar un servidor de congregación, asegúrese de forzar esta configuración para que todos los colaboradores tengan la misma fecha de visita del Superintendente de Circuito configurada.
Activar botón para reproducir música de fondo Activa un botón en la pantalla principal que reproducirá Melodías del Reino de la serie sjjm, en orden aleatorio. Esto es útil, por ejemplo, para reproducir canciones antes y después de las reuniones en el Salón del Reino como música de fondo. A la derecha de esta opción hay un botón para descargar todas las Melodías del Reino disponibles, que podría ser útil para prevenir retrasos en la reproducción.
Volumen de reproducción de música de fondo Establece el volumen al que se reproducirá la música de fondo.
Reproducir música de fondo automáticamente antes de las reuniones Si está activado, la música de fondo comenzará automáticamente al iniciar la aplicación cuando sea un día de reunión y la reunión comience en menos de una hora.
Detener automáticamente la reproducción de música de fondo Si Habilitar botón para reproducir música en modo aleatorio está activo, esta configuración le permitirá especificar el momento exacto en el cual la música de fondo debe detenerse automáticamente. Esto puede ser: un número determinado de minutos, o un número predeterminado de segundos antes del inicio de la reunión (en el caso de que la música de fondo se haya iniciado antes de la reunión).

Capturas de pantalla de la pantalla de configuración

Configuración de la aplicación
Configuración de la aplicación
Configuración de multimedia
Configuración de multimedia
Configuración de la reunión
Configuración de la reunión

Problemas y solicitudes de funciones

¿Cómo informo un problema o error que encontré?

Si alguna vez encuentras algún problema con M³, por favor usa GitHub Issues para reportarlo. Las correcciones de errores se publican regularmente, generalmente cada mes.

¿Cómo puedo solicitar nuevas funciones?

¡Estoy abierto a sugerencias! Use GitHub Discussions para discutir posibles nuevas funciones.

Technical usage notes

The app should run as is on most modern computers running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Windows: Installation and first launch

On opening the installer, you might get an error indicating that “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting”. This is due to the app not having a high number of downloads, and consequently not being explicitly “trusted” by Windows. To get around this, simply click on “More info”, then “Run anyway”.

Linux: Installation and first launch

As per the official AppImage documentation, if the app fails to open properly, confirm the output of the following command:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

If the output is 0, then the AppImage will not run unless you run the following command, followed by a reboot:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Make sure you read up on what this entails before you do this.

macOS: Installation and first launch

If upon launching the app, you receive a warning that the app cannot be opened, either because “it was not downloaded from the App store” or because “the developer cannot be verified”, then this Apple support page will help you to get past that.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Unlike Windows and Linux, auto-update functionality is not implemented on macOS, and for technical reasons probably never will be. However, one of two things will happen for macOS users when an update is available:

  • M³ will attempt to download the update package and open it automatically, after which the user will have to manually complete the installation of the M³ update by dragging and dropping the updated app to their Applications folder. Then, they will be able to launch the newly updated M³ from their Applications folder as usual.
  • If the previous step fails at any stage, M³ will display a persistent notification indicating that an update is available, with a link to the update itself. A red, pulsing notification will also be displayed on the settings button in the main screen of M³. The M³ version number in the settings screen will turn into a button that, once clicked, opens the latest release’s download page automatically.

Media Presentation mode

Using media presentation mode

The media presentation and controller modes are designed for simplicity and to prevent mistakes during meetings.

Once the option Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window is enabled, the media presentation screen will automatically appear on the external monitor if present, or in a separate, draggable and resizable window if no external monitor was detected.

When in standby, the media presentation screen will display the background image that is configured in the settings. If no background image has been configured, then M³ will attempt to automatically fetch and display the yeartext.

If no background image is configured in the settings and the yeartext could not be loaded automatically, a black background will be displayed when on standby.

Media controller mode can be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or by using the keyboard shortcut Alt D (for external display).

Once you have entered controller mode, the folder selection screen will allow you to select the date for which you’d like to display media. If the current day’s folder exists, it will automatically be preselected. Once a date is selected, you can still change the selected date at any time by clicking on the date selection button, in the top section.

Presenting media

To play media, press the ▶️ (play) button for the file you’d like. To hide the media, press the ⏹️ (stop) button. A video can be rewound or fast-forwarded while paused, if desired. Please note that for videos, the stop button must be pressed twice to prevent accidentally and prematurely stopping a video while it is playing for the congregation. Videos will auto-stop when they have played in their entirety.

Extra Features

M³ has a few extra features that can be used to enhance the media presentation experience.

Present JW.org

To present JW.org, you can press the ⋮ (ellipsis) button at the top of the screen, and select Open JW.org. This will open a new controller window with JW.org loaded. The media window will also display JW.org. Now you can use the controller window to navigate JW.org, and the media window will display your actions. When you are done presenting JW.org, you can close the controller window, and continue with the normal media presentation mode.

Zoom and pan images

When an image is being displayed, you can scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the image preview to zoom in and out. Alternatively, you can also double click on the image preview to zoom in. Double clicking will alternate between 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x and back to 1x zoom. You can also hold and drag the image to pan around the image.

Sort the media list

The media list can be sorted by clicking the sort button at the top right of the screen. The media items will have a button appear next to them that can be used to drag the media item up or down in the list. When you are satisfied with the order, you can click the sort button again to lock the order.

Add a last-minute song

If you need to add a last-minute song to the media list, you can press the ♫ + (add song) button at the top of the screen. A dropdown will appear with a list of all the Kingdom songs. When you select one, it will immediately be added to the top of the media list and it can be played instantly. It will either stream the song from JW.org, or play the song from the local cache if it was previously downloaded.

Conducting hybrid meetings using a combination of M³, OBS Studio, and Zoom

By far the simplest way to share media during hybrid meetings is by configuring OBS Studio, M³ and Zoom to work together.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall computer

Set the external monitor’s screen resolution to 1280x720, or something close to that.

Configure the computer sound card’s output to go to one of the sound booth mixer’s inputs, and the sound booth mixer’s combined output to go to the computer’s sound card input.

Initial configuration: OBS Studio

Install OBS Studio, or download the portable version.

If using the portable version of OBS Studio, install the Virtualcam plugin, and if using the portable version of OBS Studio, add the virtual camera to Windows by double-clicking the provided installation script.

If you have OBS Studio v27 or older, you need to install the obs-websocket plugin. Otherwise obs-websocket is included. Configure a port number and password for obs-websocket.

In the OBS settings, under General > System Tray, enable all checkboxes. Under Output > Streaming, enable a hardware encoder if available. Under Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Set up at least 2 scenes: one for the media display (Window Capture or Display Capture with the mouse cursor disabled and the appropriate window title/monitor selected), and one for the stage view (Video Capture Device with the KH camera selected). You can also add another scene specifically for pictures, where the media window is visible along with the podium in a picture-in-picture style display. You may add as many scenes as required, with the camera adjusted, zoomed-in and cropped as needed (lectern view, conductor and reader view, table view, etc.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Add a shortcut to OBS Studio, with the --startvirtualcam parameter, to the Startup folder of the Windows user profile, to ensure that OBS Studio gets started automatically when the user logs in.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall Zoom

Zoom should be configured to use dual monitors. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Set the default “microphone” to be sound booth mixer’s combined output (so that everything that is heard over the Kingdom Hall sound system is transmitted over Zoom, including microphones and media) and the “camera” to be the virtual camera provided by OBS Studio.

Initial configuration: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Enable and configure OBS Studio compatibility mode, using the port and password information configured in the OBS Studio configuration step.

Starting the meeting

Start the Zoom meeting, and move the secondary Zoom meeting window to the external monitor. Make it fullscreen if desired. This is where any remote meeting participants will be displayed for the congregation to see.

Once the Zoom meeting is being displayed on the external monitor, open M³. The media presentation window will automatically open on top of Zoom on the external monitor. Sync media if necessary, and enter media controller mode by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or Alt D.

Enable the Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), and spotlight the Kingdom Hall video feed if necessary so that Zoom participants see the Kingdom Hall stage. Unmute the Kingdom Hall audio feed in Zoom (Alt A). It should not be necessary to disable the video or audio feed in Zoom for the duration of the meeting. Make sure that “Original sound for musicians” is enabled in Zoom, to ensure the best audio quality for remote meeting participants.

Start background music playback using the button on the bottom left, or Alt K.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom

No action necessary.

Various camera angles/zoom can be chosen during the meeting by using the menu on the bottom of the M³ media playback control window; this menu will contain a list of all configured camera view scenes in OBS.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, press the “stop” button in M³. Note that videos automatically stop upon completion.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor

Press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media controller screen, or Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. The Zoom meeting will now be visible on the Kingdom Hall monitor.

If the participant has media to show, follow the steps under the Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom subheading.

Once the participant has finished their part, press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media playback control window, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. The Kingdom Hall monitor will now show the yeartext.

Conducting hybrid meetings using only M³ and Zoom

If you do not wish to use OBS Studio for any reason, the following suggestions will perhaps help you to set things up as simply as possible.

Initial configuration without OBS: Kingdom Hall computer

Same as corresponding section above. With the addition of the global keyboard shortcut for Zoom for starting/stopping screen sharing (Alt S). The “camera” will be the camera feed from the Kingdom Hall camera.

Initial configuration without OBS: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Starting the meeting without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom without OBS

Start sharing in Zoom by hitting Alt S. In the Zoom sharing window that pops up, choose the external monitor and enable both checkboxes on the bottom left (for sound and video optimization). The yeartext will now be shared over Zoom.

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, hit Alt S to end Zoom screen sharing.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Screenshots of Presentation Mode

Blue play button to enter media controller mode
Blue play button to enter media controller mode
List of media that is ready to be presented
List of media that is ready to be presented
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Displaying a picture
Displaying a picture
Playing a video
Playing a video
Moving to a specific time in a video
Moving to a specific time in a video

Managing media

The media management screen allows the user to add or remove media for any given meeting, manage recurring media, and even add special media for other dates on which no meeting is normally scheduled.

Managing media for any particular day

To manage media for a certain meeting or day, simply click on that day’s tile on the main screen of M³. To manage media that be repeated at every meeting, click on the Recurring media tile.

Adding media

Here’s how to add media from the media management screen.

Option Explanation
Type of upload Choose from one of the 3 media types (see below).
Media to add Depends on the media type chosen (see below).
Filename prefix Up to 6 digits can be added before the media filename(s), to help with sorting.
Media list This shows the currently planned media for the selected date tile.

In the Media to add field, you’ll be presented with different options, depending on the media type selected.

Media type The Media to add field
Song … shows a menu with all Kingdom song videos from the sjjm series, in the media language. Choose this option for example to add a song for the public talk, or for circuit overseer visits.

The selected song will be automatically downloaded from JW.org, in the congregation or group’s language, as configured in the Settings.
JWPUB … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) a JWPUB file.

You’ll then be prompted to select the section, or chapter, from which you’d like to add media. This will add both embedded and referenced media from that section in the JWPUB file.

An example of a commonly used JWPUB file is the S-34, but any JWPUB file can be used here.
Custom … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) any other media file(s) from your computer.

Note that all PDF and SVG files will automatically be converted into high-resolution images by M³.
JW.ORG … allows you to select a video from the latest featured videos on JW.org.

Removing, hiding and showing media

To remove, hide, or show media, simply find the media file you don’t want, and click on the relevant icon.

A red 🟥 (delete) icon A ☑️ (checked checkbox) icon A 🔲 (unchecked checkbox) icon
The media file was added to that day’s media by you or the VO. The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It will be downloaded from JW.org or extracted from the relevant publication.
The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It was hidden by you or the VO, so it will not be downloaded or added to the meeting’s media.

Screenshots of the media management screen

Adding a song for a public talk
Adding a song for a public talk
Adding an additional picture
Adding an additional picture
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Renaming a media file
Renaming a media file


M³ does not require administrative privileges to install or run. To install M³, simply download the latest installer and run it.

Operating System File to download
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

What’s next?

Configure the app using the Settings screen.

Trouble installing?

Check the Technical usage notes for help.


Does this app depend on external sites, sources or “curators” to download publications and meeting media?

No. The app behaves similarly to JW Library. It downloads publications and media directly from the official JW.org website and its content delivery network. At runtime, the app automatically determines what needs to be downloaded, such as media files and publications. The source code is available for all to examine and verify this.

Does this app infringe the JW.org Terms of Use?

No. The JW.org Terms of Use actually explicitly allow the kind of usage that we are making. Here is the relevant excerpt from those terms (emphasis mine):

You may not:

Create for distribution purposes, any software applications, tools, or techniques that are specifically made to collect, copy, download, extract, harvest, or scrape data, HTML, images, or text from this site. (This does not prohibit the distribution of free, non-commercial applications designed to download electronic files such as EPUB, PDF, MP3, and MP4 files from public areas of this site.)

Congregation sync

The brother designated as videoconference organizer (VO) by the body of elders can use M³ to manage what media is made available to the technical A/V support team in his congregation.

The VO, or someone designated by him, can:

  • upload additional media to be shared during a meeting, such as for the circuit overseer’s visit, or for public speakers’ talks
  • hide media from JW.org that isn’t relevant for a given meeting, for example, when a part has been replaced by the local branch
  • add or remove recurring media, such as a year-text video, or an announcement slide

All who are synced to the same congregation will then receive the exact same media when they click the Update media folders button.

Please note that the congregation sync feature is opt-in and entirely optional.

How it works

M³’s underlying sync mechanism uses WebDAV. This means that the VO (or someone under his supervision) needs to either:

  • set up a secured WebDAV server that is web-accessible, or
  • use a third-party cloud storage service that supports the WebDAV protocol (see the Web address setting in the Congregation sync setup section below).

All users that wish to be synchronized together will need to connect to the same WebDAV server using the connection information and credentials provided to them by their VO.

Congregation sync setup

Setting Explanation
Web address Web address of the WebDAV server. Secure HTTP (HTTPS) is required.

Note: The Web address button, once clicked, will show a list of WebDAV providers that have been known to be compatible with M³, and will automatically prefill certain settings for those providers.

This list is provided as a courtesy, and in no way represents an endorsement of any particular service or provider. The best server is always the one you own…
Username Username for the WebDAV service.
Password Password for the WebDAV service.

Note: As detailed in their respective support pages, an app-specific password might need to be created for Box and Koofr in order to enable WebDAV connections to their services.
Congregation sync folder This is the folder that will be used to synchronize media for all congregation sync users. You can either type/paste in a path, or use your mouse to navigate to the target folder.

Note: Make sure that all congregation sync users input the same folder path; otherwise the sync won’t work as expected.
Congregation-wide settings Once the VO has configured the Media setup and Meeting setup sections of the Settings on his own computer, he can then use this button to enforce certain settings for all congregation sync users (for example, meeting days, media language, conversion settings, and so on). This means that the selected settings will be forcefully applied for all synced users every time they open M³.

Using congregation sync to manage media

Once the congregation sync setup is complete, you’re ready to start Managing media for your congregation’s technical AV support team.

Screenshots of congregation sync in action

Congregation sync setup
Congregation sync setup


The Settings screen is divided into 4 sections. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but here are a few additional details.

Application setup

Setting Explanation
Offline mode If enabled, M³ will not attempt to connect to JW.org or your congregation server. This is useful for when you have a poor internet connection and want to save bandwidth.
Theme preference Select the theme you prefer. If you select System, M³ will use the system’s theme.
Congregation name The name of your congregation. This is used to support multiple congregations who share the same computer.
Display language Sets the language in which M³ is displayed.

Thank you to our many contributors for translating the app in so many languages! If you want to help improve an existing translation or add a new one, please open up a new discussion.
Folder in which to save media Meeting media will be saved to this folder for later sharing and use.
Custom cache path By default, publications and other data are saved in a different directory for each user. You can change this directory if you want to share the cached data between multiple users on the same computer.
Date format for meeting folders The date format used for the meeting folders.

Note: When using a congregation server, please ensure that everyone configures the same date format by enforcing it using Congregation-wide settings.
Run app at system start-up If enabled, M³ will launch when the current user logs into the computer.

Note: Unavailable on Linux.
Automatically initiate media sync If enabled, this option will automatically initiate a media sync 5 seconds after M³ is launched.

To prevent the automatic sync from occurring when this setting is enabled, press the ⏸ (pause) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Open folder after media sync If enabled, the folder containing the downloaded media for the chosen week will open in the computer’s file manager after the media sync is complete.
Quit app after media sync If enabled, this option will automatically quit M³ 5 seconds after the media sync is complete.

To prevent M³ from quitting automatically when this setting is enabled, press the 🏃 (person leaving/running) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Enable OBS Studio compatibility mode If enabled, this option will tap into OBS Studio to change scenes automatically as needed both before and after sharing media.

If enabling this setting, make sure that OBS Studio is configured to use the obs-websocket plugin, which is what will enable M³ to communicate with OBS Studio.

Also, configure all needed scenes for media sharing and stage display in OBS. At the very least, you’ll need a scene with a Window Capture (recommended) or Display Capture configured to capture the M³ media presentation window, or the screen on which the media will be presented.

You’ll also need to configure all desired stage view scenes, for example: a shot of the lecturn, a wide shot of the stage, etc.
Port Port on which the obs-websocket plugin is configured to listen.
Password Password configured in the obs-websocket plugin’s settings.
Default stage view scene in OBS Studio Select which scene should be selected by default when media presentation mode is launched. Usually a stage wide view, or a shot of the lectern.
Media window scene in OBS Studio Select which scene is configured in OBS Studio to capture the M³ media window.
Optional separate media scene for images An optional scene to select an alternative scene for showing images. This is useful if you want to show images in a different way than videos (for example, with the stage overlaid in a picture-in-picture style).
OBS Studio scene to display Zoom participants An optional scene to quickly and efficiently manage the display of Zoom participants during hybrid meetings.

When this scene is configured, the behavior of the Media Presentation mode changes somewhat. When in this mode, a toggle button will appear which, when enabled, will cause the media window to be hidden, and the Zoom scene to be shown. The OBS scene picker will also be hidden. Sharing media will automatically show the media scene as per usual, and after sharing media, the media window will disappear immediately.

When the toggle is disabled, the media window and scene pickers will be shown again.
Enable Zoom integration When enabled, this feature will attempt to automate various pre-meeting (mute all, enable the Kingdom Hall’s video/audio, disable the option for participants to unmute themselves), in-meeting (select participants to spotlight and unmute them, or to mute them, lower their hand and remove the spotlight) and post-meeting (disable the Kingdom Hall’s video feed, allow participants to unmute themselves) tasks.

Note: This is still a beta feature. Please test test it thoroughly before implementing it and always verify that the automation was correctly executed.
Zoom participant name This is the name that M³ will use to join the Zoom meeting.
Zoom Meeting ID The Meeting ID of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Password The password of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Spotlight video when starting the meeting When enabled, M³ will automatically spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed when the “start meeting” automation is executed.
Hide Zoom component by default When enabled, the Zoom component will be hidden by default. The Zoom component is a required floating component that represents the M³ participant in the Zoom meeting. You can control the M³ participant with it.
Automatically perform start meeting actions When enabled, M³ will automatically perform the “start meeting” actions, a configured amount of minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start. These actions are: disallow participants to unmute themselves, mute all, ask host to enable video and microphone and optionally spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed.
Automatically rename Zoom participants With this setting, you can add a rename rule to automatically rename certain Zoom participants. This is useful if you want to rename participants who consistently join with a wrong or incomplete name. Rules must be entered in the following format: Old Name=New Name.
Enable beta updates for testing purposes When enabled, M³ will automatically receive beta updates, which are released daily and contain the latest features and fixes.

Note: Do not enable this setting on the computer used to present media at the Kingdom Hall.
Disable automatic app update When this option is enabled, M³ will not automatically self-update when closed.
Disable hardware acceleration Only enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with media presentation mode. Changing this setting will cause M³ to restart.

Congregation sync setup

See the Congregation sync section for details on what this does exactly and how to configure this section.

Media setup

Setting Explanation
Media language Select the language of your congregation or group. All media will be downloaded from JW.org in this language.
Fallback media language This language is used whenever the primary media language is not available.

For example, if you select Irish as your media language and English as your fallback, whenever a publication or video is not available in Irish, it will be fetched in English.
Maximum resolution for videos Videos downloaded from JW.org will be downloaded at this resolution, or the next available lower resolution. Useful for limited or low-bandwidth situations.
Enable subtitles for videos Enable this option if you want to fetch subtitles for videos, whenever available. Subtitles will be shown by default, but can be toggled on/off while presenting. The vertical position of the subtitles can be changed by clicking the subtitles icon inside the video preview.
Convert media to MP4 format This will automatically convert all picture and audio files into MP4 format, for use with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing feature during fully remote congregation Zoom meetings. This includes all pictures and media files downloaded from JW.org, as well as additional media files added by the user or the VO.

Note: This option is best suited for remote-only congregation Zoom meetings. If conducting either hybrid or regular congregation meetings, look into using Media Presentation mode by activating the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option instead, and disable this option.
Keep original media files after conversion If this setting is enabled, picture and audio files will be kept in the media folder after being converted to MP4 format, rather than deleted. This will result in a slightly more cluttered media folder, and generally does not need to be enabled if sharing media through Zoom MP4 sharing. (See Convert media to MP4 format above.)

Note: Only visible if Convert media to MP4 format is also enabled.
Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window This setting will allow you to use M³ to present pictures, videos and audio files during hybrid or in-person congregation meetings. The media playback management screen can then be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³.

The media presentation screen will automatically use an external monitor if present; if not, the media will be displayed in a separate, resizable window.

Note: This option is best suited for either hybrid or regular congregation meetings.

If conducting remote-only congregation Zoom meetings, look into activating the Convert media to MP4 format option and sharing the media with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing instead.
Background image for media presentation mode By default, M³ will attempt to fetch the current year’s text in the language selected previously, in order to display it on a black background when in Media Presentation mode and no other media is being played. If the automatic yeartext retrieval fails for some reason, or if you wish to display a different background image, you can either use the ‘Browse’ button to select a custom picture, or the ‘Refresh’ button to try fetching the yeartext automatically again.

Note: If Congregation sync is enabled, selecting a custom background image will synchronize it for all congregation sync users automatically.
Hide media window after media finished playing If enabled, the media window will be hidden immediately after each media file has finished playing.

Note: This setting is especially useful for sign-language meetings.
Automatically play first media item If enabled, the first media item in the media list will automatically start playing a configurable number of minutes before the meeting is supposed to start.
Enable keyboard shortcuts during media playback This setting allows you to set custom key combinations to play and stop media. This is useful in combination with a USB remote control, for example.
Create playlists for use with VLC Enable this if you want to generate playlists for every meeting automatically, which can then be loaded in VLC, if you are using that app to display media instead of Media Presentation mode.
Exclude all media from the th brochure If enabled, this will prevent media from the Apply Yourself brochure from being included at every midweek meeting.
Exclude Enjoy Life Forever images outside the Congregation Bible Study If enabled, this will prevent images from the Live Forever book (lff) from being included, for example for student assignments during the midweek meeting.
Include printed media when available If enabled, renderings of the printed editions of publications will be included when available. This could be useful for some tables or groups of images that are clearer in printed form.

Meeting setup

Setting Explanation
Special congregation If enabled, no media will be downloaded from JW.org. Only manually added media will be available. This is useful for theocratic schools, for example.
Midweek meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the midweek meeting; used for folder naming and automatic background music fade-out (see below).
Weekend meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the weekend meeting.
Next planned visit of the circuit overseer When you select a date for the next planned visit of the circuit overseer, M³ will automatically set the midweek meeting day for that week to Tuesday, skip the Congregation Bible Study media, as well as skip the concluding Kingdom songs for both meetings.

Note: When using a congregation server, make sure to enforce this setting so that all connected brothers have the same circuit overseer visit date configured.
Enable button to play background music Enable a button on the main screen which will play Kingdom songs from the sjjm series, in random order. This is useful, for example, to play songs before and after meetings at the Kingdom Hall as background music. To the right of this option is a button to download all available Kingdom songs, which could be useful to prevent buffering delays.
Background music playback volume Sets the volume at which the background music will play.
Play background music automatically before meetings If enabled, background music will automatically start playing at app startup when it’s a meeting day and the meeting is starting in less than an hour.
Automatically stop playing background music If Enable button to play background music is active, then this setting will allow you to specify a delay after which background music should be automatically stopped. This can be either a set number of minutes, or a predetermined number of seconds before the start of the meeting (in the case where the background music was started before a meeting).

Screenshots of the settings screen

Application setup
Application setup
Media setup
Media setup
Meeting setup
Meeting setup

Issues and feature requests

How do I report an issue or bug I encountered?

If ever you run into any issues with M³, please use GitHub Issues to report it. Bug fixes are issued on a regularly basis, usually monthly.

How can I request new features?

I’m open to suggestions! Please use GitHub Discussions to discuss potential new features.

Τεχνικές σημειώσεις χρήσης

Η εφαρμογή θα πρέπει να λειτουργεί όπως είναι στους περισσότερους σύγχρονους υπολογιστές που χρησιμοποιούν Windows, Linux ή macOS.

Windows: Εγκατάσταση και πρώτη εκκίνηση

Ανοίγοντας το πρόγραμμα εγκατάστασης, μπορεί να λάβετε ένα σφάλμα υποδεικνύοντας ότι το “Windows SmartScreen εμπόδισε μια άγνωστη εφαρμογή από την εκκίνηση”. Αυτό οφείλεται στο ότι η εφαρμογή δεν έχει υψηλό αριθμό λήψεων και συνεπώς δεν είναι ρητά “αξιόπιστη” από τα Windows. Για να πάρετε γύρω από αυτό, απλά κάντε κλικ στο “Περισσότερες πληροφορίες”, τότε “Run ούτως ή άλλως”.

Linux: Εγκατάσταση και πρώτη εκκίνηση

Σύμφωνα με την επίσημη τεκμηρίωση AppImage, εάν η εφαρμογή αποτύχει να ανοίξει σωστά, επιβεβαιώστε την έξοδο της ακόλουθης εντολής:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Αν η έξοδος είναι 0, then the AppImage will not run unless you run the following command, followed by a reboot:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε διαβάσει στο τι συνεπάγεται αυτό πριν το κάνετε αυτό.

macOS: Εγκατάσταση και πρώτη εκκίνηση

Εάν κατά την εκκίνηση της εφαρμογής, λαμβάνετε μια προειδοποίηση ότι η εφαρμογή δεν μπορεί να ανοιχτεί, είτε επειδή “δεν λήφθηκε από το App store” ή επειδή “ο προγραμματιστής δεν μπορεί να επαληθευτεί”, τότε αυτή η σελίδα υποστήριξης Apple θα σας βοηθήσει να ξεπεράσετε αυτό.

Εάν λάβετε ένα μήνυμα που υποδεικνύει ότι “δεν έχετε δικαίωμα να ανοίξετε την εφαρμογή”, τότε δοκιμάστε κάποιες λύσεις από αυτή τη σελίδα, για παράδειγμα εκτελέστε την ακόλουθη εντολή στο Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Θέματα με δικαιώματα ήχου ή μικροφώνου στο macOS Sonoma

Από το macOS Sonoma, ορισμένοι χρήστες μπορεί να αντιμετωπίσουν ένα πρόβλημα όπου το M³ επανειλημμένα δίνει ένα μήνυμα σφάλματος που δείχνει ότι χρειάζεται πρόσβαση στο μικρόφωνο. Η εκτέλεση της ακόλουθης εντολής στο Terminal.app έχει επιλύσει το πρόβλημα για κάποιους:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Σε αντίθεση με τα Windows και το Linux, η λειτουργία αυτόματης ενημέρωσης είναι όχι που υλοποιείται στο macOS και για τεχνικούς λόγους πιθανότατα δεν θα είναι ποτέ. Ωστόσο, ένα από τα δύο πράγματα θα συμβεί για τους χρήστες του macOS όταν είναι διαθέσιμη μια ενημέρωση:

  • M3 θα προσπαθήσει να κατεβάσετε το πακέτο ενημέρωσης και να το ανοίξετε αυτόματα, μετά την οποία ο χρήστης θα πρέπει να ολοκληρώσει χειροκίνητα την εγκατάσταση της ενημέρωσης M3 σύροντας και ρίχνοντας την ενημερωμένη εφαρμογή στο φάκελο Εφαρμογές τους. Στη συνέχεια, θα είναι σε θέση να ξεκινήσει το πρόσφατα ενημερωμένο M3 από το φάκελο Εφαρμογές τους ως συνήθως.
  • Εάν το προηγούμενο βήμα αποτύχει σε οποιοδήποτε στάδιο, M3 θα εμφανίσει μια επίμονη ειδοποίηση που δείχνει ότι μια ενημερωμένη έκδοση είναι διαθέσιμη, με ένα σύνδεσμο προς την ίδια την ενημέρωση. Μια ειδοποίηση κόκκινου παλμού θα εμφανιστεί επίσης στο κουμπί ρυθμίσεων στην κύρια οθόνη του M3. Ο αριθμός έκδοσης M3 στην οθόνη ρυθμίσεων θα μετατραπεί σε ένα κουμπί που, μόλις πατηθεί, ανοίγει αυτόματα τη σελίδα λήψης της τελευταίας έκδοσης.

Λειτουργία παρουσίασης πολυμέσων

Χρησιμοποιώντας τη λειτουργία παρουσίασης μέσων

Οι τρόποι παρουσίασης των μέσων ενημέρωσης και ελεγκτή είναι σχεδιασμένοι για απλότητα και για να αποτρέπουν λάθη κατά τη διάρκεια συναντήσεων.

Μόλις ενεργοποιηθεί η επιλογή Παρουσίαση πολυμέσων σε εξωτερική οθόνη ή σε ξεχωριστό παράθυρο , η οθόνη παρουσίασης πολυμέσων θα εμφανίζεται αυτόματα στην εξωτερική οθόνη, εάν υπάρχει, ή σε ξεχωριστό, συρόμενο και μετακινούμενο παράθυρο εάν δεν εντοπίστηκε εξωτερική οθόνη.

Όταν βρίσκεται σε κατάσταση αναμονής, η οθόνη παρουσίασης πολυμέσων θα εμφανίζει την εικόνα φόντου που έχει ρυθμιστεί στις ρυθμίσεις. Αν δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί καμία εικόνα φόντου, τότε το Μ3 θα προσπαθήσει να ανακτήσει αυτόματα και να εμφανίσει το κείμενο του έτους.

Εάν δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί καμία εικόνα φόντου στις ρυθμίσεις και το έτος κειμένου δεν μπορεί να φορτωθεί αυτόματα, ένα μαύρο φόντο θα εμφανίζεται όταν είναι σε κατάσταση αναμονής.

Η λειτουργία ελεγκτή πολυμέσων μπορεί να προσεγγιστεί κάνοντας κλικ στο κουμπί ▶️ (play) στην κύρια οθόνη του M3, ή χρησιμοποιώντας τη συντόμευση πληκτρολογίου Alt D (για εξωτερική οθόνη).

Μόλις μπείτε σε λειτουργία ελεγκτή, η οθόνη επιλογής φακέλου θα σας επιτρέψει να επιλέξετε την ημερομηνία για την οποία θα θέλατε να εμφανίσετε πολυμέσα. Αν υπάρχει ο φάκελος της τρέχουσας ημέρας, θα προεπιλεγεί αυτόματα. Μόλις επιλεγεί μια ημερομηνία, μπορείτε να αλλάξετε την επιλεγμένη ημερομηνία ανά πάσα στιγμή κάνοντας κλικ στο κουμπί ημερομηνίας επιλογής, στο επάνω τμήμα.

Παρουσίαση πολυμέσων

Για να παίξεις τα πολυμέσα, πάτησε το κουμπί ▶️ (play) για το αρχείο που θέλεις. Για απόκρυψη του πολυμέσου, πατήστε το κουμπί ⏹️ (stop) . Ένα βίντεο μπορεί να τραβηχτεί ή να προωθηθεί γρήγορα ενώ σταμάτησε, εάν το επιθυμείτε. Παρακαλώ σημειώστε ότι για βίντεο, το κουμπί στάσης πρέπει να πατηθεί δύο φορές για να αποφευχθεί η τυχαία και πρόωρη διακοπή ενός βίντεο ενώ παίζει για το εκκλησίασμα. Τα βίντεο θα σταματήσουν αυτόματα όταν παίξουν στο σύνολό τους.

Επιπλέον Χαρακτηριστικά

Το Μ3 έχει μερικά επιπλέον χαρακτηριστικά που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για τη βελτίωση της εμπειρίας παρουσίασης των μέσων ενημέρωσης.

Παρόν JW.org

Για να παρουσιάσετε το JW.org, μπορείτε να πατήσετε το κουμπί «(ελλειψούς) στο πάνω μέρος της οθόνης, και επιλέξτε Open JW.org. Αυτό θα ανοίξει ένα νέο παράθυρο ελεγκτή με το JW.org φορτωμένο. Το παράθυρο πολυμέσων θα εμφανίσει επίσης JW.org. Τώρα μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το παράθυρο του ελεγκτή για να πλοηγηθείτε στο JW.org, και το παράθυρο πολυμέσων θα εμφανίσει τις ενέργειές σας. Όταν τελειώσετε παρουσιάζοντας το JW.org, μπορείτε να κλείσετε το παράθυρο του ελεγκτή και να συνεχίσετε με την κανονική λειτουργία παρουσίασης μέσων.

Μεγέθυνση και μετατόπιση εικόνων

Όταν εμφανίζεται μια εικόνα, μπορείτε να κυλήσετε τον τροχό του ποντικιού ενώ ποντάρετε πάνω από την προεπισκόπηση της εικόνας για μεγέθυνση και σμίκρυνση. Εναλλακτικά, μπορείτε επίσης να κάνετε διπλό κλικ στην προεπισκόπηση της εικόνας για μεγέθυνση. Διπλό κλικ θα εναλλάσσονται μεταξύ 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x και πίσω σε 1x ζουμ. Μπορείτε επίσης να κρατήσετε πατημένο και να σύρετε την εικόνα για να μετακινηθείτε γύρω από την εικόνα.

Ταξινόμηση της λίστας πολυμέσων

Η λίστα μέσων μπορεί να ταξινομηθεί κάνοντας κλικ στο κουμπί ταξινόμησης στην επάνω δεξιά γωνία της οθόνης. Τα στοιχεία πολυμέσων θα εμφανίζουν ένα κουμπί δίπλα τους που μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για να σύρετε το στοιχείο πολυμέσων πάνω ή κάτω στη λίστα. Όταν είστε ικανοποιημένοι με την παραγγελία, μπορείτε να κάνετε ξανά κλικ στο κουμπί ταξινόμησης για να κλειδώσετε την παραγγελία.

Προσθέστε ένα τραγούδι της τελευταίας στιγμής

Αν χρειαστεί να προσθέσεις ένα τραγούδι της τελευταίας στιγμής στη λίστα πολυμέσων, μπορείτε να πατήσετε το κουμπί - (προσθήκη τραγουδιού) στο επάνω μέρος της οθόνης. Ένα αναπτυσσόμενο μενού θα εμφανιστεί με μια λίστα με όλα τα τραγούδια του Βασιλείου. Όταν επιλέξετε ένα, θα προστεθεί αμέσως στην κορυφή της λίστας πολυμέσων και θα μπορεί να αναπαραχθεί αμέσως. Θα μεταδώσει το τραγούδι από το JW.org, ή θα παίξει το τραγούδι από την τοπική μνήμη cache αν είχε προηγουμένως ληφθεί.

Διεξαγωγή υβριδικών συναντήσεων με συνδυασμό M3, OBS Studio και Zoom

Μέχρι πολύ ο απλούστερος τρόπος για να μοιραστείτε τα μέσα ενημέρωσης κατά τη διάρκεια υβριδικών συναντήσεων είναι με τη διαμόρφωση OBS Studio, M3 και Zoom για να συνεργαστείτε.

Αρχική διαμόρφωση: Kingdom Hall computer

Ρυθμίστε την ανάλυση της εξωτερικής οθόνης σε 1280x720, ή κάτι κοντά σε αυτό.

Ρυθμίστε την έξοδο της κάρτας ήχου του υπολογιστή για να μεταβείτε σε μία από τις εισόδους του μίξερ θαλάμου ήχου, και η συνδυασμένη παραγωγή του μίξερ θαλάμου ήχου για να πάει στην είσοδο της κάρτας ήχου του υπολογιστή.

Αρχική διαμόρφωση: OBS Studio

Εγκαταστήστε το OBS Studio, ή κατεβάστε τη φορητή έκδοση.

Εάν χρησιμοποιείτε τη φορητή έκδοση του OBS Studio, εγκαταστήστε το πρόσθετο Virtualcam , και αν χρησιμοποιείτε τη φορητή έκδοση του OBS Studio, προσθέστε την εικονική κάμερα στα Windows κάνοντας διπλό κλικ στο παρεχόμενο σενάριο εγκατάστασης.

Αν έχετε OBS Studio v27 ή μεγαλύτερο, θα πρέπει να εγκαταστήσετε το πρόσθετο obs-websocket. Διαφορετικά obs-websocket συμπεριλαμβάνεται. Ρύθμιση αριθμού θύρας και κωδικού πρόσβασης για obs-websocket.

Στις ρυθμίσεις OBS, στο πλαίσιο General > System Tray, ενεργοποιήστε όλα τα πλαίσια ελέγχου. Στην περιοχή Output > Streaming, ενεργοποιήστε έναν κωδικοποιητή υλικού αν είναι διαθέσιμος. Στο Βίντεο > Ανάλυση Βάσης (Καναδάς) και Εξόδου (Κλιμακωμένη) Ανάλυση, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Ρυθμίστε τουλάχιστον 2 σκηνές: μία για την οθόνη πολυμέσων (Λήψη παραθύρου ή καταγραφή οθόνης με απενεργοποιημένο το ποντίκι και τον κατάλληλο τίτλο παραθύρου/οθόνη επιλεγμένη), και ένα για την προβολή σκηνής (συσκευή λήψης βίντεο με την κάμερα KH επιλεγμένη). Μπορείτε επίσης να προσθέσετε μια άλλη σκηνή ειδικά για τις εικόνες, όπου το παράθυρο πολυμέσων είναι ορατό μαζί με το βάθρο σε μια εικόνα σε εικόνα στυλ οθόνης. Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε όσες σκηνές χρειάζεται, με την κάμερα προσαρμοσμένη, ζουμ-μέσα και περικόπτονται όπως απαιτείται (θέα λεκάνη, μαέστρος και άποψη ανάγνωσης, άποψη πίνακα, κλπ.).

Ενεργοποίηση φίλτρου Κλίμακας/Αναλογίας σε όλες τις καταγραφές παραθύρου ή Εμφάνιση εισόδων καταγραφής , με ανάλυση `` της βάσης (Καναδάς). Αυτό θα διασφαλίσει ότι το παράθυρο πολυμέσων θα κλιμακώνεται πάντα στην ανάλυση εξόδου της εικονικής κάμερας.

Προσθέστε μια συντόμευση στο OBS Studio, με την παράμετρο --startvirtualcam , στον φάκελο Startup του προφίλ χρήστη των Windows, για να διασφαλιστεί ότι το OBS Studio θα ξεκινήσει αυτόματα όταν συνδεθεί ο χρήστης.

Αρχική διαμόρφωση: Kingdom Hall Zoom

Η εστίαση θα πρέπει να ρυθμιστεί ώστε να χρησιμοποιεί διπλές οθόνες. Ενεργοποίηση καθολικών συντομεύσεων πληκτρολογίου για Ζουμ σε σίγαση/κατάργηση σίγασης ήχου στο Kingdom Hall in Zoom (Alt A), και ξεκινήστε/σταματήστε το Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Ορίστε το προεπιλεγμένο “μικρόφωνο” για να είναι η συνδυασμένη έξοδος του μίκτη θαλάμου ήχου (έτσι ώστε όλα όσα ακούγονται πάνω από το σύστημα ήχου Kingdom Hall μεταδίδεται μέσω Zoom, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των μικροφώνων και μέσων) και η “κάμερα” να είναι η εικονική κάμερα που παρέχεται από OBS Studio.

Αρχική διαμόρφωση: M3

Ενεργοποίηση του Παρόντος πολυμέσων σε μια εξωτερική οθόνη ή σε ένα ξεχωριστό παράθυρο.

Ενεργοποιήστε και ρυθμίστε τη λειτουργία συμβατότητας OBS Studio, χρησιμοποιώντας τη θύρα και τις πληροφορίες κωδικού πρόσβασης που έχουν ρυθμιστεί στο βήμα ρύθμισης παραμέτρων του OBS Studio.

Έναρξη της συνάντησης

Ξεκινήστε τη συνάντηση Ζουμ και μετακινήστε το δευτερεύον παράθυρο συνάντησης Ζουμ στην εξωτερική οθόνη. Κάντε την πλήρη οθόνη αν είναι επιθυμητή. Σε αυτό θα εμφανιστούν όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες σε απομακρυσμένες συναντήσεις για να δείτε το εκκλησίασμα.

Μόλις η συνάντηση Zoom εμφανίζεται στην εξωτερική οθόνη, ανοίξτε M3. Το παράθυρο παρουσίασης πολυμέσων ανοίγει αυτόματα στην κορυφή του Zoom στην εξωτερική οθόνη. Συγχρονισμός πολυμέσων, αν χρειάζεται, και είσοδος σε λειτουργία ελεγκτή πολυμέσων κάνοντας κλικ στο κουμπί ▶️ (play) στην κύρια οθόνη του M3, ή Alt D.

Ενεργοποίηση του Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), και φώτα της δημοσιότητας το Kingdom Hall τροφοδοσίας βίντεο, αν είναι απαραίτητο, έτσι ώστε οι συμμετέχοντες ζουμ δείτε το στάδιο Kingdom Hall. Κατάργηση σίγασης ήχου στο Kingdom Hall σε ζουμ (Alt A). Δεν πρέπει να είναι απαραίτητο να απενεργοποιήσετε την τροφοδοσία βίντεο ή ήχου στο Zoom κατά τη διάρκεια της συνάντησης. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι το “Original sound for musicians” είναι ενεργοποιημένο στο Zoom, για να εξασφαλίσει την καλύτερη ποιότητα ήχου για τους συμμετέχοντες σε απομακρυσμένη συνάντηση.

Εκκίνηση αναπαραγωγής μουσικής φόντου χρησιμοποιώντας το κουμπί κάτω αριστερά, ή Alt K.

Broadcasting in-person μέρη από το Βασίλειο Hall στάδιο πάνω από Zoom

Δεν απαιτείται δράση.

Μπορούν να επιλεγούν διάφορες γωνίες/ζουμ της κάμερας κατά τη διάρκεια της συνάντησης χρησιμοποιώντας το μενού στο κάτω μέρος του παραθύρου ελέγχου αναπαραγωγής πολυμέσων M3. αυτό το μενού θα περιέχει μια λίστα με όλες τις ρυθμισμένες σκηνές προβολής φωτογραφικής μηχανής στο OBS.

Κοινή χρήση των μέσων ενημέρωσης στο Kingdom Hall και πάνω από Zoom

Βρείτε το αρχείο πολυμέσων που θέλετε να μοιραστείτε στο παράθυρο ελέγχου αναπαραγωγής πολυμέσων M3 και πατήστε το κουμπί “αναπαραγωγή”.

Όταν τελειώσετε την κοινή χρήση των μέσων ενημέρωσης, πατήστε το κουμπί “στάση” στο M3. Σημειώστε ότι τα βίντεο σταματούν αυτόματα κατά την ολοκλήρωση.

Εμφάνιση απομακρυσμένων συμμετεχόντων ζουμ στην οθόνη Hall του Βασιλείου

Πατήστε το κουμπί “απόκρυψη/εμφάνιση του παραθύρου παρουσίασης πολυμέσων” στην κάτω δεξιά γωνία του ελεγκτή πολυμέσων M3, ή Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. Η συνάντηση Zoom θα είναι τώρα ορατή στην οθόνη Kingdom Hall .

If the participant has media to show, follow the steps under the Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom subheading.

Μόλις ο συμμετέχων τελειώσει το μέρος τους, πατήστε το κουμπί “απόκρυψη/εμφάνιση του παραθύρου παρουσίασης πολυμέσων” στην κάτω δεξιά γωνία του παραθύρου ελέγχου αναπαραγωγής πολυμέσων M3, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. Η οθόνη Kingdom Hall θα δείξει το χρόνο.

Διεξαγωγή υβριδικών συναντήσεων χρησιμοποιώντας μόνο Μ3 και Ζουμ

Εάν δεν επιθυμείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το OBS Studio για οποιοδήποτε λόγο, οι ακόλουθες προτάσεις ίσως θα σας βοηθήσουν να δημιουργήσετε τα πράγματα όσο το δυνατόν πιο απλά.

Αρχική διαμόρφωση χωρίς OBS: Kingdom Hall υπολογιστή

Ίδιο με το αντίστοιχο τμήμα παραπάνω. Με την προσθήκη της συντόμευσης του παγκόσμιου πληκτρολογίου για το Zoom για εκκίνηση/διακοπή της κοινής χρήσης οθόνης (Alt S). Η “κάμερα” θα είναι η τροφοδοσία κάμερας από την κάμερα Kingdom Hall.

Αρχική διαμόρφωση χωρίς OBS: M3

Ενεργοποίηση του Παρόντος πολυμέσων σε μια εξωτερική οθόνη ή σε ένα ξεχωριστό παράθυρο.

Έναρξη της συνάντησης χωρίς OBS

Ίδιο με το αντίστοιχο τμήμα παραπάνω.

Broadcasting in-person μέρη από το στάδιο Kingdom Hall πάνω από Zoom χωρίς OBS

Ίδιο με το αντίστοιχο τμήμα παραπάνω.

Κοινή χρήση μέσων στο Kingdom Hall και πάνω από το Zoom χωρίς OBS

Αρχίστε να μοιράζεστε με Zoom χτυπώντας Alt S. Στο παράθυρο κοινής χρήσης ζουμ που αναδύεται, επιλέξτε την εξωτερική οθόνη και ενεργοποιήστε και τα δύο πλαίσια ελέγχου στο κάτω αριστερό μέρος (για βελτιστοποίηση ήχου και βίντεο). Το έτος κειμένου θα μοιραστεί τώρα μέσω Zoom.

Βρείτε το αρχείο πολυμέσων που θέλετε να μοιραστείτε στο παράθυρο ελέγχου αναπαραγωγής πολυμέσων M3 και πατήστε το κουμπί “αναπαραγωγή”.

Όταν τελειώσετε την κοινή χρήση των μέσων ενημέρωσης, πατήστε Alt S για να τερματίσετε την κοινή χρήση της οθόνης Zoom.

Εμφάνιση απομακρυσμένων συμμετεχόντων Zoom στην οθόνη Hall του Βασιλείου χωρίς OBS

Ίδιο με το αντίστοιχο τμήμα παραπάνω.

Στιγμιότυπα της λειτουργίας παρουσίασης

Μπλε κουμπί αναπαραγωγής για να μπείτε στη λειτουργία ελέγχου μέσων
Μπλε κουμπί αναπαραγωγής για να μπείτε στη λειτουργία ελέγχου μέσων
Λίστα μέσων που είναι έτοιμα να παρουσιαστούν
Λίστα μέσων που είναι έτοιμα να παρουσιαστούν
Προεπιλεγμένο φόντο πολυμέσων, με αυτόματα παραγόμενο εδάφιο έτους
Προεπιλεγμένο φόντο πολυμέσων, με αυτόματα παραγόμενο εδάφιο έτους
Εμφάνιση εικόνας
Εμφάνιση εικόνας
Αναπαραγωγή βίντεο
Αναπαραγωγή βίντεο
Μετακίνηση σε μια συγκεκριμένη ώρα σε ένα βίντεο
Μετακίνηση σε μια συγκεκριμένη ώρα σε ένα βίντεο

Διαχείριση πολυμέσων

Η οθόνη διαχείρισης μέσων επιτρέπει στο χρήστη να προσθέσει ή να αφαιρέσει πολυμέσα για κάθε δεδομένη συνάντηση, διαχείριση επαναλαμβανόμενων μέσων, ακόμη και να προσθέσετε ειδικά μέσα για άλλες ημερομηνίες κατά τις οποίες κανονικά δεν έχει προγραμματιστεί καμία συνάντηση.

Διαχείριση πολυμέσων για κάθε συγκεκριμένη ημέρα

Για να διαχειριστείτε τα μέσα ενημέρωσης για μια συγκεκριμένη συνάντηση ή μέρα, απλά κάντε κλικ στο πλακίδιο της ημέρας στην κύρια οθόνη του M3. Για να διαχειριστείτε τα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης που επαναλαμβάνονται σε κάθε συνάντηση, κάντε κλικ στο επαναλαμβανόμενο πλακίδιο πολυμέσων.

Προσθήκη πολυμέσων

Εδώ είναι πώς να προσθέστε πολυμέσα από την οθόνη διαχείρισης μέσων.

Επιλογή Εξήγηση
Τύπος μεταφόρτωσης Επιλέξτε από έναν από τους 3 τύπους μέσων `` (βλ. παρακάτω).
Πολυμέσα για προσθήκη Εξαρτάται από τον επιλεγμένο τύπο μέσου (δείτε παρακάτω).
Πρόθεμα ονόματος αρχείου Μπορούν να προστεθούν έως 6 ψηφία πριν τα ονόματα αρχείων πολυμέσων, για να βοηθήσουν στην ταξινόμηση.
Λίστα πολυμέσων Αυτό εμφανίζει τα τρέχοντα προγραμματισμένα μέσα για το επιλεγμένο πλακίδιο ημερομηνίας.

Στο πεδίο Media για να προσθέσετε , θα παρουσιαστείτε με διαφορετικές επιλογές, ανάλογα με τον τύπο πολυμέσων που επιλέξατε.

Τύπος πολυμέσων Το πεδίο Media για προσθήκη
Τραγούδι … δείχνει ένα μενού με όλα τα βίντεο τραγουδιού Βασιλείου από τη σειρά sjm , στη γλώσσα των μέσων. Επιλέξτε αυτή την επιλογή για παράδειγμα για να προσθέσετε ένα τραγούδι για τη δημόσια ομιλία, ή για επισκέψεις επισκέψεων του κυκλωμάτων.

Το επιλεγμένο τραγούδι θα κατέβει αυτόματα από το JW.org, στη γλώσσα του εκκλησίου ή της ομάδας, όπως έχει ρυθμιστεί στις ρυθμίσεις .
JWPUB … σας επιτρέπει να περιηγηθείτε σε (ή σύρετε και αποθέσετε) ένα αρχείο JWPUB.

Θα σας ζητηθεί να επιλέξετε την ενότητα, ή το κεφάλαιο, από το οποίο θα θέλατε να προσθέσετε πολυμέσα. Αυτό θα προσθέσει τόσο ενσωματωμένα όσο και αναφερόμενα μέσα από αυτό το τμήμα στο αρχείο JWPUB.

Ένα παράδειγμα ενός αρχείου JWPUB που χρησιμοποιείται συνήθως είναι το S-34, αλλά οποιοδήποτε αρχείο JWPUB μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί εδώ.
Προσαρμοσμένο … σας επιτρέπει να περιηγηθείτε σε (ή να σύρετε και να αποθέσετε) οποιοδήποτε άλλο αρχείο πολυμέσων από τον υπολογιστή σας.

Σημειώστε ότι όλα τα αρχεία PDF και SVG θα μετατραπούν αυτόματα σε εικόνες υψηλής ανάλυσης από M3.
JW.ORG … σας επιτρέπει να επιλέξετε ένα βίντεο από τα τελευταία βίντεο που προβάλλονται στο JW.org.

Κατάργηση, απόκρυψη και προβολή πολυμέσων

Σε αφαιρέστε, απόκρυψη, ή εμφάνιση μέσων , απλά βρείτε το αρχείο πολυμέσων που δεν θέλετε, και κάντε κλικ στο σχετικό εικονίδιο.

Ένα εικονίδιο κόκκινου 🟥 (delete) Ένα εικονίδιο ☑️ (επιλεγμένο πλαίσιο ελέγχου) Ένα εικονίδιο 🔲 (μη επιλεγμένο πλαίσιο ελέγχου)
Το αρχείο πολυμέσων προστέθηκε στα μέσα ενημέρωσης εκείνης της ημέρας από εσάς ή το VO. Το αρχείο μέσων ενημέρωσης αναφέρεται στο υλικό της συνάντησης.

Θα κατέβει από το JW.org ή θα εξαχθεί από τη σχετική έκδοση.
Το αρχείο μέσων ενημέρωσης αναφέρεται στο υλικό της συνάντησης.

Έγινε απόκρυψη από εσάς ή τον ΔΤ, ώστε να μην γίνει λήψη ή προσθήκη στα μέσα της συνάθροισης.

Στιγμιότυπα οθόνης διαχείρισης πολυμέσων

Προσθέτοντας ένα τραγούδι για μια δημόσια ομιλία
Προσθέτοντας ένα τραγούδι για μια δημόσια ομιλία
Προσθέτοντας μια πρόσθετη εικόνα
Προσθέτοντας μια πρόσθετη εικόνα
Εισαγωγή πολυμέσων από μια ενότητα σε ένα αρχείο JWPUB
Εισαγωγή πολυμέσων από μια ενότητα σε ένα αρχείο JWPUB
Προεπισκόπηση πολυμέσων από αρχείο JWPUB πριν από την εισαγωγή
Προεπισκόπηση πολυμέσων από αρχείο JWPUB πριν από την εισαγωγή
Μετονομασία αρχείου πολυμέσων
Μετονομασία αρχείου πολυμέσων


Το Μ3 δεν απαιτεί δικαιώματα διαχειριστή για εγκατάσταση ή εκτέλεση. Για να εγκαταστήσετε M3, απλά κατεβάστε το πιο πρόσφατο πρόγραμμα εγκατάστασης και εκτελέστε το.

Λειτουργικό Σύστημα Αρχείο για λήψη
Παράθυρα meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

Τι είναι το επόμενο?

Ρυθμίστε την εφαρμογή χρησιμοποιώντας την οθόνη Ρυθμίσεις.

Πρόβλημα εγκατάστασης?

Ελέγξτε τις Σημειώσεις τεχνικής χρήσης για βοήθεια.


Αυτή η εφαρμογή εξαρτάται από εξωτερικές ιστοσελίδες, πηγές ή “επιμελητές” για να κατεβάσετε δημοσιεύσεις και μέσα συνάντησης?

Όχι. Η εφαρμογή συμπεριφέρεται παρόμοια με το JW Library. Κατεβάζει δημοσιεύσεις και μέσα απευθείας από την επίσημη ιστοσελίδα JW.org και το δίκτυο διανομής περιεχομένου. Κατά την εκτέλεση, η εφαρμογή καθορίζει αυτόματα τι πρέπει να κατέβει, όπως αρχεία πολυμέσων και δημοσιεύσεις. Ο πηγαίος κώδικας είναι διαθέσιμος για να το εξετάσουν και να το επαληθεύσουν.

Μήπως αυτή η εφαρμογή παραβιάζει τους Όρους Χρήσης της JW.org?

No. Οι όροι χρήσης</a> JW.orgεπιτρέπουν ρητά το είδος χρήσης που κάνουμε. Εδώ είναι το σχετικό απόσπασμα από αυτούς τους όρους (δική μου έμφαση):</p>

Δεν μπορείτε:

Δημιουργία για σκοπούς διανομής, εφαρμογών λογισμικού, εργαλείων ή τεχνικών που είναι ειδικά κατασκευασμένες για συλλογή, αντιγραφή, λήψη, εξαγωγή, συγκομιδή ή απόξεση δεδομένων, HTML, εικόνες ή κείμενο από αυτόν τον ιστότοπο. (Αυτό δεν απαγορεύει το όχι το τη διανομή δωρεάν, μη εμπορικές εφαρμογές σχεδιασμένες να κατεβάζουν ηλεκτρονικά αρχεία όπως EPUB, PDF, MP3 και MP4 αρχεία από δημόσιους χώρους αυτού του ιστότοπου.)

Συγχρονισμός εκκλησίας

Ο αδελφός που έχει οριστεί ως διοργανωτής τηλεδιάσκεψης (ΔΤ) από το σώμα των πρεσβυτέρων μπορεί να χρησιμοποιήσει το M³ για να διαχειριστεί τα μέσα που διατίθενται στην τεχνική ομάδα υποστήριξης A/V στην εκκλησία του.

Ο ΟΘ, ή κάποιος που ορίζεται από αυτόν, μπορεί:

  • ανεβάστε πρόσθετα μέσα που θα μοιραστούν κατά τη διάρκεια μιας συνάντησης, όπως για την επίσκεψη του επιθεωρητή κυκλώματος ή για συνομιλίες δημόσιων ομιλητών
  • απόκρυψη μέσων από το JW.org που δεν είναι σχετικό με μια δεδομένη συνάντηση, για παράδειγμα, όταν ένα μέρος έχει αντικατασταθεί από τον τοπικό κλάδο
  • add or remove recurring media, such as a year-text video, or an announcement slide

Όλοι όσοι είναι συγχρονισμένοι με την ίδια συνάθροιση θα λάβουν το ίδιο ακριβώς μέσο όταν κάνουν κλικ στο κουμπί Ενημέρωση φακέλων πολυμέσων.

Παρακαλείστε να σημειώσετε ότι το χαρακτηριστικό συγχρονισμού εκκλησίας είναι opt-in και εντελώς προαιρετικό.

Πώς λειτουργεί

Ο υποκείμενος μηχανισμός συγχρονισμού M3 χρησιμοποιεί WebDAV. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι το VO (ή κάποιος υπό την εποπτεία του) πρέπει είτε:

  • δημιούργησε έναν ασφαλή διακομιστή WebDAV που είναι προσβάσιμος στο διαδίκτυο, ή
  • χρησιμοποιήστε μια υπηρεσία αποθήκευσης cloud τρίτων που υποστηρίζει το πρωτόκολλο WebDAV (δείτε τη ρύθμιση Web διεύθυνση στην ενότητα Congregation sync παρακάτω).

Όλοι οι χρήστες που επιθυμούν να συγχρονιστούν μαζί θα πρέπει να συνδεθούν με τον ίδιο διακομιστή WebDAV χρησιμοποιώντας τις πληροφορίες σύνδεσης και τα διαπιστευτήρια που τους παρέχονται από το VO τους.

Ρύθμιση συγχρονισμού εκκλησίας

Ρύθμιση Εξήγηση
Διεύθυνση ιστού Διεύθυνση Web του διακομιστή WebDAV. Απαιτείται ασφαλής HTTP (HTTPS).

Σημείωση: Το κουμπί διευθύνσεων Web, μόλις πατηθεί, θα εμφανίσει μια λίστα παρόχων WebDAV που είναι γνωστό ότι είναι συμβατοί με M3, και θα προγεμίσει αυτόματα ορισμένες ρυθμίσεις για τους εν λόγω παρόχους.

Ο κατάλογος αυτός παρέχεται ως ευγένεια, και σε καμία περίπτωση δεν αντιπροσωπεύει την έγκριση κάποιας συγκεκριμένης υπηρεσίας ή παρόχου. Ο καλύτερος διακομιστής είναι πάντα αυτός που έχει…
Όνομα Χρήστη Όνομα χρήστη για την υπηρεσία WebDAV.
Κωδικός Κωδικός πρόσβασης για την υπηρεσία WebDAV.

Σημείωση: Όπως περιγράφεται στις αντίστοιχες σελίδες υποστήριξης, μπορεί να χρειαστεί να δημιουργηθεί ένας κωδικός πρόσβασης για Box και Koofr για να ενεργοποιηθούν οι συνδέσεις WebDAV στις υπηρεσίες τους.
Φάκελος συγχρονισμού εκκλησίας Αυτός είναι ο φάκελος που θα χρησιμοποιηθεί για το συγχρονισμό πολυμέσων για όλους τους χρήστες συγχρονισμού συναθροίσεων. Μπορείτε είτε να πληκτρολογήσετε/επικολλήσετε σε μια διαδρομή, είτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το ποντίκι σας για να πλοηγηθείτε στο φάκελο προορισμού.

Σημείωση: Βεβαιωθείτε ότι όλοι οι χρήστες συγχρονισμού εκκλησίας εισάγουν την ίδια διαδρομή φακέλου. Διαφορετικά, ο συγχρονισμός δε θα λειτουργήσει όπως αναμένεται.
Ρυθμίσεις σε επίπεδο εκκλησίας Μόλις το VO έχει ρυθμίσει τις ρυθμίσεις Media και Meeting setup τμήματα των ρυθμίσεων στον υπολογιστή του, μπορεί στη συνέχεια να χρησιμοποιήσει αυτό το κουμπί για να επιβάλει ορισμένες ρυθμίσεις για όλους τους χρήστες συγχρονισμού συναγωγής (για παράδειγμα, ημέρες συνάντησης, γλώσσα των μέσων ενημέρωσης, ρυθμίσεις μετατροπής και ούτω καθεξής). Αυτό σημαίνει ότι οι επιλεγμένες ρυθμίσεις θα εφαρμόζονται δυναμικά για όλους τους συγχρονισμένους χρήστες κάθε φορά που ανοίγουν το M3.

Χρήση συγχρονισμού συγκέντρωσης για τη διαχείριση πολυμέσων

Μόλις ολοκληρωθεί η ρύθμιση του συγχρονισμού συγκέντρωσης, είστε έτοιμοι να ξεκινήσετε το Managing media για την τεχνική ομάδα υποστήριξης AV του συνεδρίασματός σας.

Στιγμιότυπα του συγχρονισμού εκκλησίας σε δράση

Ρύθμιση συγχρονισμού εκκλησίας
Ρύθμιση συγχρονισμού εκκλησίας


Η οθόνη ρυθμίσεων χωρίζεται σε 4 ενότητες. Οι περισσότερες από τις επιλογές είναι αυτονόητες, αλλά εδώ είναι μερικές πρόσθετες λεπτομέρειες.

Ρύθμιση εφαρμογής

Ρύθμιση Εξήγηση
Λειτουργία χωρίς σύνδεση Αν ενεργοποιηθεί, το M³ δε θα προσπαθήσει να συνδεθεί με το JW.org ή το διακομιστή εκκλησίας σας. Αυτό είναι χρήσιμο για όταν έχετε μια κακή σύνδεση στο διαδίκτυο και θέλετε να εξοικονομήσετε εύρος ζώνης.
Προτίμηση θέματος Επιλέξτε το θέμα που προτιμάτε. Αν επιλέξετε System, το M³ θα χρησιμοποιήσει το θέμα του συστήματος.
Όνομα εκκλησίας Το όνομα της εκκλησίας σας. Αυτό χρησιμοποιείται για την υποστήριξη πολλαπλών συναθροίσεων που μοιράζονται τον ίδιο υπολογιστή.
Εμφάνιση γλώσσας Ορίζει τη γλώσσα στην οποία εμφανίζεται το M³.

Ευχαριστούμε τους πολλούς συνεισφέροντες μας για τη μετάφραση της εφαρμογής σε τόσες πολλές γλώσσες! Αν θέλετε να βοηθήσετε στη βελτίωση μιας υπάρχουσας μετάφρασης ή να προσθέσετε μια νέα, παρακαλώ ανοίξτε μια νέα συζήτηση .
Φάκελος στον οποίο θα αποθηκευτούν τα πολυμέσα Τα πολυμέσα συναθροίσεων θα αποθηκευτούν σε αυτόν το φάκελο για κοινοποίηση και χρήση αργότερα.
Προσαρμοσμένη διαδρομή προσωρινής μνήμης Από προεπιλογή, οι εκδόσεις και άλλα δεδομένα αποθηκεύονται σε διαφορετικό κατάλογο για κάθε χρήστη. Μπορείτε να αλλάξετε αυτόν τον κατάλογο εάν θέλετε να μοιραστείτε τα προσωρινά αποθηκευμένα δεδομένα μεταξύ πολλών χρηστών στον ίδιο υπολογιστή.
Μορφή ημερομηνίας για φακέλους συναθροίσεων Η μορφή ημερομηνίας που χρησιμοποιείται για τους φακέλους συναθροίσεων.

Σημείωση: Όταν χρησιμοποιείτε διακομιστή εκκλησίας βεβαιωθείτε ότι όλοι διαμορφώνουν την ίδια μορφή ημερομηνίας, επιβάλλοντας την με τις ρυθμίσεις σε επίπεδο Εκκλησίας.
Εκτέλεση εφαρμογής κατά την εκκίνηση του συστήματος Αν ενεργοποιηθεί, το M³ θα ξεκινήσει όταν ο τρέχων χρήστης συνδεθεί στον υπολογιστή.

Σημείωση: Μη διαθέσιμο σε Linux.
Αυτόματη έναρξη συγχρονισμού πολυμέσων Αν ενεργοποιηθεί, αυτή η επιλογή θα ξεκινήσει αυτόματα τον συγχρονισμό πολυμέσων 5 δευτερόλεπτα μετά την εκκίνηση του M³.

Για να αποτρέψετε την εμφάνιση του αυτόματου συγχρονισμού όταν αυτή η ρύθμιση είναι ενεργοποιημένη, πατήστε το κουμπί ⏸️ (pause) πριν ξεκινήσει το χρονόμετρο των 5 δευτερολέπτων.
Άνοιγμα φακέλου μετά τον συγχρονισμό πολυμέσων Αν ενεργοποιηθεί, ο φάκελος που περιέχει τα ληφθέντα πολυμέσα για την επιλεγμένη εβδομάδα θα ανοίξει στον διαχειριστή αρχείων του υπολογιστή μετά την ολοκλήρωση του συγχρονισμού πολυμέσων.
Τερματισμός εφαρμογής μετά τον συγχρονισμό πολυμέσων Αν ενεργοποιηθεί, αυτή η επιλογή θα τερματίσει αυτόματα το M³ 5 δευτερόλεπτα μετά την ολοκλήρωση του συγχρονισμού πολυμέσων.

Για να αποτρέψετε το αυτόματο κλείσιμο του M³ όταν αυτή η ρύθμιση είναι ενεργοποιημένη, πατήστε το κουμπί 🏃 (άτομο που φεύγει/τρέχει) πριν το χρονόμετρο των 5 δευτερολέπτων τελειώσει.
Ενεργοποίηση λειτουργίας συμβατότητας OBS Studio Αν ενεργοποιηθεί, αυτή η επιλογή θα πατήσει στο OBS Studio για να αλλάξει σκηνές αυτόματα, όπως απαιτείται τόσο πριν όσο και μετά την κοινή χρήση των πολυμέσων.

Εάν ενεργοποιήσετε αυτή τη ρύθμιση, βεβαιωθείτε ότι το OBS Studio έχει ρυθμιστεί ώστε να χρησιμοποιεί το πρόσθετο obs-websocket, που είναι αυτό που θα επιτρέψει το M³ να επικοινωνεί με το OBS Studio.

Επίσης, ρυθμίστε όλες τις απαιτούμενες σκηνές για κοινή χρήση μέσων και οθόνη εξέδρας στο OBS. Τουλάχιστον, θα χρειαστείς μια σκηνή με Καταγραφή Παραθύρου (συνιστάται) ή Λήψη οθόνης ρυθμισμένη ώστε να καταγράφει το παράθυρο παρουσίασης πολυμέσων M³, ή την οθόνη στην οποία θα παρουσιαστεί το μέσο.

Θα χρειαστεί επίσης να διαμορφώσετε όλες τις επιθυμητές σκηνές προβολής εξέδρας, για παράδειγμα: ένα πλάνο του βήματος, ένα ευρύ πλάνο της εξέδρας, κλπ.
Θύρα Θύρα στην οποία το πρόσθετο obs-websocket έχει ρυθμιστεί να ακούει.
Κωδικός Ο κωδικός έχει ρυθμιστεί στις ρυθμίσεις του πρόσθετου obs-websocket.
Προεπιλεγμένη σκηνή προβολής σκηνής στο OBS Studio Επιλέξτε ποια σκηνή θα επιλεγεί από προεπιλογή κατά την εκκίνηση της λειτουργίας παρουσίασης πολυμέσων. Συνήθως ένα ευρύ πλάνο της εξέδρας, ή ένα πλάνο του βήματος.
Σκηνή παραθύρου πολυμέσων στο OBS Studio Επιλέξτε ποια σκηνή έχει ρυθμιστεί στο OBS Studio για τη σύλληψη του παραθύρου πολυμέσων M³.
Προαιρετική ξεχωριστή σκηνή πολυμέσων για εικόνες Μια προαιρετική σκηνή για να επιλέξετε μια εναλλακτική σκηνή για την εμφάνιση εικόνων. Αυτό είναι χρήσιμο αν θέλετε να εμφανίσετε εικόνες με διαφορετικό τρόπο από τα βίντεο (για παράδειγμα, με το σκηνικό πάνω σε ένα στυλ εικόνας-σε-εικόνα).
OBS Στούντιο σκηνή για να εμφανίσει συμμετέχοντες Zoom Μια προαιρετική σκηνή για γρήγορη και αποτελεσματική διαχείριση της εμφάνισης των συμμετεχόντων Zoom κατά τη διάρκεια υβριδικών συναθροίσεων.

Όταν αυτή η σκηνή έχει ρυθμιστεί, η συμπεριφορά της λειτουργίας παρουσίασης μέσων αλλάζει κάπως. Όταν βρίσκεστε σε αυτή τη λειτουργία, θα εμφανίζεται ένα κουμπί εναλλαγής το οποίο, όταν ενεργοποιηθεί, θα προκαλέσει την απόκρυψη του παραθύρου πολυμέσων και την προβολή της σκηνής Zoom. Ο επιλογέας σκηνών OBS θα είναι επίσης κρυμμένος. Η κοινή χρήση πολυμέσων θα εμφανίζει αυτόματα τη σκηνή των μέσων σύμφωνα με το συνηθισμένο, και μετά την κοινή χρήση των μέσων, το παράθυρο πολυμέσων θα εξαφανιστεί αμέσως.

Όταν η εναλλαγή είναι απενεργοποιημένη, το παράθυρο πολυμέσων και οι επιλογείς σκηνής θα εμφανιστούν ξανά.
Ενεργοποίηση ενσωμάτωσης Zoom Όταν είναι ενεργοποιημένο, αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό θα προσπαθήσει να αυτοματοποιήσει διάφορες εργασίες πριν από τις συναθροίσεις (σίγαση όλων, ενεργοποίηση βίντεο/ήχου της Αίθουσας Βασιλείας, απενεργοποίηση της επιλογής για τους συμμετέχοντες να απενεργοποιήσουν τη σίγαση τους), στη διάρκεια των συναθροίσεων (επιλογή συμμετεχόντων για spotlight και αφαίρεση σίγασης, ή για σίγαση, χαμήλωμα χεριού και αφαίρεση spotlight) και μετά τις συναθροίσεις (απενεργοποίηση της ροής βίντεο της Αίθουσας Βασιλείας, παραχώρηση δικαιώματος στους συμμετέχοντες απενεργοποίησης της σίγασης τους).

Σημείωση: Αυτό είναι ακόμα ένα χαρακτηριστικό beta. Παρακαλούμε να το δοκιμάσετε διεξοδικά πριν από την εφαρμογή του και πάντα βεβαιωθείτε ότι ο αυτοματισμός εκτελέστηκε σωστά.
Όνομα συμμετέχοντα στο Zoom Αυτό είναι το όνομα που το M³ θα χρησιμοποιήσει για να συμμετάσχει στη συνάντηση Zoom.
Id Συνάντησης Zoom Το Meeting ID της συνάθροισης Zoom που θα πρέπει να συνδεθεί το M³.
Κωδικός Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης της συνάθροισης Zoom που θα πρέπει να συνδεθεί το M³.
Spotlight βίντεο κατά την έναρξη της συνάθροισης Όταν ενεργοποιηθεί, το M³ θα εντοπίσει αυτόματα την τροφοδοσία βίντεο της Αίθουσας Βασιλείας όταν εκτελεστεί ο αυτοματισμός “έναρξη συνάθροισης”.
Απόκρυψη στοιχείου Zoom από προεπιλογή Όταν ενεργοποιηθεί, το στοιχείο Zoom θα κρύβεται από προεπιλογή. Η συνιστώσα Zoom είναι μια απαιτούμενη κυμαινόμενη συνιστώσα που αντιπροσωπεύει τον συμμετέχοντα M³ στη συνάντηση Zoom. Μπορείτε να ελέγξετε τον συμμετέχοντα M³ με αυτό.
Αυτόματη εκτέλεση ενεργειών έναρξης συνάθροισης Όταν ενεργοποιηθεί, το M³ θα εκτελεί αυτόματα τις ενέργειες “έναρξη συνάθροισης”, ένα ρυθμισμένο χρονικό διάστημα λεπτών πριν από την προγραμματισμένη έναρξη της συνάθροισης. Αυτές οι ενέργειες είναι: απαγόρευση συμμετεχόντων να απενεργοποιούν τη σίγαση τους, σίγαση όλων, αίτημα στον host να ενεργοποιήσει το βίντεο και το μικρόφωνο και προαιρετικά να κάνει spotlight τη ροή βίντεο της Αίθουσας Βασιλείας.
Αυτόματη μετονομασία συμμετεχόντων στο Zoom Με αυτή τη ρύθμιση, μπορείτε να προσθέσετε έναν κανόνα μετονομασίας για να μετονομάσετε αυτόματα ορισμένους συμμετέχοντες στο ζουμ. Αυτό είναι χρήσιμο αν θέλετε να μετονομάσετε συμμετέχοντες που συμμετέχουν σταθερά με ένα λάθος ή ελλιπές όνομα. Οι κανόνες πρέπει να εισαχθούν με την ακόλουθη μορφή: Παλιό Όνομα=Νέο Όνομα.
Ενεργοποίηση δοκιμαστικών ενημερώσεων beta για δοκιμές Όταν ενεργοποιηθεί, το M³ θα λαμβάνει αυτόματα ενημερώσεις beta, οι οποίες κυκλοφορούν καθημερινά και περιέχουν τις πιο πρόσφατες λειτουργίες και διορθώσεις.

Σημείωση: Μην ενεργοποιήσετε αυτήν τη ρύθμιση στον υπολογιστή που χρησιμοποιείται για την παρουσίαση των πολυμέσων στην Αίθουσα Βασιλείας.
Απενεργοποίηση αυτόματης ενημέρωσης εφαρμογών Όταν αυτή η επιλογή είναι ενεργοποιημένη, το M³ δεν θα ανανεώνεται αυτόματα όταν κλείσει.
Απενεργοποίηση επιτάχυνσης υλικού Ενεργοποιήστε αυτήν τη ρύθμιση μόνο αν αντιμετωπίζετε προβλήματα με τη λειτουργία παρουσίασης μέσων. Η αλλαγή αυτής της ρύθμισης θα προκαλέσει την επανεκκίνηση του M³.

Ρύθμιση συγχρονισμού εκκλησίας

Δείτε την ενότητα Συγχρονισμός Εκκλησίας για λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με το τι ακριβώς κάνει αυτό και πώς να ρυθμίσετε αυτήν την ενότητα.

Ρύθμιση πολυμέσων

Ρύθμιση Εξήγηση
Γλώσσα πολυμέσων Επιλέξτε τη γλώσσα της εκκλησίας ή του ομίλου σας. Όλα τα πολυμέσα θα κατέβουν από το JW.org σε αυτή τη γλώσσα.
Fallback γλώσσα πολυμέσων Αυτή η γλώσσα χρησιμοποιείται όταν η κύρια γλώσσα πολυμέσων δεν είναι διαθέσιμη.

Για παράδειγμα, αν επιλέξετε Ιρλανδικά ως γλώσσα μέσων ενημέρωσης και αγγλικά ως εναλλακτική, όποτε μια έκδοση ή ένα βίντεο δεν είναι διαθέσιμο στα ιρλανδικά, θα ανακτηθεί στα αγγλικά.
Μέγιστη ανάλυση για βίντεο Τα βίντεο που λαμβάνονται από το JW.org θα κατέβουν σε αυτή την ανάλυση, ή στην επόμενη διαθέσιμη χαμηλότερη ανάλυση. Χρήσιμο για περιπτώσεις περιορισμένου ή χαμηλού εύρους ζώνης.
Ενεργοποίηση υποτίτλων για βίντεο Ενεργοποιήστε αυτή την επιλογή αν θέλετε να λαμβάνετε υπότιτλους για βίντεο, όποτε είναι διαθέσιμο. Οι υπότιτλοι θα εμφανίζονται από προεπιλογή, αλλά μπορούν να ενεργοποιηθούν/απενεργοποιηθούν κατά την παρουσίαση. Η κάθετη θέση των υποτίτλων μπορεί να αλλάξει κάνοντας κλικ στο εικονίδιο υπότιτλοι μέσα στην προεπισκόπηση βίντεο.
Μετατροπή πολυμέσων σε μορφή MP4 Αυτό θα μετατρέψει αυτόματα όλα τα αρχεία εικόνας και ήχου σε μορφή MP4, για χρήση με τη δυνατότητα κοινής χρήσης MP4 του Zoom κατά τη διάρκεια πλήρως απομακρυσμένων συναθροίσεων Zoom εκκλησίας. Αυτό περιλαμβάνει όλες τις εικόνες και τα αρχεία πολυμέσων που λαμβάνονται από JW.org, καθώς και πρόσθετα αρχεία πολυμέσων που προστίθενται από το χρήστη ή το VO.

Σημείωση: Αυτή η επιλογή είναι η καταλληλότερη για συναθροίσεις Zoom εκκλησίας πλήρως απομακρυσμένων. Εάν διεξάγετε είτε υβριδικές είτε κανονικές συναθροίσεις, εξετάστε τη χρήση της Λειτουργίας Παρουσίασης Πολυμέσων ενεργοποιώντας την επιλογή Παρουσίαση πολυμέσων σε εξωτερική οθόνη ή σε ξεχωριστό παράθυρο και απενεργοποιήστε αυτήν την επιλογή.
Διατήρηση αρχικών αρχείων πολυμέσων μετά τη μετατροπή Αν αυτή η ρύθμιση είναι ενεργοποιημένη, τα αρχεία εικόνας και ήχου θα κρατηθούν στο φάκελο πολυμέσων μετά τη μετατροπή σε μορφή MP4, αντί να διαγραφούν. Αυτό θα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα ένα ελαφρώς πιο γεμάτο φάκελο πολυμέσων, και γενικά δεν χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιηθεί αν μοιράζονται μέσα μέσω της κοινής χρήσης Zoom MP4. (Βλέπε Μετατροπή πολυμέσων σε μορφή MP4 παραπάνω.)

Σημείωση: ορατό μόνο αν είναι ενεργοποιημένο το Μετατροπή πολυμέσων σε μορφή MP4 .
Παρουσίαση πολυμέσων σε εξωτερική οθόνη ή σε ξεχωριστό παράθυρο Αυτή η ρύθμιση θα σας επιτρέψει να χρησιμοποιήσετε το Μ3 για να παρουσιάσετε εικόνες, βίντεο και αρχεία ήχου κατά τη διάρκεια του υβριδικού ή in-person συναντήσεις εκκλησίας. Στη συνέχεια, μπορείτε να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στην οθόνη διαχείρισης αναπαραγωγής πολυμέσων κάνοντας κλικ στο κουμπί ▶️ (play) στην κύρια οθόνη του M3.

Η οθόνη παρουσίασης πολυμέσων θα χρησιμοποιεί αυτόματα μια εξωτερική οθόνη αν υπάρχει. αν όχι, το αρχείο πολυμέσων θα εμφανίζεται σε ένα ξεχωριστό, αναπροσαρμόσιμο παράθυρο.

Σημείωση: Αυτή η επιλογή είναι καταλληλότερη είτε για υβριδικές είτε για κανονικές συναθροίσεις.

Αν διεξάγετε συναντήσεις μεγέθυνσης μεγέθους απομακρυσμένων μόνο , κοιτάξτε στην ενεργοποίηση της επιλογής Μετατροπή πολυμέσων σε μορφή MP4 και κοινή χρήση των μέσων μαζικής ενημέρωσης με την κοινή χρήση εγγενών MP4 του Zoom.
Εικόνα φόντου για λειτουργία παρουσίασης πολυμέσων Από προεπιλογή, το Μ3 θα προσπαθήσει να φέρει το κείμενο του τρέχοντος έτους στη γλώσσα που επιλέχθηκε προηγουμένως, προκειμένου να εμφανιστεί σε μαύρο φόντο, όταν στην λειτουργία παρουσίασης πολυμέσων και δεν αναπαράγεται κανένα άλλο μέσο. Αν η αυτόματη ανάκτηση του έτους αποτύχει για κάποιο λόγο, ή αν θέλετε να εμφανίσετε μια διαφορετική εικόνα φόντου, μπορείτε είτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το κουμπί ‘Περιήγηση’ για να επιλέξετε μια προσαρμοσμένη εικόνα είτε το κουμπί ‘Ανανέωση’ για να προσπαθήσετε να ανακτήσετε το ετήσιο κείμενο αυτόματα και πάλι.

Σημείωση: Εάν ο Συγχρονισμός Εκκλησίας είναι ενεργοποιημένος, η επιλογή μιας προσαρμοσμένης εικόνας φόντου θα τη συγχρονίσει αυτόματα για όλους τους χρήστες συγχρονισμού εκκλησίας.
Απόκρυψη παραθύρου πολυμέσων μετά την ολοκλήρωση της αναπαραγωγής πολυμέσων Αν ενεργοποιηθεί, το παράθυρο πολυμέσων θα αποκρύπτεται αμέσως μετά την ολοκλήρωση της αναπαραγωγής κάθε αρχείου πολυμέσων.

Σημείωση: Αυτή η ρύθμιση είναι ιδιαίτερα χρήσιμη για συναντήσεις στη γλώσσα υπογραφής.
Αυτόματη αναπαραγωγή του πρώτου στοιχείου πολυμέσων Αν ενεργοποιηθεί, το πρώτο στοιχείο πολυμέσων στη λίστα μέσων θα ξεκινήσει αυτόματα την αναπαραγωγή ενός διαμορφώσιμου αριθμού λεπτών πριν από την έναρξη της συνεδρίασης.
Ενεργοποίηση συντομεύσεων πληκτρολογίου κατά την αναπαραγωγή πολυμέσων Αυτή η ρύθμιση σας επιτρέπει να ορίσετε προσαρμοσμένους συνδυασμούς πλήκτρων για την αναπαραγωγή και τη διακοπή των πολυμέσων. Αυτό είναι χρήσιμο σε συνδυασμό με ένα τηλεχειριστήριο USB, για παράδειγμα.
Δημιουργία λιστών αναπαραγωγής για χρήση με VLC Ενεργοποιήστε αυτό αν θέλετε να δημιουργήσετε λίστες αναπαραγωγής για κάθε συνάντηση αυτόματα, η οποία μπορεί να φορτωθεί σε VLC, εάν χρησιμοποιείτε αυτήν την εφαρμογή για να εμφανίσετε πολυμέσα αντί για Λειτουργία παρουσίασης πολυμέσων.
Εξαίρεση όλων των μέσων ενημέρωσης από το έγγραφο Αν ενεργοποιηθεί, αυτό θα αποτρέψει τη συμπερίληψη του φυλλαδίου Εφαρμόστε τον εαυτό σας σε κάθε συνάντηση μέσα της εβδομάδας.
Ολοκληρώστε Απολαύστε εικόνες της Ζωής για πάντα έξω από την Αγία Γραφή Αν ενεργοποιηθεί, αυτό θα αποτρέψει τη συμπερίληψη εικόνων από το βιβλίο Live Forever (lff), για παράδειγμα για τις αποστολές μαθητών κατά τη διάρκεια της συνάντησης των μέσων εβδομάδων.
Συμπερίληψη έντυπων μέσων όταν είναι διαθέσιμα Εάν είναι ενεργοποιημένη, οι εκδόσεις των εκτυπωμένων εκδόσεων θα συμπεριλαμβάνονται όταν είναι διαθέσιμες. Αυτό θα μπορούσε να είναι χρήσιμο για ορισμένους πίνακες ή ομάδες εικόνων που είναι σαφέστερη σε έντυπη μορφή.

Ρύθμιση συνάθροισης

Ρύθμιση Εξήγηση
Ειδική συνάθροιση Αν ενεργοποιηθεί, δεν θα γίνει λήψη πολυμέσων από το JW.org. Μόνο χειροκίνητα προστιθέμενα μέσα θα είναι διαθέσιμα. Αυτό είναι χρήσιμο για τα θεοκρατικά σχολεία, για παράδειγμα.
Μεσοβδόμαδη συνάθροιση Αναφέρετε τη συνήθη ημέρα και ώρα για τη συνάντηση μέσα της εβδομάδας· χρησιμοποιείται για την ονομασία φακέλου και την αυτόματη εξασθένιση της μουσικής υπόκρουσης (βλ. παρακάτω).
Συνάθροιση Σαββατοκύριακου Αναφέρετε τη συνήθη ημέρα και ώρα για τη συνάντηση του Σαββατοκύριακου.
Επόμενη προγραμματισμένη επίσκεψη του επισκόπου περιοχής Όταν επιλέγετε μια ημερομηνία για την επόμενη προγραμματισμένη επίσκεψη του επιτηρητή κυκλώματος, Μ3 θα ορίσει αυτόματα την ημέρα συνάντησης μεσάνυχτα για εκείνη την εβδομάδα για την Τρίτη, παραλείψτε τα μέσα μελέτης της εκκλησίας της Βίβλου, καθώς και παραλείψτε τα τελικά τραγούδια του Βασιλείου και για τις δύο συναντήσεις.

Σημείωση: όταν χρησιμοποιείτε διακομιστή συγκέντρωσης σιγουρευτείτε για την επιβολή αυτής της ρύθμισης, έτσι ώστε όλοι οι συνδεδεμένοι αδελφοί να έχουν την ίδια ημερομηνία επίσκεψης του επισκόπου περιοχής ρυθμισμένη.
Ενεργοποίηση κουμπιού για την αναπαραγωγή μουσικής υπόκρουσης Ενεργοποιήστε ένα κουμπί στην κύρια οθόνη, το οποίο θα αναπαράγει τραγούδια Βασιλείου από τη σειρά sjm , με τυχαία σειρά. Αυτό είναι χρήσιμο, για παράδειγμα, να παίξει τραγούδια πριν και μετά από συναντήσεις στο Kingdom Hall ως μουσική υπόκρουση. Στα δεξιά αυτής της επιλογής είναι ένα κουμπί για να κατεβάσετε όλα τα διαθέσιμα τραγούδια του Βασιλείου, το οποίο θα μπορούσε να είναι χρήσιμο για την πρόληψη των καθυστερήσεων buffering.
Ένταση ήχου αναπαραγωγής μουσικής υπόκρουσης Ορίζει την ένταση στην οποία θα παίξει η μουσική υπόκρουση.
Αυτόματη αναπαραγωγή μουσικής υπόκρουσης πριν από τις συναθροίσεις Αν ενεργοποιηθεί, μουσική υπόκρουση θα αρχίσει αυτόματα να παίζει κατά την εκκίνηση εφαρμογών όταν είναι μια ημέρα συνάντησης και η συνάντηση αρχίζει σε λιγότερο από μία ώρα.
Αυτόματη διακοπή αναπαραγωγής μουσικής υπόκρουσης Εάν το κουμπί Ενεργοποίηση για την αναπαραγωγή μουσικής φόντου είναι ενεργό, τότε αυτή η ρύθμιση θα σας επιτρέψει να καθορίσετε μια καθυστέρηση μετά την οποία μουσική υπόκρουση θα πρέπει να σταματήσει αυτόματα. Αυτό μπορεί να είναι είτε ένας ορισμένος αριθμός λεπτών, ή προκαθορισμένο αριθμό δευτερολέπτων πριν από την έναρξη της συνάντησης (στην περίπτωση που η μουσική υπόκρουσης ξεκίνησε πριν από μια συνάντηση).

Στιγμιότυπα της οθόνης ρυθμίσεων

Ρύθμιση εφαρμογής
Ρύθμιση εφαρμογής
Ρύθμιση πολυμέσων
Ρύθμιση πολυμέσων
Ρύθμιση συνάθροισης
Ρύθμιση συνάθροισης

Ζητήματα και αιτήματα λειτουργιών

Πώς μπορώ να αναφέρω ένα πρόβλημα ή ένα σφάλμα που αντιμετωπίζω?

Εάν ποτέ αντιμετωπίσετε προβλήματα με το M³, παρακαλούμε χρησιμοποιήστε το GitHub Issues για να το αναφέρετε. Οι διορθώσεις σφαλμάτων εκδίδονται σε τακτική βάση, συνήθως μηνιαία.

Πώς μπορώ να ζητήσω νέα χαρακτηριστικά?

Είμαι ανοιχτός σε προτάσεις! Παρακαλούμε χρησιμοποιήστε GitHub Discussions για να συζητήσετε πιθανές νέες λειτουργίες.

Technische Hinweise

Die App sollte wie auf den meisten modernen Computern mit Windows, Linux oder macOS laufen.

Windows: Installation und erster Start

Beim Öffnen des Installers erhalten Sie möglicherweise einen -Fehler mit dem Hinweis, dass “Windows SmartScreen das Starten einer nicht erkannten App verhindert hat”. Dies liegt daran, dass die App keine große Anzahl an Downloads hat und daher von Windows nicht explizit “vertrauenswürdig” wird. Um dies zu umgehen, klicken Sie einfach auf “Mehr Info”, dann auf “Trotzdem ausführen”.

Linux: Installation und erster Start

Gemäß der offiziellen AppImage Dokumentation, wenn die App nicht richtig geöffnet wird, bestätigen Sie die Ausgabe des folgenden Befehls:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

Wenn die Ausgabe 0ist, dann wird das AppImage nicht ausführen, es sei denn, Sie führen den folgenden Befehl aus, gefolgt von einem Neustart:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Lesen Sie sich durch, was dies bedeutet, bevor Sie dies tun.

macOS: Installation und erster Start

Wenn Sie beim Starten der App eine Warnung erhalten, dass die App nicht geöffnet werden kann, entweder weil “es nicht aus dem App Store heruntergeladen wurde” oder weil “der Entwickler nicht überprüft werden kann” dann wird dir diese Apple Support-Seite helfen, das zu überwinden.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Anders als Windows und Linux ist die Auto-Update-Funktionalität nicht auf macOS implementiert und wird es aus technischen Gründen wahrscheinlich nie sein. Allerdings passiert eine von zwei Dingen für MacOS-Benutzer, wenn ein Update verfügbar ist:

  • M3 wird versuchen, das Updatepaket herunterzuladen und es automatisch zu öffnen, danach muss der Benutzer die Installation des M3-Updates manuell durch Ziehen und Ablegen der aktualisierten App in seinen Anwendungsordner durchführen. Dann können sie wie gewohnt die neu aktualisierte M3 aus ihrem Anwendungsordner starten.
  • Wenn der vorherige Schritt zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt fehlschlägt M3 zeigt eine persistente Benachrichtigung an, die angibt, dass ein Update verfügbar ist, mit einem Link auf das Update selbst. Eine rote, pulsierende Benachrichtigung wird auch auf der Einstellungstaste im Hauptbildschirm von M3 angezeigt. Die M3-Versionsnummer im Einstellungsbildschirm verwandelt sich in eine Schaltfläche, die nach einem Klick automatisch die neueste Release-Seite öffnet.


Medien-Präsentationsmodus verwenden

Die Medien-Präsentations- und Controller-Modi sind für Einfachheit und Vermeidung von Fehlern bei Meetings konzipiert.

Sobald die Option Medien auf einem externen Monitor oder in einem separaten Fenster aktiviert ist, der Bildschirm für Mediendarstellung wird automatisch auf dem externen Monitor angezeigt, falls vorhanden oder in einem separaten, ziehbaren und skalierbaren Fenster, wenn kein externer Monitor erkannt wurde.

Im Standby-Modus zeigt der Medien-Präsentationsbildschirm das in den Einstellungen konfigurierte Hintergrundbild an. Wenn kein Hintergrundbild konfiguriert wurde, wird M3 versuchen, den Jahrestext automatisch zu laden und anzuzeigen.

Wenn kein Hintergrundbild in den Einstellungen konfiguriert ist und der Jahrtext nicht automatisch geladen werden konnte, ein schwarzer Hintergrund wird im Standby angezeigt.

Media Kontroller Modus kann durch Klicken auf den ▶️ (Wiedergabe) Button auf dem Hauptbildschirm von M3 erreicht werden oder über das Tastaturkürzel Alt D (für die externe Anzeige).

Sobald Sie den Kontrollermodus eingegeben haben, können Sie auf dem Ordnerauswahlbildschirm das Datum festlegen, für das Sie die Medien anzeigen möchten. Wenn der aktuelle Ordner des Tages existiert, wird er automatisch vorgewählt. Sobald ein Datum ausgewählt ist, Sie können das ausgewählte Datum jederzeit noch ändern, indem Sie auf den Knopf “Datumsauswahl” im oberen Bereich klicken.

Medien präsentieren

Um Medien abzuspielen, drücken Sie den ▶️ (Wiedergabe) Button für die gewünschte Datei. Um die Medien auszublenden, drücken Sie die ⏹️ (stop) Taste. Ein Video kann auf Wunsch beim Pausieren nachgewickelt oder schnell weitergeleitet werden. Bitte beachten Sie, dass für Videos, die Stop-Taste muss zweimal gedrückt werden, um zu verhindern, dass ein Video versehentlich angehalten wird, während es für die Gemeinde abgespielt wird. Videos werden automatisch gestoppt, wenn sie in ihrer Gesamtheit gespielt haben.

Zusätzliche Funktionen

M3 verfügt über ein paar zusätzliche Funktionen, die zur Verbesserung des Media-Präsentationserlebnisses genutzt werden können.

JW.org präsentieren

Um JW.org zu präsentieren, können Sie die Taste (Ellipse) oben auf dem Bildschirm drücken und `JW.org öffnen` wählen. Dies öffnet ein neues Controller-Fenster, bei dem JW.org geladen wird. Das Medienfenster zeigt auch JW.org an. Nun können Sie das Kontrollerfenster verwenden, um JW.org zu navigieren, und das Medienfenster zeigt Ihre Aktionen an. Wenn Sie JW.org präsentieren können Sie das Controller-Fenster schließen und mit dem normalen Media-Präsentationsmodus fortfahren.

Zoomen und Pan Bilder

Wenn ein Bild angezeigt wird, können Sie mit dem Mausrad scrollen, während Sie mit dem Mausrad über die Bildvorschau schweben, um hereinzuzoomen und zu verkleinern. Alternativ können Sie auch auf die Bildvorschau doppelklicken, um sie zu vergrößern. Doppelklick wechselt zwischen 1,5x, 2x, 3x, 4x und zurück zu 1x Zoom. Sie können das Bild auch halten und verschieben um das Bild herum zu bewegen.

Medienliste sortieren

Die Medienliste kann durch Anklicken der Sortiertaste oben rechts auf dem Bildschirm sortiert werden. Die Medienelemente werden einen neben ihnen erscheinenden Button haben, der verwendet werden kann, um das Medienelement in der Liste nach oben oder unten zu ziehen. Wenn Sie mit der Bestellung zufrieden sind, können Sie die Sortiertaste erneut anklicken, um die Bestellung zu sperren.

Last Minute Lied hinzufügen

Wenn Sie ein Lied in letzter Minute zur Medienliste hinzufügen müssen drücken Sie die <unk> + (Lied hinzufügen) Taste oben auf dem Bildschirm. Ein Dropdown-Menü wird mit einer Liste aller Königreich-Songs erscheinen. Wenn Sie eine auswählen, wird sie sofort an die Spitze der Medienliste gesetzt und kann sofort abgespielt werden. Es wird entweder den Song von JW.org streamen, oder den Song aus dem lokalen Cache abspielen, falls er zuvor heruntergeladen wurde.

Durchführung von Hybrid-Meetings mit einer Kombination aus M3, OBS Studio und Zoom

Die einfachste Möglichkeit, während Hybrid-Meetings Medien auszutauschen, ist die Konfiguration von OBS Studio, M3 und Zoom für die Zusammenarbeit.

Initiale Konfiguration: Kingdom Hall Computer

Setzen Sie die Bildschirmauflösung des externen Bildschirms auf 1280x720, oder etwas ähnliches.

Konfigurieren Sie den Ausgang der Computer-Soundkarte, um zu einem der Eingänge des Sound-Stand-Mixers zu gelangen, und die kombinierte Ausgabe des Sound-Stand-Mixers zur Soundkarteneingabe des Rechners.

Anfangskonfiguration: OBS Studio

Installieren Sie OBS Studio oder laden Sie die portable Version herunter.

Wenn Sie die portable Version von OBS Studio verwenden, installieren Sie das Virtualcam Plugin, und wenn Sie die portable Version von OBS Studio verwenden, fügen Sie die virtuelle Kamera zu Windows durch einen Doppelklick auf das angegebene Installationsskript hinzu.

Wenn Sie OBS Studio v27 oder älter haben, müssen Sie das obs-websocket Plugin installieren. Andernfalls ist obs-websocket enthalten. Konfigurieren Sie eine Portnummer und ein Passwort für obs-websocket.

Aktivieren Sie in den OBS-Einstellungen unter General > System Trayalle Kontrollkästchen. Unter Ausgabe > Streamingaktivieren Sie einen Hardwarekodierer, falls verfügbar. Unter Video > Basis (Canvas) Auflösung und Ausgabe (kalkuliert) Auflösung, wählen Sie 1280x720, und unter Downscale Filter, wählen Sie Bilinear.

Legen Sie mindestens 2 Szenen ein: eine für die Medienanzeige (Fensteraufnahme oder Aufnahme anzeigen mit dem Mauszeiger deaktiviert und der entsprechende Fenstertitel/Monitor ausgewählt), und eine für die Bühnenansicht (Video Capture Device bei ausgewählter KH-Kamera). Du kannst auch eine weitere Szene speziell für Bilder hinzufügen, bei der das Medienfenster zusammen mit der Bühne in einer Bild-in-Bild-Anzeige sichtbar ist. Sie können beliebig viele Szenen hinzufügen, wobei die Kamera angepasst ist, zoomt und nach Bedarf zugeschnitten (Redneransicht, Leiter- und Leseransicht, Tabellenansicht, etc.).

Aktivieren Sie den Skalierung/Seitenverhältnis Filter für alle Fensteraufnahme oder Anzeige Aufnahme Eingänge, mit einer Auflösung von Basis-Auflösung. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass das Medienfenster immer auf die Auflösung der virtuellen Kamera skaliert wird.

Fügen Sie eine Verknüpfung zu OBS Studio mit dem --startvirtualcam Parameter hinzu in den Startup-Ordner des Windows Benutzerprofils eingeben, um sicherzustellen, dass OBS Studio automatisch gestartet wird, wenn sich der Benutzer anmeldet.

Anfangskonfiguration: Königreich Halle Zoom

Zoom sollte so konfiguriert werden, dass Dual-Monitore verwendet werden. Globale Tastaturkürzel für Zoom aktivieren, um die Königreichshalle im Zoom zu stummschalten (Alt A), und starten/stoppen den Königreichshalle-Videofeed im Zoom (Alt V).

Legen Sie das Standard-“Mikrofon” als kombinierte Ausgabe des Sound-Stand-Mixers fest (so dass alles, was über das Königreich Hall hörbar ist, über Zoom, übertragen wird B. Mikrofone und Medien) und die “Kamera” die von OBS Studio zur Verfügung gestellte virtuelle Kamera.

Initiale Konfiguration: M3

Aktivieren Sie die Present Medien auf einem externen Monitor oder in einem separaten Fenster Option.

Aktivieren und konfigurieren Sie den OBS Studio Kompatibilitätsmodus, indem Sie die im OBS Studio Konfigurationsschritt konfigurierten Port- und Passwortinformationen verwenden.

Meeting starten

Starten Sie das Zoom Meeting und verschieben Sie das sekundäre Zoom Meeting-Fenster auf den externen Monitor. Machen Sie es Vollbild, wenn gewünscht. Hier werden alle Teilnehmer von entfernten Meetings angezeigt, um die Gemeinde zu sehen.

Sobald das Zoom-Meeting auf dem externen Monitor angezeigt wird, öffnen Sie M3. Das Medienpräsentationsfenster öffnet sich auf dem externen Monitor automatisch oberhalb des Zooms. Synchronisieren Sie Medien, wenn nötig, und gehen Sie in den Media Controller Modus, indem Sie auf den ▶️ (Wiedergabe) Button auf dem Hauptbildschirm von M3 klicken oder Alt D.

Aktiviere den Kingdom Hall Video Feed (Alt V), und beleuchten Sie den Kingdom Hall Videofeed falls erforderlich, so dass Zoom-Teilnehmer die Königreich Hall Bühne sehen. Schalte den Audiofutter der Kingdom Hall im Zoom frei (Alt A). Es sollte nicht notwendig sein, den Video- oder Audiofeed im Zoom für die Dauer des Meetings zu deaktivieren. Stelle sicher, dass “Originalton für Musiker” in Zoom aktiviert ist, um die beste Audioqualität für Zoom-Teilnehmer zu gewährleisten.

Starten Sie die Hintergrundmusik mit dem Button unten links, oder Alt K.

Übertrage Einzelteile von der Königreichshalle-Bühne über Zoom

Keine Aktion notwendig.

Verschiedene Kamera-Winkel/Zoom können während des Meetings über das Menü am unteren Rand des M3-Medien-Wiedergabe-Kontrollfensters ausgewählt werden; Dieses Menü enthält eine Liste aller konfigurierten Kamera-Ansichtsszenen in OBS.

Medien in der Königreichshalle und über Zoom teilen

Finden Sie die Medien, die Sie im Fenster zur Wiedergabe von M3 teilen möchten, und drücken Sie die Schaltfläche “Wiedergabe”.

Wenn Sie das Teilen von Medien erledigt sind, drücken Sie den “Stop” Knopf in M3. Beachten Sie, dass Videos automatisch nach Fertigstellung anhalten.

Zeige entfernte Zoom-Teilnehmer auf dem Königreich Hall Monitor

Drücken Sie die Schaltfläche “Medienpräsentationsfenster ausblenden/anzeigen/ausblenden” in der unteren rechten Ecke des M3-Mediencontroller-Bildschirms, oder Alt Z, verstecken das Medien-Präsentationsfenster. Das Zoom-Meeting wird nun auf dem Königreichshallen-Monitor sichtbar.

Wenn der Teilnehmer Medien zeigen muss, folgen Sie den Schritten unter der Freigabe der Medien in der Königreichshalle und über die Zoom Unterüberschrift.

Sobald der Teilnehmer sein Teil beendet hat drücken Sie die Schaltfläche “Medienpräsentationsfenster ausblenden/anzeigen” in der unteren rechten Ecke des M3 Media Playback Kontrollfensters, oder Alt Z, das Medienpräsentationsfenster anzeigen. Der Kingdom Hall Monitor wird nun den Jahrestext anzeigen.

Durchführung von Hybrid-Meetings mit nur M3 und Zoom

Wenn Sie OBS Studio aus irgendeinem Grund nicht verwenden möchten die folgenden Vorschläge helfen Ihnen vielleicht, die Dinge so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten.

Initiale Konfiguration ohne OBS: Königreich Hall Computer

Gleiche wie oben zutreffender Abschnitt. Mit dem Hinzufügen des globalen Tastaturkürzels zum Starten oder Stoppen der Bildschirmfreigabe (Alt S). Die “Kamera” wird der Kamerafeed von der Kingdom Hall Kamera sein.

Erste Konfiguration ohne OBS: M3

Aktivieren Sie die Present Medien auf einem externen Monitor oder in einem separaten Fenster Option.

Das Meeting ohne OBS starten

Gleiche wie oben zutreffender Abschnitt.

Übertrage Einzelteile von der Königreichshalle-Bühne über Zoom ohne OBS

Gleiche wie oben zutreffender Abschnitt.

Medien in der Königreichshalle teilen und über Zoom ohne OBS

Beginnen Sie die Zoom zu teilen, indem Sie Alt S drücken. Wählen Sie im Fenster Zoom Sharing, das erscheint, den externen Monitor und aktivieren Sie beide Kontrollkästchen unten links (für Ton- und Videooptimierung). Der Jahrestext wird nun über Zoom geteilt.

Finden Sie die Medien, die Sie im Fenster zur Wiedergabe von M3 teilen möchten, und drücken Sie die Schaltfläche “Wiedergabe”.

Wenn Sie die Medien freigeben, drücken Sie Alt S um die Bildschirmfreigabe zu beenden.

Zeige entfernte Zoom-Teilnehmer auf dem Königreich Halle-Monitor ohne OBS

Gleiche wie oben zutreffender Abschnitt.

Screenshots des Präsentationsmodus

Blaue Wiedergabe-Schaltfläche, um in den Mediensteuerungsmodus zu gelangen
Blaue Wiedergabe-Schaltfläche, um in den Mediensteuerungsmodus zu gelangen
Liste der Medien, die gezeigt werden können
Liste der Medien, die gezeigt werden können
Standard-Hintergrundbild mit automatisch erstelltem Jahrestext
Standard-Hintergrundbild mit automatisch erstelltem Jahrestext
Ein Bild anzeigen
Ein Bild anzeigen
Ein Video abspielen
Ein Video abspielen
Zu einer bestimmten Stelle in einem Video springen
Zu einer bestimmten Stelle in einem Video springen

Medien verwalten

Der Medien-Verwaltungsbildschirm erlaubt es dem Benutzer, Medien für ein Meeting hinzuzufügen oder zu entfernen Verwalten Sie wiederkehrende Medien und fügen Sie sogar spezielle Medien für andere Termine, zu denen normalerweise kein Meeting geplant ist.

Verwalten von Medien für einen bestimmten Tag

Um Medien für ein bestimmtes Meeting oder Tag zu verwalten, klicken Sie einfach auf die Kachel des Tages auf dem Hauptbildschirm von M3. Um Medien zu verwalten, die bei jedem Meeting wiederholt werden, klicken Sie auf die Wiederkehrende Medienkachel.

Medien hinzufügen

So fügen Sie ** Medien vom Media Management Bildschirm hinzu.

Option Erklärung
Upload-Typ Wählen Sie aus einem der 3 Medientypen (siehe unten).
Medien hinzufügen Abhängig vom gewählten Medientyp (siehe unten).
Dateinamen-Präfix Bis zu 6 Ziffern können vor dem Dateinamen(n) hinzugefügt werden, um bei der Sortierung zu helfen.
Medienliste Dies zeigt die aktuell geplanten Medien für die ausgewählte Datumsflippe.

In den -Medien, um ein Feld hinzuzufügen, werden Ihnen verschiedene Optionen angezeigt, abhängig vom ausgewählten Medientyp.

Medientyp Die Medien zum Hinzufügen des Feldes
Lied … zeigt ein Menü mit allen Kingdom Song Videos der sjm Serie in der Mediensprache. Wählen Sie diese Option, um zum Beispiel einen Song für den öffentlichen Vortrag oder für den Aufseher von Schaltungen hinzuzufügen.

Der ausgewählte Song wird automatisch von JW.org in der Kongregation oder der Gruppensprache heruntergeladen, wie in den Einstellungen konfiguriert.
JWPUB … erlaubt es Ihnen, in eine JWPUB-Datei zu stöbern (oder zu ziehen und abzuziehen).

Sie werden dann aufgefordert, den Abschnitt oder das Kapitel auszuwählen, aus dem Sie Medien hinzufügen möchten. Dies fügt sowohl eingebettete als auch referenzierte Medien aus diesem Abschnitt in der JWPUB-Datei hinzu.

Ein Beispiel für eine häufig verwendete JWPUB-Datei ist die S-34, aber jede JWPUB-Datei kann hier verwendet werden.
Eigene … erlaubt es Ihnen, alle anderen Mediendatei(en) von Ihrem Computer zu durchsuchen (oder per Drag & Drop zu ziehen).

Beachten Sie, dass alle PDF-und SVG-Dateien automatisch von M3 in hochauflösende Bilder umgewandelt werden.
JW.ORG … erlaubt es Ihnen, ein Video aus den neuesten Videos auf JW.org auszuwählen.

Entfernen, verstecken und anzeigen von Medien

Um zu entfernen,, **verstecken oder ** Medien anzeigen finden Sie einfach die Mediendatei, die Sie nicht wollen, und klicken Sie auf das entsprechende Symbol.

Ein rotes 🟥 (Löschen) Symbol Ein ☑️ (Checkbox) Symbol Ein 🔲 (deaktiviertes Kontrollkästchen) Symbol
Die Mediendatei wurde von Ihnen oder der VO zu diesem Tag hinzugefügt. Die Mediendatei wird im Sitzungsmaterial referenziert.

It wird von JW.org heruntergeladen oder aus der entsprechenden Publikation extrahiert.
Die Mediendatei wird im Sitzungsmaterial referenziert.

Es wurde von Ihnen oder dem VO versteckt, so dass es nicht heruntergeladen oder in die Medien des Meetings hinzugefügt wird.

Screenshots von der Medienverwaltungsseite

Ein Lied für einen öffentlichen Vortrag hinzufügen
Ein Lied für einen öffentlichen Vortrag hinzufügen
Ein zusätzliches Bild hinzufügen
Ein zusätzliches Bild hinzufügen
Medien aus einem Abschnitt in einer JWPUB-Datei importieren
Medien aus einem Abschnitt in einer JWPUB-Datei importieren
Vorschau von Medien aus einer JWPUB-Datei vor dem Importieren
Vorschau von Medien aus einer JWPUB-Datei vor dem Importieren
Eine Mediendatei umbenennen
Eine Mediendatei umbenennen


M3 benötigt keine Administratorrechte zum Installieren oder Ausführen. Um M3 zu installieren, laden Sie einfach den aktuellen Installer herunter und führen Sie ihn aus.

Betriebssystem Datei zum Herunterladen
Fenster meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

Was kommt als nächstes?

Konfigurieren Sie die App mit den Einstellungen Bildschirm.

Probleme bei der Installation?

Siehe Technische Benutzungshinweise für Hilfe.


Hängt diese App von externen Websites, Quellen oder “Kuratoren” ab, um Publikationen und Versammlungsmedien herunterzuladen?

Nein. Die App verhält sich ähnlich wie die JW Bibliothek. Sie lädt Publikationen und Medien direkt von der offiziellen JW.org-Website und ihrem Content Delivery-Netzwerk herunter. Zur Laufzeit bestimmt die App automatisch, was heruntergeladen werden muss, wie Mediendateien und Veröffentlichungen. Der Quellcode ist für alle verfügbar, um dies zu prüfen und zu überprüfen.

Verletzt diese App die JW.org Nutzungsbedingungen?

Nein. Die JW.org Nutzungsbedingungen erlauben ausdrücklich die Art der Nutzung, die wir machen. Hier ist der relevante Auszug aus diesen Begriffen (Hervorheben mine):

Du darfst nicht:

Erstellen Sie zu Verteilungszwecken, Softwareanwendungen, Tools oder Techniken, die speziell zum Sammeln gemacht werden Daten, HTML, Bilder oder Texte von dieser Website kopieren, herunterladen, extrahieren, ernten oder verschrotten. (Dies untersagt nicht die Verteilung von kostenlos nicht-kommerzielle Anwendungen, die zum Herunterladen von elektronischen Dateien wie EPUB, PDF, MP3 und MP4 Dateien aus öffentlichen Bereichen dieser Seite entwickelt wurden.)


Der von der Ältestenschaft ernannte Videokonferenz-Organisator (VO) kann mithilfe von M³ den Brüdern für die Audio-/Videounterstützung in seiner Versammlung Medien zur Verfügung stellen.

Der VO oder ein Gehilfe kann:

  • zusätzlich benötigte Medien hochladen, bspw. für die Besuchswoche des Kreisaufsehers oder öffentliche Vorträge
  • nicht benötigte Medien von JW.ORG ausblenden, z.B. weil ein Programmpunkt durch das Zweigbüro ersetzt wurde
  • wiederkehrende Medien hinzufügen oder entfernen, wie z.B. ein Jahrestext-Video oder eine Ankündigungsfolie

Jeder, der mit der gleichen Versammlung synchronisiert, erhält beim Klicken auf Medienordner aktualisieren die exakt gleichen Medien.

Die Versammlungs-Synchronisation ist komplett optional und nicht erforderlich.

So funktioniert es

Der zugrunde liegende Sync-Mechanismus von M³ verwendet WebDAV. Das bedeutet, dass das VO (oder ein Gehilfe) entweder:

  • einen gesicherten WebDAV-Server erstellen muss, der per Internet zugänglich ist, oder
  • einen externen Cloud-Speicherdienst verwenden muss, der das WebDAV-Protokoll unterstützt (siehe die Einstellung Web-Adresse unter Einstellungen: Versammlungs-Synchronisation).

Alle Benutzer, die synchronisiert werden wollen, müssen sich mit dem gleichen WebDAV-Server verbinden, indem sie die Verbindungsinformationen und Zugangsdaten verwenden, die ihnen durch ihre VO zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

Einstellungen: Versammlungs-Synchronisation

Einstellung Erklärung
Web-Adresse Webadresse des WebDAV-Servers. Sichere HTTP (HTTPS) ist erforderlich.

Hinweis: Druck klicken des Web-Adresse-Knopfes wird eine Liste von WebDAV-Providern angezeigt, von denen bekannt ist, dass sie mit M³ kompatibel sind und automatisch bestimmte Einstellungen für diese Anbieter vorausgefüllt.

Diese Liste wird als Höflichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt und stellt in keiner Weise eine Unterstützung für bestimmte Dienste oder Anbieter dar. Der beste Server ist immer derjenige, den Sie besitzen…
Benutzername Benutzername für den WebDAV-Dienst.
Passwort Passwort für den WebDAV-Service.

Hinweis: So detailliert in ihren jeweiligen Supportseiten, ein app-spezifisches Passwort muss für Box und Koofr erstellt werden, um WebDAV-Verbindungen zu ihren Diensten zu ermöglichen.
Synchronisations-Ordner Dies ist der Ordner, der zur Synchronisierung von Medien für alle Benutzer der Congregation verwendet wird. Sie können entweder in einen Pfad tippen/einfügen oder mit der Maus zum Zielordner navigieren.

Hinweis: Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Kongregation Benutzer den gleichen Ordnerpfad eingeben; andernfalls funktioniert die Synchronisation nicht wie erwartet.
Versammlungsweite Einstellungen Sobald das VO das Media Setup und Meeting Setup Abschnitte der Einstellungen auf seinem eigenen Computer konfiguriert hat er kann dann mit diesem Knopf bestimmte Einstellungen für alle Benutzer der Kongregation erzwingen (zum Beispiel Meeting-Tage, Mediensprache, Konvertierungseinstellungen usw. Das bedeutet, dass die ausgewählten Einstellungen bei jedem Öffnen von M3 für alle synchronisierten Benutzer zwingend angewendet werden.

Benutze Kongregation Sync um Medien zu verwalten

Sobald das Sync-Setup abgeschlossen ist, können Sie Medien für das technische AV-Support-Team Ihrer Gemeinde verwalten.

Screenshots von Kongregation Synchronisation in Aktion

Einstellungen: Versammlungs-Synchronisierung
Einstellungen: Versammlungs-Synchronisierung


Der Bildschirm Einstellungen ist in 4 Bereiche unterteilt. Die meisten Optionen sind selbsterklärend, aber hier einige zusätzliche Details.

Einstellungen: Anwendung

Einstellung Erklärung
Offline-Modus Falls aktiviert, wird M3 nicht versuchen, sich mit JW.org oder Ihrem Kongregation Server zu verbinden. Dies ist nützlich, wenn Sie eine schlechte Internetverbindung haben und die Bandbreite sparen möchten.
Design Wählen Sie das Thema aus, das Sie bevorzugen. Wenn Sie Systemwählen, wird M3 das System-Theme verwenden.
Name der Versammlung Der Name Ihrer Gemeinde. Dies wird verwendet, um mehrere Gemeinden, die den gleichen Computer teilen, zu unterstützen.
Anzeigesprache Legt die Sprache fest, in der M3 angezeigt wird.

Vielen Dank an unsere vielen Mitwirkenden für die Übersetzung der App in so viele Sprachen! Wenn Sie helfen wollen, eine bestehende Übersetzung zu verbessern oder eine neue hinzuzufügen, öffnen Sie bitte eine neue -Diskussion.
Medienordner Meeting-Medien werden in diesem Ordner gespeichert um später freizugeben und zu nutzen.
Eigener Cache-Pfad Veröffentlichungen und andere Daten werden standardmäßig für jeden Benutzer in einem anderen Verzeichnis gespeichert. Sie können dieses Verzeichnis ändern, wenn Sie die zwischengespeicherten Daten zwischen mehreren Benutzern auf demselben Computer teilen möchten.
Datumsformat für Zusammenkunftsordner Das Datumsformat für die Meeting-Ordner.

Hinweis: Bei Verwendung eines Kongregation Servers bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass alle dasselbe Datumsformat konfigurieren, indem Sie es mit Zusammenfassung-weite Einstellungenerzwingen.
Anwendung beim Systemstart öffnen Wenn aktiviert, wird M3 gestartet, wenn der aktuelle Benutzer sich auf dem Computer einloggt.

Hinweis: Unter Linux nicht verfügbar.
Mediensynchronisierung automatisch starten Wenn aktiviert, wird diese Option automatisch eine Medien-Synchronisation starten, 5 Sekunden, nachdem M3 gestartet wurde.

Um die automatische Synchronisierung zu verhindern, wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist, drücken Sie die ⏸️ (pause) Schaltfläche, bevor der 5-Sekunden-Timer ausgeschaltet ist.
Ordner nach Mediensynchronisierung öffnen Wenn aktiviert, öffnet sich der Ordner mit den heruntergeladenen Medien der gewählten Woche im Dateimanager des Computers, nachdem die Medien-Synchronisation abgeschlossen ist.
Anwendung nach Mediensynchronisierung beenden Wenn aktiviert, beendet diese Option automatisch M3 5 Sekunden, nachdem die Medien-Synchronisation abgeschlossen ist.

Um zu verhindern, dass M3 automatisch beendet, wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist, drücken Sie die 🏃 (Person verlassen/laufend) Taste, bevor der 5-Sekunden-Timer abgelaufen ist.
OBS Studio Kompatibilitätsmodus aktivieren Wenn aktiviert, wird diese Option in OBS Studio tippen, um die Szenen automatisch zu ändern, wenn sie sowohl vor als auch nach dem Teilen der Medien benötigt werden.

Wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert wird, stellen Sie sicher, dass OBS Studio so konfiguriert ist, dass das obs-websocket Plugin verwendet wird, , was M3 in die Lage versetzt, mit OBS Studio zu kommunizieren.

Außerdem konfigurieren Sie alle benötigten Szenen für das Teilen von Medien und die Darstellung in OBS. Zumindest Sie benötigen eine Szene mit einer Fensteraufnahme (empfohlen) oder Anzeige der Aufnahme konfiguriert, um das M3 Medien-Präsentationsfenster zu erfassen, oder den Bildschirm, auf dem die Medien präsentiert werden.

Du musst auch alle gewünschten Szenarien konfigurieren, Zum Beispiel: ein Schuss des Vortrags, ein großer Schuss der Bühne etc.
Port Port auf dem das obs-websocket Plugin zum Abhören konfiguriert ist.
Passwort Passwort konfiguriert in den Einstellungen des obs-websocket Plugins.
Bühnenszene in OBS Studio Wählen Sie, welche Szene standardmäßig ausgewählt werden soll, wenn der Medien-Präsentationsmodus gestartet wird. Gewöhnlich eine Bühnenweite oder ein Schuss des Redners.
Medienszene in OBS Studio Wählen Sie aus, welche Szene in OBS Studio konfiguriert ist, um das M3-Medienfenster zu erfassen.
Optionale separate Medienszene für Bilder Eine optionale Szene, um eine alternative Szene zum Anzeigen von Bildern auszuwählen. Dies ist nützlich, wenn man Bilder anders als Videos anzeigen will (zum Beispiel mit einer überlagerten Bühne im Bild-Stil).
OBS Studio-Szene zum Anzeigen der Zoom-Teilnehmer Eine optionale Szene zur schnellen und effizienten Verwaltung der Anzeige von Zoom-Teilnehmern bei Hybrid-Meetings.

Wenn diese Szene konfiguriert ist, ändert sich das Verhalten des Medienpräsentationsmodus etwas. Wenn in diesem Modus erscheint eine Umschalt-Schaltfläche, die, wenn aktiviert, wird das Medienfenster ausgeblendet und die Zoom-Szene angezeigt. Der OBS Szenenwähler wird ebenfalls versteckt. Das Teilen von Medien wird automatisch wie üblich die Medienszene anzeigen, und nach dem Teilen von Medien verschwindet das Medienfenster sofort.

Wenn der Schalter deaktiviert ist, werden das Medienfenster und die Szenenauswahl erneut angezeigt.
Zoom-Integration aktivieren Wenn aktiviert, wird diese Funktion versuchen, verschiedene Vorbesprechungen zu automatisieren (alle stummschalten, Aktivieren der Königreichshalle Video/Audio, Deaktiviere die Option für Teilnehmer zum Entstummen selbst) in-Meeting (wähle Teilnehmer aus, um sie zu beleuchten und zu entmutigen oder zu stummschalten Senken Sie ihre Hand und entfernen Sie das Scheinwerfer) und das Postmeeting (deaktivieren Sie den Video-Feed der Königreichshalle, erlauben Sie den Teilnehmern sich selbst zu entmutigen) Aufgaben.

Hinweis: Dies ist immer noch eine Beta-Funktion. Bitte testen Sie es gründlich bevor Sie es implementieren und überprüfen Sie immer, ob die Automatisierung korrekt ausgeführt wurde.
Name des Zoomteilnehmers Dies ist der Name, den M3 zum Zoom Meeting verwendet.
Zoom-Meeting-ID Die Meeting-ID des Zoom-Treffens, an dem M3 teilnehmen soll.
Passwort Das Passwort der Zoom Begegnung, an der M3 teilnehmen soll.
Video beim Start der Zusammenkunft spotlighten Wenn aktiviert, wird M3 automatisch den Video-Feed der Königreichshalle markieren, wenn die Automatisierung der “Besprechung starten” ausgeführt wird.
Zoom-Komponente standardmäßig ausblenden Wenn aktiviert, wird die Zoom-Komponente standardmäßig ausgeblendet. Die Zoom-Komponente ist eine erforderliche schwimmende Komponente, die den M3-Teilnehmer im Zoom-Meeting repräsentiert. Sie können den M3 Teilnehmer damit steuern.
Automatische Aktionen zum Start der Versammlung ausführen Wenn aktiviert, führt M3 automatisch die Aktionen “Meeting starten”, eine konfigurierte Anzahl von Minuten, bevor das Meeting beginnen soll. Diese Aktionen sind: es den Teilnehmern zu verbieten, sich selbst zu entmuten, alle stumm zu schalten, den Host zu fragen, um Video und Mikrofon zu aktivieren und optional den Video-Feed der Königreichshalle zu beleuchten.
Zoomteilnehmer automatisch umbenennen Mit dieser Einstellung können Sie eine Umbenennungsregel hinzufügen, um bestimmte Zoomteilnehmer automatisch umzubenennen. Dies ist nützlich, wenn Sie Teilnehmer umbenennen wollen, die sich konsequent mit einem falschen oder unvollständigen Namen verbinden. Regeln müssen im folgenden Format eingegeben werden: Alter Name=Neuer Name.
Beta-Updates für Testzwecke aktivieren Wenn aktiviert, erhält M3 automatisch Beta-Updates, die täglich veröffentlicht werden und die neuesten Funktionen und Korrekturen enthalten.

Hinweis: Aktiviere diese Einstellung nicht auf dem Computer, mit dem Medien in der Königreichshalle dargestellt werden.
Automatische Updates deaktivieren Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird M3 beim Schließen nicht automatisch selbst aktualisieren.
Hardwarebeschleunigung deaktivieren Aktivieren Sie diese Einstellung nur, wenn Sie Probleme mit dem Medien-Präsentationsmodus haben. Wenn Sie diese Einstellung ändern, wird M3 neu gestartet.

Einstellungen: Versammlungs-Synchronisierung

Siehe Congregation sync Abschnitt für Details darüber, was dies genau macht und wie man diesen Abschnitt konfiguriert.

Einstellungen: Medien

Dies konvertiert automatisch alle Bild- und Audiodateien in das MP4-Format, für die Verwendung mit dem nativen MP4 Sharing-Feature während komplett Remote-Community-Zoom Besprechungen. Dies schließt alle Bilder und Mediendateien ein, die von JW.org heruntergeladen wurden, sowie zusätzliche Mediendateien, die vom Benutzer oder der VO hinzugefügt wurden.

**Hinweis: Diese Option eignet sich am besten für Remote-only Kongregation Zoom Besprechungen. Wenn Sie entweder Hybrid oder reguläre Versammlungen durchführen schauen Sie sich Media Presentation Mode an, indem Sie die Present Medien auf einem externen Monitor oder in einem separaten Fenster aktivieren, und deaktivieren Sie diese Option.*</td> </tr>

Wenn aktiviert, wird das Medienfenster sofort ausgeblendet, nachdem jede Mediendatei beendet ist.

**Hinweis: Diese Einstellung ist besonders nützlich für Besprechungen in der Sign-Sprache*</td> </tr>

</tbody> </table>

Einstellungen: Zusammenkunft

Einstellung Erklärung
Sonderkongregation Wenn aktiviert, werden keine Medien von JW.org heruntergeladen. Nur manuell hinzugefügte Medien sind verfügbar. Dies ist beispielsweise für theokratische Schulen nützlich.
Zusammenkunft unter der Woche Geben Sie den normalen Tag und die Uhrzeit für das Treffen in der Woche an; verwendet für Ordnerbenennung und automatisches Ausblenden der Hintergrundmusik (siehe unten).
Zusammenkunft am Wochenende Geben Sie den Tag und die Uhrzeit des Wochenendtreffens an.
Nächste Besuchswoche des Kreisaufsehers Wenn Sie ein Datum für den nächsten geplanten Besuch der Rennstrecke auswählen, M3 setzt automatisch den Tagungstag der Mittagwoche für diese Woche auf Dienstag, Überspringen Sie die Bibelstudien der Kongregation und überspringen Sie die abschließenden Königreich-Songs für beide Treffen.

Hinweis: Bei Verwendung eines Kongregation Servers Achten Sie darauf, diese Einstellung zu erzwingen, so dass alle verbundenen Brüder die gleiche Schaltung aufgerufen haben, die das Datum des Besuchs konfiguriert hat.
Schaltfläche zum Abspielen von Hintergrundmusik Aktiviere einen Button auf dem Hauptbildschirm, der Königreich Titel aus der sjm Serie in zufälliger Reihenfolge abspielen wird. Dies ist zum Beispiel nützlich, um Lieder vor und nach Meetings in der Königreichshalle als Hintergrundmusik abzuspielen. Rechts von dieser Option befindet sich ein Knopf, um alle verfügbaren Königreich-Songs herunterzuladen, was nützlich sein könnte, um Pufferverzögerungen zu vermeiden.
Lautstärke der Hintergrundmusik Legt die Lautstärke fest, auf der die Hintergrundmusik abgespielt wird.
Hintergrundmusik vor Zusammenkünften automatisch abspielen Wenn aktiviert, startet die Hintergrundmusik automatisch beim Start der App, wenn an dem Tag eine Zusammenkunft stattfindet und die Zusammenkunft in weniger als einer Stunde beginnt.
Hintergrundmusik automatisch beenden Wenn Schaltfläche für Zufallswiedergabe von Könnigreichsliedern aktiv, dann kann mit dieser Einstellung eine Verzögerung festlegt werden, nach der die Hintergrundmusik automatisch beendet werden soll. Dies kann entweder eine bestimmte Anzahl von Minuten sein, oder eine vordefinierte Anzahl von Sekunden vor Beginn des Meetings (falls die Hintergrundmusik vor einem Meeting gestartet wurde).

Screenshots des Einstellungsbildschirms

Einstellungen: Anwendung
Einstellungen: Anwendung
Einstellungen: Medien
Einstellungen: Medien
Einstellungen: Zusammenkunft
Einstellungen: Zusammenkunft

Probleme und Feature-Anfragen

Wie melde ich ein Problem oder einen Fehler, auf den ich gestoßen ist?

Wenn Sie jemals Probleme mit M3 haben, verwenden Sie bitte GitHub Probleme , um es zu melden. Fehlerkorrekturen werden in der Regel monatlich ausgegeben.

Wie kann ich neue Funktionen anfordern?

Ich bin offen für Vorschläge! Bitte verwenden Sie GitHub Diskussionen um mögliche neue Funktionen zu diskutieren.

Tegniese verbruiks notas

The app should run as is on most modern computers running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Windows: Installation and first launch

On opening the installer, you might get an error indicating that “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting”. This is due to the app not having a high number of downloads, and consequently not being explicitly “trusted” by Windows. To get around this, simply click on “More info”, then “Run anyway”.

Linux: Installation and first launch

As per the official AppImage documentation, if the app fails to open properly, confirm the output of the following command:

sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone

If the output is 0, then the AppImage will not run unless you run the following command, followed by a reboot:

echo kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/00-local-userns.conf

Make sure you read up on what this entails before you do this.

macOS: Installation and first launch

If upon launching the app, you receive a warning that the app cannot be opened, either because “it was not downloaded from the App store” or because “the developer cannot be verified”, then this Apple support page will help you to get past that.

If you get a message indicating that you “do not have permission to open the application”, then try some solutions from this page, for example running the following command in Terminal.app:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Issues with audio or microphone permissions in macOS Sonoma

Since macOS Sonoma, some users might encounter an issue where M³ repeatedly gives an error message indicating that it needs access to the microphone. Executing the following command in Terminal.app has resolved the issue for some:

codesign --force --deep --sign - "/path/to/Meeting Media Manager.app"

macOS: Auto-update

Unlike Windows and Linux, auto-update functionality is not implemented on macOS, and for technical reasons probably never will be. However, one of two things will happen for macOS users when an update is available:

  • M³ will attempt to download the update package and open it automatically, after which the user will have to manually complete the installation of the M³ update by dragging and dropping the updated app to their Applications folder. Then, they will be able to launch the newly updated M³ from their Applications folder as usual.
  • If the previous step fails at any stage, M³ will display a persistent notification indicating that an update is available, with a link to the update itself. A red, pulsing notification will also be displayed on the settings button in the main screen of M³. The M³ version number in the settings screen will turn into a button that, once clicked, opens the latest release’s download page automatically.

Media Presentation mode

Using media presentation mode

The media presentation and controller modes are designed for simplicity and to prevent mistakes during meetings.

Once the option Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window is enabled, the media presentation screen will automatically appear on the external monitor if present, or in a separate, draggable and resizable window if no external monitor was detected.

When in standby, the media presentation screen will display the background image that is configured in the settings. If no background image has been configured, then M³ will attempt to automatically fetch and display the yeartext.

If no background image is configured in the settings and the yeartext could not be loaded automatically, a black background will be displayed when on standby.

Media controller mode can be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or by using the keyboard shortcut Alt D (for external display).

Once you have entered controller mode, the folder selection screen will allow you to select the date for which you’d like to display media. If the current day’s folder exists, it will automatically be preselected. Once a date is selected, you can still change the selected date at any time by clicking on the date selection button, in the top section.

Presenting media

To play media, press the ▶️ (play) button for the file you’d like. To hide the media, press the ⏹️ (stop) button. A video can be rewound or fast-forwarded while paused, if desired. Please note that for videos, the stop button must be pressed twice to prevent accidentally and prematurely stopping a video while it is playing for the congregation. Videos will auto-stop when they have played in their entirety.

Extra Features

M³ has a few extra features that can be used to enhance the media presentation experience.

Present JW.org

To present JW.org, you can press the ⋮ (ellipsis) button at the top of the screen, and select Open JW.org. This will open a new controller window with JW.org loaded. The media window will also display JW.org. Now you can use the controller window to navigate JW.org, and the media window will display your actions. When you are done presenting JW.org, you can close the controller window, and continue with the normal media presentation mode.

Zoom and pan images

When an image is being displayed, you can scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the image preview to zoom in and out. Alternatively, you can also double click on the image preview to zoom in. Double clicking will alternate between 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x and back to 1x zoom. You can also hold and drag the image to pan around the image.

Sort the media list

The media list can be sorted by clicking the sort button at the top right of the screen. The media items will have a button appear next to them that can be used to drag the media item up or down in the list. When you are satisfied with the order, you can click the sort button again to lock the order.

Add a last-minute song

If you need to add a last-minute song to the media list, you can press the ♫ + (add song) button at the top of the screen. A dropdown will appear with a list of all the Kingdom songs. When you select one, it will immediately be added to the top of the media list and it can be played instantly. It will either stream the song from JW.org, or play the song from the local cache if it was previously downloaded.

Conducting hybrid meetings using a combination of M³, OBS Studio, and Zoom

By far the simplest way to share media during hybrid meetings is by configuring OBS Studio, M³ and Zoom to work together.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall computer

Set the external monitor’s screen resolution to 1280x720, or something close to that.

Configure the computer sound card’s output to go to one of the sound booth mixer’s inputs, and the sound booth mixer’s combined output to go to the computer’s sound card input.

Initial configuration: OBS Studio

Install OBS Studio, or download the portable version.

If using the portable version of OBS Studio, install the Virtualcam plugin, and if using the portable version of OBS Studio, add the virtual camera to Windows by double-clicking the provided installation script.

If you have OBS Studio v27 or older, you need to install the obs-websocket plugin. Otherwise obs-websocket is included. Configure a port number and password for obs-websocket.

In the OBS settings, under General > System Tray, enable all checkboxes. Under Output > Streaming, enable a hardware encoder if available. Under Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution, choose 1280x720, and under Downscale Filter, choose Bilinear.

Set up at least 2 scenes: one for the media display (Window Capture or Display Capture with the mouse cursor disabled and the appropriate window title/monitor selected), and one for the stage view (Video Capture Device with the KH camera selected). You can also add another scene specifically for pictures, where the media window is visible along with the podium in a picture-in-picture style display. You may add as many scenes as required, with the camera adjusted, zoomed-in and cropped as needed (lectern view, conductor and reader view, table view, etc.).

Enable the Scaling/Aspect Ratio filter on all Window Capture or Display Capture inputs, with a Resolution of Base (Canvas) Resolution. This will ensure that the media window is always scaled to the virtual camera’s output resolution.

Add a shortcut to OBS Studio, with the --startvirtualcam parameter, to the Startup folder of the Windows user profile, to ensure that OBS Studio gets started automatically when the user logs in.

Initial configuration: Kingdom Hall Zoom

Zoom should be configured to use dual monitors. Enable global keyboard shortcuts for Zoom to mute/unmute the Kingdom Hall audio in Zoom (Alt A), and start/stop the Kingdom Hall video feed in Zoom (Alt V).

Set the default “microphone” to be sound booth mixer’s combined output (so that everything that is heard over the Kingdom Hall sound system is transmitted over Zoom, including microphones and media) and the “camera” to be the virtual camera provided by OBS Studio.

Initial configuration: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Enable and configure OBS Studio compatibility mode, using the port and password information configured in the OBS Studio configuration step.

Starting the meeting

Start the Zoom meeting, and move the secondary Zoom meeting window to the external monitor. Make it fullscreen if desired. This is where any remote meeting participants will be displayed for the congregation to see.

Once the Zoom meeting is being displayed on the external monitor, open M³. The media presentation window will automatically open on top of Zoom on the external monitor. Sync media if necessary, and enter media controller mode by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³, or Alt D.

Enable the Kingdom Hall video feed (Alt V), and spotlight the Kingdom Hall video feed if necessary so that Zoom participants see the Kingdom Hall stage. Unmute the Kingdom Hall audio feed in Zoom (Alt A). It should not be necessary to disable the video or audio feed in Zoom for the duration of the meeting. Make sure that “Original sound for musicians” is enabled in Zoom, to ensure the best audio quality for remote meeting participants.

Start background music playback using the button on the bottom left, or Alt K.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom

No action necessary.

Various camera angles/zoom can be chosen during the meeting by using the menu on the bottom of the M³ media playback control window; this menu will contain a list of all configured camera view scenes in OBS.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, press the “stop” button in M³. Note that videos automatically stop upon completion.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor

Press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media controller screen, or Alt Z, to hide the media presentation window. The Zoom meeting will now be visible on the Kingdom Hall monitor.

If the participant has media to show, follow the steps under the Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom subheading.

Once the participant has finished their part, press the “hide/show media presentation window” button in the lower right corner of the M³ media playback control window, or Alt Z, to show the media presentation window. The Kingdom Hall monitor will now show the yeartext.

Conducting hybrid meetings using only M³ and Zoom

If you do not wish to use OBS Studio for any reason, the following suggestions will perhaps help you to set things up as simply as possible.

Initial configuration without OBS: Kingdom Hall computer

Same as corresponding section above. With the addition of the global keyboard shortcut for Zoom for starting/stopping screen sharing (Alt S). The “camera” will be the camera feed from the Kingdom Hall camera.

Initial configuration without OBS: M³

Enable the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option.

Starting the meeting without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Broadcasting in-person parts from the Kingdom Hall stage over Zoom without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Sharing media at the Kingdom Hall and over Zoom without OBS

Start sharing in Zoom by hitting Alt S. In the Zoom sharing window that pops up, choose the external monitor and enable both checkboxes on the bottom left (for sound and video optimization). The yeartext will now be shared over Zoom.

Find the media you want to share in the M³ media playback control window, and press the “play” button.

When you’re done sharing media, hit Alt S to end Zoom screen sharing.

Displaying remote Zoom participants on the Kingdom Hall monitor without OBS

Same as corresponding section above.

Screenshots of Presentation Mode

Blue play button to enter media controller mode
Blue play button to enter media controller mode
List of media that is ready to be presented
List of media that is ready to be presented
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Default media background, with automatically generated yeartext
Displaying a picture
Displaying a picture
Playing a video
Playing a video
Moving to a specific time in a video
Moving to a specific time in a video

Media bestuur

Die media bestuur skerm laat die gebruiker toe om media weg te neem of by te sit vir enige gegewe vergadering, herhalende media te bestuur en ook om spesiale media vir ander datums waarop daar nie vergaderings geskeduleer is by te voeg.

Bestuur van media vir enige gegewe dag

To manage media for a certain meeting or day, simply click on that day’s tile on the main screen of M³. To manage media that be repeated at every meeting, click on the Recurring media tile.

Adding media

Here’s how to add media from the media management screen.

Opsie Verduideliking
Type of upload Choose from one of the 3 media types (see below).
Media to add Depends on the media type chosen (see below).
Filename prefix Up to 6 digits can be added before the media filename(s), to help with sorting.
Media list This shows the currently planned media for the selected date tile.

In the Media to add field, you’ll be presented with different options, depending on the media type selected.

Media type The Media to add field
Song … shows a menu with all Kingdom song videos from the sjjm series, in the media language. Choose this option for example to add a song for the public talk, or for circuit overseer visits.

The selected song will be automatically downloaded from JW.org, in the congregation or group’s language, as configured in the Settings.
JWPUB … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) a JWPUB file.

You’ll then be prompted to select the section, or chapter, from which you’d like to add media. This will add both embedded and referenced media from that section in the JWPUB file.

An example of a commonly used JWPUB file is the S-34, but any JWPUB file can be used here.
Pasgemaak … allows you to browse to (or drag and drop) any other media file(s) from your computer.

Note that all PDF and SVG files will automatically be converted into high-resolution images by M³.
JW.ORG … allows you to select a video from the latest featured videos on JW.org.

Removing, hiding and showing media

To remove, hide, or show media, simply find the media file you don’t want, and click on the relevant icon.

A red 🟥 (delete) icon A ☑️ (checked checkbox) icon A 🔲 (unchecked checkbox) icon
The media file was added to that day’s media by you or the VO. The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It will be downloaded from JW.org or extracted from the relevant publication.
The media file is referenced in the meeting’s material.

It was hidden by you or the VO, so it will not be downloaded or added to the meeting’s media.

Screenshots of the media management screen

Adding a song for a public talk
Adding a song for a public talk
Adding an additional picture
Adding an additional picture
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Importing media from a section in a JWPUB file
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Previewing media from a JWPUB file before importing
Renaming a media file
Renaming a media file


M³ does not require administrative privileges to install or run. To install M³, simply download the latest installer and run it.

Operating System File to download
Windows meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].exe
macOS meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].dmg
Linux meeting-media-manager-[VERSION].AppImage

What’s next?

Configure the app using the Settings screen.

Trouble installing?

Check the Technical usage notes for help.


Does this app depend on external sites, sources or “curators” to download publications and meeting media?

No. The app behaves similarly to JW Library. It downloads publications and media directly from the official JW.org website and its content delivery network. At runtime, the app automatically determines what needs to be downloaded, such as media files and publications. The source code is available for all to examine and verify this.

Does this app infringe the JW.org Terms of Use?

No. The JW.org Terms of Use actually explicitly allow the kind of usage that we are making. Here is the relevant excerpt from those terms (emphasis mine):

You may not:

Create for distribution purposes, any software applications, tools, or techniques that are specifically made to collect, copy, download, extract, harvest, or scrape data, HTML, images, or text from this site. (This does not prohibit the distribution of free, non-commercial applications designed to download electronic files such as EPUB, PDF, MP3, and MP4 files from public areas of this site.)

Gemeente sync

The brother designated as videoconference organizer (VO) by the body of elders can use M³ to manage what media is made available to the technical A/V support team in his congregation.

The VO, or someone designated by him, can:

  • upload additional media to be shared during a meeting, such as for the circuit overseer’s visit, or for public speakers’ talks
  • hide media from JW.org that isn’t relevant for a given meeting, for example, when a part has been replaced by the local branch
  • add or remove recurring media, such as a year-text video, or an announcement slide

All who are synced to the same congregation will then receive the exact same media when they click the Update media folders button.

Please note that the congregation sync feature is opt-in and entirely optional.

How it works

M³’s underlying sync mechanism uses WebDAV. This means that the VO (or someone under his supervision) needs to either:

  • set up a secured WebDAV server that is web-accessible, or
  • use a third-party cloud storage service that supports the WebDAV protocol (see the Web address setting in the Congregation sync setup section below).

All users that wish to be synchronized together will need to connect to the same WebDAV server using the connection information and credentials provided to them by their VO.

Congregation sync setup

Setting Verduideliking
Web address Web address of the WebDAV server. Secure HTTP (HTTPS) is required.

Note: The Web address button, once clicked, will show a list of WebDAV providers that have been known to be compatible with M³, and will automatically prefill certain settings for those providers.

This list is provided as a courtesy, and in no way represents an endorsement of any particular service or provider. The best server is always the one you own…
Username Username for the WebDAV service.
Password Password for the WebDAV service.

Note: As detailed in their respective support pages, an app-specific password might need to be created for Box and Koofr in order to enable WebDAV connections to their services.
Congregation sync folder This is the folder that will be used to synchronize media for all congregation sync users. You can either type/paste in a path, or use your mouse to navigate to the target folder.

Note: Make sure that all congregation sync users input the same folder path; otherwise the sync won’t work as expected.
Congregation-wide settings Once the VO has configured the Media setup and Meeting setup sections of the Settings on his own computer, he can then use this button to enforce certain settings for all congregation sync users (for example, meeting days, media language, conversion settings, and so on). This means that the selected settings will be forcefully applied for all synced users every time they open M³.

Using congregation sync to manage media

Once the congregation sync setup is complete, you’re ready to start Managing media for your congregation’s technical AV support team.

Screenshots of congregation sync in action

Congregation sync setup
Congregation sync setup


The Settings screen is divided into 4 sections. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but here are a few additional details.

Application setup

Setting Verduideliking
Offline mode If enabled, M³ will not attempt to connect to JW.org or your congregation server. This is useful for when you have a poor internet connection and want to save bandwidth.
Theme preference Select the theme you prefer. If you select System, M³ will use the system’s theme.
Gemeente naam The name of your congregation. This is used to support multiple congregations who share the same computer.
Display language Sets the language in which M³ is displayed.

Thank you to our many contributors for translating the app in so many languages! If you want to help improve an existing translation or add a new one, please open up a new discussion.
Folder in which to save media Meeting media will be saved to this folder for later sharing and use.
Custom cache path By default, publications and other data are saved in a different directory for each user. You can change this directory if you want to share the cached data between multiple users on the same computer.
Date format for meeting folders The date format used for the meeting folders.

Note: When using a congregation server, please ensure that everyone configures the same date format by enforcing it using Congregation-wide settings.
Run app at system start-up If enabled, M³ will launch when the current user logs into the computer.

Note: Unavailable on Linux.
Automatically initiate media sync If enabled, this option will automatically initiate a media sync 5 seconds after M³ is launched.

To prevent the automatic sync from occurring when this setting is enabled, press the ⏸ (pause) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Open folder after media sync If enabled, the folder containing the downloaded media for the chosen week will open in the computer’s file manager after the media sync is complete.
Quit app after media sync If enabled, this option will automatically quit M³ 5 seconds after the media sync is complete.

To prevent M³ from quitting automatically when this setting is enabled, press the 🏃 (person leaving/running) button before the 5-second timer is up.
Enable OBS Studio compatibility mode If enabled, this option will tap into OBS Studio to change scenes automatically as needed both before and after sharing media.

If enabling this setting, make sure that OBS Studio is configured to use the obs-websocket plugin, which is what will enable M³ to communicate with OBS Studio.

Also, configure all needed scenes for media sharing and stage display in OBS. At the very least, you’ll need a scene with a Window Capture (recommended) or Display Capture configured to capture the M³ media presentation window, or the screen on which the media will be presented.

You’ll also need to configure all desired stage view scenes, for example: a shot of the lecturn, a wide shot of the stage, etc.
Port Port on which the obs-websocket plugin is configured to listen.
Password Password configured in the obs-websocket plugin’s settings.
Default stage view scene in OBS Studio Select which scene should be selected by default when media presentation mode is launched. Usually a stage wide view, or a shot of the lectern.
Media window scene in OBS Studio Select which scene is configured in OBS Studio to capture the M³ media window.
Optional separate media scene for images An optional scene to select an alternative scene for showing images. This is useful if you want to show images in a different way than videos (for example, with the stage overlaid in a picture-in-picture style).
OBS Studio scene to display Zoom participants An optional scene to quickly and efficiently manage the display of Zoom participants during hybrid meetings.

When this scene is configured, the behavior of the Media Presentation mode changes somewhat. When in this mode, a toggle button will appear which, when enabled, will cause the media window to be hidden, and the Zoom scene to be shown. The OBS scene picker will also be hidden. Sharing media will automatically show the media scene as per usual, and after sharing media, the media window will disappear immediately.

When the toggle is disabled, the media window and scene pickers will be shown again.
Enable Zoom integration When enabled, this feature will attempt to automate various pre-meeting (mute all, enable the Kingdom Hall’s video/audio, disable the option for participants to unmute themselves), in-meeting (select participants to spotlight and unmute them, or to mute them, lower their hand and remove the spotlight) and post-meeting (disable the Kingdom Hall’s video feed, allow participants to unmute themselves) tasks.

Note: This is still a beta feature. Please test test it thoroughly before implementing it and always verify that the automation was correctly executed.
Zoom participant name This is the name that M³ will use to join the Zoom meeting.
Zoom Meeting ID The Meeting ID of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Password The password of the Zoom meeting that M³ should join.
Spotlight video when starting the meeting When enabled, M³ will automatically spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed when the “start meeting” automation is executed.
Hide Zoom component by default When enabled, the Zoom component will be hidden by default. The Zoom component is a required floating component that represents the M³ participant in the Zoom meeting. You can control the M³ participant with it.
Automatically perform start meeting actions When enabled, M³ will automatically perform the “start meeting” actions, a configured amount of minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start. These actions are: disallow participants to unmute themselves, mute all, ask host to enable video and microphone and optionally spotlight the Kingdom Hall’s video feed.
Automatically rename Zoom participants With this setting, you can add a rename rule to automatically rename certain Zoom participants. This is useful if you want to rename participants who consistently join with a wrong or incomplete name. Rules must be entered in the following format: Old Name=New Name.
Enable beta updates for testing purposes When enabled, M³ will automatically receive beta updates, which are released daily and contain the latest features and fixes.

Note: Do not enable this setting on the computer used to present media at the Kingdom Hall.
Disable automatic app update When this option is enabled, M³ will not automatically self-update when closed.
Disable hardware acceleration Only enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with media presentation mode. Changing this setting will cause M³ to restart.

Congregation sync setup

See the Congregation sync section for details on what this does exactly and how to configure this section.

Media setup

Setting Verduideliking
Media language Select the language of your congregation or group. All media will be downloaded from JW.org in this language.
Fallback media language This language is used whenever the primary media language is not available.

For example, if you select Irish as your media language and English as your fallback, whenever a publication or video is not available in Irish, it will be fetched in English.
Maximum resolution for videos Videos downloaded from JW.org will be downloaded at this resolution, or the next available lower resolution. Useful for limited or low-bandwidth situations.
Enable subtitles for videos Enable this option if you want to fetch subtitles for videos, whenever available. Subtitles will be shown by default, but can be toggled on/off while presenting. The vertical position of the subtitles can be changed by clicking the subtitles icon inside the video preview.
Skakel media oor in MP4 formaat This will automatically convert all picture and audio files into MP4 format, for use with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing feature during fully remote congregation Zoom meetings. This includes all pictures and media files downloaded from JW.org, as well as additional media files added by the user or the VO.

Note: This option is best suited for remote-only congregation Zoom meetings. If conducting either hybrid or regular congregation meetings, look into using Media Presentation mode by activating the Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window option instead, and disable this option.
Keep original media files after conversion If this setting is enabled, picture and audio files will be kept in the media folder after being converted to MP4 format, rather than deleted. This will result in a slightly more cluttered media folder, and generally does not need to be enabled if sharing media through Zoom MP4 sharing. (See Convert media to MP4 format above.)

Note: Only visible if Convert media to MP4 format is also enabled.
Present media on an external monitor or in a separate window This setting will allow you to use M³ to present pictures, videos and audio files during hybrid or in-person congregation meetings. The media playback management screen can then be accessed by clicking the ▶️ (play) button on the main screen of M³.

The media presentation screen will automatically use an external monitor if present; if not, the media will be displayed in a separate, resizable window.

Note: This option is best suited for either hybrid or regular congregation meetings.

If conducting remote-only congregation Zoom meetings, look into activating the Convert media to MP4 format option and sharing the media with Zoom’s native MP4 sharing instead.
Background image for media presentation mode By default, M³ will attempt to fetch the current year’s text in the language selected previously, in order to display it on a black background when in Media Presentation mode and no other media is being played. If the automatic yeartext retrieval fails for some reason, or if you wish to display a different background image, you can either use the ‘Browse’ button to select a custom picture, or the ‘Refresh’ button to try fetching the yeartext automatically again.

Note: If Congregation sync is enabled, selecting a custom background image will synchronize it for all congregation sync users automatically.
Hide media window after media finished playing If enabled, the media window will be hidden immediately after each media file has finished playing.

Note: This setting is especially useful for sign-language meetings.
Speel die eerste media item outomaties If enabled, the first media item in the media list will automatically start playing a configurable number of minutes before the meeting is supposed to start.
Enable keyboard shortcuts during media playback This setting allows you to set custom key combinations to play and stop media. This is useful in combination with a USB remote control, for example.
Create playlists for use with VLC Enable this if you want to generate playlists for every meeting automatically, which can then be loaded in VLC, if you are using that app to display media instead of Media Presentation mode.
Exclude all media from the th brochure If enabled, this will prevent media from the Apply Yourself brochure from being included at every midweek meeting.
Exclude Enjoy Life Forever images outside the Congregation Bible Study If enabled, this will prevent images from the Live Forever book (lff) from being included, for example for student assignments during the midweek meeting.
Include printed media when available If enabled, renderings of the printed editions of publications will be included when available. This could be useful for some tables or groups of images that are clearer in printed form.

Meeting setup

Setting Verduideliking
Special congregation If enabled, no media will be downloaded from JW.org. Only manually added media will be available. This is useful for theocratic schools, for example.
Midweek meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the midweek meeting; used for folder naming and automatic background music fade-out (see below).
Weekend meeting Indicate the usual day and time for the weekend meeting.
Volgende beplande besoek van die kringopsiener When you select a date for the next planned visit of the circuit overseer, M³ will automatically set the midweek meeting day for that week to Tuesday, skip the Congregation Bible Study media, as well as skip the concluding Kingdom songs for both meetings.

Note: When using a congregation server, make sure to enforce this setting so that all connected brothers have the same circuit overseer visit date configured.
Enable button to play background music Enable a button on the main screen which will play Kingdom songs from the sjjm series, in random order. This is useful, for example, to play songs before and after meetings at the Kingdom Hall as background music. To the right of this option is a button to download all available Kingdom songs, which could be useful to prevent buffering delays.
Background music playback volume Sets the volume at which the background music will play.
Speel agtergrond musiek outomaties voor die vergadering If enabled, background music will automatically start playing at app startup when it’s a meeting day and the meeting is starting in less than an hour.
Automatically stop playing background music If Enable button to play background music is active, then this setting will allow you to specify a delay after which background music should be automatically stopped. This can be either a set number of minutes, or a predetermined number of seconds before the start of the meeting (in the case where the background music was started before a meeting).

Screenshots of the settings screen

Application setup
Application setup
Media setup
Media setup
Meeting setup
Meeting setup

Issues and feature requests

How do I report an issue or bug I encountered?

If ever you run into any issues with M³, please use GitHub Issues to report it. Bug fixes are issued on a regularly basis, usually monthly.

How can I request new features?

I’m open to suggestions! Please use GitHub Discussions to discuss potential new features.